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1.To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to.


2.Schools fail to adequately teach the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary, while they should take the responsibility of pushing the young onto the path of competent communication.


3.Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary).


4.Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a well-conditioned car.


5.Anyone who has read a great deal can imagine the new world that opened.


6.Malcolm X’s life is a wonderful example of the profound effect of learning a language.


7.He was born into a world full of poverty and ignorance. However, as he acquired knowledge, his horizons expanded.


8.He had left behind the narrow, ignorant world of his youth to join the world community of thoughts and actions ever since he started with his great journey of learning English in prison.


9.Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness, thereby releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.


10.In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

总之,人文学科帮助造就全面发展的人,这些人具有洞察力,并理解全人类共有的激情、希望和理想。11.The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see differently and broaden our horizons –which is as useful and relevant in our modern age as it has always been.


12.They quiver at the thought of the army or a dead-end job, and almost anything is better than staying at home.


13.Nevertheless, many college graduates report that what they learned on campus was better described as

personal rather than academic development.


14.College is an outstanding place for that rare breed, those young adults who love learning for its own sake, who would literally rather read than bother to eat, and who like nothing better than writing research papers.


15.The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly.


16.Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and the fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives.


17.It’s hard to predict what’s next. New guidelines haven’t been established yet, and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself.


18.Success moving through the odyssey years will come to those who don’t expect to achieve their goals right away but know that they must have the strength, capacity and confidence to endure over the long term.


19.If you’re a little late with your goals, don’t feel like a failure! Stay strong, be positive, and keep focused! Someday you will look back and wonder at the vast changes as you passed through the odyssey years.


20.I’ve met many people since I’ve been away; some were refined and others very coarse. I didn’t know what home meant until I’d been away for a few months.


21.I couldn’t bear my restless thoughts any longer. I roused myself and started down the long road home. 我再也不能忍受那些焦虑不安的思念了。我振作起来,踏上了回家的漫漫之路。

22.He seemed truly interested. There was real integrity in his face.


23.But I hadn’t had any fun; my life was stale with no component of fun!


24.Sitting by the palm trees, hand in hand, We would listen to romantic songs, watch the sunset, and weave dreams of being together with children of our own, forever.


25.Our faithful journey of love and learning took us down rocky roads of hardship and on smooth easy-going highways.


26.It is a long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story that sums up a 29-year long honeymoon together as a couple who are still madly in love with each other.


27.Our love commenced with a casual attraction but bloomed into a mature love and rich life.


28.Many of my women friends have put a spark in their social lives by taking the initiative with men.


29.…my roommate and her boyfriend were friends for four months before their chemistry clicked.


30.So, while I do think dressing up and going out on traditional, formal dates is a blast, I thrive on casual dating because it has brought a valuable dimension to my social life.


31.With a knot in the pit of my stomach, I conquer my fear and ask, “Hey, how about lunch after class on Friday?”

因为紧张,我的心紧揪着,可是我征服了恐惧,问道:“嘿,这个周五下课后一起吃午餐,怎么样?”32.Hard work, family loyalty, and the capacity to postpone desires are core American values that have made our country great.


33.I love me. I’m a good friend to myself. I do what makes me feel good. I derive pleasure from nice things and feel nourished by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore.

我爱自己。我是自己的好朋友。我只做让我感觉舒服的事。我从精美的东西里得到乐趣,并感觉它们给我滋养。我过去做事常延迟购买, 但再也不会了。

34.Watch out, take stock of your life, don’t let your attention get scattered. Postpone your desires. Don’t fall into debt. Wait! Retain control over your own life. It will make you stronger.


35.Most importantly, if you find yourself getting into financial trouble, don’t let your ego get in your way; urgentlyget help with tackling your problem before it spins out of control and lands you in legal troubles.


36.At first, I was shocked that these huge credit card corporations trusted me, a struggling student holding two minimum wage part-time jobs and paying monthly installments on a purchased computer.


37.Making matters worse, I lost one part time job and with it my out put of funds grew ever smaller, like those now long-dead roses.


38.I owed them more than I could possibly imagine, specifically their vision of a boy becoming a truly autonomous man. Now, I was letting them, and myself, down.


39.If this does not change, many students, like myself, will suffer the consequences of the illusion of a seemingly free but staggeringly expensive $3,000 dictionary.


40.“Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a big price to avoid the emotion of loss,”Dr. Ariely says.

阿雷利博士说: “每闭上一扇选择之门就如同感受了一次惩罚,人们宁愿付出很大的代价,也要避免情感的失落。

41.Sometimes these doors are closing too slowly for us to see them vanishing.


42.We are naturally prejudiced to believe that more is better, but Dr. Ariely’s research provides a dose of reality that strongly suggests otherwise.


43.As options increase out of control, people often begin to feel their life is crashing down on them.


44.The more we control our own fate, the more we expect to control it. The more we have, the more we want to have!


45.They’re floating in a vast ocean of choices and material goods but finding they’re still unfulfilled.




Parents feel obliged to provide the best they can for children.

(be/feel obliged to do sth. 感到有责任做某事)


It’s time to get serious about curbing political corruption.

(be / get serious about 对某事认真)


School principals should not expect teachers, fresh from college, to deal with a large group of difficult children.

(fresh from 刚从…来;刚有…经历)


She doesn’t talk much, but what she says makes sense.

(make sense 解释得通;有道理)


He was indifferent to the criticism that was thrust on him.

(thrust sth. upon / on sb 迫使某人做某事;迫使某人接受某事)


In order to keep drivers safe, mechanics are urged to make sure that car engines are properly (tuned up调整,调好)


Her heart swelled with pride as she stood watching her daughter graduate from university.

(swellwith pride/anger 洋洋得意/怒气冲冲)


She’s devised a scheme for getting her novel published.

(devise a scheme 构想一项计划)


With each successive day, the team’s confidence grew stronger.

(with each successive day 日复一日)


His deep love of music moved him to take lessons with Dr Hill.

(move sb. to do sth. 促使某人干某事)


I expect I’ll end up paying, as usual.

(end up (with) …最终处于…)


When people know which intelligences they possess, they can begin to better understand how they learn, and which methods of learning suit them best.

(begin to better understand…开始更好理解…)


How do you start along this way if you don’t have motivation to start with?

(start with…以…开始)


The high demand for persons with knowledge about computers is why I chose to major in computer science at the university.

(major in 主修(某一)科目)


She is an accomplished athlete and won the championship four times in succession.

(in succession 连续发生;接连发生)


As long as we try our best we are bound to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose.

(be bound to 肯定会)


The boss stood up for me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment.

(stand up for 支持;维护)


It is too early to speculate about the outcome of the negotiations between the worker’s union and the company’s leadership.

(speculate about/on 猜测;推测)


Studying humanities invests you with critical thinking and provides you with the scope of many opportunities.

(invest sb/sth with sth. 赋予(某人或某物)以(某种性质))


If you can’t face up to your mistake now, you are liable to repeat it in the future.

(be liable to do sth. 可能/易于做某事)


In company with the oil market, the US dollar went through a bad phase in 1986.

(in company with 与……一起)


Now that you mentioned it, I have to explain it further.

(now that 既然;由于)


She was compelled to resign because the scandal had damaged her credibility and reputation.

(compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事)

24.一想起又可以见到她, 他便兴奋起来。

He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again.

(at the thought of 想起;想到)


They are expected much, but the odds are heavily stacked against Chinese players in the World Cup.

(be stacked against 情况对…不利)


Cheap goods are available to the local people, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.

(be available to 可获得/利用)


Besides learning from the textbooks, college students need to expose themselves to various social activities. (expose sb. to sth. 使某人接触某事(物))


We shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake.

(for its own sake 为了……本身)


Business bank accounts need to be separated from personal ones.

(separate from 把…分开;分隔)


She took a break from her work to make herself some coffee and then resumed a few minutes later.

(take a break from 中断;暂停)


People tend to need less sleep as they get older.

(tend to do sth. 倾向于;往往会;易于做某事)


These are the key factors for being a successful speaker, and they are based on my own experience.

(base upon /on sth. 以…为基础;以…为根据)

33.由于生产成本的提高, 造成了该公司。

The company is saddled with debt due to the consequence of an increased cost of production.

(saddle sb. with sth. 使承担苦差事;使负重担)


He was greatly disappointed over his boss’decision against giving him a pay raise, and soon his disappointment gave way to anger.

(give way to sth. 被代替)


Jerry backed off the project when he realized how much work was involved to do a good job completing it.

(back off 放弃;退出)


Visitors to mountainous areas tend to wonder at the speed with which the weather can change in such areas.

(wonder at 对某事感到惊讶,感到诧异)


The failure gives me such a strong feeling of frustration that I fall into a deep pain.

(fall into (尤指突然)陷入(某种心境))


What he said did not seem to amount to much, but later on it helped us a great deal.

(not amount to much / anything / a great deal不太重要;没什么了不起)


The hospital gives mothers quiet private time in which to bond with their babies.

(bond with(与某人)培养一种亲密或紧密的关系)


We had to resign ourselves to a loss on the sale.

(resign oneself to sth. 使自己顺从于(做某事))


If you have no transportation of your own, I’ll be happy to give you a ride to work.

(give sb. a ride 开车捎某人一段)


As the old man was sitting in the warm afternoon sun, he grew tired and drifted off into a sleep.

(drift off 慢慢入睡)


The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police.

(surrender oneself to sth. 听任某事摆布;屈服于某事)


Standing on the top of the mountain and gazing at the splendid view, she got rid of depression completely. (gaze at 凝视,盯着看)


Be cautious about giving your address or personal information on the Internet.

(be cautious about对……小心谨慎)


She is so attractive that few men are immune to her charm.

(be immune to 不受……影响的;对……有免疫力的)


Those who cheat in the exams will be expelled from the university.

(expel sb. from sth. 开除)


Sometimes we have no choice but to be resigned to our fate.

(be resigned to 对某事听之任之)


Since this is settled, let’s proceed to the next item on the agenda.

(proceed to sth.进而做某事)


I hope you won’t mind that I took the liberty of booking plane tickets for us for the holiday trip.

(take the liberty of doing sth. 擅自做某事)


The judge’s sharp comment took all the audience by surprise and the performer remained embarrassed on the stage without knowing what to do.

(take sb. by surprise 出乎某人意料)


He became pessimistic about his future after he failed in several job interviews.

(be pessimistic about 对……持悲观看法)


How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of the people around you?

(be indifferent to对…不关心的,不在乎的)


In view of the convenience of online shopping, I’m inclined to buy daily necessities online.

(be inclined to do sth.有做某事的倾向;倾向于做某事)

64.如果儿童看不到自己的父母通过阅读来开阔视野,那么他们自己也不太可能会主动静下心来读一本好书。If children don’t see their parents reading to expand their horizons, it is unlikely they will take the initiative to settle down with a good book on their own.

(take the initiative采取主动;首先采取行动)


My roommates and I always chip in to buy gifts to celebrate our birthdays.

(chip in凑(钱),凑份子)


Nowadays, many women would rather go Dutch to show their independence than be paid for by the men. (go Dutch (with sb.)和某人各自结账,平摊费用)


The robber whipped out a pistol and threatened to shoot at the crowd.

(whip out (很快地)拿出,抽出)


We feel curious about why some marriages thrive on conflicts.

(thrive on 乐意做(别人觉得难做或不乐意做的事情))


I would have a big knot in the pit of my stomach just thinking about working overtime.

(in the pit of one’s stomach在胸口;在心窝)


Although she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.

(refer to 提到;谈到)


You may go ahead with the project; there is no shortage of funds.

(no shortage of不缺少;不缺乏)


Many students derived enormous satisfactionfrom the introduction to art course.

(derive sth. from sth.得到,获得(优势或愉快的感受))


It was an interesting exhibition, but there was too much to take in all at once.

(take in 领会;理解;记住)


We had to take stock of our position before we could decide what to do next.

(take stock (of sth.) (对形势)作出估计(判断))


Everything is runningaccording to our plan, so we’re still on track for 10% growth.

(on track在(可能通向成功的)轨迹上)


Every worker will be entitled to four weeks' paid holiday a year.

(be / feel entitled to (do) sth. 使某人有权利做某事)


Minister takes the floor to denounce the people who urge him to suspend constitutional rule.

(urge sb. to do sth. 催促(某人)做某事)


Children should have glasses which filter out UV (Ultraviolet Rays ) rays.

(filter out滤除(不需要的文字、信息等))


Sadly, the excessively simple plot of the film let all of us down.

(let sb. /sth. down使失望)


Themiddleclass may shrug off rising food prices, but the poor are being hit harder.

(shrug off对…满不在乎)


African hunting dogs will tear at the flesh of their victim until it is weak.

(tear at 撕扯)


The players’behavior on the field is likely to bring the game into disrepute.

(bring sb. / sth. into使处于(某种情形))


Villagers told these TV reporters that the fence would restrict public access to the hills.

(access to进入权;使用权;接触的机会)


To bridge the generation gap, parents should never impose their personal views on their children, which may make things even worse.

(impose sth. on sb. 将…强加于)


His heroic deed was featured in the first page of yesterday’s newspaper, which enlightened many people. (be featured in被特写;在…中专题介绍)


The bird got so attached to her that it would take food from between her lips.

(be attached tosth. / sb. 喜欢(依恋)某物或某人)


Some people are very selfish and take it for granted that the whole world revolves around them.

(revolve around 围绕;以…为主题)


Xiang Yu paid a big price when he burned his ships, but he could have paid an even bigger price if all of his men had died in the battle.

(pay a big price 花很大代价)


Don’t turn a deaf ear to his advice, for what he said may come in handy someday when you start your own business.

(come in handy 派上用场)


Neverlose your self-confidence. The real power a person is not measured in his size but in his wisdom.

(be measured in sth. 用某事来衡量)


I am dealing with customers who have let their debts get out of control all the time.

(out of control失去控制)


Please explain what you said just now, for I don’t have the remotest idea of what you mean.

(not have the remotest idea 一无所知)


Those who are always dissatisfied with what they have are less likely to enjoy the genuine happiness of life. (be dissatisfied with 对某事或某人不满)


The young man was depressed about his learning because he was not able to ask intelligent and penetrating questions in class as others did.

(be depressed about 对…感到沮丧)

96.生活有时是有喜有乐,但只要你已经努力去获取你想要的,无论结果如何,你就不会感到不满足。Sometimes life is bitter-sweet, but as long as you have struggled to achieve what you want, you won’t feel unfulfilled regardless of the result.

(struggle to do 努力做某事)


During ourbicycle tour, it didn’t rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck for us.

(turn out to be 结果是;最终成为)


The new immigrants had to settle for the conditions though they were reluctant to accept the harsh and unjust regulations.

(settle for 勉强接受;将就)


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷

大学英语(三)英译汉 汉译英

1. Those who accomplish their tasks carefully are worthy of praising. 那些认真完成工作的人都值得表扬 2. Children tend to believe that their fathers are infinitely resourceful and versatile. 孩子们通产会认为他们的父亲是个智多谋多才多艺的人 3. He was shivering from fear as if he had seen a ghost. 他恐惧的发抖就像看见鬼一样 4. His speech was constantly interrupted by applause. 他的讲话不断被掌声打断 5. People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct. 人们提出各种各样的假说来解释恐龙为什么灭绝 6. The church dates back to 1173. 此教堂建于1173年 7. The wish of fully utilizing the natural resources will eventually come true. 充分利用自然资源的愿望终究会被实现的 8. The child was accustomed to having her way. 这个孩子已经习惯一意孤行 9. We should pay more attention to the conservation of rare animals. 我不该更加注重保护稀有动物 10. The institution set aside a large of amount of money for research and development. 研究所留有一大笔前日子研究和开发 11. We must try all means to block the spread of the epidemic. 我们不惜一切代价阻止流行病的蔓延 12. Our love can blow away the hazes involved around children in the disaster areas. 我们对灾区孩子的爱唤起了困扰他们的阴霾 13. The meeting between A and B took place in New York. A B对方在纽约开了会议 14. The bike was damaged beyond hope of repair. 自行车严重损坏已经修补好了 15. He found a niche in the academic world. 他在学术界有了一席之地 16. He wanted to build up a large company. 他想开一间大公司 17. Doctors connect crime with mental disorder. 医生认为犯罪与精神错乱有关 18. The contestant got the nod from the judges. 选手得到了裁判的同意 19. All good things must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席 20. The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug. 该药价昂贵限制了其他的应用 21. They have been trying their best to impart knowledge and offering help to those students who are eager to learn. 他们一直尽力向那些渴求知识的学生传授知识提供帮助


Unit 6 Opening and closing ceremonies Lesson Three Translation for the text (All those on the rostrum and those present took their seats.) Good afternoon, representatives, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! The 1999 global celebration ceremony of World Habitat Day formally opens. Please rise for the National Anthem. Sit down, please. Now , allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests present on the rostrum: Acting Executive Director of UNCHS(United Nations Centre for Human Settlement )…Mr. xx; Minister of China Construction Department, Mr. xx; Mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx; Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee, Mr. xx; Coordinator of UNCHS, Mr.xx Let’s welcome the mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx to give the welcome speech. (The mayor gives the welcome speech.) Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Annan has sent his greeting speech to the Habitat Day. Please project his speech. (Secretary General Annan’s speech is projected.) Welcome the Minister of Construction Department, Mr. xx to give his speech. (The minister makes his speech.) Welcome the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to give his World Habitat Day address.( The Director addresses.) It is time for the Award Ceremony of the 1999 UN Habitat Prize which is set by UN as the highest honor prize for the governments, organizations, individuals all over the world that have made remarkable contributions in habitat field. Let’s welcome the coordinator of UNCHS to announce and introduce the list of prize winners. (The list is announced.) Let’s invite the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to present the award.( Music is played.) Welcome the Egyptian prize winners to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Dalian Mayor…to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome the Indian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Colombian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Slovakian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome American representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Ghanaian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Kenyan representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize (The music comes and ends Let’s welcome the Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee to announce and introduce the 1999 Habitat Prizes for individuals. (The list is introduced and announced.) Welcome Mr. xx and Mr. xx from Britain to come to the rostrum to receive your prizes. Let’s invite the Minister of China Construction Department to present the award. (Music is played.) Today, we observe the grand global celebration ceremony of 1999 World Habitat Day in Dalian, which has achieved complete success under the instruction of UNCHS and with the help


英译汉 1.On an average of six time a day, a doctor in Holland practices “active” euthanasia: intentionally administering a lethal drug to a terminally ill patient who has asked to be relieved of suffering. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ac5943128.html,st fall 19 distinguished British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanasia for AIDS patients in the advanced stages of their illness. 3.Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuses. 4.Even in the Netherlands, the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases and would surround even those with elaborate safe guards. 5. To many of us, gambling is, in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy, and may well help preserve good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good. 6. If a man makes gambling an obsession---almost a form of insanity---he will not lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience. 7.We can accomplish this by encouraging an interest in so many other activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence 8.The search for an answer brings you face to face with problems that are at once both the bane and lifeblood of virtually all research into human emotions. 9.Provine is one of the few researchers trying to go beyond anecdote and speculation by looking at laughter as an animal behaviorist might study birdsong or a wolf’s howl. 10.Politicians and other public speakers understand the power of laughter to break down barriers and forge a connection with their audience. A large part of President John Kennedy’s charm came from his ability to make jokes at his own expense, says Morreall. By inviting the audience to join him in laughter, Kennedy bridged much of the social gap between his wealthy, noble status and ordinary voters. Almost every after-dinner speaker opens with a joke for a similar reason. 11. But laughter can exclude as well as include, as another American president learnt to his cost. 12. That cultural imperialism is said to impose American values as well as products, promote the commercial at the expense of the authentic, and substitute shallow gratification for deeper satisfaction. 13. Globalization not only increases individual freedom, but also revitalizes cultures and cultural artifacts through foreign influences, technologies, and markets. Thriving cultures are not set in stone. They are forever changing from within and without. 14. But although many languages are becoming extinct, English is rarely to blame. 15. Where local languages are dying, it is typically national rivals that are stamping them out. French has all but eliminated Proven?al, and German Swabian. 16. Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English; now their soccer team is emblematic of national pride. 17. English may be all-conquering outside America, but in some parts of the United States, it is now second to Spanish.


汉译英练习15篇(口译) [策马翻译培训口译培训·练习一] Passage 1 上海菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被成为“本帮菜”,有着400 多年的历史。同中国其他菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“色,香,味”三大要素。| 上海菜的特点是注重调料的使用,食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。其中最著名的有特色点心“南翔小笼”和特色菜“松鼠鲑鱼”。| “南翔小笼”是猪肉馅,个小味美,皮薄汁醇。“松鼠鲑鱼”色泽黄亮,形如松鼠,外皮脆而内肉嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。| 在品尝过“松鼠鲑鱼”之后,我们常常惊讶于“松鼠”的形状,觉得在三大评价标准上在添加“形”这个标准才更合适。| 译文: Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese regional cuisines,Benbang cuisines takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements.| Shanghai cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors. Shanghai cuisine is famous for a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish”.| Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup. Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source.| After tasting Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish, we are always amazed by the squirrel shape and think that it is more appropriate to plus “appearance” as the fourth element. Passage 2 美国人强调效率、竞争和独创性,而中国人则将严谨规划放在首位,鼓励团队成员之间的密切合作和无私奉献。|


汉译英: 1徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全 国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书 本上的结论。他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多很不可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全 靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多 奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名 山,反复观察变换的奇景。 Xu Xiake toured and investigated 16 provinces in his lifetime, covering almost the whole of China/ the whole country. When he was carrying out his investigations, he never took blind belief in the conclusions in the books. Instead he found a lot of unreliable points in the geographic records taken by his predecessors. In order to make his investigations reliable and thorough, he seldom traveled by carriage or boat. Instead, he took long, arduous trips on foot almost all the time, climbing mountains and hills. In order to learn about the truth of nature, he always chose to conduct investigations in mountainous areas with dangerous roads and in lonely / untraveled woods, where he discovered a lot of magnificent peaks and beautiful sights. ( During his life time, Xu Xiake visited and explored 16 provinces, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. He never blindly accepted the conclusions given in books in his exploration. He found that many of the geographical records by other people before him were inaccurate ( He found many inaccuracies in the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors ) . He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time


2019年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇(5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓不过立。中大校园占地 134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不但有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s fa culty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//


Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.如今,作为东方艺术的一颗璀璨的明珠,京剧不仅在中国各地喜闻乐见,而且已被全世界人民广泛接受。 2.根据所表演角色的性别、年龄和社会地位的不同,演员角色分成四类:生(男角)、旦(女角)、净(花脸男角)、丑 (丑角)。 3.京剧的独特艺术魅力使它经久不衰:它创造了一种台上台下演员观众相互交融的美学欣赏与享受。 4.他曾成功地塑造了许多古代中国妇女的形象,完美地表现了她们的温柔、优雅和细腻。 5.梅兰芳也是把京剧介绍到国外的第一人。 6.作为中国的文化瑰宝,京剧必将获得全中国和全世界人民越来越多的喜爱。 Key to Exercise I. 1.Today, as one of the glowing pearls of oriental arts, not only has Beijing Opera been widely enjoyed all over China, it has also been well received all over the world. 2.According to the gender, age and social position of the different roles which they play, actors and actresses are divided into four categories: sheng (male roles), dan (female roles), jing (male roles with facial paintings) and chou (clowns). 3.The uniqueness of Beijing Opera makes its artistic charm so everlasting: the creation of an aesthetic co-appreciation between the actors and actresses on stage and the audience off stage. 4.Mei Lanfang had created very successfully various images of ancient Chinese women and expressed their tenderness, elegance and subtlety. 5.Mei Lanfang was also the first person who introduced Beijing Opera to foreign countries. 6.Being a great treasure of the Chinese culture, Beijing Opera will surely be more and more appreciated by people in China and in the whole world. Exercise II. Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. 著名的京剧武生徐力先生最近接受了我们舞蹈学校的邀请,担任高级舞蹈教员。武生是京剧中的一个重要生角。武生的特点是武艺好,身手矫健敏捷。武生演员常通过在舞台上翻滚武打(tumbles, tweists, and somersaults)来表现他们高超的武艺。武生的动作准确有力,是大量艰苦训练的结果。 中国古典舞蹈和民族舞蹈的舞台技巧和身段(floor skills and postures)大多来自中国传统戏曲的武功(acrobatic skills)。我们舞蹈学校非常荣幸能够请到徐先生教授女子班毯子功(floor skills)和男子班的功夫课。有关课程安排请点击此网址。 Key to Ex. II Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. A Rare Opportunity The famous Beijing Opera performer of Wu Sheng (acrobatic male role), Mr Xu Li, recently accepted an engagement with our Dancing School. Wu Sheng is a very important role in Beijing Opera. It requires a high level of acrobatic skills. Wu Sheng actors often show off their skills with tumbles, twists, and somersaults on the stage. These skills and movements require great precision in timing and strength, which takes a lot of training and exercise. Many of the floor skills and postures of classic and ethnic Chinese dances were originally from the acrobatic skills of traditional Chinese operas. Our dancing school is very fortunate to have Mr Xu Li to teach our Floor Skills class for girls and Kungfu class for boys. For class schedule, please click HERE. Exercise III. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.齐白石以革新水墨画和毕生献身于这项中国的传统艺术形式而闻名于世。 2.他在几天后把那幅画重画了很多次,但是总比不上他当天即兴完成的作品。 3.兰亭序的极高的艺术价值促使更多书法家临摹王羲之的字体。 4.一个好的书法家所写出来的字必须充满生气,活力并具备完美的形体。 5.书法是一门艺术,它需要清醒的头脑以及对毛笔有全面的掌握。 6.这个年轻演员认识到自己的演技还差,无法与他老师的演技相提并论。 Key Exercise III.


人大考博英语汉译英专项练习(1-10,含详解) 专项练习1 科技是人类文明进步的动力源泉。古老的中国,曾在世界科技史上占有重要地位。今天的中国人民,不仅与全世界共享科技文明的成果,也在各个领域推动世界科技的进步。科技奥运将反映科技最新进展,集成全国科技创新成果,推出一届高科技含量的体育盛会;提高北京科技创新能力,推进高新技术成果的产业化及其在人民生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成为展示高新技术成果和创新实力的窗口。 【参考译文】 Science and technology is the source power which can drive civilization of Human being. China, an old-line country, has had a high position in the world’s technology history. Today, Chinese people are not only sharing the harvest of technology and civilization with people from rest of the world, but promoting the science and technology in all kinds of field as well. High-tech Olympics means that we will closely follow the latest high-tech developments home and abroad and integrate the high-tech achievements nationwide so as to host a magnificent sports event in high-tech achievement. In doing so, Beijing’s capacity in high-tech innovation will be improved and the application of high-tech achievements in production and people’s life promoted. Beijing Olympic Games will be a window to showcase our high-tech achievements and innovative capacity. 专项练习2 去年,美国联邦航空管理局把用来计算飞机载荷的乘客平均体重提高了10磅。因为当时原油价格创下了历史新记录,作为应对措施,很多公司不得不提高机票价格中的燃料费用。 美国人和欧洲人不断发胖的趋势促使政府发动健康运动,同时人们严厉谴责许多食品公司。麦当劳连锁店在谴责声中受到冲击,因而不得不在最近几个月里修改菜单,增加了一些更有利于健康的食物。这一举动促使麦当劳的盈利增加。然而,据专家预测,人类注定会越来越胖,会对航空公司的利润空间形成不断增加的压力。 【参考译文】 Last year, the Federal Aviation Administration increased by ten pounds the average passenger weight they use to calculate aircraft loads. Since then crude oil prices have hit record levels, with many firms responding by raising the fuel surcharge they add to ticket prices. The rising level of obesity in the US and in Europe has prompted government health campaigns and harsh criticism of a number of food firms. Restaurant chain McDonald’s has taken the brunt of the attack and has in recent months reworked its menu to include healthier options. The move has helped lift profits. The prediction by experts, however, is that humans are set to become bigger, putting increasing pressure on airline profit. 专项练习3 据最新估计,雅典奥运会的开支已达到100亿美元,这对于希腊这样的小国来说可是一笔不小的数目,何况它曾经是欧盟中最贫穷的国家。 希腊对这次奥运会可能带来的美好前景寄予厚望,并想借此机会(向世界)展示一个“焕然一新”的希腊,以吸引新的投资者和游客。但是,本国运动员的兴奋剂丑闻和旅游业的低靡破坏了希腊的形象,这使希腊政府十分恼火。希腊财政部的一位重要官员告诉记者,希腊只有正确处理好公众关系,才能使雅典奥运会的开销变成投资。


历年上海英语中级口译翻译英译汉真题及答案 原文: 出自Newsweek Why We Must Fire Bad Teachers The relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation’s future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations. For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements. Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not. 我们为什么必须叫停“不称职”的老师?
