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An earthquake (also known as a quake) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. 地震(也称为地震,地震或地震)是一个突然释放的能量在地球的地壳地震波产生的结果。地震活动,地震或地震活动面积是指频率,类型和在一段时间内经历了地震的大小。 There are three main types of fault, all of which may cause an interplate earthquake: normal, reverse (thrust) and strike-slip. Normal and reverse faulting are examples of dip-slip, where the displacement along the fault is in the direction of dip and movement on them involves a vertical component. Normal faults occur mainly in areas where the crust is being extended such as a divergent boundary. Reverse faults occur in areas where the crust is being shortened such as at a convergent boundary. Strike-slip faults are steep structures where the two sides of the fault slip horizontally past each other; transform boundaries are a particular type of strike-slip fault. Many earthquakes are caused by movement on faults that have components of both dip-slip and strike-slip; this is known as oblique slip. 有故障的三种主要类型,所有这些都可能导致板内地震:正常,反(逆)


四川汶川大地震之后的感悟 5.12大地震给四川省的汶川、北川等地的人民带来了巨大的灾难,无数的报道向我们彰显了自然灾害的残酷!谱写了众志成城、抗震救灾拯救生命的英雄诗篇! 这一周来,我无数次被媒体的报道感动着:一位母亲为了保护婴儿用自己的身躯挡住了水泥板,婴儿只是擦破点皮。伟大的母亲却已断了呼吸,顷刻间、多少生命被恶魔夺取了生命,多少人无家可归,多少孩子昨天还拥有幸福的家庭,而今天却沦落为孤儿。 一个孩子在地震时正往外跑就差一步,就差一步就可以跑出来。然而一块水泥板掉了下来,被砸去了生命。他被抬出来的时候,仍保持跑步的姿势。一个救援人员不顾自己的危险想在余震前再救一个儿童,他的同事拚命的拦住他,他哭着喊着“再让我救一个、一个救好”余震后那里面的儿童无一幸存,那个救援人员跪地抱头痛哭…… 是啊,面对突如其来的灾难,带走了多少亲人,带走了多少梦想,带走了多少欢乐、带走了多少甜蜜和微笑。坚强的人们在废墟中苦苦挣扎着,他们身上有着中国人不屈的精神,不到最后一刻都不会放弃自己宝贵的生命。 看看我们最可爱的解放军叔叔,他们不分日夜,在他们身上看不到危险,看不到累,他们身上那种军人的气息,军人的品质,在他们眼里是没有不能做的事,就算知道再向前一步就会牺牲也不怕,这就是我

们中华民族的一支令人敬佩的军队。 此时此刻,我们要好好珍惜那些在平日生活中无视的拥有,珍惜那些已经成为习惯让你感到有些发腻了的爱,珍惜能看见阳光的每个平淡的日出日落。因为和逝去的生命相比,我们还能感受太阳之神的光芒和温暖,感受地球母亲的无数惠泽。 拥有生命,这,也就足够了。 我们是不是应该客观的看待地震局? 5月12日的大地震之后,各路军兵直奔现场的同时,各路网民也一路指责地震局,众口一声地诘问,这么大的地震,地震局为什么没有向公众预报?! 诚然,面对这场灾难,中国地震局有其无可推卸的责任和义务,地震局也在震前震后竭尽全力履行着自身的责任和义务,迎着唾沫,谁都知道现在绝不是一个回应指责的恰当时候。我想,作为中国政府的一个组成部门,这个事件中暴露出来的种种弊端自是地震局留到事后严厉思索的重要题目。 作为国家机关,中国地震局拥有其法律规定的职责,这些职责我附在本文之后,不做赘述。趁着下班,我来说说汶川地震中地震局都做了什么,一是讲一讲道理,二是短暂地回顾一下过去的两天。 (一)快速准确的情况通报 这样的速度有赖于分布在960万平方公里土地上的1000多个测震台站,而这些台站平日的看护、数据传输、数据分析、数据存储以及部


高中英语作文范文:为地震灾区人民募捐 假设你是学校的学生会主席,你校计划下周举行一次为四川汶川地震灾区人民献爱心捐衣捐款和义卖活动,请你代表学生会向全体同学简单介绍汶川地震灾情,并倡议同学们踊跃捐款,参加义卖活动。 1. 地震灾情:四川省汶川县于5月12日下午2:28分发生八级强烈地震;截止5月22日,已导致68109人遇难,364552人受伤,许多房屋和学校被毁,500多万人无家可归,生活十分困难。 2. 学生需要帮助,学校需要重建;全世界人民都在努力帮助灾区人民,我们也不例外。 3. 号召学生捐衣服,捐零花钱,义卖(bring-and-buy sale)旧书籍、Mp3等。所有物资和捐款将尽快送往灾区。 4. 你的感想。 【参考范文】 Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. It's reported that the earthquake was so strong that it has caused 68,109 deaths and 364,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed and as a consequence, more than five million people are living a hard life now. Just imagine how the students there need help and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon. People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not excepting us. Here Students' Union calls on everyone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and bring your used books, mp3s or something else to sell in the bring-and-buy sale. All the materials and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake stricken areas as soon as possible. My fellow friends, "blood is thicker than water"(血浓于水). Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation. We believe miracles can be created, a great many lives will be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved. That's all. Thank you!


英文地震慰问信 篇一:英文的慰问信 下面是写慰问信需要注意的几点: 1.startwithastatementofsympathy 2.followwithsentencesaboutmutualexperiencesorrelationship. 范文: .慰问信(notesofsympathyonillness,injuryandmaterialloss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信 表示慰问。慰问信要写的真诚,要注意措辞。写慰问信时,一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使 收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。 1.慰问病人人们在蒙受损失时,总希望能得到朋友的安慰。这种

慰问信一般都比较简短,只表示关 心和同情。 june25,2005 dearmr.thompson, iwasextremelysorrytohearofthefirethatdestroyedyourbeautiful house. iknowwellhowmuchthathousemeanttoyouandihastentooffermysympa thy.withbestwishestoyouboth.sincerelyyours, smith [译文] 亲爱的汤普森先生: 听说火灾毁了您漂亮的住宅,我难过极了。我知道您和夫人是非常喜爱那座房子的。特

立即向您们表示慰问。 向您们致以最诚挚的同情。您诚挚的, 史密斯 2005年6月25日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.安慰友人考试落榜(tothosewhocouldnotpasstheentranceexamination)june29,2005 dearbill, whatshockingnewstomewheniwastoldbymr.lewisthatyoucouldnotpa ss theentranceexamination.thismeansyouhavetowaitforanotheryear


初二关于地震的英语作文 After 5. earthquake struck sichuan province since 20xx, we, I was so frightened by an earthquake, I felt the earthquake many houses will be apart, can let many people lost their lives, is one of the world's most terrible disaster. Today I saw "China children's encyclopedia, really know anything about earthquake. It turns out that the earthquake happened all of a sudden the vibration phenomenon, like the wind, rain, is a kind of common natural phenomena. Vibrations in the earth, in fact, very frequently, probably every 30 seconds there will be time, but most of them are very ease, people did not feel. We can feel the earthquake is due to the relative movement between earth's tectonic plates, rock is squeezed, produce a huge amount of energy to make rock failure in an instant, or make originally the already existing fracture activity, suddenly release a large amount of energy, and some of the energy to the earth's surface, make the earth trembling violently, causing strong earthquake. Started happening earthquake site is called the source, the source above the ground is called


我的地震感言 一、谈话导入: 同学们,今天是2008年7月8日,距汶川5.12特大地震已经近两个月了,可是我们的心情依然沉重。这一刻,让我们的泪眼朝着一个共同的方向,这个名叫——汶川的地方!2008年5月12日14时28分,一阵大地剧烈的颤抖,撕裂了我们的胸膛,无法抑制地泪流,挂满了中国的脸庞!多少亲人啊,在地动山摇的瞬间,骨肉分离,家毁人亡!数万人在顷刻间阴阳两隔。同学们,请忍住悲痛,让我们一起走进汶川: 二、心在滴血 1、出示地震前汶川美景:这里群山环绕,山峦叠翠,风景秀丽;城市里高楼林立,车水马龙,人来人往。这就是汶川!一个美丽,祥和的汶川! https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a92452967.html,/i?word=%B5%D8%D5%F0%C7%B0%B5%C4%E 3%EB%B4%A8&opt-image=on&cl=2&lm=-1&ct=20 2、出示震后画面: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a92452967.html,/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&st =-1&fm=result&fr=&sf=1&fmq=1329 谁想到,就是这样一个美丽的地方。 瞬间与世隔绝! 瞬间满目疮痍! 瞬间尸横遍野! 学生浏览画面,边看边谈感受。 3、师谈感受:快乐的暑假到了,可是在汶川,有那么多的孩子走了,我们的心里满是悲伤。就让我们一起诵读《宝贝,走好,天堂里没有地震》这首诗歌,愿他们一路走好。 三、救难篇 1、展示震后救灾画面 地震给我们带了致命的打击,但党中央、国务院在第一时间、第一地点,把运筹帷幄的总指挥部设在了抗震救灾的第一线上。我们的温总理,作为总指挥数小时内就赶到了地震灾区,现场指挥抗震救灾工作。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a92452967.html,/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-


预防地震的英语作文范文预防地震的英语作文预防地震的英语作文 As we all know,the earthquake is inevitable,but we can take some methods to reduce it.First,when the earthquake happen we should hide under the furniture which are very solid(坚固的).Second,we should keep calm,and don't worry about it.Third,we should make sure that the door is open so as to escape.Besides,we should prepare something which we must carry when the earthquake happe.The things which we should carry is that enough water and food,a flashlight,a blanket and so on.TH most important point is that we must learn something about earthquake. Today, there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of earthquakes from severe damage, through the following processes: earthquake engineering, earthquake preparedness, household seismic safety, seismic retrofit (including special fasteners, materials, and techniques), seismic hazard, mitigation of seismic motion, and earthquake prediction. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more


汶川地震英语作文 汶川地震英语作文   Strong earthquake hits China A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit China's southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as far away as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok. It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the the US Geological Survey (UGS) earlier put at 7.8. The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of Chengdu. Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people. It is in an ethnic Tibetan area in Aba county which recently saw violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese authorities. According to some reports there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time.


地震感受作文范文4篇 金钱不是万能的,关爱需要的是社会的共同关注。 关爱,就是关心爱护,它在我们身边无处不在。 我们每个人都需要关爱,生活上也少不了关爱,别人给予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心爱护他人,这样世界上才会充满——爱!(中国作文网)关心是一种付出,关心是一种奉献,关心是一种美德,让我们从一点一滴的生活小事做起,学会理解,学会关心,学会做人。 “爱人是帆,“爱己是船,只有彼此的推动和支撑,才能使爱心常存,爱意永驻。 关爱别人就是关爱自己,因为只有你关爱了别人,在你需要帮助的时候别人才会回报你。 关爱别人其实就是在关爱我们自己,关爱别人是我们得到别人关爱的前提。 为人,则是为己。 “关爱生命是一种负责的生活态度;漠视自己的生命、肆意践踏别人的生命的人是可悲的,也是可恨的,因为他或他们带来的是悲伤、痛苦,甚至仇恨;对一切的生命,我们都应怀有一颗“关爱的心,我们不仅仅关爱我们的同类,也应关爱地球上的其他生命,因为在独一无二的生物圈中它们的存在与我们息息相关,也正因为它们的存在才使我们生活的星球更为多姿多彩;关爱生命,我们还要讲究方式,生命的成长有它的自然规律,不恰当的关爱是戕害生命;关爱生命,我们就要告别

一切不良嗜好,远离那些会毒害我们生命的东西如毒品,让自己健康地活着也是关爱生命的一种表现……白开水,果然是醒人良药,睁开眼,看世界,关怀自己,关心他人。 在别人需要帮助时,如果一个人能在别人不知情的情况下,毫不犹豫地牺牲自己的利益,哪怕牺牲的只是一点点,也是难能可贵的。 帮助别人常常是帮助了自己。 助人为乐是我们中华民族的传统美德,一个人的成长过程中,一定得到过许许多多人的帮助和关心,大家互相帮助才构成了一个和谐的社会。 朋友,是你播下的友爱、温情的种子,就会发芽、成长;是你帮助过的人、温暖过的人,最终也会令你受益无穷。 只有纯粹的温暖才能温暖人心,只有用真诚的情感才能感动他人,那种被金钱和利益包裹着的所谓帮助,只会引人厌恶而已。 真正的助人者,是通过帮助别人,来提升自我人格境界的真英雄。 他们不思回报,人格的完善就是最高的境界。 无限芬芳落尽,惟有绿树依然。 因为它扎根在人格的土壤里,默默地奉献着自己,也渐渐地壮大着自己。 确保灾区人民生命安全,把人员伤亡降到最低限度,是当务之急,重中之重。 在党中央、国务院的关心和周密部署下,灾区各级党委、政府和

英语作文 日本地震

All of those broken bones in northern Japan, all of those broken lives and those broken homes prompt us to remember what in calmer times we are invariably minded to forget: the most stern and chilling of mantras, which holds, quite simply, that mankind inhabits this earth subject to geological consent—which can be withdrawn at any time. For hundreds, maybe for thousands of people, this consent was withdrawn with shocking suddenness—all geological events are sudden, and all are unexpected if not necessarily entirely unanticipated—at 2:46 on this past clear, cool spring Friday afternoon. One moment all were going about their quotidian business—in offices, on trains, in rice fields, in stores, in schools, in warehouses, in shrines—and then the ground began to shake. At first, the shock was merely a much stronger and longer version of the temblors to which most Japanese are well accustomed. There came a stunned silence, as there always does. But then, the difference: a few minutes later a low rumble from the east, and in a horrifying replay of the Indian Ocean tragedy of just some six years before, the imagery of which is still hauntingly in all the world’s mind, the coastal waters off the northern Honshu vanished, sucked mysteriously out to sea. The rumbling continued, people then began to spy a ragged white line on the horizon, and, with unimaginable ferocity, the line became visible as a wall of waves sweeping back inshore at immense speed and at great height. Just seconds later and these Pacific Ocean waters hit the Japanese seawalls, surmounted them with careless ease, and began to claw across the land beyond in what would become a dispassionate and detached orgy of utter destruction. We all now know, and have for 50 years, that geography is the ultimate reason behind the disaster. Japan is at the junction of a web of tectonic-plate boundaries that make it more peculiarly vulnerable to ground-shaking episodes than almost anywhere else—and it is a measure of Japanese engineering ingenuity, of social cohesion, of the ready acceptance of authority and the imposition of necessary discipline that allows so many to survive these all-too-frequent displays of tectonic power. But geography is not the only factor in this particular and acutely dreadful event. Topography played an especially tragic role in the story, too—for it is an axiom known to all those who dwell by high-tsunami-risk coastlines that when the sea sucks back, you run: you run inland and, if at all possible, you run uphill. But in this corner of northeast Japan, with its wide plains of rice meadows and ideal factory sites and conveniently flat airport locations, there may well be a great deal of inland—but there is almost no uphill. Such mountains as exist are far away, blue and distant in the west. All here is coastal plain. And so the reality is this: if a monstrous wave is chasing you inland at the speed of a jetliner, and if the flat topography all around denies you any chance of sprinting to a hilltop to try to escape its wrath, then you can make no mistake—it will catch you, it will drown you, and its forces will pulverize you out of all recognition as a thing of utter insignificance, which of course, to a tsunami, all men and women and their creations necessarily must be. 所有这些骨折在日本北部,所有这些破碎的生活和那些破碎的家庭促使我们希望记住在平静


汶川地震带给我的感受 从汶川大地震到现在,一千多个小时过去了。在这一千个小时里,千千万万华夏儿女的心,被四川省山脊间的一片区域紧紧的系着,汶川的土地每颤抖一下,我们的心也跟着悸动。尽管那些被埋在瓦砾下尘土下不见天日的躯体,和我们没有任何血缘关系,我们却会为他们而欢喜、悲痛,因为我们都是炎黄子孙,我们体内都流淌着龙的血脉! 看过央视的那场赈灾晚会,有个主持人说:“这些天里,我们听到的最美好的声音就是:这里还有一个活着的。”确实,在天灾面前,能够存活下来,就已是莫大的欢喜了。每当一个个本应枯竭的生命被人从死神手中强行夺回时,心中的喜悦是无法言喻的。看着那些坚强的人们努力挺住让自己活下来,我觉得更高深的体会到,这世间,生命彼比一切都重要。“我们还活着,我们还有希望,尽管我们是去了一部分的肢体,可是我们会用剩下的人生,来回报这些将我们从死亡边缘拉回来的人,还有祖国。”你能相信吗,这是一个做完截肢手术后的人说出的话。面对摄像机,他没有一点扭捏地说出了肺腑之言,让所有看过听过这句话的人为之动容。是的,因为活着,所以会有希望,因为活着,所以还有时间去追寻梦想! 始终记得的,最让我刻骨铭心的一个眼神是在都江堰市荷花池市场的一片废墟下,女孩乐刘会大声地说:“我知道你们会来救我,我相信你们会来救我!……我坚持着,我现在还活着,我很高兴!”她说出这番话的时候,眼神里闪烁着一种如

火焰般灼热的希翼之光,即使是厚重的灰尘,也掩盖不了她灿烂若星辰的明眸,身后的黑暗无法将她吞噬,却更衬托出她身上那种令人信服的神奇力量。给人感觉,看到她,就像看到希望。那种对祖国的信任,更让我对中国的未来产生了无比坚定的信心。 现在,灾难的悲痛已渐渐的离我们远去了,取而代之的是一种全新的感受,宛若婴儿初生般的喜悦。地震中倒塌的房屋正在重建,重伤的名人正在康复,一切苦难在我们面前都不堪一击。只要我们带上勇气,携着希望,未来的路必将更加光辉,没有困难什么能够阻挡我们全中国团结一致之后的巨大力量!


关于地震的高中英语作文 【我寄语】以下是笔者为大家整理的关于地震的高中英语作文,文章仅供大家参考:If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away. The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly


地震的经历英语作文 【篇一:关于地震的英语作文】 关于地震的英语作文 关于地震献爱心的英语作文 everyone has some unforgettable experiences. last monday, there was a serious earthquake in sichuan province. many people were killed. a large number of houses collapsed. i was shocked. when i see theses pictures on tv, my eyes were filled with tears. i wanted to do something for people in the disaster areas. two days later, in front of the library of our school, almost all of the teachers and students came to donate money. i was moved. i thought although i couldn’t go to sichuan like the soldiers and the doctors, i still wanted to try my best to help them. i took out all my pocket money and threw it into the donation box. i hope they can rebuild their homeland early. it will be an unforgettable experience in my life. it makes me experience that if everyone makes a contribution for our country, we can overcome any difficulties. ------------------------------------------- 地震引发的思考:众人拾柴火焰高 1 如何理解众人拾柴火焰高 2 举例说明 all contributing to it, the flame is high “all contributing to it, the flame is high” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. actually, it means that there is strength in numbers. put it simply, individual’s power and ability is too weak to perform a huge task. however, just as a number of streams converge into a vast ocean, so a team’s strength may be great enough to remove a mountain.

2011年3月11日日本地震 英文版

日本发生里氏8.9级强烈地震 编者按:日本东京发生强烈地震。建筑物摇晃。东京港附近台场区发生火灾。日本东北部新干线停运。日本太平洋海岸发生高度4米的海啸。美国地质勘探局11日将日本当天发生的地震震级修正为里氏8.9级。 Japan was struck by a magnitude-8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, triggering a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that washed away cars and tore away buildings along the coast near the epicenter. In various locations along Japan's coast, TV footage showed severe flooding, with dozens of cars, boats and even buildings being carried along by waters. A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK. Officials were trying to assess possible damage from the quake but had no immediate details. The quake that struck 2:46 p.m. was followed by a series of aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.9.


实用英语:地震安全手册(中英文对照) Important Numbers and Addresses 重要电话号码及联系地址 Your family may not be together when an earthquake strikes, so use the spaces below to record information that will help you communicate with one another. Remember, during the first 24 hours following a major earthquake, use your telephone only in case of an emergency. 地震时您和家人可能会失散,所以,请在以下的空白处记下重要信息,以便失散后相互联系。记住,在大地震后的24小时内,如非紧急情况,请不要打电话。 消防电话:119 急救电话:120 报警电话:110 Police telephone _____________________________________________________ Fire Department telephone_____________________________________________ Ambulance telephone___________________________________________________

______________________________________________________'s work address __________________________________________________________________ __ Telephone/cell phone___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________'s work address Telephone/cell phone___________________________________________________ School policy: ? Hold student ? Release student ____________________________________________________________'s school Telephone/cell phone__________________________________________________ School policy: ? Hold student ? Release student Name and telephone/cell phone number of an out-of-town relative or friend who can act as a point-of-contact for separated family members:
