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Unit 2. My week


1. I lo ve En gl is h . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

2. Mr Y oun g is m y mus ic t ea che r . (一般疑问句)

3. I ha ve mu si c on Th ur sd ay s . (就划线部分提问)

4. We h ave C hi ne se on T ue sd ays . (一般疑问句)

5. Is h e v er y st ri ct ?(肯定回答)

6. I ha ve ar t on T hur sd ay s . (否定句)

7. My m oth er i s st ron g . (写出问句)

8. Mr Z han g is m y PE te ac he r . (就划线部分提问)

9. Mi ke is v er y fu nny . (否定句)

10. W e are g oo d st ude nt s . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

A. Le t’s le ar n


1. on T ues da ys

2. h av e C hi ne se an d ma th s

3. our s ci en ce te ac he r

4. co mp ute r cl as s

5. yo ur ar t te ac he r

6. hav e a co ok ing c la ss


1.T ue sd ay()

2.l ook()

T hu rs da y ()bo ok()

3.gr and ma()

4.S atu rd ay()

g ra nd pa()Su nda y()

5.w ee k ()

6. mu sic()

w eek en d()m at hs()

7.no()8. C hi ne se()

not()Eng li sh()

一.找出下列各组单词划线部分发音与众不同的一个。()1. A. ea t B. me et C. te ac he r D. hea d ()2. A. re ad B. b rea d C. r epe at D. me e t ()3. A. be e B. fe ed C. be ef D. gre at 二.判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,否则打


1. se e m ee t()

2. h ea d te ac he r ()

3. te a e at()5. rea d se a ()

5. te et h c of fe e ()

6. f ee d be ef()


()1. A.f ee t B. fe ed()2. A. se a B. se at

()3. A. te a B. ea t ()4. A. re ad B. rep ea t

()5. A. re ad B. r ed()6. A. be e B. be ef

()7. A. to ot h B. te et h ()8. A. me B. mee t


1. I of ten rea d bo ok s i n th is pa rk . (一般疑问句)

2. Do y ou of te n pl ay fo ot ba ll ? (肯定回答)

3. Ye s , I o ft en l ist en t o mus ic o n Su nda ys . (写出问句)

4. It’s a s to ry bo ok . (写出问句)

5. No, I d on’t pl ay pi ng-p ong o n Sa tu rda y . (写出问句)

6. I li ke th is p ar k . (一般疑问句,否定回答)

7. We o fte n pl ay f oot ba ll . (一般疑问句)

8. Wh at’s t hi s ? (用“一本英语书”回答)

9. Is t hat a b oo k ? (否定回答)

10. T ha t’s a pe nc il . (就划线部分提问)

11. I t’s a pe nc il . (就划线部分提问)

12. T hi s i s a pe nc il . (就划线部分提问)

B. Le t’s le ar n




7. 在周末

8. Sa tu rd ay af te rn oo n

9. in t his p ar k10. c lea n my r oom11. pl ay t he pi pa

12. d ra w p ic tu re s


( ) 1. A. wa tch B. was h() 2. A. ho mew or k B. h ou se wo rk

( ) 3. A. cl ose B. cl ot hes() 4. A. w ee k B. wee ke nd

( ) 5. A. pl ay B. p lat e() 6. A. f oo t B. f ee t

( ) 7. A. wa tch B. wh at()8.A. pi ct ure B. t ea ch er

( ) 9. A. bo ok B. b ook s() 10. A. o fte n B. aft er

( ) 11. A. t hat B. wha t() 12. A. hi s B. th is

Rea d an d w ri te


1. I ha ve PE o n Mo nda ys .(就划线部分提问)

2. I of ten p la y sp ort s on S und ay s . (一般疑问句)

3. We o fte n re ad b ook s on t he we ek en d .(就划线部分提问)

4. I li ke sp or ts .(否定句)

5. We h ave m us ic o n T ue sd ay s .(否定句)

6. I wa tch T V on T hur sd ay s .(否定句)

7. I ha ve a fo ot ba ll cl as s .(一般疑问句)

8. We h ave a rt o n Fri da ys .(写出问句)

9. Th ey li ke a pp le s .(就划线部分提问)

10. I o fte n pl ay p ing-p on g on Su nd ay s . (写出问句)

11. T od ay is M on da y .(就划线部分提问)

12. W ha t a bo ut y ou ? (同义句)



( ) 1. A. ne ed B. fe ed C. f ee t D. se ed

( ) 2. A. Su nda y B. Sat ur da y C. su nn y

( ) 3. A. we ek B. we C. w ee ke nd

( ) 4. A. wa tch B. w ha t C. wa sh D. w ant

( ) 5. A. te a B. ea t C. a te D. e as t

( ) 6. A. re pea t B. te ac h C. tea ch er D. p e ach

( ) 7. A. Tu esd ay B. T hu rs da y C. Wed ne sd ay

( ) 8. A. be dro om B. b at hr oo m C. c la ss roo m

( ) 9. A. sp ort B. s hor t C. s hi rt D. T-shi rt

( ) 10. A. s tor y B. sor ry C. s to re D. sh o p


( ) 1. A.We h ave C hin es e .B. I r ead b ook s C. Y es , I ha ve ma th s .


( ) 2. A. I t’s a pen. B. T his is a p en .C. Th at’s a pe n . ( ) 3. A. Ye s , w e do . B. No , I d o .C. Y es , I hav e . ( ) 4. A. I rea d bo ok s . B. S om et im es I re ad bo ok s .

C. Ye s , I r ea d bo oks .

( ) 5. A. I t’s M on da y .B. Is it Mon da y ?C. Ye s , i t’s Tue sd ay . ( ) 6. A. Ye s , I d o . B. Me to o .C. Y es , I w at ch TV.


1. We h ave C hi ne se on ___________ an d ______________ .

2.I__________m y_________ an d __________________on Sun da ys.

3. Do y ou __________ ____________ on ______________ ?

4.Wh at do y ou d o on t he_______?I do m y _________an d___________ TV .

5. I ha ve ma th s on ___________ a nd ___________ .

6. __________ is t he la st d ay of a w ee k .


( ) 1. M ik e lik es W ed nes da ys .

( ) 2. T he y oft en p la y b as ke tb all o n th e wee ke nd .

( ) 3. M r Wa ng is t al l a nd s tr ong .

( ) 4. T od ay is W ed ne sda y .

( ) 5. T he y hav e Ch in ese o n We dne sd ay s .


1. kn ow(同音词)

2. ye s(对应词)

3. th at(对应词)

4. I (宾格)

5. t oo(同音词)

6. b oo k(复数)

7. Su nd ay(复数)8. you ng(对应词)9. ta ll(对应词)

10. c le ver(近义词)11. he lp(形容词)12. f ri en d(形容词)13. k in d(对应词)14. m ot her(对应词)15. my(对应词)16. h e(宾格)17. he(对应词)18. pl ay(名词)

19. h er e(对应词)20. p ic tur e(复数)21. g r and ma(对应词)

22. gr an dm a(同义词)


1. S____________ i s t he l as t (最后) da y o f a we ek .

2. S____________ i s t he f ir st (第一) d ay of a w eek .

3. To da y i s _____________ . To mo rr ow (明天) i s Mon da y .

4.W ha t do yo u do on t he w___________?I o ft en w__________TV and

r_______ b________ .

5. I li ke W_____________ . Bec au se w e hav e PE o n t ha t day .


( ) 1. W ha t do y ou ha ve ______ M on da ys ?

A. on

B. a t

C. in

( ) 2. ______ yo u h av e ma ths ?A. Do B. Ar e C. I s

( ) 3. D o yo u of ten r ea d boo ks i n th e e ve ni ng?________

A. Ye s , I d on’t .

B. No , I do n’t

C. No , I do

( ) 4. I h av e Ch ine se ______ m at hs o n M on da ys.

A. an d

B. or

C. wi th

( ) 5. I __________ l ik e spo rt s . A. no B. n ot C. do n’t

( ) 6. I n ee d a box o f ___________ .

A. cr ay on

B. cr ay on s

C. pen ci l

( ) 7. Do yo u r ea d b ook s _____ th e w ee ken d ?A.on B. in C. at

( ) 8. H e’s _________ .A. f ri en d B. f un C. fu nn y

( ) 9. W ha t’s t hat ? _______ a bo ok .

A. It’s

B. T hi s is

C. Th at i s

( ) 10. I ne ed s ome _______ .

A. ru le rs

B. pe nc il

C. cr ay on


1. th e , b oo ks , d o , w ee ke nd , re ad , yo u , on (?)

2. ha ve , Th ur sd ay s , w ha t , o n , yo u , d o (?)

3. I , wat ch , s om eti me s , TV (.)

4. do , yo u , wh at, S un da ys , do , o n , o ft en (?)

5. pl ay , do , o ft en , yo u , s po rt s (?)

6. yo u , y ou r , do , cl ot he s , o ft en , wa sh (?)

7. we , ha ve , T ue sda ys , w hat , o n , do (?)

8. ma th s , F ri da ys , I , Ch ine se , o n , a nd , h ave (.)

9. ha ve , cl as s , wit h , co oki ng , g ra ndp a , a , I , y our (.)


Ele ph an t: Wh at d o you d o on Sa tu rd ay s ?

Mon ke y :I pl ay fo ot ba ll an d w at ch TV. So me ti mes I g o t o the p ark.

Pan da : I of te n pl ay sp or ts an d do m y hom ew or k .

Ele ph an t : W ha t do yo u do o n S un da ys ?

Mon ke y: I p lay p in g-pon g an d pl ay co mp ut er ga mes . O h, I do m y

hom ew or k , t oo .

Ele ph an t : W ha t ab out y ou , Pa nd a ?

Pan da: I o ft en pl ay th e pi pa an d r ea d b oo ks. I e at tw o m ea ls ev er y

day .Ele ph an t: Wh y ?

Pan da : Mo m an d Da d s ay I’m t oo b ig .

( ) 1. M on ke y ________ o n Sa tu rda ys .

A. pl ay s p in g-po ng

B. pl ay s f oo tb al l

( )2. Pa nd a oft en _______ on S atu rd ay s .

A. do es hi s ho me wo rk

B. w at ch es T V

( ) 3. M on ke y ______ on Su nd ay s .

A. pl ay s c om pu te r gam es

B. re ad s bo ok s

( ) 4. P an da of te n ________ on Su nd ay s .

A. re ad s b oo ks

B. pl ay s f oo tb al l

( ) 5. P an da ea ts _________ me als e ve ry d ay .

A. tw o

B. t hr ee



编号:57684289337954225654444158 学校:杭处市净水镇坝上平小学* 教师:务讯理* 班级:翔翔参班* 期末测试卷 (满分:100分) 一、听录音,用数字给下列图片排序。每小题听一遍。(10分) ()()()()() 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。每小题听两遍。(10分) 1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.() 三、听录音,选择正确的答语。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. ()2. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. ()3. A. She is kind. B. She is my teacher.

()4. A. I have a bike. B. I have maths, English and music. ()5. A. I can dance. B. Yes, I can dance. 四、听录音,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。对话听两遍。(10分) ()1. John can clean his bedroom. ()2. John can cook. ()3. John can’t sweep the floor. ()4. John can’t do the dishes. ()5. John can wash his clothes. 五、选出含有与每组单词画线部分相同读音的单词。(5分) A. look B. feet C. paint D. down E. candy F. cow G. eat H. sorry I. way J. football 1. baby happy: ___ ___ 2. read see: ___ ___ 3. how wow: ___ ___ 4. good cook: ___ ___ 5. day rainy: ___ ___ 六、选择正确的字母组合完成单词。(5分) ()1. cl___ er A. ev B. er C. vr ()2. F___ day A. ra B. ri C. un ()3. h___ thy A. eal B. el C. eel ()4. fl___ er A. or B. oa C. ow ()5. deli___ s A. ciau B. clou C. ciou 七、单项选择。(5分) ()1. He can play ________ ping-pong, but he can’t play________ piano.


五年级英语期中练习(2) 卷首语:亲爱的同学们,来做一个课堂练习吧,细心做,一定会取得出色的成绩,加油哦! 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)(听两遍) ( ) 1. A. beside B. before C. between ( ) 2. A. bathroom B. mushroom C. classroom ( ) 3. A. have to B. get on C. a lot of ( ) 4. A. why B. when C. where ( ) 5. A. be good at B. be good for C. be bad for ( ) 6. A. dance B. swim C. read ( ) 7.A. by bike B. by bus C. by car ( ) 8. A. play basketball B. play football C. watch TV ( ) 9. A. have B. does C. has ( ) 10.A. leg B. arm C.eyes 二、听录音判断下列图片是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。(6分)(听两遍) ()()()

()()() 三、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(5分)(听两遍) ()1.A.It’s in the bag. B.It’s on the table. C.They are in the fridge. ()2.A.Yes ,there are. B.Yes,there is. C.No, they aren’t. ()3.A.They have six. B.There are six. C.We have six. ()4.A.He likes skating. B.He can skate. C.He has two small eyes. ()5.A.He can swim. B.She likes drawing. C.She can’t play football. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词。(9分)(听三遍) 1.They have big_________and big_________. 2.My brother is good at_________. 3.Our classroom is__________the_________ _________. 4. --A: What_________she like doing? --B: She_________reading_________. 笔试部分(70分) 一、选择。(10分) ()1.There aren’t_____apples on the trees. A.a B.the C.any ()2.The hambur ger is too_____. So I can’t eat it. A.long B.hard C.soft ()3._____is popular in China. A.Tea https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac2280532.html,k C.Coffee ()4.Tom and Mike_____ have some toy cars. A.both B.are C.all


人教版2018小学五年级上册英语第二单元测试题 班级:姓名:得分: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.MondayB.TuesdayC.Thursday ()2.A.waitB.whiteC.what ()3.A.readbooksB.dohomeworkC.watchTV ()4.A.SaturdayB.SundayC.Wednesday ()https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac2280532.html,dy ()6.A.dohomeworkB.dohouseworkC.dosports ()7.A.oftenB.oldC.on ()8.A.whatB.whatcolourwhatabout ()9.A.tomorrowB.todayC.day ()https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac2280532.html,puter 二、根据所听短语选出正确的图片,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A. B.

()2.A. B. ()3.A. B. ()4.A. B. ()5.A. B. 三、选出你听到的句子,每小题听两遍。(10分)()1.A.Whatdayisittoday?B.whatdayisittomorrow? ()2.A.IoftenpaintorwatchTV.B.IoftenpaintandwatchTV. ()3.A.Whatclassesdoyoulike?B.Whatclassdoyoulike?

()4.A.WhatdoyoudoonSaturdays?B.WhatdoyoudoonSundays? ()5.A.WehaveEnglishandscience. B.WehaveEnglishandSocialStudies. 四、听对话,连线,听两遍。(10分) WuYifandohomeworkonMonday SarahreadbooksonFriday AmycleanbedroomonTuesday JohnwatchTVonSunday ChenJieplaycomputergamesonSaturday,October 笔试部分(60分) 一、找出下面每组单词中与其他两个不同类的单词。(10分)()1.A.scienceB.ChinaC.Chinese ()2.A.classB.appleC.banana ()https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac2280532.html,B.P.E.C.art ()4.A.SocialStudiesB.MoralEducationC.student ()5.A.MondayB.FridayC.friend ()6.A.watchB.readC.book ()7.A.swimB.ping-pongC.football ()8.A.yesB.yeahC.no ()9.A.whatB.whoC.day ()10.A.weB.youC.like 二、根据汉语意思选择与之相对应的单词。(10分) ()1.星期日A.funnyB.SundayC.sunny ()2.什么A.whatB.watchC.who ()3.课程A.classB.glassC.pass


五年级英语上册 Unit1检测试题 一、读一读,找出不同类的单词。(10个知识点) ( ) 1. A.old B.Mr C. kind D. young ( ) 2. A. Ms B. Miss C. funny D. Mr ( ) 3. A. strict B. polite C. helpful D.our ( ) 4. A. clever B. am C. is D.are ( ) 5. A. sometimes B. shy C.hard-working D.kind 二、把下列汉语翻译成英语。(15个知识点) 年老的年轻的搞笑的严厉的和蔼的 乐于助人的聪明的有礼貌的害羞的勤奋的 三、单项选择。(30个知识点) ( ) 1.--- Who’s your English teacher?--- ______________ A. Miss Wu. B. She’s strict. C. She is hard -working. ( ) 2. --- Is your brother helpful? ---____________ A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I do. C.Yes, she is. ( ) 3. --- Is she young? ---_____________ A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn’t. ( ) 4. My new P.E. teacher is tall and strong. Who is he?

A. B. C. ( ) 5. ---________________ --- He’s very funny. A. Who’s that boy? B. What’s he like? C. What’s she like? ( ) 6. ---What’s she like? ---____________ A. Her name is Amy. B. She’s polite. C. She likes apples. ( ) 7. --- Who is he? ---He is _______music teacher. A. our B. me C. I ( ) 8. --- What are these? --- They ______ potatoes. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 9. --- _________ he like? --- He’s hard-working. A. what’s B. Who’s C. What’s ( ) 10. You can’t judge a book by its cover.这句谚语的意思是? A. 熟能生巧。 B. 不能以封面断定一本书。 C. 不能以貌取人。 四、重新排列顺序,使其成为意思通顺的对话。(15个知识点) ( 1 ) Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. ( ) Is she strict? ( ) Do you know her? ( ) She’s kind.


五年级上册英语试卷及答案 一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。10分 Ff Jj Mm Qq Uu 二、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号内。20分 ( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. bed ( )2. A.panda B.cat C.can ( )3. A. red B. grey C. pen ( )4. A. bus B. jeep C. bag ( )5. A. door B. white C. desk 三、选择。(将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内)20分 ( )1. What’s name, please? A. my B. your C. you ( )2. is a panda. A. This B. That’s C. What’s ( )3. colour is your pencil?

A. How B. What C. This ( )4.Can you a bike over there? A. spell B. see C. look ( )5.What’s this English? A. at B. in C. to 四、对话配对。20分 ( )1.Can you spell it? A. Yes, it is. ( )2.What’s your name? B. Nice to meet you ( )3.This is LiLei. C. I’m Tom. ( )4.Is that your bike? D. Yes, I can. ( )5.What colour is your bag? E. It’s red. 五、根据情景选择句子。20分 ( )1.想和同学一起进教室A. Your name ,please. ( )2.想知道对方的名字B. How are you? ( )3.介绍自己的书包是黄色的C. Come here. ( )4.想知道对方的身体如何D. What’s this in English.. ( )5.想知道手里的东西用英语怎么讲E. My bag is yellow.


Name姓名________ Marks分数______ 根据句意及首字母提示补全。 1. There are s days天 in a week一周 . 2. I often listen to music on W morning . 3. I sometimes p football on Saturday morning . 4. We h English and PE . 5. Today is Thursday . Tomorrow(明天) is F . 选择题。 ( )2. We often do our ______. A .homework C. homeworking ( )3. What do you have______ Mondays A. at ( ) English on Mondays. ( ) you do on SundaysI often do my homework. C. How ( )9.Mr White and Miss Chen old teachers. A.be B.is C.are D.am ( )10.He isn't an old teacher,he's . A.slowly B.young C.tall D.funny ( )12.My mother is strict but 。 A.kind B.kinds C.old D.funny ( )13.Mr Chen is a good teacher.We all like . A.him B.he C.his D.her ( )14 often play ping-pong _____ the weekend . A . in ( )15--- Do you often read books on Saturday afternoon --- I often listen to music . A . Yes,I do . , I don’t . C. Yes, I am. ( ) often read books on Saturday afternoon .What about you --- _ A . I like music. often watch TV. C. I look tired 累. ( ) .----I have Chinese , English ,math and PE . A . What do you have on Mondays .B. What do you often do on Mondays ( )18. The first day of a week is .


小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题 Unit One My New Teachers 一.找出画线部分读音与前面所给单词画线部分相同的单词. (4分) ( ) 1. no A. now B. how C. know ( ) 2. eraser A. lamp B. lady C. library ( ) 3. umbrella A. fun B. computer C. music ( ) 4. like A. fish B. kind C. kid 二. 接龙写单词. (10分) Miss( ) →__ __ __ ___ ___(聪明) →__ __ __ __(高的) →lady( )→__ __ __ __ __(年轻) →go →(老的) →doll( ) →__ __ __ __(喜欢) →eight( )- →__ __ __ __(瘦的) 三.将单词归类,写在横线上面.(12分) strict Canada short driver Australia strong UK teacher farmer China quiet principal 人物特征描写:_______________________________________________ 国家:_______________________________________________________ 职业:_______________________________________________________ 四.翻译短语. (8 分) 1.short and strong___________ 2.university student___________ 3.又漂亮又活泼_____________ 4.一位和蔼的老师_________________ 五.选择填空. (16分) ( ) 1. Who’s ___________math teacher? A. you B. your C. yours ( ) 2. What is ___________like? A. him B. he C. his ( ) 3. Mr. Carter is_______ English teacher. A. a B. these C. an ( ) 4.__________strong? Yes, he is. A. is he B. Is his C. Is he ( ) 5 Who is that__________ ? Oh, she is ___________principal. A. lady; our B. man; our C. boy; our ( )6.如果你想说:“他的课很有趣”,应该说:( ) He is very funny. His class is so much fun. He is very active. ( )7.如果你想问:他是你的新数学老师吗?”应该说:( ) Is she your math teacher?


听力部分(30分) 一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词。(10分) ()1. A. house B. road C. building D. city ()2. A. flower B. path C. park D. lake ()3. A. mirror B. closet C. curtain D. trash bin ()4. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom D. living room ()5. A. cabbage B. mutton C. potato D. eggplant 二、听句子,判断下面的图形是否与句子内容一致,一致的在括号内写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(10分) 1.. 2. 3. 4. 5. ()()()()() 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的最佳应答,把答案填在括号里。(10分) ()1、A. I’d like some beef . B. I have chicken and fish. ()2、A. No, they aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. ()3、A. We have P.E and art. B. I like P.E and art. ()4、A. It’s behind you. B. They’re behind you. ()5、A. It’s Sunny. B. It’s Sunday. 笔试部分(70分) 四、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(10分) ()1. A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ()2. A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ()3. A. village B. tree C. flower D. glass ()4. A. fish B. tofu C. tomato D. road ()5. A. curtain B. trash bin C. fresh D. mirror 五、找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。(5分)


第一单元测试卷 写出下列单词或短语的英文意思。 警察爬山晨练吃早饭晚上也 中午经常通常有时候告诉 下星期日上英语课吃晚饭下雨做运动 拜访外祖父母 二.单项选择。 ( ) ’s 6:00 in the evening. It’s time to_____ A. eat breakfast B. eat dinner C. eat lunch ( ) usually get up early in the morning。 I have to______. A. go to school B. go to bed C. play football ( ) often play the piano at3:00 in the______. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon ( ) you do on the weekend -----I usually go shopping. A. What B. Where C. Why ( ) Friday I often______my room. A. go B. play C. clean ( ) I come in A. Come on B. I’m sorry C. Exc use me ( ) ’s sunny. Let’s go______. A. to fly kites B. to do my homework C. play the piano ( ) want to go to the zoo. How____you A. about B. are C. do ( ) 9.—What’s the ____like ---It’s rainy. ( ) often visit my grandparents with my____. ( ) often play go shopping on the weekend. ( ) will be rainy,Let’s play football____the weekend. A./ ( ) often ____my bedroom every week. ( ) ,this is my weekend_____. ( ) you_____telling me about your day. ( ) do you get usually get up____7:00. ( ) usually get up at 6: ---At 6:00 . ( ) usually play____on the weekend. ( ) you do on the weekend ( ) ’s time_____school. ( ) usually do my homework______Saturday. ( ) do you do---I’m______ teacher tall shopping. ( ) can’t go hiking, ______. A .either B. too C. to ( ) can’t play____piano. C./ ( ) ’s______mountains this weekend. climb ( ) ----At 9:00. do you go to bed do you usually do on the weekend is your timetable ( ) ______do you do------I am a nurse. A .What ( )28 .I can play the piano, ______. A .to ( ) can play ______basketball. A the B. a c ./ usually_________ _________ ___________at 8:00. do you do_______the_________ always________ _________ at night. day.


五年级英语上册期末试 卷及答案 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

PEP Grade 5 (上)Final Test 1. Listen and number 2. Listen and tick (5) (6) 3. Listen, choose and write (1) math (2) Chinese (3) English (4) music (5) . (6) play computer games (7) Thursday (8) Monday (9) Wednesday (10) Tuesday (11) Friday (12) Saturday (13) Sunday Model: I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8). (1)At on , I have a class. (2)There is a class at on .

(3)I have a class at on . (4)There is a class at on . (5)I can on and . 4.Look and write (1)Monday — Mon. Wednesday —______ Thursday —______ Friday—______ Sunday —______ Tuesday —______ Saturday —______ (2)tall — ball coat —______ on —______ sour —______ pork —______ short —______ horse —______ (3)three — tree too —______ read —______ any —______ from —______ (4)red — green young —______ active —______ strong —_______ sweet —______ tall —_________ in front of —_________ (5)he’s — he is they’re —___________ don’t —__________ I’d like — _________ what’s —___________ she’s —_________ 5.Make sentences (1)day, What, today, is, it, () __________________________________________________________ (2)lunch, for, What, you, have, do, Mondays, on, () __________________________________________________________ (3)favourite, your, fruit, What’s, () ____________________________________________________________ (4)English, teacher, your, What’s, () ____________________________________________________________ (5)active, very, She’s, (.) ____________________________________________________________


五年级上册英语试题(Module 1-2)Class:_______________ Mane:__________________ 一、找出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。10分 ()1、A. box B. bottle C. those ()2、A. bird B. kite C. nurse ()3、A. duck B. mother C. father ()4、A. father B. apple C. glass ()5、A. balloon B. teacher C. grass ()6、A. river B. rabbit C. bike ()7、A. cat B. apple C. arm ()8、A. letter B. hen C. Chinese ()9、A. pear B. cheese C. meet ()10、A. on B. orange C. hello 二、找出下列各句中错误的一项,并改正过来。10分 ( ) 1、Let’s buy two kiloes of noodles. _________ A B C ( )2、Thank you. Here is your oranges. _________ A B C ( )3、He’s Sam’s and Amy’s Friend. _________ A B C ( )4、I run to the bus,but I dropped my cake._________ A B C ( )5、Was she walk to the bus yesterday? _________ A B C 三、按要求填空。10分 let’s(完全形式)________ buy(同音词) _________ dropped(原形) ________ go(过去式) _________


五年级英语(上)第二单元 姓名: 一、选择与图片相符的单词或短语:(只填序号) (10分) 1. 2. 3.. 4. 5. 星期一星期三 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. 7. 、 8. 8 9. 10. 星期二星期六星期五 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. watch TV B. Saturday C. Monday D. Friday E. play computer games F. Tuesday G. do homework H. play ping-pong I. Wednesday J. read books 二、选择正确的字母组合补全单词:(10分) ( ) 1. Th __ __ sday A. or B. ur C. ar ( ) 2. homew__ __ k A. or B. ir C. ow ( ) 3. Sat __ __ day A. ur B. er C. ir ( ) 4. We __ __ esday A. nd B. dn C. mn ( ) 5. wat __ __ A. oh B. eh C. ch ( ) 6. M __ __ day A. no B. om C. on ( ) 7. T __ __ sday A. eu B. ue C. ua ( ) 8. F __ __ day A. ri B. ir C. rl ( ) 9. S __ __ day A. un B. um C. nu ( ) 10. d __ __ A. ae B. ay C. ya 三、选择不同类的单词: (10分) ( ) 1. A. Sunday B. Monday C. English ( ) 2. A. watch B. read C. today ( ) 3. A. math B. Chinese C. often ( ) 4. A. on B. what C. who ( ) 5. A. today B. tomorrow C. homework


五年级上册英语试卷及 答案 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

五年级上册英语试卷及答案 一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。10分 FfJjMmQqUu 二、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号内。20分 ()1.A.penB.pencilC.bed ()2.A.pandaB.catC.can ()3.A.redB.greyC.pen ()4.A.busB.jeepC.bag ()5.A.doorB.whiteC.desk 三、选择。(将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内)20分 ()1.What’sname,please? A.my B.your C.you ()2.isapanda. A.This B.That’s C.What’s ()3.colourisyourpencil?

A.How B.What C.This ()4.Canyouabikeoverthere? A.spell B.see C.look ()5.What’sthisEnglish? A.at B.in C.to 四、对话配对。20分 ()1.Canyouspellit?A.Yes,itis. ()2.What’syourname?B.Nicetomeetyou ()3.ThisisLiLei.C.I’mTom. ()4.Isthatyourbike?D.Yes,Ican. ()5.Whatcolourisyourbag?E.It’sred. 五、根据情景选择句子。20分 ()1.想和同学一起进教室A.Yourname,please. ()2.想知道对方的名字B.Howareyou? ()3.介绍自己的书包是黄色的https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac2280532.html,ehere.


五年级英语上册期末考试题(湘少版) 一、请将下列单词改写成相应的大写或小写形式。(5分) 1.lovely 2.TIMETABLE 3.CHINESE 4.storybook 5.FESTIV AL 二、选出各组单词中不同类的单词。(10分) ( )1.A.cage B.basket C.loudly ( )2.A.sandwich B.chicken C.long ( )3.A.chess B.iron C.collect ( )4.A.chocolate B.dictionary C.marker ( )5.A.umbrella B.thin C.jacket 三、根据图片和句意,将单词补充完整。(10分) 1.The Smiths are having d_______. 2. 2.He often g____ up early. 3.I'm thirsty.I'd like a glass of w_______. 4.The boy feels very s____. 5. Li Lei is reading his C________ book now 四、选择填空。(20分) ( )1.--______ I have your ruler? --Yes,you can.

A.Can B.Do C.Am ( )2.Lingling often _____ her parents at home. A.help B.helping C.helps ( )3.She _______ tall and has big eyes. A.is B.has C.does ( )4.-________ is it ? -It’s fifteen yuan. A.How many B.How much C.How ( )5.Would you like some_______? A.soups B.soupes C.soup ( )6.--____ ,can I borrow your pencil --Yes,here you are. A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Hello ( )7.Can I have a cage ___ my rabbit? A.for B.of C.with ( )8.What time do you get_______? A.up B.in C.on ( )9.--___ do you do at home? --I water the plants. A.What B.What’s C.Where ( )10.____ the day , they watch lion dance. A.In B.During C.From 五、翻译。(10分) ( )1.noisy A.嘈杂的 B.噪音 ( )2.舞狮 A.lion dance B. dance lion


1 新版PEP 小学五年级上册英语试卷及答案 目录 新版PEP 小学五年级上册英语试卷 (1) 听力部分(40分) (1) 笔试部分(60分) (2) 新版PEP 小学五年级上册英语试卷听力部分材料 (6) 新版PEP 小学五年级上册英语试卷答案 (7) 听力部分(40分) (7) 笔试部分(60分) (7) 新版PEP 小学五年级上册英语试卷 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. A. very B. every C. hurry ( ) 2. A. fish B. fresh C. often ( ) 3. A. yellow B. window C. tomorrow ( ) 4. A. house B. mouse C. sound ( ) 5. A. Monday B. today C. rainy ( ) 6. A. potato B. tomato C. photo ( ) 7. A. thirsty B. healthy C. hungry ( ) 8. A. He’s tall and stri ct. B. She’s tall and strict. C. She’s tall and strong. ( ) 9. A. I like fish and tofu. B. I don’t like fish and tofu. C. I’d like fish and tofu. ( ) 10. A. My math teacher is kind. B. My music teacher is funny. C. My Chinese teacher is smart. 二、听对话,选择正确的图片。(12分) ( ) 1. What can the boy do? A. B. ( ) 2. What does the boy have on Wednesday? A. B.


一、请写出星期一至星期日这七个单词及他们的缩写形式。 二、按要求改写句子。 1.I like Sundays. 2.I have math, Chinese and PE on Mondays. 3.I often watch TV and do my homework on Sundays. 4.周末你经常在干什么?(翻译) 5.周末我经常洗衣服。(翻译) 6.星期三你有什么课?(翻译) 7.Do you often play football on the weekend? (肯定与否定和回答) 8.I like Sundays.(改为否定句) 三、改错。把错误的地方圈出来,把正确的单词写在句子后面。 1.What do you often do on sundays? 2.I can play football and you. 3.I often watches TV on Saturdays. 4.I often read books, sometime I watch TV. 5.You likes tired. 6.What about your? 7.Let’s play the football. 8.I have an cooking class. 9.We has maths、PE and music on Mondays. 四、按要求完成。 看起来很累做运动每天 It’s(完整形式) do not(缩写形式) who is(缩写形式) Thursday(缩写)

一、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。 Tuesday(缩写形式)tomoto(复数) don’t(完整形式)I’d(完整形式) too(同音词) sandwich(复数) Let’s(完整形式) noodles(单数) 在周末(翻译)在星期五(翻译) 二、句型转换。 1.My maths teacher is young and tail.(变为一般疑问句) 2.Ms Li is our music teacher.(对划线部分提问) 3.My favourite food is beef.(对划线部分提问) 4.I often watch TV on Sundays. (对划线部分提问) 5.I’d li ke some eggs and beef to eat. (对划线部分提问) 6.I don’t like salad.(改为肯定句) 7.We have art and PE at Mondays.(改错) 8.Amy’s favourite food is ice cream.(对划线部分提问) 9.I often read books on Wednesdays. (变为一般疑问句) 三、翻译。 1.你想吃点什么? 2.我想要一些面条。 3.它是健康的。 4.你最喜爱的食物是什么? 5.我不喜欢鸡肉但是鸡肉还可以。 6.我非常喜欢沙拉。 7.陈杰最喜欢的食物是鱼。 8.你应该每天做运动。 9.我经常看电视,有时候读书。 10.你看起来累了。 11.我和你的奶奶有一节烹饪课。

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