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Mr Holland’s Opus 对白难点注释

Mr Holland’s Opus 对白难点注释
Mr Holland’s Opus 对白难点注释

Mr Holland’s Opus生命因你动听,春风化雨



Part 1 get up, meet, Vice principal and principal

1.Senator Barry Goldwater--共和党戈德华特Born January 1, 1909,Phoenix, Arizona .Died May 29, 1998,Phoenix, Arizona U.S. Senator from Arizona 1953-1965, 1969-1987. Defeated by Lyndon B. Johnson in the Presidential election of 1964.

2.campaign-- To engage in an operation planned to achieve a certain goal:参加运动

3.Warren Commission-- popular name given to the U.S. Commission to Report upon the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, established (Nov. 29, 1963) by executive order of President Lyndon B. Johnson. The commission, which was given unrestricted investigating powers, was directed to evaluate all the evidence and present a complete report of the event to the American people. The members of the commission included Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States.

4. assassination--暗杀

5.release-- To make known or available.准许公开

6.gig-- a job usually for a specified time; especially: an entertainer's engagement.

7. Principal-- One who holds a position of presiding rank, especially the head of an elementary school or high school.首长,负责人:处于最高地位的人,尤指小学或中学校长

8.Holy cow-- spoken used to express feelings such as surprise or fear

9.Corvair--1960雪佛莱科威尔Corvair轿车以其夺目的外形和高效的性能而成为雪佛莱车中的经典之作。10. Ralph Nader-- Ralph Nader has spent a lifetime fighting on behalf of ordinary people, and few Americans have the respect and prestige that he commands. Life magazine ranks him as one of the country's most influential Americans of the twentieth century. Founder of Public Citizen, he is a long-time advocate for consumer safety and workers' rights. He rose to fame in the 1960s when he took on General Motors and its unsafe Corvair car. His 1965 book Unsafe At Any Speed not only created a sensation but was instrumental in the enactment of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. He helped create the Environmental Protection Agency. He has exposed the misdeeds of the corporate sector as well as of the political system. He is perhaps best known for Nader's Raiders and for sparking debate on issues ranging from the Corvair to the Dalkon Shield. In recent years he has led the struggles around NAFTA, the WTO and corporate welfare. In 1996 he was the Green Party presidential candidate, and in 2000 he is their candidate again.拉尔夫·内德(Ralph Nader)在其作品《无速不危》(Unsafe at Any Speed)一书,对通用汽车公司和科威尔(Corvair)进行批评. 美国参议院、政府执行委员会对通用汽车公司骚扰拉尔夫·内德(Ralph Nader)这一指控进行调查。通用汽车公司总裁詹姆斯.F.罗切(James M. Roche)在行政重组附属委员会上发表声明,对此事表示道歉11.stick with-- [美]忍耐12. 1-2-3—a song by Artist: Len Barry- peak Billboard position # 2 in 1965- Words and Music by Len Madara, David White, Leonard Borisoff, Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier, and Eddie Holland. Len Barry reached as high as number two on the charts twice in the 60's, once as a member of a well-known group, and later as a solo artist. Like many other artists of his day, he achieved a high amount of success at a young age before fading away. Len was born Leonard Borrisoff in Philadelphia in 1942. Len Barry made his mark on the pop music world in the early days of rock-and-roll.

Lyrics-1-2-3, oh, that's how elementary it's gonna be

C'mon, let's fall in love, it's easy (it's so easy)

Like takin' candy (like takin' candy) from a baby

A-B-C (A-B-C) fallin' in love with you was easy for me (easy for me)

And you can do it, too, it's easy (it's so easy)

Like takin' candy (like takin' candy) from a baby

Baby, there's nothin' hard about love

Basically, it's as easy as pie

The hard part is livin' without love

Without your love, baby, I would die

It's easy (it's so easy)

Like takin' candy (like takin' candy) from a baby, yay

One and one are two (one and one are two)

I know you love me and oh,oh, how I love you (how I love you)

Don't try to fight it 'cause it's easy (it's so easy)

Like takin' candy (like takin' candy) from a baby, yay

1-2-3 (1-2-3) oh, that's how elementary it's gonna be (it's gonna be)

C'mon, let's fall in love, it's easy (1-2-3)


Oh, that's how elementary

13. auspicious-- Attended by favorable circumstances; propitious:有利的14.fall back on-- have recourse to退守15.drive-in-- An establishment designed to permit customers to remain in their motor vehicles while being accommodated.免下车餐馆, 免下车电影院(顾客可坐在自己的车上购物、进餐、看电影等等)16.hands off.-- 别动,别插手

Part 2 meet students,5th symphony, meet and chat with Mr Meister

1.circumstance-- Often circumstances The sum of determining factors beyond willful control:客观形势

2. melodic-- Of, relating to, or containing melody.旋律的, 音调优美的

3.harmonic-- Pleasing to the ear:悦耳的

4.impress-- To apply with pressure; press.施压

5.on one’s knees--跪着

6.o ut of one’s way-- if someone or something is out of the way, they are somewhere where they are not likely to cause a problem, need attention, be annoying etc别挡路

7.Phys. Ed-- physical education缩写P.E.,Education in the care and development of the human body, stressing athletics and including hygiene.体育教育

8.Spam -- A trademark used for a canned meat product consisting primarily of chopped pork pressed into a loaf.斯帕姆午餐肉:一种将碎猪肉挤成长方形的罐头肉制品商标

9.surprise-- Something, such as an unexpected encounter, event, or gift, that surprises.使惊讶的事物10.mortar--To bombard with mortar shells.用砂浆砌合11.bag lunch—自带饭12.tease--To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity in without affording satisfaction.挑逗:激起希望、欲望或好奇但不给予满足13.on the road--Traveling, especially as a salesperson.尤指销售员为兜揽生意四处奔走而旅行14.bar mitzvah--The ceremony that initiates and recognizes a boy as a bar mitzvah.犹太男孩成人仪式15.a ton of--大量, 许多16. chick--Slang A girl or young woman.少女https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a23371657.html,pose--To create or produce (a literary or musical piece).创作18. Ludwig van Beethoven-- German composer. The greatest composer of his day, he began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was deaf by 1819. His music, which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, includes 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas, 2 Masses, and an opera. 贝多芬,路德维希·范:(1770-1827)德国作曲家,是他那个时代最伟大的作曲家。1801年他开始失去听力,到1819年完全耷了。他的音乐有了从经典到浪漫作品的转变,包括9个交响乐、5个钢琴协奏曲、一个小提琴协奏曲、32个钢琴奏鸣曲和几个其它奏鸣曲、2部弥撒曲及一部歌剧19. Symphony No. 5 in C minor -- Beethoven's fate symphony. The first four notes have drawn much of the attention. Beethoven himself allegedly described them as "Fate knocking at the door". c小调第五号交响曲《命运》此曲完成于1807年末至1808年初,是贝多芬最为著名的作品之一。本曲声望之高,演出次数之多,可谓交响曲之冠。贝多芬在交响曲第一乐章的开头,便写下一句引人深思的警语:“命运在敲门”,从而被引用为本交响曲具有吸引力的标题。作品的这一主题贯穿全曲,使人感受到一种无可言喻的感动与震撼。贝多芬在第三交响曲完成以前便已经有了创作本曲的灵感,一共花了五年的时间推敲、酝酿,才得以完成。乐曲体现了作者一生与命运搏斗的思想,“我要扼住命运的咽喉,他不能使我完全屈服”,这是一首英雄意志战胜宿命论、光明战胜黑暗的壮丽凯歌。恩格斯曾盛赞这部作品为最杰出的音乐作品。整部作品精炼、简洁,结构完整统一。

Part 3 Chat with wife about future and past, Miss Lang’s trouble with clarinet, pathetic exam

1.big deal--(表示蔑视)(有什么)了不起

2.through-- At or to the end of; done or finished with, especially successfully:

通过:到最后3.Holiday Inns—假日饭店4.studio-- A room or building where tapes and records are produced.录音(像)棚5. get it on--American English informal to have sex 6.priest-- In many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy ranking below a bishop but above a deacon and having authority to administer the sacraments.神父,牧师7.nun-- A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.修女8.have a crush on sb--- have a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well迷恋9.Stars and Stripes Forever—永恒的星条旗。由苏萨创作。1896年:约翰菲力浦苏萨的支持者美国海军陆战队第八代司令官大卫巴拉克雷David Blakely去世,当时约翰菲力浦苏萨正与夫人在欧洲度假。返回美国之航程中,约翰菲力浦苏萨获得灵感,写下新作品〝永恒的星条旗〞。苏萨,约翰·菲利普:(1854-1932) 美国乐队指挥和作曲家。American bandmaster and composer who wrote comic operas and marches such as Stars and Stripes Forever (1897). Known as the March King, Sousa composed about 140 marches 10.bar--A vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures.小节线:把五线谱分成相等节拍的竖线11.hang--wait for a short period of

time12.get through--To arrive at the end of; finish or complete. 完成,结束13. break--Music A pause or breathing at a point of rhythmic division in a melody.休止:在歌曲中节拍分割点上的停顿或呼吸14.flat--A note that is lowered a half step.降半音15.precede--To come, exist, or occur before in time.先于…16.note--A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position on the staff and duration by its shape.音符17.step--Music The interval that separates two successive tones of a scale.音阶18. major scale--A diatonic scale having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth tones and whole steps between the other adjacent tones.大调,大音阶:在第三和第四章之间及第七和第八章之间有半拍,其他相邻音之间有一拍的全音阶19.F--A key or scale in which F is the tonic.以F音为主调音的音阶20.stave--Music A set of five horizontal lines and four intermediate spaces used in notation to represent a sequence of pitches. 五线谱21.pathetic--Arousing or capable of arousing scornful pity.又笨又可怜的,无价值的22. Johann Sebastian Bach-- German composer and organist of the late baroque period. Among the greatest composers in history, he wrote more than 200 cantatas, the Saint Matthew Passion (1729), the Mass in B minor (1733-1738), orchestral works such as the the six Brandenburg Concertos, and numerous works for organ, harpsichord, other solo instruments, and chamber ensembles. Four of his children became noted musicians: Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-1784); Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), an important figure in the development of the symphony; Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732-1795); and Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782). 巴赫,约翰·塞巴斯蒂安:(1685-1750) 巴洛克时代晚期的德国作曲家和管风琴家。是历史上最伟大的作曲家之一。23.key-- A tonal system consisting of seven tones in fixed relationship to a tonic, having a characteristic key signature and being since the Renaissance the structural foundation of the bulk of Western music; tonality.调、主音:包括七个与主音有固定关系的音色的调音系统,有独特的调号,自文艺复兴以来一直是西方音乐主体的结构基础24.concerto-- A composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments, typically in three movements.协奏曲:由交响乐队与一个或多个独奏乐器演奏的乐曲,一般分为三个乐章

Part 4 Lang wants to give up, principal talks about compass, wife is expecting

1.out-- to a finish or conclusion:结束

2.swell up--膨胀

3.Julliard--纽约朱莉安音乐学院At the time The Juilliard School was founded in 1905 (as the Institute of Musical Art), the idea of establishing a music academy in America to rival the European conservatories was a novel one. But Dr. Frank Damrosch, the godson of Franz Liszt and the head of music education for New York City’s public schools, was convinced that American musicians should not have to go abroad for their training. Damrosch and his financial backer, James Loeb, modestly planned for 100 students, but found that they had greatly underestimated the demand for high-quality musical training. The School quickly outgrew its original home at Fifth Avenue and 12th Street, and, in 1910, moved to new quarters on Claremont Avenue.

4. Notre Dame--素以美式橄榄球和天主教闻名于世的圣母大学,位于北美密歇根湖南岸South Bend 市北部,距离美国第三大城市芝加哥约90 英里。于1842年由Holy Cross的教区群众创建,为一所宗教气息浓厚的大学。Notre Dame University , a private, coeducational institution in Notre Dame, a small town within the boundaries of South Bend, Indiana. The school was founded in 1842 by the Congregation of Holy Cross, and governed since 1967 by a board of trustees predominantly made up of laypersons.

5.blue ribbon-- An emblem, badge, or rosette made of blue ribbon that is awarded as the first prize in a competition.蓝绶带:竞赛中第一名所得的用蓝色缎带制成的奖章、徽章或蔷薇花饰

6.watercolor- A work that is executed through the use of a paint composed of a water-soluble pigment.水彩画

7.state fair-- In the U.S., the most common type of fair was the country or state agricultural fair. These events were originated by Elkanah Watson, a merchant of Albany, New York. Watson organized the first rural fair, the Berkshire County Fair at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1811. During the 19th century, annual state fairs became popular throughout the rural districts of the U.S., and many states appropriated funds to aid them. Most popular were the annual county fairs, where livestock and all kinds of vegetable produce and manufactured goods were exhibited, and awards were given for the best exhibits in each category. Such rural fairs lasted for one or two weeks; a few of them, notably the Iowa State Fair and the fair of Danbury, Connecticut, became nationally famous. 州博览会

8.retire-- To withdraw from use or active service:报废,停止使用

9. curriculum-- All the courses of study offered by an educational institution.全部课程10.sprint-- To run or move at top speed for a brief period.冲刺11.track-- Track and field.田径https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a23371657.html,pass-- A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.指南针13.stuck--遇到困难(干不下去)14.house-- The audience or patrons of an establishment such as a theater or restaurant, that provides entertainment or food for the public观众15.hang out-- To spend one's free time in a certain place:消磨时间16.record-- A disk designed to be played on a phonograph.唱片17.album-- One or more 12-inch long-playing records in a slipcase.密纹唱片18. John Coltrane-- Coltrane, John William (1926-1967), American saxophone player, composer, and combo (small group) leader, a major figure in the evolution of the jazz styles known as bebop and free jazz. Along with

American saxophonist Charlie Parker, Coltrane is considered one of the most influential saxophonists in the history of jazz music. (1926-1967)。约翰柯川, 历史上最伟大的次中音萨克斯手之一,FREE JAZZ的集大成者,因为吸毒几进几出,加入Miles Davis的爵士小组,因为后期在爵士乐上的探索与创新甚至被评论为“反爵士”,无论作为萨克斯演奏家、作曲家和乐队领导者,他对六十至八十年代的爵士乐都产生深远的影响。他引入爵士的即兴演奏观念为钢琴手、小号手、吉他手以及萨克斯手所学习吸收。这一切使John Coltrane成为爵士史上极为争议的传奇人物。

Part 5 teach rock, moving plan, Lang succeeds, Vietnam War, driver’s ed, move to a house, Cole’s birth, spider song

1.Ionian and Dorian scale--这是在西方音乐进入大小调体系之前,借用古希腊语给以C(多)音为主音的音阶和以D(来)音为主音的音阶的名称。前者对应于大调音阶,后者可对应于小调(既以“拉”音阶为主音)音阶

2.brownnoser—one who curries favor with sb. in an obsequious manner; one who fawns on sb. 谄媚者

3.Toys—玩具组合,Rhythm and Blues ,蓝调组合The Toys were an R&B group whose big hit was "A Lover's Concerto," an adaptation of a classical minuet by Bach. The Toys, June Montiero, Barbara Harris, and Barbara Parritt, were formed in the early Sixties in Jamaica, New York. Harris and Parritt were both born in North Carolina, but moved to New York at an early age. They met June Montiero while attending Woodrow Wilson High School in New York and formed a group. After graduation they continued to sing together. Bobby Uri, a friend of theirs, took them up to the music building at 1650 Broadway in Manhattan, where they began doing background vocal work. Then while at a talent show in Brooklyn, NY, they met Eddie Chase who would introduced them to several people who would be very instrumental in the launching of their career. Most notable was Mr. Bob Crewe of DynaV oice Records. Their manager, Vince Mark, renamed the group "The Toys". In 1964 they were signed by the Publishing firm Genius, Inc. which teamed them with the songwriting duo Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell who brought them to the attention of producer Bob Crewe.The writers took a classical finger exercise from Bach and put a Motown bassline to it and "A Lovers Concerto" was born. September 1965 "A Lover's Concerto" on the Dynavoice label went #4 R&B, crossed over to pop charts #2, and also became a #5 hit in England.

4.Minuet-- The music for or in the rhythm of the minuet, a slow, stately pattern dance in 3/4 time for groups of couples, originating in 17th-century France.米哀奴舞曲

5.G-- A key or scale in which G is the tonic.G调音阶

6.prime-- First in excellence, quality, or value.最佳的

7.tissue-- An interwoven or interrelated number of things; a web; a network:一些相互交织或相互联系的事物

8.honky-tonk--Of, relating to, or being a type of ragtime characteristically played on a tinny-sounding piano.拉格泰姆钢琴曲的:一种在音质不响亮的钢琴上弹奏的切分乐曲的

9.rowdy--Disorderly; rough:好争吵的10.handy--Skillful in using one's hands; manually adroit, dexterous 手巧的11. savings account-- An account that draws interest at a bank.储蓄帐户12. driver's ed—驾校陪练13.crib-- A bed with high sides for a young child or baby.有栏小卧床14.take apart拆开15.tear down-- To demolish:拆毁16. stouthearted-- Brave; courageous.勇敢的17.Give me some men who are stouthearted men—lyrics from Stouthearted men written by Mandel, Frank [lyricist] ; Hammerstein, Oscar, 1895-1960 [lyricist] ; Romberg, Sigmund [composer] .Performance Medium: Piano and Voice (with lyrics) 18.clarinet-- A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys.单簧管,黑管19.goof up--把...弄错, 把...搞乱20.harmonic-- Characterized by harmony:和声的21.chord-- Music A combination of three or more usually concordant tones sounded simultaneously. 和弦22.mouthpiece-- A part, as of a musical instrument or a telephone, that functions in or near the mouth. 乐器的吹口23.sunset--日落(时分), 傍晚24.flower-- The highest example or best representative:精华,精英:最高的范例或最好的代表:the flower of our generation. 我们这一代人的杰出代表25.Vietnam--越南26.erratic--不稳定的27. maternity-- 产科病房28. spider—蜘蛛29. jiggle--[美]轻轻的摇晃[跳动]30.tickle--胳肢, 逗笑, 使高兴, 使发痒31.natural--One suited by nature for a certain purpose or function:天赋:天生的适合某一特定目的或功能的人:She is a natural at mathematics.她有数学天赋32. Radio City Music Hall--纽约无线电台音乐厅America's most popular entertainers have thrilled audiences at Radio City Music Hall since its doors opened December 27, 1932. Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis Jr. and Tony Bennett to mention only a few of the celebrities and luminaries to grace the Great Stage."Radio City was to be a palace of the people. A place of beauty offering high quality entertainment… It was intended to entertain and amuse, but also to elevate and inspire." - Gail Greet Hannah, Radio City Music Hall, A Legend is Reborn. Radio City Music Hall completed a seven month $70 million restoration in 1999. From the famed marquee to the seats and the ceilings to the carpets, the restoration returned Radio City Music Hall to its famed glory. The 1932 Art Deco theater was designated a New York City landmark in 1979, and a National Historic Landmark in 1987. 33.Lyndon Johnson-- Lyndon Baines 1908*1973 American politician; 36th president of the United States (1963*69)34. flower--The highest example or best representative:精华,精英:e.g. the flower of our generation.我们这一代人的杰出代表35.erratic--Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.飘忽不定的36.Keep on Runnin’—―戴维斯外套‖乐队(The Spencer Davis Group)的作品。SPENCER DA VIS,A Rock Legend....This rock star from Wales, who created the famed

Spencer Davis Group in 1963, has close to a dozen top 10 hit songs, including "Gimme Some Lovin", "Somebody Help Me", I AM A Man", and "Keep On Runnin", helping to bring British rock & roll to the rest of the world.37. I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly–an known American nursery rhyme.

Part 6 Questioned by Principal and Vice principal, marching band, help Meister

1. breakdown--崩溃

2.deny--否认, 拒绝


4. Brahms --German composer. His works, blending classical tradition with the new romantic impulse, include concertos, four symphonies, chamber music, and choral compositions.布拉姆斯,约翰尼斯:(1833-1897) 德国作曲家,其作品把古典传统与新浪漫主义的冲击结合起来,包括协奏曲、四重奏交响曲、室内乐和弦乐作品

5. Mozart --Austrian composer considered among the greatest and most prolific composers in history. Of his more than 600 compositions, the finest works, including his last three symphonies (1788) and the operas Don Giovanni (1787)and The Magic Flute (1791), were written in the last five years of his short life. 莫扎特,乌夫冈·阿马戴乌斯:(1756-1791) 奥地利作曲家,被认为是历史上最伟大、最有成就的作曲家之一。在他的600余篇作品中,最出色的作品,包括他最后三首交响乐(1788年)和歌剧唐·乔万尼(1787年)和魔笛(1791年),是在他短暂生命的最后五年里写成的

6. Stravinsky --Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich (1882-1971), Russian American composer, one of the most influential figures of music in the 20th century. 斯特拉文斯基,伊戈尔·费多尔洛维奇:(1882-1971) 俄裔芭蕾舞作曲家,包括《春之祭》(1913年),交响乐,歌剧如《浪子的历程》(1951年)和其它的作品。他被认为是20世纪最有创造性的作曲家之一

7. Russian Revolution--俄国革命(指发生于1917年的二月革命或十月革命,或泛指这两次革命)

8. deliberately--故意地

9. exaggerate-- To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate:夸大,夸张:描述得大于实际情况;夸大叙述10. Kingston Trio--金斯顿三重唱组. 以1958年首张专辑中的一曲“Tom Dooley”唱红美国歌坛,夺得了排行冠军的“金士顿三重唱”(The Kingston Trio)来自旧金山,他们的Tom Dooley歌曲畅销的程度,甚至造就了第二年与歌曲同一情节电影「魂断奈何天(The Legend of Tom Dooley)」的诞生。他们所出版的头六张专辑中,有五张都夺得了排行冠军,也由于他们的成功,掀起了六十年代的民歌狂潮;他们的另一首招牌歌曲”Where Have All the Flowers Gone”早已传唱全球数十年,成为经典老式情歌In 1957 The Kingston Trio emerged from San Francisco's North Beach club scene to take the country by storm, bringing the rich tradition of American folk music into the mainstream for the first time. During the late 50s & early 60s, the Trio enjoyed unprecedented record sales and worldwide fame, while influencing the musical tastes of a generation.Through changing times, the Trio has played on, remaining popular for a simple reason... great songs that sound as good today as the first time you heard them. Over forty years after Tom Dooley shot to the top of the charts, the Trio is still on the road thirty weeks a year, bringing back all the great memories and making new ones. 11.Sing Along with Mitch--《跟着米奇唱-Sing Along with Mitch》是米勒带领合唱团录制的第一张33-1/3转唱片,1958年8月发行。米勒原名米奇·威廉姆·米勒,1911年7月4日出生于纽约的罗切斯特。他以多种方式在美国音乐中占有位置:他曾是一名古典双簧管手、一位杰出的唱片公司经营者、网络电视的先驱者,而现在是一位指挥各大交响乐团巡演全国演出pops音乐会的指挥家。1934年,他以双簧管手的身份进入音乐圈,与格什温同在一个乐团演出;之后,他参与创办了当时名气还不大的Mercury 唱片公司,并取得极大的发展;他在电视台主持的节目"Sing Along With Mitch"三年多都拥有极高的收视率。13. school board—校董事会14. devil—魔鬼15. Billie Holiday--比莉·哈乐黛“摇摆爵士乐”歌手。“如果你用无所谓求乞,你至少将得到虚无,如果你企图霸占一切,那你必将玩火自焚.”这是Holiday写在她自传里的一句名言,她短暂的一生被视为美国的一部传奇故事。Holiday1915年4月7日生于美国的Baltimore,由于她的父母是未婚,又加上生活上的拮据,Holiday便被留在亲戚家寄养.他在上小学时,便常被妓院的老板娘派遣做事,以换取一些小费.也正是在那些场合,Holiday首次听到了爵士乐.当她随母亲来到纽约后,Holiday便退了学,那时她仅仅才五年级.由于卖淫Holiday曾被捕入狱,而在这之后,她便执意要成为一名爵士歌手。“我在入行的最初,并没有人知道我,我凭借自己独特的演唱征服了人们.”Holiday曾回忆道.她与生俱来的音乐灵感被许多音乐家认同了.与Holiday合作的都是一些最优秀的爵士音乐家.这其中包括;Count Basie, Duke Ellington ,Ben Webster和Lester Young等,大家都尊称Holiday为”Lady Day”。

1935开始,Holiday与钢琴演奏家Teddy Wilson合作录制了数张专辑并取得了前所未有的成功.Holiday自此以后到去世之前从未停止过唱片的录制.并且唱片制作人经常由Norman Granz担任.Holiday演出范围之广,从纽约到西海岸乃至于整个欧洲.1948年,Holiday在著名的Carnegie Hall举行了演唱会,应观众的热烈要求,她竟然加演了六首曲目。由于Holiday相貌平平,甚至有些丑陋,而使她在生活中经常遭到不平等的待遇,她也因此染上了酗酒和吸毒的恶习,并且还经常找来不可靠的”小白脸”陪她寻欢作乐,这样的生活方式使Holiday后期的作品的艺术水准每况愈下.极窄的音域,难以胜任的高音,泛滥使用的颤音……许多音乐评论家认为:Holiday在1952至1957年之间已经不是一位称职的歌手了.1959年7月17日,Holiday在极度孤独中死去,享年44岁.Holiday死后,爵士界普遍认为就其影响力和为爵士乐所作的贡献Holiday已与她的偶像Louis Armstrong持平了。Billie Holiday's grandfather was one of 17 children of a black Virginia slave

and a white Irish plantation owner. Her mother was only 13 when she was born. The future "Lady Day" first heard the music of Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith on a Victrola at Alice Dean's, the Baltimore "house of ill repute" where she ran errands and scrubbed floors as a young girl. She made her singing debut in obscure Harlem nightclubs (borrowing her professional name from screen star Billie Dove), then toured with Count Basie and Artie Shaw before going solo. Benny Goodman dragged the frightened singer to her first studio session. Between 1933 and 1944, she recorded over 200 "sides," but she never received royalties for any of them. Despite a lack of technical training, Holiday's unique diction, inimitable phrasing and acute dramatic intensity made her the outstanding jazz singer of her day. White gardenias, worn in her hair, became her trademark."Singing songs like the 'The Man I Love' or 'Porgy' is no more work than sitting down and eating Chinese roast duck, and I love roast duck," she wrote in her autobiography. "I've lived songs like that." Her own compositions included "God Bless the Child," espousing the virtues of financial independence and "Don't Explain," lament on infidelity. Billie Holiday, a musical legend still popular today, died an untimely death at the age of 44. 16. Touchdown--Abbr. TD, tdFootball An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal line for a score of six points.缩写TD,td【橄榄球】攻方持球触地:越过对方球门线的持球、接球或获得对球的控制的行为,可得到六分17. marching band—军乐队18. set-【体育运动】就位19. Hut--(interjection) used to mark a marching cadence 注意节奏20. crash down-- To move noisily or so as to cause damage:横冲直撞21. sousaphone--A large brass wind instrument, similar in range to the tuba, having a flaring bell and a shape adapted to being carried in marching bands.苏萨号:一种大型铜管乐器22. baritone--A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice.,上低音乐器:指音域类似男中音的铜管乐器23.sax--A saxophone.乐器萨克斯管24.shirttail--The part of a shirt that extends below the waist, especially in the back.衬衫下摆25. even up-- To make or become even.使成为平滑、平坦, 对齐26.take a knee--单膝下跪休息27.clump up-- To gather into or form lumps or thick groupings of.形成一簇, 扎堆28.take it-- To understand; assume:理解;臆断29.keister-- n. Slang The buttocks.30.stand-- stands The bleachers at a playing field or stadium.运动场或体育馆中的露天梯座31.halfback-- Football 【橄榄球】One of the two players positioned near the flanks behind the line of scrimmage.中卫:在争球线之后靠近侧翼的并列两名队员之一32.toss -- To throw lightly or casually or with a sudden slight jerk:抛,掷33.wrestling-- A sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling.摔跤34.get up--增加;提高e.g. to get up speed增加速度35.talk sb into doing sth. 说服某人做某事36. academic credit--学分37. fit in 适合,适应38.buddy-- A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy system.伙伴:合作者

Part7.Chat with Louis, Louis in the band, play chess with Meister.

1. cord--An insulated, flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs.绝缘的可移动电线,接有一个或多个插头

2.extension cord--[电]延长绳路

3.tuba--A large, valved, brass wind instrument with a bass pitch.大号

4.pimple--A small red swelling of the skin, usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.丘疹, 粉刺

5.constraint--One that restricts, limits, or regulates; a check:约束、限制

6.beat--A regular, rhythmical unit of time.拍子

7.couth--Marked by or possessing a high degree of sophistication; refined:优雅的

8.spit--Saliva, especially when expectorated; spittle.唾液

9.valve--Music A device in a brass wind instrument that permits change in pitch by a rapid varying of the air column in a tube.【音乐】活瓣:在铜管乐器中通过在管中迅速改变气流而完成音调的改变的一种装置10.checkmate--interj.Games (感叹词)Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.将死!:国际象棋中宣告对手的“国王”被将死的感叹词11.gorgeous--Informal Wonderful; delightful.极好的;可喜的12.smack--To strike sharply and with a loud noise.猛烈地打击13.bang--To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump.重击14.excel--To show superiority; surpass others.胜过

Part 8 Train Louis, Louis found the beat, Easter Parade, Cole’s hearing loss, 7th symphony, Sleepers Wake

1. Uptight (Everything's alright) Lyrics by Stevie Wonder--1965 年发行的舞曲风格的单曲

Baby, ev'rything is all right, uptight, out of sight.

Baby, ev'rything is all right, uptight, out of sight.

I'm a poorman's son, from across the railroad tracks,

The only shirt I own is hangin' on my back,

But I'm the envy of ev'ry single guy

Since I'm the apple of my girl's eye.

When we go out stepping on the town for a while

My money's low and my suit's out of style,

But it's all right if my clothes aren't new

Out of sight because my heart is true.

She says baby ev'rything is alright, uptight, out of sight.

Baby, ev'rything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.

I'm a pearl of a girl, I guess that's what you might say,

I guess her folks brought her up that way,

The right side of the tracks, she was born and raised

In a great big old house, full of butlers and maids.

No one is better than I, I know I'm just an average guy,

No football hero or smooth Don Juan,

Got empty pockets, you see I'm a poorman's son.

She says give her the things that money can buy

But I'll never, never make my baby cry,

And it's all right, what I can't do,

Out of sight because my heart is true,

She says baby ev'rything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.

Baby, ev'rything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.

Baby, ev'rything is alright, uptight, ah ah ah ah,

Baby, ev'rything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.

Baby, ev'rything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.

2.Stevie Wonder--(1950- ), 史蒂夫-旺达American singer and songwriter, who had his first success on the Motown label at age 1

3. He was born Steveland Morris in Saginaw, Michigan. Blind【】since infancy. In 1996 Wonder won three more Grammy Awards: for best male rhythm-and-blues vocalist, best song, and for lifetime achievement. Wonder has also been active in such social causes as the antiapartheid movement, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and the Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation. An advocate of black civil rights, Wonder spearheaded the effort to institute a national holiday in honor of the birthday of clergyman and civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. Steveland Judkins 1950 年五月13 日出生于美国Michigan 州的Saginaw 。Steveland 在出生之后就被放入了育婴箱,由于医疗事故,育婴箱内的氧气水平过高,导致了他的永久性失明。但是他并没有受到残疾的障碍,在七岁的时候开始学习演奏钢琴,并且在九岁的时候熟练地掌握了口琴和架子鼓的演奏方法。在1954年,他的家庭迁居到了Detroit ,他加入了那里的教堂唱诗班。1961年的时候,他的天赋被Miracles 乐队的Ronnie White 发现,并被安排在Motown Records 公司进行了试唱录音。Berry Gordy 立刻与他签下了合同,并给他定名为Little Stevie Wonder (Little 一词后来在1964 年的时候被去掉)。Wonder 后成为词曲作者,制作人,歌手和音乐家。3.apple of one's eye瞳孔, 极珍爱之人或物

4.uptight--Financially pressed; destitute.一文不名的

5.butler--The head servant in a household who is usually in charge of food service, the care of silverware, and the deportment of the other servants.大管家

6.Dodge—道奇车。道奇兄弟出生在美国密植安洲,哥哥约翰·道奇(John Dodge)出生于1864年,弟弟霍瑞斯·道奇(Horade Dodge)出生于1868年。1886年,道奇全家移居底特律。道奇兄弟在密植安州重开了一家大型工厂,后来成为著名的道奇总厂。霍瑞斯和约翰建造了世界上第一个汽车试验场,并于1914年设计出他们的第一辆车。1915年,道奇卡车是战争时期的主力参战装备。1915年,道奇汽车的销售量在美国第四。1928年,克莱斯勒公司收购了道奇兄弟公司。道奇兄弟公司(Dodge brothers Co.)成了克莱斯勒公司的一个分部。道奇成为克莱斯勒汽车公司的骨干企业。

7.Louie, Louie--State Song of Louisiana

8.sneak--To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way.溜,潜行.

9.stomp--To tread or trample heavily or violently on.重踩,重蹋10.podium--An elevated platform, as for an orchestra conductor or a public speaker.讲坛;乐队指挥台.11.baton--指挥棒.12.saw--To cut or divide with a saw.锯13.vibration--The act of vibrating.振动14.John Lenon--1940 - 1980 Pop star, composer, songwriter, and recording artist, born in Liverpool, Merseyside, NW England, UK. He was the Beatles rhythm guitarist, keyboard player, and vocalist, and a partner in the

Lennon--McCartney song-writing team. He married Japanese artist Yoko Ono (1933 - ) - his second marriage - in 1969. Together they invented a form of peace protest by staying in bed while being filmed and interviewed, and the single recorded under the name of The Plastic Ono Band, "Give Peace a Chance" (1969), became the "national anthem" for pacifists. He had five more chart singles between 1971-74, but only "Imagine" (1971) had any immediate impact. On the birth of his son, Sean (1975 - ), he retired from music to become a house-husband. Five years later he recorded "(Just Like) Starting Over", but he was shot and killed by a deranged fan just before its release. His death affected millions of people, record sales soared, and he continues to be admired by new generations of fans. 15.Imagine-- --beatles解散以后John lenon的作品.这首歌也许是故事最多的,也是最易令人感动的,为列农孩子般的纯真感动,为和平,为没有种族感动

Imagine there\'s no heaven It\'s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...

Imagine there\'s no countries It isn\'t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace...

You may say I\'m a dreamer But I\'m not the only one

I hope someday you\'ll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...

16.Sleepers Wake-- Sleepers, Wake! A V oice Astounds Us. (1700) by JS Bach巴赫的第一百四十号康塔塔,全名为《醒来吧,一个声音在高喊》,一般称作《醒来吧》。这首康塔塔系为三一节后第二十七个星期天而创作,这一天的福音书(《马太福音》第二十五章1—13节)讲述了10个少女拿着灯半夜去迎接新郎的故事。这10个少女中,5个聪明的准备了灯油,另5个愚笨的没有准备;新郎来了,没准备的5人去买灯油,回来时天国的大门已经关上了。巴赫为这一天的布道,选择菲力普·尼可莱(1556—1608)所作的赞美诗《醒来吧,一个声音在高喊》作为他创作的基础

Part 9.family quarrel, special school, class fight, funnel


2.gear--To adjust or adapt so as to make suitabl调整或配合以使其适合


校4.counerpoint--Music Melodic material that is added above or below an existing melody.配合旋律:在已有的旋律上或下加上的有旋律的东西4.annotated--.带注释的5.Flanders Field—a place in Belgium. Veterans of military service have organized support groups such as the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. On Veterans' Day and Memorial Day, these groups raise funds for their charitable activities by selling paper poppies made by disabled veterans. This bright red wildflower became a symbol of World War I after a bloody battle in a field of poppies called Flanders Field in Belgium.6.poppy--Any of numerous plants of the genus Papaver, having nodding buds with four crumpled petals, showy red, orange, or white flowers, a milky juice, and capsules that dehisce through terminal pores. 罂粟7.Corporal-A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above private first class and below sergeant or in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above lance corporal and below sergeant.下士

Part 10. Graduation ceremony and the Pretender

1.Miss Idaho—爱达荷州小姐

2. memento—纪念品

3.“The Pretender” by Jackson Browne

I'm going to rent myself a house

In the shade of the freeway

I'm going to pack my lunch in the morning

And go to work each day

And when the evening rolls around

I'll go on home and lay my body down And when the morning light comes streaming in

I'll get up and do it again


Say it again


I want to know what became of the


We waited for love to bring

Were they only the fitful dreams

Of some greater awakening

I've been aware of the time going by

They say in the end it's the wink of an


And when the morning light comes

streaming in

You'll get up and do it again


Caught between the longing for love And the struggle for the legal tender Where the sirens sing and the church bells ring

And the junk man pounds his fender Where the veterans dream of the fight Fast asleep at the traffic light

And the children solemnly wait

For the ice cream vendor

Out into the cool of the evening Strolls the pretender

He knows that all his hopes and dreams

Begin and end there

Ah the laughter of the lovers As they run through the night

Leaving nothing for the others

But to choose off and fight

And tear at the world with all their


While the ships bearing their dreams

Sail out of sight

I'm going to find myself a girl

Who can show me what laughter


And we'll fill in the missing colors

In each other's paint-by-number


And then we'll put out dark glasses on

And we'll make love until our strength

is gone

And when the morning light comes

streaming in

We'll get up and do it again

Get it up again

I'm going to be a happy idiot

And struggle for the legal tender

Where the ads take aim and lay their


To the heart and the soul of the


And believe in whatever may lie

In those things that money can buy

Thought true love could have been a


Are you there?

Say a prayer for the pretender

Who started out so young and strong

Only to surrender

3.Jackson Browne--杰克森.布朗

1948年出生于美国驻德国海德堡陆军基地内的杰克森.布朗青少年时期都在洛杉矶成长。1967年来到纽约作曲家大本营Greenwich Village一面写歌一方面为Nico及Tim Buckley弹奏吉他。1969年杰克森.布朗回到洛杉矶专心于歌曲的写作,朝作曲家之路发展,接下来的几年间民谣、摇滚、流行界知名艺人及团体如Tom Rush、The Byrds、Joe Cocker、Johnny Rivers、Bonnie Raitt、琳达.朗丝黛都诠释过他的作品,另外他自己也踏出舞台,开始为Laura Nyro和Joni Mitchell 的演唱会开场。西海岸作曲界的新彗星、才华出众的布朗1971年进入录音室灌制首张个人专辑「Jackson Browne」又名「Saturate Before Using」于1972年发表。从此杰克森.布朗踏上作曲家兼歌手之路。布朗在筹备第四张专辑「The Pretender」时,第一任妻子自杀身亡,此事件对他打击很大,这张在极度悲伤与阴郁的心情下完成的作品里多显露出绝望的意念,"Here Come Those Tears Again"是其中单曲。杰克森.布朗作的歌曲早期以内心自省与感情的题材见长,同时用字遣词优美因而有人称他为『加州桂冠诗人』。进入八○年代从「Lawyers In Love」专辑开始越来越多篇幅谈及政治与社会问题,而他本人也持续以言论及行动推动社会改革,呈现了这位西海岸重要作曲家、也是位民谣、摇滚歌者的内心情感与关心社会的思想。

Part 11 school meeting ,I’ve Got Rhythm, Rowena sings, family fight, Someone to watch over, Cafeteria Chat, tutoring Rowena, Gershwin review, leave for NY

1. agenda-- A list or program of things to be done or considered:议事日程

2. costume-- A style of dress characteristic of a particular country, period, or people, often worn in a play or at a masquerade.服装;戏装

3.George Gershwin-- American composer who brought jazz idiom to classical music forms in his orchestral works, such as Rhapsody in Blue (1924), and composed the scores for many musical comedies. His collaborations with his brother, lyricist Ira Gershwin (1896-1983), include the popular song ―Fascinatin' Rhythm‖ (1924) and the opera Porgy and Bess (1935). 格什温,乔治:(1898-1937) 美国作曲家,在其管弦乐作品如蓝色狂想曲(1924年)中,他把爵士乐风格带入古典音乐,并为许多音乐喜剧谱曲。他和他的哥哥——抒情诗人艾拉·格什温(1896-1983年)的合着,包括流行歌曲“迷人的诗”(1924年)和戏剧钉头鱼和贝丝(1935年)说来当年Gershwin也并非一出道就如此自信,George Gershwin父母在1891自俄国移民到美,他1898生于布鲁克林,只活了38岁。本来名字叫Jacob Gershowitz (难怪有张长脸),当初钢琴是买给大他两岁的哥哥Ira Gershwin的,不过喜欢运动的Gorge却先展露出天份,父母还让他许多作曲家学习(Rubin Goldmark, Henry Cowell, Wallingford Riegger ,Joseph Schillinger)。他(不知为止)15岁辍学跑去帮唱片公司弹Tin Pan Alley music,其后且为表达对谐星Ed Wynn之景仰,改了自己姓的字尾。1918起Gorge and Ira合力在好莱坞从事配乐,当年的Tin Pan Alley music 加上布鲁克林与古典音乐的背景,此时得到很好的磨练与融合机会,当年他写过许多流行歌曲,其中”Embraceable You”也出现在PACO介绍的”Taking Sides”里,表达二次大战后美国文化”入侵”德国的现象。赫本的”Funny face”是1952年是重拍1927的片,Gershwin当然是配原先那片,其中一段赫本独舞跳得真不赖。兄写词弟谱曲,出来多首不

朽的好歌”The Man I Love”, “I Got Rhythm”, “Someone to Watch Over Me”。4.Ira Gershwin--艾拉·格什温美国著名音乐剧歌词作者。主要音乐剧作品包括《我歌唱你》(Of Thee I sing)、《黑暗中的女人》(Lady In the Dark)、《封面女郎》(Cover Girl)、《一个明星的诞生》(A Star is Born)等。5.review-- A musical show consisting of often satirical skits, songs, and dances; a revue. 通常由讽刺短剧、歌曲及舞蹈构成的音乐表演剧6.set-- The scenery constructed for a theatrical performance.布景7.nut-- A crazy or eccentric person.疯子8.oddly--奇怪地8.coffer-- A treasury:金库9.guarantee-- To assume responsibility for the debt, default, or miscarriage of.担保10.farce-- A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery:闹剧:一种荒唐的、空洞的表演;一个笑柄11.June Taylor Dancers--Taylor was a seasoned nightclub dancer when her career was derailed in 1938 by tuberculosis at the young age of 20. She turned to choreography, and started touring with her own company. She met Jackie Gleason, then a little-known comedian, at a Baltimore nightclub in 1946. Taylor gained fame by dancing on Jackie Gleason's Television series in the 1960s and featured some nice overhead camera shots of the 16 "June Taylor Dancers" in 1966. She was also choreographer for her 'Taylor Made Dancers'.Though the name June Taylor is most associated with Jackie Gleason, Taylor made her television debut in 1948 on "The Toast of the Town" starring Ed Sullivan. In 1950, however, her name became a household word when she joined the Cavalcade of Stars with Gleason. She was most noted for her choreography of the June Taylor Dancers on the Jackie Gleason TV Show, which ran from the 1950's through the 70's, and in 1954 she received one of five Emmy Award's for television choreographers. Gleason moved his show in 1964 from New York to Miami, where he could play golf all year long, and Ms. Taylor remained in Florida after the show ended. Became the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders (Starbrites) choreographer from 1978-1990 when she retired. 13. minor—辅修14.ingénue--舞台上扮演天真无邪少女的女演员15.pull off--成功;努力实现16. astronomy—天文学17. rocket—火箭18. orchestration-- A composition that has been orchestrated.管弦乐:管弦乐演出的作品19.priority-- Something afforded or deserving prior attention.优先考虑的事或值得优先注意的事20. wistful--渴望的;忧郁的21.gut-- Innermost emotional or visceral response: 内心的感觉:内心深处的情感反应或本能的反应22. low key—低调23.buck-- https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a23371657.html,rmal (名词)【非正式用语】A dollar.一美元24.melancholy-- Affected with or marked by depression of the spirits忧郁的,悲哀的25.stink-- To emit a strong foul odor.发恶臭26. don’t bust my butt—别让我心烦27.pick at--业余写一点点28. Norse methology—挪威神话Norse Mythology is a strange world. It's differed from other mythology, in that their characters and world, even in Asgard, are grave and solemn. This may all be due to the fact, even though the gods are immortal, they will be destroyed in the final battle between good and evil. Norse and Teutonic mythology, has been divided into three section:The Asgard contains information of Norse and Teutonic deities, including the Aesir and Vanir, giants and monsters.Valhalla contains information of Norse and German characters, particular heroes and heroines, rulers and dwarfs Norse Sagas contains Norse and Germanic stories of the Creation and Ragnar?k, as well as the V?lsunga Saga and the Nibelungenlied. 29. accompany-- To perform an accompaniment to.【音乐】为…伴奏30.YWCA—Young Women Christian Association

Part 12 John Lennon’s death, music for Cole, I got a woman

1.reverence-- A feeling of profound awe and respect and often love; veneration. 尊敬,敬畏:深深的敬畏、尊敬及常为热爱的感情

2. vibrant-- Pulsing or throbbing with energy or activity:充满活力的,活跃的

3.profound--深刻的; 深切的

4. dedicate—献给

5.quiver-- To shake with a slight, rapid, tremulous movement.颤动

6. I Got A Woman by Ray Charles

Well... I got a woman, way over town She's good to me, oh yeah

Said I got a woman, way over town She's good to me, oh yeah

She gives me money when I'm in need Yeah, she's a kind of friend indeed

I got a woman, way over town

She's good to me, oh yeah She saves her lovin', early in the mornin' Just for me, oh yeah

She saves her lovin', early in the mornin' Just for me, oh yeah

She saves her lovin', just for me Always loves me, so tenderly

I got a woman, way over town

She's good to me, oh yeah

7.Ray Charles--雷查尔斯. 开创灵魂乐的先锋,乐迷推崇他是[当代最伟大的流行艺人]、[最真实的美国音乐原味],听过他那综合了节奏蓝调与福音感觉的灵魂乐嗓音,你会发现,最虔诚的灵魂乐莫过于此。2004年6月10号,Ray Charles 因肝病的并发症病逝于加州,享年73岁。灵魂乐教母Aretha Franklin闻讯后,感慨的表示,[一个伟大的灵魂将受到永远的爱戴……他有一副让人终身难忘的歌声。]出生于乔治亚洲的Ray Charles,6岁时因发生青光眼症壮导致终身失明,

童年在一个乡村、蓝调、灵魂、爵士、Big Band音乐五味杂陈的音乐环境中长大,1954年,他所灌唱的歌曲[I Got A Woman]无疑就是他接受音乐环境薰陶的最佳写照,而这首歌后来就被乐界视为首支灵魂乐作品,1979年,他所灌唱的老歌[Georgia On My Mind]被先为乔治亚洲的州歌,1986年入选摇滚名人堂,1988年获颁葛莱美奖的终身成就奖,表章这位灵魂之父在他的演唱中将灵魂乐的真实本质全然的个人化,2004年,洛杉机宣布将Ray Charles的录音室规划为历史地标。无论是百事可乐广告片中那位坐在钢琴边说出[you‘re got the right one baby,uh-huh!]的老顽童,还是在援非饥荒义唱曲[We Are The World]中与工人皇帝Bruce Springsteen神情专注的对唱,或是他赢得个人第12座葛莱美奖时的得奖作品[A Song For You],Ray Charles歌声中的灵魂本质永远是那么触动人心,他的歌声启发了披头四、史提夫汪达、乔库克以及无数的灵魂乐手,简单的说,听Ray Charles的音乐,就像是听一个心无杂念的灵魂在唱一样,世上再也没有什么比这样的感觉更动人的了。

Part 13 cut music program, retirement, argue in hearing, Cole’s letter, chat w ith Bill, Ceremony

1. Ego Trippin by De La Soul 为80年代的Hip Hop饶舌乐曲铺出一条更为鲜活有趣的深度之路,各专业音乐杂志、网站及乐迷一致推崇,少了帮派饶舌那份逞凶斗狠的傲气,多了实验味浓的独到音乐新品种,释放出灵魂、放客、爵士、迷幻、流行等音韵,发挥敏锐触角所延展出机智风趣、异想天开、毫无约束的轻松音调,他们就是被喩为“Hip Hop 的未来”,来自纽约长岛由Posdnuos、Trugoy The Dove及Pasemaster Mase三人所组成的De La Soul。迷人创新的音乐概念让他们成功与Tommy Boy签下一纸合约推出专辑,不愿与商业市场靠拢的De La Soul,在1989年推出概念式的首张专辑《3 Feet High And Rising》,却大获专业网站AMG满分、滚石杂志读者与Un-Cut杂志皆给予满分高评,攻入Billboard节奏蓝调/饶舌榜冠军,入选NME杂志50张最佳80专辑第三名,AP杂志10张必须收藏80专辑之一!进入90年代的De La Soul,仍然活力充沛的推出3张叫好又叫座的专辑《De La Soul Is Dead》(1991)、《Buhloone Mindstate》(1993)、《Stakes Is High》(1996)及2000年所推出的《Art Official Intelligence》。

Ego Trippin Lyrics

Yep, yep big trucker man's rollin' in town How ya do, how ya do

I got the joints to make ya...(jump!) Because i'm headin' eastbound

Tired of the merry go round and around And everybody's talkin' bout you're so funny But they still tellin' lies to me I got the trees in my backyard

And it's hard for them to tell a lie to me

And who's the foot, i'm the foot but who's steppin' (ain't no half steppin')

You know where i'm steppin'

Skirts play wit it cause i'm slick like that

I'm the greatest mc in the world!

2.fest-- a gathering, event, or show having a specified focus *a music fest* 本片指老鹰乐队的演出

3. acrimonious--激烈的

4.long division—A process of division in arithmetic, usually used when the divisor is a large number, in which each step of the division is written out.长除:数学中一种除法运算,通常当除数为大数时使用,在运算中每一步都被写出来长除法Here refers to math.

5.morgue-- A place in which the bodies of persons found dead are kept until identified and claimed or until arrangements for burial have been made.停尸房

6. resent-- To feel indignantly aggrieved at.对…感到愤怒

7. jockstrap—An athletic supporter.(男运动员等用的)下体弹力护身,护身三角绷带

8.rinse cycle--漂清周期

9. locker room--衣帽间; (运动员用的)更衣室10. hang out a shingle—挂牌营业11. western civilization—西方文明12.expendable-- Not strictly necessary; dispensable:不必要的:不是必需的13. fart-- A person regarded as annoying or foolish.傻老头14. -15. alumnus-- former student of a school, college, or university.学校,学院或大学的男毕业生或以前的学生16. governor-- The chief executive of a state in the United States.州长:美国一个州的主要行政长官17. tardiness—n.缓慢,拖拉18. baton-- Music A slender wooden stick or rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or band.【音乐】指挥棒


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竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 合同谈判发言内容 篇一:谈判演讲稿 实训项目背景:保健品项目合资(合作) 谈判A方:某品牌绿茶公司 谈判b方:某建材公司 A方背景资料 1品牌绿茶产自美丽而神秘的某省,它位于中国的西南部,海拔超过2200米。在那里,优越的气象条件下生长出优质且纯正的绿茶,它的茶多酚含量超过35%,高于其他(已被发现)茶类产品。茶多酚具有降脂、降压、减少心脏病和癌症的发病率。同时,它能提高人体免疫力,并对消化、防疫系统有益。2已注册生产某一品牌绿茶,品牌和创意都十分不错,品牌效应在省内正初步形成。 3已经拥有一套完备的策划、宣传战略。 4已经初步形成了一系列较为顺畅的销售渠道,在全省某一知名连锁药房及其他大型超市、茶叶连锁店都有设点,销售状况良好。5品牌的知名度还不够,但相信此品牌在未

来几年内将会有非常广阔的市场前景。 6缺乏足够的资金,需要吸引资金,用于扩大生产规模、扩大宣传力度。 7现有的品牌、生产资料、宣传策划、营销渠道等一系列有形资产和无形资产,估算价值300万元人民币。 A方谈判内容。 1要求b方出自额度不低于50万元人民币。 2保证控股。 3对资产评估的300万元人民币进行合理的解释(包含品牌、现有的茶叶及制成品、生产资料、宣传策划、营销渠道等)。4有A方负责进行生产、宣传以及销售。 5b方要求年收益达到20%以上,并且希望A方能够用具体情况保证其能够实现。 6b方要求A方对获得资金后的使用情况进行解释。 7风险分担问题(提示:例如可以购买保险,保险费用可计入成本)。 8利润分配问题。 b方背景资料 1经营建材生意多年,积累了一定的资金。 2准备用闲置资金进行投资,由于近几年来保健品市场行情不错,故投资的初步意向为保健品市场。 3投资预算在150万元人民币以内。


合同谈判记录范本 谈判记录表 工程名称: 发包单位: 承包单位:_合同谈判记录范本。 谈判参与人员表 谈判时间:年月日谈判地点:工程名称:项目编号: 合同谈判记录_合同谈判记录范本。 说明:1.谈判方式为单方谈判。2.签约依据包括但不限于投资计划、财务预算、会议纪要、批复、呈批件等。3.合同谈判须由承办单位负责及以上人员主持。4.谈判结果须经上一级领导审核确认。 合同谈判监督记录表 主持人签字:监督人签字:

会议纪要是记载和传达会议情况和议定事项使用的一种行政公文。会议议定事项是本单位、本地区、本系统开展工作的依据。有的会议纪要的精神也可供别的单位、别的系统参考。会议纪要的特点 一、综合性:会议纪要是在对会议中各种材料、与会人员的发言 以及会议简报等等进行综合分析和概括提炼基础上形成的,它具有和提要的基本特点。 二、指导性:这一特性包含两层含义:一是会议本身的权威性; 二是会议纪要集中反映了会议的主要精神和决定事项。因而纪要一经下发,将对有关单位和人员产生约束力,起着类似于指示、决定或决议等指挥性公文的作用。会议纪要还可以作为与会同志向单位领导汇报、向群众传达的文字依据。 三、备考性:一些会议纪要主要不是为了贯彻执行,而是向上汇 报或向下通报,必要时可作查阅之用。 会议纪要的三种写法 根据会议性质、规模、议题等不同,大致可以有以下几种写法:

一、集中概述法。这种写法是把会议的基本情况,讨论研究的主要问题,与会人员的认识、议定的有关事项(包括解决问题的措施、办法和要求等),用概括叙述的方法,进行整体的阐述和说明。这种写法多用于召开小型会议,而且讨论的问题比较集中单一,意见比较统一,容易贯彻操作,写的篇幅相对短小。如果会议的议题较多,可分条列述。 二、分项叙述法。召开大中型会议或议题较多的会议,一般要采取分项叙述的办法,即把会议的主要内容分成几个大的问题,然后另上标号或小标题,分项来写。这种写法侧重于横向分析阐述,内容相对全面,问题也说得比较细,常常包括对目的、意义、现状的分析,以及目标、任务、政策措施等的阐述。这种纪要一般用于需要基层全面领会、深入贯彻的会议。 三、发言提要法。这种写法是把会上具有典型性、代表性的发言加以,提炼出内容要点和精神实质,然后按照发言顺序或不同内容,分别加以阐述说明。这种写法能比较如实地反映与会人员的意见。某些根据上级机关布置,需要了解与会人员不同意见的会议纪要,可采用这种写法。 会议纪要的分类
