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新概念第二册Lesson 9-11教案

新概念第二册Lesson 9-11教案
新概念第二册Lesson 9-11教案

Lesson 9-11

Lesson 9 A cold welcome

【New words and expressions】

welcome n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎本crowd n. 人群

gather v. 聚集hand n. (表或机器的)指针

shout v. 喊叫refuse v. 拒绝laugh v. 笑★welcome n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎

① n. 欢迎 a cold welcome 冷遇

② v. 欢迎welcome to+地点

welcome to China;welcome to my home;welcome home;welcome back ③ adj. 受欢迎的You are welcome. 1.你是受欢迎的。2.不用谢

You are welcome to+地点

★crowd n. 人群

① n. 人群in the crowd 在人群中

I spotted him in the crowd. 我在人群中一眼就认出了他

a crowd of people 一群人,没有次序的人群, 拥挤的人群

a group of people 一群人,有次序的人群

a large crowd of people/crowds of people:人山人海

② v.拥挤, 挤满

★gather v. 聚集

① vt. 使集拢,集合,召集

He gathered a large crowd of people round him.

② vt 收集,采集,收(庄稼等)

The children are out in the field gathering flowers. 孩子们在外面地里采花。It has taken me a lifetime to gather all these books.


③ vi. 集拢,聚集,集合They gathered under the Town Hall clock. people gathered 人们聚集在一起, 尤指自发性的聚集

★hand n. 1.(表或机器的)指针;手

minute hand;second hand;hour hand 分/秒/时针

second hand 二手的,旧的,秒针

wait me a moment/wait me a few seconds(for a few secs.) (secs.是seconds 的缩写)

2.有本事的人,能手[(+at)] He was an old hand at the job.

3.帮助Could you give me a hand with the baggage?

4.方面On one hand he likes watching TV; on the other hand he has a lot of homework to do, he is very busy all day.

vt. 递交,递给He handed me a glass of beer.

★refuse v. 拒绝

① vt. 拒绝(接受、服从等)She refused the gift [g?ft]礼品.

② vt. 拒不,不肯,不愿[+to-v]

John refused to change his mind. 约翰拒不改变主意。

③ vi. 拒绝,不接受

I offered to pay him for his help, but he refused. offer['?f?]给予,提供;拿出,出


★shout v.喊叫=call out 大声喊叫cry out 大声哭喊scream [skrim]尖叫

★laugh vi. 笑;嘲笑[(+at)]

They laughed at their own failure. 他们对自己的失败一笑置之。


On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted. 'It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!' I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

参考译文:星期三的晚上, 我们去了市政厅. 那是一年的最后一天, 一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面. 再过20分钟, 大钟将敲响12 下. 15 分钟过去了, 而就

在11 点55 分时, 大钟停了. 那根巨大的分针不动了. 我们等啊等啊, 可情况没

有变化. 突然有人喊道: “已经12 点零2 分了!那钟已经停了!” 我看了一下我的手表,果真如此. 那座大钟不愿意迎接新年. 此时, 大家已经笑了起来, 同时唱起了歌.


1、A cold welcome 冷遇cold adj. 冷的, 寒冷的, 冷淡的

cold fish冷漠的人My brother is a cold fish.

英语中有许多以动物代替人的词: lucky dog 幸运的人

2、On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall.


3、It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.

the last day of the year 一年中的最后一天

a large crowd of the people 一大群人

☆ below / under 这两个介词都可以表示位置“在…下面”,但有区别。(1).below表示“在…之下”,“在…的下游”,与介词above相对应,常指在某物体之下,但不一定在该物的正下方。例如:

Some parts of the country are below sea level.那个国家的某些部分位于海平面之下。

He is below the average at school.他的学习成绩在全校平均水准以下。(2). under表示“在…之下”,通常表示位置处于正下方,与介词over“在…上方”相对应。例如:

Our boat went under the bridge.我们的船通过桥下。

A cat is sitting under the table.一只猫在桌子下面。

4、It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time.

★strike[stra?k] v. 打,击;敲,弹(钟,乐器等)

①v. 打,击She struck the man in the face.

② v. 敲,弹(钟,乐器等)

strike the clock(人)敲钟clock strike 钟自己响

Listen, the clock is striking. strike twelve 数字表示敲击的次数



beat:连续不断的打beat drums:敲鼓

★in twenty minutes' time 20分钟之后


(1).有生命的东西:my mother's; kit's; Tom's

(2).可以用来表达时间:It will leave in five minutes'time.

in twenty(minutes'time)名词所有格可省略an hour's time


-How far is the school from here?

-About five minutes' walk. 五分钟路程

5、Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped.

… minutes pass …几点过几分(前半小时,pass过了)

… minutes to … 几点过几分(后半小时,to还没到)

a quarter to nine/15 minutes to nine

时刻指点时间, 时间指段时间。时刻前的介词用at。

…minutes later 几分钟以后

本句句式:…(some time) passed and then, sth. happened ……时间过去了,……An hour passed and then, he arrived. 一个小时过去了,他终于来了。

6、We waited and waited, but nothing happened.

waited and waited 等啊等啊, 强调动作的重复(walked and walked;run and run)happen vi.事情做主语, 事情发生. What happened? Nothing happened.

7、The clock has stopped!




8、It was true. It was true that+从句……是一个事实

9、The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.

refuse to do sth. 拒绝去做某事

I refuse to leave. 我拒绝离开I refuse to move. 我拒绝移动

10、At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

at that moment = just then 就在那时

at the moment = now 现在, 此刻, 在此时

【Key structures】

引导时间状语的介词in/on/at/during/till 与until


①表示一天中的某段时间:in the morning;in the afternoon;in the evening

②表示周、月份、年份:in a week;in January;in Feb;in 1992

③表示季节:in summer;in spring;in autumn;in winter

in+表示时间长度的短语可以表示“在某段时间之内”,这时可以与现在时、过去时或将来时连用,一般与完成某动作有关;还可译为“……时间之后”,一般与将来时连用。根据时态判别in 表示的含义

in twenty minutes' time 20 分钟之后

We will finish ['f?n??] class in half an hour.


①表示星期:on Monday;on Friday

②表示日期:on June 1st;on 23rd March(在书写日期时没有冠词,但在口语中则分别读为:on June the first;on the 23rd of March三月)

③表示星期+日期:on Monday, June 1st

④表示具体时间:on Wednesday evening;on fine afternoon;on that day


①表示确切的时间:at five to twelve;at ten o'clock

②表示用餐时间:at lunch/dinner time;at teatime

③表示其他时刻:at night;at noon;at midnight;at that time

4、during在……期间,后必须跟一个名词,可以指整个一段时间,有时可以用in 替代。He has phoned four times during the last half hour.

I met him sometime during the week.(不能用in代替)我是在这一周的某天遇到他的。

during the holiday 强调假期的从头到尾

He enjoyed himself during his holiday.

in the holiday 强调这段时间其中某一点时间, 并不表示自始至终

I was caught in an accident in the holiday. caught [k?t](catch的过去式和过去分词)

5、from…till… 指一段明确的时间:

The tourist season ['sizn]季,季节runs from June till October.

6、until prep.&coin. 直到……时候,直到什么时候为止, 直到什么时候才

until主句和从句两个都用一般过去时对(最习惯的一种用法), 主句和从句任何一个用过去完成时也对

I can't enter for the sports meeting until tomorrow.

I had not understood the problem until he explained it.

We hadn't disturbed him until he finished work.

We didn't disturb him until he had finished work.

We didn't disturb him until he finished work.(更习惯于这种用法)


Everyday we have English class from 8:30 to 11:30

关于时间表示方法: What’s the time?/What time is it?

A整点: A o’clock

A点B 分(B<30): A B / B pastA

A点15 分: A fifteen / fifteen past A / a quarter pastA

A点30 分: A thirty / half past A

A点B分(B>30) : A B / (60-B) to (A+1)

A点45 分: A forty-five / a quarter to (A+1) / fifteen to (A+1)

【Special Difficulties】

Any,Not...Any and No

any用于否定句和疑问句中,some用于肯定句(或要求得到肯定回答的疑问句) Do you have any friends? I don't have any friends.

not 用在非实义动词后面, 实义动词前面.

not any=no 用在名词前面,no比not any的语气要强,但这两种否定的意义是相同的。I have no friends.



Lesson 10 Not for jazz

【New words and expressions】

jazz n. 爵士音乐(a kind of music)

musical adj. 音乐的

---musical student 有音乐天赋的人

---music student 学音乐的人)

instrument n. 乐器

---instrument=musical instrument


★recently adv. 最近


★damage v. 损坏

① n. 损害,损失,伤害

---The storm has done a lot of damage to the village.

② vt. 损害,毁坏,损坏

---The car was badly damaged in the accident.


① n. 琴键

② n. 钥匙,答案

---key to the door 门钥匙

---Do you know the key to the question?

③ adj. 关键的---key structure


① v. 使不悦或生气, 震惊

---The news shocks me.

② adj. 令人震惊的

---It is shocking.

③ adj. 感到震惊

---I'm shocked.

④ n. 震惊

get a shock

shock 必指坏事, 令人不悦, 生气的

surprise 好事坏事都可以, 只要你没有料到的

---I want to give you surprise.

★allow v. 允许, 让

allow doing sth.

Smoking is allowed.=people allow smoking.

allow sb. to do sth. / sb. be allowed to do sth.


---You are allowed to smoke.(被动语态)

---You are not allowed to enter the room if you don't take the card with you.


① vt.&vi. 触摸,碰

---You are not allowed to touch the vase.

② vt. 谈及,涉及,关系到

---A rise in the cost of living touches everyone. 生活费用的增加与每个人都有关系


We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in

Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was

shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.


我家有件古乐器, 被称作古钢琴, 是1681年德国造的. 我们的这架古钢琴存放在起居室里. 我们家有这件乐器已经很久了, 是我祖父在很多年以前买的. 可它最近被一个客人弄坏了, 因为她用它来弹奏爵士乐. 她在击琴键时用力过猛, 损坏了两根琴弦. 我父亲大为吃惊, 不许我们再动它. 父亲的一个朋友正在修理这件乐器.


1、It is called a clavichord.


call sb. sth. / sb. be called


---What do you call this? 你们把这称为什么?

2、It has belonged to our family for a long time.


---This farm belongs to me and it belonged to my father before me.

3、She tried to play jazz on it!

play n. 玩,演奏(乐器等)

①跟球类连用, 直接+球类;

②跟乐器连用, +the+乐器, 演奏乐器而非音乐

③ play music on + 乐器, 一定要用“on”

【Key structures】




【Special Difficulties】

made in表示产地或时间

--- It was made in Germany.

made of表示用某种材料制成(通常指制造后不改变该材料原来的性质或形状)--- The tea pot is made of silver.

made from表示用数种材料制成,或者是制造后改变了材料原来的性质或形状

--- Paper can be made from wood.

made by表示由谁制造

--- This cake was made by my sister.

be made into 被制成……

--- The gold is made into a ring.

1. the music - composed – a German

The music was composed by a German.

2. this car – designed – an Italian

This car was designed by an Italian.

3. invented the telephone – in America

The telephone was invented in America.

4. carpet – cleaned – on Saturday

The carpet was cleaned on Saturday.

【双重所有格/双重属格: 名词+of+名词所有格】



He is a friend of mine. “他是我的一个特殊的或惟一的朋友”。

He is no friend of mine. “我根本不认识他”或“他是我的敌人”

强调很多当中的一个或几个的时候, 选用双重属格结构

a friend of my father/my father's friend(s)只有一个朋友

a friend of my father's 很多朋友中的一个

It happened to a friend of mine. 我的很多朋友中的一个

Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another

【New words and expressions】

turn n. 行为,举止deserve v. 应得到,值得

lawyer n. 律师bank n. 银行

salary n. 工资immediately adv. 立刻

★turn n. 行为, 举止(对人有影响力的行为,很少用。) 常用behavior

turn n. 1)(帮助或损害他人的)举动、行为

Yesterday George did me a good/an ill turn. 乔治昨天做了一件对我有利/不利的事。

He is always ready to do a turn for others. 他总是乐于为他人做好事。

behavior [b?'hevj?] n. 行为, 举止Pay attention to your behavior.

2) 轮流,顺序

eg. I knew that my turn had come. 我知道这回轮到我了。

eg. They are on duty in turn. 他们在轮流值班。

turn v.

turn on; turn off (装有阀门、有开关的东西)

turn on the light 打开灯turn off the light 关掉灯

turn on the TV 打开电视turn off the TV 关掉电视

turn on the tap 打开水龙头turn off the tap 关掉水龙头

turn down 调小一些;turn up 调大一些

turn over 翻身turn round 转过身来;turn around 转过身来

take sb down/let sb down 让…..失望

eg. Don't turn your parents down. 不要让父母失望。

turn sth down 拒绝某事(refuse sth)

turn my plan down 拒绝我的计划turn my help down 拒绝我的帮助turn against 背叛

eg. I'll never turn against my motherland. 我永远不会背叛我的祖国。

★deserve v. 应得到, 值得(中性,可褒,可贬)

① deserve + n. 应该得到……,值得……,应得(奖赏、惩罚等)

He deserves praise. 他应该得到表扬

He deserved a promotion. (promotion [pr?'mo??n] n. 提升)

② deserve sth./to do sth. 应该……

She deserved to be punished ['p?n??]罚;惩罚,处罚.

Good work deserves good pay. 多劳多得

His words deserve attention. 他的话值得注意。

worth adj. 值得的be worth doing 值得做

The film is worth seeing the second time. 这部电影值得再看一遍。

The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

be worthy of 值得….的,足以….的

be worthy of praise / be worthy to be praised 值得被表扬的worthwhile adj. 值得花时间、金钱的,值得做的

a worthwhile task 一件值得做的工作

★lawyer n. 律师lawyer's office 律师事务所

★bank n. 银行rob the bank 抢银行

★salary n. 工资

salary n. 薪金,薪水(月薪, 年薪,通常指职员、脑力劳动者(如律师、教师、医生等)有固定工作或管理阶层的收入,数额比较固定,一般按月支付) My salary is paid on the 28th of the month.

wage n. 工资,工钱(按小时, 周计算的,通常指技工或一般体力劳动者,不稳定的工作人的收入,按周或天支付。一般用复数形式wages)。

When I worked as a waiter, the wages were low, but the tips were good.


pay n. 雇主定期付给的工资(salary+wage [wed?]薪水;报酬,通用)

Today is pay-day. 今天是发工资的日子。

bonus ['bon?s] n. 奖金, 分红

collet ['kɑl?t] v. 搜集, 领取collect salary/wage 领工资

与工资相关短语:pay-day 发工资的日子

wage earner 体力劳动者

salary man 专业人员,办公室人员

nine-to-fiver 有固定工作的人;朝九晚五的白领

an annual salary 年薪

basic salary 基本工资

a fat salary / a high salary /a good salary 高薪

a poor salary / a low salary 低薪

a meager ['mi:g?] salary 微薄的薪水

★immediately adv. 立刻


at once, right away, straight away, quickly, promptly,right now

immediate adj. 立刻的,很快的

an immediate answer 立即答复take immediate action 立即采取行动

an immediate cause 直接原因an immediate boss 直属上司


I was having dinner at a restaurant ['r?st?r?nt] when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a

good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. 'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!'


我正在一家饭馆吃饭, 托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来. 托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作, 而现在正在一家银行上班. 他的薪水很高, 但他却总是向朋友借钱, 并且从来不还. 托尼看见了我, 就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前.他从未向我借过钱. 当他吃饭时, 我提出向他借20 英镑. 令我惊奇的是, 他立刻把钱给了我.“我还从未向你借过钱, “托尼说道, “所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!”


1、One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来, 善有善报

one bad turn deserves another 恶有恶报

2. I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.

★have breakfast; have lunch; have supper; have dinner

have a meal 吃一顿饭

3、He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.

★○1工资很高:a good salary; a high salary; a fat salary

工资很低:a poor salary; a low salary

○2borrow 借入borrow sth from sb

lend 借出lend sth to sb / lend sb sth

○3pay 在这里的意思是“偿还(债务等)”,还可解释为“付,支付(价款、账单)等”。Pay 既是及物动词也可以是不及物动词。pay-paid-paid


pay money for……为…付款pay for 付款

pay back = return the amount of money =repay还钱

pay off 还清pay off the debt 还清债务

eg. I paid 100,000 yuan for this car. 这辆车我花了十万元。

eg. I'll pay you back. 我会还你钱的/ 我会报复你的。


spend:(人)spend time/money/energy on sth / (in) doing sth


cost v. (主语是:事情,某物)花费cost-cost- cost

take:It takes(took)sb some time to do sth. 做某事花某人时间

eg. It takes me 20 minutes to go to work every day.

return 归还:return + n. + to… 把…还给某人;把…归还某处

eg. Will you return my key to the car? 你把车钥匙还给我,好吗?

eg. You should return the book to the shelf after you read it.

repay1) 偿还,还钱

eg. He has not repaid me $ 10 yet. 他还没还我10 美元呢。

2) 报答,回报(某人)

eg. I will repay her for her kindness. 我会报答她的好意的。or: I will repay her kindness.

4、Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.

★and连接三个并列的动词at the same table 坐在同一张桌子旁边

at table 吃饭at the table 坐在桌子旁边

5、'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!'

★pay for 为……而付钱I have paid for you a dinner.

I have paid 20 dollars for the book.

★ask (sb.) for sth. 问……要……

It's my treat [trit].我请客This time is your treat. Next time is my turn.

Let's go dutch [d?t?]. AA制

【Special Difficulties】动词+名词/代词+带to的不定式


eg. I ask him to lend me twenty pounds.him是不定式to lend的逻辑主语

eg. He wants me to ask you a question.

eg. Frank helped Tom to dig this hole.

eg. She taught her son to read.

eg. We advise them to stay at home.

eg. They did not allow us to enter the museum before 9 o'lock.


want sb to do sth ask sb to do sth

allow sb to do sth help sb to do sth or: help sb do sth

beg sb to do sth teach sb to do sth

advise sb to do sth expect sb to do sth

还有一些动词后面用不定式作宾语时,其后通常必须有一名词或代词。这类动词有allow,advise [?d'va?z]劝告,忠告,help,teach,tell,request [r?'kw?st]要求,请求等,这类动词不但可用于主动语态,也可用于被动语态:

We were not allowed to see the picture.

hope一定不能说hope sb. to do sth.,正确用法是hope to do (希望自己)或hope that(希望别人)


Lesson 47 Too high a price 代价是否太高 New words and expression 生词和短语 pollution n..污染 相应词型: pollute, polluted, pollution, polluter air pollution water pollution noise pollution information pollution pollutant n.污染物chemical pollutant pollute v.污染 More and more water is been polluted. Pollution is the major problem we are faced with. Gases from cars are one of the polluters of air pollution. eg. Peking is heavily polluted. pollute one's mind 污染心灵 polluter A polluter is someone or something that pollutes the environment. 污染者; 污染源innocent adj.无害的,无污染的an innocent glass of water overpopulated adj.人口多的overpeopled populate v.居住于If an area is populated by certain people or animals聚居; 栖息 eg. The north-east of the U.S.A is populated mainly by farmers.美国东北部的居民主要是农民。densely populated人口多的(人口密度过大的)/heavily populated /thickly populated /over populated sparsely populated [‘spɑ:sli] 人口稀少的稀疏地;贫乏地/thinly populated /under populated shift population流动人口population explosion 人口爆炸 sparsely-populated community 人口稀疏的地区== sparsely-peopled population 人口数量 What’s the population in your country? The city has a population of two million. populous [‘p?pj?l?s] adj. 正式,强调一个地区人口众多,拥挤 The narrow street is populous with people. The most populous province in China is SiChuan. over-industrialized adj.过度工业化的 commercialization 商品化 -(z)ation …化 industrialization 工业化denationalization私有化desertification沙漠化 sheer [???(r)] adj.纯粹的,不掺杂的(只做定语) 1.pure unmixed 纯粹的[ADJ n] [强调] 2.steep [sti:p] 陡峭的; 完全垂直的 It is very difficult for us to climb sheer mountain. The cliff is so sheer that you can’t climb it. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/af2300036.html,plete完全的What are you talking about sheer nonsense? 4.Transparent [tr?ns’p?r?nt]透明的ladies and girls would like to wear sheer silk stockings. sheer luck实在是运气sheer stupidity 太蠢了 the sheer weight 净重the sheer size净尺寸the sheer volume总体积 (use to emphasize how heavy or big something is) eg. The sheer area of China is bigger than the whole Europe. mere 仅仅(程度低) a mere 20 miles 仅20英里 a mere child


Lesson7Toolate为时太晚本课重点:过去进行时,一般过去时 New words and expressions: 1. detectiven.侦探 detective story/novel侦探小说 detective film侦探片 After a while he was tired of reading detective stories.过了一会儿,他对看侦探小说也感到厌倦了。 2. airportn.机场 airfieldn.飞机起落的场地 port港口;airport航空港 fieldxx;airfield停机坪 at the airport on the airfield The plane circled the airport before landing.飞机着陆以前在机场上空盘旋。 We are to meet him at the airport.我们要到飞机场去接他。 An airfield is a place where aircraft can take off or land.飞机场是飞机可以起飞或降落的地方。 The firm decided to bid on the new airfield.该公司决定投标争取承建新机场。 3. expect:/ik'spekt/ v.期待,等待/except除……之外 expectdo sth.期待某人做某事: I expect you to write back. We expect him to carry out his promises.我们期待他履行诺言。

We expect you to finish it in time.我们希望你及时把它完成。 expect sb. / sth.及物动词:I expect your letter. Do not expect me.不要期待我来。 I expect so.我希望如此[口语]/ I think so. expect to do sth.预料,预期,估计,预计 We expect to have a supply this Friday.估计本星期五就会到货。 She expects to fail the exam.她预料无法通过考试。 比较:wait for sth./wait for sb.不及物动词 expect:心理上的等待 wait for:动作上的等待 I am waiting for my mother. I expect my mother to come back. 习惯用语: as one might expect正如人们所预料的 be expecting怀孕了 expect sb. to be期望某人成为... expect sth. of sb.对...的期望[要求] 4.valuable: adj. (1)贵重的,珍贵的,值钱的,名贵的,指“由于有价值很值钱而价格高的”He has a valuable collection of stamps.他收藏了很有价值的邮票。 (2)xx的,有价值的,极有用的


Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck New Expressions: 1 luck [l?k] n.运气,幸运 2 captain ['k?pt?n] n.船长 3 sail [seil] v.航行 4 harbour ['ha:b?] n.港口 5 proud [praud] a.自豪 6 important [im'p?:t?nt] a.重要的 Notes: 1. luck: 运气,幸运 bad [hard, ill, tough] luck 不幸, 倒霉 good luck 幸运 We wish you luck. 祝你好运。 Good luck to you! 祝你成功! He came to Beijing to try his luck. 他来到北京,想碰碰运气。 You never know your luck. 你也许会走运的。 联想:(1) lucky: 幸运的,运气好的 a lucky dog 幸运儿 a lucky day 吉日 He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运的家伙。 You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident. 你真幸运,经过那场车祸还能生还。 (2) unlucky: 不幸的 Friday is believed to be an unlucky day. 星期五被认为是不吉利的日子。 You were just unlucky. 你只是运气不好。 She was unlucky to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday. 她太倒霉了,休假第一天就感冒了。 It's considered unlucky to walk under a ladder. 从梯子下面走过被认为是不吉利的。 2. sail: 航行 Can you sail a boat? 你会驾驶船只吗? The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow. 这船明天开往上海。 This ship sails for New York on Monday. 这船将于星期一开往纽约。 The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky. 白云飘过天空。 The duchess sailed into the room. 公爵夫人轻盈地走进了房间。 He sailed through his exams. 他顺利地通过了考试。 3. harbour: 港口 This harbour is a natural harbour. 这个港口是天然港。 They brought the boat into the harbour and dropped (the) anchor. 他们把船开进海港下锚


第一课 A private conversation 课文: Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily they did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. “I can't hear a word!” I said angrily. “It's none of your business”, the young man said rudely, “This is a private conversation!” *本课重点语法:一般过去时、过去进行时 英语的时态细分共有16种,其中较多用的为9种: 第一课分析其中三种:一般现在时,一般过去时和过去进行时 一般现在时是用来表示: 经常、反复或是习惯性发生的动作,如 I go to work at 0900 every day. 我每天9点钟上班。 She does not take dinner on Sundays. 她周日晚上都不吃晚餐。


Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 1:Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning. 1):一般将来时:一般将来时表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,亦表示将来经常或重复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,next year,soon等。表示将来时间的语法手段常见的至少有5种,即“shall/will + 动词原形”;“be going to + 不定式”;“be + -ing”;“be to + 不定式”以及一般现在时。 1.1 一般将来时的构成 肯定句:主语+ shall/will + 动词原形... 否定句:主语+ shall/will + not + 动词原形... 疑问句:Shall/Will + 主语+ 动词原形...? 疑问代词/疑问副词 + shall/will + 主语+ 动词原形...? 1.2 一般将来时的肯定句 句型:主语+ shall/will + 动词原形.... 在书面语中,如果主语是第一人称,常用“助动词shall + 动词原形”构成一般将来时的肯定句,即“I/we + shall + 动词原形”;shall可缩写为'll: If I have time tomorrow,I think I'll get a haircut.如果我明天有时间,我想去理个发。 在口语中,所有的人称都可以用will,即“主语(所有人称)+ will + 动词原形...”;will可缩写为'll: Some day,I'll tell you.将来某一天我会告诉你的。 1.3 一般将来时的否定句:句型:主语+ will/shall + not + 动词原形... 一般将来时的否定句是在will/shall后加not;will not可缩写为won't;shall not可缩写为shan't:Mary won't go to the party.玛丽不会去参加晚会。 1.4 一般将来时的一般疑问句句型:Shall/Will + 主语+ 动词原形... 回答方式:Yes,主语+ shall/will. No,主语+ shall/will + not. 一般将来时的一般疑问句是将助动词shall/will置于主语之前(大写shall/will的第一个字母),在句尾加问号;这种语序是主语和谓语倒装语序: Will he come? 他来吗? Will you be at our next meeting? 我们下次开会你来吗? Will you be free tonight? —Yes,I will./No,I won't(be free).今晚你有空吗? ——是,我有空。/不,我没有空。 Will they be here tomorrow? —Yes,they will./No,they won't.他们明天到这儿来吗? ——是,他们明天来。/不,他们明天不来。 Shall we be back in time? —Yes,we shall./No,we shall not.我们将及时回去吗? ——是的。/不,我们不赶回去。 1.5 一般将来时的特殊疑问句 句型:疑问代词/疑问副词+ shall/will + 主语+ 动词原形... 一般将来时的特殊疑问句是将疑问代词/疑问副词置于助动词shall/will之前(shall/will的第一个字母无需大写),和一般疑问句差不多,在句尾加问号;这种语序是主语和谓语倒装语序。就主语提问时,将疑问代词或带有疑问限定词的名词词组置于助动词shall/will之前,在句尾加问号;这种语序是陈述句语序: 1

新概念第二册第一课教案 (1)

一.课题:Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话二.计划的授课时间:50分钟 三.教学流程 1.组织课堂: Hello,everybody.What a nice day! 2.导入: Today we will talk about one topic---private conversation.(写题目Lesson 1 A private conversation;跟读private conversation,简单讲解词义---私人谈话) 大家经常去电影院看电影吗?喜欢什么类型的电影?在电影院里遇见过不看电影、大声说话或者看电影看得太入迷、边看边讨论剧情的人吗?(与学员互动) 今天,我们要学习的是一个发生在戏院里的事。主人公兴致勃勃地到戏院看戏,但遇见了一件让他很生气的事,那到底是什么事呢? 3.新知识讲解: First listen to the tape twice and I will ask you one question---what do you learn from the passage? (listening to the tape twice) Ok, wo would like to answer the question? what do you learn from the passage?(与学员互动) 好,那我们跟随作者的脚步,来看看他们都具体说了什么?follow me please!

(Read the passage following me and read it by the students themselves) 生词与短语讲解: 1.private/`praivit/adj. ○1私人的,秘密的 a private conversation/letter 私人交谈/信函 Eg: they were sharing a private joke. 他们讲着外人听不懂的笑话。 private eye 私眼 [私家侦探的别称,侦探小说和电影里不可少的角色。原称private investigator,取后一字首一字母i(读如eye),造成新词private eye.]---拓展学员知识 ○2私立的,私营的,民营的 private companies、enterprise/schools 私营公司、企业/私立学校 ○3名词形式:privacy n.隐私,私密 2.conversation n.(非正式)交谈,谈话 ○1to get into (a---AmE) conversation with sb. 开始与某人攀谈 Eg: Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right. 唐与他右边的女孩在深入交谈。 ○2conversational adj.用于交谈的,口语的 conversationalist n.健谈的人,能聊的人 3.theatre n.剧场,戏院(AmE theater)---go to the theatre去看戏


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Lesson 2 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.初步掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词小引 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及肯定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)代词人称代词和物主代词 2)Be 动词 3)一般疑问句 4)主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 5)一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答 2.语言点: 1)打扰他人 2)表达谢意 3.语音:初步知识,字母、音标介绍 六、扩展练习 1.打扰他人的表达 2.表达谢意

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Lesson 4 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解并运用主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词形容词性物主代词 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及否定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)否定陈述句 2)Be动词的否定形式 3)代词的功能 4)一般疑问句及否回答 5)形容词性物主代词 2.语言点: 1)询问“是否” 2)表达歉意 3.语音:字母、音标介绍

六、扩展练习 1.询问“是否” 2.向别人道歉


新概念英语第二册全 册教案

§ Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★private adj.私人的 如果妈妈想看你的信, 你可以说: It's my private letter. 如果陌生人想进你的房子, 你可以说: It's my private house. private life 私生活 由此引申出privacy n.隐私: private life 私生活 It’s privacy.这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) private school(私立学校), 与此相反, 公立学校是public school.所以, private的反义词是public. eg.public 公众; public letter 公开信; public place 公共场所 private还有一个值得注意的意思:普通的. 如: private citizen 普通公民:I’m a private citizen. private soldier 大兵; 我们熟悉的《拯救大兵瑞恩》就是《Private Ryan》 ★conversation n.谈话 subject of conversation :话题(天气是英国人最喜爱的话题) 几种谈话: 1、talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人:Let’s have a talk. 2、conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式: They are having a conversation.


单词学习 luck n. 运气,幸运 captain n. 船长 sail v. 航行 harbour n. 港口 proud adj. 自豪 important adj. 重要的 ★luck n. 运气, 幸运 good luck 祝你好运 bless you 保重(比如在别人打喷嚏时说的话) lucky adj. 幸运的 lucky dog 幸运儿 lucky day 幸运日 It’s my lucky day. 今天我真幸运 luckily adv. 幸运地 unlucky adj. 不幸的 ★captain队长,船长 captain+人名,表示“某队长/船长” ★sail v. 航行 ① vi. (船)航行,扬帆行驶 The ship is sailing for New York. 这条船正驶向纽约 ② vi. (人)乘船航行 I want to sail around the world. 我想乘船环球旅行 ③ n. 帆,篷 This boat has white sails. 这个船的帆是白色的 ★proud adj. 自豪,自满 ①be proud of 以……为自豪,为(某人)感到自豪 Parents are proud of their children. 父母为自己的孩子感到自豪 ②be pround to do sth很骄傲的做某事 I am pround to call you my friend.我很骄傲地称你是我的朋友。 pride n. 自豪 have/take pride in 以……为自豪 He has great pride in his ability. 他对自己的能力感到 (非常) 骄傲We take a lot of pride in our country.我们为我们的国家感到自豪。 ★important adj. 重要的 The matter is important to us. 那件事对我们很重要 It is important for you to do that. 对你来说,做那件事是很重要的importance n. 重要,重要性 She stressed the importance of this work. 她强调了这个工作的重要性 课文讲解: neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. 我们的邻居查尔斯·艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。


Lesson 51 predicting the future 一、单词讲解New words and expressions notorious [n???t??ri?s] adj. (尤指因坏事)众所周知的famous for something (声名狼藉,臭名昭著) a notorious bandit 出了名的, 众人皆知的,臭名远扬的, 声名狼藉的 eg. The region is notorious for its terrible snowstorms. 这个地区以大风雪闻名。 notorious 指因劣迹而臭名昭著,含强烈贬义;但有时也作“众所周知的”解。 这组词都有“著名的,知名的”的意思,其区别是: famous 是普通用词,指传播很广,引起人们注意的人或事物。 eminent 指在某方面杰出卓越或突出的人或物。 notable 用于指事件时,侧重其重要、值得注意;用于指人时,与famous同义,但语气较弱。outstanding 侧重指因素质优良,功绩卓著而超过同类的人或物,强调“突出”。 well-known adj.众所周知的(强调众所周知的),但是仅只好的方面 -- She is well-known in the musical world. / This is well-known fact. remarkable adj.不寻常的(包括褒义和客观)(同意词:unusual, uncommon, extraordinary) -- a remarkable event , an extraordinary event 不同寻常的事件 unremarkable remarkably remark vt 谈到、说起(正式评论、谈论on/upon)n. 评论、意见about outstanding(adj.突出的,杰出的,卓越的)-- Our headmaster is an outstanding youth.(n.年轻人, 青少年)Distinguished(adj. 杰出的, 卓越的, 不同非凡的)(非常成功且令人钦佩的) ~ physicist [‘f?z?s?st] Eminent(adj. 显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的)[‘em?n?nt] (尤指在某一行业、专业领域中颇有名气的) Distinguished和eminent是同义词(都是用来修饰严肃领域的人) -- a distinguished physicist(n.物理学家), an eminent surgeon(n.外科医生) famous adj.著名的(普通用词,可用于人或物,指声名广为人知且持续很久的,名气大,有名) -- He is a famous movie star. / Luxun is famous for his articles. flagrant [?fle?ɡr?nt] adj. 公然的,明目张胆的八级 very shocking because it is done in a way that is easily noticed and shows no respect 公然的,恬不知耻的flagrant cheating 公然欺骗flagrant abuse 公开侮辱flagrant violation 公然践踏 full-time a. 专职的(a&ad全职的(工作、学习),专职的;全日制的;全部时间的) full-time job 专职工作,全天工作full-time student 全日制学生;全职学生,脱产学生 part-time a&ad 部分时间的; 兼职的 technician n 技师(n.技术员,技术人员someone whose job involves skilled practical work with scientific equipment,;技巧纯熟的人is very good at the detailed technical aspects of an activity) maintenance technician 修理行业的技术人员 laboratory technician 化验员;实验室技师lab technician 实验室技术员;实验技师 engineering technician 工程技术员computer technician 计算机技术人员 “某种职业、地位或特征的人”civilian n. 平民civil 公民的comedian n. 喜剧演员comedy 喜剧mathematician数学家electrician n. 电工historian n. 历史学家politician n. 政客 表形容词,“…国的;…地方的,某人的或某宗教的”Arabian adj. 阿拉伯(人)的Arab 阿拉伯人Canadian adj. 加拿大(人)的Egyptian adj. 埃及(人)的Christian adj. 基督教(徒)的technique 多指具体的某种技术和技巧。表示“技术”,是针对方法和技巧而言的,所以它通常可译为“技艺”或“技巧”等,尤其指音乐、艺术、体育、写作等方面的“技巧”。视含义的具体与抽象可用作可数或不可数名词。手法

Rita-新概念英语教案 第二册 8

2010-05-01/02 初三、初四 【前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、背诵课文、听写单词。10’ Lesson 8 - The best and the worst 一、教学重点 1、词汇:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。 2、词汇:跟every相关的复合不定代词。 二、教学步骤 【第一节课】Array 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。3’ ①How is Joe’s garden? ②Who else has a fine garden? ③What prize does the writer always win? 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5’ 4、提问:Why is Joe’s garden the most beautiful one in the town? 看一遍视频,解答问题。3’ 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。20’ 6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。2’ 7、学生自己大声朗读。5’ 【第二节课】 1、做43页的两道选择理解题。5’ 2、朗读课文。10’ 3、找出课文中的比较级和最高级。5’ 4、详细讲解形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(详见下文)。10’ 5、做41页的练习。15’ 6、听一首英文歌曲。5’ 【第三节课】 1、跟every相关的复合不定代词。5’ 2、做42页的练习。10’ 3、听写单词,记忆法指点。5’ 4、读绕口令游戏。8’ 5、看图背课文比赛。20’ 6、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。1’ 7、布置作业:摘要写作,43页的选择题,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful;【多音节词】【the + 形容词的最高级】 2、Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. nice-nicer-the nicest;【单音节词】【the + 形容词的最高级】 nearly = almost 几乎。everybody 看作三单。each = every 每一个。every time 每次。 enter for 报名参加。例句:He entered for marathon last year. She’ll enter for a beauty contest. 3、Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's (garden). large-larger-the largest;【单音节词】【形容词的比较级+ than】

新概念英语第二册14课 英文教案

湖南农业大学教育实习教案 教案内容:Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 学院:外国语学院班级:09英语1班 姓名:赵纯学号:200941327117 Lesson 14 Do you speak English? Teaching Aims and demands: 1.Review the usage of General Question. 2.Master the usage of past perfect , and the word “except”. 3.Grasp the following words and phrases: amusing, experience, village, wave, lift, reply, reach, language, journey, drive on to, wave to sb., ask for a lift, apart from, neither of , not at all, on the way, as soon as.

4.Learn a kind of word—adverb “-ly”. 5.Practice oral English with the topic “An amusing experience you have at shool”. Teaching Content: Text ; Exercises (from V ocabulary to Writing) Teaching Key points and difficult points: 1.the usage of past perfect. 2.amusing, experience, ask for a lift, apart from, on the way Teaching Periods: 6 periods Teaching Procedures: Period 1-2: Ⅰ. Introduction to the text by asking some questions. Questions: 1.Do you remember the first English word you can speak? “Yes”“No”? 2.Do you think speaking English is difficult? Why? 3.Who is the first person you spoke to in English? Your teacher or your classmate? 4.What did you talk about when you spoke English at the first time? 5.How many years have you been learning English? 6.How do you think your oral English now? 7.Do you often make mistakes when you speak English? What are they? 8.Have you ever talked with foreigners in English? When and where? 9.Do you know how to greet when you meet foreigners? 10.Can you recognize a person who is an English or French? Ⅱ.Ask students to go through the text and finish the pre-class work to get the main idea of the text. Then analyze the text the general idea . Ⅲ. Explain the text in details. 1. amusing adj. causing laughter or smiles; enjoyable; funny and entertaining e.g. * an amusing story/anecdote/incident * Our visits to the theatre made the holiday more amusing. a highly amusing (=very amusing) film mildly/vaguely amusing (=a little amusing , but not very ) a mildly amusing spectacle -amusingly adv. ※Amusing/amused Amused adj. e.g. If you are amused by something, you think it is funny and you smile or laugh.. amused at / by Ellen seemed amused by the whole situation. I could see she was highly amused (=very amused). The man looked a little amused.


新概念第二册教案完 整版

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 1 1. b选b最为正确。因为a. d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话。 所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。 2.c其余3个答案都与原句意思不符合。 3.b因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。 4.db. above(在……上方);c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。a. before 和 d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面” 5.c因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How 提问,才能用Angry回答。 6.ab. they 只做主语; c. their只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。 7.da. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did. 8.ba. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅) d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。 Seat 是”座位,座席”的意思。强调的是可供坐下的地方,不是具体的椅子。只有b. place 是seat 的同义词。 9.ab. big(大的)指体积;c. tall(高的)指身材;d. large(大的)指空间和面积。 这3个词都与人的年龄无关。只有a. old是说明年龄的。


题目:《新概念英语》第三册第三十课教案及说课提纲 题目:Teaching Plan and Teaching Presentation for Lesson 30 in New Concept English (Book 3) Teaching Plan Teaching content: Lesson 30 the Death of a Ghost, New Concept English (Book 3) Teaching length: 1 hour I. Teaching objectives: A.Knowledge objective: 1. to guide Ss to learn the new words and phrases in the text and to help Ss to analyze some difficult sentence patterns. 2. to guide Ss to comprehend the main idea of the text. B.Ability objective: 1. to teach Ss how to scan and ski and how to guess the meaning of new words from the context. 2. to cultivate the ability of imagination and critical thinking. C.Moral objective: 1. to edify Ss to think about responsibility. To make sure that Ss understand that one should be responsible to both his country and his family. 2. to guide Ss to believe science rather than ghosts or supernatural

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