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Part I Blank Filling (60 blanks, 0.5 point each) 1. The United States of America is situated in the southern part of North America (except

________________ and Hawaii). The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers

from the Atlantic on the east to the ________________ on the west. It is bounded by

________________ on the north and by ________________ and the Gulf of Mexico on the

south, with a distance of 2,575 kilometers in between.

2. The United States is the ________________ (rank) largest country in the world in terms of

area. Its land area is 9,166,601 square kilometers.

3. The whole country is divided into ________________ (number) states and a federal district,

________________, in which the capital city of Washington is located on the Potomac River.

________________ is the largest in area of all the states, and Texas is the second.

4. The highest peak contained by the Appalachian Mountains is ________________. The

Sierras Range contains ________________, the highest peak in the US outside Alaska. The highest mount of the United States is ________________, which lies in Alaska.

________________ in eastern California, 85 meters below sea level, is the lowest point in the whole of NorthAmerica.

5. The five Great lakes are Lake Superior, Lake ________________, Lake ________________,

Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They form the most important system of inland waterways in the world. Of the five Great Lakes, only Lake ________________is wholly within the United States. The famous ________________ Falls is located on the US-Canadian

boundary between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

6. ________________ is the largest city and chief port of the United States lying at the mouth

of the Hudson River. ________________, a gift from the French people in 1886, was placed

in the center of New York Harbor.

7. The most densely populated state is ________________, while the most sparsely populated


state is ________________.

8. Since World War II, people have moved to the Southeast, Southwest, and West Coast, which

is collectively called ________________.

9. The Ivy League refers to eight private institutions of higher education located in the Northeastern United States. They are ________________ University, ________________

University, University of Pennsylvania, ________________, Columbia University, Brown

University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University. All these universities were founded

before American Revolution except ________________ University.

10. ________________ is the United States’ central bank, charged with ensuring the stability and

flexibility of the nation’s m onetary and financial systems.

11. The largest airports in the United States by passenger arrivals and departures are

________________ International Airport in


12. ________________ is a district in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., situated west-northwest

of Downtown. Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios

and stars, its name is often used as a metonym for the American film and television industry.

13. ________________ theater refers to theatrical performances presented in one of the 39 large

professional theaters with 500 seats or more located in the Theatre District, New York in Manhattan, New York City.

14. The top daily newspapers in the United States according to circulation were the

________________ Journal, ________________, ________________, and the Los Angeles

Times, each with a circulation in excess of 1 million.

15. The US Constitution is composed of a Preamble, ________________ (number) articles, and

________________ (number) amendments, among which the first ten amendments is collectively called as ________________. 16. Congress is the legislative body, which is divided into two chambers: ________________

with ________________ (number) members and ________________ (number) with

______________________ members.

17. The president of the Senate is the vice president of the United States. When he is absent,

________________, usually the senior senator of the majority party, carry out his duties. 18. The US President elect is ________________. He will take his power on ________________


(date), 2009. 19. The president of the House of Representatives is ________________, who presides over the

chamber, refers bills to committees, appoints representatives to special committees, and grants representatives the right to speak during chamber debates.

20. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of ________________ of the United States

and ________________ (number) Associate Justices, who are nominated by the President and confirmed with the “advice and consent” of the Senate. Justices serve “during good behaviour,”

21. The logo of the Republican Party is ________________ while that of the Democratic Party

is ________________. The color of the Republican Party is ________________ while that

of the Democratic Party is ________________.

22. During the General Presidential Election, if no presidential candidate receives a majority in

the Electoral College, then the president-elect will be selected by a vote of

________________, with each state receiving a single vote. If no vice presidential candidate receives a majority, then the vice president-elect will be selected by a vote of


23. General Elections take place on _____________________________________ ___ in the

Election Year (although in many states early and absentee voting begins several weeks before

Election Day).

24. The Mississippian culture dominated much of the area along the Mississippi River in

Pre-Columbian history. One of the distinguishing features of this culture was the


of large earthen ________________. The people there grew ________________ and other

crops intensively, participated in an extensive trade network, and had a complex stratified society.

25. The New World is one of the names used for the non-Eurasian/non-African parts of the Earth,

specifically ________________ andAustralia.

26. The discoverer of the New World was ________________. He and his team made four

voyages to the NewWorld. Their vessels were named as Santa Maria.

27. Spanish navigator ________________ became the first European to round the tip of South

America during a 1519-1522 voyage that became the first circumnavigation of the world.


28. The first successful English colony was ________________, established in 1607, on a small

river near Chesapeake Bay. The venture was financed and coordinated by the

________________, a joint stock company looking for gold. Its first years were extremely difficult, with very high death rates from disease and starvation, wars with local Indians, and

little gold. The colony survived, barely, by turning to ________________ as a cash crop.

29. In 1620 the first group of Puritans arrived from England. In order to escape from religious

persecution at home, a group of Puritans set sail for America on a ship called the


30. Among the thirteen colonies, Province of New Hampshire, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, and Connecticut Colony, the four colonies in the north were collectively referred to as ________________.

Part II Multiple Choice (20 Items, 1 point each)

1. Alaska was bought by the United States from Russia ________.

[A] during theWar of American Independence.

[B] when Abraham Lincoln was the President

[C] during the American Civil War

[D] after the end of the American Civil War

2. ________ River flows through New York City.

[A] Missouri [B] St. Lawrence

[C] Colorado [D] Hudson

3. The coasts of ________ are among the rainiest places in the world.

[A] California [B] Oregon and Washington

[C] Florida [D] New England

4. The greatest wonder is found in the forests of sequoia and fir trees on the ________ coast of

the United States.

[A] eastern [B] southern

[C] northwest [D] southwestern

5. Which of the following is NOT in Washington D.C?

[A] the US Capitol [B] theWhite House [C] Pentagon building [D] the UN headquarters


6. The ________ constitute the largest ethnic-racial minority group in the United States.

[A] American Indians [B] Hispanics

[C] Blacks [D] Asian Americans

7. The state of ________ is the largest in population today.

[A] New York [B] Colorado

[C] Arizona [D] California

8. ________ along with it branches is the longest river in the United States and it also ranks the

fourth in the world.

[A] Mississippi River [B] Columbia River

[C] Missouri River [D] Ohio River

9. The poor exist in the United States because ________.

[A] the nation cannot generate the wealth to support the poor

[B] there are regular economic depressions

[C] its distribution of wealth is fundamentally unequal

[D] the country is densely populated

10. Modern corporations in the United States are anything BUT ________.

[A] diversified [B] multinational

[C] competitive [D] monopolistic

11. Which of the following cities is NOT on the Pacific coast?

[A] Baltimore [B] Los Angeles

[C] San Francisco [D] Seattle

12. The Constitution of the United States was framed in ________ in 1787.

[A] Washington [B] Boston

[C] New York [D] Philadelphia

13. Congress can overturn the President’s veto by a ________ vote of the full membership of both


[A] two-fifths [B] two-thirds

[C] three-fourths [D] three-fifths

14. The Department of ________ advises the President on foreign relations.

[A] Defense [B] State


[C] Commerce [D] Labor

15. A Senator must be ________.

[A] over 25 years old and must have been an American citizen for at least nine years. [B] over 30 years old and must have been an American citizen for at least seven years. [C] over 30 years old and must have been an American citizen for at least nine years. [D] over 25 years old and must have been an American citizen for at least seven years. 16. Representatives in the United States are elected ________.

[A] annually [B] every two year

[C] every three years [D] every four years

17. The state legislature usually consists of two houses except the state of ________. [A] North Dakota [B] South Dakota

[C] Nebraska [D] Oklahoma

18. Although no Congressmen come from Washington DC., the capital city has ________ votes in

the General Election.

[A] 2 [B] 3

[C] 4 [D] 5

19. The NewWorld discovered by Columbus was named after ________.

[A] Amerigo Vespucci [B] Christopher Columbus

[C] Ferdinand Magellan [D] Marco Polo

20. The Constitutional Convention was held in ________ in May 1787.

[A] Boston [B] New York

[C] Philadelphia [D] Washington D.C.

Part III Term Defining (6 Items, 5 points each)

1. New England

2. The Declaration of Independence

3. The French and Indian War

4. Boston Massacre

5. The Rust Belt

6. The Stamp Act


Part IV Questions for discussion (2 Items, 10 point each)

1.What’s your idea ab out the diversity of US population?

2. What’s your idea about the significances of Columbus’s discovery of the New World? And what

about its influence on the life of American Indians?



I. Blank filling

(总分30 分,每个空格0.5 分;拼写错误可酌情扣分)

1. Alaska; Pacific; Canada

2. fourth

3. 50; Washington DC. (Columbia District); Alaska

4. Mitchell; Whitney; McKinley; Death V alley

5. Michigan; Huron; Michigan; Niagara

6. New York; Statue of Liberty (Liberty Statue)

7. New Jersey; Alaska

8. the Sun Belt

9. Harvard; Yale; Princeton (顺序可调); Cornell 10. Federal Reserve

11. Chicago-O’Hare (Chicago) 12. Hollywood

13. Broadway

14. the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the New York Times (顺序可调)

15. 7; 27; Bill of Rights

16. the Senate, 100; the House of Representatives, 435 (两个house顺序可调) 17. President pro tempore 18. Obama; January 20

19. Mr. Speaker 20. Chief Justice; eight

21. elephant; donkey; red; blue (顺序不可调)

22. the House of Representatives; the Senate

23. the first Tuesday after the first Monday (in November)

24. mounds; corn (maize) 25. America

26. Christopher Columbus 27. Magellan

28. Jamestown; the London Virginia Company (Virginia Company of London), tobacco

29. Mayflower 30. New England

II. Multiple Choice

共20 题,每题一分

1-5. DDBCD 6-10. BDAAC 11-15. ADBBC 16-20. BCBAC

III. Term definition

每题5 分,语法和拼写错误看酌情扣分

1. New England


A. NortheasternAmerica (如果能具体指出哪几个州,可酌情加分)

B. earliest settlements; industrial center

2. The Declaration of Independence


A. who drafted

B. where it was adopted

C. significance

3. French and Indian War


A. time

B. two parties

C. significance

4. Boston Massacre


A. time and place


B. what happened

C. significance

5. Rust Belt


A. Area around the Great Lakes

B. source of the population movement

C. the past and the present

6. StampAct


A. the time and the issuer

B. contents

C. consequences

IV. Questions for discussion

本题是自由发挥题目,考查学生根据所学知识,分析问题的能力。因此,如果学生答案与参考要点不一致,但有出色的个人观点,也可以酌情加分。每题10 分,共20 分,语法和


1. What’s your idea about the diversity of US population?


A. US is a melting pot (where did the ancestors of today’s Americans come from)

B. Racial and ethnic groups

C. Religious differences

D. Language diversity

E. Social classes


2. What’s your idea abo ut the significances of Columbus’s discovery of the New World? And what its influence on the life of American Indians?

The significances

A. a place to seek freedom, especially freedom of religion

B. a place to collect wealth: the capital accumulation for bourgeois revolution in Europe

C. a relief of the population tension upon developed European countries


The influence

A. return kindness with ingratitude: robbery of wealth

B. holocaust: killing of American Indians, 95% of American Indians were killed



风险管理期末考试试题(A 卷) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选 或未选均无分。 1. 大多数纯粹风险属于( ) A. 经济风险 B.静态风险 C.特定风险 D .财产风险 2. 以下属于投机风险的是( ) A.交通事故 B.买卖股票 C.地震 D.火灾 3 .保险属于( ) A.避免风险 B.自留风险 C.中和风险 D.转移风险 4. 安装避雷针属于 ( ) A.损失抑制 B.损失预防 C.风险避免 D.风险转移 5. 医生在手术前要求病人家属签字的行为属于 ( ) 6. 多米诺骨牌理论的创立者是 ( ) A.哈顿 B.海因里希 C.加拉格尔 D.马歇尔 7. 在风险事故发生前达成的借贷协议属于 ( ) A.内部借款 B.特别贷款 C.应急贷款 D.抵押借款 8. 营业中断损失属于( ) A.直接损失 B.间接损失 C. 责任损失 D.额外费用损失 9. 当保险方与被保险方对合同的理解不一致时,对合同的解释应有利于 ( ) A.保险方 B. 第三方 C. 被保险方 D.具体情况具体确定 10. 关于团体保险以下说法正确的是( ) A.保险金额无上限 B.增加了逆选择 C.对团体的性质有要求 D.不能免体检 11. 实施风险管理的首要步骤是( ) A.风险识别 B.风险评价 C.风险处理 D.风险管理决策 12. 选择保险人时,以下因素中最重要的是( ) A.费率高低 B.规模大小 C.偿付能力 D.折扣多少 13. 以下属于特定风险的是( ) A.战争 B.通货膨胀 C.自然灾害 D.偷窃 14. 在一定的概 率水平下,单一风险单位因单一事故所致的最大损失称为( ) B. 最大预期损失 C.损失期望值 D.年度最大可能损失 A.风险避免 B. 风险隔离 C. 风险转移 D. 风险自留 A.最大可能损失


1.We have established an irrevocable letter of credit (in) your favor with Bank of China, Guangdong. 2.We are glad to enter (into) business relations with your corporation. 3.We are awaiting your revised draft (with) keen interest. 4.Our foreign trade policy is based (on) equality and mutual benefit. 5.We shall book a trial order with you, if goods are competitive (in) price and good (in) quality. 6.As we are heavily committed, we are sorry that we are not in a (position) to accept new orders. 7.We prefer payment by D/P (at) sight to D/P at 60 days. 8.Your quotation happens to be exactly the same (as) we have received from Australia. 9.We hereby register a claim (with) you for shortage. 10.Since we are well connected (with) the department stores here, we can obtain a number of orders for you. 11. You know this is a popular brand, which will sell (well) in your market. 12.We hope that you will look (into) the cause of the defective goods. 13.There is no question (about) getting the necessary import license from our authorities. 14.Please take the necessary steps (without) delay. 15.Your immediate reply should reach us not later (than) the end of this month. 16.If the first shipment is satisfactory, we can (place) with you some repeat orders. 17. We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the friendly relations (with) us. 18.Please cable us as soon as (possible) , giving us all necessary information. 19.We acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 15, (which) reached us yesterday. 20. (In) view of the long-standing business relations with you, we wish to settle this dispute amicably. 21.We can cover All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium is borne (by) the buyer. 22.Please do everything necessary (so) as to enable us to send you the relevant documents at an early date. 23.We trust the above-mentioned shipment will reach you (in) sound condition. 24.As to chemical products we are well connected (with) the major producers in America.


线性代数期末考试题样卷 一、填空题(将正确答案填在题中横线上。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若02 2 1 50 1 31 =---x ,则=χ__________。 2.若齐次线性方程组??? ??=++=++=++0 00321 321321x x x x x x x x x λλ只有零解,则λ应满足 。 3.已知矩阵n s ij c C B A ?=)(,,,满足CB AC =,则A 与B 分别是 阶矩阵。 4.矩阵??? ? ? ??=32312221 1211 a a a a a a A 的行向量组线性 。 5.n 阶方阵A 满足032 =--E A A ,则=-1A 。 二、判断正误(正确的在括号内填“√”,错误的在括号内填“×”。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若行列式D 中每个元素都大于零,则0?D 。( ) 2. 零向量一定可以表示成任意一组向量的线性组合。( ) 3. 向量组m a a a ,, ,Λ21中,如果1a 与m a 对应的分量成比例,则向量组s a a a ,,,Λ21线性相关。( ) 4. ? ? ??? ???? ???=010********* 0010 A ,则A A =-1。( ) 5. 若λ为可逆矩阵A 的特征值,则1 -A 的特征值为λ。 ( ) 三、单项选择题 (每小题仅有一个正确答案,将正确答案题号填入括号内。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 设A 为n 阶矩阵,且2=A ,则=T A A ( )。 ① n 2 ② 1 2 -n ③ 1 2 +n ④ 4 2. n 维向量组 s ααα,,,Λ21(3 ≤ s ≤ n )线性无关的充要条件是( )。 ① s ααα,, ,Λ21中任意两个向量都线性无关 ② s ααα,, ,Λ21中存在一个向量不能用其余向量线性表示 ③ s ααα,, ,Λ21中任一个向量都不能用其余向量线性表示


初三语文期末考试试卷及答案 一、积累与运用(29分) 1.用正楷或行楷将下面文字抄写,要求:正确、流利、美观。(3分) 人生像攀登一座山,而找寻出路,却是一种学习的过程,我们应当在这过程中,学习稳定、冷静,学习如何从慌乱中找到生机。——席慕蓉 【答案】抄写(正确得1分;正确、流利得2分;正确、流利、美观得3分) 解析:正楷的特点是“形体方正,笔画平直”,“行楷”的特点是“行笔自由,略带连笔”,选择适合自己书写的字体抄写。要做到:准确,即不要抄错字;规范, 即笔画要清楚;端正,即要写成方块字,不要过于潦草,偏旁部首比例要合适,位置 要准确;整洁,即不要涂改。 【考点定位】识记并正确书写现代常用规范汉字。能力层级为识记A。 2.下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是(D)(2分) A.禁锢(ɡù)栖息(xī)谀词(yú)吹毛求疵(cī) B.喑哑(àn)亵渎(xiè)恣睢(suī)面面相觑(qù) C.凝望(nínɡ)灵柩(jiù)嬉闹(xī)断壁残垣(héng) D.静谧(mì)深邃(suì)抽泣(qì)引颈受戮(lù) 解析:根据词义和形声字中的声旁特点协助判断读音。要注意易错的声韵母,比如b与p,j、 q、 x的区别,n与l的区别,z与c的区别,平舌音和翘舌音的区别,前后鼻音的区别。用反选排除法,A选项“栖”读“qī”;B选项“”读“yīn”;C选 项“垣”读“yuán”,故选D。 【考点定位】识记并正确书写现代汉语普通话常用字的字音。能力层级为识记A。 3.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是(C)(2分) A.馈赠慰籍笼罩窸窸窣窣 B.骸骨蓬蒿框骗恃才放旷 C.巉岩侥幸汲取如坐针毡 D.荣膺聒噪抽噎周道如低 解析:错别字,主要是因音同或形似而错,掌握这个易错点,仔细辨析名项词语,根据汉字的特点,结合词义辨析判断。用反选排除法,A选项“籍”为“藉”;B选 项“框”为“诓”;D选项“低”为“砥”;故选C项 【考点定位】识记并正确书写现代常用规范汉字。能力层级为识记A。


2010-2011学年度第二学期 09 级《网络营销》期末考试试卷( A 卷 ) 一、单选题(每空 2 分,共 40 分) 1.企业可借助互联网将不同的营销活动进行统一规划和协调,以统 一的资信向消费者传达信息,这体现 了网络营销的(C )特点。 A 、互动性 B 、整合性 C 、跨时空性 D 、成长性 2.网络营销与传统营销相 比,以下说法错误的是( A ) C 、决策速度不同 D 、促销力度不同 B 、大多数网民不希望在网上购物 D 、上网购物的人大多数是高收入者 4.迅速、灵敏地收集市场发展各方面的最新动态是网络商务信息的( A ) A 、及时性 B 、准确性 C 、适度性 D 、经济 5.下列调查问卷中的问题最恰当的是( D ) A 、这种酱油很润口吧? B 、最近两个月你从这家电器商店购买了什么家电产品? C 、请冋你每天看杂志的平均时间为( )小时( )分? D 、你的教育程度:(1)不识字(2)小学(3)中学(4)大学(5)大学以上 6.网络商务信息可以方便地下载到本地计算机上管理,在原有各个网站上也有信息存储系统,可以到原有 信息源中再次查找,说明的是网络商务信息的( C ) A 、加工筛选难度高 B 、准确性高 C 、便于存储 D 、时效性强 7.E-mail 之所以能够成为一种流行的营销工具,主要是因为 E-mail (C ) A 、宣传面广 B 、具有简单性 C 、廉价 D 、具有独立性 8.下列哪个是 E-mail 营销的缺点( B ) A 、满足用户个性化需求 B 、垃圾邮件问题 C 、保密性相对好 D 、促进顾客关系 9. 下列(B )不属于企业创建网站的途径。 A 、自建 B 、购买商品网站 C 、委托开发商建站 D 、使用开发网站 10. 网站在(D )之后进入正常运行期。 A 、网站实现 B 、网页调试 C 、网页维护 D 、网页发布 A 、目标不同 B 、销售方式不同 3.以下叙述中正确的是( A ) A 、大多数网民希望在网上购物 C 、大多数网民现在在网上购物


12-1、improper packing 不良包装 2、lodge claims against(with) you 向你提出索赔 We now lodge claims with you for shortweight and inferior quality. 现向你方就短重及低劣提出索赔。 3、long-standing business relations 长期业务关系 4、accept a claim 接受索赔 entertain a claim 受理索赔 reject a claim 拒绝索赔 dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 settle a claim 理赔 withdraw a claim 撤回索赔 英译汉 1、The evidence you have provided is inadequate,therefore,we cannot consider your claim as requested. 你方所提供的证明是不充分的,因此我方不能考虑你方索赔要求。 3-1敬启者: 东方贸易有限公司向我们推荐了贵公司。我们了解到贵公司三十多年来一直以质量最佳的青岛牌瓶装啤酒供应给许多国家和地区。 我公司是本国最大的食品贸易公司,在各主要城镇均设有办事处或代理处。我们确信本国对各类外国啤酒有极大的需求量,因此,请贵公司回信告知是否有意与我们建立直接的贸易关系,我方将不胜感激。 我们预料贵公司产品在我方市场有着关阔的前景。我们保证随时给予你方密切合作。盼早复。 Dear Sirs, Your firm has been recommended to us by the Oriental Trading understand that you have been supplying”Qingdao”brand bottled beer of the best quality to a lot of countries and regions for over 30 years. We are the largest food trading corporation in this country,and have offices or representatives in almost all major cities and are sure that there is a large demand for various foreign beers in our ,we shall appreciate it very much if you will advise


小学三年级语文期末考试试题及答案 一、看拼音写词语(15分) chèn shān dīng zhǔjiào huìáng shǒu tǐng xiōng ()()()() wǎn xīwēi wǔhén jìhé yán yuèsè ()()()() 二、组词(8分) 绣( )( ) 侧( )( ) 透( )( ) 测( )( ) 三、给下面句子中的“干”字选择恰当的解释,把序号写在括号里(8分) ①没有水分或水分很少。②徒然或白白。③不用水的。④只具形式的。 1.地上的水晒干了。( ) 2.你怎么喜欢干笑?( ) 3.特务不懂俄语,只好干着急。( ) 4.我明天把这件衣服送去干洗一次。( ) 四、在( )里填上合适的词语。(8分) ( ) 的天空( ) 地飞翔 优秀的 ( ) 飞快地( ) 五、选词填空。(18分) 审视注视 1.他久久地( )着远方。 2.老师( )了一下讲桌上的杨桃。 严格严肃

1.老师的神情变得( )了。 2.爸爸对我的要求一贯非常( )。 激烈强烈 1.世乒赛男单冠军之战,双方争夺异常( )。 2.在( )的阳光下长时间暴晒,对皮肤没有好处。 六、修改病句。(12分) 1.我们从小要做到讲究卫生的好习惯。 2.上课的时候,发言很积极。 3.书架上各种各样的摆着图书。 4.我有时经常去图书馆看书。 七、默写古诗《咏柳》(7分) 咏柳作者:( ) ,。 ,。 八、排列顺序,把序号写在括号里。(6分) ( )借着楼道的光,我将教室的门关好,走下楼去。( )我关上楼道内的灯,摸着黑下了楼。 ( )写完作业,灯火通明的教室里只剩下我一个人了。( )一夜要浪费多少电啊!于是,我转身又上了楼。( )我快速地收拾好书包,关灯走出教室。 ( )走到操场,我忽然想起楼道的灯没关。


教育学期末考试试卷(A)卷 一.填空题(每空1分共20分) 1.1776年,康德在哥尼斯堡大学讲授教育学,这是教育学列入大学课程的开端。 2.德国的梅伊曼拉伊是近代教育学实验派的代表。 3 环境在人的发展中起潜移默化耳濡目染作用。 4 中国第一个近代学制是壬寅学制。 5 巩固性原则的基本要求有在理解的基础上掌握知识、在复习的基础上掌握知识。 6 教育目的主要包括身心素质和社会价值两部分。 7 根据教学评价在教学过程中的作用不同,可以分为诊断性评价、形成性评 价、总结性评价。 8 学生品德的发展是在活动中实现的。 9 教师劳动的特点包括强烈的示范性、独特的创造性、空间的延续性和时间 的连续性。 10 陶冶包括人格感化、环境陶冶、艺术陶冶。 二.(判断只写出对或者错不必说明理由每题1。5分共15分) 1.世界最早的教育专着是《学记》。(√) 2 信息论研究问题的基本方法,是把整体的运动过程当作信息的输入传递和转换消解过程来研究。(×) 3 社会主义教育最先提出教育普及的口号,是社会发展的必然。(×) 4生产力的发展影响教育的速度和规模。(√) 5 “六三三”制又称壬戌学制,是新中国成立后颁布的。(×) 6 教学大纲是根据教学计划,以纲要的形式编写的有关学科教学内容的指导性文件, 它的基本部分是说明部分。(×) 7赞可夫在小学做了“教学与发展”的实验证明:学生的发展远没达到极限,主张高速度高难度教学,教学走在发展的前面。同时论述了教学过程的结构。(×)8老师教学质量除与业务水平有关外,还与教学态度学生的学习态度有关。 (√) 9班主任制定班级目标是要高标准难度大,激励作用才明显。(×) 10 热爱学生不是教师职业道德的核心。(×) 三.简答(共37分) 1.教育对生产力的推动作用有哪些?(6分)P61~63 (1)教育是劳动力再生产的必要手段(2)教育是科学知识技术再生产的手段(3)教育是生产新的科学知识技术的手段 2.怎样理解人的发展过程中的阶段性规律?(10分) 从总体上看,在个体发展的不同阶段会表现出不同的年龄特征及主要矛盾,面临这不同的发展任务,当然,不同的发展阶段之间是相互联系的,上一阶段影响着下一阶段的发展,所以人生的每一个阶段对于人的发展来说,不仅具有本阶段的意义,而且具有人生全程的意义 3.怎样认识教师主导性?(9分)p215三个层次 4.怎样评价班级上课制?(6分) 有利于发挥教师的主导作用,但不利于发挥学生的主体地位;有利于提高教师的效率,但不利于理论联系实际;有利于集体教育,但不利于因材施教。 5.怎样开展德育工作?(6分) 德育内容上要更新;德育方法要改进;从小事做起,由近到远,由小到大,注重实际效


外贸函电期末考试试卷 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. One of our clients in Malaysia is _____ the market for walnut meat. A. at B. of C. in D. for 2. we will make contact with the endusers here and see if they are interested in the goods _____. A. offer B. offering C. offered D. to offer 3. It is after examination _____ we find the goods of high standard and are satisfied with the quality of the shipment. A. what B. which C. as D. that 4. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market,_____ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate. A. so that B. such that C. as long as D. so long as 5. We have the pleasure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11,in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our men's shirts,shipped per S.?S.?“East Wind”。 A. admitting B. acknowledging C. accepting D. adjusting 6. We wish to call your attention to the _____ in the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension.


C++期末考试试卷及答案1 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分) 1. ______不是属于面向对象程序设计的特性 A. 抽象性 B. 数据相关性 C. 多态性 D. 继承性 2. 将对某一类数据的处理算法应用到另一类数据的处理中,要用到C++的______ A. 类 B. 虚函数 C. 运算符重载 D. 模板 3. C++与C语言最根本的不同之处在于_______ A. 使用了类 B. 能够实现变量自动初始化 C. 支持软件重用 D. 支持接口重用 4. 动态内存分配的主要目的是_______ A. 使程序按动态联编方式运行 B. 正确合理的使用内存 C. 提高程序的运行速度 D. 提高程序的可维护性 5. 在C++函数的形参前加const关键字,是为了提高函数的_______ A. 数据封装性 B. 可理解性 C. 可维护性 D. 可重用性 6. 函数重载的目的是________ A. 实现共享 B. 使用方便,提高可读性 C. 提高速度 D. 减少空间 7. 从程序片断:char name[] = "C++"; course(name);可判断函数course的调用采用的是_______ A. 传值调用 B. 带缺省参数值的函数调用 C. 引用调用 D. 传址调用 8. 用来说明类中公有成员的关键字是________

9. 如果一个类的成员函数print()不修改类的数据成员值,则应将其声明为 A. void print() const; B. const void print(); C. void const print(); D. void print(const); 10. 下列关于构造函数的论述中,不正确的是_______ A. 构造函数的函数名与类名相同 B. 构造函数可以设置默认参数 C. 构造函数的返回类型缺省为int型 D. 构造函数可以重载 11. 在程序代码:A::A(int a, int *b) { this->x = a; this->y = b; }中,this的类型是______ A. int B. int * C. A D. A * 12. 内存泄漏是指_______ A. 内存中的数据出现丢失 B.试图释放一个已经释放了的动态分配的堆内存 C. 函数中局部变量所占的栈内存没有及时回收 D. 动态分配的堆内存在程序退出后始终被占用 A. 私有成员数据 B. 私有成员函数 C. 公有成员数据 D. 公有成员函数 14. 友元函数_______ A. 可以被声明为const B. 没有this指针 C. 可以用类名或对象名来调用 D. 只能用对象名来调用 15. 若一个类的成员函数前用static关键字修饰,则该成员函数________ A. 可以被声明为const B. 没有this指针 C. 可以访问该类的所有成员 D. 只能用对象名来调用 16. C++是用_______实现接口重用的


大学语文期末考试试题及答案解析 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分): 1.“攻之不克,围之不继,吾其还也”中的“吾其还也”应解释为:() A.我们期盼回去啊B.我们已经回去啦 C.我们还是回去吧D.我们还要回来的 2.“羽岂其苗裔邪?何兴之暴也!”中“何兴之暴也”应理解为:() A.他的兴起多么突然啊B.他为何产生残暴之心啊 C.是什么让他暴跳如雷啊D.为什么他要实施暴行啊 3.“贫乏不能自存,使人属孟尝君。”一句中“属”字通()字。 A.阻B.嘱C.祝D.助 4.“会当凌绝顶”后面一句是()。 A.一览群山小B.一览名山小C.纵览江山小D.一览众山小 5.成语“梨花带雨”见于谁的作品?() A.孟子 B.王维 C.白居易 D.陶渊明 6.窦娥的三桩誓愿不包括:() A.血溅白练 B.六月飞雪 C.三年亢旱 D.诛杀奸人 7.古典名著《红楼梦》的成书年代是:() A.唐代 B.元代 C.明代 D.清代 8.以下哪一句不是孔子对《诗经》的评价?() A.感于哀乐,缘事而发。B.温柔敦厚。 C.乐而不淫,哀而不伤。D.思无邪。 9.“黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它去寻找光明。”这句诗出自:()A.《黑夜》B.《黑眼睛》C.《远和近》D.《一代人》 10.被曹禺认为“最具有雷雨性格”的人物是()。 A.周朴园B.周繁漪C.鲁侍萍D.鲁大海 11.著名诗句“冬天已经来了,春天还会远吗?”出自()。

A.《假如生活欺骗了你》B.《致大海》C.《西风颂》D.《我曾经爱过你》12.作者鲁迅对阿Q的批判态度是()。 A.麻木不仁B.哀其不幸C.怒其不争D.哀其不幸,怒其不争 13.有“俄罗斯诗歌的太阳”美誉的诗人是()。 A.华兹华斯B.歌德C.普希金D.雪莱 14.以下哪位诗人不属于现当代诗歌流派“朦胧诗群”的代表?() A.杨炼B.北岛C.余光中D.舒婷 15.汪曾祺出的第一部小说集是()。 A.《受戒》B.《邂逅集》C.《羊舍的夜晚》D.《大淖记事》 16.宋代著名女词人李清照自号易安居士,其词收在哪本词集里?() A.《如梦令》B.《易安居士集》C.《漱玉词》D.《声声慢集》 17.诗句“为什么我的眼里常含泪水?因为我对这土地爱得深沉”出自()。A.《土地》B.《泪水》C.《我爱这土地》D.《祖国》 18.以下属于莎士比亚四大悲剧之一的是:() A.哈姆莱特B.威尼斯商人C.亨利四世D.浮士德 19.《变形记》的作者是:() A.格里高尔B.尤奈斯库C.卡夫卡D.海明威 20.以下不属于英国“湖畔派”之一的诗人是:() A.华兹华斯B.雪莱C.柯勒律治D.骚塞 二、简析题(每小题10分,共20分) 1. 简析汪曾祺小说《陈小手》的写作特点。 2. 简述普希金《致大海》中“大海”的象征意义。 三、论述题(任选一题且只需答一题,共20分;多答不会多给分): 1.分析《齐桓晋文之事章》的论辩特色。 2.赏析马致远《天净沙?秋思》的艺术特色。


数据库期末考试试卷 A 卷 时间: 90 分钟总分: 100 分 题次一( 50 分)二( 40 分)三( 10 分)总( 100 分) 得分 注:请大家在试卷上注明自己的学号。 :一、选择题。(每题 2 分,共50 分) 名题号12345678910 姓答案 题号11121314151617181920 答案 题号2122232425 答案 1、 ACCESS 数据库是()。 A 、层状数据库 B、网状数据库 C、关系型数据库 D、树状数据库 2、在 ACCESS 数据库中,数据保存在()中。 A 、窗体 B、查询 :C、报表 号D、表 学3、数据库系统的核心是() A 、用户 B、数据 C、数据库管理系统 D、硬件 4、关系数据库中,一个关系代表一个() A 、表 B、查询 C、行 D、列 5、 ACCESS 数据库文件的扩展名是()。 A 、 DBF :B、 DBT C、 M DF 级 D、 MDB 班 6、关系类型中的“一对多”指的是()。 A 、一个字段可以有许多输入项 B、一条记录可以与不同表中的多条记录相关 C、一个表可以有多个记录 D、一个数据库可以有多个表 7、数据库文件中包含()对象。 A 、表 B、查询 C、窗体 D、以上都包含 8、在 ACCESS 的下列数据类型中,不能建立索引的数据类型是()。 A 、文本型 B、备注型 C、数字型 D、日期时间型 9、如果某一字段数据类型为文本型、字段大小为8,该字段中最多可输入()个汉字 A 、 8 B 、 4 C、 16 D 、32 10、在定义表字段时,输入掩码向导只能处理哪两种字段类型()。 A 、文本和数字B、文本和日期型 C、数据和日期型 D、货币和日期 11、下列哪一个不是设置“关系”时的选项()。 A 、实施参照完整性B、级联更新相关字段 C、级联追加相关记录 D、级联删除相关记录 12、如果字段内容为声音文件,可将此字段定义为()类型。 A 、文本B、查阅向导C、 OLE 对象D、备注 13、在表设计视图中,如果要限定数据的输入格式,应修改字段的()属性。 A 、格式B、有效性规则C、输入格式 D 、输入掩码 14、一般情况下,以下哪个字段可以作为主关键字() A 、基本工资 B 、补贴C、职工姓名D、身份证号码 15、级联删除相关记录的含义是() A、删除主表中的记录,将删除任何相关表中的相关记录 B、删除相关表中的记录,将删除主表中的记录 C、只能删除“一对一”表中的相关记录 D、不能删除“一对多”表中的相关记录 16、文本型字段最多可以存放()个字符。 A 、250B、 10C、 254D、 255 17、下面有关主键的叙述正确的是()。 A、不同的记录可以具有重复的主键值或空值 B、一个表中的主键何以是一个或多个 C、在一个表中的主键只可以是一个字段 D、表中的主键的数据类型必须定义为自动编号或文本 18、下面有关ACCESS 数据库的叙述正确的是() 1


2018年秋《外贸函电》期末考试复习题 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题3分,共120分) 1. ________ and technology make one product less expensive for a nation to manufacture than another. A. Source B. Resources C. Money D. Cash 2. A ________ is a business with one owner. A. sole proprietorship B. partnership C. corporation D. joint venture 3. ________ means that the owner loses only the money he has put into the company and no more. He does not have to sell personal belongings. A. Limited liability B. Unlimited liability C. Partnership D. Corporation 4. Inc. (Incorporated) is especially used in the USA, and ________ continues to be used worldwide for private limited companies whose shares are not available. A. Cop B. Cor C. Ultd D. Ltd 5. PLC (Public Limited Company) is now often used t o show that the company’s shares can be bought by the ________. A. owner B. public C. shareholder D. beneficiary 6. Centralized management is exercised by a small number of people, the Board of Directors, which is headed by the Chairman (or, in the USA, the President) and decides the overall policy of the ________. A. society B. family C. firm D. world 7. Investment is freely transferable, which means one owner can sell his ownership interests to an ________ without a change in the nature of the business. A. investor B. person C. owner D. outsider 8. A good business letter usually contains ________ compulsory parts with some optional elements. A. two B. six C. ten D. one hundred 9. The more popular sequence of dating today is ________. A. date-month-year B. year-date-month C. month-year-date D. date-year-month 10. ________ is the direct addressing to the receiver of the letter and it is placed below the inside address to actually begin the letter, usually followed by a comma. A. Salutation B. Address C. Date D. Beginning 11. The letter body can be indented and ________. A. block B. blocked C. dented D. dent 12. I would like to draw your attention ________ our new detergent powders.


初一期末考试试卷及答案2019 一、请你选择(共40分) ——认真细致,点滴做起! ▲单项选择(8小题,每题3分,共24分。下列每小题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的,请将所选项字母填入题后括号) 1、升入初中,进入新的学习环境,绝大部分学生感觉不适合,这是() A.正常的,没必要理会 B.正常的,但也必须采取适当措施积极应对 C.会严重危害身心健康 D.不正常的,是想辍学的表现 2、在新的学校,大家都希望尽快让老师理解和了解自己。下列做法准确的是() A.上课说话,让老师理解自己 B.独来独往,让老师注意自己 C.学习中积极主动,向老师提问题、请教 D.让父母来找老师,替你说点好话 3、良好的班集体不但能保障我们学习活动的顺利实行,而且能促动我们生活水平和综合素质的提升。它的建设取决于() A.是否具有健康向上的班风B.班主任对班级同学的严厉水准 C.班级同学的自身素质D.教师和教学设备的优劣

4、我国保障适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的专门法律是() A.教育法B.宪法C.刑法D.义务教育法 5、观察漫画,图中父亲的行为侵犯了孩子() A.受教育权B.人格尊严 C.姓名权D.隐私权 6、无论别人给予我们的协助多么微不足道,我们都应该诚恳的说一声() A、请B对不起C、谢谢D、劳驾 7、即使我们每个人的境遇和条件不同,但人生来平等,这种平等应该得到充分的尊重,人与人之间的平等,集中表现在() ①人格上的平等②出身的平等③法律地位上的平等④财富上的平均 A、①④ B、②④ C、①③ D、③④ 8、宽容并不意味着是非不分,曲直不辨,也不是爱憎不明,麻木不仁,这充分说明() A、宽容就是要原谅一切 B、宽容是原谅和不计较他人 C、宽容就是宽厚待人,与人为善 D、宽容是有原则的,不是盲目的 ▲多项选择(4小题,每小题4分,共16分。下列每小题的四个选项中,至少有两项是符合题意的,请将所选项字母填入题后括号。多选、错选均不得分。少选者:若有两个准确选项,只选一项者得2

《会计学》期末考试试卷 A卷

大学____学院201#—201#学年第____学期 《会计学》期末考试试卷 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确的,答案请誊写在答题纸上。每小题1分,共20分) 1.借贷记账法下,收入类账户在期末()。[ ] A.一般无余额 B.可能有借方余额 C.一般有借方余额 D.一般有贷方余额 【参考答案】 2.下列会计账户中属于资产类账户的是()。[ ] A.应付票据 B.预付账款 C.实收资本 D.预收账款 【参考答案】 3.负债类账户的结构特点是()。[ ] A.借方登记增加,贷方登记减少,余额一般在借方。 B.借方登记减少,贷方登记增加,余额一般在借方。 C.借方登记增加,贷方登记减少,余额一般在贷方。 D.借方登记减少,贷方登记增加,余额一般在贷方。 【参考答案】 4.在借贷记帐法下,资产类帐户的期末余额=()。[ ] A.期初借方余额+本期借方发生额-本期贷方发生额 B.期初贷方余额+本期贷方发生额-本期借方发生额 C.期初借方余额+本期贷方发生额-本期借方发生额 D.期初贷方余额+本期借方发生额-本期贷方发生额 【参考答案】 5.引起资产和所有者权益同时增加的经济业务是()。[ ] A、收到股东投资款 B、从税后利润中提取盈余公积 C、动用银行存款购买库存商品 D、从银行取得一笔短期借款 【参考答案】 6. .下列科目中,不能作为“本年利润”的对应账户的是()。[ ] A.管理费用 B.营业费用 C.利润分配 D.固定资产 【参考答案】 7.计 算发出存 货的成本 时,《企业 会计准则 第1号—— 存货》未允 许采用的 计价方法 是()。 [ ] A.移动加权平均法 B.先进先出法 C.加权平均法 D.后进先出法 【参考答案】 8.下列各项中,不通过“其他货币资金”科目核算的是()。[ ] A.信用证存款B.预借给职工的出差备用金 C.信用卡存款D.银行本票存款 【参考答案】 9.企业出售无形资产发生的净损失,借记()科目。[ ]A.主营业务成本B.其他业务支出 C.管理费用 D.营业外支出 【参考答案】 10.企业购进货物发生的下列相关税金中,不应计入资产取得成本的是()。[ ] A. 被认定为增值税一般纳税人的企业购进商品所支付的增值税 B.被认定为增值税小规模纳税人的企业购进商品支付的增值税 C.进口商品支付的关税 D. 被认定为一般纳税人的企业购进固定资产支付的增值税 【参考答案】 11.下列关于会计凭证的说法中,正确的是()。[ ] A.原始凭证金额有错误的,可以在原始凭证上划线更正。 B.职工因公出差的借款凭据,必须附在记账凭证之后。收回借款时,应当另开收据或者退还借据副本,不得退还原借款收据。 C.不同内容和类别的原始凭证可以汇总填制在一张记账凭证上。 D.所有记账凭证都必须附有原始凭证。 【参考答案】 12.关于会计基本前提,下列说法中不正确的是:[ ] A.一般来说,法律主体是一个会计主体;但会计主体不一定是法律主体。 B.业务收支以人民币以外的货币为主的企业,可以选定其中一种货币作为记账本位


外贸函电期末复习试题及答案 1.We are sending you the samples C_requested. a.be b.are c.as d.for 2.We trust that you will find our goods D_. a.attracting b.to be attractive c.attract your attention d.attractive 3.The brochure covers_B wide range of products we deal in. a.the b.a c.of d.about 4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately. a.thank

b.appreciate it c.appreciate d.appreciate you 5.We look forward to_A__a trial order. A.receiving B.receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We_C__some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture. A.enclose,to you B.enclose,you C.enclose D.enclose, your 7.We shall_D__very much if you will send us a catalogue by air. A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it 8.We would like to take this_B__to establish business relations with you. A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening 9.The shipment time is June or July at our_A__and the goods will be shipped in one___. A.option,lot B.option,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision,cargo10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be_B. A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory

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