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unit23,lesson 1 同步练习答案

unit23,lesson 1 同步练习答案
unit23,lesson 1 同步练习答案

Lesson 1 Living in a Community

I. Word Spelling:

1. If I knew your _departure today, I would see you off at the station.

2. This old _tailor is famous for making good suits according to customers’ special needs.

3. Laws exist to ensure justice for all citizens.

4. You can’t give away Granny’s old bookcase —it’s a valuable _antique (古董).

5. Everyone should devote some time to _community (社区) service.

6. After living at school for a _fortnight (两星期), Tom is really missing his parents.

7. It is hoped that a _compromise (和解) will be reached in today’s talks.

8. The princess’_maid_ (女佣) helped her to dress up for the party.

9. You’d better not drink so much or you will end up as an _alcoholic_.

10. Bamboo is classified as grass, not a tree.

11. There are strict controls on immigration

into this country.

They are fighting for __justice (正义) and against __prejudice_ (偏见).

II. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbs.

1. Several days after the trains went back to normal, Guangzhou Station was not so crowded.

2. Most of Lu Xun’s works were classified _as essays.

3. I didn’t get the license plate number of the car that knocked him over. It was gone in a flash.

4. Mother scolded me badly that day in the presence of a crowd _of my friends.

5. Somebody were knocking at the door and all at once Grandma blew _out_ the candles.

6. Yesterday we walked home in the rain after school and were all wet through_.

7. School life has a great influence on a child’s character.

III. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.

1. In the Middle East the racial_ (race) argument is a political hot potato.

2. There are strict controls on immigration_ (immigrate) into America.

3. The couple rented a _furnished_ (furnish) flat near their workplace.

4. Wine, spirits and beer are _classified (classify) as alcoholic drinks.

5. Children will be badly influenced if they are _exposed_(expose) to TV violence.

6. The law forbids the sale of _alcohol_ (alcoholic) to people under 18.

7. All his life he struggled against injustice (justice).

8. The two sides of negotiation hold _opposite / opposing (oppose) views.

IV Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given phrases

1.It was several days before the flood water sank and life _went back to normal_.

2.They _bid / bade one another a casual _goodbye and parted.

3.Would you _classify_ her novels _as_ serious literature or mere entertainment?

4.About 800,000 children _are exposed to_ poisons each year.

5.It is the duty of the police to bring_ those who break the law _to justice_.

6.If you continue stealing, you will end up in prison.

7.The car was gone in a flash. All I know is that it’s a big brown car.

8.No surprise that he was stopped by the police –he had driven drunk _once too often_.

9.He wanted to leave because his wife’s

complaint almost drove him mad_.

10.We were late because one of our tyres _blew out.

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 如果你一直这样努力工作,到头来这家公司就能归你掌管。(end up doing sth.)

If you carry on working hard like this, you will end up running the company.

2. 小狗迈克不仅身体强壮,而且还很聪明。(not only用在句首)

Not only is the little dog Mike strong, but also he is very smart.

3. 我们刚离开教室,天就下起雨来了。(no sooner ... than)

No sooner had we left the classroom than it began to rain.

4. 很庆幸双方都没受伤,那个骑自行车的人不打算和开小汽车的司机深入追究这事了。(take things further with sb.)

Lucki ly neither si des were hurt, so the cyclist

wasn’t going to take things further with the car driver.

5. 经过这起交通事故,小王开始意识到粗心会导致丢掉性命。(come to ...;cost one’s life)

After the traffic accident, Xiao Wang came to realize that carelessness could cost one’s life. 6. 我们应该采取行动改善我们社区的环境。(take action)

We should take action to improve the environment of our community.

7. 只有用这种方式,你才能说服他接受我们的旅行计划。(only位于句首)

Only in this way can you persuade him to accept our travel plan.

8. 在仔细思考之后,他决定去那儿。(强调句型)

It was after careful thinking that he decided to go there.

9.为了达成一致意见,他们不得不相互妥协。(make compromise with)

In order to achieve an agreement, they had to

make a compromise with each other.

10. 他就什么地方去度假的问题和妻子争论了起来。(argue with…about…)

He argued with his wife about where to spend the holiday.


上个世纪的飞雪和溪流迟子建去年深冬,在回故乡的慢行列车上,我遇见了两个老者。他们一胖一瘦,愉快地交谈。其中的一个说,四十多年前的一个夜晚,他驾着手推车,从山上拉烧柴回家。走到半程时,天飘起了雪花。雪越下越大,到了一个三岔路口时,他习惯地上了一条路。然而走了一会儿,他发现那路越走越生,于是掉转车头,又回到岔路口。雪花纷纷扬扬的,天又黑,他分辨不出南北东西了,于是凭着直觉,又踏上了一条路。可是他越走越心虚,因为那条路似乎也是陌生的,他害怕了,又一次回到岔路口。深夜时,家人寻来了。他这才知道,他第一次踏上的路,是正确的。只不过因为雪太大,改变了路的风貌。那人说:“谁能相信,我让雪花给迷了路呢!要是搁现在,可能吗?”他指着车窗外的森林说:“看看,这雪一年比一年小,风一年比一年大,这还叫大兴安岭吗?”透过车窗,我看见稀疏的林地上,覆盖着浅浅的积雪,枯黄的蒿草在风中舞动。而在雪大的年份,那些蒿草会被雪深深地埋住,你是看不到的。天虽然仍是蓝的,可因为雪少得可怜,那幅闪烁的冬景给人残破不堪的感觉。而这样的景象,在大兴安岭,自新世纪以来,是越来越司空见惯了。我想起童年在小山村的时候,每逢冬天来临,老天就会分派下一项活儿,等着我们小孩子来接收,那就是扫雪。那个年代的雪,真是恋人间啊!常常是三天一小场,十天一大场,很少碰到一个月没有雪的时候。雪会大到什么程度呢?有的时候,它闷着头下了一夜,清晨起来,你无法出去抱柴了,因为大雪封门了。这个时候,就得慢慢地推门,让它渐渐透出缝隙,直到能伸出笤帚,一点点地掘开雪,门才会咧开嘴,将满院子的白雪推进你的视野,有如献给你一个明朗的笑。那个年代,不光是雪多,溪流也是多的。夏天,我们常到山上玩,渴了,随时捧山间的溪水来喝。溪水清冽甘甜,带着草木的清香,我喝的这世上最好的水,就是大兴安岭的溪水。那时植被好,雨水丰沛,因而溪流纵横。女孩们夏天洗衣服,爱到溪水旁。省了挑水,可以洗个透彻。洗衣服的时候,蝴蝶和蜻蜓在你眼前飞来飞去的,它们的翅膀有时会温柔地触着你的脸;而溪水中呢,不仅浸泡着衣服,还浸泡着树和云的影子,好像它们嫌自己不干净,要你帮着洗一洗似的。大兴安岭的河流,到了冬天都封冻了。柔软的水遇到零下三四十度的严寒,哪有不僵的呢?可母亲告诉我,我们家在设计队住的时候,后山上有一道泉水,冬天是不冻的。母亲说,我们后来搬家了,所以那道泉水在那座山上,究竟活了多少个冬天,她是不知道的。大兴安岭的开发,使林木资源日渐匮乏,小时候常见的参天大树,好像都被老天召走,做了另一个世界晚祷的蜡烛,难觅踪影了。而那如丰富的神经一样遍布大地的溪流,也悄然消逝了。我已故的爱人,他曾天真地对我说:“大兴安岭全境人口不过五十多万,我看不如把所有的人口都迁出去,异地安置,做到真正的封山。几十年后,树茂盛了,溪水也充沛了,中国会留下最好的一片原始森林。”可我知道,这样的想法,无论是在他生前还是死后,都是“天上的想法”。我怀念上个世纪故乡的飞雪和溪流。我幻想着,有一天,它们还会在新世纪的曙光中,带着重回人间的喜悦,妖娆地起舞和歌唱。(有删改)文中写到了上个世纪大兴安岭的飞雪和溪流,请结合全文用简洁的语言分别概括其特点。(4分) 飞雪:雪大,雪多。溪流:多(溪流纵横,遍布大地),清冽甘甜,有些经冬不冻。文章第一段写两个老者的对话,这样写有何用意?请简要分析。(6分)⑴内容上,回忆了曾经的大兴安岭雪大的特点,表现了作者对上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪的怀念之情;⑵结构和手法上,与后文现在残破不堪的冬景形成鲜明对比,为回忆上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪和溪流做铺垫;⑶效果上,起到吸引读者的作用。本文是围绕“大兴安岭的飞雪和溪流”展开的,请梳理全文的行文思路。(6分)⑴开篇借老者之口讲述雪夜迷路的故事,突出了上个世纪大兴安岭雪大的特点,与现在残破不堪的冬景形成鲜明对比。⑵回忆起上个世纪雪和溪流的景象。⑶回到现实,说明人们对大兴安岭的开发、对林木资源的破坏是这一改变的根源。⑷作者怀念上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪和溪流,憧憬它们重回人间。请结合全文分条归纳,作者主要流露出了哪些情感。(6分)⑴怀念、惋惜之情;⑵憧憬、期盼之情;⑶对人们破坏林木资源的批判,对封山


《高级英语》第二册练习 Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane Camille I. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow: 1. lash A. strike violently B. pass by C. move slowly D. stride 2. pummel A. push forward B. punish severely C. hit with repeated blow D. beat heavily 3. gruff A. serious B. grievous C. rough D. gentle 4. elevate A. put down B. lift up C. face to D. push down 5. demolish A. destroy B. reduce C. increase D. beat 6. scud A. go smoothly B. go straight and fast C. go up and down D. go violently 7. interior A. situated inside B. situated outside C. interrelate D. internecine 8. ferocity A. capability B. fierceness

C. impediment D. ferment 9. shudder A. shuffle in B. walk out C. curl up D. shake 10. sanctuary A. a warm place B. shelter C. a clean place D. a harm place 11. maroon A. stay brave and along B. leave hopeful C. stay helpless D. leave helpless and alone 12. vantage A. variable situation B. comfortless position C. advantage D. disadvantage 13. debris A. small individual parts B. completely good places C. well preserved pieces D. scattered broken pieces 14. implore A. request earnestly B. inform eagerly C. ask for leave D. ask for leave 15. skim A. hit violently B. move lightly over C. go fast and quietly D. move gradually away 16. rampage A. walk for pleasure B. produce branches C. rage D. range 17. festoon A. celebrate


四年级阅读理解专项训练(含答案)姓名:__________________ 等 级:__________________ (一)给一个鼓励的眼神 三个孩子在赛跑中倒地,三位母亲的反应却迥异:一个身体力行,拖着孩子跑;一个破口大骂,不顾这是赛场;第三个,则为孩子送去了鼓励的目光。 最终,三个孩子都跑到了终点。 故事的结局是美好的。但我们不妨揣测一下三个孩子的心情:第一个孩子,体力消耗不大,顺利到达终点,想必心中暗喜;第二个孩子,挨了母亲一顿批评,肯定委屈不已;第三个孩子,虽已大汗淋漓,却实实在在体会到了成功的喜悦。 看来,故事仍未结局,三位母亲的不同的教育态度所造成的影响还深得很呢。 人的一生中,总会有跌倒的时候,但母亲的手能伴你终生吗?这时,我们需要独立的人格,坚强的意志,而这些却都是从小培养起来的品性。于是,我们向母亲发出恳切的请求:跌倒时,请给我们一个鼓励的眼神吧! 我们不需要手,那会助长惰性的依赖;我们不想要指责,那会打击稚嫩的心灵;我们只需要一个鼓励的眼神,给我们一个鼓励的眼神就够了。从母亲的眼神里,我们能读到坚强,悟到独立,感受到母亲的爱意。期间,或许会多一分肉体的苦楚,但,生命的旅程中,也许会少一些障碍。 有这样一则故事,小溪问母亲怎样才能成为瀑布。母亲说,当你到达悬崖的尽头就会明白。小溪告别了母亲,在山间匍匐前行。历尽艰辛,小溪终于攀上悬崖,奋力向前一扑,生命终于放出了异彩。 或许,我们现在正如小溪,力量不算强大,阅历也不够丰富,但我们已知道航向和终点,剩下的就是帆起浆落战胜风暴的努力了。桃花心木是一种上等木料,然而养它的人却故意将它放到野外种植。只是因为,不确定的环境,能让它学会坚强健康地成长。 双脚磨破,就让夕阳涂抹小路;双手划破,就让荆棘变成杜鹃。在母亲期盼的眼神注视下,我们定能直挂云帆济沧海!


苏雪林《溪水》阅读答案 导读:溪水 苏雪林 ⑴我们携着手走进林子,溪水漾着笑窝,似乎欢迎我们的双影。这道溪流,本来温柔得像少女般可爱,但不知何时流入深林,她的身体便被囚禁在重叠的浓翠中间。 ⑵早晨时她不能更向玫瑰色的朝阳微笑,深夜时不能和娟娟的月儿谈心,她的chè莹晶的眼波,渐渐变成忧郁的深蓝色,时时凄咽着忧伤的调子,她是如何的沉闷呵!在夏夜的时候。 ⑶几番秋雨之后,溪水涨了几篙;早diāo的梧楸,飞尽了翠叶;黄金色的晓霞,从杈桠树隙里,深入溪中;泼靛的波面,便泛出彩虹似的光。 ⑷现在,水恢复从前活泼和快乐了,一面疾忙的向前走着,一面还要和沿途遇见的落叶、枯枝……淘气。 ⑸一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来顽玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿的溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 ⑹水是怎样的开心呵,她将那可怜的失路的小红叶儿,推推挤挤的推到一个xuán涡里,使他滴滴溜溜的打圆转儿;那叶向前不得,向后不能,急得几乎哭出来;水笑嘻嘻的将手一松,他才一溜烟的逃走了。 ⑺水是这样欢喜捉弄人的,但流到坝塘边,她自己的磨难也来

了。你记得么?坝下边不是有许多大石头,阻住水的去路。 ⑻水初流到水边时,还是不经意的涎着脸撒嗔痴的要求石头放行,但石头却像没有耳朵似的,板着冷静的面孔,一点儿不理。于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,漏出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发出怒吼的声音来,缕缕银丝头发,四散飞起。 ⑼辟辟拍拍,温柔的巴掌,尽打在石头皱纹深陷的颊边,---- 她真的发怒了,不是儿嬉。 ⑽谁说石头是始终顽固的呢,巴掌来得狠了,也不得不低头躲避。于是谁得安然度过难关了。 ⑾她虽然得胜了,然而弄得异常疲倦,曳了浅碧的衣裳去时, 我们还听见她继续的chuǎn息声。 ⑿我们到这树林中来,总要到这坝塘边参观水石的争执,一坐总要一两个钟头。 1.文章着重刻画了溪水流经途中的哪两件事?表现出溪水怎样的 性格特点?请根据文意简要回答。 2.下列句子生动形象,富有表现力,请加以赏析。 1).一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来顽玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿的溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 2).于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,漏出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发



Lesson10 The Trial That Rocked the World I. 1)In the 1920s,when he was a teacher at a secondary school in Dayton,a little town in the mountains of Tenessee,he was charged with teaching evolution and had to be present in the court.The trial。however,rocked the world.After the trial,he studied at the University of Chicago and became a geologist for an oil company later. 2)The struggles were in fact struggles between ignorance and wisdom.religion and science.That showed the spread of science and truth was no easy task.3)Because the result would effect the whole country,even the world. 4)Darrow and Malone thought that the Bible could co—exist with the Evolution Theory and it was acceptable for a Christion to be an evolutionist.Besides,the Bible should not be interpreted and accepted literally.Bryan just thought the opposite way. 5) The trial began with prayer by a local


六年级小升初阅读专项训练及答案 一、默读父亲 ①我是父亲最小的儿子。“爹疼满崽”这句话便成了父亲爱的天平向我倾斜时搪塞哥哥姐姐们的托词了。在我10岁那年,我生病躺在了县城的病床上,我突发奇想地让父亲给我买冰棍吃。父亲拗不过我,便只好去了。那时候冬天吃冰棍的人极少,大街上已找不见卖冰棍的人。整个县城只有一家冰厂还卖冰棍,冰厂离医院足足有一华里地,父亲找不到单车,便步行着去。一时半晌,父亲气喘吁吁满头大汗跑回来,一进屋,便忙不迭解开衣襟,从怀里掏出一根融化了一大半的冰棍,塞给我,嘴里却喃喃地说道:“怎么会化了呢见人家卖冰棍的都用棉被裹着的呢!” ②初二那年,我的作文得了全省中学生作文竞赛一等奖,这在小镇上可是开天辟地头一遭的事儿。学校为此专门召开颁奖会,还特地通知父母届时一起荣光荣光;等到参加颁奖会的那天,父亲一大早便张罗开了,还特地找出不常穿的一件中山装给穿上。可当父亲已跨出家门临上路时,任性而虚荣的我却天大地扫了父亲的兴:“爸,有妈跟我去就成了,你就别去了。”父亲充满喜悦的脸一下子凝固了。那表情就像小孩子欢欢喜喜跟着大人去看电影却被拦在了门外一般张皇而又绝望。迎着爸妈投放给我的疑惑的眼神,我好一阵不说话,只是任性地呆在家里不出门。父亲犹疑思忖了半刻,用极尽坦然却终究掩饰不住的有些颤抖的声音说:“爸这就不去了。”父亲已经破译出了我心底的秘密:我是嫌看似木讷、敦厚且瘦黑而显苍老的父亲丢我的人啊!看看父亲颓然地回到屋里,我这才放心地和妈妈兴高采烈地去了学校。可是,颁奖大会完毕后,却有一个同学告诉我:你和你妈风风光光地坐在讲台上接受校领导授奖和全校师生羡慕的眼光时,你爸却躲在学校操场一隅的一棵大树下,自始至终注视这一切呢!顿时,我木然,心里漫上一阵痛楚…… ③父亲最让我感动的是我17岁初入大学的那年。我刚入大学的时候,寝室里住了4个同学,每个人都有一只袖珍收录机,听听节目、学学英语,很让人眼馋。后来,与其说是对别人的羡慕,倒不如说是为了维护自己的自尊,我走了60里地回到家,眼泪汪汪地跟父母说:我要一只收录机。父亲听了,一个劲地叹气,母亲则别过头去抹泪。我一软,两手空空连夜赶回学校。过了一段时间,父亲到学校找到我。将我叫到一片树林里,说:“孩子,你不要和人家攀比,一个人活的是志气。记住,不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大。”我正掂量着父亲这句话,父亲已从怀里掏出一样东西放在我手上;伸开手来,正是一只我心仪已久的袖珍收录机。事后我才知道父亲是进城抽了500 cc血给换来的。“不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大”就是父亲这句话,让我在以后的日子里一次又一次地找到了做人的自尊,也让我得以活出了一个男人的伟岸。 ④父亲没能活到60岁便病逝了。记得父亲临终的时候,他将枯槁的手伸向我,我将手放在父亲的手心里,父亲极力想握紧我的手,但父亲已无能为力了。是的,父亲虽然没能扶携和目送我走更长更远的路,但是,父亲一生积攒的种种力量已渗透到我生命中来——我的生命只不过是父亲生命的另一种延续。 1.这篇文章主要写的人物是父亲,作者通过哪三件事来刻画父亲的形象。 2 “父亲充满喜悦的脸一下子凝固了”请你联系上下文,揣摩父亲那时的心里活动,组织好语言,写在下面:3.第二段中,最后一句话“心里漫上一阵痛楚”,表达了我怎样的心情 4.第三段中父亲所说的“不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大”,你是如何理解这句话的 5.如何怎样理解“父亲一生积攒的种种力量已渗透到我生命中来——我的生命只不过是父亲生命的另一种延续”这句话 《默读父亲》答案 1、父亲为生病在床的我买冰棍父亲躲在学校操场的大树下默默关注我的颁奖典礼父亲给我买收录机,并教育我不要和人攀比 2、略 3、为父亲爱子之行为而感动,为自己不理解父亲的心意而内疚、后悔。 4、没有优裕的物质生活条件,同样可以生存、长大,人活着要有志气。(意思对即可) 5、父亲对子女的爱和做人要有自尊、活出男人的伟岸,不与别人攀比的人生态度,对我产生了巨大的影响,我决心像父亲那样生活、做人。 二、阅读《母亲? 我? 狗》


溪流的阅读答案 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

①我愈来愈爱着生我养我的土地了。 ②就像山地里纵纵横横的沟岔一样,就像山地里有着形形色色的花木一样,我一写山同,似乎思路就开了,文笔也活了。 ③甚至觉得,我的生命,我的笔命,就是那山溪哩。虽然在莽莽的山的世界里,它只是那么柔得可怜,细得伤感的一股儿水流。 ④我常常这么想:天上的雨落在地上,或许会成洪波,但它来自云里;溪是有根的,它凉凉地扎在山峰之下。人都说山是庄严的,几乎是死寂的,其实这是错了。它最有着内涵,最有着活力;那山下一定是有着很大很大的海的,永远在蕴涵的感情,永远是不安宁,表现着的,恐怕便是这小溪了。 ⑤或许,是从小草的根下一个泡儿一个泡儿冒出来的。但是,太阳晒不干、黄风刮不跑的。天性是那么晶莹,气息是那么清新;它一出来,便宣告了它的生命,寻着自己的道路要流动了。 ⑥正因为寻着自己的道路,它的步伐是艰辛的。然而,它从石板上滑下,便有了自己的铜的韵味的声音;它从石崖上跌落,便有了自己白练般的颜色,它回旋在穴潭之中,便有了自己叵不可测的深沉。

⑦它终于慢慢地大起来了,要走更远的道儿;它流过了石川,流过了草地,流过了竹林,它要拜访所有的山岭,叩问每一次石头,有时会突然潜入河床的沙石之下去了呢。(A于是,轻风给了它的柔情,鲜花给了它的芬芳,竹林给了它的凉绿,那多情的游鱼,那斑斓的卵石,也给它增添了美的色彩。) ⑧它在流着,流着。它要流到啊里去呢?我想,山既然给了它的生命,它该是充实的,富有的;(B或许,它是做一颗露珠儿去滋润花瓣,深入到枝叶里了,使草木的绿素传送);或许,它竟能掀翻一坯污泥,拔脱了一从腐根呢。那么,让它流去吧,山地这么大,这么复杂,只要它流,它探索,它就有了自己的路子。 ⑨我是这么想的,我提醒着我,我鼓励着我,我便将它写成了淡淡的文字,聊作这本小书的小序了。 1.作者笔下的溪流有什么特点?(一排空) 2.简要归纳文中小溪的成长过程。(一排空) 3.细读6、7段,说说这两段有什么思想含义。(一排空) 4.作者为自己的书作序,写的却是溪流,这有什么用意?(一排空) 5.这篇文章有什么特色?(两排空) ⒈以时间为序,从小溪的过去写起,写小溪的现在,再想象它的未来。

高级英语第一册Unit12 课后练习题答案

THE LOONS 课后习题答案/answer I . 1)The Tonnerres were poor The basis of their dwelling was a small square cabin made of poles and mud, which had been built some fifty years before. As the Tonnerres had increased in number, their settlement had been added, until thc clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded car tyres, ramshackle chicken coops, tangled strands of barbed wire and rusty tin cans. 2)Sometimes, one of them would get involved in a fight on Main Street and be put for the night in the barred cell underneath the Court House. 3)Because she had had tuberculosis of the bone, and should have a couple of months rest to get better. 4)Her mother first objected to take Piquette along because she was afraid that the girl would spread the disease to her children and she believed that the girl was not hygienic. She then agreed to do so because she preferred Piquette to the narrator's grandmother, who promised not to go along with the family and decided to stay in the city if the girl was taken along. 5)The cottage was called Macleod, their family name. The scenery there was quite beautiful with all kinds of plants and animals at the lakeside. 6)The narrator knew that maybe Piquette was an Indian descendant who knew the woods quite well, so she tried to ask Piquette to go and play in the wood and tell her stories about woods. 7)Because Piquette thought the narrator was scorning and showing contempt for her Indian ancestors, which was just opposite to her original intention. 8)Because the narrator felt somewhat guilty. Piquette stayed most of the time in the cottage and hardly played with the narrator. At the same time, she felt there was in Piquette something strange and unknown and unfathomable. 9)That was the very rare chance she was unguarded and unmasked, so that the author could perceive her inner world. 10)Her full name is Vanessa Macleod. 11)Just as the narrator's father predicted, the loons would go away when more cottages were built at the lake with more people moving in. The loons disappeared as nature was ruined by civilization. In a similar way, Piquette and her people failed to find their position in modern society. Ⅱ. 1)who looked deadly serious, never laughed 2)Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get involved in a rough, noisy quarrel or fight on a Saturday night after much drinking of liquor. 3)She often missed her classes and had little interest in schoolwork. 4)I only knew her as a person who would make other people feel ill at ease. 5)She lived and moved somewhere within my range of sight (Although I saw her, I paid little attention to her). 6)If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother Macleod and



Lesson 1 Vocabulary A.Look up the following words and phrases.Select the meaning that best suits the sentence in which each appears. 1.the state of being human 2.harmless or trivial lie,esp.one told in order to avoid hurting sb. 3.person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or group 4.to defeat 5.stating sth.as truth firmly and forcefully 6.to make the greatest possible effort 7.mistaken 8.lack of 9.rallying call Explain the following in your own words,bringing out any implied meanings 1.It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans,the same as any other people. 2.If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists,if you really respect yourself,thinking that you are a Man,equal to anyone else,you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination. 3.The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself.Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and


语文阅读专项练习附答案 现代文阅读能够提高学生的语言文字理解和应用能力,因此在高考语文中占有非常重要的地位。为了帮助大家提高语文阅读的解题技巧,下面我为大家带来高考,希望对大家阅读能力的提升有所帮助。 语文阅读专项练习原文: ①清明节前一星期,我乘坐的飞机降落在济南的遥墙机场。邀请我去齐鲁访问的虽然是山东大学,真正远去郊外欢迎的,没有料到,却是整个春天。从机场进城,三十公里的高速公路上,车辆稀少,但两侧的柳树绿阴不断,料峭的晴冷天气,千树新绿排成整齐的春之仪队,牵着连绵的青帐翠屏,那样盛况的阵仗,将我欢迎。 ②从城之东北进入山东大学的新校区,外事处的佟光武处长和刘永波副处长把我安顿在专家楼,就将我留给了济南的春天。一千年前,济南的才女李清照说:"宠柳娇花寒食近,种种恼人天气。"我在山东十天,尽管春寒风劲,欺定我这南人,却是一天暖过一天,晴得十分豪爽。愈到后来,益发明媚,虽然说不上春深似海,却几乎花香如潮了。不,如潮也还没有,至少可以说沦纹回漾。 ③专家楼外,有几树梨花,皓白似雪,却用淡绿的叶子衬托,分外显得素雅,那条巷子也就叫梨花路。偌大的山园虽然还只是初春,却已经众芳争妍,令惊艳的行人应接不暇了。桃花夭夭,冶艳如点点绛唇。樱花串串,富丽得不留余地给丛叶。海棠树高花繁,淡红的风姿端庄而健美,简直是硕人其颀。

④但令我一见就倾心,叹为群艳之尤的,是丁香。这名字太美了,美得清纯而又动听,令人生起爱情的联想,"青鸟不传云外信,丁香空结雨中愁",李?丁香与豆蔻同为桃金娘家的娇女,东印度群岛中的马鲁古群岛,即因盛产这两种名媛,而有"香料群岛"的美称。早在战国末期,中国的大臣上朝,就已用丁香解秽。干燥的花蕾可提炼丁香油做香料,也可以入药,有暖胃消胀之功。此花属聚伞花序,花开四瓣,辐射成长椭圆形,淡绿的叶子垂着心形,盛开时花多于叶,簇簇的繁花压低了细枝,便成串垂在梢头,简直要亲人,依人。你怎能不停下步来,去亲她,宠她,嗅她,逗她。 ⑤后来我写了《丁香》一诗,便有"叶掩芳心,花垂寂寞"之句,不但写实,也借以怀念李清照,中国最美丽的寂寞芳心。 ⑥初春的济南,到处盛开着丁香,简直要害人患上轻度的花魇、花癫,整天眼贪鼻馋,坐立不安。山园里的丁香就有乳白、浅绯、淡紫三种,好像春天是各色佳丽约好了一齐来开游园会,你不知该对谁笑才好。 ⑦同为地灵所育,灼灼群芳只争妍一季,堂堂松柏却支撑着千古。从济南的千佛山到灵岩寺,从岱庙到孔庙与孟庙,守护着圣贤典范、英雄侠骨的,正是这一排排一队队肃静而魁梧的金刚。阴翳的树影萧森,轻掩着屋脊斜倾的鳞鳞密瓦,或是勾心斗角的犄望屋檐,再往下去,覆盖在横匾与楹联上,或是土红粉白的墙头,或是字迹漶漫的石碑。若是树顶有鸦鹭之类来栖,则磔磔怪号声中更添寒禽古木的沧桑。 ⑧鲁中寺庙里巍巍矗立的,多半是柏,本地人把它念成"北"。那十天我至少观叹过上千株古柏,其风骨道貌却令人引颈久仰,一仰难尽。那气象,岂是摄影机小气的格局所能包罗?从千佛山到灵岩寺,从孟庙到孔林,那


苏雪林《溪水》阅读题的答案 我们携着手走进林子,溪水漾着笑涡,似乎欢迎我们的双影。这道溪流,本来温柔得像少女般可爱,但不知何时流入深林,她的身体便被囚禁在重叠的浓翠中间。 早晨时她不能更向玫瑰色的朝阳微笑,夜深时不能和娟娟的月儿谈心,她的明澈莹晶的眼波,渐渐变成忧郁的深蓝色,时时凄咽着忧伤的调子,她是如何的沉闷呵!在夏天的时候。几番秋雨之后,溪水涨了几篙;早凋的梧楸,飞尽了翠叶;黄金色的晓霞,从杈枒树隙里,深入溪中;泼靛的波面,便泛出彩虹似的光。 现在,水恢复从前活泼和快乐了,一面疾忙的向前走着,一面还要和沿途遇见的落叶、枯枝??淘气。 一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来游玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 水是怎样的开心呵,她将那可怜的失路的小红叶儿,推推挤挤的推到一个漩涡里,使他滴滴溜溜的打圆转儿;那叶向前不得,向后不能,急得几乎哭出来;水笑嘻嘻的将手一松,他才一溜烟的逃走了。

水是这样欢喜捉弄人的,但流到坝塘边,她自己的魔难也来了。你记得么?坝下边不是有许多大石头,阻住水的去路?水初流到石边时,还是不经意的涎着脸撒娇撒痴的要求石头放行,但石头却像没有耳朵似的,板着冷静的面孔,一点儿不理。于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,露出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发出怒吼的声音来,缕缕银丝头发,四散飞起。 噼噼啪啪,温柔的巴掌,尽打在石头皱纹深陷的颊边,──她真的怒了,不是儿戏。谁说石头是始终顽固的呢?巴掌来得狠了,也不得不低头躲避。于是水安然渡过难关了。她虽然得胜了,然而弄得异常疲倦,曳了浅碧的衣裳去时,我们还听见她断续的喘息声。我们到树林中来,总要到这坝塘边参观水石的争执,一坐总是一两个钟头。 1.这是一首优美的散文,作者赋予溪水以少女般的性格。请你说说文章先写溪水______________; 再写溪水______________;最后写溪水_________________。(3分) 2.结合文章内容,说说作者笔下的溪水具有怎样的个性特征?(4分)


Lesson 10 Ⅳ. 1. At the very mention of this post-war period, middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly. 2. In any case, an American could not avoid casting aside its middle-class respectability and affected refinement. 3. The war only helped to speed up the breakdown of the Victorian social structure. 4. In America at least, the young people were strongly inclined to shirk their responsibilities. They pretended to be worldly-wise, drinking and behaving naughtily. 5. The young people found greater pleasure in their drinking because Prohibition, by making drinking unlawful added a sense of adventure. 6. Our young men joined the armies of foreign countries to fight in the war. 7. The young people wanted to take part in the glorious ad-venture before the whole war ended. 8. These young people could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their home towns or their families. 9. The returning veteran also had to face Prohibition which the lawmakers hypocritically assumed would do good to the people. 10. (Under all this force and pressure) something in the youth of America, who were already very tense, had to break down. 11. It was only natural that hopeful young writers whose minds and writings were filled with violent anger against war, Babbittry, and "Puritanical" gentility, should come in great numbers to live in Greenwich Village, the traditional artistic centre. 12. Each town was proud that it had a group of wild, reckless people, who lived unconventional lives. Ⅵ.1. flapper: (Americanism) (in the 1920s) a young woman considered bold and unconventional in action and dress 2. provincial: narrow, limited like that of rural provinces 3. code: any set of principles or rules of conduct; a moral code 4. Prohibition: the forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes~ specifically in the U. S., the period (1920-1933) of prohibition by Federal law 5. agent: an active force or substance producing an effect , e.g. , a chemical agent 6. orgy: any wild, riotous, licentious merrymaking; debauchery 7. Greenwich Village : section of New York City, on the lower west side of Manhattan: noted as a center for artists, writers, etc. 8. draft : the choosing or taking of an individual or individuals from a group for some special purpose, especially for compulsory military service


第一课 1.But, like thousands of others in the coastal communities, john was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family -- his wife, Janis, and their seven children, aged 3 to 11 -- was clearly endangered. 但约翰就像沿海村落中其他成千上万的人一样,不愿舍弃家园,要他下决心弃家外逃,除非等到他的一家人------妻子詹妮丝以及他们那七个年龄从三岁到十一岁的孩子一一眼看着就要灾祸临头。 2. The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound, and the group heard gun- like reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated. 楼上一个房问的法兰西式两用门砰地一声被风吹开了。楼下的人还听到楼上其他玻璃窗破碎时发出的劈劈啪啪的响声。 3. Frightened, breathless and wet, the group settled on the stairs, which were protected by two interior walls. 于是大家都跑到靠两堵内墙保护的楼梯上歇着。个个吓得要命,气喘吁吁,浑身湿透。 4. Everyone knew there was no escape; they would live or die in the house. 谁都明白现在已是无路可逃.死活都只好留在崖子里了。 5. A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air. 不一会儿,?阵强风掠过,将整个屋顶卷入空中,抛向40英尺以外。 6. In its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h. and raised tides as high as 30 feet. 在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内,其风速接近每小时200英里,掀起的浪头高达30英尺。 7. Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees, and blown down power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the roads. 尚未被风刮倒的树上结彩似地挂满被撕成布条的衣服,吹断的电线像黑色的实心面一样盘成一圈一圈地散在路面上。 8. It could have been depressing, but it wasn’t: each salvaged item represented a little victory over the wrath of the storm. 这事原本是让人感到痛苦压抑的,但实际上确并非如此。在残骸中找到的每一件侥幸保存下来的物品都显现了对这场狂暴的飓风战斗的一个小小的胜利。 第二课 1. And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say. 其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。 2. The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken. Was I not at the scene of the crime? 踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在

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