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第九板块 必修五 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

第九板块  必修五  Module 3  Adventure in Literature and the Cinema
第九板块  必修五  Module 3  Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

第九板块必修五Module 3 Adventure in

Literature and the Cinema



1.As adolescent,I have many dreams other than to lead happy life.





解析:as an adolescent=when I was an adolescent“青少年时”;lead/live a ... life 为固定短语,意为“过着……的生活”。句意:青少年时,除了过幸福生活我还有许多梦想。


2.Jeremy is well-known for his great sense of humour,but he is in no for telling jokes today.





解析:be/feel in the mood for sth./to do sth.意为“有意做某事,有做某事的心情”。句意:杰里米以幽默感闻名,但他今天没有心情讲笑话。


3.Children are about everything and quickly learn to imitate what they see.





解析:be curious about意为“对……感到好奇”。句意:孩子对一切都好奇,而且会很快学会模仿看到的事情。obvious“明显的”;anxious意为“担忧的”;serious 意为“严肃的”。


4.The doctor has him over and over again to stop smoking,but he does not take any notice.





解析:句意:医生一次又一次地警告他戒烟,但他不理会。warn sb.to do sth.意为“警告某人做某事”。suggest不能接sb. to do sth.;persuade sb. to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事”,与but后面的句子矛盾;forbid sb.to do sth.意为“禁止某人做某



5.He his brother in appearance so much that people often mistake them for each other.

A.is resembling


C.is resembled




6.Peter hurried to the restaurant happily,only his girlfriend had already left.



C.having found

D.to find

解析:only to find不定式短语作结果状语。不定式表示预料之外的结果。句意:彼得高高兴兴地赶到饭店,结果发现女朋友已经离开了。


7.All the guests were singing and dancing at the party suddenly the light went off.







8.The expression on his face told us the scene after the earthquake

was .







9.Since you're good at stories,I think you are sure to write a good essay.

A.turning up

B.putting up

C.making up

D.showing up

解析:turn up意为“出现”;put up意为“举起”;make up意为“虚构(故事

等)”;show up意为“露面”。根据句意“既然你这么会编故事,我想你一定能写出好文章”,可知答案为C。


10.With most of the problems ,she felt a great weight taken off her mind.

A.to solve



D.being solved



11.We can't go to the concert tonight. ,it's too cold.Besides,we've no money.

A.To start with

B.In other words

C.As a result

D.On the other hand

解析:To start with意为“首先,第一”;In other words意为“换句话说”;As a result意为“因此”;On the other hand意为“另一方面”。根据句中的Besides可知答案为A。句意:我们今晚不能去音乐会。首先天太冷。此外,我们没有钱。


12.The father regretted his children how he regretted hard when

he was young.

A.to tell;not to study

B.tell;not studying

C.to tell;not studying

D.telling;not to study

解析:regret作“(为要说的话感到)遗憾”时,后接to do;作“(为做过的事感到) 后悔”时,后接v.-ing。


13.The Moonstone, a real story which took place in England in the 1790s,

was written by Wilkie Collins.

A.set off

B.set out

C.set in

D.set up

解析:set out意为“开始”;set off意为“出发,启程”;set in意为“以……为背景”;set up意为“建立,成立”。句意:《月亮宝石》以发生在十八世纪九十年代英国的真实故事为背景,是威尔基·柯林斯写的。


14.The story told by Bob made the students ,so I couldn't make

myself .




https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ad3657594.html,ughed;to be heard

解析:第一个made是一个使役动词,后接不带to的不定式作宾补。后面的make oneself heard为一习惯用法,意为“使(别人)听到自己的话。”


15.—Mary,you are wanted on the phone.

—I'm coming.

A.Get a move on.


C.Hang on a minute.

D.Who's that?

解析:Hang on a minute为电话用语,意为“等一会儿”;根据答语中的I'm

coming可知答案为C。Get a move on意为“快点吧”;Hello是打招呼用语。Who's that为电话用语,意为“您是谁”。句意:“玛丽,有你的电话。”“请稍等一






On Tuesdays,Thursdays,and Saturdays,Dan Heins had a routine:kidney dialysis(肾透析) from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.;breakfast at the Main Street Deli(熟食店)in Anoka,Minnesota;working at his insurance office down the block,The 56-year-old owner of the deli,Nancy Volk,knew Heins's kidney failure and the amputation(截肢)of his leg. And Dan knew that Nancy,a single mother with three grown daughters,worked two other jobs to keep the deli open and meet her house payments.

One morning as he ordered his breakfast,Dan,58,said he would be on kidney dialysis the rest of his life if he didn't receive a transplant(移植). Nancy didn't hesitate. “I'll donate,”she said simply. A casual acquaintance volunteered to give him an organ?It seemed unreal to Dan,and Nancy had to spend weeks convincing him she was serious. The day before Thanksgiving in 2007,the results of the medical tests came in:She was a match.

In the months leading up to the transplant,Dan's other leg was amputated and Nancy's financial situation grew bad. Dan's insurance would cover the costs of the operations,but she wouldn't be able to work the part-time jobs for six weeks. And there was no guarantee they'd be there when she recovered.

Deli regular Steve Ohlsen put a donation box near the register.In one month,the people of Anoka gave Nancy several thousand dollars—enough to cover payments on her home

while she recovered.

“This was just local people reaching into their pockets,”says Ohlsen.

Nancy and Dan had their operations in September.Four months later,Dan was off dialysis,and Nancy sent thank-you notes to her supporters.

语篇解读:与Dan 偶然相识的Nancy 决定给Dan 捐出她的肾脏,Nancy 的老顾客又捐钱帮助Nancy。

1.From the passage,we know that Nancy .

A.lived a hard life

B.had three teenage daughters

C.worked in an insurance office

D.wouldn't be able to work the rest of her life

解析:细节理解题。第一段中说到Nancy 靠开熟食店和做另外两份工作来养家,由此可以判断她的生活艰辛。


2.Dan didn't believe Nancy would donate her kidney because .

A.Nancy was in poor health herself

B.Nancy's financial situation was bad

C.they were not close friends

D.they didn't live in the same neighborhood

解析:理解判断题。由第二段中的“A casual acquaintance volunteered to give him an organ?”可知,他们俩只是泛泛之交,所以当Nancy 提出捐肾时,Dan 觉得难以置信。


3.Steve Ohlsen put a donation box near the register to .

A.help Dan finish the operation

B.raise money for Nancy

C.meet his house payments

D.collect money for charities

解析:细节判断题。从倒数第三段可知,Steve Ohlsen 放置捐款箱是为了给Nancy 筹钱,以便她支付房屋费用。


4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.A casual acquaintance's donation

B.The donation box

C.The kidney transplant

D.Dan and Nancy

解析:标题归纳题。本文讲述的是开熟食店的Nancy 在自己过着艰苦生活的状况下仍然给泛泛之交的Dan 捐肾的故事。A项作标题点明了文章的主要内容。




For many of us,one Christmas means differently from all the others.My own “truest” Christmas began on a rainy day.Recently divorced,I was in my 20s and had no job.On my way to looking for a job,I picked up a beautiful silk umbrella and managed to return it to its owner,who was a beautiful lady,by a name on the handle.

The next six months were worse.I changed my job again and again and the last job ended on the day before Christmas.The air was full of the sound of merriment.But to me,unless a miracle happened,I would be homeless in January,foodless and jobless.

I looked in my mailbox.There were bills,and two white envelopes which I was sure contained more bills.I cried,but I forced myself to smile when Peggy opened the door and threw herself in my arms,screaming joyously.

We were having dinner when the doorbell rang,and Peggy ran quickly to answer it.There was a delivery man,whose arms were full of big parcels.“This must be a mistake,”I said,but he read the name on the parcels,and they were for me.Incredibly!I found the name of the sender.It was that lady!

Our dinner that night was the most delicious I had ever had.Peggy and I ate and laughed together.I had some hope again,then I opened the two white envelopes.One contained a check for $30 from a company I had worked.The other envelope was an offer of a permanent position—to begin two days after Christmas.I sat with the letter in my hand and the check on the table before me,smiling there.What a wonderful Christmas!


5.We can learn from the first paragraph that the author was .

A.kind and hopeful

B.lucky and happy

C.hopeless but kind

D.energetic but unlucky

解析:从文中第一段的“Recently divorced,I was in my 20s and had no job.”可知作

者很失望,但是从下一句“I picked up a beautiful silk umbrella and managed to return it to its owner,who was a beautiful lady,by a name on the handle.”又知她很善良。


6.The lady sent Christmas gifts to the author mainly to .

A.show that she was rich

B.show sympathy to the author

C.ask the author to help her again

D.repay the author for her kindness



7.What did the two envelopes contain?

A.$30 and an offer.

B.A lot of bills.

C.A check and a job offer.

D.A check and bills.

解析:从文中最后一段的“One contained a check for $30 from a company I had worked.The other envelope was an offer of a permanent position—to begin two days after Christmas.”可知。


8.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.My Christmas Miracle

B.My Christmas Presents

C.Mysterious Envelopes

D.A Merry Christmas Day




My friend Li Hua come to visit me on May Day.During the following days I showed he around the city of Hangzhou.We went to the Museum in the morning of May 2,and we learned many about the history of Zhejiang.In the afternoon,we made a tour to West Lake.It was really great funny!In the evening I took Li Hua to the night zoo there.It was too interesting to see animal at night.The next day we went to the bookshop to buy

books.Though we were very tiring in those two days,but we enjoyed ourselves very much.










人教版高一政治必修一《经济生活》期末高考必背知识点复习提纲 一、主观题必背 1、影响价格的因素: (1)供求影响价格(直接因素) 供不应求,价格上涨供过于求,价格下跌 (2)价值决定价格(根本因素) 在其他条件不变的情况下,商品的价值量越大,价格越高,商品的价值量越小,价格越低 (3)其它因素(间接因素) 气候、时间、地域、生产条件、政策、宗教信仰、习俗等因素也能对价格产生一定的影响。各种因素对商品价格的影响,是通过改变该商品的供求关系实现的。 2、价格变动的影响有哪些?(注意曲线图题) (1)对人们生活的影响 一般来讲:价格降低——需求量变大;价格升高——需求量变小 价格变动会引起需求量的变动:价格变动对生活必需品的影响比较小,对高档耐用品的影响比较大 消费者对既定商品的需求,不仅受该商品价格变动的影响,而且受相关商品价格变动的影响 若某商品价格上涨对该商品的需求量减少,对其替代品的需求量增加,对其互补品的需求量减少。反之亦然。 (2)、价格变动对生产经营的影响(价值规律作用的体现、市场配置资源的机制之一)

①调节产量:商品价格下降,生产者获利减少,生产者会压缩生产规模,减少产量;商品价格上涨,生产者获利增加,生产者会扩大生产规模,增加产量。 ②调节生产要素的投入:当一些生产要素之间可以相互替代时,为了降低生产成本,哪种生产要素价格下降,生产者就会增加这种要素的使用量,哪种生产要素的价格上升,生产者就会减少这种要素的使用量。 3、影响消费水平的因素: (1)根本因素:经济发展水平 (2)主要因素:居民收入(当前可支配收入、未来收入预期和收入差距) ①消费水平受很多因素的影响,其中主要的因素是居民收入,收入是消费的基础和前提。②居民消费水平不仅取决于当前的收入,而且受未来收入预期的影响。③社会总体消费水平的高低与人们收入差距的大小有密切的联系。 (2)重要因素:物价变动 (3)主观因素:消费心理、消费观。 4、促进消费水平的措施 (1)大力发展生产力,提高我国经济发展总体水平。 (2)保进就来,增加居民收入。 (3)建立健全社全保障体系,提高居民收入预期。 (4)完善分配制度,缩小收入差距,实现社会公平。 (5)加强宏观调控,稳定物价。 (6)消费者要理性消费,树立正确的消费观。 5、生产与消费的辩证关系 (1)生产决定消费


第1课从内外服联盟到封邦建国 知识结构: 1.夏:出现公共权力,但保留氏族公社特点。 2.商:政治制度是内服与外服制度,具有浓厚的神权色彩。 3.西周: 分封制定义: 目的:巩固周的统治(奴隶主的统治 主体:同姓亲族 宗法制目的:巩固分封制形成的统治秩序,解决贵族之间在权力、财产和土地继承上的矛盾。 核心:嫡长子继承制 内容:确立大宗、小宗体系 作用:利于凝聚宗族,防止内部纷争,强化王权 工具:礼乐制度 第2课中央集权制度的确立 知识结构: 1.统一 (1群雄割据 A.春秋争霸 B.战国变法:秦国商鞅变法。 (2统一:时间:前221年;人物:赢政。 2、中央集权的确立

(1确立: A. “皇帝制”:皇权至上、皇位继承制 B. 三公九卿制:三公是丞相、御史大夫、太尉(中央 C. 郡县制(地方 (2加强皇权的措施:制定官吏选拔和考核制度;制定细苛、严密的法律。 (3影响:打破分封制,奠定大一统王朝制度基础。 第3课中央集权与地方分权的斗争 知识结构: 1. 汉初郡国并行,导致诸候尾大不掉,引发七国之乱。 2. 汉武帝集权措施:建中朝、设刺史、颁布推恩令。 3. 藩镇割据与五代十国:唐朝中后期,地方势力增强,出现藩镇割据局面;唐灭亡后,中国进入五代十国的分裂时期,五代十国是藩镇割据的继续和发展;这一时期,南方经济得到较大发展;后周世宗改革,为北宋结束五代十国分裂局面奠定了基础。 4. 宋加强中央集权 (1措施①收精兵:“三衙”、枢密院、原则; ②削实权:设通判、文臣任州郡长官; ③制钱谷:财赋大部分运往京师; (2影响利:改变藩镇割据分裂局面,加强中央集权; 弊:造成“积贫积弱”的后患。 第4课专制皇权的不断加强


Great European Cities PARIS Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on River Seine. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris. One of the world’s largest art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris. The city is also located in Paris. The city is also famous for its restaurants, cafes and theatres. About two-thirds of France’s artists and writers live in Paris. BARCELONA Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometres east of the Spanish capital, Madrid. One of Barcelona’s most famous landmarks is the Church of Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. The church hasn’t been finished yet! FLORENCE Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred ears. During the Renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence. Many of Florence’s most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Florence is visited each year by about a million tourists who come to see the art galleries, churches and museums. The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city. ATHENS Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization. Two thousand four hundred years ago, it was the world’s most powerful city. Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this period. Greece’s best writers lived in ancient Athens. Their work has influenced other writers ever since. The Human Development Report In the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier. From this agreement came the Human Development Report. One of the most important sections of this report is the Human Development Index. This examines the achievements of 175 countries. The Index measures a country’s achievements in three ways: life expectancy (how long people usually live), education and income. The index has some surprises. Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 7. The other top five countries are: Iceland(2), Sweden(3), Australia(4), the Netherlands(5). The UK is in the thirteenth position, while China is in the middle of the list. The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone(in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. The report describes eight Development Goals. The most important goals are to: Reduce poverty and hunger; Make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11; Fight AIDS and other diseases; Improve the environment of poor people, e.g. make sure they have safe drinking water; Encourage developed countries to give more help to other countries. The 2003 Human Development Report gives examples of successful development. For example, in nine years, China increased life expectancy by 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great. Every day 799 million people in developing countries are hungry. Over half of these are in South Asia or Africa. Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated. More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water. However, in other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.


一枝丁香地, 我身旁飘过这女郎; 她静默地远了,远了, 到了颓圮tu í p ǐ的篱l í墙, 走尽这雨巷。 在雨的哀曲里, 消了她的颜色, 散了她的芬芳, 消散了,甚至她的 太息般的眼光, 丁香般的惆怅。 撑着油纸伞,独自 彷徨在悠长,悠长 又寂寥的雨巷, 我希望飘过 一个丁香一样的 结着愁怨的姑娘。 《再别康桥》徐志摩 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。 那河畔p àn 的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘; 波光里的艳影, 在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇x ìng , 油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草! 那榆阴y ú y īn 下的一潭, 不是清泉,是天上虹 揉碎在浮藻间, 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 高中语文必修一必背课文 《沁园春 长沙》毛泽东 独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲zh ōu 头。 看万山红遍,层林尽染r ǎn ;漫màn 江碧透,百舸gě争流。 鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由。 怅寥廓li áo ku ?,问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮? 携来百侣曾游,忆往昔峥嵘zh ēng r ?ng 岁月稠ch ?u 。 恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒qi ú。 指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。 曾记否,到中流击水,浪遏a飞舟? 《雨巷》戴望舒 撑着油纸伞,独自 彷徨在悠长、悠长 又寂寥j ì li áo 的雨巷, 我希望逢着 一个丁香一样的 结着愁怨的姑娘。 她是有 丁香一样的颜色, 丁香一样的芬芳, 丁香一样的忧愁, 在雨中哀怨, 哀怨又彷徨; 她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷, 撑着油纸伞 像我一样, 像我一样地 默默彳亍chì ch ù着 冷漠、凄清,又惆怅。 她静默地走近 走近,又投出 太息一般的眼光, 她飘过 像梦一般地, 像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。 像梦中飘过


..... 崖城高级中学13~14 学年度第一学期高一年级期末试题 学科:地理(必修一) 考试时间90 分钟总分100分命题老师:周秀云审核人: 第一卷 1. 太阳大气结构从里到外排列正确的是() A.光球、日冕、色球 B.色球、光球、日冕 C.光球、色球、日冕 D.日冕、色球、光球 2.目前,人类大量利用的淡水资源主要是() A.地下水、湖沼水和土壤水B.海洋水和冰川水 C.河流水、浅层地下水和淡水湖泊水D.冰川和生物水 3.大气运动的最简单形式是() A.气旋与反气旋B.热力环流C.大气垂直运动D.大气水平运动 4.我国夏季的台风来自太平洋,成因是() A.气旋 B.反气旋 C. 冷锋 D.暖锋 5.台风一般会带来天气。() A.干燥 B.狂风暴雨 C.晴朗 D.以上都不是 读图“太平洋洋流分布图”,完成 6~9 题 6 .关于北半球中低纬度洋流分布规律的叙 述,正确的是 A.呈逆时针方向流动 B.呈顺时针方向流动 C.大陆东岸为寒流 图 10 D.大洋东岸为暖流 7.洋流对海洋渔场分布有重要影响,图中最有可能是寒暖流交汇形成的渔场是A.①B.②C.③D.④

..... 8.暖流对沿岸气候的影响叙述正确的是 A.增温减湿B.降温减湿 C.增温增湿D.降温增湿 9.能将①处被污染的海水带到②处的洋流是 A. A B. B C.C D.D 10.陆地环境整体性表现在:(A) A.各地理要素相互联系、相互制约、相互渗透 B.某一地理要素的变化不一定导致其他要素的变化 C.气候会影响植被,但不会影响土壤 D.黄土高原千沟万壑的地表形态与植被破坏无关 11.以下四幅山地垂直带谱图中,位于北半球亚热带山地的是( C ) 12.下列地理现象,表现为从沿海向内陆的分异规律的是() A.非洲赤道两侧,森林—草原—荒漠对称分布 B.我国东部从南向北依次出现热带—亚热带—温带的森林景观 C.从大兴安岭向西,依次出现森林—草原—荒漠景观 D.珠穆朗玛峰北坡,从山麓到山顶出现草原—荒漠景观


高一必修一政治期末考试 (时间90分钟满分100分) 一、单项选择题(每题2分,总计50分,从下列四个选项中选出正确的选项并填入括号内.) 1.2010年4月14日,玉树发生了7.1级大地震,全国兄弟省市向灾区运送了大批帐篷,活动板房,食品等救灾物资.这些物资属于() A.是商品,因为他们具有使用价值 B.不是商品,因为他们不是劳动产品 C.不是商品,因为他们没有用于交换 D.是商品,因为他们是人类创造的 2.2010年春节期间,消费者抢分黄金等金银首饰的巨大蛋糕。其黄金首饰的本质是() A.不是商品 B.价格 C.是商品,因为用于交换 D.一般等价物 3.节日期间各大超市摆放着各式各样的商品,如电饭锅为500元,下列认识正确的是() (1)执行货币的流通职能(2)是现实中的货币 (3)执行货币的价值尺度职能(4)是观念上的货币 A.(1)(2) B.(1)(3) C.(2)(4) D.(3)(4) 4.2010年上海举办了“世博会”为了观看上海世博会,家在新疆的小明携带()去上海较为安全. A.大量现金 B.信用卡 C.股票 D.债券 5.2010年3月14日,温家宝在“两会”闭幕后答记者提问时说,人民币兑美元的汇率已经上升到20%.这说明() (1)美元兑人民币的汇率下降(2)美元兑人民币的汇率上升 (3)人民币兑换美元增多(4)人民币兑换美元减少 A.(1)(4) B.(2)(3) C.(2)(4) D.(1)(3) 6.有时我们会看到不同的商品生产者生产同一商品,在同一时间,同一市场上,以同一价格出售,有人赚钱,有人亏本.这是因为他们生产同一商品的() A.劳动者的生产积极性不同 B.使用的原材料不同 C.产品质量不同 D.劳动生产率不同 7.价值规律的表现形式是() A.价格围绕价值上下波动 B.社会必要劳动时间决定商品的价值量 C.价值和供求决定价格 D.商品交换以价值量为基础进行等价交换 8.价格变动对以下商品的需求影响较大的是() (1)家用电器(2)大米(3)电脑(4)汽车 A.(1)(2)(4) B.(2)(3) C.(2)(4) D.(1)(3)(4) 9.一般来讲,下列商品互为替代商品的是() (1)羊肉与牛肉(2)汽车与火车(3)钢铁与砖头(4)食品与水 A.(1)(2) B.(2)(3) C.(2)(4) D.(1)(4) 10.“大米涨价了,也得买.”“金银涨价了,以后再买.”上述情况表明() A.价格变动对高档消费品的影响较小 B.价格变动对生活必须品的影响较小 C.不同商品的使用价值是不一样的 D.商品需求量的变化会引起价格的变动 11.恩格尔系数是反映家庭生活水平高低的指标,恩格尔系数越小则意味() A.收入水平在不断下降,生活质量越来越差 B.食品支出在不断下降,生活质量在不断提高 C.发展资料和享受资料在不断下降 D.消费结构在不断恶化


高中历史必修二知识点归纳总结 第一单元古代中国经济的基本结构与特点 (第一课)精耕细作的古代农业: 1、从刀耕火种到铁犁牛耕的农业耕作方式的变革 (1)原始农业:刀耕火种(火耕) (2)我国农业进入了“耜耕”或“石器锄耕”阶段的标志:松土工具耒耜的出现和普遍使用。 (3)商周时期,出现青铜农具。春秋时期,小件铁农具问世。牛耕是我国农用动力上的一次革命。战国时,牛耕初步推广。此后,铁犁牛耕逐步成为中国传统农业的主要耕作方式。 2、我国古代农业经济的特点: (1)小农经济以家庭为生产、生活单位,农业和家庭手工业相结合,生产主要是为满足自家基本生活的需要和交纳赋税,是一种自己自足的自然经济,小农经济精耕细作,是中国封建社会农业生产的基本模式。 (2)中国封建经济中占据主导地位的是:自给自足的自然经济。 (3)中国封建社会发展缓慢和长期延续的重要原因:自然经济的牢固存在。 (第二课)领先世界的古代手工业 ●了解古代中国在冶金术、制瓷业、丝织业等手工业部门取得的主要成就 1.商朝的司母戊鼎世界稀有。2.东汉杜诗发明水排,用水利鼓风冶铁。3.魏晋南北朝发明灌钢法 4.唐代制瓷形成南青北白两大系统。5.宋代江西的景德镇,到元代发展为全国制瓷中心,明清时是全国的瓷都。6.明朝在青花瓷的基础上,烧制出彩瓷;清代还发明了珐琅彩。7.明清时苏州、杭州是著名的丝织业中心,使用花楼机机构复杂精密。 (第三课)古代商业的发展 1、了解“市”的形成和发展 (1)西汉:每个城市都设专供贸易的“市”与住宅区严格分开,长安城东西有市。设官员管理(市长或市令),按时开市闭市。 (2)隋唐:长安城有市和坊,市与坊用围墙隔开,白天定时开市闭市。 (3)宋朝:市与坊的界限逐渐打破,店铺随处可设,且早晚都可经营 2、知道主要的商业城市和著名的商帮: (4)西汉:长安、洛阳、邯郸、临淄、宛、成都著名商业中心 (5)隋唐黄河流域长安、洛阳;长江流域扬州、益州,成为繁华的商业城市;广州重要的外贸港口,政府设市舶使。 (6)宋代开封、临安;益州发行“交子”,世界上最早的纸币 (7)元的大都、杭州。世界第一大港泉州 (8)明清:出现商帮。如,徽商、晋商(两者相同之处:都从经营盐业起家;商业活动都涉及金融领域(徽商经营典当业,晋商兴办票号);活动范围都涉及国外,都积累起巨额财富) (第四课)的发展资本主义萌芽的缓慢发展 ●了解“重农抑商”和“海禁”政策的基本含义极其影响


高一英语人教版必修三-全册课文原文 Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In


注意事项: 1.本试卷备有答题纸,请在答题纸上作答,否则无效。 2.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分) 本卷共30小题,每小题2分,共计60分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分。 1. 地球是太阳系的一颗普通行星,但又是惟一一颗适合生物生存和繁衍的行星。下列与 地球上有生物存在无关 ..的是 A.日地距离适中 B.地球的体积、质量适中 C.地球自西向东自转 D.地球上昼夜交替周期不长 2. 太阳活动的重要标志是 A.日冕 B.极光C.太阳光D.黑子和耀斑 3.下列地理现象,与太阳活动密切相关的是 A.酸雨的形成 B.“磁暴”现象的产生 C.臭氧层空洞的出现 D.扬尘、沙暴天气的出现 4.当伦敦(零度经线)地方时为中午12点时,区时为20点的城市是 A.悉尼(150°E附近) B.莫斯科(37°E附近) C.上海(120°E附近) D.洛杉矶(120°W附近) 5.北半球中纬度地区,在下列日期中昼夜长短相差最大的一天是 A.4月1日 B.7月1日 C.10月1日 D.11月1日 6.大气运动最简单的形式是 A.热力环流 B. 大气环流 C. 三圈环流 D. 季风环流 读右图,回答7~8题。 7.关于该图反映的大气运动的叙述正确的是 A.只有水平气压梯度力作用 B.高空 C.不考虑摩擦力 D.近地面 8.图中d代表的是 A.地转偏向力 B.摩擦力 C.水平气压梯度力 D.风向 9.图中的A地与B地相比 A.水平气压梯度力相同 B.风向相反 C.A地风速小于B地 D.摩擦力一定相同 右图为某地气温曲线和降水柱状图,读图回答10~11题。 10.该图表示的气候类型是 A.热带雨林气候 B.温带海洋性气候


高中政治必修一期末复习资料1 生产与经济制度 1、生产和消费的关系 (1)生产决定消费——物质资料的生产是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础。 (生产决定消费的对象、消费的方式、消费的质量和水平;生产为消费创造动力) (2)消费对生产有反作用——消费是物质资料生产总过程的最终目的和动力 A消费的实现是生产行为的完成标志 B消费所形成的新的需要,对生产的调整和升级起着导向作用 C一个新的消费热点的出现,往往能带动一个产业的出现和成长 D消费为生产创造出新的劳动力,提高劳动力的质量,提高劳动的积极性。 2、为什么要大力发展生产力 (1)我国现状:我国目前处于社会主义初级阶段,其社会的主要矛盾是落后的社会生产同人民日益增长的物质文化需要之间的矛盾。 (2)意义: ①这是社会主义的本质要求。 ②为巩固社会主义制度建立起雄厚的物质技术基础。 ③摆脱经济文化落后状态,充分显示社会主义的优越性。 ④不断增强综合国力,提高我国在国际上的地位。 3、改革是强国之路 ①内容:A 调整生产关系与生产力不相适应的部分 B 调整上层建筑中与经济基础不相适应的部分 ②性质:是社会主义的自我完善和发展。 ③误区:把改革误认为要改变社会主义性质。 4、公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展,是我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度。 (1)公有制为主体:

生产资料公有制是社会主义的根本经济特征。——是社会主义经济制度的基础。 (2)组成部分:公有制范围包括国有经济、集体经济以及混合所有制中的国有成分和集体成分。 国有经济:A 含义:社会全体劳动者共同占有生产资料(以国家所有的形式存在)的公有制形式。——同较高的生产力水平相适应。 B 地位:掌握着国家的经济命脉,在国民经济中起主导作用。 集体经济:A 含义:由部分劳动者共同占有生产资料的一种公有制的经济。 B 地位:是我国农村的主要经济形式,是社会主义公有制经济的重要组成部分。 混合所有制经济,是不同所有制经济按照一定原则实行联合生产或经营的经济形式。 (混合所有制经济中的国有成分、集体成分,都是公有制经济的重要组成部分。) 5、公有制的主体地位主要体现在: (1)公有资产在社会总资产中占优势。 (2)国有经济控制国民经济命脉,对经济发展起主导作用。 国有经济的主导作用主要体现在控制力上。 A 控制国民经济发展方向,控制经济运行的整体态势,控制重要稀缺资源 B(在关系到国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域,国有经济必须占支配地位。) 6、非公有制经济 (1)个体经济:由劳动者个人或家庭占有生产资料,从事个体劳动和经营。 (以劳动者自己的劳动为基础,劳动成果直接归劳动者所有和支配。) (2)私营经济:以生产资料私有和雇佣劳动为基础,以取得利润为目的。 (3)外资经济:中外合资企业、中外合作经营企业、外商独资企业中的外商投资部分。 7、我国基本经济制度存在的意义


第一课:夏商制度与西周封建 一、分封制: 目的:拱卫王室 对象:亲族(主体)、功臣、先代帝王后代 内容:人口、土地 义务:驻守王畿,随从作战,定期朝觐,交纳贡赋等 作用:1、臣属关系更加明确,周王确立天下共主的地位 2、西周成为疆域广大的国家 3、形成“天子—诸侯—卿大夫—士”的等级序列 二、宗法制: 目的:为巩固分封制形成的统治秩序,解决贵族之间在权力、财产和土地继承上的矛盾。 内容:①嫡长子继承制(核心)②大宗与小宗(家族等级关系和政治隶属关系)特点:把血缘关系和政治纽带结合在一起 作用:1、保障了各级贵族能够享受“世卿世禄”的特权。 2、有利于凝聚宗族,防止内部纷争,强化王权,家国一体。 三、分封制和宗法制的关系: 宗法制与分封制互为表里,相辅相成。 分封制是宗法制在政治上的体现,宗法制是分封制的内核和纽带。 四、中国早期政治制度的特点: 1、神权和王权相结合。 2、分封制下形成了森严的等级秩序。 3、血缘与政治紧密结合。 4、尚未实现中央权力的高度集中。 第二课:大一统与秦朝主义中央集权的确立 一、内容: 1、皇帝制度 表现:①皇帝独尊②皇权至上③皇位世袭。 2、三公九卿制(中央官制): 三公职责:丞相辅佐皇帝处理政务、御史大夫监察百官、太尉负责协助管理军务3、郡县制(地方官制) 特点:中央集权,分工明确 作用:实现了对地方直接有效的控制,把全国纳入到国家政治体制中。 三、中央集权制度的影响: 积极影响:①形成中国历史上第一个统一的多民族的封建国家。 ②彻底打破了传统的贵族分封制,提高了行政效率,强化了对地方的控制。 ③奠定了中国古代大一统王朝制度的基础,对此后2000多年的中国政治社会产生了重要影响。

高一英语人教版必修三Unit 5 课文内容

Unit 5 CANADA- “THE TRUE NORTH” A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH” Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. “You’re going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you’re in Canada’s warmest part. People say it is Canada’s most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.” That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days’ travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres. After dinner, they were back in an urban area, the busy port city of Thunder Bay at the top of the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. In fact, it has one-third of the world’s total fresh water, and much of it is in the Great Lakes. That night as they slept, the train rushed across the top of Lake Superior, through the great forests and southward towards Toronto. “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the biggest and most wealthy city in Canada. They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower and looked across the lake. In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. The water flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea. They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother’s old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her from a telephone booth.”


高中语文必修一教材全解 第一单元中国新诗和外国诗歌 【单元概览】 这个单元主要指导学生鉴赏中国新诗和外国诗歌。选编的7首中国诗歌,2首外国诗歌,大都是广为传诵的名篇佳作。九首诗的主题可以用一个“情”字来贯穿:《沁园人?长沙》中的革命豪情,《雨巷》中对丁香姑娘的朦胧爱情,《再别康桥》中对母校的绵绵别情,《大堰河——我的保姆》中对“母亲”大堰河的赤子之情,《错误》中思妇对“归人”的怨情……阅读时,把握这些贯穿全诗的情感线索,每一首诗的内容和形式就不难理解了。在学习中,我们主要从了解诗歌的创作背景、诗人的思想生平和诗中运用的表现手法三个方面入手,并通过对诗中意象的分析,去体会诗中蕴含的思想感情。 本单元的诗歌,也都是意象运用的成功典范。对它们思想感情的理解,离不开对诗中意象的分析。意象,就是诗歌理论中一个非常重要的概念。意象是客观事物在人心灵中的投影,是审美主体眼中的形象或心中的物象。诗歌的情感表态一般都要借助意象。我国古代诗词中经常出现的一些意象如“明月”、“杨柳”、“秋风”、“斜阳”等,其内涵早已超越客观事物本身,而在千百年的文化传承中积淀了强烈的主观感情。读者在作品中一看到这些词语,就会产生丰富的联想,掀起心中情感的波澜。 【方法指要】 《全日制普通高中语文课程标准》要求:“在阅读鉴赏中,了解现代诗歌基本体例及表现手法,用于分析和理解作品。”“在阅读鉴赏中,能感受诗歌的形象,品味它们的语言,领悟作品的丰富内涵,体会其独特的艺术表现力。”要做到这些比较深层次的阅读要求,就需要我们对诗歌的基本特征和表现手法有更进一步的了解和掌握,对作品进行真正的阅读鉴赏。 从最近几年的高考试题看,现代诗歌鉴赏的原材料,一般有两大来源:一是现代


高中地理必修一测试题 一、单项选择题(共60分) 1.在包含太阳和地球的天体系统中,最高一级和最低一级的天体系统分别是()A.银河系、太阳系B.河外星系、地月系 C.太阳系、地月系D.总星系、太阳系 2. 太阳能量的来源是:() A、氢气燃烧 B、氦气爆炸 C、核裂变反应 D、核聚变反应3.地球上温度适宜的主要原因是() A.日地距离适中B.太阳光照条件稳定 C.比较安全的宇宙环境D.地球的体积和质量适中 4. 12月22日,下列地点中地球自转线速度、角速度均为0o的是() A、北极点 B、北京市 C、广州市 D、南京市 5.下列地理现象中,由于地球自转而造成的现象是:() A、昼夜的交替 B、昼夜长短的变化 C、春夏秋冬的更替 D、正午太阳高度的变化 6.北京天安门广场每天升国旗的时间是根据日出的时刻而定的,下列日期中,升旗仪式最早的是: A.5月1 日B.7月1 日C.8月1日D.10月1 日7.元旦这一天,太阳直射点: A.在南半球并向南移动B.在南半球但向北移动 C.在北半球并向北移动D.在北半球但向南移动 8.北半球各地昼渐短、夜渐长的时期是: A.春分日至秋分日B.秋分日至春分日 C.夏至日至冬至日D.冬至日至夏至日 9.当本初子午线与昏线重合时,北京时间为:

A .9月24日2时 B .6月22日8时 C .3月21日0时 D .12月22日12时 2008年5月12日14时28分,我国四川省汶川县发生8级强震,造成巨大的人员和财产损失。回答5~6题。 10.这次地震的震源深度为20千米左右,岩层的断裂处位于: A .地壳中 B .上地幔中 C .下地幔中 D .地核中 11.这次地震震中的人们会感觉到: A .只有上下颠簸,没有水平晃动 B .只有水平晃动,没有上下颠簸 C .先水平晃动,后上下颠簸 D .先上下颠簸,后水平晃动 图为某地5月5日前后几天的天气变化资料统计图,回答7~9题。 12.这次天气变化过程最有可能是由: A .反气旋造成 B .气旋造成 C .冷锋造成 D .暖锋造成 13.这次降水的形成原因是: A .气流下沉造成 B .气流对流上升造成 C .暖气团主动沿锋面爬升造成 D .暖气团被迫抬升造成 14.此系统易造成: A .长江中、下游地区的梅雨天气 B .东北、华北地区的夏季暴雨 C .东南沿海的台风天气 D .长江中、下游地区的伏旱天气 图5为“某地天气系统和地质构造示意图”。读图完成12-14题。 15.关于乙地天气的叙述,正确的是: A.受冷锋影响,气温将降低 B.受暖锋影响,气温将升高 C.受冷锋影响,气压将降低 D.受暖锋影响,气压将升高 16.有关地质、地貌的叙述,正确的是: A.图示地区地质构造为褶皱

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