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仁爱版英语九年级下册第五单元Topic 2 Section ABCD教学案

仁爱版英语九年级下册第五单元Topic 2 Section ABCD教学案
仁爱版英语九年级下册第五单元Topic 2 Section ABCD教学案

Unit5 Topic2


sailor--- __ ( ) united---_______( ) death --- _______ ( ) dead---_________( ) proud ---_______( )

praise---_______( )

lead---_______( )

safe--- ( )

wiper--- __ ( )

instruct---_____ ( )

own---_______( )

fortunately---_______( )

philosopher---______( )

emperor---________( )

revolute---________( )


Section A

一. 读1a,分析1b的句子意思,完成1c的内容

二. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语







6.人的本性和行为_ ___________________





11.从中学到很多________________________________ 12.与…同行_______________ 13.可能会____________ 14.温习旧知识___________ 15.从遥远的地方________

16.受到良好的教育________ ___________


18.环游中国________________ 19.搜寻…___________






26.建立他自己的帝国____________ _

27.延续…年_____________ 28.结束________________

三. 在文中划出下面的句子并分析

1.He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. 译:________________________ 点拨:human (adj.) ---人的,人类的;human (n..) ---人(=human being)复数形式是:_____________

思考:句子中的human是______词链接:Olympic Games = _____________

分析:此句中含有______从句,先行词是_____________, 关系代词是_______, 还可以用_______做关系代词

2.He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.


分析:此句中含有______从句,先行词是_____________, 关系代词是_______


We ________ some shops ________ windows are decorated for Christmas.

2) 他们都知道所拍电影深受年轻人欢迎的成龙。

They all know Jackie Chan ________ _________ are very popular ________ the __________.

3.He spent the rest of his life teaching. 译:___________________________________________________

点拨:sb.+ spend + 时间或金钱(in)doing sth. --- 某人花时间或金钱做某事

练习:a.昨天他花了两个小时完成他的工作。He _________ two hours _____ _______ his work yesterday.

链接:sb.+ spend + 时间或金钱+ on sth. --- 某人在某物/事上花时间或金钱

练习:我花了20元买这本书。I ________ 20 yuan _______ the book.

对比:pay--________ 主语是_______; cost--________ 主语是_______; take--________ 主语是_______





(take)________________________________________________________________点拨:the rest---其余的;the rest of...表示其余的人或物,后跟可数名词和不可数名词,谓语动词随名词决定

练习:1)其余的钱都是你的。The _____ ___ money ___ _____. 2)其余的书是你的。The _____ ___ books ____ _____.

3)一些学生离开了教室,其余的还在学习。Some students left the room, and ____ _____ ____ still studying.

4)I need more money. Some ____ used for building a school, and the rest ____ used for helping homeless people. 链接:与之类似用法的词还有some 和most.

练习:1)一些/大部分学生已经入了党。______/______ of the students _______ ________ the Party.

2) 去年一些/大部分水被污染。______/_______ of the water _____ ____________ last year.

Section B



三. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语







7.航行到非洲东海岸____ ____________________


9.中国的骄傲________________ 10.死于疾病________ 11.在他从非洲回家的途中_______________________

12.真遗憾!______________13.不用谢!_____________ 14.write down as much information as possible

____________________________________________ 15.和你的伙伴一起分享__________________________ 15.总计______________ 16.为了…_________________




1.He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of .译:_____________________

点拨:此句中含有______从句,先行词是________, 关系代词是______,可以______,介词of还可以_____________ proud(adj.) --- 骄傲的,自豪的be proud of --- 为…感到骄傲

练习:a. 作为中国人我们感到自豪。We ______ _______ ____ ________ Chinese.

b. Jane为自己没有放弃而感到骄傲。Jane ___ _______ ____ herself for not _______ _____.

2.He is really the pride of China. 译:__________________________________________

点拨:proud(nj.) --- 骄傲,自豪the pride of ... ---的骄傲

练习:a. 新体育场是这个城镇的骄傲。The new stadium ___ ____ ____ ____ the town.

b. 孩子永远都是父母的骄傲。__________ _____ ______ ________ ____ ________ parents.

链接:show/take/feel (a) pride in (doing) sth. --- 为做某事而自豪

练习:她为能成功地完成这项工作而自豪。She ______ /______/______ (a) _______ in _______ the job ___________.

3.Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433. 译:_______________________________

点拨:die of --- 死于…, 后接表示死亡的内因,指正常死亡链接:die from…后接表示死亡的外因,非正常死亡练习:a.He died ______ canner. b.He died _______ a traffic accident. c.He died _______ heart disease.

拓展:对于内外伤病引起的死因,二者可以通用。如:drink, overwork, hunger, cold, a wound, ect.

点拨:on one’s way ( to ) --- 在去---的路上

练习:a. 他在上学的路上遇到Jack。He _______ Jack _____ _______ _______ ______ school.

b. 在通向成功的路上,你会面临种种困难。____ _____ ____ ___ ________, you’ll face _____ ___ ________.

Section C

一. 根据1a,判断1b 的正误












11.海外留学生_________________________________ 12.建立同盟会_______________________________




16.挽救中国和国人_ __


18.满腹遗憾地离世____ _ _____

19.做演讲_______________20.骑马_________ _______


22.对你有很大影响___________________ _ _____ _


1.When he was in his thirties, he took an active part in the battle against the Qing government.


点拨:take a/an (active) part in --- (积极)参加(活动)

练习:他总是积极参加学校的活动。He usually _____ _____ ________ ______ _____ the school ___________.

链接:take part in = join in = be in --- 参加(活动) ; join --- 加入(组织)

2.Finally, Sun Y at-sen and his men brought down the Qing dynasty and achieved the victory of the Xinhai Revolution. 译:______________________________________________________________________

点拨:bring down ---打垮,击败,减少achieve the victory of… --- 取得…的胜利

练习:a.这个政党在上次选举中被击败。The party _____ ________ _______ in last election.

b.They didn’t achieve the victory of the Wusi Movement in 1919.译:__________________________________

3.Unfortunately, Sun Y at-san broke down from hard work and passed away full of regret on March 12th,1925.


点拨:break down --- 损坏,分解,抛锚,此处意思是(身体)垮掉

练习:1) His health broke down because of hard work.译:_________________________________________

2) Our car broke down on the freeway.译:_________________________________________________

点拨:pass away --- 去世,亡故链接:pass by --- 经过;pass on sth. to sb. --- 传递给某人

练习:a.他的母亲前年去世了。His mother_________ _________ ________ _________ __________ ________.

b.你看完那本书后请把它传给我。_______ the book ____ ____ me after you _______ ________ _________ it.

4.Is there a person in China’s history who has influenced you a lot?译:______________________________________ 分析:此句中含有______从句,先行词是_____________, 关系代词是_______, 在从句中做_____语

点拨:influence ( n./v.) --- 影响, 起作用influence on/over sb. / sth.--- 对…有影响,起作用

练习: 1)This kind of medic ine is influencing on the patient.译:_________________________________________

2)His works have influence d the lives of millions.译:_________________________________________

3)A teac her has great influe nce over his pupils.译:_____________________________________________

4)He is a man of great influence in this town.译:______________________________________________

Section D


二. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语












13.在校门口_ ______________________





1.In the autumn of 1933, the Red Army faced the danger of being wiped out by the KMT.


点拨:wipe( v.) --- 清除,擦去链接:wipe sb./sth. out --- 彻底消灭,全部摧毁

练习:a. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. 译:______________________________________________

b. 地震把整个村庄夷为平地。The whole village _____ _______ ______ _____ the ___________.

2.At last, after a long journey of about 25 000 li, the Red Army succeeded in arriving in Gansu Province in 1936.


点拨:succeed in doing sth. --- 成功地做某事

练习: 他成功地从监狱里逃了出来。He _______ ______ __________ from the prison.

链接:成功( n.)____________ / 成功的( adj.)______________/ 成功地( adv.)_______________

练习:1)你让他改变主意,他听了吗?Were you ___________ ______ asking him to _________ his _________?

2)在2008年,中国成功地举办了北京奥运会。China _________ the Beijing Olympics _____________in 2008.

3)我们预祝大会圆满成功。We wish the meet _____ ________ ___________.

3.Along the way, the Red Army faced enemy attacks and hard living conditions without any fear.


点拨:living conditions --- 生活条件

练习:现在人们的生活条件已有了很大改善。Recently________ ________ ________ have been __________ greatly. 点拨:fear( n./v.) --- 害怕,恐惧,担心链接:afraid( )---________ frightened( )---________ worried( )---______ 练习:1)The child was shaking with fear.译:______________________________________

2) 他一直不敢把真相告诉她。He _________ to tell her the ___________ all the time.


仁爱英语九年级下册单 词表 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

仁爱英语九年级下册单词 Unit5 Topic1Itattractslotsoftouristsfr omChinaandabroadeveryyear. attractv吸引,引起(兴趣、关注等) touristn.旅行者,观光者 fetchv.(去)取(物)来,(去) 带(人)来 guide n.指南,手册:向导,导游introducev.介绍,引见 liein 位于 certainlyadv.当然,是的:一定,无疑 Qinghai-TibetPlateau 青藏高原 well n.井 be(well)worthdoing…(很)值得做… experience v.经历:体验 n.经验;经历assoonaspossible 尽可能快地 surround v.围绕;包围touristattraction n.旅游景点 bridge n.桥 BrokenBridge 断桥LeifengPagoda 雷峰塔 △mainly adv.主要地:大部分地beknownas 以……而着称theOrientalPearl 东方明珠 heaven n.天堂,天国,极乐世 界:天,天空VictoriaPeak n.太平山(以维 多利亚女王命名) △gamble v.赌博gamblinghouse 赌场theRuinsofSt.Paul 大三巴牌坊(圣 保罗大教堂的前壁遗迹) island n.岛theTreasureIslandofChina 中国宝岛 various adj.各种各样的,不同的 breakdown 出故障,抛锚;失败, 遭受挫折 wayoflife 生活方式 flour n.面粉:粉 plainn.(大)平原 adj.家常的;普通的 Topic2Chinahasalongandgreathisto ry. sayingn.格言,谚语,警句:说,俗 staten.国家;(美国的)州;状态; 情形 defeat n.失败v.战胜,打败 empiren.帝国 forever=foreveradv.永远:永恒地explorer n.探险者;勘查者 coastn.海岸;海滨 equipment n.装备,设备 △compass n.指南针,罗盘 total n.合计,总计 adj.总括的;总数的;完全 的,全然的 intotal 总共 army n..军队 wipe v.擦;擦净;擦干 wipeout 彻底消灭,全部摧毁 march n.游行,行进theLongMarch 长征


Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. I . Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. II. Teaching aids: 五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图/录音机 III.Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟) 1.让学生尽可能地用英语和同伴谈论他们最喜爱的名胜,培养他们的爱国之情。导入新课。 (呈现一些五岳等名胜的图片,引导学生快速谈论My favorite place is ...,激发他们的英语思维。) ,并对其加以描述。让1-2组学生表演。 2.Pair work.谈论My favorite place is … T: Well done. You’ve just talked about many places of interest. As we know, China is a great country. It has about 5 000 years of history. D o you want to know more about it? OK, let’s come to the new unit. Step 2 Presentation (时间:13分钟) 继续谈论中国的名胜古迹,呈现1a内容,引出并学习文中生词及定语从句。 1. (出示泰山图片。) T: Have you been to Mount Tai? (介绍。) T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world. (板书并要求学生掌握lie in和a great number of,理解attract和province。然后让学生用所学新词说出他们最喜爱的名胜,操练新知识。) lie in=be in province attract a great number of=many T: N ow talk about your favorite places with the new words and phrases. You can say them like this: My favorite place is … It lies in … It attracts many/a great number of tourists … (板书并要求学生掌握fetch。) fetch (示范fetch动作展示Guide to China这本书。) T: The book is Guide to China.It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. (板书并要求学生掌握introduce,理解guide。) introduce guide (板书句子,教师适当讲解,要求学生初步掌握that和which引导的定语从句。)


仁爱英语九年级下册单词 Unit 5 Topic 1 It attracts lots of tourists from China and abroad every year. attract [?'tr?kt] v.吸引,引起(兴趣、关注等)tourist ['t??r?st] n.旅行者,观光者fetch [fet?] v.(去)取(物)来,(去)带(人)来 guide [ga?d] n.指南,手册,向导,导游introduce [?ntr?'dju:s] v.介绍,引见lie in [la?] [?n]位于 certainly ['s?:tnl?] adv. 当然,是的:一定,无疑Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ['t?i?'hai] [t?'bet] ['pl?t??]青藏高原well [wel] n. 井 be(well)worth doing… [bi:] ([wel]) [w?:θ] ['du:??] (很)值得做… experience [?k'sp??r??ns] v. 经历:体验 experience n. 经验;经历 as soon as possible [?z] [su:n] [?z] ['p?s?bl]尽可能快地surround [s?'ra?nd]v.围绕;包围tourist attraction ['t??r?st] [?'tr?k?n]n. 旅游景点bridge [br?d?] n. 桥 Broken Bridge ['br??kn] [br?d?]断桥Leifeng Pagoda [p?'g??d?]雷峰塔mainly ['me?nl?] adv.主要地;大部分地 be known as [bi:] [n??n] [?z]以……而著称 the Oriental Pearl [e?] [,?:ri'entl] [p?:l]东方明珠heaven ['hevn] n.天堂,天国,极乐世界:天,天空Victoria Peak [v?k't?:r??] [pi:k] n.太平山(以维多利亚女王命名)gamble ['g?mbl] v.赌博 gambling house ['ɡ?mbl??][ha?s]赌场 the Ruins of St. Paul [e?] ['ru:?nz] [?v] [se?nt] [p?:l]大三巴牌坊(圣保罗大教堂的前壁遗迹)island ['a?l?nd] n. 岛 the Treasure Island of China [e?] ['tre??] ['a?l?nd] [?v] ['t?a?n?] 中国宝岛 various ['ve?r??s] adj. 各种各样的,不同的 break down [bre?k] [da?n] 出故障,抛锚;失败,遭受挫折way of life [we?] [?v] [la?f]生活方式flour ['fla??]n. 面粉:粉 plain [ple?n] n.(大)平原 plain adj. 家常的;普通的


仁爱英语九年级下册单词 Unit 5 Topic 1 How much do you know about China? attract[?'tr?kt] v. 吸引,引起 a great number of [?’greit 'n?mb??v] 许多一些 Fetch[fet?] v. (去)取(物)来;(去) introduce[,intr?'dju:s] v. 介绍,引见 lie in [lai in] 位于 province ['pr?vins] n. 省,省份fantastic [f?n't?stik]a.极好吸引人有趣hear of [h???v] 听说,知道 romantic[r?u'm?ntik] adj.浪漫的充满传奇tale [teil] n. 传说;陈述 surround[s?'raund] v. 围绕;包围tourist attraction['tu?rist ?'tr?k??n] 旅游胜地 scenery ['si:n?r?] n.风景景色自然景观 so … that …[s?u e?t] 如此…以至于…motherland['m?e?l?nd] n. 祖国connect … with ….[k?'nekt...wie] 与…相连接be known as [bi: n?un ?z]作为……而著称gambling hourse['ɡ?mbli? haus] 赌场island ['ail?nd] n. 岛,岛屿 various ['ve?ri?s]a. 各种各样,不同的unique [ju:'ni:k] a. 独特的罕见的;独一无二enemy ['en?m?] n. 敌人;反对者 flat [fl?t] a. 平的n. 楼中一套房间;公寓(常用复数)roof [ru:f] n. 屋顶;顶部 cave [keiv] n. 洞,穴;地窖 below [bi'l?u] prep. 在……下面freeze [fri:z] v. 结冰 thick [θ?k] a. 厚的;浓的 mild [maild] a. 温暖的,暖和的sunshine ['s?n?a?n] n. 阳光 wheat [hwi:t] n. 小麦 flour ['fla??] n. 面粉,粉 plain [ple?n] n. 平原 PC (=personal computer)[,pi: 'si:]=personal computer个人电脑 License ['lais?ns] n. 执照,许可证Giraffe [d??'rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿 break down [breik daun] 损坏,分解;抛锚 neck [nek] n. 脖子,颈 Unit 5 Topic 2 I'm becoming more and more interested in china's history. pioneer[,pai?'ni?]n.创始人先驱倡导者philosopher [fi'l?s?f?] n.哲学家;深思的人pass away [pɑ:s ?'we?] 去世,消失 unite [ju:'nait] v. 统一;联合,团结 defeat[di'fi:t] v. 击败,战胜 empire ['empa??] n. 帝国


仁爱英语九年级下册单词 Unit 5 第5单元 Topic 1 话题1 How much do you know about China 你对中国了解多少 v. 吸引,引起 许多,一些 v. (去)取(物)来; (去)带(人)来 v. 介绍,引见 位于 n. 省,省份 adj. 极好的,吸引人的,有趣的 听说,知道 adj. 浪漫的,充满传奇色彩的 n. 传说;陈述 v. 围绕;包围 旅游胜地 n. 风景,景色,自然景观 如此……以至于…… n. 祖国 与……相连接 作为……而著称 赌场 n. 岛,岛屿 adj. 各种各样的,不同的 adj. 独特的,罕见的;独一无二的 n. 敌人;反对者 adj. 平的; n. 楼中一套房间;公寓(常用复数) n. 屋顶;顶部 n. 洞,穴,地窖 prep. 在……下面; adv. 在(到)下面 v. 结冰 adj. 厚的;浓的 adj. 温暖的,暖和的(天气,尤指冬天); 性情温和的 n. 阳光 n. 小麦 n. 面粉,粉 n. 平原 (=personal computer)个人电脑n. 执照,许可证 n. 长颈鹿 损坏,分解,抛锚 n. 脖子,颈 Unit 5 第5单元 Topic 2 话题2 I'm becoming more and more interested in China's history. 我对中国历史越来越感兴趣了。 n. 创始人,先驱;倡导者 n. 哲学家;深思的人 去世;消失 v. 统一;联合,团结 v. 击败,战胜 n. 帝国 adv. 永远;永恒地 结束 n. 船长,舰长;(军)上校;队长 v. 航行;起航; n. 帆 n. 海岸;海滨,沿海地区 n. 自豪,骄傲 adv. 不幸地;不巧地 死于…… n. 指南针,罗盘;圆规 n. 贸易,买卖,交易; v. 用……进行交换 n. 奖赏,奖品 杂交水稻 n. 革命 n. (共和国的)总统,国家主席;(学会的) 会长;(学院的)院长 adj. 外国的,海外的; adv. 在外国,在海外 打垮,击败;减少 充满……的 n. 领袖,领导人 n. 讲座,讲课;演讲 n. 主席,会长,议长;董事长 n. 主席,会长,议长;董事长 v. 擦,擦净,擦干


仁爱版九年级英语下单词表unit5 topic1 1.v.吸引,引起、、、的好感 2.许多,大量 3.v.(去)拿来,(去)请来 4.v.介绍 5.n.详情,全部细节 6.adj. 奇怪的,陌生的 7.n. 松树 8.位于 9.n. 长度 10.n.瀑布 11.n.高度,身高 12.adj. 壮丽的,堂皇的 13.adj.皇帝的,帝国的、 14.v.刻,雕刻 15.n.石头,石料,岩石 16.v.守卫,保卫,看守 17.n.天堂 18.n.评论,v.做评论 19.n.责任,义务 20.adv.逐渐地,渐进地 21.n.大理石22.adj.全部的,整个的 23.n.支线,分支 24.n.建筑物 25.n.国家,州,政府,状态v.陈述,说明 26.v.剩余,遗留,仍然是 27.n.砖块,砖 28.v.(使)分开,分离 29.n.敌人,反对者 30.v.预料,预期,期待,盼望 31.n.财富,珍宝 32.n.文明 33.v.假定,假设,推断 34.n.向往的地方,吸引力 35.因、、、而着名 36.adj.主要的,重大的 37.n.出口产品,v. 出口 38.adj.温和的,和煦的 39.adj.独一无二的,独特的 40.v.包含,包括 41.n.话题,题目 42.adj.举世闻名的 43.n.木柴

44.n.醋 Topic 2 1.n.先锋,拓荒者 2.n.思想家 3.adj.明智的,高明的 4.n.仁慈,善良 5.v&n.影响 6.pron.谁,什么人 7.去世,消失 8.v.统一,联合,团结 9.v.击败,战胜 10.建立,创建,设置 11.n.帝国 12.adv.永远,长久地 13.结束 14.n.船长,机长(海军)上校 15.v.率领,领导,引领 16.n.指南针,罗盘,圆规 17.n.航行 18.v.航行,起航 19.n.海岸,海滨 20.adv.不幸地 21.n.出生22.n.贸易,买卖,交易,v.互相交换 23.n.毕业 24.adj.进一步的 25.n.(大学)学位,度 26.v.毕业,n。毕业生 27.n.研究员 28.n.理论,原理 29.n.祖国 30.n.空白,空格,空白处 31.n.机构 32.n.主管,掌握 v.要价,收费 33.主管,掌管,负责 34.n.宇宙飞船 35.adj.相关的,有联系的 36.n.青年,年轻人 37.n.关爱,奉献,忠诚 38.v.表达,表露 39.n.事业,职业 40.n.目的地,终点 41.n.印刷,印刷术 42.n.水手,海员 43.n.发现 44.n.烟花,焰火


仁爱英语九年级下册单词带音标 Unit 5 Topic 1 How much do you know about China attract [?'tr?kt] v. 吸引,引起 a great number of [? ’greit 'n?mb? ?v] 许多一些 Fetch [fet?] v. (去)取(物)来;(去) introduce [,intr?'dju:s] v. 介绍,引 见 lie in [lai in] 位于 province ['pr?vins] n. 省,省份fantastic [f?n't?stik]a.极好吸引人有 趣 hear of [h?? ?v] 听说,知道 romantic [r?u'm?ntik] adj.浪漫的充满 传奇 tale [teil] n. 传说;陈述 surround [s?'raund] v. 围绕;包围 tourist attraction ['tu?rist ?'tr?k??n] 旅游胜地 scenery ['si:n?r?] n.风景景色自然景观 so … that … [s?u e?t] 如此…以至于…motherland ['m?e?l?nd] n. 祖国connect … with ….[k?'nekt...wie] 与… 相连接 be known as [bi: n?un ?z]作为……而着称gambling hourse ['ɡ?mbli? haus] 赌场island ['ail?nd] n. 岛,岛屿various ['ve?ri?s]a. 各种各样,不同的unique [ju:'ni:k] a. 独特的罕见的;独 一无二enemy ['en?m?] n. 敌人;反对者 flat [fl?t] a. 平的n. 楼中一套房间;公寓(常用复数) roof [ru:f] n. 屋顶;顶部 cave [keiv] n. 洞,穴;地窖 below [bi'l?u] prep. 在……下面freeze [fri:z] v. 结冰 thick [θ?k] a. 厚的;浓的 mild [maild] a. 温暖的,暖和的sunshine ['s?n?a?n] n. 阳光 wheat [hwi:t] n. 小麦 flour ['fla??] n. 面粉,粉 plain [ple?n] n. 平原 PC (=personal computer)[,pi: 'si:]=personal computer个人电脑 License ['lais?ns] n. 执照,许可证Giraffe [d??'rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿 break down [breik daun] 损坏,分解;抛锚 neck [nek] n. 脖子,颈 Unit 5 Topic 2 I'm becoming more and more interested in china's history.


仁爱版九年级下册英语知识点 导语】1. I would rather watch TV shows than sports shows. 我宁愿看电视剧而不愿看运动节目. would rather…than…表“宁愿……而不愿”, 与prefer…to…同义,但它们在结构上不同. 前者是would rather do sth. than do sth.,= would do sth. rather than do sth.…;后者是prefer doing sth. to doing sth. =prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. eg: I would rather stay at home than go out. = I prefer staying at home to going out.= I would stay at home rather than go out..=I prefer to stay at home rather go out.我宁愿呆在家中而不愿出去. 2. Was his wife still alive? 他的妻子还活着吗? alive 表“活着的”, 常修饰人,而不修饰物. 一般作表语或宾补. living 同义, 既可修饰人, 也可修饰物. 在句中既可作定语也可作表语. eg: The old woman is still alive/living.(作表语) 那个老人还活着. The king wanted to keep Gulliver alive.(作宾补) 国王想让格利佛活着. There is no living things on Mars.(作定语) 火星上没有生物. 3. She ordered a scorpion to hide in the dark to attack him. order sb. to do sth. 命令/要求某人去做某事 order sth for sb./ sth. 为某人/ 某物订购某物 eg: The doctor ordered me to stay in bed. 医生命令我好好呆在床上休息. He often orders books for his son. 他经常为他的儿子订书. She ordered a suit for her dog. 她为她的狗订购了一套衣服. 4. However, sometimes you do not forgive others.然而, 你有时不会原谅别人. forgive sb. sth. 原谅某人某事


Unit 5 Topic 1 1、Section C作文 Dear David, The West Lake is my favorite tourist attraction. It lies in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province and it attracts many people from all over the world. I like the West Lake because it is one of the most beautiful lakes in China. There are lots of beautiful places which are worth visiting. The scenery is so beautiful that visitors often lose themselves in it. The West Lake is famous for not only its special scenery but also some beautiful poems that were written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo. Besides, it is the home of the famous Longjing Tea. Yours, Kangkang 2、书面表达 假如你叫刘芳,你的美国笔友Annie打算暑假来你的家乡旅游,她想了解东方海滩的情况。请根据以下信息,给她写一封E-mail,词数80-100之间。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 1.East Beach东方海滩 2.fine (沙)细的 3.be suitable for适合…… 4.dressing room更衣室 5.beach volleyball 沙滩排球 Dear Annie, I’m very happy to get your letter. Now I’d like to ... __________________________________________ _____________________________________ Yours, Liu Fang 参考范文: Dear Annie, I’m very happy to get your letter. Now I’d like to tell you something about East Beach. East Beach lies in the east of my city. It is ten kilometers away from the city. It is one of the best beaches in the world. Here sand is fine. The water of the sea is clear. The waves are small. It is suitable for swimming in the sea and playing beach volleyball. There are some washrooms, dressing rooms, shops and hotels. There are also many buses to reach there. You can take a taxi at any time. I believe you’ll have a good time when you come here during the summer holiday. Yours, Liu Fang 参考译文: 我很高兴收到你的来信。现在我想告诉你一些关于东方海滩的事。 东方海滩在我市的东部。离城市有十公里远。它是世界上最好的海滩之一。这里的沙子很好。大海的水是清澈的。波浪很小。适合在海里游泳和打沙滩排球。 那里有洗手间、更衣室、商店和宾馆。也有许多公共汽车到达那里。你可以随时乘坐出租车。 我相信你暑假期间来这里一定会玩得很开心的。


仁爱版初三下册英语课文翻译 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 Ladies and gentiemen,女士们,先生们,Thank you for coming_today to attend the graduation cerernony at No.3 Junior High School. First of all,I’d like to congratulate all the students who are here today. I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school. You were all so full of energy and tirdsty for knowledge. And yes, some of you were a little difficult to deal with! But today I see a room full of talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.

You’ve all grown up so much and I’m so proud of you.感谢你们今天来参加第三初级中学的毕业典礼。首先,我想祝贺今天在这里的所有的学生。当你们刚刚步入这所学校的七年级时,我记得与你们所有人就相识了。你们所有人都充满了活力和对知识的渴望。并且,你们有些人有点儿难以对付!但今天我看到了一屋子对未来充满希望的、有天赋的年轻人。你们都已经长这么大了,我为你们骄傲。Although you’ve all worked very hard over the last three years, none of you did it alone. I hope you’ll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you-your parents,your teachers and your friends. Please consider what they’ve done for you and what they mean to you. Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.在过去的三年里,尽管你们学习都很刻苦,但你们没有一个人能独自做到。我希望你们要记住在生活中帮助过你们、支持过你们的那些重要的人——你们的父母、老师和朋友。请考虑一下他们为你做了什么,他们对你意味着什么,永远不要忘了感谢你周围的这些人。Lastly, the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life. I don’t need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you. You’ll make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up. But along with difficulties,there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. Behind each door you open


…………………………………………………………最新精品资料推荐…………………………………………………… 仁爱英语九年级下册单词带音标 Unit 5 Topic 1 How much do you know about China? attract[?'tr?kt] v. 吸引,引起 a great number of [?’greit 'n?mb??v] 许多一些 Fetch[fet?] v. (去)取(物)来;(去) introduce[,intr?'dju:s] v. 介绍,引见 lie in [lai in] 位于 province ['pr?vins] n. 省,省份fantastic [f?n't?stik]a.极好吸引人有趣hear of [h???v] 听说,知道 romantic[r?u'm?ntik] adj.浪漫的充满传奇tale [teil] n. 传说;陈述 surround[s?'raund] v. 围绕;包围tourist attraction['tu?rist ?'tr?k??n] 旅游胜地 scenery ['si:n?r?] n.风景景色自然景观 so …that …[s?u e?t] 如此…以至于…motherland['m?e?l?nd] n. 祖国connect … with ….[k?'nekt...wie] 与…相连接be known as [bi: n?un ?z]作为……而著称gambling hourse['ɡ?mbli? haus] 赌场island ['ail?nd] n. 岛,岛屿 various ['ve?ri?s]a. 各种各样,不同的unique [ju:'ni:k] a. 独特的罕见的;独一无二enemy ['en?m?] n. 敌人;反对者 flat [fl?t] a. 平的n. 楼中一套房间;公寓(常用复数)roof [ru:f] n. 屋顶;顶部 cave [keiv] n. 洞,穴;地窖 below [bi'l?u] prep. 在……下面freeze [fri:z] v. 结冰 thick [θ?k] a. 厚的;浓的 mild [maild] a. 温暖的,暖和的sunshine ['s?n?a?n] n. 阳光 wheat [hwi:t] n. 小麦 flour ['fla??] n. 面粉,粉 plain [ple?n] n. 平原 PC (=personal computer)[,pi: 'si:]=personal computer个人电脑 License ['lais?ns] n. 执照,许可证Giraffe [d??'rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿 break down [breik daun] 损坏,分解;抛锚 neck [nek] n. 脖子,颈 Unit 5 Topic 2 I'm becoming more and more interested in china's history. pioneer[,pai?'ni?]n.创始人先驱倡导者philosopher [fi'l?s?f?] n.哲学家;深思的人pass away [pɑ:s ?'we?] 去世,消失 unite [ju:'nait] v. 统一;联合,团结


九年级下册英语 Unit 5 Topic 1 1.吸引引起的好感 2.许多大量 ( 去) 请来3.( 去) 拿来 ; 4.介绍 全部细节 5.详情 ; 陌生的 6.奇怪的 ; 7.松树 8.位于 9.长长度 10.瀑布 11.高度;身高 堂皇的 12.壮丽的 ; 帝国的 13.皇帝的 ; 14.刻雕刻 15.石头石料岩石 16.守卫保卫;看守 17. 天堂

18.评论;做评论 19.责任;义务 20.逐步地渐进地 21.大理石 整个的 22.全部的 ; 23.支线;分支 24.建筑( 物) 政府;陈述25.国家;州 ; 26.剩余,遗留;仍然是 27.砖,砖块 28.( 使) 分开,分离 29.敌人;反对者 30.预料,预期;期待,盼望 31.财富;珍宝 32.文明 33.假定,假设;推断 34.向往的地方;吸引力 35.因而著名 重大的 36.主要的 ; 37.可可饮料;可可粉

9. 去世;消失 38. 瓷 瓷器 39. 出 口 产 品 ; 出 口 40. 温 和 的 ; 和 煦 的 41. 独 一 无 二 的 ; 独特的 42. 包 含 包 括 43. 话 题 题 目 44. 举 世 闻 名 的 45. 木 柴 46. 酱 ; 调 味 汁 47. 醋 Top ic 2 2. 公 元 前 3. 思 想 家 6. 哲 学 家 ; 深 思 的 人 7. 影 响 8. 谁,什么人 1. 先 锋 拓荒者 4. 明智的 高明的 5. 仁慈,善良

10.统一;联合,团结 11.击败,战胜 12.建立,创建;设置(词组) 13. 帝国 14.永远;长久地 15.结束(词组) 16.船长,机长;(海军)上校 17.率领,领导;引领 18.指南针罗盘;圆规 19.航行 20.航行;起航 21.海岸;海滨 22.不幸地 23.出生 24.贸易,买卖,交易 25. 导弹 26. 毕业 27. 大学 28. 太平洋 29. 进步的


英语仁爱版九年级英语下册全册教案 Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求 1. Master some new words and phrases: tourist, a number of, fetch, introduce, lie in 2. Learn attributive clauses which use“that”and“which”. (1)China is a great country that has about 5,000 years of history. (2)It’s a book which introduces China in detail. (3)It’s Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机/长城和五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:15分钟) 让学生尽可能地和同伴说出他们最喜爱的名胜,激活他们的英语思维,培养他们的爱国之情。呈现新词,引出并学习定语从句。 1. (学生很快谈论一下My favorite place is ...,激活他们的英语思维。) T: China has a long history. It’s very beautiful. It has many places of interest. What place have you been to? S1: I’ve been to Mount Huang. T: Do you like it? Why? S1: I like it very much. The scenery is very beautiful. T: What’s your favorite place? S2: … T: Can you describe it for us? S2: … (结对活动,谈论My favorite place is …, 并对其加以描述。) 2. (教师出示长城图片。) T: Have you been to the Great Wall? (学生可能没去过,教师自己介绍。) T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. The Great Wall lies in the north of Beijing. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a number of tourists from all over the world.


仁爱英语九年级下册单词 Unit5第5单元Attract v.吸引,引起 a great number of许多,一些 fetch v.(去)取(物)来; (去)带(人)来 Introduce v.介绍,引见 lie in位于 province n.省,省份 fantastic adj.极好的,吸引人的,有趣的 hear of听说,知道 romantic adj.浪漫的,充满传奇色彩的 tale n.传说;陈述 surround v.围绕;包围 tourist attraction旅游胜地 Scenery n.风景,景色,自然景观 so…that…如此……以至于…… Motherland n.祖国 connect…with…与……相连接 be known as作为……而著称 gambling hourse赌场 island n.岛,岛屿 various adj.各种各样的,不同的 unique adj.独特的,罕见的;独一无二的 enemy n.敌人;反对者 flat adj.平的; n.楼中一套房间;公寓(常用复数) roof n.屋顶;顶部 cave n.洞,穴,地窖 below prep.在……下面; adv.在(到)下面 freeze v.结冰 thick adj.厚的;浓的 mild adj.温暖的,暖和的(天气,尤指冬天);性情温和的 sunshine n.阳光 wheat n.小麦 flour n.面粉,粉 plain n.平原 PC(=personal comp ute r)个人电脑 license n.执照,许可证

giraffe n.长颈鹿 break down损坏,分解,抛锚 Neck n.脖子,颈 Unit5第5单元 T opic2话题2 I'm becoming more and more interested in China's history. 我对中国历史越来越感兴趣了。 pioneer n.创始人,先驱;倡导者 philosopher n.哲学家;深思的人 pass away去世;消失 unite v.统一;联合,团结 defeat v.击败,战胜 empire n.帝国 forever adv.永远;永恒地 come to an end结束 captain n.船长,舰长;(军)上校;队长 sail v.航行;起航; n.帆 coast n.海岸;海滨,沿海地区 pride n.自豪,骄傲 unfortunately adv.不幸地;不巧地 die of死于…… comp ass n.指南针,罗盘;圆规 trade n.贸易,买卖,交易; v.用……进行交换 prize n.奖赏,奖品 hybird rice杂交水稻 revolution n.革命 president n.(共和国的)总统,国家主席;(学会的)会长;(学院的)院长 overseas adj.外国的,海外的; adv.在外国,在海外 bring down打垮,击败;减少 (be)full of充满……的 leader n.领袖,领导人 lecture n.讲座,讲课;演讲 chairman n.主席,会长,议长;董事长chairman n.主席,会长,议长;董事长 wipe v.擦,擦净,擦干 wipe out彻底消灭,全部摧毁 Safety n.安全场所;安全,保险 attack n.&v.攻击,袭击 fear n.&v.害怕,恐惧;担心 pupil n.(小)学生instruction n.说明,须知;教导 owner n.拥有者,物主 private adj.私人的,私有的;个人的 Unit5第5单元 T opic3话题3 The dragon has become a symbol of Chinese nation 龙成了中华民族的一种象征。 grand adj.宏伟的 imperial adj.帝王的;帝国的 carve v.刻,雕刻 tail n.(动物的)尾巴 correct n.正确的,对的;恰当的; v.改正,纠正 column n.柱;(书、报纸印刷页上的)栏,列promise v.&n.答应,允诺 chess n.棋,国际象棋 thirsty adj.渴的;缺水的,干旱的 hungry adj.(饥)饿的 snack bar快餐部,小吃部 peasant n.农民;佃农 memory n.回忆,记忆 in memory of…为了纪念…… Major adj.主要的;较大的 coco a n.可可饮料;可可粉 porcelain n.瓷,瓷器 export n.出口产品;出口; v.出口 sauce n.酱油;酱汁;调味汁 vinegar n.醋 dismiss n.解雇,开除;把(某人)打发走;解散gunpowder n.火药 sailor n.水手,海员 discovery n.发现 firework n.烟花;焰火 bark n.烟花;焰火; v.狗叫 rag n.破布,抹布 clay n.黏土 Unit6第6单元 T opic1话题1 n.智力竞赛;测验,小型考试 adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的 n.娱乐;招待;娱乐业 n.悲剧;悲剧片 n.纪录片

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