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Chapter 1 Culture

(1) Culture Identity:refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.(文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。)

(2) Subculture:refers to a culture that exists within dominant culture, and is often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region. (亚文化:指存在于主流文化中的文化,其划分通常基于经济地位、社会阶层、民族、种族或地理区域。)

(3) Co-culture: refers to groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture. (共文化:指具有独特的交际特征、感知特点、价值观、信仰和行为,区别于其他群体、社团以及主流文化的群体或社团。)

(4) Subgroup: usually does not involve the same large number of people and is not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns of behavior over generations in the same way as cultures do. (亚群体:相对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体世代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。)

(5)Culture :is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, role, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.

Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural Communication

(1) Sender/Source: refers to the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。)

(2) Channel(sometimes called the medium): is the method used to deliver a message. (渠道/媒介:渠道/媒介指发送信息的方法。)

(3) Receiver: is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. (信息接受者:信息接受者指信息接收者是指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人。)

(4) Intercultural communication: is communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.( 跨文化交际:跨文化交际指的是那些在文化认知和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。)

Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers

(1)Ethnocentrism: refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture by the

standards of one’s own culture.(种族或民主中心主义:是指从本国文化的标准出发,消极地审视另一文化。)

(2)Prejudice:refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a particular

group, race, religion, or sexual orientation.(偏见:偏见是指对于某一特定群体、种族、宗教、或性取向的无端地憎恶和怀疑。)

(3) Racism: is any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race.(种族主义:种族主义是指基于种族把性格特点或地位归因于个人的任一政策、做法、信仰或态度。)

(4) Stereotyping:is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.(文化定势:文化定势指基于明显的或受到认可的群体身份,对目标群体中的个体成员所持有的正面或反面的判断。)

Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication

(1) Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.来自不同文化背景的人用言语进行的交际即言语跨文化交际

(2) Pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or lends languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 洋泾浜,是一种特殊的语言变体,指为贸易等目的将两种或几种语言混合使用。

(3) Dialect is a form of language peculiar to a group of people, as distinguished from the literary language of the whole people. 方言是某一群体特有的语言,与整个群体的言语不同。

(4) Taboo refers to prohibition of a set of behaviors that should be avoided because they are offensive and impolite. 禁忌语指被禁止或避免的具有冒犯性的不礼貌行为。

Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication

(1) Nonverbal communication: refers to the messages sent without using words. (非言语交际:不运用言语语言传递信息被称为非言语交际。)

(2) Oculesics: is the study of nonverbal communication sent by the eyes.(目光语:对于由眼睛所传达的信息的研究。不同的文化对于交际时眼神的接触有不同的要求。)

(3) Proxemics: is the way we use fixed space and personal space.(时空行为:时空行为对空间关系的研究。)

(4) Kinesics:It refers to gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body positions, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relation to communication.(身势语行为:身势语(也称体态语),指手势、面目表情、眼神交流、身体姿势、肢体运动和问候方式以及和他们与交际的关系。)

(5) Chronemics: It is the study of how people perceive and use time.(时间行为:对于人们如何理解和利用时间的研究。)

Chapter 7 Cultural Patterns

(1)Members in the culture of high uncertainty avoidance have a lower tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.

(2)Individuals from high power distance cultures accept power as part of society. As

a result, superiors consider their subordinates to be different from themselves and vice versa.

(3)People from high masculine cultures tend to see same-sex relationships as more intimates than opposite-sex relationships.

(4)In collective societies such as those in Pakistan , Colombia ,Venezuela, China and

Peru,people are born into extended families that support and protect them in exchange for their loyalty.

Chapter 8 Cultural Influences on Contexts

(1)In Japan, business is not conducted in Obon(in mid-August), because many people travel to the graves of their ancestors.

(2)In India ,”the traditional greeting is the namaste, formed by pressing the palms together , fingers up, below the chin. A slight bow may be added to show respect.”

(3)In Israel , the Jewish holy day , the Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday. Therefore , the business week runs from Sunday through Thursday. Conducting business on the holy day would be highly inappropriate.

(4)In Saudi Arabia , no business is conducted during the three-day festival of breaking fast at the end of the month of Ramadan.

Chapter 9 Intercultural Adaptation

(1)Honeymoon: is the first stage of the intercultural adaptation when everything is new and exciting.

(2)Segregation:It occurs when the more politically and economically powerful culture does not want the intercultural contact, the separation is initiated and enforced by the dominant society.(隔离:隔离当经济和政治上更强大的新主流文化不接受人们与它进行文化接触,人们就会被这种文化隔离在外。)

(3)Integration:It takes place when some people desire a high level of interaction with the host culture while maintaining identity with their native culture. This kind of acculturation is called integration. (文化融合:文化融合指人们在文化适应过程中高度接受新的主流文化,同时又保留了自己文化的完整性)。

(4)Assimilation:It is a process in which members of an ethnic group are absorbed into the dominant culture, losing their culture in the process. (同化:同化指一个民族群体的人们逐渐失去自己原有的文化,接受新的主流文化的过程。)

(5)Marginalization:It occurs when the individual chooses not to identify with his or her native culture or with the host culture. (边缘化:边缘化指人们不仅失去自己原有的文化身份,而且无法融入新的主流文化。)


选词填空 改变改观改善 (1)几年之间,家乡完全()了样子。 (2)矿工们的劳动条件日益()。 (3)这一带防风林长起来,沙漠的面貌就要大大()。 发明发现发掘 (1)火药是中国最早()的。 (2)考古学家在云南省()了我国第一具恐龙化石的骨架。 (3)一个苹果从树上掉下来,使牛顿受到启示,()了地球有地心引力。 演化演示 (1)恐龙的()过程,证实了英国学者赫胥黎的进化论是有根据的。 (2)电子课件向我们()了恐龙的生活习性。 展示展现显示 (1)辽西恐龙化石的发现向世人()了恐龙长羽毛的证据。 (2)走进科技馆,()在我们眼前的是一只只栩栩如生的恐龙模型。 (3)近年来发现的大量化石():亿万年前,一种带羽毛的恐龙演化出今天的鸟类大家族。 继续陆续连续断断续续持续 1.雨停了,人们()赶路。 2.他背书十分流利,从来不会()。 3.清晨,同学们()走进校园,开始了一天的学习。 4.在抢险救灾中,他()工作了十个小发明。 5、我们()跳上一只船。 6、我()三年都去观看了钱塘江大潮。 7、我们把手一拍,便看见一只大鸟飞了起来。我们()拍掌,树上就变得热闹了。 8、这三个月()干旱,西北地区连吃水都困难了。 发现发明 1、地质工作者在塔里木盆地()了大油田。 2、指南针、火药、造纸和印刷术是我国()的。 挺立耸立 1、抬头一看,一座八角宝塔形的三层建筑()在半山腰上。 2、校门前的青松()在风雪中,显得越发苍翠。 瞭望眺望凝结凝聚 1. 海防战士()着广阔的海面。 2. 站在天塔观景台上()远方,心情舒畅极了。 3. 荷叶上()着晶莹的露珠。 4. 池面上()了薄薄一层冰。 坚固牢固 1、高高的城墙无比(),经过几次地震都完好无损。 2、只有经常复习,知识才能掌握得()一些。 责备叱责 1、白鹅一看到生人就会厉声()。 2、白鹅看到空空如也的饭罐便昂首大叫,似乎()人们供养不周。 偶然必然傲然果然 1、爷爷说自己不舒服,()下午他就发起烧来了。 2、只要你刻苦学习,成绩()会有所提高。 3、这是一个()的事故,实在是意想不到的。


2019-2020年下学期八年级英语期末考前练习-选词填空 1. 【选词填空】阅读短文,选择括号中所给词填空。 Peter was the real Spiderman, but he ____ (A. doesn't / B. didn't) know the fact at that time. One day, he ____ (A.is / B. was) having lunch in the school dining hall. A strong boy wanted to bully him because Peter was ____ (A. thin / B. strong) and short. Peter got very angry and hit the boy with his fist but he didn't use too ____ (A. many / B. much) force. Surprisingly, the boy lay down on the ground and couldn't ____ (A. get / B. got) up. At that moment Peter knew that he had some unusual power, but he didn't know how and when to use it. 答案: (1) B(2) B(3) A(4) B(5) A 解析 彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但他当时不知道这个事实。一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。彼得很生气,用拳头打了那个男孩,但他没有用太大的力气。令人惊讶的是,男孩躺在地上,站不起来。这时,彼得知道他有某种不寻常的力量,但他不知道如何以及何时使用它。 1. 句意:彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但那时他不知道这个事实。本句是but 连接的并列句,一般情况下but 前后句子时态一致,根据Peter was the real Spiderman 是一般过去时,可知此句时态是一般过去时。故选B。 2. 句意:一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。短文全文用的都是过去时间,此处应用was 构成过去进行时。故选B。 3. 句意:一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。根据上文“一个强壮的男孩想欺负他”可知原因是“彼得又瘦又矮。”thin 瘦的,苗条的;符合语境。故选A。


人教版九年级语文练习—选词填空 1.依次填入下面句子空格的词语最正确的一组是() ①现在我所谓希望,不也是我自己手制的偶像么?只是他的愿望切近,我的愿望 罢了。 ②我们瞧不起那起下流俗物,穿着绫罗,谈吐高雅,而且着公爵头衔,却取笑一个才德胜过他们的人。 ③我只想,楚国早已是湖北省,但楚辞的光辉,不是永远于天地之间吗? ④在我们的灵魂被大海神秘的涛声陶冶得过分严肃以后,家中琐屑的也许正是上天安排来放松我们精神的人间乐曲。 A.①茫远②顶③充塞④噪音 B.①茫远②戴③充斥④噪音C.①渺茫②顶③充满④噪声 D.①渺茫②戴③满溢④噪声2、依次填入横线的词语,恰当的一项是(B ) 1这是虽在北方风雪的压迫下却保持着挺立的一种树。 2我怀着喜悦而满足的心情它。 3自从我们五月来到乡下以来,一切基本上都没有变,依然是那样碧绿的树, 的天,的心田。 A、倔强拥有蔚蓝愉快 B、倔强占有湛蓝欢快 C、坚强拥有湛蓝愉快 D、坚强占有蔚蓝欢快 3、下列句子,依次填入词语最恰当的一项是() 生命有权自认为辉煌壮丽,生机竟是这样的不可。 望着湖面上缓缓而行的点点帆影,我暗暗祝祷,愿每张风帆下都有一个的家。那娇红中又透露出一点蓝,显得十分,正配得上空气中摸得着的寒气。 A、遏制,温暖,凝重 B、扼制,温馨,凝重 C、阻止,温暖,凝重 D、扼制,温馨,沉重 4.下列句子,依次填入词语最恰当的一项是() 你最大的特点是心地善良,这种善良是①的。 你的另一个优点是具有②思想。 十四过了,就奔十八;十八过了,就奔三十;三十过了,就如江河③。 A. ①天生俱来②平民③一日千里 B. ①与生俱来②平民③一泻千里 C. ①天生俱来②农民③一泻千里 D. ①与生俱来②农民③一日千里 5.下列句子,依次填入词语最恰当的一项是() 愿一切生命不至于因①在石缝间而凄凄切切。 那河畔的金柳,是夕阳中的新娘;在我的心头②。 笑是一种个人的创造,也是一种集体生活感情③的表现。 A. ①飘落②荡漾③融洽 B. ①飘飞②游荡③融会 C. ①飘扬②浪荡③融化 D. ①飘荡②荡漾③融通 6、依次填入下列句中横线处的词浯,最恰当的一组是


1.借助于影视改编的力量,谍战小说近几年在市场上______,屡屡成为人们茶余饭后的谈资,也渐次进入文学研究的视野。而谍战小说家屡获文学大奖,更______着“谍战小说热”所传递的某种文化诉求已经参与了当下文化空间的书写。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是() A.风生水起象征 B.方兴未艾预示 C.炙手可热说明 D.声名鹊起透露 第一个横线处应填表示事物发展的较快或较好的词语。“风生水起”比喻事情做的特别好,一定的时间里发展的特别快。“方兴未艾”指事物正在发展,尚未达到止境。“炙手可热”比喻权势大,气焰盛,使人不敢接近。“声名鹊起”形容知名度迅速提高。 2. 科学家通过基因改造,设计出了能在激光脉冲照射下收缩的肌肉细胞。这种被称为“生物综合设计”的 仿生学新理念除了______自然生物进行设计,还直接使用了真正的肌肉组织,不但融合了生物组织的优点 并跳过仿生肌肉阶段,将目标专注于寻找新的理论和方法来实现轻量、低耗的肌肉组织控制系统,同时也 模糊了自然物和机械装置的______。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是() A.参考界限 B.对比概念 C.模仿功能 D.根据差异 A。由语境中的“仿生学新理念”可知,第一空应该是“参考”或“模仿”,“对比”和“根据”不合适, 故排除BD。第二空,有文中应该是“模糊了”自然物和机械装置的“界限”,而不是“功能”。“功能” 的内容在文段中无相关阐述, 3. 在通胀问题尚未完全解决的情况下,面对发达国家的主权债务危机,新兴经济体又不得不再次放松经济政策。这种内热外冷的______导致新兴经济体既要促进经济增长,又要防止通胀______。 依次填入横线中最恰当的一项是() A.境况张牙舞爪 B.困境死灰复燃 C.形式来势汹汹 D.事态卷土重来 根据第一个空前面“内热外冷”一词以及后文的“导致”一词可知应填入一个相对消极的词,根据文段语境可知第二个空的意思是说防止通货膨胀再次发生,“死灰复燃”的意思是比喻失势的人重新得势,也比喻已经停止活动的事物重新活动起来或比喻原有的念头、想法重新出现, 4.在文艺复兴晚期和启蒙时代早期,西方一流思想家莱布尼茨、伏尔泰等人对东方文明有着美好的______和极高的礼赞。而在启蒙后期,特别是理性主义成为时代的主旋律之后,中国形象逐渐被赋予______价值,无论是黑格尔、斯宾格勒、马克思还是韦伯,他们眼中的中国文化无非是幼稚、早熟,落后和没有希望。这种西方中心主义心态使西方从根本上_____了东方。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是() A.印象客观否认 B.回忆崭新摒弃 C.幻想消极排斥 D.憧憬负面疏离 D。“而”表示转折,前面是是西方对中国是礼赞,是一种积极的感情和态度,那么而的后面就应该是消极或者负面的,因此排除AB,“客观”是中性词,“崭新”是积极色彩的。从第三个空排除C选项,“排斥了东方”不搭配,语句不通。故第三个选择“疏离”,同时憧憬一词也和前文的“极高礼赞”形成照应。幻想,虚而为实的思想,没有道理的想象;无根据的看法或信念;以理想或愿望为依据,对还没有实现的事物有所想象,多含贬义。憧憬,就是对未来的美好生活的期待与向往。 5.市场经济最神奇也最让人________之处,就是市场中不同的主体通过自发的博弈与________而各得其所。对所谓完美、超然、成熟改革方案的渴望与膜拜,其实仍然是典型的计划思维,指望用一套方案打遍天下更是南辕北辙、________。


添加的文字后回车 四年级选词填空1 1.创举创造 建设有中国特色的社会主义,是一个伟大的()。中国人不仅勤劳勇敢,而且富有()精神。 2.节省节俭 我们要把()下来的钱支援灾区人民重建家园。()是一种美德。 3.坚定坚强坚决 赵华是个()的孩子,受了委屈,从不轻易落泪。运动员们迈着()的步伐,走进了比赛场。 我们同坏人坏事要作()的斗争。 4.杰出突出 这篇文章重点(),读了以后印象深刻。 李春是古代()的桥梁建筑师。 5.美丽美妙 那些()的诗句深深地打动了我的心。

杭州是一座()的旅游城市。 6.发明发现 李时珍()旧的药物书有不少缺点。 人们仿照青蛙的眼睛()了电子蛙眼。 7.创作创造建造 横跨在黄浦江上的几座大桥,都是我国自行设计和()的。 今年的校运会上,王强()了一百米短跑的新纪录。 聂耳()了许多革命歌曲。 8.纪念怀念 1952年1月2日,罗盛教为抢救朝鲜落水儿童英勇献身,这是永远值得()日子。 爷爷非常()在农村老家的亲友,常常写信去问长问短。 9.维持坚持保持 我们只有()每天打扫的好制度,才能()校园环境的美丽清洁。 民警在()交通秩序时,既能()原则,又能()良好的警容风貌,受到群众的好评。 10.屹立耸立挺立站立

北海公园那洁白如玉的白塔,()在琼岛的顶峰。 一排排高大的白杨树像()的哨兵。 两座雄伟的工农兵塑像左右()。塑像后面,()着两个高大的桥头堡。 11.留心专心 小华做作业十分(),连门外的锣鼓声好像也没有听见。 这个水龙头有点松了,容易漏水,用的时候要()。 12.可惜惋惜 这么漂亮的碗打碎了,真()! 华华的学习一下子退步了很多,老师为她感到()。 13.雄伟雄壮 我国的万里长城非常()壮丽。 升旗仪式开始了,乐队奏起了()的国歌。 14.盘旋盘绕 汽车沿着环山公路稳稳地()而上。 一架援救灾民的直升机在上空(),寻找目标空降救灾物品。 15.机灵机警 边防战士巡逻时,十分()地观察周围的动静。


单词拼写、选词填空、语法填空(一) A组 一、单词拼写(2015·金华市婺城区) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 David is only sixteen years old, but he is 1 (已经) a famous baseball player in his home town. David’s father liked baseball very much, so he asked David to 2 (训练) when David was still a young child. David also thinks that the baseball game is very 3 (令人兴奋的). David is famous because he helped his school team win the high school baseball state championship(州冠军) last year. Now David is the 4 (关键的) player in his school baseball team, but he thinks there are still a lot of things he needs to do before becoming an 5 (优秀的) baseball player. He practises very 6 (努力地) every day, because he believes that the more he does, the 7 (更好的) he will become. When the 8 (教练) teaches them a new skill(技能), he always does it for many 9 (次). Sometimes he thinks these practices are not 10 (足够的), so when he gets home, he will continue his practice until very late. David dreams of becoming a professional (专业的) baseball player in the future. 二、选词填空(2015·金华市婺城区) 用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 11. There’s so much in this restaurant. I can’t hear you talking. 12. You must be . How can we get so much money in only two days? 13. The city its clear lake water. 14. The fish really delicious. I want to have more. 15. Stay when you are speaking in front of so many people. 三、语法填空(2015·金华市婺城区) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使 用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于2个单词)。 Dear Emma, How are you? I had a good time in Yunnan today. It’s a beautiful city 16 trees, flowers, parks and rivers. I had three 17 (meal) of all kinds of delicious foods here, such 18 cross bridge rice noodles an d special chicken and duck. Now I’m very happy. I can’t help telling 19 the good news. Yesterday I took part in a talent show in the street. I sang an old song 20 (call)Auld Lang Syne. I didn’t take it seriously. I wished that I wasn’t the 21 (bad). But in the end, I won first prize. That made me feel excited. In the evening, I invited my good friends to the 22 to see a movie. On the way there, I 23 (meet) my favourite movie star Jackie Chan!I saw a reporter interviewing(采访) him. And he 24 (give) me a photo of him. Oh, my God!I was too 25 (luck). Yours, Mike B组


外研版九年级英语上册选词填空题专练 grow spend, worry , wait, she, see, have , much , when , arm , Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. __71__you are still a baby, 72. mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 73 . When you are 74 up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 75 clothes . She always stands in the wind 76 for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 77 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 78 much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 79 on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she 80 to her children, not to receive . What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother Love for ever. good, what, come, dress, important, parent, hold, nothing, how, necessary Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won't know the money 76 from hard work. Some parents like to 77 birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it 78 for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their 79 birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits. Many parents don't let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do 80 in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be 81 every day. When the children grow up, they will be able to do 82 , and they won't even find a job. Parents should teach the children 83 to do housework because it can help them start good habits of working by themselves. stay, hope, rainy, change, outside, snow, with, go, place, much It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather in


1.国务院近日发出通知,要求各地切实做好当前粮食经营管理和收购、储存工作,同时,抓住机遇,()粮食流通体制改革。 A. 加强 B. 强化 C. 深化 D. 深入答案: C 2.开发智力资源是一个宏伟的社会工程,与其它系统有着()的联系。 A. 千头万绪 B. 千丝万缕 C. 不可替代 D. 不可分割答案: D 3.借鉴外国现代化管理经验,是发展智力经济,开发本国智力资源的有效()。 A. 方法 B. 方式 C. 手段 D. 途径答案: D 4.只要我们齐心协力,广开门路,努力工作,就一定能够受灾的损失()。 A. 补偿 B.抵偿 C. 赔偿 D.报偿答案: A 5.有些司机只要开车上了高速公路,就如同上了赛车场,风驰电掣,超速行驶,把有关规定()。 A.视同白纸 B.置若罔闻 C.当耳旁风 D.置于脑后答案:D 6.在"深化改革、加快首都经济发展"专题会议,钱椿涛委员认为要给国有大中型企业以承担经营国有资产的(),解决资金不足的(),同时下力量培养千百万有事业心的社会主义企业家以补充()。 A.活力压力动力 B.压力活力动力 C.压力动力活力 D.动力压力活力答案:C 7.日本乒乓球运动曾经在五十年代称雄于世界,进入七十年代后(),后继乏人。为了重振昔日雄风,日本乒乓球界派出了31名球员向中国专家请教。 A.陷入低谷 B.每况愈下 C.逐步落后 D.止步不前答案:B 8.电视剧写鳌拜结党专权,杀苏纳海、朱昌祚、王登联及苏克隆哈都确有其事,惟多次谋害康熙则是戏剧艺术创作,理或有之,究其实,却于史。 A.相违 B.不合 C.无征 D.难考答案:C 9.厚底、相根的盆根鞋如今在市场上十分走俏,但专家们认为生产和经营者应不断开发新产品以满足消费者的需求,盆根鞋①并非代表所有消费者的需求,当今的市场②经营者如缺乏创新意识将处于无所适从的境地。 ①A.一枝独秀 B.享誉市场 C.异军突起 D.独步青云 ②A.需求难料 B.节奏加快 C.瞬息万变 D.日新月异答案:①A ②C 10.研究当代文学的鲁客同志在报上撰文说:"台湾作家马森收到我寄赠的拙编辞典后,复信说:'在我所见的同类的著作中,尊著是最①的一部。这自然是②之词,因为我恰恰把他北京的一段经历遗漏了。" ①A.完善 B.完整 C.严肃 D.翔实 ②A.赞赏 B.溢美 C.夸耀 D.恭维答案:①D ②B ① 11.蚂蚁,一种令人生厌的"小生命",如今它的制成品却()地闯进了市民的保健领域。 A.堂而皇之 B.一鸣惊人 C.神气十足 D.名正言顺答案:A 12.这个文件在起草过程中,广泛(),不断补充,归纳了各方面的意见和建议。 A. 提问 B. 发问 C.询问 D.探问答案: C 13.写文章时,要()学过的修辞手法,把文章写的更加生动。 A. 利用 B.应用 C. 动用 D.运用答案: D 14.赵州桥高度的技术水平和不朽的技术价值,充分显示了我国劳动人民的()和力量。


四年级语文下册选词填空练习 陆续继续连续 1、我们()拍掌,树上就变得热闹了。 2、五年级二班已经()三周获得了流动红旗。 3、船靠岸了,游人()走了下来。 慎重郑重 1、校长()地将获奖证书递到他手中。 2、无论做什么事,她总是很()。 欢叫喜欢欢快欢乐欢笑 1、花园里总是洋溢着孩子们()的笑声。 2、孩子们的()使花园增添了春意。 3、村里的孩子们都()到哪里玩。 4、巨人激动地跑到花园里,他看到花园里草翠花开,有许多孩子在()地游戏。 5、春天来了,村子里又开出美丽的鲜花,不时传来小鸟的()。 居然仍然偶然显然突然 1、我在街上()碰到幼儿园的伙伴“小胖”,没想到他那体型()还是老样子,成了“大胖”。 2、男孩背着一个小孩,()是他的弟弟。 3、半个月前,他因病()住了院,但他坚持在病床上自学,这次考试成绩()很优秀。 严肃严格严肃 1、老师对我们要求十分()。 2、对待学习必须有()的态度。 友爱友好友情 1、同学之间要团结()。 2、我们要发展同世界各国之间的()关系。 发现发明 1、只有独立思考,才能有所(),有所创造。

2、我国的天文学家又()了一颗新星。 爱惜珍惜 1、我们要()今天的幸福生活。 2、我们要()自己的眼睛。 严谨严厉严格 1.陶行知先生治学(),被称为大教育家,当之无愧。 2.丁丁犯了错误,老师()地批评了他。 3.陈老师对学生要求很(),所以,她班的纪律很好。 柔和柔软柔弱 1.月盘那样明亮,月光是那样()。 2.()的幼芽哪能禁得起暴风雨的洗礼! 3.连杂技的大姐姐身体很()。 装点装饰 1.中国结以它特有的风韵()着中华大地。 2.新年到了,同学们把室内()得分外漂亮。 烘托衬托 1.中国结有的象征着幸福,有的是智慧的图腾,有的()着欢乐。。。。。。。 2.在蓝天白云的()下,五星红旗显得分外鲜艳。 固然居然 1.花生的用处()很多,但有一样是很可贵的。 2.我们屋后的半亩隙地经过开辟,过不了几个月,()收获了! 希望愿望 1.让世界永远和平,是全人类的()。 2.爹爹说:“这是我对你们的()” 分辨分辩 1.花生矮矮地长在地上,等到成熟了,也不能立刻()出来它有没有果实。 2.小宁说:“花生的果实挂在枝上。”小林()道:“不对,花生的果实长在地里,所以又叫落花生。” 展示展现显示 1.辽西恐龙化石的发现向世人()了恐龙长羽毛的证据。


英语下学期期末考前练习-选词填空 1. 【选词填空】阅读短文,选择括号中所给词填空。 Peter was the real Spiderman, but he ____ (A. doesn't / B. didn't) know the fact at that time. One day, he ____ (A.is / B. was) having lunch in the school dining hall. A strong boy wanted to bully him because Peter was ____ (A. thin / B. strong) and short. Peter got very angry and hit the boy with his fist but he didn't use too ____ (A. many / B. much) force. Surprisingly, the boy lay down on the ground and couldn't ____ (A. get / B. got) up. At that moment Peter knew that he had some unusual power, but he didn't know how and when to use it. 答案: (1) B(2) B(3) A(4) B(5) A 解析 彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但他当时不知道这个事实。一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。彼得很生气,用拳头打了那个男孩,但他没有用太大的力气。令人惊讶的是,男孩躺在地上,站不起来。这时,彼得知道他有某种不寻常的力量,但他不知道如何以及何时使用它。 1. 句意:彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但那时他不知道这个事实。本句是 but 连接的并列句,一般情况下 but 前后句子时态一致,根据 Peter was the real Spiderman 是一般过去时,可知此句时态是一般过去时。故选B。 2. 句意:一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。短文全文用的都是过去时间,此处应用 was 构成过去进行时。故选B。 3. 句意:一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。根据上文“一个强壮的男孩想欺负他”可知原因是“彼得又瘦又矮。”thin 瘦的,苗条的;符合语境。故选A。 4. 句意:彼得很生气,用拳头打了那个男孩,但他没有用太大的力气。force 力气,不可数名词;too many 太多,修饰可数名词复数;too much 太多,修饰不可数名词。结合句意可知选填 much。故选B。


一、选择合适的词填空:发现发明 1、青霉素的( )使人类在战胜疾病的阵地上又向前迈进一步。 2、拉链的( )改变了人们的生活 洞察洞悉 3、她是个敏感的人,能从对方的表情( )他的内心世界。 4、( )神奇的大自然,你会受益无穷。 连续继续持续1.这时,没有关闭的窗户自行关闭,空调系统减弱风力,房子四周的防盗报警装置进入工作状态。这一切将()到第二天早晨主人起床为止。 2.在新的世纪里,现代科学技术必将()创造一个个奇迹,不断改善我们的生活。3.2009年哥本哈根全球气候大会()开了十二天,会议没有达成具有法律效力的协议。 二、写出下列各句用了什么修辞方法。 1、那则没有电灯,没有电视,没有收音机,也没有汽车。( ) 2、浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来() 3、鹅的叫声,音调严肃郑重,似厉声呵斥。( ) 4、有人破坏学校的花木,我们能看着不管吗?( ) 一、选择合适的词填空:发现发明 1、青霉素的( )使人类在战胜疾病的阵地上又向前迈进一步。 2、拉链的( )改变了人们的生活 洞察洞悉 3、她是个敏感的人,能从对方的表情( )他的内心世界。 4、( )神奇的大自然,你会受益无穷。 连续继续持续1.这时,没有关闭的窗户自行关闭,空调系统减弱风力,房子四周的防盗报警装置进入工作状态。这一切将()到第二天早晨主人起床为止。 2.在新的世纪里,现代科学技术必将()创造一个个奇迹,不断改善我们的生活。3.2009年哥本哈根全球气候大会()开了十二天,会议没有达成具有法律效力的协议。 二、写出下列各句用了什么修辞方法。 1、那则没有电灯,没有电视,没有收音机,也没有汽车。( ) 2、浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来() 3、鹅的叫声,音调严肃郑重,似厉声呵斥。( )


1、 选择单词并用其正确形式填空 Li Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He up at six every morning. He and his friend, Wang Tao are in No 1 Middle School. He playing basketball after school. But his friend, Wang Tao, doesn’t like to it. They often to a movie on . But they don’t like documentaries. They science is boring, they think English is very . They very well at school. Musicians wanted for the school show Your attention, please. We will _________ a show at 6:00pm _________ Sunday. We _________two good musicians for the show. If you _________ dance or sing, please_________ us. If you can play the piano, the ________ or the guitar, please send an ___________ to GiGi182@ 163. com. Also, we want three people to _________us to paint some pictures. So if you can __________, please ___________ to the school office(办公室) before Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are Americans. But now they are in Beijing their kids. This is their first time to China. Mr. Cooper is a . He sings very well. Mrs Cooper is a . Her daughter studies at her school. Mrs. Cooper likes Beijing Opera very much. She thinks she can learn about Chinese and culture. So she often goes to see Beijing opera. he r daughter doesn’t think so. She likes , and her favorite movie is Mr. Bean. Mr. Cooper doesn’t like movies. He thinks they are . He likes sports. His favorite sport is . He likes Yao Ming very much. The Coopers want to go to Pingyao, Shanxi. It is an and nice place. They want to take photos there. They can also to speak Chinese. They can have a good time in China. It’s the time of year again. to Jenny’s Clothes Store. Have a at our new clothes. We them at a very good price. We have new T-shirts for $15 each. Skirts are sale for only$15. Do you to have one? We have great pants. How are they? Only 20. Anybody can afford prices. Come and for yourself at Jenny’s Store!


四年级下册语文选词填空表 一、选词填空。 灵敏灵活必须必需无能为力力所能及 1.纳米检测技术极其(__________),可以被(_________)地运用于多个领域。 2.在沙漠中行走,水是(________)品,所以你出发时(_______)带上足够的水。 3.这件事情明明是他(_______)的,他却推辞说自己(_____)。 二、选词填空。 静寂安静 1.每晚我打开后门,都会看见一个_______的夜。 2.同学们正在做作业,教室了______极了。 景象景色 3. 中国自改革开放以来,经济各方面呈现出一种繁荣昌盛的______。 4. 公园的______太美了,吸引了大量的游客。 三、选词填空。 猛烈强烈 1.天黑了,我走在公路上,突然一道(______)的灯光照过来,刺得我睁不开眼睛。 2.风(______)地吹动着林荫路上的白桦树。 掩护保护 3.我们要(________)小动物。 4.老麻雀用自己的身躯(________)着小麻雀。 虽然....但是.... 不但....而且.... 如果...就.... 5.(______)人们不乱排放废气,不制造噪音,不污染水源,我们(______)

可以生活在美丽的环境中。 6.日内瓦的绿地(___)大多是地毯般美丽的人工草皮和花坛,(____)也随处可见花花绿绿的野草和野花。 7.他(______)会跳舞,(______)会唱歌。 四、选词填空。 霸占占领占据 (1)他(_________)了我的位置。 (2)我军很快(__________)了这个根据地。 (3)从场上的攻势看,主队并不(________)优势。 寂静安静 (4)夜深了,热闹的广场变得十分(________)。 (5)皎洁的月光如水般倾泻在(________)无垠的大地上。 五、词语巧搭配选词填空。 观赏欣赏 (1)我们(________)了黄山那秀丽的风景。 (2)这些石钟乳和石笋变化多端、颜色各异,即使不比作什么,也很值得(________)。 亮光发光光芒光彩 (3)这深红的圆东西,突然发出了夺目的(________),射得人眼睛发痛,它旁边的云片也突然有了(________)。 (4)太阳的(________)给黑云镶上了一道(________)的金边。 六、选词填空。 柔软柔和 1.杨柳垂下纤细(_______)的枝条,宛如刚洗过头没有梳辫子的姑娘的长发。 2.她说话的语气非常(________),给人一种如沐春风之感。


人教版九年级英语选词填空两篇附答案 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

river. The farmer 1. ________ out to him, “ What are you growing , Grandpa? ” The old man 2 . ________ for a moment, then said, “Swim over 3. ________ I’ll tell you.” The farmer didn’t like the 4. ________ of swimming across the river. But he wanted to know 5. ________ the old man was doing. He swam over. The old man said very 6. ________ in his ear, “ I’m planting peas in my 7. ________ .” “ You should have shouted. I would have 8. ________ quite clearly on that side.” Said the farmer. “ Oh, no, I wouldn’t 9. ________ that . The sparrows would have 1 ________ him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were 2 ________ there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 ________ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 _______ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5 ________ up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was 6 ________ by the man. He said angrily, “That’s 7________ !” Mr. Brown’ s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 ________ of them, he said, “You’ve mended them very well.” In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9 ________ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brown and his six umbrellas, “You’ve had a 10 ________ day,” he said. 1.此题选called 。根据第一段讲的“一个农夫在河对岸看到一个老人在种什么东西”推理,当他想问河对岸这位老人在种什么时,就得大声 喊“called out”。 2.这题选 didn’t speak。因为从下文可知这位老人并没有立刻回答。 3.这里需要并列连词,选 and。由上文得知老人没有急于回答,而是让他游过来,再告诉他。 4.利用排除法,结合上下文的意思,可知此题选 idea。 5.从上下文的意思及句子结构,可知此题选 what。 6.从后面的in his ear ,可知说话的声音应该是悄悄地, 所以选 quietly。

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