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accrual basis 权责发生制

activity ratio 营运比率

adversely classified credits 不良贷款

asset diversification 资产多元化

asset portfolio 资产组合

at arms length 商业的/公平的

back-office support 后台支持

bad loans 呆帐

bank portfolio 银行资产

banking supervision 银行监管

Basle Core Principles 巴塞尔核心原则

be pledged as security 抵押

borrower 借款人

calendar-based system 期限为基础的(准备金制度) CAMEL 骆驼评级法

carrying value 现存价值

cash 收付实现制

collection 催收

Consumer client 个人客户

contingent liabilities 或有债务

Corporate client 法人客户

credits that are being rolled over 展期贷款

current liability account 流动债务帐户

current ratio 流动比率

debt-for-equity swap 债权转股权

delinquent loan 过失贷款

directed credits 指定贷款disintermediation 脱媒(体外循环)distressed assets 有问题资产

doubtful asset 可疑资产

earning 收益

efficiency ratio 效率比率

financial leverage 财务杠杆;举债经营financial soundness 财务稳健性

foreclosed assets 没收的抵押财产

gearing 财务杠杆;举债经营general provision 普通准备金general reserve 普通准备金impaired assets 受损害资产interest accrual 计息

interest coverage 利息偿付率interest payments being capitalized 利息转本金

intra-account 内部帐户

lending officer 信贷人员

lending policy 贷款证策

licensing 申请许可证licensing period 申请许可证过程loan classification 贷款分类

loan documentation 贷款记录

loan grading 贷款分级

loan origination 贷款发放

loan restructuring 重组贷款

loan review 贷款检查

loan splitting 贷款分割

loss loan provisioning 呆帐准备金

non-accrual items 不计息项目

non-accruals 不计息的

non-classified 未分类的

obligator 债务人

off-balance sheet 表外

off-site supervision 非现场监测

on-site inspection 现场检查

on-site visit 现场访问

out-of-area loan 外地信贷outstanding balance 未清偿余额overdue 逾期

pass, overdue, idle & bad loans (POIB) 一逾两呆

past due loans 逾期贷款

pending factor 未决因素

poorly structured loan 结构不合理贷款problem loans 有问题贷款

Profit and loss 损益(表)

provision 准备金provisioning 准备金提取

quick ratio 速动比率rehabilitation

repayment schedule 还款计划restructured loans 重组贷款

risk-weighted asset 风险加权资产ROCA 洛卡评级法

roll-overs 展期

security enforcement 行使抵押权

side agreement 附件

special mention asset 特别提及资产special reserve 特殊准备金specific reserve 专项准备金substandard assets 次级资产suspense account 挂帐

term loan 定期贷款

to credit 贷记

to debit 借记

trading on equity 财务杠杆;举债经营troubled loan 有问题贷款turnover ratio 周转比率

weak loan 低质量贷款

work out problem 核销有问题

write-off 冲销

write-up (贷款)批评报告


Glossary prepared for

International Congress: In pursuit of a drug-free ASEAN 2015: Sharing the vision, leading the change (Bangkok, 11-13 October 2000)

abstinence/withdrawal reaction 戒毒反应

acetic acid anhydride 乙酸酐

Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS)

anabolic steroids 合成代谢类固醇

analgesic 止痛的;镇痛剂

ascorbic acid 抗坏血病维生素,抗坏血病因子

barbiturates 巴比妥酸

bupremorphine 布普雷吗啡

cocada: coca dosage for an intoxation interval of 40 minutes from coca leave chewing and also for covering a distance of 2-3 km, Spanish term used in South America

cocaine hydrochloride 盐酸可卡因

codeine 可待因(自鸦片中提取的碱质)

constipation 便结,便秘

dependence 上瘾

diacetylmorphine 二乙酰吗啡

diamorphine 二乙酰吗啡(i.e. heroin)

diuretics 利尿剂

DOM (dimethoxymethylamphetamine) 二甲氧基甲苯异丙胺(STP)

drug abuse 吸毒

fenetylline 芬已茶碱

Fentanyl 芬太尼

frusemide/furosemide 腹安酸,速尿

heroin base 海洛因碱

Heroin hydrochloride 盐酸海洛因

inveterate 根深蒂固的inveteracy

Ketobemidone 凯托米酮;酚哌丙酮

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) 麦角酰二乙胺(迷幻剂)

MDMA ("ecstasy") 摇头丸,二亚甲基双氧安非他明

mescaline 三甲氧苯乙胺,酶斯卡灵(一种致幻剂)

methadone 美散痛,美沙酮(镇静剂)

methamphetamine 甲基苯丙胺; 甲基安非他明(去氧麻黄素)

methcathinone 甲卡西酮(also called ephedrine 麻黄素; 麻黄碱)

methylphenidate 哌醋甲酯(利他林)

morphine base 吗啡碱

narcotine (narcotinum) 碱溶鸦片碱, 那可汀

norpseudoephedrine 降假麻黄碱

opiate 鸦片剂

opium 鸦片

papaverine 罂粟碱

pemoline 匹莫林

phenmentrazine 芬美曲秦;苯甲吗啉,

phenmetrazine 苯甲吗啉,匪曼嗪

porous borders

precursor chemicals 易制毒化学品,化学先质,前体化学品

psychotomimetic 拟精神病的,重现精神病的

rehabilitation 戒毒

sniffing solvent

stupor 恍惚

synthetic drug 合成毒品

tartaric acid 酒石酸

testosterone 睾丸激素

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)[药]四氢大麻酚thebaine 蒂巴因, 二甲基吗啡

tincture 酊剂

tolerance 抗药力

transit country 过境国

vertigo 黑运转旋,头晕


acetate yarn 醋酸纤维

acetic acid 醋酸

acetone 丙酮

acetyl chemicals 乙酰(xian-1)化学品acrylonitrile 丙烯腈

amorphous polyolefins 无结晶聚烯烃

benzene 苯

biodegradable polyesters 生物裂解聚酯

butadiene 丁烷

butylene 丁烯

cellulose acetate fiber 醋酸纤维

coatings and paint raw materials 涂料和油漆原料copolyesters 共聚酯

custom chemicals 专门定购化学品Eastotac 树脂

engineering compounded plastics 工程复合塑料ethane 乙烷

ethylanmine 乙胺

ethylene 乙烯

ethylene glycol (MEG) 乙二醇

film 薄膜

filter tow 过滤用长丝

fine chemicals 精细化学品

food ingredients 食品添加剂

glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate (PETG) 醇化聚酯

heavy-gauge sheeting 厚板材

Industrial intermediates 工业中间体

methane 甲烷

neopentyl glycol (NPG) 新戊二醇

olefins 烯烃

optical brighteners 增光剂

oxo chemicals 羰(Tang-1) 基类化学品paraffin 石腊

performance enhancers for the polymer industry 聚合物增性剂performance plastics 功能塑料photographic chemicals 摄影用化学品polyester 聚脂

polyethylene 聚乙烯polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 聚酯

polymer formulators 聚合物配方polymer modifiers 聚合物改性剂poly-propylene 聚丙烯polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polyurethane foams 聚氨酯发泡剂propylene (propene) 丙烯

purified terephthelic acid (PTA) 净化对笨二酸resin 树脂

sorbic acid 山梨酸

specialty chemicals 专用化学品specialty polymers 专用聚合物styrene 苯乙烯

sythetic fibre 合成纤维

toluene 甲苯

xylene 二甲苯


Glossary for Lucent Technologies

ad hoc 临时

add/drop multiplexer 上行/下行多路复用器alternate path 迂回路由

AR coating 防反射保护层authentication 鉴权

babble noise 多路重合噪声

back-propagating 后向传播backbone node 骨干节点

baseline sensitivity 基线灵敏度

bridge 网桥

bug list 故障表

cable cut 电缆中断

carbon button 碳精

causal correlation 因果相关

cell switching 信元交换

chain 链接

channel spacing 信道间隔

chirp-free laser 无

choke point 阻塞点

chromatic dispersion 色散

circuit 电路

circulator 旋转器

cladding mode 包层膜

coherent 相干处

coherent detection 相关检测

combiner 合波器complementary signature 辅助签字concatenation 多音

cross-connect 交叉互连

crypto 密码

data mining 数据处理

delay 时延

demand pairs 线对数

destination 宿

dial-up 拨号呼叫

dielectric coating filters 介质膜滤光片diphone 双音

directly modulated 直接调制directory 名录dispersion compensator 色散补偿器document reader 文件朗读器doped-waveguide device 掺杂的光导器件dual-stage amplifier 两级放大器electet 电介质electroabsorption 电吸收element location 网元

end-to-end 端对端

er-doped 掺铒

event signature 事件表现explicit communication 显式通信

eye diagram 眼图

fiber-to-the-curb 光纤到路边fiber cuts 光纤断裂

fiber grating 光纤光栅flooding wave 杂波

forward-propagating 正向传播fragmented 分立的function block 功能块

gain equalizer 增益均衡器guided mode 导模

high-power 高功率hijacking 盗用

host down 主机故障hybred 混合电路hybred fiber-coax 光纤同轴混合incremental mode 增量模式information base 信息库

instant-free 即时释放integrator 集成器interpret 编译

invoke 激活

isolator 隔离器

large central office 大型局latency 时延

library 库

local rerouting 本地路由重选log 记录

logical partitioning 逻辑划分matching 匹配messaging 信息传送MIMD 多命令多数据modulator 调制器

multi-casting 多址联播multi-vendor 多厂商multimodality 多模接入multiplexing 复用

native OS 本机OS network mapping 网络映射network sweep 网络扫描

OA limit 运放界限object code 目标码

on-the-flier compiler 动态编译optical amplifier 光纤放大器opto-electronic 光电

out-of-the-box 盒外

packet of data 数据包packet radio 无线分组passive waveguide 无源波导pathway 通路

peer application 对等应用层photodiodes 光电二极管photonics 光子physical architecture 物理结构pixel 象素

pointer for safety 安全指针poller 轮询者polyphone 串连portability 可移植性portmopper 端口擦洗器

preamp 前置放大器precomputation 预计算primary path 主用路径primary routing 原始路由proprietary 专用

proxy 代理

pump reflector 泵浦反射器query 查询regeneration sites 再生站remote host 远端主机remote procedure call 远程过程呼叫repeater 直放站response code 响应代码retrieval 检索

root DNS 根域名系统routing 选路sandbox 沙型

service network 业务网session 会晤signaling 信令

single mode 单模

soliton sources 光弧子源span 跨接spectrum 频谱stabilizer 稳定器

stack 栈

star coupler 星形耦合器stream of data 数据流string 字符串subnetwork 子网success rate 接通率switch arrays 开关阵列temporal correlation 时间相关thread 线程threshold 门限值threshold alarm 阚值告警throughput 吞吐

top-level domain 一级域名topology 拓扑traffic 话务量transaction 事务

trap 截留universality 普及性validate 验证waveform interpolation 波形内插法wavelength addressing 波长寻址wavelength division 波分wavelength routing 波长选路

Munich Re Seminar Glossary

on Earthquake Reinsurance

16-17 Nov. 2000

(earthquake) intensity (地震)强度-梅卡利仪测量破坏程度(earthquake) magnitude (地震)烈度-里氏仪测量震感强度

after shock 余震

Alternative Risk Transfer 新型风险转移

anti-seismic design (房屋)抗震设计

Business interruption 营业中断险

capacity 承保能力

CAR construction all risks 建工一切险或:建工险catastrophe XL 巨灾超赔

CEA 加州地震局

ceding company 分出公司

contingent liquidity 或有流动性

co-related risks 关联风险

coverage 受保范围

deductibles 免赔额

EAR erection all risks 安工一切险或:安工险earthquake exposure zone 地震风险区

EQ - earthquake 地震

excess of loss (XL) 超赔分保

experience fund 经验基金

exposure 暴露面

exposure rating 风险评估

facultative reinsurance 临时再保险(可选择的保险,非强制性的) FAS 13 No. 13 Financial Accounting Standard

fault 断层

financial quota shares 成数分保

financial reinsurance 财务再保险

finite risk reinsurance 有限风险再保险

Finite risk transfer 有限风险转移

GNPI Gross Net Premium Income 总净保费收入Holistic risk transfer 整体风险转移

insurance securitization 保险证券化

insured 被保险人

insured loss 保险损失

isoseismal 等震线

limits 投保限额

liquidity support 提供流动资金

market retention 市场自留额

NatCat Natural Catastrophe

NatCat pooling 自然灾害共保

non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险

PML-possible maximum loss 可能最大损失

Pool 共保组合、合保

pool administrator 共保组合管理人

post-financing 后融资

post-funding 后融资

pre-financing 先融资

pre-funding 先融资

priority (deductable) 优先(免赔额)

proceeds 收益

property covered 受保财产

proportional reinsurance 比例再保险

rate on line premium expressed as percentage of the limit

It means that if the limit is 2 million USD and the premium is

100,000, then the Rate-on-line is 10%; If the premium is 200,000,

then the Rate-on-line is 20%.

recovery 追偿金

reinstated 继单

retention 自留额

risk 风险

risk carrier 风险承担人

risk modeling companies

risk premium 风险保费


securitization 证券化

spot contract 现货合同

spread 利差

subsoil 下层土

sum insured 保险金额

tariff 费率表

written premiums 承保保费

XL 超赔分保

CXL 巨灾超赔分保

UK's Automotive Centres of Excellence英国汽车技术示范中心

谢卫红提供1998年 3 月10日

OEMs 原始设备商(配套供应商)

Tier One suppliers 一级供应商

intelligent spot welders 智能点焊机

lean manufacture 精益生产

ride and handling 乘坐与操纵

drive-by-wire 线控

two-stroke engines 双冲程发动机

spark ignition 火花点火

fuel cell 燃料电池

tribology 润滑性

exhaust manifolds 排气导管

turbocharger 涡轮增压机

LERC--Lean Enterprise Research Centre 精益企业研究中心

active suspension system 主动减震系统

carbon piston 碳活塞

in-mould coating technique 模内漆层技术

panel 仪表盘

intake & exhaust valves 进气和排气阀

CVT-- Continuously Variable Transmission



direct injection technology 直喷技术

Step I concept Ka 第一个Ka型概念车

cylinder head 活塞头

ride comfort 行驶舒适

gearbox 齿轮箱

road-friendliness 路上的亲和性

laser combustion diagnostic technique 激光燃烧检测技术

gas turbine 汽轮机

tyre vibration 轮胎震动

limit handling 限度控制

car stylist 轿车款式设计师

validate the car 验车

vehicle refinement 车辆抛光

bowl 试车场

gravel road 砾石路

braking system 制动系统

fuel injection 燃油喷射

exhaust after treatment system design 尾气后处理系统设计

catalytic convention design 催化转化装置

van vehicle 厢式车

intelligent press working system 智能冲压系统

gas cylinder 高压气瓶

crashworthiness 耐碰撞性

knock 爆震

piston rings 活塞环

cams and followers 凸轮及从动件

engine bearing 发动机轴承

driveline control 传动系控制

integrated chassis control system 整体底盘控制系统

reciprocating engine combustion and emission 往复式发动机燃烧及排放

precision casting 精确铸造

flexible fixture design 柔性工具设计

computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 计算流体动力学

high speed imaging 高速成像

TV-Holography 电视全息摄像

corrosion control and paints 腐蚀控制及涂料

acoustic damping materials 降噪材料

high strength steel 高强度钢

chromate 铬酸盐

3D anthropometric scanning 三维人体扫描

MIRA 汽车工业研究协会(英国)

type approval 型式认证

NVH Engineering 噪声、振动及不平顺性设计

high speed circuit 高速试车环道

ride & handling circuit 行驶及操纵性环道

horizontal straight circuit 平直试验环道

(circuit) straight wet grip facilities (环线)直线潮湿试验刹车路面设施steering pad 转向试验场

cross country route 越野试验路线

general purpose circuit 通用试验环道

driving simulator 行驶模拟装置

SMMT--Society of Motor Manufactures &


CATARC--Chinese Automotive Technology & 中国汽车技术研究中心

Research Centre

FMEA 故障类型与理象分析
