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Towards a computational model of poetry generation

Towards a computational model of poetry generation
Towards a computational model of poetry generation

N Division of Informatics,University of Edinburgh

Division of Informatics May2000 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9214014734.html,/

Towards A Computational Model of Poetry Generation Hisar Maruli Manurung,Graeme Ritchie,Henry Thompson

Division of Informatics

University of Edinburgh

80South Bridge Edinburgh EH11HN



In this paper we describe the dif?culties of poetry generation,particularly in contrast to traditional informative natural language generation.We then point out de?ciencies of previous attempts at poetry generation,and propose a stochastic hillclimbing search model which addresses these de?ciencies.We present both conceptual and implemented details of the most important aspects of such a model,the evaluation and evolution functions.Finally,we report and discuss results of our preliminary implementation work.


Poetry is a unique artifact of human natural language pro-duction,with the distinctive feature of having a strong unity between its content and its form.The creation of poetry is a task that requires intelligence,expert mastery over world and linguistic knowledge,and creativity.Al-though some research work has been devoted towards cre-ative language such as story generation,poetry writing has not been afforded the same attention.It is the aim of this research to?ll that gap,and to shed some light on what often seems to be the most enigmatic and mysterious forms of artistic expression.

Furthermore,poetry possesses certain characteristics that render traditional natural language generation(NLG) systems,which are geared towards a strictly informative goal,unsuitable due to architectural rigidness.

Lastly,although not readily obvious,there are poten-tial applications for computer generated poetry,such as the increasingly large industry of electronic entertainment and interactive?ction,the commercial greeting card po-etry genre,and perhaps even the odd pop music lyric or two.

2Poetry Generation

2.1What Is Poetry?

Regarding poetry the artifact,Levin(1962)states that“In poetry the form of the discourse and its meaning are fused into a higher unity.”This de?nition highlights the point of a strong interaction between semantics,syntax and lexis. Boulton(1982)reiterates this point,claiming that it is misleading to separate the physical and intellectual form of a poem so far as to ask,“What does it mean?”.The poem means itself.

These are rather esoteric quotations,and one would expect these quotes to be referring to“high-brow”poetry. However,we claim that this unity is inherent in simpler forms of poetry,for example,Hillaire Belloc’s The Lion (Daly,1984):

The Lion,the Lion,he dwells in the waste,

He has a big head and a very small waist;

But his shoulders are stark,and his jaws they are grim, And a good little child will not play with him.

Essentially unity here means that the poem“works”due to a combination of features at the surface level(the rhyming of waste and waist,grim and him,the repetition of The lion,the lion to?t the rhythm),and semantics(de-scription of a lion as told to a child).

Of the many special characteristics that poetic form possesses,among the most essential are:rhythm,rhyme, and?gurative language.

As for the process of writing poetry,it is often claimed to proceed in a much more?exible manner than other writing processes.There is often no well-de?ned com-municative goal,save for a few vague concepts such as “wintery weather”or“a scary lion”.Furthermore,a hu-man could begin writing a poem inspired by a particular concept,or scenario,but end up writing a poem about an altogether different topic.

This speci?cation of loose constraints?ts with(Sharples, 1996)and(Boden,1990),who claim that while a writer needs to accept the constraints of goals,plans,and schemas, creative writing requires the breaking of these constraints. Yet these constraints are still necessary,as they allow for the recognition and exploiting of opportunities.

Sharples(1996)models the writing process as that of creative design,involving a cycle of analysis,known as re?ection,and synthesis,known as engagement.This pro-

cess is analogous to our iterative process of evaluation and evolution,and ties in with the concept of unity between content and form:during the re?ection phase,when look-ing at an intermediate draft of the poem on paper,a poet may come to realize the opportunities of surface features that can be exploited,which enables further content to be explored upon subsequent engagement phases.

2.2Previous Attempts

Most previous attempts at poetry generation are“hob-byist experiments”that are available on the World Wide Web,such as The Poetry Creator,ELUAR,and Pujangga, with the two exceptions that exist in publication being RACTER and PROSE(Hartman,1996).RACTER is also the only computer program with a published poetry an-thology,“The Policeman’s Beard is Half Constructed”in 1984.

All of these attempts were essentially“party trick”-type programs,in the mould of ELIZA(Weizenbaum, 1966).Typically,the generation process simply consisted of randomly choosing words from a hand-crafted lexicon to?ll in the gaps provided by a template-based grammar. However,several clever tricks and heuristics were em-ployed on top of the randomness to give the appearance of coherence and poeticness,such as:(1)assigning ad-hoc“emotional categories”,e.g.{ethereality,philosophy, nature,love,dynamism}in ELUAR,and{romantic,pat-riotic,wacky,moderate}in Pujangga,(2)choosing lexical items repetitively to give a false sense of coherence,e.g. RACTER,(3)constructing highly elaborate sentence tem-plates,often to the point that the resulting poetry would have to be attributed more to the human writer than to the program.

This is a representative output from ELUAR:

Sparkles of whiteness?y in my eyes,

The moan of stars swang branches of trees,

The heart of time sings in the snowy night.

Seconds of Eternity?y in grass,

The Clock of rain turns,

Death of the Apples,

The Equinox penetrates the words.

The two great de?ciencies of these attempts were that they took no account whatsoever of semantics(the sys-tems were not trying to convey any message)nor of poetic form,e.g.rhythm,rhyme,and?gurative language.

2.3What Makes It Dif?cult?

If we are to develop a poetry generation system which overcomes the two de?ciencies mentioned above,what dif?culties do we run into,particularly in comparison to conventional NLG systems?

1.In conventional,informative NLG systems,the start-

ing point is a given message,or communicative goal,

and the goal is to produce a string of text that con-

veys that message according to the linguistic re-

sources available.In poetry,however,there may

not be a well-de?ned message to be conveyed(see


2.The generation process is commonly decomposed

into stages of content determination,text planning,

and surface realisation(Reiter,1994).We claim

this approach is unsuitable for the task of poetry

generation because it introduces problems of archi-

tectural rigidness(cf.De Smedt et al.(1996))which

are exacerbated by the unity of poetry,where inter-

dependencies between semantics,syntax,and lexis

are at their strongest.

3.If our poetry generator is to create texts which sat-

isfy the multitude of phonetic,syntactic and semantic

constraints,it must have a very rich supply of re-

sources,namely:a wide coverage grammar which

allows for paraphrasing,a rich lexicon which sup-

plies phonetic information,and a knowledge-base

if we hope to produce coherent poems.

4.One of the main dif?culties lies in the objective

evaluation of the output text.The question of meas-

uring text quality arises for existing NLG systems,

but is much more pronounced in evaluating poetry:

how does one objectively evaluate if something is a

poem or not.

When writing about Masterman’s haiku producer,

Boden(1990)states that readers of poetry are pre-

pared to do considerable interpretative work,and

the more the audience is prepared to contribute in

responding to a work of art,the more chance there

is that a computer’s performance may be acknow-

ledged as aesthetically valuable.Hence readers of

computer-generated text will be more tolerant in

their assessment of poetry than of prose.

This sounds encouraging for doing work in poetry

generation.However,this observation also implies

that it could be too easy to program the computer

production of poetry:precisely because poetry read-

ers are prepared to do interpretative work,it would

be all too easy to pass off random word-salad output

as Truly Genuine Poetry(whatever that may be).

The?rst three points mentioned above are of a more technical nature,while the last one is more conceptual, perhaps even philosophical.Currently,we do not have much to say on this last point,except that we hope to adopt an objective and empirical evaluation methodology similar to that of Binsted et al.(1997).

2.4Limiting our Poetry

The main characteristics which we look for in our target generated poetry are a highly regular occurrence of syn-

tactic and phonetic patterns,such as metre,rhyme,and al-literation.These are easily identi?able,and one could say we are adopting a“classic”view of poetry.Furthermore, we will only offer a relatively simple and straightforward treatment of semantics(see section4.3)and of construct-ing the poem’s content.The verse in section2.1typi?es these attributes.

3A Stochastic Hillclimbing Model In an attempt to address the dif?culties raised in Sec-tion2.3,we propose to model poetry generation as an ex-plicit search,where a state in the search space is a possible text with all its underlying representation,and a“move”in the space can occur at any level of representation,from semantics all the way down to phonetics.This blurs the conventional divisions of content determination,text plan-ning,and surface realisation,and is actually readopting what De Smedt et al.(1996)call an integrated architec-ture,which goes against recent developments in NLG,but seems a necessary decision when considering poetry.

The problem,of course,is navigating the prohibitively large search space.Our proposed solution is to employ a stochastic hillclimbing search,not merely for its relat-ively ef?cient performance,but especially since the cre-ative element of poetry generation seems perfectly suited to a process with some element of randomness to it.

Our stochastic hillclimbing search model is an evolu-tionary algorithm,which is basically an iteration of two phases,evaluation and evolution,applied to an ordered set (the population)of candidate solutions(the individuals).

This approach is quite analogous to(Mellish et al., 1998),an experiment in using stochastic search for text planning,but in our research we extend it to the whole NLG process.


Arguably the most crucial aspect of a stochastic search is the evaluation scheme which lets the system know what a desirable solution is.Below we present an informal de-scription,not necessarily exhaustive,of the features that our evaluation functions must look for in a poem.A de-scription of the actual evaluators in our currently imple-mented system can be found in Section4.5.

1.Phonetics:One of the most obvious things to look

for in a poem is the presence of a regular phonetic

form,i.e.rhyme,metre,alliteration,etc.This in-

formation can be derived from a pronunciation dic-


One possible evaluation method is to specify a“tar-

get phonetic form”as input,i.e.the ideal phon-

etic form that a candidate solution should possess,

and to then score a candidate solution based on how

closely it matches the target form.

For example,we could provide the system with the

following target form(here w means a syllable with

weak stress,s a syllable with strong stress,and

(a)and(b)would determine the rhyme scheme,

e.g.aabba),which effectively means we are re-

questing it to generate a limerick:






Alternatively,we could specify a set of these target

forms,thus feeding the system with knowledge of

existing poetry forms:the quintain,haiku,rondeau,

sestina,etc.,and allow the evaluation function to

reward candidate solutions that are found gravitat-

ing closely towards one of those patterns.This is

a more?exible alternative,but would probably not

be as informed a heuristic,as the de?nition of the

goal becomes less focussed.

2.Linguistics:Aside from phonetic patterns,there

are other,more subtle,features to look for in a poem:

lexical choice,where the evaluation could reward

the usage of interesting collocations and words marked

as“poetic”,syntax,where reward could be given

to usage of interesting syntactic constructs,e.g.in-

verse word and clause order,topicalization,and rhet-

oric,where evaluation would score the usage of?g-

urative language constructs such as metonymy.

3.Semantics:Even more abstract would be a mech-

anism for evaluating the semantics of a certain can-

didate.Again,we could specify a“target semantics”

and score a candidate’s semantics relative to this

target.Unlike conventional NLG,though,this tar-

get semantics is not viewed as a message that must

be conveyed,but rather as a“pool of ideas”,from

which the system can draw inspiration.The system

could choose to convey more or less than the given

semantics(cf.approximate generation in Nicolov


Story generation issues such as narrative structure

and interestingness are beyond the scope of this re-


Having analysed the three points above,it seems that

to devise an evaluation function,the following3issues must be tackled:

?How to identify the presence of a feature:with

the possible exception of?gurative language,it is

reasonably straightforward to observe the features.

Most of them are represented directly in the data

structure,e.g.phonetic form,lexical choice,syn-

tactic structure,semantic interpretation.

?How to quantify a feature:yielding a numerical measure for the occurrence of a poetic feature sounds like a very naive idea.Nonetheless,we believe that

it is the only way to mechanically and objectively guide the stochastic search to producing poem-like texts.

Above we have mentioned a score-relative-to-target strategy for both phonetics and semantics.This seems to be the most concrete method of evalu-ation,and is what we have chosen to implement in our current system.Certain features,however,most notably those considered to be preferences as op-posed to constraints,do not lend themselves easily towards this strategy.Furthermore,as mentioned above,we would sometimes like the?exibility of allowing the system to operate unguided by such a speci?c target.

A naive alternative scoring method is to maintain

a tally of points for every occurrence of a feature encountered in a text.This resembles a greedy al-gorithm search heuristic.For example:applied to the feature of alliteration,if we scored positively for each word that appeared in a line starting with the same phoneme,the?nal output could become ri-diculously riddled with redundant repetitions of re-wordings.This might be good for generating tongue-twister-like sentences,but any literary critic would baulk at these results.However,at the moment this

is how we implement evaluation of such features, and although we do not intend to go deep into liter-ary theory,we hope to develop a more sophisticated approach.

For now our aim is to facilitate a modular approach

to the evaluation of features,so that each partic-ular type of feature will have its own correspond-ing“evaluator function”.This will allow for more sophisticated approaches and techniques to be eas-

ily added in the future.

Apart from a modular approach,we also aim to parameterize the behaviour of these evaluation func-tions,e.g.allow a user to set the coef?cients and weighting factors that determine the calculation of

a certain score.A very interesting prospect is the interfacing of these coef?cients with empirical data obtained from statistical literary analysis,or stylo-metry.

?Weighting across features:assuming we have ob-tained numerical scores for each of the features we are considering,how do we combine them?As

in the previous point about parameterizing coef?-cients of a particular evaluator,we propose to treat the weighting across features in a similar fashion. This parameterization could possibly allow a choice between,say,a preference for rigidly structured po-etry and a preference for a more contemporary content-driven poem.3.2Evolution

After evaluating a set of candidate solutions and choosing

a subset of candidates with the best score,we must then create new variations of them through“mutation”.This process can be seen as applying a collection of operators

on the chosen candidates.We introduce here three con-ceptual types of operators,before describing our currently implemented operators in Section4.6:

?Add:“John walked”→“John walked to the store”

?Delete:“John likes Jill and Mary”→“John likes Jill”

?Change:“John walked”→“John lumbered’

Due to our integrated architecture,these mutations may occur at different underlying levels of representa-tion of the text.Because these different levels are all interdependent,the operators must take special care to preserve consistency when performing mutation.For ex-ample,if the addition of“to the store”is viewed mainly

as a syntactic addition of a prepositional phrase,the op-erator would have to update the semantics to re?ect this,

for instance by adding destination(w,shop).In con-trast,if it is viewed primarily as a semantic addition,the operator would have to realize these semantics,one op-tion being the use of a prepositional phrase.Our practice

of introducing semantics via a?exible“semantic pool”addresses this issue(see Section4.3).

Another issue is that these operators can perform non-monotonic modi?cations on the structures of the candid-ate solutions,hence our grammar formalism must allow

for this.

As it is probably too optimistic to rely on pure ran-dom mutation to lead us to a decent poem,we would also like to introduce several heuristic-rich operators.These heuristics would be the encoding of”how to write poetry”guidelines,such as”use’little’words to’pad’sentences when trying to?t the metre”,and”don’t use words with few rhymes at the end of a line”.These’smarter’oper-ators,however,seems to go against stochastic search tra-ditions wherein the operators are deliberately knowledge-poor,relying on the stochastic nature to lead us to the solution.Here,we are adding informedness of heuristics

to the whole stochastic process,somewhat analogous to sampling bias in stochastic search.


We are currently in the process of implementing our stochastic search model in Java.In this section we will?rst brie?y discuss our choice of representation for grammar,lexicon and semantics,before describing properties of the archi-tecture and the current implementation of our evaluation and evolution functions.

4.1Grammar Formalism

Our choice of representation is Lexicalized Tree Adjoin-ing Grammar,or LTAG.For reasons of space,however, we will not explain this formalism in depth.See Joshi and Schabes(1992)for details.

In Tree Adjoining Grammar,a derivation tree is a kind of meta-level tree that records operations performed on elementary trees.In particular,nodes of a derivation tree do not signify phrase structure in any way,but rather the process of adjoining and substitution of elementary phrase structure trees.Nodes of a derivation tree are la-belled by references to elementary trees,and edges are labelled by the address at which the elementary tree of the child node substitutes or adjoins into the elementary tree of the parent(see Figure1).

The root node of the derivation tree would introduce the verb,and its two siblings would introduce the sub-ject and object noun phrases.The edges would signify at which NP node the child gets substituted into,effectively informing which is the subject and which is the object.

The common way to deal with TAG trees is by re-peatedly performing adjunction and substitution,while having a derivation tree as a record-keeping’roadmap’of how the tree is derived.However,since we can change and delete portions of our text,the derived tree is prob-lematic since there is no way to“un-adjoin”subtrees.We must always refer back to the derivation tree.In effect, there is no point in maintaining the derived tree through-out the generation process.Instead,the derivation tree becomes our primary data structure,and everything else can be derived from it on demand.

When our operators are said to perform adjunction and/or substitution,they are simply recording the op-eration in the derivation tree,not actually performing it.

Figure1:Making the LTAG derivation tree our main data structure

LTAG has the following advantages for our work:

?The adjunction operation in LTAG allows?exible

incremental generation,such as subsequent inser-

tion of modi?ers to further re?ne the message.This

is required as the system builds texts incrementally

through an iterative process.

?LTAG provides an extended domain of locality which

allows for predicate-argument structures and fea-

ture agreements over a structured span of text that

need not be contiguous at the surface.This poten-

tially allows for the coupling of poetic features such

as rhyming across lines.

?We also adopt an extension to the formalism,Syn-

chronous Tree Adjoining Grammar(STAG),which

has been proven useful for paraphrasing purposes


?LTAG provides an elegant mechanism for our non-

monotonicity requirement through the use of the

derivation tree.It keeps all syntax and semantics

locally integrated at each node,and allows non-

monotonic modi?cation of content simply by de-

leting or replacing the corresponding node.

4.2Linguistic Resources

At the moment we are still using a very small hand-crafted grammar and

lexicon.Like most TAG-based systems, the grammar is a collection of elementary trees,and the lexicon

is a collection of words that specify which ele-mentary trees they can anchor.The lexicon also provides phonetic information and lexicon stress,which is extrac-ted from the CMU Pronunciation Dictionary.

A typical lexical entry looks something like this: Orthography:fried

Elementary Tree(s):ITV



Phonetic Spelling:f,r,ay1,d

whereas a typical grammar entry looks something like this:





Figure2:Grammar entry ITV:Intransitive Verb

When binding a lexical entry to an elementary tree,ar-gument structure is preserved by unifying the signature of a lexical entry with the signature of its preterminal node. In the above case:(X=F,Y=Frier,Z=Fried).


For our semantics,we follow Stone and Doran(1997)in using an ontologically promiscuous?at-semantics(Hobbs, 1985).The semantics of a given individual is simply the

conjunction of all the semantics introduced by each lex-ical item,given adjustments for uni?cation of argument structure.

Each individual is associated with a“semantic pool”, which is simply a collection of propositions.Unlike the communicative goals of a traditional NLG system,the generator is under no commitment to realize these se-mantics.The relationship between an individual’s semantic pool and its derivation tree’s semantics is very?exible.In particular,there is no subsumption relationship either way between them.

Furthermore,in the beginning(the initialization phase) all semantic pools are initialised with a copy of the target semantics.This is ultimately what we hope our resulting poem to“be about”.But as time progresses,each indi-vidual in a population can evolve and mutate its own se-mantic pool.Therefore each individual not only differs in form,but also in content.

4.4Integrated,Incremental Generation

As mentioned above,unity of poetry demands that se-mantic,syntactic,and lexical information are available at every step of decision making.This calls for an integrated architecture,where there is no explicit decomposition of the process.In our implementation,this is re?ected by the fact that individuals are complete structures which main-tain all this information,and the semantic,syntactic and lexical operation functions can be applied in any order.

Like most stochastic search algorithms,the process starts with an initialisation phase.Provided with the input of a target semantics and target phonetic form as men-tioned in Section3.1,it then creates a collection of indi-viduals,each corresponding to a minimally complete ut-terance that more or less conveys the target semantics.

What follows is a process of incrementally modify-ing the utterance to satisfy the target phonetic form while simultaneously attempting to maintain an approximation of the target semantics,as follows:

?During the evaluation phase,a collection of separ-

ate evaluators will analyse each individual for its

surface form,phonetic information,and semantics,

and assign a score(see Section4.5).

?After every individual has been scored,the set is

sorted.The higher ranked individuals spawn“chil-

dren”,copies of themselves which are mutated dur-

ing the next phase.These children replace the lower

ranked individuals,thus maintaining the set size.

?During the evolution phase,a collection of separate

operators will be applied randomly on the afore-

mentioned children(see Section4.6).

inside he fell into a peaceful slumber.

Figure3:Idealized diagram of a stochastic search


Unfortunately,at the moment we have only implemented an evaluator for rhythm:the metre evaluator.It works by?rst dividing the stress pattern of a given utterance into metrical feet of descending/falling rhythm.For in-stance,the line“There/once was a/man from Ma/dras”, has a stress pattern of(w,s,w,w,s,w,w,s).This can be divided into feet as(w),(s,w,w),(s,w,w),(s).In other words,this line consists of a single upbeat(the weak syllable before the?rst strong syllable),followed by2 dactyls(a classical poetry unit consisting of a strong syl-lable followed by two weak ones),and ended with a strong beat.

The evaluator compares the metrical con?guration of an individual with the target phonetic form by?rst com-paring their number of feet,penalizing those that are either too short or too long.Since each foot,with the exception of the upbeat,contains exactly one strong syllable,this effectively evaluates how close they match in number of strong syllables.It then compares the number of weak syllables between each corresponding foot,once again penalizing the discrepancies,but the penalty coef?cient we impose here is less than that of the strong syllables. This provides a natural formalization of the heuristic that strong syllables dominate the effect of a line’s metre,and a surplus or missing weak syllable here and there is quite acceptable.For example,(2)sounds more like(1)than (3)does:

(1)The/cur few/tolls the/knell of/part ing/day

(2)The/cur few/tolls the/knell of the/part ing/day

(3)The/cur few/tolls the/knell of/long/part ing/day


We have currently implemented the following operators:?Semantic explorer:this operator works with the se-

mantic pool of an individual.Currently it just intro-

duces random propositions into the pool,but with

the help of a knowledge-base,it could introduce

propositions that are conceptually related to what

is already existing in the pool.

?Semantic realizer:This operator is one of the most

important ones:it interfaces between the semantic

pool and the actual built structure.The semantic

realizer will randomly select a proposition from the

pool and attempt to realize it by:

–Selecting all lexical items that can convey the


–For each lexical item,selecting all elementary

trees that can be anchored by it,

–For each elementary tree,selecting all nodes

in the derivation tree where it can be applied

(either adjoined or substituted),

–Building a list of all these possible nodes and

choosing one at random,and inserting the new

lexicalized elementary tree at that position.

?Syntactic paraphraser:This operator works by ran-

domly selecting an elementary tree in an individual’s

derivation tree and trying to apply a suitable para-

phrase pair in the manner of Dras(1999).Since all

adjunction and substitution information is kept rel-

ative to one’s parent node in the derivation tree,ad-

justing for paraphrases(i.e.changing an element-

ary tree at a certain derivation tree node)is a simple

matter of replacing the elementary tree and updat-

ing the addressing of the children.

For example,if paraphrasing a sentence from active

to passive form,this would involve exchanging the

“Active Transitive Verb”elementary tree at the root

to“Passive Transitive Verb”,and updating the sub-

stitution addresses of the subject and object noun

phrases so that the subject now moves to the end of

the verb and the object moves to the front.

5Examples and Discussion

While our system is still in a very early stage of imple-mentation,particularly in terms of evaluators,operators, and linguistic resources,we already have some sample output to present.

For comparison,we?rst describe our previous attempt at implementing poetry generation,reported in Manurung (1999).This was not a stochastic search model but ex-haustively produced all possible paraphrases using chart generation,while simultaneously pruning portions of the search space which were deemed ill-formed from an early stage.It also worked with the target speci?cation of both phonetic form and semantics.

As an example,given the target semantics{cat(c), dead(c),bread(b),gone(b),eat(e,c,b),past(e)}and the tar-get form shown in Section3.1,but disregarding the rhyme scheme,the chart generator could produce,among others,

the following“limerick”:

the cat is the cat which is dead;

the bread which is gone is the bread;

the cat which consumed

the bread is the cat

which gobbled the bread which is gone

Since this system does not have the equivalent of a semantic explorer operation(Section4.6),the output se-mantics is always subsumed by the target semantics.Moreover, because the chart generator rules out ill-formed subscontitu-ents during the bottom-up construction,the output form always matches exactly the target form.There are no par-

tial solutions or imperfect poems.

In Example1below of our stochastic model,there is

an appearance of Luke,despite not being mentioned in the target semantics.This is due to the semantic explorer op-erator,which randomly introduces new predicates into the semantic pool.By and large,though,the output does ap-proximate the target semantics.Unfortunately,predicate argument structure and agreement is currently not con-sidered,and this limits the treatment of semantics to a rather trivial account.

The target metre is not precisely followed,but the res-ulting form is arguably comparable with what a human might produce given the same task.

The resulting score is obtained from the metre evalu-ator(Section4.5),and is out of a maximum1.0.



Target semantics:

w,s,w,w,s,w,w,s, love(5,6,7),slow(8),smile(9,10)}




a bottle was loved by a dog

Target form:




a warm distinctive season humble mel-


Although these results can hardly be called poems, nevertheless they succeed in showing how the stochastic hillclimbing search model manages to produce text that satis?es the given constraints,something very dif?cult for a random word-salad generator to achieve.

6Related Work

The work reported in this paper is similar in some sense to the work of,among others:NITROGEN(Langkilde and Knight,1998),a generator that employs a generate-and-test model,using a knowledge poor symbolic generator for producing candidate solutions and ranking them based on corpus-based information,and SPUD(Stone and Doran, 1996),a TAG-based generator that exploits opportunity arising between syntax and semantics,allowing genera-tion of collocations and idiomatic constructs.


Poetry generation is different from traditional informative generation due to poetry’s unity,which essentially means the satisfying of interdependent constraints on semantics, syntax and lexis.Despite our implementation being at a very early stage,the sample output succeeds in showing how the stochastic hillclimbing search model manages to produce text that satis?es these constraints. Acknowledgements

The?rst author of this paper is being supported for his postgraduate studies by the World Bank QUE Project,Fac-ulty of Computer Science,Universitas Indonesia.We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their com-ments in preparing this paper.


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8字模型与飞镖模型模型1:角的8字模型 如图所示,AC 、BD 相交于点O ,连接AD 、BC . 结论:∠A +∠D =∠B +∠C . O D C B A 模型分析 证法一: ∵∠AOB 是△AOD 的外角,∴∠A +∠D =∠AOB .∵∠AOB 是△BOC 的外角, ∴∠B +∠C =∠AOB .∴∠A +∠D =∠B +∠C . 证法二: ∵∠A +∠D +∠AOD =180°,∴∠A +∠D =180°-∠AOD .∵∠B +∠C +∠BOC =180°, ∴∠B +∠C =180°-∠BOC .又∵∠AOD =∠BOC ,∴∠A +∠D =∠B +∠C . (1)因为这个图形像数字8,所以我们往往把这个模型称为8字模型. (2)8字模型往往在几何综合题目中推导角度时用到. 模型实例 观察下列图形,计算角度: (1)如图①,∠A +∠B +∠C +∠D +∠E =________; 图图① F D C B A E E B C D A 图③ 2 1O A B 图④ G F 12 A B E 解法一:利用角的8字模型.如图③,连接CD .∵∠BOC 是△BOE 的外角, ∴∠B +∠E =∠BOC .∵∠BOC 是△COD 的外角,∴∠1+∠2=∠BOC . ∴∠B +∠E =∠1+∠2.(角的8字模型),∴∠A +∠B +∠ACE +∠ADB +∠E =∠A +∠ACE +∠ADB +∠1+∠2=∠A +∠ACD +∠ADC =180°. 解法二:如图④,利用三角形外角和定理.∵∠1是△FCE 的外角,∴∠1=∠C +∠E .

∵∠2是△GBD 的外角,∴∠2=∠B +∠D . ∴∠A +∠B +∠C +∠D +∠E =∠A +∠1+∠2=180°. (2)如图②,∠A +∠B +∠C +∠D +∠E +∠F =________. 图② F D C B A E 312图⑤ P O Q A B F C D 图⑥ 2 1 E D C F O B A (2)解法一: 如图⑤,利用角的8字模型.∵∠AOP 是△AOB 的外角,∴∠A +∠B =∠AOP . ∵∠AOP 是△OPQ 的外角,∴∠1+∠3=∠AOP .∴∠A +∠B =∠1+∠3.①(角的8字模型),同理可证:∠C +∠D =∠1+∠2.② ,∠E +∠F =∠2+∠3.③ 由①+②+③得:∠A +∠B +∠C +∠D +∠E +∠F =2(∠1+∠2+∠3)=360°. 解法二:利用角的8字模型.如图⑥,连接DE .∵∠AOE 是△AOB 的外角, ∴∠A +∠B =∠AOE .∵∠AOE 是△OED 的外角,∴∠1+∠2=∠AOE . ∴∠A +∠B =∠1+∠2.(角的8字模型) ∴∠A +∠B +∠C +∠ADC +∠FEB +∠F =∠1+∠2+∠C +∠ADC +∠FEB +∠F =360°.(四边形内角和为360°) 练习: 1.(1)如图①,求:∠CAD +∠B +∠C +∠D +∠E = ; 图 图① O O E E D D C C B B A A 解:如图,∵∠1=∠B+∠D ,∠2=∠C+∠CAD , ∴∠CAD+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=∠1+∠2+∠E=180°. 故答案为:180° 解法二:


美国常青藤名校的由来 以哈佛、耶鲁为代表的“常青藤联盟”是美国大学中的佼佼者,在美国的3000多所大学中,“常青藤联盟”尽管只是其中的极少数,仍是许多美国学生梦想进入的高等学府。 常青藤盟校(lvy League)是由美国的8所大学和一所学院组成的一个大学联合会。它们是:马萨诸塞州的哈佛大学,康涅狄克州的耶鲁大学,纽约州的哥伦比亚大学,新泽西州的普林斯顿大学,罗德岛的布朗大学,纽约州的康奈尔大学,新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯学院和宾夕法尼亚州的宾夕法尼亚大学。这8所大学都是美国首屈一指的大学,历史悠久,治学严谨,许多著名的科学家、政界要人、商贾巨子都毕业于此。在美国,常青藤学院被作为顶尖名校的代名词。 常青藤盟校的说法来源于上世纪的50年代。上述学校早在19世纪末期就有社会及运动方面的竞赛,盟校的构想酝酿于1956年,各校订立运动竞赛规则时进而订立了常青藤盟校的规章,选出盟校校长、体育主任和一些行政主管,定期聚会讨论各校间共同的有关入学、财务、援助及行政方面的问题。早期的常青藤学院只有哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚和普林斯顿4所大学。4的罗马数字为“IV”,加上一个词尾Y,就成了“IVY”,英文的意思就是常青藤,所以又称为常青藤盟校,后来这4所大学的联合会又扩展到8所,成为现在享有盛誉的常青藤盟校。 这些名校都有严格的入学标准,能够入校就读的学生,自然是品学兼优的好学生。学校很早就去各个高中挑选合适的人选,许多得到全国优秀学生奖并有各种特长的学生都是他们网罗的对象。不过学习成绩并不是学校录取的惟一因素,学生是否具有独立精神并且能否快速适应紧张而有压力的大一新生生活也是他们考虑的重要因素。学生的能力和特长是衡量学生综合素质的重要一关,高中老师的推荐信和评语对于学生的入学也起到重要的作用。学校财力雄厚,招生办公室可以完全根据考生本人的情况录取,而不必顾虑这个学生家庭支付学费的能力,许多家境贫困的优秀子弟因而受益。有钱人家的子女,即使家财万贯,也不能因此被录取。这也许就是常青藤学院历经数百年而保持“常青”的原因。 布朗大学(Brown University) 1754年由浸信会教友所创,现在是私立非教会大学,是全美第七个最古老大学。现有学生7000多人,其中研究生近1500人。 该校治学严谨、学风纯正,各科系的教学和科研素质都极好。学校有很多科研单位,如生物医学中心,计算机中心、地理科学中心、化学研究中心、材料研究实验室、Woods Hole 海洋地理研究所海洋生物实验室、Rhode 1s1and反应堆中心等等。设立研究生课程较多的系有应用数学系、生物和医学系、工程系等,其中数学系海外研究生占研究生名额一半以上。 布朗大学的古书及1800年之前的美国文物收藏十分有名。 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University) 私立综合性大学,位于纽约市。该校前身是创于1754年的King’s College,独立战争期间一度关闭,1784年改名力哥伦比亚学院,1912年改用现名。

第四章 景观模型制作

第四章景观模型制作 第一节主要工具的使用方法 —、主要切割材料工具的使用方法 (—)美术刀 美术刀是常用的切割工具,一般的模型材料(纸板,航模板等易切割的材料)都可使用它来进行切割,它能胜任模型制作过程中,从粗糙的加工到惊喜的刻划等工作,是一种简便,结实,有多种用途的刀具。美术刀的道具可以伸缩自如,随时更换刀片;在细部制作时,在塑料板上进行划线,也可切割纸板,聚苯乙烯板等。具体使用时,因根据实际要剪裁的材料来选择刀具,例如,在切割木材时,木材越薄越软,刀具的刀刃也应该越薄。厚的刀刃会使木材变形。 使用方法:先在材料商画好线,用直尺护住要留下的部分,左手按住尺子,要适当用力(保证裁切时尺子不会歪斜),右手捂住美术刀的把柄,先沿划线处用刀尖从划线起点用力划向终点,反复几次,直到要切割的材料被切开。 (二)勾刀 勾刀是切割切割厚度小于10mm的有机玻璃板,ABS工程塑料版及其他塑料板材料的主要工具,也可以在塑料板上做出条纹状机理效果,也是一种美工工具。 使用方法:首先在要裁切的材料上划线,左手用按住尺子,护住要留下的部分,右手握住勾刀把柄,用刀尖沿线轻轻划一下,然后再用力度适中地沿着刚才的划痕反复划几下,直至切割到材料厚度的三分之二左右,再用手轻轻一掰,将其折断,每次勾的深度为0.3mm 左右。 (三)剪刀 模型制作中最常用的有两种刀:一种是直刃剪刀,适于剪裁大中型的纸材,在制作粗模型和剪裁大面积圆形时尤为有用;另外一种是弧形剪刀,适于剪裁薄片状物品和各种带圆形的细部。 (四)钢锯 主要用来切割金属、木质材料和塑料板材。 使用方法:锯材时要注意,起锯的好坏直接影响锯口的质量。为了锯口的凭证和整齐,握住锯柄的手指,应当挤住锯条的侧面,使锯条始终保持在正确的位置上,然后起锯。施力时要轻,往返的过程要短。起锯角度稍小于15°,然后逐渐将锯弓改至水平方向,快钜断时,用力要轻,以免伤到手臂。 (五)线锯 主要用来加工线性不规则的零部件。线锯有金属和竹工架两种,它可以在各种板材上任意锯割弧形。竹工架的制作是选用厚度适中的竹板,在竹板两端钉上小钉,然后将小钉弯折成小勾,再在另一端装上松紧旋钮,将锯丝两头的眼挂在竹板两端即可使用。 使用方法:使用时,先将要割锯的材料上所画的弧线内侧用钻头钻出洞,再将锯丝的一头穿过洞挂在另一段的小钉上,按照所画弧线内侧1左右进行锯割,锯割方向是斜向上下。 二、辅助工具及其使用方法 (一)钻床 是用来给模型打孔的设备。无论是在景观模型、景观模型还是在展示模型中,都会有很多的零部件需要镂空效果时,必须先要打孔。钻孔时,主要是依靠钻头与工件之间的相对运动来完成这个过程的。在具体的钻孔过程中,只有钻头在旋转,而被钻物体是静止不动的。 钻床分台式和立式两种。台式钻床是一种可以放在工台上操作的小型钻床,小巧、灵活,使

1第一章 8字模型与飞镖模型(1)

O D C B A 图12图E A B C D E F D C B A O O 图12图E A B C D E D C B A H G E F D C B A 第一章 8字模型与飞镖模型 模型1 角的“8”字模型 如图所示,AB 、CD 相交于点O , 连接AD 、BC 。 结论:∠A+∠D=∠B+∠C 。 模型分析 8字模型往往在几何综合 题目中推导角度时用到。 模型实例 观察下列图形,计算角度: (1)如图①,∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E= ; (2)如图②,∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F= 。 热搜精练 1.(1)如图①,求∠CAD+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E= ; (2)如图②,求∠CAD+∠B+∠ACE+∠D+∠E= 。 2.如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F+∠G+∠H= 。

D C B A M D C B A O 135E F D C B A 105O O 120 D C B A 模型2 角的飞镖模型 如图所示,有结论: ∠D=∠A+∠B+∠C 。 模型分析 飞镖模型往往在几何综合 题目中推导角度时用到。 模型实例 如图,在四边形ABCD 中,AM 、CM 分别平分∠DAB 和∠DCB ,AM 与CM 交于M 。探究∠AMC 与∠B 、∠D 间的数量关系。 热搜精练 1.如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F= ; 2.如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D = 。

O D C B A O D C B A O C B A 模型3 边的“8”字模型 如图所示,AC 、BD 相交于点O ,连接AD 、BC 。 结论:AC+BD>AD+BC 。 模型实例 如图,四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O 。 求证:(1)AB+BC+CD+AD>AC+BD ; (2)AB+BC+CD+AD<2AC+2BD. 模型4 边的飞镖模型 如图所示有结论: AB+AC>BD+CD 。

新整理描写常青藤优美句段 写常青藤作文散文句子

描写常青藤优美句段写常青藤作文散文句子 描写常青藤优美句段写常青藤作文散文句子第1段: 1.睁开朦胧的泪眼,我猛然发觉那株濒临枯萎的常春藤已然绿意青葱,虽然仍旧瘦小,却顽强挣扎,嫩绿的枝条攀附着窗格向着阳光奋力伸展。 2.常春藤是一种常见的植物,我家也种了两盆。可能它对于很多人来说都不足为奇,但是却给我留下了美好的印象。常春藤属于五加科常绿藤本灌木,翠绿的叶子就像火红的枫叶一样,是可爱的小金鱼的尾巴。常春藤的叶子的长约5厘米,小的则约有2厘米,但都是小巧玲珑的,十分可爱。叶子外圈是白色的,中间是翠绿的,好像有人在叶子上涂了一层白色的颜料。从叶子反面看,可以清清楚楚地看见那凸出来的,一根根淡绿色的茎。 3.渴望到森林里探险,清晨,薄薄的轻雾笼罩在树林里,抬头一看,依然是参天古木,绕着树干一直落到地上的常春藤,高高低低的灌木丛在小径旁张牙舞爪。 4.我们就像马蹄莲,永不分开,如青春的常春藤,紧紧缠绕。 5.我喜欢那里的情调,常春藤爬满了整个屋顶,门把手是旧的,但带着旧上海的味道,槐树花和梧桐树那样美到凋谢,这是我的上海,这是爱情的上海。 6.当我离别的时候,却没有你的身影;想轻轻地说声再见,已是人去楼空。顿时,失落和惆怅涌上心头,泪水也不觉悄悄滑落我伫立很久很久,凝望每一条小路,细数每一串脚印,寻找你

的微笑,倾听你的歌声――一阵风吹过,身旁的小树发出窸窸窣窣的声音,像在倾诉,似在安慰。小树长高了,还有它旁边的那棵常春藤,叶子依然翠绿翠绿,一如昨天。我心头不觉一动,哦,这棵常春藤陪伴我几个春秋,今天才惊讶于它的可爱,它的难舍,好似那便是我的生命。我蹲下身去。轻轻地挖起它的一个小芽,带着它回到了故乡,种在了我的窗前。 7.常春藤属于五加科常绿藤本灌木,翠绿的叶子就像火红的枫叶一样,是可爱的小金鱼的尾巴。常春藤的叶子的长约5厘米,小的则约有2厘米,但都是小巧玲珑的,十分可爱。叶子外圈是白色的,中间是翠绿的,好像有人在叶子上涂了一层白色的颜料。从叶子反面看,可以清清楚楚地看见那凸出来的,一根根淡绿色的茎。 8.常春藤是多么朴素,多么不引人注目,但是它的品质是多么的高尚,不畏寒冷。春天,它萌发出嫩绿的新叶;夏天,它郁郁葱葱;秋天,它在瑟瑟的秋风中跳起了欢快的舞蹈;冬天,它毫不畏惧呼呼作响的北风,和雪松做伴常春藤,我心中的绿色精灵。 9.可是对我而言,回头看到的只是雾茫茫的一片,就宛如窗前那株瘦弱的即将枯死的常春藤,毫无生机,早已失去希望。之所以叫常春藤,可能是因为它一年四季都像春天一样碧绿,充满了活力吧。也许,正是因为如此,我才喜欢上了这常春藤。而且,常春藤还有许多作用呢!知道吗?一盆常春藤能消灭8至10平


一、常青藤大学 目录 联盟概述 联盟成员 名称来历 常春藤联盟(The Ivy League)是指美国东北部八所院校组成的体育赛事联盟。这八所院校包括:布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学院、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学及耶鲁大学。美国著名的体育联盟还有太平洋十二校联盟(Pacific 12 Conference)和大十联盟(Big Ten Conference)。常春藤联盟的体育水平在美国大学联合会中居中等偏下水平,远不如太平洋十校联盟和大十联盟。 联盟概述 常春藤盟校(Ivy League)指的是由美国东北部地区的八所大学组成的体育赛事联盟(参见NCAA词条)。它们全部是美国一流名校、也是美国产生最多罗德奖学金得主的大学联盟。此外,建校时间长,八所学校中的七所是在英国殖民时期建立的。 美国八所常春藤盟校都是私立大学,和公立大学一样,它们同时接受联邦政府资助和私人捐赠,用于学术研究。由于美国公立大学享有联邦政府的巨额拨款,私立大学的财政支出和研究经费要低于公立大学。 常青藤盟校的说法来源于上世纪的50年代。上述学校早在19世纪末期就有社会及运动方面的竞赛,盟校的构想酝酿于1956年,各校订立运动竞赛规则时进而订立了常青藤盟校的规章,选出盟校校长、体育主任和一些行政主管,定期聚会讨论各校间共同的有关入学、财务、援助及行政方面的问题。早期的常青藤学院只有哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚和普林斯顿4所大学。4的罗马数字为"IV",加上一个词尾Y,就成了"IVY",英文的意思就是常青藤,所以又称为常青藤盟校,后来这4所大学的联合会又扩展到8所,成为如今享有盛誉的常青藤盟校。 这些名校都有严格的入学标准,能够入校就读的学生,必须是品学兼优的好学生。学校很早就去各个高中挑选合适的人选,许多得到全国优秀学生奖并有各种特长的学生都是他们网罗的对象。不过学习成绩并不是学校录取的惟一因素,学生是否具有独立精神并且能否快速适应紧张而有压力的大一新生生活也是他们考虑的重要因素。学生的能力和特长是衡量学生综合素质的重要一关,高中老师的推荐信和评语对于学生的入学也起到重要的作用。学校财力雄厚,招生办公室可以完全根据考生本人的情况录取,而不必顾虑这个学生家庭支付学费的能力,许多家境贫困的优秀子弟因而受益。有钱人家的子女,即使家财万贯,也不能因


幻想之旅角色模型制作流程 1.拿到原画后仔细分析角色设定细节,对不清楚的结构、材质细节及角色身高等问题与 原画作者沟通,确定对原画理解准确无误。 2.根据设定,收集材质纹理参考资料。 3.开始进行低模制作。 4.制作过程中注意根据要求严格控制面数(以MAX为例,使用Polygon Counter工具查 看模型面数)。 5.注意关节处的合理布线,充分考虑将来动画时的问题。如有疑问与动作组同事讨论咨 询。 6.由于使用法线贴图技术不能使用对称复制模型,可以直接复制模型,然后根据具体情 况进行移动、放缩、旋转来达到所需效果。 7.完成后,开始分UV。 分UV时应尽量充分利用空间,注意角色不同部位的主次,优先考虑主要部位的贴图(例如脸,前胸以及引人注意的特殊设计),为其安排充分的贴图面积。使用Relax Tool 工具确保UV的合理性避免出现贴图的严重拉伸及反向。 8.低模完成后进入法线贴图制作阶段。 现在我们制作法线贴图的方法基本上有三种分别是: a.在三维软件中直接制作高模,完成后将低模与高模对齐,然后使用软件工具生成法 线贴图。 b.将分好UV的低模Export成OBJ格式文件,导入ZBrush软件。在ZB中添加细节 制作成高模,然后使用Zmapper插件生成法线贴图。 c.在Photoshop中绘制纹理或图案灰度图,然后使用PS的法线贴图插件将灰度图生成 法线贴图。 (具体制作方法参见后面的制作实例) 建议在制作过程中根据实际情况的不同,三种方法结合使用提高工作效率。 9.法线贴图完成后,将其赋予模型,查看法线贴图的效果及一些细小的错误。 10.进入Photoshop,打开之前生成的法线贴图,根据其贴在模型上的效果对法线贴图进行 修整。(例如边缘的一些破损可以使用手指工具进行修补,或者在绿色通道中进行适当的绘制。如需加强某部分法线贴图的凹凸效果可复制该部分进行叠加可以起到加强


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9214014734.html, 有意向申请美国大学的学生,大部分听过一个名字,常青藤大学联盟。那么美国常青藤大学盟校到底是怎么一回事,又是由哪些大大学组成的呢?下面为大家介绍一下美国常青藤大学联盟。 立思辰留学360介绍,常青藤盟校(lvy League)是由美国的七所大学和一所学院组成的一个大学联合会。它们是:马萨诸塞州的哈佛大学,康涅狄克州的耶鲁大学,纽约州的哥伦比亚大学,新泽西州的普林斯顿大学,罗德岛的布朗大学,纽约州的康奈尔大学,新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯学院和宾夕法尼亚州的宾夕法尼亚大学。这8所大学都是美国首屈一指的大学,历史悠久,治学严谨,许多著名的科学家、政界要人、商贾巨子都毕业于此。在美国,常青藤学院被作为顶尖名校的代名词。 常青藤由来 立思辰留学介绍,常青藤盟校的说法来源于上世纪的50年代。上述学校早在19世纪末期就有社会及运动方面的竞赛,盟校的构想酝酿于1956年,各校订立运动竞赛规则时进而订立了常青藤盟校的规章,选出盟校校长、体育主任和一些行政主管,定期聚会讨论各校间共同的有关入学、财务、援助及行政方面的问题。早期的常青藤学院只有哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚和普林斯顿4所大学。4的罗马数字为“IV”,加上一个词尾Y,就成了“IVY”,英文的意思就是常青藤,所以又称为常青藤盟校,后来这4所大学的联合会又扩展到8所,成为现在享有盛誉的常青藤盟校。 这些名校都有严格的入学标准,能够入校就读的学生,自然是品学兼优的好学生。学校很早就去各个高中挑选合适的人选,许多得到全国优秀学生奖并有各种特长的学生都是他们网罗的对象。不过学习成绩并不是学校录取的惟一因素,学生是否具有独立精神并且能否快速适应紧张而有压力的大一新生生活也是他们考虑的重要因素。学生的能力和特长是衡量学生综合素质的重要一关,高中老师的推荐信和评语对于学生的入学也起到重要的作用。学校财力雄厚,招生办公室可以完全根据考生本人的情况录取,而不必顾虑这个学生家庭支付学费的能力,许多家境贫困的优秀子弟因而受益。有钱人家的子女,即使家财万贯,也不能因此被录取。这也许就是常青藤学院历经数百年而保持“常青”的原因。


动画精度模型制作与探究 Animation precision model manufacture and inquisition 前言 写作目的:三维动画的制作,首要是制作模型,模型的制作会直接影响到整个动画的最终效果。可以看出精度模型与动画的现状是随着电脑技术的不断发展而不断提高。动画模型走精度化只是时间问题,故精度模型需要研究和探索。 现实意义:动画需要精度模型,它会让动画画面更唯美和华丽。游戏需要精度模型,它会让角色更富个性和激情。广告需要精度模型,它会让物体更真实和吸引。场景需要精度模型,它会让空间更加开阔和雄伟。 研究问题的认识:做好精度模型并不是草草的用基础的初等模型进行加工和细化,对肌肉骨骼,纹理肌理,头发毛发,道具机械等的制作更是需要研究。在制作中对于层、蒙版和空间等概念的理解和深化,及模型拓扑知识与解剖学的链接。模型做的精,做的细,做的和理,还要做的艺术化。所以精度模型的制作与研究是很必要的。 论文的中心论点:对三维动画中精度模型的制作流程,操作方法,实践技巧,概念认知等方向进行论述。 本论 序言:本设计主要应用软件为Zbrsuh4.0。其中人物设计和故事背景都是以全面的讲述日本卡通人设的矩阵组合概念。从模型的基础模型包括整体无分隔方体建模法,Z球浮球及传统Z球建模法(对称模型制作。非对称模型制作),分肢体组合建模法(奇美拉,合成兽),shadow box 建模和机械建模探索。道具模型制作,纹理贴图制作,多次用到ZBURSH的插件,层概念,及笔刷运用技巧。目录: 1 角色构想与场景创作 一初步设计:角色特色,形态,衣装,个性矩阵取样及构想角色的背景 二角色愿望与欲望。材料采集。部件及相关资料收集 三整体构图和各种种类基本创作 2 基本模型拓扑探究和大体模型建制 3 精度模型大致建模方法 一整体无分隔方体建模法 二Z球浮球及传统Z球建模法(对称模型制作。非对称模型制作) 三分肢体组合建模法(奇美拉,合成兽) 四shadow box 建模探索和机械建模 4 制作过程体会与经验:精度细节表现和笔刷研究 5 解剖学,雕塑在数码建模的应用和体现(质量感。重量感。风感。飘逸感)


2019年美国常春藤八所名校排名享有盛名的常春藤盟校现在是什么情况呢?接下来就来为您介绍一下!以下常春藤盟校排名是根据2019年美国最佳大学进行的。接下来我们就来看看各个学校的状态以及真实生活。 完整的常春藤盟校名单包括耶鲁大学、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、布朗大学、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、达特茅斯学院和康奈尔大学。 同时我们也看看常春藤盟校是怎么样的?也许不是你所想的那样。 2019年Niche排名 3 录取率5% 美国高考分数范围1430-1600 财政援助:“学校选择美国最优秀的学生,想要他们来学校读书。如果你被录取,哈佛会确保你能读得起。如果你选择不去入学的话,那一定不是因为经济方面的原因。”---哈佛大三学生2019年Niche排名 4 录取率6% 美国高考分数范围1420-1600 学生宿舍:“不可思议!忘记那些其他学校的学生宿舍吧。在耶鲁,你可以住在一个豪华套房,它更像是一个公寓。一个公寓有许多人一起住,包括一个公共休息室、洗手间和多个卧室。我再不能要求任何更好的条件了。这个套房很大,很干净,还时常翻修。因为学校的宿舍深受大家喜爱,现在有90%的学生都住在学校!”---耶鲁大二学生

2019年Niche排名 5 录取率7% 美国高考分数范围1400-1590 综合体验:“跟任何其他学校一样,普林斯顿大学有利有弊。这个学校最大的好处也是我选择这个学校的主要原因之一就是它的财政援助体系,任何学生想要完成的计划,它都会提供相应的财政支持。”---普林斯顿大二学生 2019年Niche排名 6 录取率9% 美国高考分数范围1380-1570 自我关心:“如果你喜欢城市的话,宾夕法尼亚大学是个不错的选择。这里对于独立的人来说也是一个好地方,因为在这里你必须学会自己发展。要确保进行一些心理健康的训练,因为这里的人通常会过量工作。如果你努力工作并且玩得很嗨,二者都会使你精疲力尽,所以给自己留出点儿时间休息。”---宾夕法尼亚大一学生 2019年Niche排名7 录取率7% 美国高考分数范围1410-1590 综合体验:“学校的每个人都很关心学生,包括我们的身体状况和学业成绩。在这里,你可以遇到来自世界各地的多种多样的学生。他们在学校进行的安全防范教育让我感觉受到保护。宿舍生活非常精彩,你会感觉跟室友们就像家人一样。总之,能成为学校的一员我觉得很棒,也倍感荣幸!”---哥伦比亚大二学生2019年Niche排名9 录取率9% 美国高考分数范围1370-1570 学术点评:“新的课程培养学术探索能力,在过去的两年中我


我国很多学子都想前往美国的常青藤大学就读于研究生,所以美国常青藤大学研究生申请条件都有哪些? 美国常青藤大学研究生申请条件: 1、高中或本科平均成绩(GPA)高于3.8分,通常最高分是4分,平均分越高越好; 2、学术能力评估测试I(SAT I,阅读+数学)高于1400分,学术能力评估测试II(SAT II,阅读+数学+写作)高于2000分; 3、托福考试成绩100分以上,雅思考试成绩不低于7分; 4、美内国研究生入学考试(GRE)成绩1400分以上,经企管理研究生入学考试(GMAT)成绩700分以上。 大学先修课程(AP)考试成绩并非申请美国大学所必需,但由于大学先修课程考试对于高中生来说有一定的挑战性及难度,美国大学也比较欢迎申请者提交大学先修课程考试的成绩,作为入学参考标准。

有艺术、体育、数学、社区服务等特长者优先考容虑。获得国际竞赛、辩论和科学奖等奖项者优先考虑,有过巴拿马国际发明大赛的得主被破例录取的例子。中国中学生在奥林匹克数、理、化、生物比赛中获奖也有很大帮助。 常春藤八所院校包括:哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、达特茅斯学院、布朗大学及康奈尔大学。 新常春藤包括:加州大学洛杉矶分校、北卡罗来纳大学、埃默里大学、圣母大学、华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校、波士顿学院、塔夫茨大学、伦斯勒理工学院、卡内基梅隆大学、范德比尔特大学、弗吉尼亚大学、密歇根大学、肯阳学院、罗彻斯特大学、莱斯大学。 纽约大学、戴维森学院、科尔盖特大学、科尔比学院、瑞德大学、鲍登学院、富兰克林欧林工程学院、斯基德莫尔学院、玛卡莱斯特学院、克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院联盟。 小常春藤包括:威廉姆斯学院、艾姆赫斯特学院、卫斯理大学、斯沃斯莫尔学院、明德学院、鲍登学院、科尔比学院、贝茨学院、汉密尔顿学院、哈弗福德学院等。


1 O D C B A 图1 2图E A B C D E F D C B A O O 图12图E A B C D E D C B A 第一章 8字模型与飞镖模型 模型1 角的“8”字模型 如图所示,AB 、CD 相交于点O , 连接AD 、BC 。 结论:∠A+∠D=∠B+∠C 。 模型分析 8字模型往往在几何综合 题目中推导角度时用到。 模型实例 观察下列图形,计算角度: (1)如图①,∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E= ; (2)如图②,∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F= 。 热搜精练 1.(1)如图①,求∠CAD+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E= ; (2)如图②,求∠CAD+∠B+∠ACE+∠D+∠E= 。

2 H G E F D C B A D C B A M D C B A O 135 E F D C B A 2.如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F+∠G+∠H= 。 模型2 角的飞镖模型 如图所示,有结论: ∠D=∠A+∠B+∠C 。 模型分析 飞镖模型往往在几何综合 题目中推导角度时用到。 模型实例 如图,在四边形ABCD 中,AM 、CM 分别平分∠DAB 和 ∠DCB ,AM 与CM 交于M 。探究∠AMC 与∠B 、∠D 间的数量关系。

3 105O O 120 D C B A O D C B A 热搜精练 1.如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F= ; 2.如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D = 。 模型3 边的“8”字模型 如图所示,AC 、BD 相交于点O ,连接AD 、BC 。 结论:AC+BD>AD+BC 。


2021中考数学易错题飞镖模型8字模型探究试题模型一:角的飞镖模型基础 结论:C + ∠ ∠ = ∠ B + A BDC∠ 解答: ①方法一:延长BD交AC于点E得证 ②方法二:延长CD交AB于点F得证 ③方法三:延长AD到在其延长方向上任取一点为点G得证 总结: ①利用三角形外角的性质证明

模型二:角的8字模型基础结论:D ∠ ∠ = + + C B A∠ ∠

解答: ①方法一:三角形内角和得证 ②方法二:三角形外角【BOD 】的性质得证总结: ①利用三角形内角和等于 180证明 推出 ②利用三角形外角的性质证明

角的飞镖模型和8字模型进阶 【例1】如图,则= ∠E D B A + C + + ∠ ∠ ∠ + ∠ 解答: ①方法一:飞镖ACD得证 ∠E + D C A B ∠ ∠ = 180 ∠ + + ∠ +

②方法二:8字BECD得证 + ∠ ∠E B A + C D ∠ = + 180 + ∠ ∠ 【例2】如图,则= E ∠F + D C A B ∠ ∠ ∠ + + ∠ ∠ + + 解答:飞镖ABF+飞镖DEC得证 ∠F + ∠ E D B + A C ∠ = ∠ + 210 ∠ ∠ + + 【例3】如图,求= E D ∠F B A + C ∠ + ∠ + ∠ ∠ + ∠ + 解答:8字模型得证 ∠F + ∠ E D A B C + 360 + = ∠ ∠ ∠ + ∠ + 【例4】如图,求= ∠D C A + B ∠ + ∠ + ∠

解答:连接BD得飞镖BAD+飞镖DBC得证 + ∠D A ∠ C B = + ∠ 220 + ∠ 【例5】如图,求= ∠H G ∠ F + D A C + E B + ∠ + ∠ ∠ + + ∠ + ∠ ∠ 解答:飞镖EHB+飞镖FAC得证 ∠H ∠ + + ∠ G F A B C D E ∠ + + = 360 ∠ ∠ ∠ + + ∠ + 模型三:边的飞镖模型基础 结论:CD + > AC BD AB+


□所需要的设备有:电脑,设计软件AutoCAD,雕刻机,工作台,油漆喷枪等。 □所需要的原材料有:各种厚度的有机玻璃板,各种厚度的PVC板,普通海绵,大孔海绵,背胶纸,各色绒线末,粗鱼线,铜丝电线,0.5mm漆包线,涂料,各色油漆,绒面墙纸,三氯甲烷,干花,发胶,小彩灯等。 □所需要的工具有:美工刀、锯条刀、木工工具、电工工具等。 一、沙盘台子 首先,要将顾客交付持房地产平面布置图和施工图纸研究透,组装部根据平面布置图及沙盘的比例来制作沙盘的台子。台子一般做成台球桌状,如果是大型的沙盘,要做成几个小台子,拼到一起。 二、PVC板喷漆 喷漆部根据楼房图纸的设色调出相应颜色的油漆来,喷在相应的PVC板上,送到设计部进行雕刻。 三、雕刻楼房部件 设计部根据施工图按比例设计出楼房的结构,并在电脑上分解成不同的板块,按施工的要求设计出墙面的花纹、房顶的瓦棱、窗子等,然后发送到雕刻机在PVC板上雕刻出楼房的板块,送到制作部制作。 四、组合楼房 制作部根据设计部送来的楼房板块,根据说明和粘合方式,用三氯甲烷将PVC板块粘合成楼房的大致形状。窗子的形状是直接雕刻在PVC板上的,用薄而透明的有机玻璃板粘在内部窗子的位置作为窗子的玻璃。 五、置景 置景部根据组装部所作的台子和平面布置图,在台子上划分出平面布局,用绿色绒面墙纸作为草地粘在绿化区,大孔海绵浸上绿色油漆晾干,裁成长条作为绿化带粘在小灌木区。如果布局中有水和湖泊,可以用波纹面的有机玻璃板,背面喷湖蓝色漆,裁成河流或湖泊的形状放在相应的位置。若是有高地,可将有机玻璃板或PVC板层层堆积并修整成形,再抹上涂料填充缝隙,晾干后覆上草地。用灰色的背胶纸粘成公路,用白色背胶纸刻成公路线标粘在上面。 六、制作配件 制作部将铜丝电线剥皮,将铜丝拧成树干的形状,喷上漆。普通海绵浸漆,晾干后粉碎,将树干的枝丫浸胶,粘上碎海绵,做成树。若是绿树,海绵可浸绿漆,若是秋天的树,可浸橙色漆。柳树可用0.2mm的漆包线拧成树干与树枝,然后在树枝上粘上绿色绒线末。松树是将粗鱼线剪成细段,用夹子夹住,再将两根0.5mm的漆包线夹住绞动,松开夹子,就成了松树的形状,修剪一下,粘上绿色绒线末即可。其它的花草可以用干花剪下来染色来制作。用医用棉签或牙签做成路灯。泡沫塑料可以用刀片雕刻成假山石的形状,喷上漆。 七、整体组合 置景部将制作部送来的花草树木及楼房按布置粘在相应的地方。组装部根据每栋楼房所在的位置,打孔并装上小彩灯,使楼房模型内部能发光,如同开灯的效果,并接好线路。


留学美国常春藤八大院校 美国常春藤声誉: 几乎所有的常春藤盟校都以苛刻的入学标准著称,近年来尤其如此:在过去的10多年里常春藤盟校的录取率正在下降。很多学校还在 特别的领域内拥有极大的学术声誉,例如: 哥伦比亚大学的法学院、商学院、医学院和新闻学院; 康乃尔大学的酒店管理学院和工程学院; 达特茅斯学院的塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness); 哈佛大学的商学院、法学院、医学院、教育学院和肯尼迪政府学院; 宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿商学院、医学院、护理学院、法学院和教 育学院; 普林斯顿大学的伍德鲁·威尔逊公共与国际事务学院; 耶鲁大学的法学院、艺术学院、音乐学院和医学院; 美国常春藤八大名校【哈佛大学】 哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州波 士顿剑桥城的私立大学,常春藤盟校成员之一,1636年由马萨诸塞州 殖民地立法机关立案成立。 该机构在1639年3月13日以一名毕业于英格兰剑桥大学的牧师 约翰·哈佛之名,命名为哈佛学院,1780年哈佛学院更名为哈佛大学。直到19世纪,创建了一个半世纪的哈佛学院仍然以英国的牛津大学、 剑桥大学两所大学为模式,以培养牧师、律师和官员为目标,注重人 文学科,学生不能自由选择课程。19世纪初,高等教育课程改革的号

角在哈佛吹响了,崇尚“学术自由”和“讲学自由”。“固定的学年”和“固定的课”的老框框受到冲击,自由选修课程的制度逐渐兴起。 哈佛大学是一所在世界上享有顶尖大学声誉、财富和影响力的学校, 被誉为美国政府的思想库,其商学院案例教学也盛名远播。作为全美 的大学之一,在世界各研究机构的排行榜中,也经常名列世界大学第 一位。 美国常春藤八大名校【耶鲁大学】 耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑 文(纽黑文市CityofNewHaven)的私立大学,创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(CollegiateSchool)。 耶鲁起初是一所教会学校,1718年,英国东印度公司高层官员伊莱休·耶鲁先生向这所教会学校捐赠了9捆总价值562英镑12先令的 货物、417本书以及英王乔治一世的肖像和纹章,在当时对襁褓之中的耶鲁简直是雪中送炭。为了感谢耶鲁先生的捐赠,学校正式更名为 “耶鲁学院”,它就是今日耶鲁大学的前身。18世纪30年代至80年代,耶鲁在伯克利主教、斯泰尔斯牧师、波特校长等的不懈努力下, 逐渐由学院发展为大学。至20世纪初,随着美国教育的迅猛发展,耶 鲁大学已经发展到了惊人的规模,在世界的影响力也达到了新的高度。耶鲁大学是美国历建立的第三所大学(第一所是哈佛大学,第二所是 威廉玛丽学院),该校教授阵容、学术创新、课程设置和场馆设施等 方面堪称一流,与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美 国大学和研究生院前三的位置。哈佛大学注重闻名于研究生教育,威 廉玛丽学院闻名于本科生教育,耶鲁则是双脚走路,都非常,在世界 大学排名中名列前茅。 美国常春藤八大名校【宾夕法尼亚】 宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)是一所私立大学, 是在美国开国元勋本杰明·富兰克林的倡导下于1740年建立起来的。 它是美国东北部常春藤大学之一,坐落于合众国的摇篮——费城,独


建筑制作项目流程 1、制作前期策划 根据甲方提供的平面图、立面图、效果图及模型要求,制定模型制作风格。 2、模型报价预算 预算员根据[1]、模型比例大小、材料工艺及图纸深度确定模型收费、签订制作服务订单。 3、制作组织会审 技术人员将核对分析图纸,确定模型材质、处理工艺、制作工期及效果要求。 (1)建筑制作进程: 建筑制作师根据甲方提供的图纸施工制作,效果以真实、美观为原则。所有建筑均采用AutoCAD绘图,电脑雕刻机切割细部、建筑技师手工粘接的流水线作业法,既保证了各部件的质量又保证了工期。 (2)环境景观设计制作进程: 总体环境将由专业景观设计师进行把控。专业制作人员结合图纸进行设计制作。原则是根据甲方的设计图纸再现设计师的设计意图。切不可胡乱操作,自由发挥。同时使用仿真树木、小品、雕塑等进行点缀,使得整个景观部分美观精致。 (3)建筑环境灯光组装: 灯光系统根据甲方要求进行设计制作,体现沙盘的夜景效果。 4、制作完工检验 质检部经理及项目负责人对照图纸,进行细部检查和调整。 5、模型安装调试 模型服务人员在模型展示地现场调试安装清洁,达到甲方满意后离开。 编辑本段 建筑模型分类 黏土模型 黏土材料来源广泛取材方便价格低廉经过“洗泥”工序和“炼熟过程其质地更加细腻。黏土具有一定的粘合性可塑性极强在塑造过程中可以反复修改任意调整修刮填,补比较方便。还可以重复使用是一种比较理想的造型材料,但是如果黏土中的水分失去过多则容易使黏土模型出现收缩龟裂甚至产生断裂现象不利于长期保存。另外,在黏土模型表面上进行效果处理的方法也不是很多,黏土制作模型时一定要选用含沙量少,在使用前要反复加工,把泥和熟,使用起来才方便。一般作为雕塑、翻模用泥使用。 油泥模型 油泥是一种人造材料。凝固后极软,较软,坚硬。油泥可塑性强,黏性、韧性比黄泥(黏土模型)强。它在塑造时使用方便,成型过程中可随意雕塑、修整,成型后不易干裂,可反复使用。油泥价格较高,易于携带,制作一些小巧、异型和曲面较多的造型更为合适。一般像车类、船类造型用油泥极为方便。所以选用褐油泥作为油泥的最外层是很明智的选择。油泥的材料主要成分有滑石粉62%、凡士林30%、工业用蜡8%。 石膏模型 石膏价格经济,方便使用加工,用于陶瓷、塑料、模型制作等方面。石膏质地细腻,成型后易于表面装饰加工的修补,易于长期保存,适用于制作各种要求的模型,便于陈列展示。 塑料模型 塑料是一种常用制作模型的新材料。塑料品种很多,主要品种有五十多种,制作模型应



美国常青藤名校的由来 以哈佛、耶鲁为代表的“常青藤联盟”是美国大学中的佼佼者,在美国的3000多所大学中,“常青藤联盟”尽管只是其中的极少数,仍是许多美国学生梦想进入的高等学府。 常青藤盟校(lvy League)是由美国的8 所大学和一所学院组成的一个大学联合会。它们是:马萨诸塞州的哈佛大学,康涅狄克州的耶鲁大学,纽约州的哥伦比亚大学,新泽西州的普林斯顿大学,罗德岛的布朗大学,纽约州的康奈尔大学,新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯学院和宾夕法尼亚州的宾夕法尼亚大学。这8所大学都是美国首屈一指的大学,历史悠久,治学严谨,许多著名的科学家、政界要人、商贾巨子都毕业于此。在美国,常青藤学院被作为顶尖名校的代名词。 常青藤盟校的说法来源于上世纪的50年代。上述学校早在19世纪末期就有社会及运动方面的竞赛,盟校的构想酝酿于1956年,各校订立运动竞赛规则时进而订立了常青藤盟校 的规章,选出盟校校长、体育主任和一些行政主管,定期聚会讨论各校间共同的有关入学、财务、援助及行政方面的问题。早期的常青藤学院只有

哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚和普林斯顿4所大学。4的罗马数字为“IV”,加上一个词尾Y,就成了“IVY”,英文的意思就是常青藤,所以又称为常青藤盟校,后来这4所大学的联合会又扩展到8所,成为现在享有盛誉的常青藤盟校。 这些名校都有严格的入学标准,能够入校就读的学生,自然是品学兼优的好学生。学校很早就去各个高中挑选合适的人选,许多得到全国优秀学生奖并有各种特长的学生都是他们网罗的对象。不过学习成绩并不是学校录取的惟一因素,学生是否具有独立精神并且能否快速适应紧张而有压力的大一新生生活也是他们考虑的重要因素。学生的能力和特长是衡量学生综合素质的重要一关,高中老师的推荐信和评语对于学生的入学也起到重要的作用。学校财力雄厚,招生办公室可以完全根据考生本人的情况录取,而不必顾虑这个学生家庭支付学费的能力,许多家境贫困的优秀子弟因而受益。有钱人家的子女,即使家财万贯,也不能因此被录取。这也许就是常青藤学院历经数百年而保持“常青”的原因。 布朗大学(Brown University)


课题: 5-4建筑模型制作步骤 教学目标:(结合岗位知识、能力、素质目标确定) 1.通过讲授建筑模型的具体制作步骤,让学生了解建筑模型制作过程中各环节所需要具备的能力,培养学生的模型制作技能。 教学重难点分析: 1.教学重点: (1)建筑模型制作步骤 (2)建筑模型制作技能点 2.教学难点: 通过课程讲解,加深对建筑模型成型特点、以及技术介绍,并让学生熟悉建筑模型分类及其作用,培养学生对建筑模型类别和作用的掌握。 教学过程: 1.导课: 由多媒体PPT展示建筑模型制作过程的图片,从建筑模型图片引入课程,全方位观察建筑模型的制作全过程,导入课堂新课程——建筑模型制作步骤。 2.教学内容: (1)建筑模型制作步骤: 1.绘制建筑模型的工艺图: 首先确定建筑模型的比例尺寸,然后按比例绘制出制作建筑模型所需要的平面图和立面图。 2.排料画线: 将制作模型的图纸码放在已经选好的板材上,仵图纸和板材之间夹一张复印纸,然后用双面胶条固定好图纸与板材的四角,用转印笔描出各个而板材的切割线。需要注意的是图纸在板材上的排列位置要计算好,这样可以节省板料。

3.加工镂空的部件 制作建筑模型时,有许多部位,比如门窗等是需要进行镂空工艺处理的。可先在相应的部件上用钻头钻好若干小孔,然后穿入钢丝,锯出所需要的形状。锯割时需要留出修整加工的余量。 4.精细加工部件 将切割好的材料部件,夹放在台钳上,根据大小和形状选择相宜的锉刀进行修整。外形相同的部件,或者是镂空花纹相同的部件,可以把若干块夹在一起,同时进行精细的修整加工,这样可以很容易地保证花纹的整齐。 5.部件的装饰 在各个立面黏结前,先将仿镜面幕墙及窗格子处理好,再进行黏结。 6.组合成型 将所有的立面修整完毕后,对照图纸精心地黏结。

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