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新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like banana? Section B 3a— self check 导学案

Unit 6 Do you like banana?

Section B 3a— self check 导学案


一、知识目标:1. 复习巩固学过的食物名词,掌握可数名词的构成规则。

2. 熟练运用本单元句型进行对话交流。



Fruit: 香蕉_____ 橙子___ 草莓_ 梨___苹果Vegetables: 西红柿胡萝卜

Food: 沙拉鸡肉鸡蛋汉堡包



吃、饮健康的星星、明星_ 【合作探究】



For breakfas t, I like_________________, but I don’t like ___________________________.

For lunch, ______________________________.And for dinner_______________________

For breakfast, my friend


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

3.学生小组复习巩固名词单数变复数的规则,完成self 1,师生共同检查答案。

4.Pairwork或group work,,学生运用本单元句型进行对话交际,完成self 2。

5.学生独立完成self 3,并进行成果展示。



( ) 1._____ you like ice cream?

A. Are

B. Am

C. Does

D. Do ( ) 2.______play table tennis.

A.Let B. Lets C. Let’s D. It’s ( ) 3.______does your father have ______lunch? Chicken and tomatoes

A. What; for

B. What ; /

C. How; for

D. How; / ( ) 4.Oranges are a kind of _______.

A. vegetables

B. vegetable

C. fruits

D. fruit

( ) 5. .Do you like chicken for______dinner?

A. a

B. the

C. /

D. an

( ) 6.---Does your friend like salad? ---- .

A. Yes. she like

B. No, she does

C. Yes, she doesn’t

D. No. she doesn’t

( ) 7 ----Let’s _______baseball. ----OK. Let’s_______.

A. pl ay; go

B.plays; go

C. play; to go

D. play; goes

()8.My friend likes vegetables, she eats _______.

A. well

B. good

C. healthy

D. unhealthy

( )9.They have lunch ___ their teachers at school.


B. with

C. of

D. and

( )10.I don’t eat ice cream, I don’t want to_____

A. be fat

B. fat

C. healthy

D. be healthy



Dear Peter,

My name is Frank. I am from(来自)America. Here is a picture of my class (班).We are in Class One, Grade Seven.

You can see my friends in the picture .Jimmy likes to play basketball. He likes to eat apples and French fries. Helen likes math. Her favorite(最喜爱的)food is hamburgers. Sandra doesn’t like math . But she can speak .French(法语).She likes ping-pong. Sally is a black(黑人的)girl. She likes to swim(游泳).She likes to eat ice cream. I like math too. Can you find (寻找)me ?I like to eat bananas . Maria likes computer very much . She plays computer games very well. N ick is fun. He can play football. He likes strawberries best.

Can you send (发送)me a picture of your class?



( ) 6. Frank has____________ friends.

A. seven

B. six

C. five

( ) 7._____________ like sports.

A. Jimmy, Sandra and Sally

B. Maria, Nick and Jimmy

C. Sally, Nick ,Jimmy and Sandra

( )8. _____________and ______________like math

A. Helen ;Frank

B. Sandra; Peter

C. Helen; Sandra

( )9.______________ and _____________like fruit.

A. Nick, Maria; Jimmy

B. Nick, Frank; Peter

C. Jimmy, Nick ; Frank

( )10._______________ is the e-friend of Frank.

A. Sally

B. Sandra

C. Peter
