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一. 冠词:冠词用在名词的前面,有定冠词“the”与不定冠词“a;an”之分。定冠词表示“确指”,译作“这(那)个”;不定冠词表示“泛指”,译作“一个”。


( ) _____ lady over there is _____ university teacher.

A) A, the B) The, an C) The, a D) The, the

“over there”意为“那边的”,是后置定语,它表示前面名词“lady”(女士)是“确指”的说法,因此要加上定冠词“the”。后半句意为“一位大学教师”,是泛指的说法,因此要加上不定冠词“a”或“an”。由于“university”的读音起始于辅音“j”,因此要加定冠词“a”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) He prefers playing _____ piano to playing _____ hockey.

A) the, the B) the, / C) / , / D) / , the


( ) Mr. Black was made _____ manager of our company.

A) / B) a C) an D) the



1. 由普通名词组成的专有名词前,要加定冠词,如:the Great Wall(长城)

2. 在拼音名词前,一般不加任何冠词,如:Thomas Green;Changfeng Park

3. 在江、河、湖、海前,即使是拼音名词,也要加定冠词“the”,如:the Dongting Lake

4. 一般用“单数名词加…a?;复数名词不加…the?”来表示“泛指”的意思。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. There is _____ “u” in _____ word “uniform.”.

A) an, a B) an, the C) a, a D) a, the

( ) 2. _____ sign here stands for _____ mistake.

A) A, a B) A, the C) The, a D) The, the

( ) 3. We made Joyce _____ monitor ____ her experience.

A) a, because B) the, because C) / , because of D) the , because of

( ) 4.Two months ago Mr. Green wrote ____ article on Shanghai International Art Festival.

A) the B) an C) a D) /

( ) 5. Q: Is Mr. White _____ teacher of your school? A: Yes. _____ teacher is from Australia.

A) a, A B) a, The C) the, The D) the, A

( ) 6. Paul is _____ European student. He likes to study _____ history of China.

A) a, the B) a, / C) an, the D) an, /

( ) 7. This is _____ honey. As we all know, _____ honey is sweet.

A) / , the B) / , / C) the, / D) the, the

( ) 8. They didn't catch the last train because of _____.

A) some heavy traffics B) any heavy traffic

C) heavy traffic D) a heavy traffic

( ) 9. It won't take long, it's only _____ walk.

A) ten-minutes B) ten minutes' C) ten minutes D) ten-minute's

名词表示人或物体的名称,有普通名词(park)、专有名词(Peter;Party)、集合名词(family, class, police)、缩写名词(SARS, CEO, WTO)……等。总体上说,它们可以分成两大类;即可数名词和不可数名词。要注意它们在句中的不同要求和变化。例题解析:

( ) His grandfather is _____.

A) Robert Bob B) Tom Black C) Kate White D) Black Green

英语中,人的姓名排列是倒过来的;先是名,即“first name”,后为姓,即“second name”,也可叫做“family name”或“surname”。做这类题目,必须先搞清楚哪个单词是表示名字,哪个单词是表示姓氏,名字还要分清男女性别。这道题中说的是“爷爷”,是男名,所以本题答案应该选“B”。

( ) _____ are playing tennis in the playground.

A) The Browns B) The Brown's C) Browns D) Brown's


( ) Be careful. There is a _____ hole in the ground.

A) two-foot-deep B) two-feet-deep C) two-foot deep D) two-feet deep

这道题目考的是复合形容词。在复合形容词中的名词应该用单数形式,在整个复合形容词中的各个单词都要用短横“–”来连接。由于它被看作为一个普通的形容词,因此,在可数名词前还要再加上冠词。此句中,“一个两英尺深的洞”应译为“a two-foot-deep hole”,所以本题答案应该选“A”。

( ) He?s got bad toothache. He?d better go to _____.

A) dentist B) the dentist C) the dentist?s D) see the dentists

“去看牙科医生”可译为“go to see the dentist”或“go to the dentist?s”。后一个词语中的“the dentist?s”表示“the dentist?s clinic”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) The _____ teachers wondered if the _____ students were in trouble.

A) woman, boy B) woman, boys C) women, boy D) women, boys

英语中,“女教师们”应该译为“women teachers”,而“男学生们” 应该译为“boy students”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) _____ came that Houston Rocket won again and Yao Ming got the most scores.

A) A news B) Message C) Word D) Words

“据说”在英语中有多种说法:“It was said that”、“Word came that”、“News came that”、“A message came that”……等。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) All of a sudden, something on the ground caught _____.

A) his eye B) his eyes C) his own eyes D) eyes of his own

“catch one?s eye”是固定词组,意为“引起某人注意”;即“be noticed by sb.”。此句中,“eye”是“视线”之意,由“eyesight”演变而来。随着语言的发展,一些词语会产生演变,大致上都是朝“简单化”方向发展,如:“countryside”→“country”、“mankind”→“man”、“campsite”→“camp”、“in the daytime”→“in the day”……等。所以本题答案应该选“A”。

( ) The lady with long _____ found her husband had already got three gray _____.

A) hair, hair B) hair, hairs C) hairs, hair D) hairs, hair



Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. He has got _____ to tell you.

A) a good news B) some news C) a lot news D) many news

( ) 2. It?s seven o?clock. _____ are sitting at table.

A) Mr. Greens B) The Green's C) The Greens D) Greens

( ) 3. Your brother is the same ______ mine.

A) old as B) age as C) old like D) age like

( ) 4. Our bodies need food to give us ______.

A) health B) strong C) energy D) taste

( ) 5. A lemon is the same ______ as a banana.

A) yellow B) colour C) fresh D) sweet

( ) 6. What kind of ______ do you like best?

A) watermelon B) the watermelon C) a watermelon D) watermelons

( ) 7. Look at this magazine. Let?s do the ______ about eating habits.

A) quiz B) list C) cooking D) dinner

代词是名词的代用词,有指示代词(this, those)、人称代词主宾格(I, me)、形容词性物主代词(my)、名词性物主代词(mine)、反身代词(myself)、不定代词(either, others, anything, nobody)。其中,不定代词的变化最复杂。在不同的句子中,它们的变化和要求都不一样,这一点我们一定要有充分的认识,不能掉以轻心。


( ) Would you please give _____?

A) him it B) it him C) to him it D) it to him


( ) She always thinks of _____ more than _____.

A) others, her B) the others, she C) others, herself D) the others, herself


( ) Some people like watching the sports news, _____ prefer TV series.

A) the others B) the other C) others D) another

在英语中,“一些……,另一些……”有两种译法:“Some …, the others …”是属于“非此即彼”的两部分情况,而“Some …, others …”是指有第三部分的情况存在。本题意为“一部分人喜欢看体育消息,而另一部分人比较欣赏电视剧”,显然还有其他人喜欢其他的内容,所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) The light in the room was too poor for _____ to see it clearly.

A) everyone B) someone C) anyone D) none

英语中,“too … to”意为“太……而不能”,具有否定的含义。因此,“for sb.”中应该选运用在否定句中的“anyone”才对。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) _____ the fuel here is from foreign countries, so we must make full use of it.

A) Some B) Much C) The most of D) Most of

带有定冠词“the”的名词前,应该用代词词组:“some of”(意为“其中一些”)、“much of”(意为“其中许多”)、“most of”(意为“其中大多数”)……等。“the mose of”(意为“其中最多的”)在本句中的译法欠妥,所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) Can you call on my mother on Saturday or Sunday? I?m afraid _____ day is possible

A) either B) each C) both D) neither

在英语中,有“两者”和“三者以上”的不同词语说法:“both”意为“两者都”、“all”意为“三者以上都”、“neither”意为“两者都不”、“none”或“no one”意为“三者以上都不”、“either”意为“两者之一”、“one”意为“三者以上之一”、“between”意为“两者之间”、“among”意为“三者以上之间”。根据本题句意,答句应该是说“我恐怕没有一天能行”,所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) There are three bathrooms in the house. One is upstairs, _____ two are downstairs.

A) other B) the other C) others D) the others

在英语中,“另两个”的译法有多种:“the other two”、“the others”、“the rest”。由于本句中讲到三间浴室,“另两间”的说法应该是“确指”的,因此,必须有定冠词“the”。又由于后句已经写了“two”,因此这里要选作形容词用的“other”。所以本题答案应该选“B”。

( ) The dishes on Table One are much fewer than _____ on Table Two.

A) that B) those C) dishes D) /

要注意所比较的两个对象具有对称性:这句是“the dishes on Table One”(一桌上的菜)和“the dishes on Table Two”(二桌上的菜)作比较,因此后半句中的“菜”字不能省略。“that”与“those”是比较级句中的专用代词。由于该句中所比较的对象是复数,因此,要用“those”来代替前面的名词。所以本题答案应该选“B”。

( ) There are more people in this room than _____ in that one.

A) that B) those C) people D) /

要注意在“There is …”或“There are …”的比较级句型中,习惯上不用上题所讲到的专用代词。所以本题答案应该选“D”。习题训练:

Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. Show your watch ______ me. ______ is slow.

A) to, Mine B) to, My C) for, Mine D) for, My

( ) 2. ______ do you like ______, the summer holidays or the winter holidays?

A) What, better B) What, best C) Which, better D) Which, best

( ) 3. She wrote a letter and enclosed a photo of _____ taken in her housing estate.

A) herself B) her C) her?s D) myself

( ) 4. She told Jack, Tom and me to _____ among _____.

A) talk it over, us B) talk over it, us

A) everything B) something C) nothing D) anything ( ) 7. Would you like _____ more bread, Jack?

A) any B) another C) little D) a little ( ) 8. Only one student got the right answer. But _____ didn?t.

A) the other B) another C) others D) the rest ( ) 9. He doesn't think _____ of them will go there with you.

A) none B) some C) many D) much ( )10. The film is dull and _____ people like it.

A) a few B) few C) a little D) little ( )11. Have you all _____?

A) got ready everything B) got everything ready for

C) got everything ready D) got ready for everything

( )12. Help _____ to some sweets, everyone.

A) yourselves B) your own C) yourself D) by yourself ( )13. He has six uncles. Five of them are doctors and _____ is a driver.

A) another B) the sixth C) other D) the other ( )14. Believe or not, I did it all by _______.

A) me B) us C) myself D) ourselves ( )15. A: Are these two books yours ? B: No, _____ of them is mine.

A) either B) none C) both D) neither ( )16. Neither of the twins _____ the toy train.

A) like B) likes C) is like D) are like



( ) About _____ students went to the picture show that day.

A) hundreds of B) two hundreds C) two hundred of D) two hundred

“about”意为“大约”,是指具体数量,因此,不能用表示不定数量的词语“hundreds of”(意为“成百个”)。在表示确定数量时,英语中的“hundred”不加“s”,即不变复数。再由于“students”前没有定冠词“the”,不是“其中”之意,因此,也不能加介词“of”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) _____ of _____ Class Four students have joined the singing group.

A) Three-fifths, the B) Three-fifth, the C) Three-fifths, / D) Three-fifth, /

英语中,“几分之几”的表达方式是分子用基数词、分母用序数词,中间用短横“–”连接。当分子大于“一”时,分母序数词要加“s”。再由于本题句中数量用的是“of”词组,即意为“其中的五分之三”,因此后面的名词“students”必定是“确指”的,要加定冠词“the”。所以本题答案应该选“A”。在这里要特别注意的是:不要看到“students”前有修饰词“Class Four”就不敢加定冠词“the”,要懂得这里的“the”是修饰“students”的。同样,“the English language”词语的表达形式也类似于此种情况。习题训练:

Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1.John has twelve coins and Joan has _____ ones, three times as many as John.

A) thirteen B) fifteen C) thirty-six D) forty-eight

( ) 2.The post code used in our neighbourhood is _____.

A) 56348574 B) 200333 C) a quarter D) a dozen

( ) 3.Today is her brother?s birthday. _____ is on _____.

A) She, fifth of May B) She, May fifth C) Hers, May fifth D) Hers, May the fifth

( ) 4. _____ of the students go to school by bike.

A) Two-three B) Two-thirds C) Two-threes D) Two-third

( ) 5.There are about _____ seats in the hall.

A) two hundreds B) two hundred C) hundreds of D) two hundred of

( ) 6. A: How often should we publish the paper? B: _____.

A) In one week?s time B) Once a month C) After two weeks D) For half a month

( ) 7. About _____ the students went to the Science Museum last Thursday.

A) hundreds of B) two hundred C) two hundred of D) two hundreds



( ) Mr. Brown flew to Washington _____ the night before last.

A) in B) on C) at D) /

在表达某一天的具体时间时,应该用介词“on”。但是本句是表达“在前天的夜里”,与“在前天”(the day before yesterday)相仿,前面不该用任何介词,所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) The school gate is ______ the north of the classroom building.

A) in B) to C) on D) at

在英语中,表达“东、南、西、北”的方位介词常见有三个:表示在方位区域的内部时,用介词“in”。如:The playground is in the south of the school.(操场在学校的南面。)表示在与方位区域连壤的外部时,应该用介词“on”。如:Room 203 is on the west of Room 205.(203室在205室的西面。)表示在与方位区域不连壤的外部时,应该用介词“to”。如:Shanghai is to the east of Nanjing.(上海在南京的东面。)本题的“校门”在“教学大楼”的北面,应该用介词“to”,所以答案应该选“B”。

( ) You?ll get one thousand dollars _____.

A) after all B) at all C) in all D) all together

“after all”意为“到底”、“毕竟”、“终于”;“at all”通常与“not”连用,意为“完全不”、“一点也不”;“in all”通常用于数量词后面,意为“总共”,同义词是“altogether”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) This bus can run _____ 70 miles an hour.

A) for B) with C) at D) in


( ) It?s said he stayed there quietly _____ two o?clock that afternoon.

A) on B) at C) until D) by

“at two o?clock that afternoon”意为“在昨天下午两点钟”,时态通常用“过去进行时”;“by two o?clock that afternoon”意为“在昨天下午两点钟前”,时态通常用“过去完成时”;“until two o?clock that afternoon”意为“直到昨天下午两点钟”,时态通常用“一般过去时”。本句中“stay”是延续动词,因此可用“until”句型;如果句中谓语是瞬间动词的话,就应该用“not …until”句型了。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) Tom didn?t attend the lecture yesterday evening _____ his illnes s.

A) as B) for C) because D)because of

在本句中,“因为生病”是一个词语,而不是原因状语从句,因此,不能选连词“as”、“for”或“because”来连接,而要用介词词组“because of”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) Now it?s quite important _____ us to make full use of time.

A) for B) to C) of D) with

“It?s important to sb.”(意为“它对某人来说很重要”)是词语搭配,“It?s … for sb. to do …”(意为“做某事对某人来说是怎样的”)是句型。当两者交叉、重叠使用时,词语要让位于句型。所以本题答案应该选“A”。同样,“I like it so much that …”句型中用“so”、而不用“very”,也属于这种类型的表达方式。

( ) It?s nice _____ you to get the ticket _____ F1. It?s said the car-race is very exciting.

A) of, for B) for, for C) of, of D) for, of

这句是“It?s … of sb. to do”句型,意为“某人真是怎么样,做了某事”。后半句中“ticket for”是固定词语,意为“什么内容的票子”。所以本题答案应该选“A”。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. You can draw it ______ paints and brushes.

A) by B) with C) in D) use

( ) 2. What did you have ______ breakfast?

A) as B) with C) about D) for

( ) 3. The police _____ helping to make our city a safe place to live and work _____.

A) is, in B) are, in C) is, / D) are, /

( ) 4. I?ve got three question _____ you to think about.

A) of B) for C) give D) to show

( ) 5. We can ask people _____ the Festival to do the quiz.

A) in B) on C) at D) for

( ) 6. What happens when we put some sugar _____ a glass of warm water?

A) to, by B) / , by C) to, from D) / , to ( ) 9. Q: What is that film _____? A: It?s a science film.

A) like B) about C) on D) for

( )10. Why not ask your friend _____ some advice if you?re really in trouble?

A) offer B) to give C) to D) for

( )11. The beautiful house is _____ sale. But it won?t be _____ sale.

A) on, for B) for, on C) with, for D) with, on ( )12. The weather here was _____ cold last week.

A) a kind B) a kind of C) kind of D) kinds of ( )13. The singing group is made _____ four handsome lads.

A) of B) from C) up of D) up from ( )14. Something _____ wrong _____ my watch, I'm afraid.

A) is, with B) is, in C) are, with D) are, in ( )15. There _____ a man and two women _____ the picture.

A) is, on B) are, in C) are, on D) is, in ( )16. Mary doesn?t know what lies ahead. _____ , she?s only 12.

A) At all B) In all C) After all D) For all ( )17. Should we _____ the postage _____ the parcel by ourselves?

A) pay, on B) pay, of C) pay for, on D) pay for, of ( )18. Alice _____ her service to the public.

A) was awarded the prize for B) was deserved to get the prize for

C) was proud for D) was pleased for



一般现在时(经常,反复,爱好,特点,条件,真理) do; does am;is;are done

一般过去时(过去发生的事,不强调现在的结果) did; -ed was;were done

一般将来时(将要发生的事) will do will be done

现在进行时(现在正在发生的事) am;is;are doing am;is;are being done

过去进行时(当时正在发生的事) was;were doing was;were being done

现在完成时(过去发生的事,强调现在的结果) have;has done have;has been done

过去完成时(过去完成的事;过去以前发生的事) had done had been done

过去将来时(过去将要发生的事) would do would be done

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

不定式: do; not do; to do; not to do 命令式: do; don't do

现在分词: doing 动名词: doing 过去分词: done


( ) Look. Mary _____ a nice dog. She _____ it just now.

A) has drawn, drew B) drew, has drawn C) is drawing, drew D) is drawing, has drawn

在“Look”、“It?s evening”、“Where is sb. …?”等句子后面,可能要用“现在进行时”,也有可能要用“现在完成时”。反正,要根据具体情况来具体分析,考虑问题一定要从整体情况着眼。本题后半句“just now”意为“刚才”,很明显要用“一般过去时”,因此前句如用“现在进行时”就不妥,造成句意逻辑上的错误。前句用“现在完成时”才对。所以本题答案应该选“A”。( ) This kind of fridge _____ very well.

A) sell B) sells C) are sold D) is sold

在英语中,表达某物销路不错,要用表示“特点”的“一般现在时”形式,而不能用“被卖”这种被动语态形式来表示。由于本句主语“this kind of fridge”是单数第三人称,所以本题答案应该选“B”。

( ) What _____ Mr. Smith? He looks worried so much.

A) happens with B) happens to C) happened with D) happened to

在英语中,“发生”通常可译为“happened”或“took place”,要注意它不能变“被动语态”。本题之意是“史密斯先生发生了什么事?他显得很焦虑。”因此,“发生”不能用表示经常行为的“一般现在时”形式,应该用“一般过去时”的“happened to sb.”固定词组来表达。所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) Mary: Shall I tell Michael about the news?

Jack: No, y ou __________. He?s already known it.

A) can?t B) m ustn?t C) needn?t D) don?t

本题是考核情态动词句型的正确回答。在“Must I do …?”、“Shall I do …?”、“Would you like me to do …?”问句后面都可以用“No, you needn?t.”(不必要)来回答。本题根据后句的句意应该选此回答为妥。所以答案应该选“C”。在“May I …?”问句后面,通常有以下几种否定回答:1. No, you mustn?t. 2.No, you may not. 3. Sorry, you can?t. 4.I?m afraid you can?t. 5. No, you can?t.

( ) _____ clothes are usually _____ near a fire in winter.

A) Washed, hung B) Washed, hanged C) Washing, hung D) Washing, hanged


( ) The book _____ by me. I _____ it to a friend of mine.

A) is written, sent B) is written, have sent

C) was written, sent D) was written, have sent


( ) Mr. Jackson _____ the city quite well since he _____ in the city for a couple of years.

A) knows, was B) has known, was C) knows, has been D) has known, has been


( ) English is his favourite subject. He can _____ it very fluently.

A) say B) talk C) speak D) tell

由于后句“it”指的是“English”,因此要用动词“speak”才对。所以本题答案应该选“C”。“talk”是不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。“speak”既可作不及物动词用,也可作及物动词,宾语只能是语言。“tell”的宾语有限;有“a story”、“the difference”、“the truth”、“a lie”、“the time”等。“say”可跟的宾语最多,不再一一例举。由此句我们得到启示;即我们在做习题时不要被单词的表面现象所迷惑,一定要看清楚它的内涵,即注意到它的真正含义是什么。再举两个例子来说明注意内涵的重要性:例1. A recorder is used to learn English in our class. 例2. His spoken English is poor. He only speaks a word of it.

( ) Mr. Black is the manager of this company. He _____ this company.

A) takes charge of B) is responsible to C) is in the charge of D) has the duty from

在英语中,“他负责这家公司”有多种说法,如:1. He is in charge of this company. 2. His job is to be in charge of this company. 3. This company is in the charge of him. 4. He is responsible for this company. 5. He has the duty of this company. 6. He takes charge of this company. 在这里要注意动词与介词的搭配关系,不要记错了。本题答案应该选“A”。

( )10. Please _____ the city map before you go sightseeing.

A) look at B) have a look C) watch D) read

在英语中,“看”在不同场合有不同的译法。“look at”意为“粗略地看”;“have a look”意为“看一下”,其后不能跟宾语;“watch”意为“注视、仔细地看”,虽然可以跟“地图”搭配,但是,它只是表示一种“看”的状态,没有“查看路线”之意。“看书”、“看地图”都要用动词“read”,意为“阅读”、“查看”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. They _____ any food. They?ve got plenty of _____ for the picnic.

A) needn?t, it B) needn?t, them C) don?t need, it D) don?t need, them

( ) 2. His favourite _____ is _____ a taxi driver.

A) job, to be B) job, / C) work, to be D) work, /

( ) 3. Why does _____ like _____ this uniform?

A) he not, wearing B) not he, wearing C) he not, wear D) not he, wear

( ) 4. You can not only learn _____ make the delicious drink, you can also _____ it.

A) to , eat B) to, eat C) how to, enjoy D) how to, enjoy

( ) 5. Have you all _____ your pens yet?

A) prepared B) prepared for C) preparation D) preparation for

( ) 6. Danny practises _____ twice _____ week.

A) to swim, a B) to swim, every C) swimming, a D) swimming, every

( ) 7. You must _____ to catch fish here near the pond.

A) not try B) try not C) not to try D) to try not

( ) 8. When we _____ on the air-conditioner in summer, we feel more comfortable.

A) sit B) put C) turn D) open

( ) 9. Would you mind _____ the window ?

A) my closing B) my close C) to close D) for close

( )10. The teacher kept the pupils ______ for five hours.

A) waiting B) to wait C) to waiting D) waits

( )11. Mr. Green _____ China for six years.

A) has been in B) has been to C) has come to D) has gone to

( )12. They could hardly understand what the engineer said, ______?

A) couldn't they B) didn't they C) could they D) did they

( )13. Tell him _____ afraid of dogs.

A) not be B) not to be C) don't be D) won't be

( )14. If he _____ here tomorrow, please tell him when his uncle _____.

A) will come, comes B) comes, comes C) comes, will come D) will come, will come

( )15. The postage on the parcel _____ me a lot of money.

A) took B) spend C) paid D) cost

( )16. Have you _____ who took away your key ?

A) found B) found out C) looked for D) got

( )17. Paris isn't the capital of Britain, is it ? _____.

A) Yes, it is B) No, it isn't C) Yes, it isn't D) No, it is

( )18. The boss made the workers _____ for hours.

A) work B) to work C) working D) works

( )21. Which subject do you _____, English or maths ?

A) like best B) prefer best C) like most D) prefer

( )22. If it is true, it _____ many interesting questions.

A) is raised B) rose C) raises D) rises

( )23. Please your hands if you?ve got the answer.

A) put up B) set up C) get up D) make up

( )24. By the age of ten, the little girl her first collection of poems. She?s now very famous.

A) has published B) had published C) published D) would publish

( )25. Mary should _____ at once.

A) operate on B) be operated C) be operated on D) operate

( )26. Do you mind my using your dictionary for a while? _____.

A) Of course not B) Yes, please C) It doesn't matter D) Yes, here you are ( )27. Where _____? To the teachers' office.

A) have you gone B) has he gone C) is he going to D) have you been to ( )28. Please _____ make the same mistake again, Tom.

A) don?t try to B) try don?t to C) try to not D) try not to

( )29. Q: _____ you _____ Jim this morning? A: Yes. I _____ him just now.

A) Have…seen, saw B) Did…see, saw

C) Have…seen, have seen D) Did…see, have seen

( )30. English is the language _____ in Australia, isn?t it?

A) using B) used C) speaking D) is spoken

( )31. When you go out, don?t f orget to keep the windows _____.

A) open B) opening C) opened D) to open

( )32. We _____ the lady was good at skiing.

A) told B) wondered C) were asked D) were told

( )33. Sorry, I _____ understand the business letter. Because it _____ written in English.

A) don?t, is B) don?t, was C) didn?t, is D) didn?t, was

( )34. Some boys were seen _____ into the hospital.

A) going B) entering C) taking D) to send

( )35. He, with another policewoman, _____ the streets in City Centre.

A) walk on B) walk around C) walks on D) walks around

( )36. The soup bowl _____. _____ it _____ yesterday?

A) was broken, Was…broken B) is broken, Was…broken

C) was broken, Did…break D) is broken, Has…broken

( )37. Unluckily, they were _____ with a big storm halfway.

A) caught B) come across C) met D) happened

( )38. He is poor at spoken English. He can?t even _____ a word of it.

A) say B) talk C) speak D)tell

( )39. Jack _____ be absent today. I saw him playing in the playground a moment ago.

A) mustn?t B) needn?t C) isn?t able to D) can?t

( )40. You should go on _____ the text until you _____ able to recite it.

A) reading, are B) reading, were C) to read, will be D) to read, were

( )41. Q: Must we do eye exercises every da y, Miss Liu? A: I?m afraid _____.

A) you mustn?t B) you must C) you needn?t D) you can?t

( )42. We may _____ each other somewhere before.

A) meet B) met C) have met D) to meet

( )43. He doesn?t know _____ next.

A) how to do B) what to do it C) when to do D) where to go

( )44. The lady thinks she is too fat, and she is planning _____ now.

A) to keep fit B) reduce his weight C) to go on a diet D) stop her from eating ( )45. The house is on fire. Let?s go and _____ the fire together.

A) put off B) put out C) put down D) put away

( )46. It?s _____ these days. You?d better _____ your greatcoat before you go out.

A) snowing, in B) snowy, wear C) snowing, have on D) snowy, put on

( )47. His family used to _____ in the past.

A) go hungry B) be hungry C) going hungry D) being hungry

( )48. Never forget _____ “Excuse me” when you trouble someone.

A) to speak B) to say C) speaking D) saying

( )51. You may _____ the book for another week.

A) borrow B) lend C) keep D) hold

( )52. He _____ go to work by bike but now he _____ taking a bus

A) is used to, is used to B) used to, used to C) is used to, used to D) used to, is used to

( )53. The music is nice. But it's too loud. Please _____ the radio.

A) turn down B) turn up C) turn on D) turn off

( )54. A: _____ I play football now? B: No, you mustn't.

A) Need B) Must C) May D) Will

( )55.What _____ you _____ I'm a teacher? A) makes, to think B) make, to think C) makes, think D) make, think ( )56. What did you _____ at the meeting? A) talk B) speak C) tell D) say ( )57. Let's go for a walk after supper, _____?

A) will you B) don?t we C) shan?t w e D) shall we

( )58. Neither he nor I _____ good at drawing.

A) am B) is C) are D) don't

( )59. A: What's in the box? B: _____ in it.

A) There are letters B) It is a letter C) They are letters D) There is a letter

( )60. It _____ me half an hour to get there. A) spends B) pays C) takes D) costs


英语中,形容词和副词有级的变化。在两个范围内,应该用比较级,它的修饰词有这样几个:much, far, a lot(得多); a little(一点); even(甚至于还要); still(更加)。在三个以上范围内,应该用最高级,它常伴随的词语有这样几个:in﹢sp.(表达地点范围);of、among﹢数词、代词或复数名词(表达个数范围);… that I ever seen(表达整体范围)。但是有不少单词仍要求用原级,它们是:very …;so …;quite …;too …;… enough;as … as等;此外在感叹句中也应该用原级。

在连系动词后,通常要用形容词作表语,不能用副词。英语中的连系动词分三大类:1.be动词2.意为“变”的动词,如:turn green;change fatter;get warmer;become smaller等3.感官动词,如:look worried;sound true;taste delicious;smell terrible;feel hot。此外,还有个别行为动词也可作连系动词用,如:grow taller(长高);go hungry(挨饿)……等。不过还应该注意到,有些副词是可以修饰be动词的,如:possibly;probably;still;nearly;indeed …等。


( ) The knife is _____ enough for you to cut the meat.

A) blunt B) cheap C) sharp D) fast


( )16. Grandmother wakes up early. She _____ gets up late, does she?

A) few B) little C) seldom D) usually

应该用副词来修饰行为动词“get up”。“few”与“little”是形容词,都不能用在句子中。副词“usually”虽可用于修饰“get up”,但是,它的反意疑问句该用“doesn?t she”来反问。“seldom”与“not”、“no”、“never”、“nothing”、“nobody”、“none”、“little”、“few”、“hardly”、“scarcely”、“rarely”相仿,在语法上有否定的特点;即它们在位的句子在语法上都属于否定句,因此,它的反意疑问句该用“does she”来反问。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) If you want to learn a language well, you must use it as _____ as possible.

A) hard B) long C) often D)soon

本句的关键词是“use”(使用),与“hard”(努力)不宜搭配。“as long as possible”意为“尽可能长久”,“as soon as possible”意为“尽快”,都不宜与“使用英语”搭配;与“学好语言”之意不符。只有“as often as possible”(尽可能经常)与“使用英语”搭配才贴切。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) This is really a large amount of money. But it is _____ than we need.

A) much fewer B) less much C) far more D) far less

“but”是表示“意思转折”的连词,因此,这里不能说“多得多”,要说“少得多”。“多”(many, much)的比较级都是“more”;但是“少”(few, little)的比较级有可数(fewer)与不可数(less)之分,平时学生往往会忽略“fewer”的用法。本句的意思是“这确实是一大笔钱,但是要比我们所需要的数量少得多。”这里指的是数量,而在英语中数量的表达是属于不可数的。所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) Glad you?re mu ch better now. But you have to stay in bed for _____ two weeks.

A) other B) more C) again D) another

“再卧床两星期”可译为“stay in bed for another two weeks”或“stay in bed for two more weeks”,所以本题答案应该选“D”。要特别注意第二种说法中“more”的位置;它要放在数词的后面、名词的前面。

( ) It was said that he was _____ at the meeting yesterday afternoon.

A) attended B) joined C) present D) absent

在英语中,“出席会议”可译为“attend the meeting”或“be present at the meeting”;“缺席会议”可译为“be absent from the meeting”。“join”意为“加入”,后面可以跟表示人群或组织的名词作宾语,它不能用“会议”作宾语。所以本题答案应该选“C”。“present”除了有形容词“出席的”意思外,还有名词“礼物”(gift) 和“目前”的意思,如:at the present(当前;即nowadays)。( ) Look. The _____ baby hasn?t woken up yet.

A) sleeping B) sleepy C) asleep D) slept

“sleepy”意为“睡眼惺忪的”,没有“睡着”之意。“slept”(睡着)是“sleep”的过去式或过去分词,它不能用作“baby”的定语。“asleep”(睡着的)在英语中只能用作表语,即后面不能跟名词,如:fall asleep。“sleeping”(睡着的)在英语中可作定语、表语,还可以作为动名词用作主语、宾语或作为现在分词用在分词短语中。本题意为“你看,那个睡着的婴儿还没醒来”,只能用“sleeping”来修饰名词“baby”,所以答案应该选“A”。

( ) A child may feel _____ if he has no sister or brother in his family.

A) lone B) lonely C) alone D) along

“lone”(孤单的)表示状态,通常用作定语;“alone”(孤单的)也表示状态,通常用作表语,它还可以用作副词,意为“单独”(by oneself; without anyone?s help);“lonely”(孤单的) 表示心情,通常与“feel”连用;“along”作介词有“沿着”之意,作副词时可替换“on”。本句之意是“如果在家里没有弟妹,孩子会感到孤单”,所以答案应该选“B”。

习题训练:Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. Stay with us. ______ we will have Lantern Festival.

A) raining, on B) raining, at C) rainy, on D) rainy, at

( ) 4. You are ______ as my cousin, I think.

A) as healthy B) so healthy C) healthier D) less healthy

( ) 5. Mr. Ling had an unhealthy diet and did ______ exercise.

A) never B) not C) no D) a little

( ) 6. He does a lot of different things _____.

A) either B) also C) as well D) so

( ) 7. There was usually a jam because of the _____ traffic.

A) big B) busy C) heavy D) much

( ) 8. Joe is _____. He never makes his bed or tidies his room.

A) bright B) safe C) delicious D) lazy

( ) 9. The driver was tired and almost immediately fell _____.

A) sleepy B) sleeping C) asleep D) sleep

( )10. She liked the white cat _____ much that she kept _____ it there for a long time.

A) so, watching B) very, watching C) so, to watch D) very, to watch ( )11. _____ my opinion, the bear is still _____.

A) To, alive B) To, living C) In, alive D) To, living

( )12. Mrs. Blue is _____ at home. I saw her _____ the gate just now.

A) probably, entering B) probably, enter C) possibly, entering D) possible, enter ( )13. It?s not easy to learn English well, we need to practise as _____ as possible.

A) soon B) more C) much D) harder

( )14. This morning I got up earlier _____.

A) than usually B) than usual C) than usually do D) than I usually ( )15. Water can be turned into ice if the temperature is _____ enough.

A) little B) cold C) cool D) low

( )16. Jack did it more carefully than _____ in the team.

A) any boy B) any other girl C) any other boys D) any of the other boys ( )17. He never smokes. _____ does his father.

A) So B) Neither C) Also D) Too

( )18. People _____ over there don't speak English.

A) / B) is C) live D) are

( )19. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is _____ TV tower in Asia.

A) the higher B) higher C) highest D) a very high

( )20. We believe that Tim can run _____ to win the first prize.

A) too fast B) so fast C) fast enough D) enough fast

( )21. Most of us like to buy these Teddy Bears. They look so _______.

A) nicely B) well C) beautifully D) lovely

( )22. Jerry is a CEO of a famous company. He is as _____ as a bee.

A) busy B) brave C) blind D) bright

( )23. Mary was still _____, so she had one more cake.

A) thirsty B) cold C) hungry D) angry

( )24. -Do you mind if I turn the TV a bit?

-Yes, I do. I?m busy with my homework now.

A) on B) up C) down D) off








此外,还要根据句意,对其他各种词语作相应的调整,如:you → he;ago → befo re;next week → the next week,… 等。





如:He asked me what this word means.



( ) Please tell me _____ this afternoon.

A) that it rains B) that it will rain C) if it rains D) if it will rain

前句“Please tell me”带有疑问色彩,因此关联词要用疑问代词或疑问副词,或用也带有疑问色彩的从属连词“if”(是否),不能选不带疑问色彩的从属连词“that”。再根据“this afternoon”(今天下午)之意,选表示经常下雨的“it rains”词语是不妥的。所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) I don?t think you will pass the history examination, _____?

A) do I B) don?t I C) will you D) won?t you

这是一句特殊的反意疑问句。因为按照语法说成“do I”是毫无意义和违背常情的,因此该句要根据从句中的动词来进行反问才合乎逻辑。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) We haven?t discussed _____ we shoul d do like that.

A) about if B) about how C) whether D) if

“discuss”是及物动词,与动词“serve”相仿,后面要直接跟宾语。“讨论关于……”是汉语中的习惯说法,学生往往会错误地选用“about”回答。因此,我们在学英语时,要特别注意汉语思路的干扰。“whether”、“if”都有“是否”之意,一般情况下可以通用。但是,在以下几种情况下都应该用“whether”:1.在句首作主语从句时。2. 与“… or not”连用成词组时。3.作介词后的宾语从句时。4. 在“discuss”后作宾语从句时。5. 跟不定式“to do…”时。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) Could you tell me _____?

A) what was the matter with him B) what the matter was with him

C) what?s the matter with him D) what the matter is with him

这是句主谓语不需要调整的特殊的“宾语从句”,因此,只要注意时态的变化就可以了。由于“Could you …?”句型与“Would you …?”句型相仿,它是口语中表示客套的一种虚拟语气,不表达“过去时”,因此,后面从句中的动词不需要作调整,整个从句跟原来的疑问句的说法完全相同。所以本题答案应该选“C”。在英语中,这种特殊的“宾语从句”为数不多,再记一句“Which is the way to …?”与它相仿即可。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. Miss Blue wanted to know _____ during the summer holidays.

A) where I had gone B) where I had been C) where had I gone D) where had I been

( ) 2. Would you please tell _____?

A) which is the way to the Park Hotel B) which the way is to the Park Hotel

C) which the way to the Park Hotel is D) which way to the Park Hotel is

( ) 3. I asked her _____.

A) which he liked best one C) which one did she like best C) which one does she like best D) which one she liked best ( ) 4. The teacher asked us _____.

A) why didn't we tell him about it earlier B) when I have finished my work

C) what we were interested in D) where are we going to have our lunch

( ) 5. I?d be interested to know ____ come before 9:00 a.m..

A) that he will B) that he would C) if he will D) whether he would

( ) 6. The teacher told us that ____.






( ) It?s said Yang Liwei will come here tonight, _____ I?m not sure.

A) and B) however C) but D) so

后半句“I?m not sure”(我不信)与前句的句意有转折的意思,应该用表示具有转折意思的并列连词“but”才对。“and”是具有“承上启下”意思的并列连词;“so”是具有因果关系的并列连词。“however”(然而)也有转折意思,但是它是副词,用时要用逗号“,”撇开。

( ) The boy is too short to reach _____ the book _____ the magazine on the shelf.

A) both, and B) either, or C) neither, nor D) not, but

“both … and”通常用于表示肯定意思的句型,“not … but”意为“不是……而是”,用在这里都不妥。该句中句型“too … to”(太……而不能)本身带有否定含义,因而不能再选带有否定意思的“neither … nor”(既不……也不)了。所以本题答案应该选“B”,意为“男孩太矮,他既拿不到书架上的书,也拿不到书架上的杂志”。

( ) _____ Tom _____ Mary is busy. You?d better play with others.

A) Both, and B) Neither, nor C) Either, or D) Not only, but also

根据后句“You?d better play with others”(你最好跟别人玩)的意思,前句应该说两人都忙着。因此,该句不能选“Neither … nor”(表示两人都不忙)或“Either … or”(表示有一人忙)。由于该句中动词用的是单三形式“is”,因此不能选要求动词用复数形式的句型“both … and”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。句型“Not only … but also”与句型“Either … or”和“Neither … nor”相仿;要求动词跟后面一个人称变化。

( ) Nobody else _____ I likes to watch it.

A) and B) or C) but D) nor

该句用的是“not … but”句型,所以本题答案应该选“C”。要注意句中的动词是根据前面人称“Nobody”变化的。此外,“together with”和“as well as”句型中的动词也是根据前面人称变化的。

习题训练:Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. Don?t worry. You can say it _____ in En glish _____ in Chinese.

A) both, and B) either, or C) not only, also D) not, also

( ) 2. In fact, _____ but I is keen on the fierce dinosaur in the film.

A) somebody B) nobody C) everybody D) anybody

( ) 3. The wall was pulled to the ground, _____ the noise brought many people running there.

A) so B) but C) while D) and

( ) 4. You?d better call a taxi, _____ you won?t be able _____ catch the plane.

A) then, / B) and, to C) or, / D) or, to

( ) 5. Though he is very young, _____ he is the manager here.

A) but B) however C) while D) /

( ) 6. Physics is too difficult to me, it?s interesting and useful.

A) so B) or C) and D) but

( ) 7. she is over sixty, she is still learning computer skills.

A) Since B) If C) Although D) Unless



( ) I will like everything _____ you are willing to buy for me.

A) that B) what C) if D) whether

“if”(假如、是否)和“whether”(是否)都不宜用在该句。该句的主句已有一个宾语“everything”,而从句却少了个宾语,要用关联词“that”才对。只有当主、从句都缺少宾语时,才该用关联词“what”。因此“what”意为“something that”、“all that”、“the word that”……等。所以本题答案应该选“A”。

( ) Although they are young, _____ they know how to serve _____ the customers.

A) but, / B) but, for C) / , / D) / , for

在英语中,“although”、“but”分别有“虽然……但是”的意思,在一句中不能重叠使用。与此相仿,“because”、“so”也分别有“因为……所以”之意,在一句中也不能重叠使用。后半句的“为那些顾客服务”不能加介词“for”;因为“serve”(服务于) 是及物动词,它应该直接跟宾语“the customers”(那些顾客)。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) I wonder _____ he will come before 9:00 p.m..

A) what B) that C) when D) if

主句“I wonder”(我想知道)带有疑问色彩,因此,答案不能选不带疑问意思的关联词“that”。又由于后半句宾语从句对时间已有所交代,而且用的“come”是不及物动词,不宜跟宾语,因此,该句选“if”(是否)才对。所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) It?s _____that I?d like to buy it.

A) so nice doll B) such nice doll C) such nice a doll D) so nice a doll

“so … that”和“such .. that”句型是由“that”作关联词的结果状语从句。“so”(那样地)是副词,用于修饰后面的副词或形容词;“such”(那样的)是形容词,用于修饰后面的名词。因此,“那样漂亮的一个洋娃娃”可译为“such a nice doll”或“so nice a doll”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。同理,感叹句“他是多聪明的孩子啊!”可译为“What a clever child he is!”、“How clever the child is!”、“How clever a child he is!”。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. The doctor left the temple _____ the operation was over.

A) until B) after C) before D) if

( ) 2. I?ll tell you where he comes from _____ who he is _____.

A) or, either B) or, too C) and, or so D) and, as well

( ) 3. “All the other boys can manage _____ you can?t.” shouted Father.

A) and B) or C) while D) so

( ) 4. It?s said _____ he used to tell a lie, so they didn?t believe him.

A) for B) as C) because D) /

( ) 5. I really don?t know _____ I should do with the used bottles.

A) how B) where C) what D) that

( ) 6. The children didn?t go to bed _____ their mother came back home.

A) before B) when C) until D) while

( ) 7. I had _____ on me at that time that I could not pay for the Christmas card.

A) so little a money B) such little money C) so little money D) such little a money

( ) 8. You ought not to believe ____ just now.

A) what he said B) that he said C) in what he said D) in that he said


初中复习资料 目录英语词组总结for 和1.比较since 的四种用法2.since 延续动词与瞬间动词3. 重点部分提要词汇一. 单词⑴ 2冠词a / an / the: 3.some和any 4.family 5. little的用法 三. 语法 1. 名词所有格 2. 祈使句 1.英语构词法汇 2.英语语法汇总及练习 第1讲:名词 第2讲:代词 第3讲:形容词

第4讲:副词 第5讲:动词 第6讲:不定式 第7讲介词 第8讲:连词 第9讲:时态一 第10讲:时态(二) 第11讲:动词语态 第12讲:句子种类(一) 第13讲:句子的种类(二) 讲:宾语从句14第 第15讲:状语从句There be句型与中考试题第17讲ABC 被动语态复习第18讲 【初中英语词组总结】1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)

4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随……eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 14 at the beginning of …………的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕……


1 . (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen 从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 to 、look at ( 感官动词)+(sb. )+do sth. eg : I am/ feel confident of myspoken English. eg:I like watching monkeys jump. I feel that I can pass the test . 2 . (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样18. be + doing 表:1现在进行时2将来时 eg:the more the more 越来越多19 . be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够?? 3. a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)eg : She is able to sing .= She can sing. 4 . agree with sb赞成某人20. be able to do sth. 能够干什么 5 . all kinds of 各种各样a kind of 一样e g :she is able to sing . 6 . all over the world = the whole world 整个21. be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕??世界eg : I'm afraed to go out at night . 7. along with 同??一道,伴随??I'm afraid of dog. eg : I will go along with you. 我将和你一起去22. be allowed to do 被允许做什么 The students planted trees along with their eg: I'm allowed to watch TV. 我被允许看电视teachers. 学生同老师们一起种树I should be allowed to watch TV. 我应该被允 8. as soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 许看电视 9 . as you can see 你是知道的(正如你所见)23. be angry with sb 生某人的气 10 . ask for ??求助向?要?(直接接想要的东e g : Don't be angry with me. 西)24. be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 12. ask sb to do sth询问某人某事 为什么而生某人的气 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事25. be as ?原级?as 和什么一样 13 . at the age of 在??岁时eg : She is as tall as me. 她和我一样高 eg :I amsixteen. = I am at the age of sixteen . 26. be ashamed to 14. at the beginning of ????的起初;??27. be away from远离 的开始28. be away from 从??离开 15. at the end of + 地点/+时间最后;尽头;末29. be bad for对什么有害 尾eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eg : At the end of the day eyes. 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好 16. at this time of year 在每年的这个时候30. be born 出生于 17. be /feel confident of sth /that clause + 31. be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事


初中英语动词知识点:动态动词与静态动词 根据词义特点,动词可分为动态动词和静态动词。动态动词主要指动作动词,而静态动词则主要指表示情感、内心活动、感觉、相互关系等的动词: He wrote some letters. 他写了一些信。(write 为动态动词) The girls are dancing. 女孩子们在跳舞。(dance 为动态动词) I think he is honest. 我认为他是诚实的。(think 和is均为静态动词) Everyone likes her. 人人都喜欢她。(like 为静态动词) 有的动词既可用作静态动词也可用作动态动词,只是含义不同: He has a lot of friends. 他有许多朋友。(have为静态动词) He is having supper. 他在吃晚饭。(have为动态动词) 实义动词与非实义动词 根据其含义和句子功用,动词可分为实义动词和非实义动词(包括时态助动词和情态助动词等)。如: He bought a story book. 他买了一本故事书。(buy 为实义动词) He has read the story book. 他已读过这本故事书。(has 为时态助动词,read为实意动词) He should read the story book. 他应该读读这本故事书。(should 为情态助动词,red为实义动词) 初中英语动词知识点:及物动词与不及物动词 根据其后是否带宾语,动词可分为及物动词(带宾语)和不及物动词(不带宾语)。如: When will he arrive? 他什么时候到?(arrive 不带宾语,为不及物动词) He reached Beijing yesterday. 他昨天到达北京。(reach 带了宾语,为及物动词) 有的动词既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词: The child is playing. 这小孩在玩。(不及物用法) The child is playing the piano. 这小孩在弹钢琴。(及物用法) He is writing. 他在写字。(不及物用法) He is writing a letter. 他在写信。(及物用法) The boy is reading. 这男孩在阅读。(不及物用法)The boy is reading a magazine. 这男孩在看杂志。(及物用法) 初中英语动词知识点:谓语动词与非谓语动词 根据其是否能用作谓语,动词可分为谓语动词和非谓语动词。谓语动词在句中可用作谓语,而非谓语动词则不用作谓语(但可用作主语、宾语、补语、状语、定语等)。非谓语动词包括不定式、动名词、分词三种:He lives in Shanghai. 他住在上海。(live 为谓语动词) I want to go home. 我想回家。(want 为谓语动词,to go 为非谓语动词) He enjoyed watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。(enjoy为谓语动词,watching为非谓语动词) He had his hair cut. 他理发了。(had 为谓语动词,cut 为非谓语动词) 初中英语知识点:动词的分类及基本形式 英语动词的分类及基本形式 动词的分类 表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为行为动词、系动词、助动词和情态动词四类,有些动词是兼类词。如: We have lunch at 12. 我们12点吃午饭。(have是行为动词) We have been to New York. 我们去过纽约。(have是助动词) W I am hungry. 我饿了。(am是连系动词) She was beaten on the way home. 她在回家的路上被人打了。(was是助动词) You needn’t have waited for me. 你本来不必等我。(need 是情态动词) The door needs painting. 这个门需要油漆了。(needs及物动词) 动词的基本形式 绝大多数动词都有五种基本形式:动词原形、一般现在时第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词和现在分词。 A. 第三人称单数形式的构成 一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词后要加s或es,其变化规则与名词变复数的方法大体相同: 1. 一般情况下只在动词后加s,如work—works, write —writes。 2. 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的动词,后加es,如guess—guesses, mix—mix, finish—finishes, catch—catches。 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为ies,如study —studies。 注:不规则变化的有have—has, be—is, go—goes, do—does等。 B. 现在分词的构成 1. 一般情况下在动词后加ing,如study—studying, work —working。 2. 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e再加ing, 如write—writing, move—moving。 3. 以一个元音字母和一个辅音结尾的重读音节结尾的 动词,要双写末尾一个辅音字母,再加ing,如get—getting, begin—beginning。 4. 以ie结尾的名词,一般将ie改为y,再加ing,如lie —lying, die—dying, tie—tying。 注:(A) 以l结尾的动词,尾音节重读时,双写l,如 1


初中英语知识归纳总结 第一课时名词 一、概述 1、名词的属性:表示人或事物的名称抽象概念的词叫名词。 2、名词分普通名词和专有名词。普通名词是表示某一类人或事物,或某种物体或抽象概念的名称。如:teacher, desks, plates, milk, box等,专有名词表示某一特定的人、事物、地方团体、党派、国家机关、语言、节日等专用的名称。(运用)如:China, Chinese, Saturday, June, Green, Beijing, Olympic等。(专有名词的第一个字母要大写) 二、可数名词与不可数名词 1、可数名词是指表示人或事物,可以用数来计量的名词,有单复数之分。如:glass-----glasses; book---- books 2、不可数名词是指所表示的事物不能用数来计量。 如:paper, rice, water , milk, tea等。 3、有些名词在特定情况下由不可数变为可数名词。 Light travels faster than sound; (light:光线,不可数) The lights are on. (light:灯,可数) 4、不可数名词的量的表示 不可数名词一般无法用数来计算,前面不能用a或an或数词来表示数量,它的量往往借助于容器来表示。 如:a glass of milk ------ four glasses of milk a piece of paper ------two pieces of paper a bag of rice ------three bags of rice 三、可数名词的复数形式(识记、运用) 1、可数名词在应用时有单复数之分,单数变复数有规则变化和不规则变化两种。 规则变化 policeman---policemen; man---men; woman---women; tooth---teeth; foot---feet; sheep---sheep; deer---deer; Japanese--- Japanese; Chinese --- Chinese; fish --- fish 四、名词所有格(运用) 名词的所有格是表示所有关系的形式,它也有构成上的变化。 1、单数名词变所有格,只需在词尾加’ s; 2、复数名词的词尾已有s,只需加’即可; 3、复数名词的词尾若没有s ,则应加’ s ; 4、如果表示某人或物为两人所共有,则在第二个人后面加’ s ; 如:Da Mao and Xiao Mao’s room 如果不是两人共有,则在每个人后面都加’ s; 如:Li Lei’s and Tom’s mother 5、名词所有格结构通常用于表示有生命的名词,或表示时间、距离、地点等,而表示无生命名词的所有关系则用“of”表示。 如: the windows of house the picture of the family


一般现在时的用法 1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频腮度的时间状语连用。 时间状语: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 3) 表示格言或警句中。 Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败。 Now watch me, I switch on the current and stand back. 第二句中的 now 是进行时的标志,表示 正在进行的动作的客观状况,所以后句用一般现在时。 2. 一般过去时的用法 1)在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。 时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 19等82。 Where did you go just now? 2)表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。 When I was a child, I often played football in the street. Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome. 3)句型: It is time for sb. to do sth 到" ……时间了" "该……了" It is time sb. did sth. "时间已迟了" "早该……了" It is time for you to go to bed 你. 该睡觉了。 第一句用一般现在时,用于操作演示或指导说明的示范性动作,表示言行的瞬间动作。再如: Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well. 比较:Now I put the sugar in the cup. I am doing my homework now. 注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。 例:Columbus proved that the earth is round.. 4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。 I don’t want so much. 初中英语知识点总结


初一年级(上) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. Sit down 2. on duty 3. in English 4. have a seat 5. at home 6. look like 7. look at 8. have a look 9. come on 10. at work 11. at school 12. put on 13. look after 14. get up 15. go shopping II. 重要句型 1. help sb. do sth. 2. What abo ut… 3. Let’s do sth. 4. It’s time to do sth. 5. It’s time for … 6. What’s… It is…/ It’s… 7. Where is… It’s…. 8. How old are you I’m….9. What class are you in I’m in…. 10. Welcome to…. 11. What’s …plus… It’s…. 12. I think… 13. Who’s this This is…. 14. What can you see I can see…. 15. There is (are) …. 16. What colour is it (are they) It’s (They’re)… 17. Whose …is this It’s…. 18. What time is it It’s…. III. 交际用语 1. Good morning, Miss/Mr…. 2. Hello! Hi! 3. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 4. How are y ou I’m fine, thank you/thanks. And you 5. See you. See you later. 6. Thank you! You’re welcome. 7. Goodbye! Bye! 8. What’s your name My name is …. 9. Here you are. This way, please. 10. Who’s on duty today 11. Let’s do. 12. Let me see. IV. 重要语法 1. 动词be的用法; 2. 人称代词和物主代词的用法;


初中英语50个易错知识点习题汇总 1. Because he was ill yesterday, so he didn't go to work. (×) Because he was ill yesterday, he didn't go to work. (√) He was ill yesterday, so he didn't go to work. (√) [析] 用though, but表示"虽然……,但是…… "或用because, so 表示"因为……,所以……"时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。 2. The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×) The Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√) [析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之后加上适当的介词;但不及物动词后接home, here, there等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。 3. The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×) The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√) [析] the box既是这句话的主语, 也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box重复了。 4. Each of the boys have a pen. (×) Each of the boys has a pen. (√) [析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of, one of, every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of, none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 5. Neither he nor you is good at English. (×) Neither he nor you are good at English. (√) [析] either... or..., neither... nor..., not only..., but also... 等词组连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词遵循"就近一致原则", 即由靠近谓语的那个主语决定谓语的人称和数用何种形式。 6. Ten minus three are seven. (×) Ten minus three is seven. (√) [析] 用英语表示加(plus)、减(minus)等数学运算时,谓语动词也用单数形式。 7. The number of the workers in this factory are about 5,000. (×) The number of the workers in this factory is about 5,000. (√) [析] the number of表示"……的数量",谓语动词用单数形式;a number of 的意思是"若干" 或"许多",相当于some或a lot of,和复数名词连用,谓语动词用复数形式。 8. Hello! I have important something to tell you. (×) Hello! I have something important to tell you. (√) [析] 形容词或动词不定式修饰不定代词作定语时,修饰成分要置于不定代词之后。 9. His son is enough old to go to school. (×) His son is old enough to go to school.(√)


初中英语知识点总结归纳 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《初中英语知识点总结归纳》的内容,具体内容:知识点是英语学习中的一个重要的部分,下面是我为大家带来的,相信对你会有帮助的。:状语从句为了提高同学们的英语复习效率,中国教育在线整理了初中英语语法之状语从句,状语从句... 知识点是英语学习中的一个重要的部分,下面是我为大家带来的,相信对你会有帮助的。 :状语从句 为了提高同学们的英语复习效率,中国教育在线整理了初中英语语法之状语从句,状语从句是用来修饰主句中的动词,副词和形容词的从句。根据其含义状语从句可分为时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句,原因状语从句,结果状语从句,比较状语从句,目的状语从句,让步状语从句。 1. 时间状语从句 (1)时间状语从句常用when, as, while, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as等连词来引导。例如: It was raining hard when got to school yesterday. While he was doing his homework, the telephone rang. As he walked along the lake, he sang happily. He had learned a little Chinese before he came to China. After he finished middle school, he went to work in a factory.

(2)在时间状语从句里,通常不用将来时态,用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如: Ill ring you up as soon as I get to New York. I will tell him everything when he comes back. He wont believe it until he sees it with his own eyes. (3)在带有till或until引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句里,如果主句用肯定式,其含义是"一直到......时",谓语动词只能用延续性动词。如果主句用否定式,其含义是"直到......才......", "在......以前不......", 谓语动词可用瞬间动词。例如: The young man read till the light went out. Lets wait until the rain stops. We wont start until Bob comes. Dont get off until the bus stops. 2. 条件状语从句 (1)条件状语从句通常由if, unless引导。例如: What shall we do if it snows tomorrow? Dont leave the building unless I tell you to. (2)在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如: Ill help you with your English if am free tomorrow. He wont be late unless he is ill. (3)"祈使句 + and (or)+ 陈述句" 在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语


英语语法大全 初中英语语法学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before .

10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。 如:He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)


人教版初中复习资料 【初中英语词组总结】 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高 26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害 30 be born 出生于 31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于…… 32 be careful 当心;小心 33 be different from…… 和什么不一样 34 be famous for 以……著名 35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好 36 be from = come from 来自 37 be full of 装满……的be filled with 充满eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water 38 be glad+to+do/从句 39 be going to + v(原)将来时 40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于…… 41 be good for 对什么有好处 42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事 43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处 44 be in good health 身体健康 45 be in trouble 处于困难中


马上就要中考了,祝大家中考都考上一个理想的高中!欢迎同学们下载,希望能帮助到你们! 人教版中考英语知识点大全 一、必背知识点总结: 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级 and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么

12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 14 at the beginning of …………的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样 eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高 26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害 30 be born 出生于


一、单复数(偶尔会考,但是错的概率还蛮高的,因为看起来简单,其实更容易忘记。) 1、名词单复数 I like bananas (banana) very much. That is an apple (apple). 2、be动词单复数(这里要注意过去时,不要忘记看后面的时态) There is (be) a pair of shoes under the bed. Here is (be) some water for you. I am (be) very glad to see you. Tom and I are (be) in the same class. Where were (be) you just now? I was (be) in the playground. 3、代词单复数 These(this) are rulers. Liu Tao is doing his(their) homework. 二、名词所有格(这种题型的更容易错,我的学生就经常错在这个题型上,不是不会做,而是要忘记。) This is Helen’s (Helen) scarf. Happy Children’s(children) Day. 三、人称代词和物主代词 1.人称代词—主格(在句中作主语,陈述句中一般在开头,一般疑问句中一般是第二个单词……) We(our) milked cows on the farm yesterday. Does she(her) have a new bike? Which pen do you(your) like? On Christmas Day I(my) got many presents. 2.人称代词—宾格(在句中作宾语,一般用在动词或介词后) Let me(mine) have a look. David is behind her(she). 3.物主代词—形容词性(用在名词前) What is your(you) job? Miss Li is their(them) English teacher. 4.物主代词—名词性(相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”) The teapot is his(he). Yours(your) is over there. 四、基数词和序数词 1.基数词表示数量There are five(fifth) birds in the tree. 2.序数词表示顺序March is the third(three) month in a year. 常见序数词first second third (不要拼错了,学作文时也可以用) 五、动词—时态(时态也是一个非常重要的一点,一定要在考试时注意。)1.一般现在时 A.主语为第三人称单数,动词要加“-s”或“-es” He lives(live) in a small town. Yang Ling often goes(go) to school by bike. 在否定句或疑问句中,已有did,动词就用原形。 She doesn’t go(go) to school on Saturday and Sunday. Does Ben like(like) animals? B.其它情况,动词用原形


初三英语知识点大总结 一. 介词by的用法 1. 意为“在……旁”,“靠近”。 Some are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some are drawing by the lake. 有的在大树下唱歌跳舞。有的在湖边画画儿。 2. 意为“不迟于”,“到……时为止”。 Your son will be all right by supper time. 你的儿子在晚饭前会好的。 How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? 到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英语歌曲? 3. 表示方法、手段,可译作“靠”、“用”、“凭借”、“通过”、“乘坐”等。

The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing. 猴子用尾巴吊在树上哈哈大笑。 The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph. 孩子的父亲是那么的感激,于是他教爱迪生怎样通过铁路电报来传达信息。 4. 表示“逐个”,“逐批”的意思。 One by one they went past the table in the dark. 他们一个一个得在黑暗中经过这张桌子。 5. 表示“根据”,“按照”的意思。 What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了?


一、选择题 1.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.is B.it C.this D.fine 2.—How often do you do sports? —I do sports /twa?s/a day. A.twice B.twins C.tooth D.try 3.Go down this street and turn ______ / left / .You will see a library in front of you. A.light B.left C.let D.lift 4.Which stress is different from other three words? A.expensive B.beautiful C.potato D.tomorrow 5.If I had one million dollars, I’d give it away to ______________/′medik?l/ research. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 6.You’ll _____________ /feil/ in the final exam if you don’t work harder. A.feel B.fell C.fail D.fill 7.There is__________ “s”and __________ “u”in the “sun”. A.a;an. B.an; a C.an; an D.a;a 8.In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others? A.produce B.product C.promise 9.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A.reflect B.percent C.expert 10.In the following words , which underlined letter has different sound from the others? A.medium B.secret C.recall 11.Which of the following words has a different sound from the underlined letter of the word “s i gn”? A.find B.pride C.think 12.His father bought him a new / t??/ for his birthday. A.tool B.tail C.tall D.toy 13.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.name B.Grace C.map D.game 14.I have a pet / k?t / , it’s very smart . A.cat B.cut C.coat D.cute 15.which of the following words has a different stress(重音)? A.country B.famous C.outside D.repeat. 16.Which of the following ending has the same pronunciation “started”? A.hoped B.needed C.raised D.passed 17.Which of the following part has a different sound? A.those B.month C.health D.think

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