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1、b n.商标、牌子 c n.微积分

2、b n. 预算 c n.食肉动物

3、b n..林区大火 c n.中止、停止

4、b n..副产品 c n.证书、执照

5、b n.树枝、 c n.长官、大臣

6、b v.自夸、吹嘘 c n.图表、曲线

7、b v.起泡、沸腾 c n.自助食堂

8、b n.伤痕、擦伤 c n.灾难,不幸的事

9、b n./v 地洞、地道;藏身处 c v.计算、考虑

10、b n.官僚主义 c n.小卖部、临时流动餐馆

11、b n.旁路;v.迂回、回避 c n. 候选人

12、b n.集体讨论、头脑风暴 c n.(车、船、飞机等运输的)货物

13、b n.小册子 c n.俘虏;a。俘虏的、

14、b n.贿赂 c n../v伪装

14、b n../v联合抵制 c n..战役;运动

15、b n.突破 c n..胶囊,太空舱

16、b v.(动物)繁殖 c n.容量、容积、生产力

17、b a.有浮力的 c n.日历

18、b n./v膨胀、突出 c v.雕刻。切开

19、b n.芽、苞 c n.大教堂

20、c n. 种类、类别 c n.名人、名声

21、c a.细胞的 c n.催化剂、刺激因素

22、c n.人口普查 c n.目录

23、c n.赌场、娱乐场 c n.陶器制品;a.陶器的

24、c n.伤亡人员 c n.谷类食品

25、c n.灾难、大祸 c v.证明、保证

26、c n. (人体内或机器中的)室、腔、议院 c n.香槟酒

27、c n.冠军 c n.海峡

28、c n. 混乱 c n(书等的)章、回、篇

29、c n.特性、特点;v.特有的 c n.魅力、魔力

30、c n.木炭 c n.慈善、施舍

31、c n.宪章 c n.清单、选举人名单

32、c v.珍爱 c n.厨师

33、c v.(使)冷却 c n.胆固醇

34、c n.出纳员、 c n.小心、告诫

35、c n.确定,确定的事情 b n. 嗡嗡声











11、在校内(campus) 12、肺活量(capacity)13、流行(catch)14、为慎重考虑(caution)15、连锁餐馆(chain)16、连锁反应(chain)17、毕业证书(certificate) 18、小心翼翼的(caution)19、负责(charge)20、流行(catch)


1. There was a large crowd of demonstrators ____ against the war.

A) protecting B) preserving C) protesting D) prosecuting

2. I’m afraid I will have to ____her invitation to the party.

A) refuse B) refute C) ignore D) decline

3. The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ____ for it.

A) as much twice B) much as twice C) as twice much D) twice as much

4. He can’t start the car because the battery has ____.

A) run up B) run down C) run over D) run off

5. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge ____ our thinking.

A) upon which to base B) which to base upon C) which to be based on D) to base on which

6. This design is ____ that one.

A) more superior to B) far superior than C) more superior than D) far superior to

7. I wondered what her ____ to the news would be.

A) impression B) reaction C) comment D) opinion

8. She shouldn’t have stood in a queue; she ____ her underground ticket from the machine.

A) has got B) must have got C) could have got D) got

9. Don’t worry. ____ that you will be treated equally.

A) I’ll look forward to it B) I’ll try my utmost C) I’ll be on the alert D) I’ll see to it

10. The workers agreed to ____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demand.

A) call off B) call out C) call to D) call on

11. I’d rather you ____ so rudely to her.

A) don’t speak B) won’t speak C) should not speak D) didn’t speak

12. Today many kinds of electrical ____ are available, which has made housework much easier than before.

A) facilities B) appliances C) instruments D) equipment

13. The author is going to ____ his play for television.

A) add B) adopt C) adapt D)adjust

14. ____ for your help, I’d never have been able to achieve such

a success.

A) If I had not been B) Had it not been C) If it were not

D) Had it not

15. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ____.

A) boundaries B) limitations C) confinements D) restraints

16. I’m afraid I can’t ____ you ____; you’ll have to go to a hotel.

A) put ...up B) pick ... up C) pull ... up D) wake ... up

17. The guests said that they wouldn’t mind ____.

A) to have a little light music B) having a little light music C) have a little light music D) if they have a little light music

18. Although this area is very poor just now, its ____ wealth is great.

A) previous B) profound C) potential D) primary

19. He ran quickly to the classroom, two books ____ under his arm.

A) to be hold B) held C) were held D) holding

20. We must try our best to lower the cost of our products. Otherwise the high cost will ____ our profit.

A) cut off B) cut in C) cut short D) cut into

21. Tom is not very clever, but he is the most ____ pupil in the class.

A) industrious B) indulgent C) industrial D) indifferent

22. No sooner had he arrived home ____ he was asked to start another journey.

A) when B) than C) then D) until

23. Young children easily ____ words that their parents frequently use.

A) put up B) turn up C) bring up D) pick up

24. Only when you have obtained all the information about it ____ come to a sound judgment.

A) you can B) you will C) would you D) can you

25. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

A) ignored B) neglected C) denied D) refused

26. All ____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A) what is needed B) the thing needed C) which is needed D) that is needed

27. The factory has ____several workers because of the drop in sales.

A) laid off B) laid out C) laid aside D) laid down

28. There were no tickets ____ for Friday’s performance.

A) applicable B) approachable C) attainable D) available

29. There was a traffic jam; otherwise I ____ here on time.

A) would be B) had been C) should be D) would have been

30. If you don’t work hard, you are bound to fall behind others, ____ smart you might be.

A) whatever B) though C) whatsoever D) however


1. 【答案】C



【详细解答】to protest against ... 意为“抗议,反对”。to protect ... (from ...) 意为“保护……(使之不受……)”。to preserve 意为“保护,防护,维护”。to prosecute 意为“对……起诉;进行,坚持下去”。

2. 【答案】D



【详细解答】decline 意为“婉谢,谢绝”,指对别人的邀请、帮助等比较委婉地回绝。refuse 意为“拒绝”,指对别人的要求、请求等比较直率的,有时比较不客气的拒绝。refute 意为驳斥,反驳。ignore 意为“忽视,忽略,不

3. 【答案】D



【详细解答】本句实际上隐含了一个又“as...as...”引导的比较状语从句。完整的句子是“I would gladly have paid twice as much as I paid for it”。当有表示倍数的词时,要放在“as...as...”比较级之前。

4. 【答案】B



【详细解答】run down 意为“(动力等)耗尽;(身体)衰弱,疲乏;(钟表)停了,(使)失灵”。run up 意为“升起(旗帜);欠下(钱财)”。run over意为“撞倒,辗过”。run off意为“撵走,吓跑”。

5. 【答案】A



【详细解答】此句需要一个后置定语来修饰factual knowledge,

根据句意应是base our thinking (upon) on factual knowledge,因此应使用“介词+关系代词+不定式”的结构作后置定语。

6. 【答案】D


【试题分析】superior 表比较的用法。

【详细解答】superior 意为“优越的,优良的”,后接介词to,表示比较,单词本身没有比较级。通常在前面加“far”表示“比……好得多”。

7. 【答案】B



【详细解答】reaction 意为“对……的反应”。impression与on 搭配,表示“给……留下……印象”。comment 与on 搭配,表示“对……做出……评价”。opinion on意为“对……发表看法(意见)”。

8. 【答案】C


【试题分析】本题考察情态动词could 的完成式用法。

【详细解答】前半句用“shouldn’t have done”的形式,表示“本不应该做……”;后半句则提供了另一种可能性,“本来可以……”,


9. 【答案】D


【试题分析】see (to it )that+从句的用法。

【详细解答】see (to it )that……意为“务必,留神,注意做到”。其他三个选项在结构上都不能接从句,在语义上,look forward to意为“希望,盼望”;try one’s utmost 意为“竭尽全力”;be on the alert 意为“警惕,提防”。

10. 【答案】A



【详细解答】call off 意为“取消”。call out 意为“叫(请)出来;叫出(名字)”。call to 意为“向……喊”。call on 意为“号召,呼吁,要求”。

11. 【答案】D


【试题分析】would rather 后宾语从句的虚拟语气。

【详细解答】would rather 表示愿望,后接的宾语从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的愿望时,用过去时;表示与过去事实相反的愿望时,用过去完成时。

12. 【答案】B



【详细解答】appliance 意为“器具,器械”,electrical appliance 意为“电器”。facility 意为“设备,设施”。instrument 意为“仪器”,尤指用于精致工作的工具或仪器。equipment 意为“设备,装备”。

13. 【答案】C



【详细解答】adapt意为“改编,翻改;使适应”。add 意为“增加,加强”。adopt意为“采纳,采取(态度);收养”。adjust意为“调整,适应”。

14. 【答案】B



【详细解答】根据句意和时态,前半句应为“If it had not been for your help”。当虚拟条件句的谓语动词含有were, had, should 时,可以省略if, 将were, had, should 移至主语的前面。

15. 【答案】B



【详细解答】limitation意为“限制,局限”。boundary 意为“边境线,分界线”。confinement意为“限制


16. 【答案】A



【详细解答】put ... up意为“留……住宿;举起;搭建”。pick ... up 意为“拾起,拿起;学会,学到”。pull ... up意为“使(车子)停下”。wake ... up意为“叫醒”。

17. 【答案】B


【试题分析】mind +动名词表示“介意,反对”。

【详细解答】mind 作“在乎,介意”讲时,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,后面若有动词作宾语,要用动名词。

18. 【答案】C



【详细解答】potential意为“潜在的”。previous 意为“以前的,从前的”。profound意为“深奥的,博学的”。primary意为“初级的;主要的;基本的”。

19. 【答案】B





20. 【答案】D



【详细解答】cut into意为“减少,降低;插嘴,打断”。cut off 意为“切断;隔绝,挡住;切下来”

。cut in意为“插嘴,夹塞”。cut short意为“打断(谈话),中断(活动)”。

21. 【答案】A



【详细解答】industrious意为“勤奋的,勤勉的”。indulgent 意为“纵容的,溺爱的”。industrial意为“工业的,实业的”。indifferent意为“冷淡的,漠不关心的;平淡无奇的”。

22. 【答案】B


【试题分析】测试“no sooner...than”引导的时间状语从句。

【详细解答】“no sooner...than” 是一个关联从属连词,意为“一……就…… ”,故B为正确答

案。当“no sooner”置于句首时,要用倒装语序。

23. 【答案】D



【详细解答】pick up 意为“拾起;(非正规地)学会,学到”。put up 意为“举起;修建;留……住宿”。turn up 意为“出现,出席”。bring up 意为“抚养大;提出”。

24. 【答案】D




果谓语中含有情态动词、助动词或动词be 时,只要将其移至主语前即可。

25. 【答案】C




【详细解答】deny sb. sth.表示“拒绝给予……”。ignore 意为“忽视,忽略,不理睬”。

neglect 意为“疏忽,忽视”。refuse 意为“拒绝”。

26. 【答案】D


【试题分析】that 引导的限制性定语从句。

【详细解答】All 后需要一个定语从句,而all后面的定语从句只能由that 引导

27. 【答案】A



【详细解答】lay off意为“解雇”。lay out 意为“设计,布局;花费,使用”。lay aside意为“

放在一边”。lay down意为“放下;规定,说明”。

28. 【答案】D



【详细解答】available意为“可以得到的,可供利用(使用)的”。applicable 意为“适用的,有效的”。approachable意为“可以到达的,容易接近的”。attainable意为“可以达到的”。

29. 【答案】D



【详细解答】此题中前半句是一个陈述句,后半句中otherwise相当于一个虚拟的条件从句“If the traffic had not been very busy”,

是对过去的情况的一个假设,因此主句中的谓语要用“would have done”的形式。

30. 【答案】D


【试题分析】however 引导让步状语从句。

【详细解答】however 引导让步状语从句相当于“no matter how”,后接形容词或副词,表示“不管多么……”。whatever 和whatsoever (语气比whatever 强)引导让步状语从句时,相当于“no matter what”,后接名词。此句如选though,后半句应为“though you might be smart”。


A aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民abound 丰富 abrupt 突然的,陡峭的 abstain 戒,避开 abstract 抽象的,难解的 abuse 滥用,辱骂accommodation 招待设备accordingly 照着办;响应地accounting 会计学 acid 酸的 acknowledge 承认 acquire 取得,学到 acrylic 丙烯酸的 adapt 使适应 addict 使沉溺 adept 熟练的,内行的 adopt 采用;收养 aeronautic 航空的 aerosol 烟,雾;烟雾剂 affect 影响;感动 affiliate 接纳...为会员(或分支)agency 力量;代理 agitate 鼓动;搅动;焦虑alchemy 炼金术 alkali 碱 allergy 变(态反)应性;反感allocate 分配,把。划归 allot 分配;拨给 almond 杏仁 alpine 高山的 alternate 交替的;轮流的alternative 两者挑一的;选择的aluminium 铝 amateur 业余活动者 ambiguous 模棱两可的 amenity 舒服,愉快 ammonia 氨 amorphous 无定形的;难以名状的analysis 分析;解析 anatomy 解剖;分解 anecdote 轶事 annoy 使烦恼; 打扰 annual 每年的, 年度的anthropology 人类学anticlockwise 逆时针方向的anxious 忧虑的, 担心的 ape 类人猿; 模仿者 aphid 蚜虫 apparel 衣服;外表 appeal 呼吁; 求助于 appear 出现, 来到 appetite 食欲, 胃口applicant 申请人appropriate 适当的approximate 近似的,大约的arable 可耕的 arboreal 树木的; 树状的arduous 艰巨的; 努力的ascertain 查明, 确定 aspect 样子; (问题等的)方面aspiration 志气; 渴望assemble 集合; 装备 assert 断言;维护 assess 对…进行评估assignment 分配;指定assist 援助;搀扶association 联合;联盟;联想assume 假定;承担 asterisk 星号 asthmatic 气喘的asymmetry 不对称(现象)attain 达到; 完成; 获得attract 吸引 audio-visual 听觉视觉的aural 气味的; 香味的authority 权力; 职权available 可用的; 通用的averse 反对的 aviation 航空; 航空学 B baffle 使挫折; 使困惑 balk 阻碍; 挫折 bamboo 竹 barbecue (吃烤肉的)野餐会bargain 交易; 议价 barrier 栅栏; 障碍 bead 念珠


Society:社会类 1. Urban: adj relating to, or characteristic of a town or city 城市的;都市的,与城市有关的;有城市特色的 Eg. urban construction/population/development The urban area is usually densely populated. urbanize: v make or become urban in character 使城市化,使都市化Eg. The island has recently been urbanized. urbanization: n Eg. Urbanization has taken place very rapidly in developing countries. Metropolitan: adj of, relating to, or denoting a metropolis 大都会的,大城市的;有大城市气派的 Eg. Metropolitan area Many people couldn't afford to purchase houses in the metropolitan areas. Metropolis: n (1) the capital or chief city of a country or region (国或地区的)首都,首府,首要城市 (2)a very large and densely populated industrial and commercial city 大都会,大城市 Rural: relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town 农村的,(有关)乡村的;有乡村特点的 Eg. Remote rural areas 遥远的农村地区 Crops are grown in rural areas. The children in backwarded rural areas don't have an access to better


雅思考试高频词汇汇总下载 雅思高频同义词 synthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudo ☆conventional traditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinary ☆demand request, claim, need, order, require, call for ☆decline decrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction, slump, worsening ☆develop evolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourish ☆difficulty handicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, complication, dilemma, perplexity, plight, trouble ☆early first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remote ☆find discover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note, observe, recognize, spot, uncover ☆future what's next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcoming


雅思词汇量测试专用 很多同学在准备进行雅思考试时都会有疑惑:我记的这些单词效果如何呢?今天小编就准备了雅思词汇量测试专用表,快来测试一下你对这些单词的记忆能力如何把! Level 1 1.sure A.治疗B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识 4.housework A.建房B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识 5.bread A.面包B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识 9.unit A.点B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识 Level 2

11.financial A.最终的B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识 14.ambition A.环境B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识 15.hydrogen A.氦B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识 16.pine A.松树B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐E.不认识 17.surplus A.此外B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识 18.fireman A.失业者B.消防员C.狙击手D.纵火犯E.不认识 19.outset A.摆放B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识 20.confusion A.迷惑B.传播C.灌输D.大量E.不认识Level 3 21.reliance A.义务B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹E.不认识 22.collide A.碰撞B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔E.不认识 23.sniff A.僵直的B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识 24.shaft A.工艺B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识 25.cordial A.走廊B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的E.不认识 26.foul A.灵魂B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的E.不认识


雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(1):accommodation住宿,食宿;homestay家庭寄 宿;host family寄宿家庭;hall of residence(英)/dormitory(美)集体宿舍;flat(英)/apartment(美)公寓;en-suite套房(独立厨房,卫生间,有专人打扫);bedsit卧室起居室合一。拓展词汇:(semi-)detached house(半)独立式住宅 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(2):facility设施;attic阁楼;balcony阳台;basement 地下室;bathroom浴室;bedroom卧室;dining room餐厅;cellar酒窖;corridor走廊;aisle侧廊;lobby/foyer门厅;porch门廊;(front/back)yard庭院;storeroom储藏间;laundry room洗衣房;shower淋浴。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(3):garden花园;garage车库;living room(美)/lounge(英)起居室;loft阁楼;kitchen厨房;oven烤箱;bathtub浴缸;curtain 窗帘;single room单人间;twin room两张单人床的双人房;study room书房;shared room 合住。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(4):location住宿地选址;city center市中心;near Central Park/Station中央公园/车站附近;downtown商业区;metropolitan area大都会地区;urban area/rural area/suburb/outskirts市区/乡下/近郊/远郊;country(side)农村;neighborhood周边地区;surroundings周边环境。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(5):furniture家具;air-conditioner空调;armchair 单人沙发;sofa沙发;cushion靠垫;bed sheet床单;blanket摊子;alarm system防盗系统;alarm clock闹钟;cabinet/closet橱柜/壁橱;wardrobe衣柜;cable/satellite TV有线/卫星电视;carpet地毯;rug小地毯。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(6):cassette recorder录音机;stereo-system立体 音响系统;central heating中央暖气;coffee maker咖啡机;telephone电话;cell/mobile phone手机;landline座机;cordless phone无绳电话;cupboard橱柜;desk lamp台灯;drawer抽屉;dryer吹风机;stove炉子。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(7):fireplace壁炉;freezer/refrigerator冷柜/冰箱; mattress床垫;kettle水壶;micro oven微波炉;mirror镜子;pillow(case)枕头(套);radiator 取暖器;shutter百叶窗;sink水槽;dishwasher洗碗机;tap水龙头;utensil餐具;vacuum cleaner吸尘器。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(8):toaster烤面包机;top shelf上层架子;washing machine洗衣机;washbasin洗脸盆;electronic fan电风扇;towel毛巾;water machine 饮水机;water heater热水器;(住多高层公寓楼)lift(英)/elevator(美)升降电梯VS escalator 自动扶梯;fully/simply furnished精/简装修。 雅思听力场景词汇之住宿篇(9):rent/rental房租/金;bargain讨价还价; maximum/minimum price最高/低价;deposit定金/押金;contract合同;agreement协议;(water/gas/electricity/phone)bill水/电/煤/电话l账单=utility;heating(fee)暖气(费);laundry



7000 雅思词汇用 100 个句子记完! 100 套真题中提炼而出的 100 百个经典句子,包涵了 7000 个雅思词汇。 1.Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2.Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2.1986 年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3.Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4.Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5.In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6.The greater the population there is in a locality; the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7.It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions


精心整理 A aboriginal土着的;土着居民 abound丰富 abrupt突然的,陡峭的 abstain戒,避开 abstract抽象的,难解的 abuse滥用,辱骂 accommodation招待设备 accordingly照着办;响应地 accounting会计学 acid酸的 acknowledge承认 acquire取得,学到 acrylic adapt使适应 addict使沉溺 adept熟练的,内行的 adopt采用;收养 aeronautic航空的 aerosol烟,雾;烟雾剂 affect影响;感动 affiliate接纳...为会员(或分支) agency力量;代理 agitate鼓动;搅动;焦虑 alchemy炼金术 alkali碱 allergy变(态反)应性;反感 allocate分配,把。划归 amateur业余活动者 ambiguous模棱两可的 amenity舒服,愉快 ammonia氨 amorphous无定形的;难以名状的 analysis分析;解析 anatomy解剖;分解 anecdote轶事 annoy使烦恼;打扰 annual每年的,年度的

anthropology人类学 anticlockwise逆时针方向的 anxious忧虑的,担心的 ape类人猿;模仿者 aphid蚜虫 apparel衣服;外表 appeal呼吁;求助于 appear出现,来到 appetite食欲,胃口 applicant申请人 appropriate适当的,合适的 approximate近似的,大约的 arable可耕的 arboreal树木的;树状的 arduous艰巨的; ascertain查明, aspect样子;( aspiration志气;渴望 assemble集合;装备 assert断言;维护 assess对…进行评估 assignment分配;指定 assist援助;搀扶 association联合;联盟;联想 assume假定;承担 asthmatic气喘的 asymmetry不对称(现象) averse反对的 aviation航空;航空学 B baffle使挫折;使困惑 balk阻碍;挫折 bamboo竹 barbecue(吃烤肉的)野餐会 bargain交易;议价 barrier栅栏;障碍 bead念珠


雅思词汇背诵英语单词整理 雅思词汇背诵英语单词整理 1.im-,in- ①表示“不,无,非” impossible不可能的(im+plssible可能的) immoral不道德的(im+moral道德的) impolite无礼的(im+polite礼貌的) impartial公平的(im+partial有偏见的) impassive无动于衷的(im+pass感情+ive→没感情) impeccable无瑕疵的(im+pecc斑点+able→无斑点的) immortal不朽的(im+mortal死的) immutable不变的(im+mutable可变的) inglorious不光彩的(in+glori光荣+ous→不光荣的) incapable无能力的(in+capable有能力的) inhuman不人道的(in+human人道的) injustice不公正(in+justice公正) incorrigible积习难改的(in+corrigible可改正的) inconstant多变的,无常的(in+constant稳定的) indifferent冷漠的(in+different不同的→同与不同的“事不关已”→冷漠的)

innocuous无害的(in+noc毒害+ous→无害的) inimitable无可比拟的(in+imit模仿+able→不能模仿的) insubordinate不服从的,反抗的(in+subordnate服从的) ②表示“向内,进入” imprison监禁(im+prison监狱) impel驱动(im+pel推→推进,驱动) imperil处于危险中(im+peril危险) impulse冲动(im+pulse跳动→冲动) implicit含蓄的(im+plic重叠+it→进入重叠→不直说→储蓄的) impersonate扮演,模仿(im+person人+ate→进入别人→扮演别人) inborn天生的(in+born出生的) inaugurate举行就职典礼(in+augur预兆,开始+ate→进入开始→就职;参考:augury预兆) incentive激励(in+cent唱歌+ive→把精神唱进去→激励) incorporate合并,并入(in+corpor团体+ate→成为团体) inflame使燃烧;激怒(in+flame火焰) inspired有灵感的(in+spired有呼吸的→有生命的,有灵感的) indoor户内的(in+door门→门内的) 2.inter-表示“在…之间,相互” international国际的(inter+national国家的) interpersonal人与人之间的(inter+personal个人的) interpose置于,介入(inter+pose放→放在二者之间)


. A aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民abound 丰富 abrupt 突然的,陡峭的abstain 开戒,避 abstract 抽象的,难解的abuse 滥用,辱骂accommodation 招待设备accordingly 照着办;响应地accounting 会计学 acid 酸的 acknowledge 承认 acquire 取得,学到 acrylic 丙烯酸的 adapt 使适应 addict 使沉溺 adept 熟练的,内行的 adopt 采用;收养 aeronautic 航空的 aerosol 烟,雾;烟雾剂 affect 影响;感动 affiliate 接纳...为会员(或分支)agency 力量;代理 agitate 鼓动;搅动;焦虑 alchemy 炼金术 alkali 碱 allergy 变(态反)应性;反感allocate 分配,把。划归 allot 分配;拨给 almond 杏仁 alpine 高山的 alternate 交替的;轮流的alternative 两者挑一的;选择的aluminium 铝 amateur 业余活动者 ambiguous 模棱两可的 amenity 舒服,愉快 ammonia 氨 amorphous 无定形的;难以名状的analysis 分析;解析 anatomy 解剖;分解 anecdote 轶事 annoy 使烦恼; 打扰 annual 每年的, 年度的anthropology 人类学anticlockwise 逆时针方向的anxious 忧虑的, 担心的 ape 类人猿; 模仿者 aphid 蚜虫 apparel 衣服;外表 appeal 呼吁; 求助于 appear 出现, 来到 appetite 食欲, 胃口applicant 申请人 appropriate 适当的,合适的approximate 近似的,大约的arable 可耕的 arboreal 树木的; 树状的arduous 艰巨的; 努力的ascertain 查明, 确定 aspect 样子; (问题等的)方面aspiration 志气; 渴望assemble 集合; 装备 assert 断言;维护 assess 对…进行评估assignment 分配;指定 assist 援助;搀扶association 联合;联盟;联想assume 假定;承担 asthmatic 气喘的 asymmetry 不对称(现象)attain 达到; 完成; 获得attract 吸引 audio-visual 听觉视觉的aural 气味的; 香味的authority 权力; 职权available 可用的; 通用的averse 反对的 aviation 航空; 航空学 B baffle 使挫折; 使困惑 balk 阻碍; 挫折 bamboo 竹 barbecue (吃烤肉的)野餐会bargain 交易; 议价 barrier 栅栏; 障碍 bead 念珠


雅思分类词汇 实用常见同义词 1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle 2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize 3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford 4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster 5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, strength 6 缺陷:Disadvantage, drawback, downside, weakness 7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, comfuse 8 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative 9 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve 11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge 12 有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental 13 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition 14 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away 15 导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate 16 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this 17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to 18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,descend to,sink to,slide to 19保持稳定:do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out 20 急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably


A a ability [?'biliti] n.能力 about [?'baut] prep.关于 above[?'b?v]prep./ adv.在…上面adj.上面的 abroad [?'br?:d] adv.在国外,到国外absence ['?bs?ns] n.缺席 absent ['?bs?nt; ?b'sent] adj.缺席accept [?k'sept]v.接受 acceptable [?k'sept?bl]adj.可接受的accident ['?ksid?nt] n.事故accordance [?'k?:d?ns]n.符合,一致according [?'k?:di?] adj.符合的according to prep.根据 account [?'kaunt] n.账目 ache [eik]v.疼 acid ['?sid] adj.酸的 across [?'kr?s; ?'kr?:s] prep.穿过 act [?kt] v.表演 action ['?k??n]n.动作,表演active ['?ktiv]adj.积极的 activity [?k'tiv?ti] n.活动 actor ['?kt?] n.男演员 actress ['?ktris] n.女演员 actual ['?kt?u?l] adj.真的 add [?d] v.增加 addition [?'di??n] n.添加 address[?'dres]n.地址 adjective ['?d?iktiv] n.形容词admiration [,?dm?'rei??n] n.仰慕admire [?d'mai?] v.崇敬 admit [?d'mit] v.承认 adult ['?d?lt; ?'d?lt] n.成年人advance[?d'vɑ:ns; ?d'v?ns]n.前进v.推动 advantage [?d'vɑ:ntid?; ?d'v?n-] n.优势adventure [?d'vent??; ?d-]n.冒险adverb ['?dv?:b] n.副词 advertise ['?dv?taiz] v.做广告advertisement [?dv?'taizm?nt] n.广告advice [?d'vais] n.建议 advise [?d'vaiz] v.建议 affair [?'fε?] n.事情 afford [?'f?:d] v.承担,支付得起afraid [?'freid] adj.害怕的 after ['ɑ:ft?; '?f-] prep./conj.在…之后afternoon [,ɑ:ft?:'nu:n] n.下午afterwards ['ɑ:ft?wdz; '?f-] adv.之后again [?'ɡen; -'ɡein] adv.再一次against[?'ɡenst; ?'ɡeinst]prep.与…相对 age [eid?] n.年龄 ago [?'ɡ?u] adv.之前 agree [?'ɡri:] v.同意 agreement [?'ɡri:m?nt] n.同意 ahead [?'hed] adv.在前 aim [eim] n.目标 air[ε?] n.空气 aircraft['ε?krɑ:ft] n.飞机 airforce ['e?f?:s] n.空军 airport['ε?p?:t] n.机场 alcohol ['?lk?h?l] n.酒精 alike [?'laik] adv. 相像 alive [?'laiv] adj.活的 all [?:l] adj.全部的pron.全体 allow [?'lau] v.允许 almost ['?:lm?ust] adv.几乎 alone [?'l?un] adj.单独的 along [?'l??] adv.沿着 aloud [?'laud] adv.大声地 alphabet ['?lf?bit] n.字母表 already [?:l'redi] adv. 已经 also ['?:ls?u] adv.也 although [?:l'e?u] conj.虽然altogether [,?:lt?'ɡee?] adv.总共always ['?:lweiz; -wiz]adv.总是among [?'m??]prep.在…之中amount [?'maunt] n.数量 amuse [?'mju:z]v.使愉快amusement [?'mju:zm?nt] n.娱乐amusing [?'mju:zi?]adj.有趣的 an ancient ['ein??nt] adj. 古老的 and [强?nd; 弱?nd; ?n] conj.和,及anger ['??ɡ?] n.生气 angle['??ɡl] n. 角度 angry ['??ɡri] adj.生气的 animal ['?nim?l] n.动物 ankle['??kl] n.脚踝 annoy [?'n?i] v.惹恼 annoyance [?'n?i?ns] n.恼怒 another [?'n?e?] adj.另一个 answer ['ɑ:ns?; '?n-]n.答案v.回答ant [?nt] n.蚂蚁 anxiety [??'zai?ti] n.焦虑 anxious ['?nk??s] adj. 焦虑的 any ['eni] adj.任何 anyhow ['enihau] adv. 无论如何


雅思词汇表完整版 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

A aboriginal 土着的; 土着居民abound 丰富 abrupt 突然的,陡峭的abstain 戒,避开 abstract 抽象的,难解的abuse 滥用,辱骂accommodation 招待设备accordingly 照着办;响应地accounting 会计学 acid 酸的 acknowledge 承认 acquire 取得,学到 acrylic 丙烯酸的 adapt 使适应addict 使沉溺 adept 熟练的,内行的 adopt 采用;收养 aeronautic 航空的 aerosol 烟,雾;烟雾剂 affect 影响;感动 affiliate 接纳...为会员(或分支)agency 力量;代理 agitate 鼓动;搅动;焦虑 alchemy 炼金术 alkali 碱 allergy 变(态反)应性;反感allocate 分配,把。划归 allot 分配;拨给 almond 杏仁

alpine 高山的 alternate 交替的;轮流的alternative 两者挑一的;选择的aluminium 铝 amateur 业余活动者 ambiguous 模棱两可的 amenity 舒服,愉快 ammonia 氨 amorphous 无定形的;难以名状的analysis 分析;解析 anatomy 解剖;分解 anecdote 轶事 annoy 使烦恼; 打扰 annual 每年的, 年度的anthropology 人类学anticlockwise 逆时针方向的anxious 忧虑的, 担心的 ape 类人猿; 模仿者 aphid 蚜虫 apparel 衣服;外表 appeal 呼吁; 求助于appear 出现, 来到 appetite 食欲, 胃口applicant 申请人appropriate 适当的,合适的approximate 近似的,大约的arable 可耕的 arboreal 树木的; 树状的arduous 艰巨的; 努力的ascertain 查明, 确定


A aboriginal 土著的 ; 土著居民abound 丰富abrupt 突然的,陡峭的 abstain 戒,避开abstract 抽象的,难解的abuse 滥用,辱骂accommodation 招待设备accordingly 照着办;响应地 accounting 会计学 acid 酸的 acknowledge 承认 acquire 取得,学到acrylic 丙烯酸的adapt addict adept adopt aeronautic 航空的 aerosol 烟,雾;烟雾剂affect 影响;感动affiliate 接纳...为会员(或分支) agency 力量;代 理 agitate 鼓动;搅 动;焦虑alchemy 炼金术alkali 碱 allergy 变(态反)应性;反感allocate 分配,把。划归allot 分配;拨给almond 杏仁alpine 高山的alternate 交替的;轮流的 alternative 两者挑一的;选择的aluminium 铝amateur 业余活动者ambiguous 模棱两可的 amenity 舒服,愉快ammonia 氨 amorphous 无定形的;难以名状的 analysis 分析;解析anatomy 解剖;分解anecdote 轶事 annoy 使烦恼 ; 打扰 annual 每年的 , 年度的 anthropology 人类学 anticlockwise 逆时针 方向的 anxious 忧虑的 , 担心 的 ape 类人猿 ; 模仿者 aphid 蚜虫 apparel 衣服 ;外表 appeal 呼吁 ; 求助于 appear 出现 , 来到 appetite 食欲 , 胃口 applicant 申请人appropriate 适当的 approximate 近似的 ,大约的arable 可耕的 arboreal 树木的 ; 树状的 arduous 艰巨的 ; 努力的 ascertain 查明 , 确定aspect 样子 ; (问题等的)方面 aspiration 志气 ; 渴望assemble 集合 ; 装备 assert 断言 ;维护 assess对… 进行评估assignment 分配;指定 assist 援助;搀扶 association 联合;联盟;联想 assume 假定;承担 asterisk 星号 asthmatic 气喘的 asymmetry 不对称(现象) attain 达到; 完成 ; 获得 attract 吸引 audio-visual 听觉视觉的 aural 气味的 ; 香味的 authority 权力 ; 职权available 可用的 ; 通用的averse 反对的 aviation 航 空 ; 航空学 B baffle 使挫 折 ; 使困惑 balk 阻碍 ; 挫折bamboo 竹 barbecue (吃烤肉的)野餐会 bargain 交易 ; 议价 使适应 使沉溺熟练的,内行的采用;收养


英语词汇详解系列[雅思词汇]第四十六篇 second 音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[’sek(?)nd] 美[’s?k?nd] 释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ num. 第二;(规模、质量等)居第二位的;另外的 adj. 第二(个)的;(比赛、级别上)居第二位的;另外的;次要的 n. 秒;瞬间;第二名;二等品 v. 支持,附议;临时调派(工作人员等) adv. 居第二位;第二,其次 n. (Second) (美)塞孔(人名) 短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ leap second:闰秒;全球将迎来闰秒;跳秒 Second Republic:第二共和国;第二共和;法兰西第二共和国;第二共和党 Second half:下半时;下半场;后半时;后半埸 second job:第二职业;第二生业;职业;第两职业 Second Fleet:第二舰队 Second Chorus:第二合唱队;二合唱;我一定会和你再相遇;蝶舞龙飞 minor second:小二度 Second Fiddle:第二小提琴;二把手;小提琴


雅思热门词汇及解析 outbound travel:出境游 Outbound travel by Chinese citizens started in 1997 with destinations consisting merely of Thailand,Singapore,Malaysia,the Philippines as well as China’s Hong Kong and Macao. Only 5.32 million Chinese citizens traveled abroad the same year,the official said. blockbuster:巨片、大片 Hong Kong blockbusters swept the major prizes of Taiwan’s 42nd Golden Horse Film Awards,considered one of the top awards events of the Chinese-language film industry. money broker:货币经纪人 China’s banking regulator on Friday published detailed rules for the implementation of provisions to manage money brokers. smooth over:消除 The accord is aimed at smoothing over a rough spot in the US-China trade relationship before President George Bush visits Beijing in the middle of this month. reshuffle:改组;调整 A financial reshuffle by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,which was transformed into a joint stock company,is more or less finished. severance pay:解雇金 “Laying of wor kers is a tough decision to make because of the strong relation with workers and the high severance pay,” he said. cutoff point:起征点 China’s monthly personal income tax cutoff point was lifted to 1,600 yuan from 1,500 yuan after drawing on public opinions from the first-ever legislature hearing held on Sept. 27. write off:勾销债款
