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1. The river Thames is in _____.

A Wales

B Scotland

C England

D Northern Ireland

2. The Industrial Revolution started in _____.

A the Great Britain

B the United States

C Canada

D Australia

3. Big Ben was named after ____.

A Christopher Wren

B Benjamin Hall

C Ben John

D G. Stephenson

4. The most popular sport in America is ____.

A. baseball

B. basketball

C. football

5. There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and _____.

A the Liberal Party

B the Democratic Party

C the Labour Party

D the Republican Party

6. Most British couples go to _____ to have their wedding ceremony.

A. church

B. concert

C. registry office

7. British food is _____.

A. unlimited

B. abundant

C. limited

D. changeable

8. The British people usually have a small quantity of _____ as a first course.

A. soup

B. sweet

C. vegetable

9. What the Englishmen usually talk about in their daily life is _____.

A. price

B. tax

C. weather

D. sports

10. The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on _____.

A. horse racing

B. Bingo

C. football pools

D. dog racing

11. _____ is basically a home and family festival.

A. Christmas

B. Boxing Day

C. Easter Monday

12. Wages mean a payment usually of money for labour or services according to contract and on the following basis except _____.

A. hourly

B. daily

C. monthly

D. piecework

13. The British people traditionally like to live in _____.

A. high buildings

B. small houses

C. big houses

14. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern

15. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____.

A. Northern Ireland

B. England

C. Scotland

16. Britain is basically an importer of ____.

A. food

B. raw materials

C. manufactures

D. both A and B

17. The second largest port in Britain is _____. A. London B. Belfast C. Liverpool

18.The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _____.

A. limitation of immigration

B. fall of the birth rate

C. fall of death rate

D. unemployment

19. Ernest Hemingway is _____.

A Englishman

B American

C Dutch

D Denmark

20. In which day is Halloween celebrated?

A 5 November

B 31 October

C 17 March

D 25 December

21. The U.S. is called a “melting pot” because _____.

A its steel industry is highly developed

B it has great influence on the world

C it is an important economic center of the world

D people from different races live there together

22. American Independence Day fall on _____.

A. the 4th of July

B. October 31st

C. March 20th

23. The general election in America is held every ____ years.

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

24. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is ____.

A. donkey

B. elephant

C. eagle

25. The symbol of the US Republic Party is _____.

A. tiger

B. elephant

C. donkey

26. Thanksgiving Day is originated in ____.

A. England

B. America

C. Scotland

D. Canada

27. Marriage in America is considered ____.

A. more important to the parents

B. a pure religious affair

C. rather burdensome

D. a pure individual matter

28. _____ American young people live independently after marriage.

A. Half

B. Most

C. Some

29. The rate of divorce in America ranks ____ in the world.

A. second

B. third

C. first

D. fourth

30. The popular foods in America include the following except ____.

A. hamburgers

B. hot dogs

C. bread

D. rice

朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》课后习题详解(英国文化 福利国家)【圣才出品】

第10章福利国家 I.Explain each of the following in English: 1.The welfare state 【答案】(1)Britain is a welfare state in the sense that it should ensure,as far as it can, that nobody should be without the means for the minimum necessities of life as the result of unemployment,old age,sickness or over—large families. (2)The system of national insurance pays out benefits to people who are unemployed,or unable to earn because they are old or sick. (3)Free or nearly free medical and dental care is provided for everyone under the National Health Service. (4)Supplementary benefits are provided for people who live below the minimum standard. 2.The retirement pension 【答案】(1)It may be received by any man from the age of65(provided he has made his weekly contributions to the fund if he ceases to work,and by any woman from the age of60. (2)A man who continues to work after the age of65gets no pension at first, but when he is over70he gets a bigger pension. (3)People may receive additional pensions by paying higher contributions while they are working.


小学英语文化知识竞赛题 姓名:得分: 一、选一选,将正确的答案填入横线上。2*20 1、下列不属于中国汉族四大节日的是。 A.清明节 B.中秋节 C.端午节 D.元宵节 2、在中国被人们认为是Lucky number(幸运数字)是。 A.5和6 B.6和8 C.7和9 D.2和3 3、在西方国家被认为Unlucky number(不吉利数字)的是。 A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14 4、在下列餐具中,哪一项在吃西餐中不需要用到的是。 A.chopsticks(筷子)B.spoon(勺子)C.knife(刀)D.fork(叉子) 5、在欧美国家就餐时,餐巾纸只能用来擦。 A.餐具和汗 B.餐具和嘴巴 C.嘴巴和鼻涕 D.鼻涕和餐具 6、在美国打的坐在哪个位置,司机比较高兴。 A.前座 B.后座 7、下列不属于美国的货币。 A.美元 B.美角 C.美分 8、下列不属于英镑纸币面值的是。 A.五镑 B.二十镑 C.五十镑 D.一百磅 9、Halloween(万圣节)是哪一天? A.10月1日 B.12月25日 C.10月30日 D.1月20日 10、Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)是哪一天? A.11月的第一个星期四 B.11月的第二个星期四 C.11月的第三个星期四 D.11月的第四个星期四 11、在美国人们喜欢,他们认为它可以给人带来幸运。 A.黑猫 B.白猫 C.花猫 D.小狗 12、美国人讨厌,认为它是吸血鬼和凶神的象征。 A.黑猫 B.大象 C.蝙蝠 D.狼 13、在澳大利亚人眼里,是一种不吉利的象征。他们认为,碰到了它可能是厄运降临的预兆。 A.松鼠 B.羊 C.兔子 D.猴子 14、澳大利亚人喜欢体育活动,和是人们的癖好。 A.日光浴和游泳 B.跑步和游泳 C.日光浴和跑步 D.赛马和跑步 15、是世界上最早公开行亲吻礼的国家,也是使用亲吻礼频率最多的国家。 A、德国 B、美国 C、韩国 D、法国 16、德国人最爱吃,以它制成的香肠百吃不厌。


小学英语教学的文化意识培养 兴化市周庄中心小学谢静 【摘要】语言和文化是密不可分的。语言是文化的载体,语言所传递的文化信息是英语教学内容中不可忽视的重要组成部分。因此本文指出了培养文化意识的重要性,并提出培养学生文化意识的策略。【关键词】文化意识英语教学 一、文化的概念 “文化”一词包含着极丰富的内涵。文化的经典定义由英国人类学家泰勒(EdwardTylor)1871年在《原始文化》(Primitive Culture)一书中提出:文化是一个“复合的整体(complex whole),其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及作为社会成员而得的任何其他的能力和习惯。”功能学派大师马林诺夫斯基(Bronilsaw Malinowski)则认为:“文化显然是完整的全体(integral whole),其中包括器具与消费货物,各种社群的宪章,人们的思想与工艺,信仰与习惯等。”这两位学者分别代表了狭义文化观和广义文化观。文化包括许多层次和方面,如信仰、习惯、艺术、法律、道德、人情风俗、历史事件等等,真可谓无处不在,无所不包,因而具有广泛性、历史性和多维性。《英语课程标准》指出:“文化是指所学语言国家的历史地理,风土人情,传统习俗,生活方式,文学艺术,行为规范,价值观念等,接触和了解英语国家的文化,有益于对英语的理解与认识,有益于培养世界意识。”从语言的特征和文化的范畴与内容来看,语言与文化的关系是十分密切的。语言既是文化的一个重要的组成,又

是文化的载体。学习一种语言,就必须了解这种语言所代表的文化,不然将无法正确理解和运用这种语言。这些年的英语教学实践,使我深切地体会到,在向学生教授英语时,将英语与它所承载的文化紧密地结合起来的重要性。只有培养学生的文化意识,让他们明白中英文化的异同,才能确实提高学生的英语水平,达到学以致用的目的,从而使小学英语教学再上一个新台阶。 二、培养文化意识的必要性和可行性 长期以来,在英语教学中语言和文化的这种关系一直未得到足够的重视。很多教育者似乎认为只要进行听,说,读,写的训练,掌握了语音,词汇和语法规则就能理解英语和用英语进行交流。而实际上由于不了解语言中所蕴含的文化背景,在英语学习和用英语进行交流中屡屡出现错用或误用的现象。美国的语言学家沃尔夫森()说:“在与外族人交谈时,本族人对于他们在语言和语法方面的错误往往比较宽容;与此相比,违反说话规则时则被认为是不够礼貌的,因为本族人不可能认识到社会语言学的相对性。以"dog "一词为例,在语言意义上,中国的"狗" 与英美国家的 "狗"没有区别,但两个文化群体里的"狗"的文化意义又相差甚远。"狗"一词在中国人看来总是贬义的,汉语中常用"走狗"、"丧家犬"、 "狗仗人势"等来形容所厌恶的人。但是英语国家的人对狗的看法与我们截然不同,他们认为“狗”是人类最好的朋友,忠诚可靠。所以“dog "在英语中往往含有褒义,如love me, love my dog.(爱屋及乌);a lucky dog(幸运儿)。又如;中国人喜欢以对方为中心考虑对方的情感,如:你感觉怎么样?


英美文化试题 1. The executive power is in the hands of ________. A. Parliament B. the House of Commons C. the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister D. the Queen 2. In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of _______. A. the Queen B. the Primer Minister C. the House of Lord D. the House of Commons 3. The general election in Britain is held every _______ years. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 4. The famous “Scotland Yard” refers to _______. A. CIA B. CID C. New Scotland Yard D. Greater Londo n 5. Which of the following is not one of the functions that Parliament plays? A. To serve as the final court of appeal in civil cases and criminal cases. B. To make laws. C. To control and criticize the executive government. D. To control the raising and the spending of money. 6. The British government is established on the basis of ______. A. federal system B. central system C. constitutional system D constitutional monarchy 7. _______ is in power in Britain now? A. Labour party B. Conservative Party C. the coalition of Labour Party and Liberal Democratic Party D. the coalition of Conservative Party and Liberal Democratic Party 8. The President of the United States exercises the ______ power. A. legislative B. executive C. judicial D. veto 9. How many continental states were there at the time of independence of the United States? A. 35. C. 48. B. 13. D. 50. 10. Representatives in the United Sates are elected ______. A. annually B. every two years C. every three years D. every four years 11. The congress of America consists of the Representatives and _____. A. parliament B. the House of Commons C. The House of Lords D. Senate 12. The Constitution of the United States says that only ______ can declare war upon other nations. A. the president B. Congress C. Department of Defence D. the National security council 13. The General Election in the United States is held every ______. Year. A. three B. four C. five D. six 14. The newly elected president takes up on ______. A. January 10th B. January 20th of the next year C. march 10th D. April 20th of the next year 15. There are two major parties in USA, one of which is Democratic Party, and the other is______. A. Green party B. Republican Party C. the Federal party D. Conservative party 英美文学复习试题 1. When appreciating a piece of literature, readers are more likely to read the ______ the meanings that attach to words in order to have a deeper understanding.


Outline of chapters After learning this chapter you should learn to Chapter 1 I. terms: culture, iceberg, culture shock, low context culture/ high context culture, collectivism/ individualism, relationship-oriented/ task-oriented, multicultural person, monocultural person, multilingual person, the characteristics of culture II. Questions: 1. List some cultural differences between the west and east. at least 5. 2. What is cultural stereotype and its influence on cultural learning? 3. What kind of attitude shall we take towards cultural learning and cultural generalizations? Chapter 2 I. Terms: value, individualism, collectivism, individual-oriented society, group-oriented society II. Questions: 1. The core value of the U.S.: individualism, privacy, equality, informality, directness and assertiveness. 2. The core value of Britain: class system, British food, socializing, understatement and so on. 3. Different value in American and British daily life. 4. Cultural reasons of cheating. 5. The child-parent relationship in different culture. 6. The difference of American dream and Chinese dream. Chapter 3: I. Terms: Western-style conversation, Japanese-style conversation, low-context communication, high-context communication II. Questions: 1.Can you use different ballgames to explain western-style conversation and Japanese-style conversation? 2.What are the differences between low-context and high-context communication? 3.How should students organize their expository writing in English? 4.What are the unspoken rules for a language? 5.Can you give a specific example of directness in verbal interaction between Americans? Chapter 4 1.Illustrate the importance of nonverbal communication. 2.Know at least 5 aspects of silent language. 3.Explain the functions of nonverbal cues. 4.Explain Americans’ perception of time and their time concept.


工作汇报/工作计划/学生会工作总结 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-ZJ-060757 英语社团工作活动总结 Summary of English community work activities

英语社团工作活动总结 英语社团工作活动总结范文一 为了丰富同学们的校园文化生活,在学院团总支的领导下,以营造英语氛围,争取让会员说一口流利的英语为宗旨,以告别聋哑英语为目标,以采取多种形式组织会员积极开展活动为主要任务,不断提高广大同学的英语水平,本着“求实、创新”的精神为广大会员服务。我们天英社将会在去年活动的基础上,把今年的工作重点放在能力培养上。今年工作的重点是努力使天英社一切工作开展的更加顺利,充分调动社团干部和干事的积极性和集体荣誉感,结合天英社实际情况,特制定本学年工作计划如下: 一、培养服务意识,全心全意为广大会员服务。 天英社“以会员为本,为会员服务”的指导思想,坚持“求实、创新、开拓、进取”的工作作风。加强协会自身建设,培养优秀的高素质会员,特此我们将举行一次大学生素质拓展训练和干部培训大会。 及时了解和反应会员们的要求和愿望,帮助会员们解决学习中遇到的困难,维护会员们的基本利益,倾听会员们的呼声满足会员们的要求。我们将会举行一次四六级总动员大会。 二、立足现状,开展独具特色的文化活动,提高同学们的英语水平

现状分析:有些同学词汇量大,应试能力高,但是简单的生活用语却成了问题,以致不能自然溶于其中,以致感到英语学习枯燥无趣;有些同学基本功不扎实,单词拼写出错,句子结构出错,应试技巧欠缺,听说读写技能各有不足,未能齐头并进。因此活动特别安排: 1. 提高口语水平,锻炼当众英语的胆量,每两周举办一次英语角活动,让会员们相聚在一起,用英语交流,营造英语氛围,大家互帮互助,共同提高。 2. 邀请有经验的老师或同学开展相应的经验交流活动,向会员们介绍有关英语过级考试的方法和策略,使会员们有的放失,掌握应试技巧,轻松过级。 3. 周五或周六播放原声电影,时间征求大家意见,开学后做一个简单的调查,让会员们领略西方文化,品位欧美风情,挺高听与读的能力。 4. 定期举办天英杯英文歌曲大赛,英文朗诵大赛,增强同学们驾驭英语的能力,提高同学们自身表达能力和英语口语应用能力。 5. 开展ro-play大赛和free-talk等,以灵活形式让英语融入到同学们的生活中去,增强同学们的学习英语的兴趣。 三、大力加强天英社干部队伍建设,不断提高社团干部的综合素质 1. 本学期将在扎实的工作的基础上,更加合理规划各部职能,明确分工。提高办事效率,推动社团活动正常有序的发展。通过制定内部量化管理制度与对外量化管理制度积极鼓励会员和会委形成良好的素质,分工到个人,实行责任制。 2. 通过交流经验和学习研讨会的形式,使社团干部素质得到提高。 3. 深入实际,一切从实际出发,避免干部队伍中的空想与实际,确保活动的开展切实有效。 4. 加强内部团结,积极热烈的参与社团活动讨论,集思广益,使社团活动


UK Unit 1 The COUNTRY 1. Read the following statements carefully and then decide whether they are true or false. Put a “T” if you think the statement is true and an “F” if it is not. United Kingdom and Northern Island is located in northern Europe. ( F )英国和北爱尔兰坐落在北欧。 (注:北爱尔兰是英国的一部分,而英国位于西欧,即Western Europe,是一个岛国) 2.The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions ------ England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. ( F ) 英国包含四个政治分区,分别是英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和爱尔兰。 (注:爱尔兰是西欧的一个国家,此处应为“北爱尔兰”即Norther Island,这才是英国的一个地区。) 3.England is one of the two large islands in the British Isles. ( F ) 英格兰是不列颠群岛上的两个大岛屿之一。 (注:不列颠群岛包括大不列颠岛、爱尔兰岛、马恩岛及附近的5 500多个小岛; 英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,有大不列颠岛上的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和爱尔兰岛上的北爱尔兰组成。大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛才是不列颠群岛上的两个大岛屿,英格兰是大不列颠岛上的岛屿之一。) 4.The British Isles are made up of three large islands and hundreds of small ones. ( F )不列颠群岛由三个大岛屿和许多小岛屿组成。 (注:由两个大岛屿和其他小岛组成,大岛屿为大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛) 5.Wales lies on the east coast of the island of Great Britain. ( F ) 威尔士坐落在大不列颠岛的东海岸。


; UK Unit 1 The COUNTRY 1. Read the following statements carefully and then decide whether they are true or false. Put a “T” if you think the statement is true and an “F” if it is not. United Kingdom and Northern Island is located in northern Europe. ( F )英国和北爱尔兰坐落在北欧。 (注:北爱尔兰是英国的一部分,而英国位于西欧,即Western Europe,是一个岛国) 2.The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions ------ England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. ( F ) 英国包含四个政治分区,分别是英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和爱尔兰。 (注:爱尔兰是西欧的一个国家,此处应为“北爱尔兰”即Norther Island,这才是英国的一个地区。) 3.《 4.England is one of the two large islands in the British Isles. ( F ) 英格兰是不列颠群岛上的两个大岛屿之一。 (注:不列颠群岛包括大不列颠岛、爱尔兰岛、马恩岛及附近的5 500多个小岛; 英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,有大不列颠岛上的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和爱尔兰岛上的北爱尔兰组成。大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛才是不列颠群岛上的两个大岛屿,英格兰是大不列颠岛上的岛屿之一。) 5.The British Isles are made up of three large islands and hundreds of small ones. ( F )不列颠群岛由三个大岛屿和许多小岛屿组成。 (注:由两个大岛屿和其他小岛组成,大岛屿为大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛)


试题范围 一.填空题 1. The river Thames is in __C___. A Wales B Scotland C England D Northern Ireland 2. The Industrial Revolution started in ___A__. A the Great Britain B the United States C Canada D Australia 3. Big Ben was named after __B___. A Christopher Wren B Benjamin Hall C Ben John D G. Stephenson 4. The most popular sport in America is __A___. A. baseball B. basketball C. football 5. Most British couples go to __A__ to have their wedding ceremony. A. church B. concert C. registry office 6. The British people usually have a small quantity of __A___ as a first course. A. soup B. sweet C. vegetable 7. What the Englishmen usually talk about in their daily life is _D__. A. price B. tax C. weather D. Sports 8. The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on __A__. A. horse racing B. Bingo C. football pools D. dog racing 9. ___A__ is basically a home and family festival. A. Christmas B. Boxing Day C. Easter Monday 10. The British people traditionally like to live in __B___. A. high buildings B. small houses C. big houses occupies the __C___ portion of the . A. northern B. eastern C. southern 12. The most important part of the . in wealth is __B___. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland second largest port in Britain is __C__. A. London B. Belfast C. Liverpool


英语教育实习调查报告 英语教育实习调查报告 组成教学系统的基本要素是学生、教师与课程、客观世界(英语语言)。怎么把三者有机结合起来,收到最佳效果,是我实习期间向来考虑的咨询题。经过校外实地教学,我意识到,能否调动学生学习英语的主动性和积极性,是教学成败的关键。因此,实习期间我就怎么调动学生主动性、积极性这一咨询题展开了调查。 调查对象是我任课的天津普育学校的学生,调查以咨询卷形式进行,共收回有效答卷310份。调查的题目共六个: (1)对英语课的兴趣; (2)英语课上的主动性积极性的重要性; (3)英语教学的交际特点; (4)师生关系对英语教学的妨碍; (5)在课堂教学中师生的角色与作用; (6)你心目中的英语教师。统计分析如下: 一、学习兴趣对发挥主动性、积极性的妨碍事情 类型: 百分比% 喜欢90 29 普通150 49 别喜欢70 22 总310 100 从上表能够看出,喜欢上英语课的和别喜欢的比例基本持平,中间部分比例较大,呈两极分化态势。说明学生对待英语课的态度观点鲜亮,它直接妨碍到课堂教学效果。 学生们喜欢英语课的原因要紧有:认为英语课很重要,是新世纪的需要;当前就业的通行证;喜欢接触新事物。 别喜欢英语课的原因,按教师和学生自身因素从两方面分析:(一)老师因素:现今教学传授知识的手段是“灌"。并没有带动学生去感觉英语,教会其学习办法。教学步骤公式化,课堂上说得多,让学生参与的少,致使学生被动同意,思维别活跃。 (二)学生自身因素:本身英语基础不行。学得越多,越听疑惑、记别住,丧失信心,从而对老师及其所教内容产生恐怖厌烦心理。 二、学生对课堂上老师调动其主动性、积极性,重要性的认识 从调查结果显示,百分之九十以上的学生可以认识到课堂上主动性积极性的调动与发挥是极其重要的。因为学习是自已的事,不管教师说得多么好,别调动学生学习的积极性,是不管怎么也学不行的。学生是学习的主人,惟独充分发挥学生的主观能动作用,学生才会乐意攻读,积极思维,主动进取。 三、学生怎么看待交际能力这一英语教学要紧用途 调查咨询卷的统计结果表明,百分之八十以上的学生认为培养英语交际能力是学习的最要紧目的。因为语言是交际的工具,学习语言是为了互相沟通、了解,算是为了交际。 四、学生对师生关系妨碍教学的意见 这一调查数字是出乎意料又是合乎情理的。几乎百分之百的学生特别看重师生关系,认为它的好坏对教学效果有直接妨碍。这一结果与平时看似冷淡的师生共处场面截然相反。由此可见教与学并别只在课堂短短的四十分钟和别大的教室内发生作用,它远远超出了这一范围,涉及课下的方方面面诸多因素,教师的人格魅力也起着举脚轻重的作用。学生们为搞好师生关系提了很多有效的建议。摘录如下: 以诚相待,对学生像朋友,别摆架子,有时开开玩笑,给学生们以亲切感;利用课间、


《英美概况》 1. The colonial life can be described as the following except ___b__. A. simple B. easy C. rough D. Hard 2. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at __a___. A. Yorktown B. Boston C. Charleston 3. The first ten amendments, known as ___a__, were added to the Constitution in 1791. A. the Bill of Rights B. the Articles C. Civil Rights 4. The pamphlet “Common Sense” was written by __b___. A. Thomas Edison B. Thomas Paine C. Thomas Jefferson 5. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly ___b__ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost. A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 1/3 6. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of ___b__. A. Wangxia B. Nanjing C. Tianjin 7. The __a___ stopped the Holy Alliance’s program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence. A. Monroe Doctrine B. Sedition Act C. Holy Alliance 8. __b___ was the first president who developed the power of vote into one of the means of making laws. A. John Adams B. Andrew Jackson C. Andrew Johnson 9. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the __b___, which declared the abolition of slavery. A. Homestead Bill B. Emancipation Proclamation C. Both A and B 10. The Battle of __b___ was the turning point of the American Civil War. A. Bull Run B. Gettysburg C. Richmond 11. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh ___c__ persecution of the progressive people. A. religious B. spiritual C. Political 12. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the __a___. A. blacks B. Indians C. progressive people 13. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called “__a___”, invading China by means of both force and culture. A. Open Door Policy B. Big Stick C. Douglas Bill 14. The assassination of a (n) __c___ prince, Arch Duke Fedinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI. A. Australia B. Belgium C. Austria 15. In April 1945 a conference was held at __a___ to organize the United Nations. A. San Francisco B. New York C. Philadelphia 16. The two fighting sides in WWII were ___a__. A. the Allies and the Axis (powers) B. the Axis and Holy Alliance C. the Central Powers and the Allies 17. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called __c___ to save the economic situation.


附:英语节各项赛事安排: 一、“托业杯”英语词汇大赛 英语词汇大赛作为英语节的特色项目之一,已经连续举办了四届。这是一个展现自己海量词汇的舞台,这是一个秀出自我风采的新天地。新人新气象,词汇大赛也进行更有趣的设计,在比赛中,同学们不仅是选择正确的答案,还会让其表达和表演能力得到体现。在参赛过程中同学们能够扩展词汇,能结交更多的朋友,寓学于乐,欢迎观大同学积极参加。 1. 比赛形式 本次比赛形式为笔试,题型为选择题,全校统一命题。 2. 评比方法 大赛将采用分专业分年级评奖的方式: (1)英语专业、商务英语专业各年级分别设置一、二、三等奖和优胜奖。 (2)其他专业将分别设置一、二、三等奖和优胜奖。 3. 参赛方式: (1)英语专业、商务英语专业所有学生必须全部统一参赛; (2)非英语专业同学在11月2日之前将相关信息以电子邮件的方

式发到邮箱503713726@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9f17090727.html,,并注明姓名、学号、专业、年级、班级、联系方式。 也可以采取现场报名的方式,在报名时间内在五谷堂和三味堂外都会设有报名点。(请参赛同学赛前注意查阅学校网站、外语学院网站或校园海报通知) (3)报名时间:10月26日——11月1日 4. 比赛时间及地点: 11月4日(周五)晚上6:30-7:30 经世楼E、F、G座教室 二、“BEC杯”商务英语写作大赛 为增强我校同学商务英语能力,特此举行“BEC杯”商务英语写作大赛,以响应学校号召,积极配合英语节的开展,同时也为了丰富同学们的英语学习,提高英语水平,为更多的英文写作爱好者提供一个展示自己、交流经验的平台。 1、参赛要求 (1)参赛对象:西南财经大学全体在校本科生 (2)参赛资格:按照作文要求撰写BEC英语作文的西南财经大学 本科生均有资格报名参加。


.英美概况及文学Choose the best answer for each of the question below. 1.Which of the following kings was responsible for the complete establishment of the feudal system in England? A. Edward I B. Henry II C. Alfred the Great D. William the Conqueror D 2. The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ___D___. A. Britain and France B. the Parliament and the Crown C. the working people and the aristocrats D. two branches of the Plantagenet family 3. Who was the man that led Britain in the crisis of the Second World War? A. George VI B. Theodore Roosevelt C. Neville Chamberlain D. Sir Winston Churchill D 4. ______, the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century. A. Basketball B. Tennis C. Football D. Baseball C 5. The largest racial and ethnic minority in the U.S. is the ______, which accounts over 12.1% of the population. A. blacks B. Asians C. Indians D. Hispanics A 6. It is generally agreed that U.S. higher education began with the______. A. Civil War B. Independence War C. founding of Harvard College D. founding of Princeton University C 7. In his Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway ___A___. A. expresses the idea of facing defeat courageously B. shows the basic goodness and wisdom of ordinary people C. praises the ideas of equality and democracy and the joy of common people D. describes the sharp contrast of wealth and poverty in Chicago and New York 8. The most important patriotic holiday in the U.S. is ____D__. A. Halloween B. Veterans’ Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. Independence Day 9. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?---You think wrong!---I have as much soul as you---and full as much heart!---” This part of quotation comes from ______C____. A. G. B. Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s Profession B. John Galsworthy’s The Man of Property C. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre D. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice 10. The Restoration of the House of Stuart happened in the year 1660. The monarch who restored was __b____. A. Charles I B. Charles II C. James I D. James II 11. On their acceptance of __c____, William and Mary were crowned jointly in Westminster Abbey. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began. A. the Test Act B. Magana Carta C. the Bill of Rights D. the Petition of Right 12. The English Renaissance was largely literary, and its finest representative dramatists were the following except___b___. A. Ben Jonson B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. William Shakespeare D. Christopher Marlowe

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