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Writing a Critique

Writing a Critique
Writing a Critique

Writing a Critique

By Alexander Green

One reads book, movie, music, and product reviews to know whether something is worth reading, seeing, listening to, or buying, respectively. As a scholar, one reads reviews to learn whether research is reliable or arguments are valid. Reviews also summarize the books and articles that one has no time to read (a condition that only gets worse after college).

Especially in academics, reviews of other people’s work generally use the following format: Introduction

Like any good introduction, this section should introduce the general subject, and explain the significance of the issue at hand. In other words, let the reader know what this work is about, and why it is worth reading. Next, introduce the book or article under review (and the author), and give a brief summary of what the book is about (usually the author’s thesis).


Summarize the author’s main arguments, and the arguments that you wish to address in the review. It is critical that one make a fair characterization of what the author actually wrote. A summary that distorts the author’s arguments will make the criticisms seem more powerful. However this is intellectually dishonest, and will reflect very poorly on the critic if anyone notices the distortion. Whether in writing or speaking, conscientious scholars struggle to understand an argument fully and characterize it accurately before making public criticism.


Always begin with something positive to say about the work under review, no matter how poorly written it is. Only then, criticize the weaknesses in the author’s arguments or methodology. Always treat the author with respect, even if destroying his argument. Most scholars can handle professional criticism, but few will tolerate unnecessary personal insults or disrespect. Avoid making enemies, if possible. Analysis

Particularly if one has argued that there are weaknesses in the work under review, he should then give his own analysis of the topic at hand. Since the main point of the revi ew is to review someone else’s work, this section should be shorter than the others.


As with any good conclusion, this section should answer the question, “so what?” Why does it matter whether the author was right or wrong on this particular point? The answer will likely go beyond the scope of the work, to show the general application of the principles at stake. Depending on the length of the review, there may be a separate summary and critique (sometimes even an analysis) for each point addressed.

Critique Homework Assignment

For next week, please write a one-paragraph review of the article you chose and read last week.

Articles :

“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

“Teaching Kids to Kill” by Dave Grossman

“The Obesity Myth”, by Paul Campos

“War on Drugs: The Collateral Damage”, by Radley Balko

Pick a single issue in the article that you find problematic and critique it. The paragraph should be exactly 6 sentences long, in the following format:

Introduce the subject in general. Introduce the article, the author, and briefly explain the main idea of the article. Summarize the author’s argument on the specific point you wish to criticize. Point out the error in his reasoning, methodology, or some other reason why he is wrong. Give your own analysis of how this issue should be interpreted correctly. Conclude with an explanation why this point matters.

Sample paragraph:

A great deal of misunderstanding and apprehension about video games is common among nongamers, especially those of the older generation. In “Are Video Games Evil?” Chris Suellentrop argues persuasively that video games are not “brain-destroying candy,” but actually enhance learning. He concludes that games stifle innovation, because winning requi res that gamers “accept the system and work to succeed within it.” Suellentrop overlooks the high degree of “moddability” in current computer games, which allows players to alter or redesign nearly everything. By modding, players engage in the same creativ e process as developers, creating “new rules, new systems, new patterns.” Particularly if modding spreads to consoles, future games will likely encourage rather than stifle true innovation and creativity.

You must write something positive about the author’s argument. This positive note can be in the sentence that summarizes the article, the sentence that summarizes the specific point, or at the beginning of the sentence that critiques the argument.

To do this assignment well, you must understand fully understand the author’s argument. Keep your critique narrow in scope. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to demonstrate convincingly that the author’s entire argument is wrong in a single sentence.If you critique the author’s conclusion, then you must accept his thesis as a premise. To argue that the conclusion is wrong because the thesis is wrong is no different from critiquing the thesis. If the thesis is wrong, then the conclusion is irrelevant, so it is not worth mentioning.

For this assignment, there is a 25-word limit per sentence


教师,我无悔的选择 各位领导,各位老师: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:《教师,我无悔的选择》。 有一首诗里这么写道:我是一个老师,我把手中的红烛高高举起,只要我的鸽群能翱翔蓝天,只要我的雏鹰能鹏程万里,只要我的信念能坚如磐石,只要我的理想能永远年轻,我情愿燃烧我的每一寸躯体,让我的青春乃至整个的生命,在跳动的烛火中升华,在血液的鲜红中奔腾…… 我无悔的选择来自对理想的追求。我来自一个教师家庭,我的父母都是教师,在他们的熏陶下,我打小便确立了自己的理想——做一名光荣的人民教师!七年前,怀揣着美丽的梦想,我走上了教师岗位。刚参加工作的时候,我满腔热情地投入到教学当中,融入到学生当中,恨不得一下子把全部的知识都交给学生。清晨,当黎明的曙光洒进教室,我在三尺讲台旁聆听孩子们琅琅的读书声,那是天底下最动听的乐章,我仿佛在享受人间最美的旋律;黄昏,踏着最后一抹夕阳,我目送他们离校的背影;夜晚灯光下,看着孩子们那稚嫩的笔迹,在我严格的要求下逐渐成长,我深深感到:这就是我人生最高的追求,最大的安慰! 我无悔的选择来自对师爱的坚守。工作的道路并非一帆风顺,美丽的梦想也会偶尔搁浅,当我看到学生对再三讲过的知识还不明白、对再三纠正过的错误一犯再犯时,我着急了;当我看到一些学生淘气、调皮、不求上进、学习成绩一落千丈、自暴自弃的学生使人头疼万分,不知所措时,我连放弃的念头都有了。慢慢地,我发现,我的父母,还有身边的老教师,他们总能不急不躁地面对一切,用老师的温和引发出学生最善良的心,用表扬和鼓励培养班级积极向上的精神。他们的言行感动了我。望着他们呕心沥血几十年依旧孜孜不倦,看着他们青丝变白发依旧兢兢业业,我深刻地理解人们为什么总是这样描写教师:“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”,“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”。于是,我下定决心:绝不放弃!每一颗草都有泛绿的时候,每一朵花都有盛开的理由,用爱去呵护他们,宽容他们,鼓励他们,为他们的每一次小小的进步而高兴。孩子是天使,我们就是为天使装点翅膀的人!至诚的师爱又唤回了我工作的激情,重新点燃了我美丽的梦想。


个人工作业绩报告范文6篇 个人工作业绩报告范文 个人工作业绩报告范文篇一本人自上班以来,一直注重自己的业务知识和操作技能学习,从一个普普通通的运行值班人员逐渐成长为运行值长。水轮发电机组值班运行是集脑力与体力的综合性技术工作。水轮发电机组安全可靠稳定运行,效率最高,发电量最多,耗水量最少,事故发生时保证损失最少是水轮发电机组值班的技术核心。因此,水轮发电机组值班技术是保证水电厂乃至电力系统安全、可靠、经济运行水平的根本保证。根据对水轮发电机组值班的严格技术要求,我在业务技术上刻苦学习,努力追求新知识、新技术,并取得可喜硕果,多次获厂内理论知识和操作技术能手,1998年在公司组织 的技能操作比赛中和同事一起获得一等奖,20xx年在竞争正值班理 论考试和实际操作考试中以高于第二名36分的成绩取得第一。20xx 年在竞争运行值长的岗位上脱颖而出。xxxx年又在公司举办的安全 知识竞赛和安全征文活动中双双荣获一等奖。 由于不断的学习和进取,自己的水轮发电机值班技术日趋成熟和完善,能针对机组运行中的问题进行判断,分析和处理,提出较好的技术改造和合理化建议。比如针对大机组的直流系统可能出现的运行不可靠,建议从小机组直流系统放一备用电缆至大机直流系统,这样既保证了大机直流系统在异常状况下的运行的可靠性,又使得小机组的直流备用容量得到充分利用。

作为水轮发电机组值班员在工艺革新的主要任务就是操作的准 确性与少走弯路,省时省工并保证操作的有效性,并在群体性的作业中充分发挥每一个人的才能和在实际工作中修订、完善工作流程,使其规范和准确标准化。在技术工艺革新中我通过自己多年的操作经验结合操作规程在班内作了如下工作:提高运行人员操作要素;保证巡回检查质量;消除生产薄弱环节与人为事故;阐述运行人员怎样防止 误操作;更多的发挥班组“内聚力”提高工作效率。 在技术管理工作中,每年自己都制定出班组技术培训年计划、月计划,主持班组的技术考问讲解,设备异常分析,提出事故预想,组织反事故演习。在生产中注意将图纸资料编号分类有序收集,将设备缺陷、设备异常状况、事故及故障原因、检修作业情况、定值修改、调度命令及调度运行方案、设备运行方式,设备更改等技术工作逐一归档管理,并参与本厂20xx年本厂运行操作规程的修订工作;帮忙拟定过大型事故演习方案,协助修改班组各类操作票,主持班组的安全工作并连续实现5年生产无事故的优秀生产工作成绩,并多次获得奖励。在技术管理工作中,自己对水电站的整个生产流程的技术管理流程有较强的了解和管理能力,能针对水电站的各个生产技术环节提出自己的看法和技术要领,能提出本班组生产计划、班组规划,生产重点、组织措施及技术措施,能抓住生产季节不同的技术要领,具有较强的班组管理综合能力。 在培训工作中,自己注意抓好值上的技术问答、反事故演习、事故预想、异常分析。并共带过3个徒弟,并在集团公司组织的“师带


American Dream: American dream means the belief that everyone can succeed as long as he/she works hard enough. It usually implies a successful and satisfying life. It usually framed in terms of American capitalism(资本主义), its associated purported meritocracy,(知识界精华)and the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Bill of Rights. American Puritanism清教主义: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a division of the protestant church who wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They accepted the doctrines of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. American literature in the 17th century mostly consisted of Puritan literature. Puritanism had an enduring influence on American literature. It had become, to some extent, so much a state of mind, so much a part of national cultural atmosphere, rather than a set of tenets. Transcendentalism 超验主义: Transcendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. Transcendentalists spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. It placed emphasis on spirit, or the Over soul, as the most important thing in the world. It stressed the importance of individual and offered a fresh perception nature ad symbolic of the spirit of God. Prominent transcendentalists included Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thorough. American Naturalism自然主义: American naturalism was a new and harsher realism. The naturalists attempt to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were determined by environment and heredity. It emphasized that the world was amoral, the men and women had no free will, that lives were controlled by heredity and environment, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death. The pessimism and deterministic ideas naturalism pervaded the works of such American writers as Stephen Crane and Theodore Dreiser. American Naturalism(美国自然主义文学):The American naturalists accepted the more negative interpretation of Darwin’s evolutionary theory and used it to account for t he behavior of those characters in literary works who were regarded as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.2) naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. It is no more than a gloomy philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.3>Dreiser is a leading figure of his school. The Gilded Age镀金时代:the Gilded Age refers to the era of rapid economic and population growth in the United States during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction eras of the late 19th century. The term "Gilded Age" was coined by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner in their 1873 book, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today.The Gilded Age is most famous for the creation of a modern industrial economy. The end of the Gilded Age coincided with the Panic of 1893, a deep depression. The depression lasted until 1897 and marked a major political realignment in the election of 1896. After that came the Progressive Era. The Lost Generation: The Lost Generation is a group of expatriate American writers residing primarily in Paris during the 1920s and 1930s. The group was given its name by the American writer Gertrude Stein, who used “a lost generation” to refer to expatriate Americans bitter about their World War I experiences and disillusioned with American


小学教师演讲稿--无悔的选择无尽的追 求 我曾听过这样的感叹,我生不逢时,没赶上英雄时代,要不我也会扬名天下!我也听过类似的抱怨,我时运不佳,没摊上个好岗位,否则咱也不想当孩子王。但我却要说,选择教师,我今生无悔,也是我毕生的追求。 96年的盛夏,带着对明天的憧憬,走上了三尽讲台,实现了我的梦想。虽是偏远,落后的杨溪村小,我却异常满足。一天到晚和孩子们打交道,我觉得很有意思,很有乐趣。天真活泼,心地善良的孩子们,在我的教育下,一天比一天懂事,一天比一天成熟。我看到了教育的力量,也深深地爱上了自己的事业。 爱岗敬业,诲人不倦,是对每位教育工作者最基本的要求,初涉教坛时,我深知在学校所学的知识远远不够。提高自身业务素质,异常重要。于是我的书桌上就多了些教育专著,教育教学杂志,读读、摘摘,博采他山石,琢为自家玉。平时,常向有经验的老师请教,听课,听讲座,学写论文,取他人之长,补已之短。 爱学生是教师的天职,没有爱就没有教育。我把爱镶在举手投足间,嵌在我的一颦一笑中,让学生时刻感受到了信任与鼓舞。我总是把学生看成自己的弟妹,不失时机地为贫

困的学生送一句安慰,为自卑的孩子送一份自信,为偏激的学生送一份冷静,让学生时刻生活在温暖中。 寒来暑往,风雨八年,我不曾为我的早出晚归而后悔,也不曾为我的挑灯夜战而遗憾。因为在我的学生身上,我看到了我的付出所开的花,所结的果。我从教虽短短八年,但在这八年里,凭着对事业的真诚迷恋,对学生的无比热爱,所教的每届学生都在进步,都在成才。我想,这与我的不懈追求是分不开的。 “衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”,在事业默默的耕耘中,我体验到了人生最大的幸福,每个教师节一封封热情洋溢的信,一张张饱含谢意的精致卡片,雪片似的从四面八方飞到我的身边。我的心里总是缀满了骄傲与自豪。我在心底里默默发誓,不为别的就为这些天真无邪的学生,我也要把工作干好,不求轰轰烈烈,但求踏踏实实;不求涓滴相报,但求今生无悔。 扩展阅读:怎样做一个受人敬仰的优秀教师 一、要有强烈的责任感。 衡量一个教师是否合格,最重要的一点就是看其有没有强烈的社会责任感。因为教育工作的根本意义在于通过培养合格的社会公民去优化和推动社会的发展。如果一个教师不


工作业绩怎么写 关于简历中的工作业绩怎么写? 一份好的简历,工作经历是核心。HR在查看简历时,最感兴趣的就是工作经历部分。因此,在填写简历时,一定要在描述工作经历上多花些功夫,要尽量详细地描述我们的工作内容和职责。例如:"负责华东地区的市场拓展工作:完成销售任务,贯彻执行公司的销售策略;因地制宜,制定和实施区域性的市场发展计划;发展和管理经销商,并与其保持良好合作关系;协助经销商建立运作架构,指导和管理其销售队伍。" 另外,不要仅使用空洞的描述,应更多的使用具体的实例或者数字等来展示我们的工作业绩。如: "改组了整个服务部门,提高了工作效率。" "提出新的流程,在减少工作压力的同时,提高了员工的生产能力。成功的向潜在的购买者解释并演示了技术产品和相关科技。" "将原来无利润的存货以10万美金的价格成交。" "开发了销售和市场项目,使购物中心的利润提高了33个百分点。在行政法规听证会上,作为法律代表为客户公司进行辩护,胜诉率达80%以上。" "通过对公司产品和公司形象的重新定位,使Medisoft的股票价格在9个月内翻了5翻。" "为××出版社管理23家生产厂家的代表公司的国际和国内销售力量。" "使邮政业务量提高9个百分点,从84%提高到历史最高纪录93%,而标准工作量则为74%。" "负责华东地区的23家商店的销售和损益。" "创作了两个有关国际旅行社的作品,揭开了国际旅行的艰辛,强调了自助旅行的益处。" 下面列出几个在工作经历方面的成功和不成功的案例并加以点评,以供参考。 【例1】 2003.06-至今:××公司 | 技术总监 | 上海 ——创立并扩充公司的开发部门。在一年多时间里,将部门从两位工程师为一个客户工作发展到有30位工程师为三个不同的客户工作。公司的年营业额增长了200%。(点评:善于用数字和对比证明自己的出色业绩。) ——在3年内成功地管理了8个项目并与3个不同的客户合作。所有的项目都按客户的要求按时高质地完成,使公司的业务得到了迅速的发展。 ——成功地为公司的软件开发建立了一整套质量保证体系并在实际中加以完善,使其逐渐符合ISO9001及CMM体系的要求。 ——成功管理并参与信令测试仪的GSM二代增强型协议、GPRS协议的开发,以及acceSS7系统的七号信令系统的开发。 ——管理、参与并按时高质地为客户开发了CDMA(IS—95A、IS—95B及cdma2000)系统建模及仿真软件。 (点评:强调自己主持或参与成功实施哪些重点项目。) 【例2】 2001.1-至今:某软件公司 | 行政人事部部长 | 北京 ——制定公司的管理制度和业务流程,协调各个部门之间的关系,创造了一种更具凝聚力的团队氛围;(点评:强调工作业绩。) ——制定人力资源战略,建立人才梯队,合理配备使用开发人力资源,有效控制人力资源的成本;(点评:强调工作业绩,如能再具体些,就更好。)

Cat in the Rain- Critique and Summary

Cat in the Rain – Critique/Summary Summary: The story “Cat in the Rain” written by Ernest Hemingway is about a couple that stay in Italy. The woman in the story sees a cat abandoned outside in the rain under a table and wants to get him and bring him into her hotel room. When she finally convinces her husband to let her go out and get him, it is gone. She returns to the room with out a cat and her husband is still propped up on a pillow reading his book. He insists she lay down and read a book, when she starts talking about how much she wants a cat, how she wants it to be sitting in her lap as she brushes her hair. A short while later one of the hotel workers who helped her try to find the cat the first time had discovered his presence and bought him to her. Critique: The story “Cat in the Rain” talks about a cat stuck outside in the rain, but I don’t think that this is what Hemingway meant when he wrote this story. I like how Hemingway started the story off with describing the setting, where the two Americans were and how they were the only ones stopping in to this particular hotel. It gives the reader something to picture right off the bat. I think that Hemingway could have described the characters in more detail to get a better understanding of them. Also I think the in-depth description of the hotel wasn’t necessary I would of liked to see the description put in to the characters more. I really liked the way Hemingway’s character the American Woman acted because it felt very real to something in real life. The way Hemingway portrayed the woman at first was more along the lines of a nagging wife, but when she goes to the window to see the cat her persona changes, I liked this because it made me get into her head and see how she was feeling Hemingway started in a unique way because I very rarely see a story start like this, and he pulled it off very well. The description of the location and setting pulled me right into the story, I liked this because it kept me interested and wanting to keep reading. I think the title that was given to the wife as the “American Wife” lacks individuality and has no special meaning, signifying that she is just a mere American Woman and nothing else. I think that the title Hemingway chose was to portray that the wife felt that she was condoned to George her husband and that he never really paid much attention to her. This lack of attention makes her feel that she does not have much freedom to express herself and keeps much of her feelings inside. She definitely feels the restraint that George has put on her, and in order to please him, she attempts to make herself compact just like the cat.


财务工作业绩总结范文 一个企业的兴衰与财务工作息息相关,财务工作是企业管理的基础,是企业内部管理的中枢,财务管理工作处理着同各个方面的经济关系,今天管理资源吧小编给大家找来了财务工作业绩总结,供大家参考和阅读。 财务工作业绩总结范文1xx年在全行员工忙碌紧张的工作中又临近岁尾。年终是最繁忙的时候,同时也是我们心里最塌实的时候。因为回首这一年的工作,我们会计出纳部的每一名员工都有自已的收获,都没有碌碌无为、荒度时间。尽管职位分工不同,但大家都在尽最大努力为行里的发展做出贡献。现将全年的工作情况向全行职工作以汇报: 一、重视业务核算质量,贯彻市行各项制度 今年是我们商业银行具有转折意义的一年,经过六年的打拼和积累,我行的羽翼已经逐渐丰满,准备更名挂牌,开始新的征程。然而,如果要使我们景星支行真正走在全行的前列,我们首先要做的是提高我们的业务能力。我行会计出纳部经常组织员工进行理论学习、岗位练兵。对市行传达的每一个文件、通知都认真贯彻。让员工树立主人翁精神,在工作中不推、不等、不靠,积极主动的完成自己的本职工作。我部一直坚持向时间要效益、向工作

要质量。在核算上无重大差错事故。 二、加强日常工作管理,做好安全防范工作 我部的内部制度是比较健全的,各项工作都有明确分工,员工并事假都严格按照规定及时请假。 在安全防范方面,对柜员日常工作所用的各种公章、名章都严格做到每日下库保管;对重要凭证的领用,都有专人负责;明确柜员的权限,不得擅自授权;对于市行要求上报的反洗钱可疑业务及时上报;随时提高警惕,杜绝诈骗。总之,我们要将一切防忠于未然,不做亡羊补牢的无用功,力求使全行的工作在稳健中谋发展。 三、培训员工操作能力,顺利通过柜员考试 今年是对全行职工个人业务考核要求最严格的一年,综合柜员上岗考试,直接关系到了每个员工的切身利益。行里不想让任何一个职工掉队,我会计出纳部,为了使每个员工顺利的通过考试,带领员工们利用工作之外一切所能利用的时间,积极准备考试。其间,我们组织了员工点钞,打字的基本技能考试。组织员工去培训中心进行业务上机打操作的练习。 有些员工工作、家庭的各方面负担都很重,考试给其带来了很大的心理压力,思想包袱很重。为帮助这样的同志,我部各个员工在考试期间,经常互相交流思想,一起钻研考试的命题,接受能力快的同志,耐心的给其他同


竞选校长演讲稿:无悔的选择尊敬的各位专家、各位评委: 大家好! 我来自中国枇杷之乡__xx县xx镇,我抽到的演讲题目是《无悔的选择》,下面是我简短的演讲: 茫茫宇宙,每颗星都有自己的位置;芸芸众生,每个人都有自己的追求。教师,太阳底下最光辉的职业,这就是我无悔的选择! 小时候,家里穷,寒冬腊月仍光着脚丫,一天,我小学班主任王淑君老师把我领到她的寝室,拿出一双布鞋送给我说:“穿上它,好好读书!你会有出息的!”顿时一股暖流流遍了全身。从此,我暗下誓言:长大了,我也要像王老师一样做一位好老师。这誓言真成了我今后的精神支柱。初中毕业那年,我义无反顾地在志愿栏填了“四川省井研师范学校”,我如愿以偿了。[] 书生意气,风华正茂的师范求学时期,我喜欢读一些与教育有关的课外书籍。读《武训传》我伤心掉泪;谈孔子我肃然起敬;说陶行知我感慨万千;评中外教育史,我豪情万丈。我深深懂得:民族的希望在少年,少年智则国智,少年强则国强。而培养少年之责任,全在我们教师!教师是支撑

民族的擎天柱! 师范毕业,我被分配到一所山村小学,面对破破烂烂的校舍,一双双渴求知识的农家子弟的眼睛,我的心都碎了。孤灯作伴,淡饭粗茶,而心中的理想之火却在熊熊燃烧。我认真钻研大纲、教材、探索教法、学法;我走村串户搞家访,挤出微薄的工资,资助贫困学生。几番风雨,风度春秋,苦心人,天不负,我教的学生在毕业会考中荣获全区前茅,我调任区少年委员,在送别的那天,我的学生浸着眼泪拉着我的手久久不松开,朴实的村民聚集在校门口给我挥手致意。此时此刻我真切地感受到了幸福的滋味。区少年委员,在老百姓心中是个“官”,的确工作环境和对自己今后的发展比做一个山村教师强百倍,但我仅仅只做了一年,坚决要求下去仍做教师,当时,真有人不理解,觉得我是不是神经出了点问题,但我自己知道,我清醒得很,我是放不下我的学生呀!领导经过一段时间的考虑终于同意了我的要求,我又回到别了一年的课堂。我回到课堂犹如把鱼放回到了大海。 从教近18年,我教过小学语文、数学,也教过地理、历史、社会、音乐;当过班主任、少先队辅导员、教研组长、教导主任、校长,无论在学校什么岗位,我都觉得很适合我,无论自己有多么不快,心中有多大的委屈,只要一站上讲台,面对一张张纯真的笑脸,心里就充满了幸福与自豪。为了教


工作业绩报告范文3篇 工作业绩报告范文篇一:我叫XXX,20xx年就职于市安全纠察XXX院安全监察检查队,任主任科员,主要承担队内安全监察、大型安全活动组织和安全系统开发等工作任务。近三年来,我认真履责,踏实敬业,较好地完成了本职工作和领导交办的工作,得到了领导和同事们的认可。三年中,先后两次被评为XXX院优秀共产党员,一次被评为优秀公务员并立三等功。 一、注重学习,不断提高自身综合素质 三年来,我严格按照XXX院机关学习培训要求,认真参加各项学习培训活动,不断充实武装自己的大脑;连续三年参加了网上在线学习,完成基本学时要求。同时,我还不断加强自学,在党的理论、国家方针政策、法律法规和业务知识方面不断充实自己,以适应安全生产安全监察工作的综合性和专业性的需要,更好的服务于日常业务工作。 二、严格开展安全监察,消除安全隐患 三年来,我参加了市XXX院安全检查队组织的各项大型安全任务,监察生产经营单位数百家,发现并处理安全隐患逾千项,实施行政处罚近20起,行政处罚额逾15万元。在安全检查中,我坚持依法行政,依法依规开展隐患排查,既消除了大量安全隐患,又得到被查企业和当事人的信服。在安全检查队工作期间,未发生错案或因本人安全工作引起诉讼和复议情况。

三、组织实施大型安全生产安全保障任务 20xx年,我参与组织了天阳奥运安全生产保障工作,得到领导认可。20xx年,我又参与组织了新中国成立60周年安全生产保障工作,直接参与了天安门广场临建设施搭建、游园保障和新中国60年成就展等多项保障任务,为各项活动的安全顺利进行做出了贡献。同时,20xx年-20xx年,安全检查队实施年度安全计划。我每年平均牵头组织4-6项安全任务的落实工作,涉及危险化学品、非煤矿山、建设施工、交通运输、人员密集场所、工业企业、烟花爆竹等多个行业领域,并保障各项计划任务得到有效有力的落实。 四、不断探索,创新工作机制 为适应天阳市特大城市的安全需求,按照领导安排,我牵头组织制定了《天阳市楼宇内生产经营单位安全生产规范》。期间,与市住房和城乡建设委、市消防XXX院等部门进行了多次沟通,最终以规范性文件形式下发全市,促进了全市综合楼宇安全生产管理工作。在多年的工作中,还配合队领导,创设集中安全、联合安全、交叉安全和专项安全等多种安全模式,成为市XXX院乃至全市安监系统安全检查工作的样板模式,为安全检查工作的开展起到了一定的探索作用。 五、牵头开展安全信息系统的开发建设工作 根据领导安排,20xx年我承担了全市安全生产安全信息系统的开发建设工作。面对全新的工作任务,我与有关设计单位、服务支持单位反复协调沟通,同时对有关部门、区县


The Old English Also known as Anglo-Saxon English, mainly used during the period of Anglo-Saxon Conquest. Foundation of English language and literature(Foundation of England in 5th century - the Norman invasion in 1066) The Middle English Used to describe the language from the Norman Conquest(1066) to about 1500, a period during which London English gradually became the dominant dialect. The larger proportion of Middle English literature is religious. The church had a virtual monopoly(事实上的垄断) on literacy during much of the Middle Ages. Christianity teaching was primarily concerned with the issue of personal salvation. Epic A long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centred in a heroic or quasi-divine figure whose actions depend on the fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race. Romance(a.k.a Chivalric romance / Medieval romance) It is the most prevailing form of literature in the feudal England. A type of narrative that developed in 12th-century France. It represents a courtly and chivalric age, often one of highly developed manners and civility. Love, chivary and religion make the main content of romance. It is a long composition, in verse or in prose. It describes the life and adventures of a noble hero. The central theme is loyalty to king and Lord. The code of manners and morals of a knight is Chivalry. The most important romance is king Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. Alliteration Certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. Kenning A poetic compound made up of two or three nouns standing for another noun. E.g: Beowulf-- bee-wlof-- bear Understatements To give an impression of reverse and at times a tinge of ironical humour. A characteristic of the English language. E.g: Not troublesome-- welcome; Not praise-- A right to condemn Heroic Couplet A traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constrcted from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. iambic pentameter means a line consisting of five iambic feet and one foot comprises of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Ballad It is a poem usually set to music, thus, it often is a story told in a song. Any myth form may be told as a ballad, such as historical accounts or fairy tales in verse form. It usually has foreshortened, alternating four-stress lines("ballad metre") and simple repeating rhymes, often with a refrain. If it is based on a political or religious theme, a ballad may be a hymn.


我不是一位多情的诗人,不能用漂亮的诗句去讴歌我的事业,我不是一位睿智的哲人,不能用深遂的哲理去体现我的人生价值。然而,我就是我——一个普通的小学教师。今天我要在这词汇的花园里采撷,构造我心中最美的诗篇。在理性的王国里徜佯,推演我心中最奥妙的哲理。我要用深深的思索和凝重的感情来唱出我心中最美的歌!今天我演讲的题目是:无悔的选择 是呀,春蚕选择了吐丝,蜡烛选择了燃烧,白杨选择了大地,雄鹰选择了天空。它们选择了生命的自由与奔放,它们才活得如此洒脱而有价值。而我,则选择了太阳底下最光辉的事业——人民教师。读过《教育美文100篇》后,我更想自豪地说:“这是我无悔的选择。”衣带渐宽,不悔!为伊消瘦,不悔!在无数老师合奏的这道宏大的奉献曲中,虽然我只是一个小小的音符,但是我坚信:只要我们播下种子,即使只有一颗,也是有收获的;只要我们栽培的花朵,即使只有一朵,也是最明艳的。我一生别无它求,只求在自己的工作岗位上,用无私的奉献写下两个金光闪闪的大字:无悔! 因为“无悔”所以我渴望我的小学语文课堂能够书声琅琅、议论纷纷、情意融融。因为“无悔”所以我在教育的旅途中,认识了魏书生、于永正、窦桂梅、李吉林等教育大师;因为“无悔”所以我和我的学生们在唐诗宋词中徜徉,一起领略“大谋孤烟直,长河落日圆”的雄壮;一起欣赏“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈气势;一起“老夫聊发少年狂。左牵黄。右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。一起吟诵那壮怀激烈的《满江红》怒发冲冠,凭阑处、

潇潇雨歇。抬望眼、仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头、收拾旧山河,朝天阙。——我渴望可以将唐诗宋词融入学生的血脉,这是我们民族的灵魂。 记得全国著名特级教师于漪老师曾深情的对同事们说过:“如果人的生命有一百次,并且每一次都可以自己选择职业,那么我将一百次选择人民教师——这个太阳底下最光辉的职业。”此时此刻,我也想对在座的各位同事、我的学生们说:“如果有来生,我还是选择人民教师!” 我渴望,当我到了行将就木的那一天,我可以骄傲、自豪的大声喊道:虽然我没有在天空中飞过,但我已留下痕迹。 “吃也清淡,穿也素雅,心怀淡泊,起始于辛劳,收结于平淡。”——我无悔。


公司主要业绩范文 作为一名员工要想获得晋升或加薪的机会,就必须做出好的业绩。业绩包括个人的业绩、所在部门的业绩以及公司的业绩。正如一位 人力资源经理所说:“员工之间收入的高低,归根结底是取决于工 作业绩。” 好的业绩需要好的业绩报告来表现 公司对于业绩的重视使得写好业绩报告成为了至关重要的一件事。好的业绩还需好的业绩报告来表现,如果业绩报告写得不好,没有 突出自己所取得的成果,没有充分表现出自己业绩的全貌,就可能 影响考核部门对你形成正确的评价。 业绩报告的作用在于全面、系统地反映你在某个时期所取得的业绩,并对自己的表现进行客观的分析和总结,明确自己所取得的成绩,找出工作中存在的不足,并且总结上一阶段工作中的经验和教训。一份优秀的业绩报告能够把你的业绩客观地反映出来,使你的 辛勤工作有所回报,而失败的业绩报告则有可能掩盖你的实际贡献。 真实表现自己的成绩最重要 很多人在撰写业绩报告时总表现得很谦虚,尽量少写自己的贡献,甚至把自己努力取得的成绩也归功于别人。他们认为实事求是地说 出自己所取得的成绩是不好的,会有邀功的嫌疑,还显得骄傲自大。事实上,根本没必要对自己所取得的业绩羞于启齿,客观地反映自 己的贡献本身就是一种能力,而且公司看重的是员工创造业绩的能 力以及所取得的成就。如果过于谦虚,弱化自己的贡献,不了解实 际情况的主管可能很难对你作出真实的评价。即使主管了解你的真 实贡献,也会认为你不够自信,连真实的汇报自己的成绩的勇气都 没有,从而认为不能委以重任。因此,在撰写业绩报告时,切记不 要过谦,真实地反映自己的成绩是最重要的。

固然,要想使业绩报告赏心悦目,首先必须有好的业绩作为依托,但恰当的陈述也是必不可少的。一份完整的业绩报告应该包括以下 一些内容: 第一、基本情况概述 首先要概述工作内容、工作的主客观条件、有利和不利因素以及工作环境等。虽然这些与业绩的取得没有必然的联系,但是,显然 如果你处于不利的工作环境,工作条件也甚是恶劣的话,无疑能够 使你所取得的业绩大放光彩。比如说,你的工作是处理客户投诉, 这一工作的环境显然不是十分优越的,它要求员工能够忍受客户的 抱怨,甚至是谩骂、侮辱。环境本身的特殊性实际上是业绩的一部分,因此应该把工作环境陈述出来,以使自己的业绩/有所依托。当然,在陈述不利条件和环境时,千万不要理直气壮,不管怎么说, 这是工作性质所决定的,接受了这份工作就必须接受它所带来的特 殊的工作环境。 第二、陈述自己所取得的成绩 陈述自己的成绩是业绩报告的重点。撰写业绩报告的根本目的就是要肯定成绩,突出自己的贡献,从而为公司考核和晋升提供参考。 在撰写业绩报告之前应认真思考,尽可能把自己所取得的所有业绩都列出来,然后按照重要程度排序。在陈述时,首先要清楚地表 述自己所取得的成绩有哪些,是在什么样的情况下取得的,每项成 绩的分量有多大,对企业有多大的贡献。在陈述时,一定要注意有 条有理,突出重点,千万不能把各种成绩堆在一起,让人事经理去 挑选对你有利的成绩。这种做法不但加重了人事经理的工作,而且 还会给人马虎、做事没条理的印象。试想,一个人连自己所取得的 成绩都理不出头绪,工作时怎么能够做得有条有理呢? 这里需要注意的是,虽然大部分的成绩是看得见的,但是,有时候,也有许多不为人所知的成绩或贡献。这时候,需要把你那些不 为人所知的成绩或贡献明确地写出来,千万不要不好意思陈述,这 样做丝毫不会给人留下坏印象,相反,许多公司都希望员工能够对

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