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学生(学号, 姓名, 性别, 出生日期, 毕业学校)

课程(课程编号, 课程名, 教师编号)

选课(学号, 课程编号, 成绩)

教师(教师编号, 姓名, 性别, 工作时间, 职称, 系别)



















create table grade

(low int, upp int, rank char(1));

insert into grade values(90,100,’A’);

insert into grade values(80,89,’B’);

insert into grade values(70,79,’C’);

insert into grade values(60,69,’D’);

insert int o grade values(0,59,’E’);

















34 查询所有未讲课的教师的姓名和系别.







Book 1 Unit1 Friendship高一人教版英语第一模块第一单元词汇语法综合练习

Book 1 Unit1 Friendship 本单元所学的词汇总结 短语: 动词: 名词: 形容词: 副词: I. 语法填空:在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号里单词的适当形式填空 1. The boss was _____________ (entire) satisfied with what the workers hand done. 2. The room has been empty for a long time and all the furniture(家具) is _________ (dust) on the surface. 3. Alan looked at him and said ____________ (calm), “I don’t believe you.” 4. Our parents are __________ (concern) about our health. As far as I’m _________ (concern), we should talk with them and tell them our ___________ (concern). 5. Look at the time! We _____________________ (be) at the theater 10 minutes ago. 6. After he came to power, everyone said he was a _____________ (power) leader, but now he felt so _____________ (power) that he even couldn’t save his son. 7. Anne and her friends were all born in ____________ (German), that is to say, they were all _____________ (German). 8. It was in the street ____________ Mary met an old beggar(乞丐) yesterday. 9. It’s no pleasure ______________ (talk) with such a boring man.


初一下册 Module 1 People and Places 单元测试题 满分100分 4. school trip 6. put on your clothes 8. __ at this momen 9. ___________________ 看电视 10.打扮 ____________________________ ______________________________ II.根据汉语提示完成句子。(5分) 1. Daming is eati ng lunch and _____ 閒)i n the sun. 2. Ca n you ____ 发给 / 寄给)me a postcard too? 3. ________ 无论如何),we are going to visit the museum. 4. They are _______ 等 待)buses at the bus stop. 5. He doesn ' t (有)a sister. 6. In Moscow it s eight o'clock and peoplearen ' ___________ 喝下午茶) 7. We are from ________ (不同的)countries(国家). 8. ________ (日本人)and Chinese look the same. 9. What color are those ______ (手套). 10. Do you ______ (认识)the girl in green? m .用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. She is a friend of _____ (me). 2. ____ (be) these trousers old or new? 3. She know ___ (I ) name and I know _______ (she). 4. It ' s a dark blue jacket, it _______ '_ sMiotiael). 5. Let ' s _go _____ (shop) tomorrow. 6 .You are ________ (grow) so fast. 7. It _____ (look) very nice. 8. You can ____ (say) that aga in. 9. She grows fast. The dress will ___ (fit) her soon. 10. Help ____ (we) find him. IV 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Where ______ he from? A. are B. is C. does D. has ( )2. _____ he ____ a small nose or big one? A. Do, has B. Does, has C. Does, have D. Do, have ()3. They have a TV set. It _ . ' s A. them B. their C. theirs D. they ( )4. You can _that again. 半球 A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say ( )5. Look __ _ the young man ___ long legs. I.词组互译。(5分) 1.过得愉快/开心 ______________ 2.填写明信片_________________ 3. Taking photos __________ 5.礼物 _______________ 7. have a drin ____________


五年级数学测试卷(1) 一.填空题。(18分,每空0.5分) 1、把8.9+8.9+8.9改写成乘法算式是()。 2、3.2×2.6的积有()位小数,2.06×4.02的积有()位小数。 3、5.9807保留一位小数是(),保留两位小数是(),保留三位小数是()。 4、根据35×16=560 直接在括号里填数。 3.5×16=() 0.35×1.6=() 3.5×1.6=() 5、2.7÷0.7的商精确到十分位是(),保留两位小数是() 6、在括号里填上“<”、“>”或“=”。 5.6÷1.3 ( )1 8.7×3.2( )8.7 9.1×0.56( )9.1 7.6×1.2()7.6 4.3×0.99()4.3 3.25×5.7()32.5×0.57 7、一个两位小数的近似数是6.0,这个两位小数最大可能是(),最小可能是()。 8、6.8×2.01=6.8×2+6.8×0.01可以用()律进行简算。 9、在计算2.8+1.2×0.7时,先算()法,再算()法,最后的结果是()。 10、用数对表示位置时,先写()再写(),中间用()隔开,行是从()向() 数,列是从()往()数,小红坐在教室的第1列第6行,用数对表示为(,), 用(5,2)表示的同学坐在第()列第()行。 11、1.8米=()厘米 6.3平方米=()平方分米 12、两个因数的积是 5.28,把一个因数扩大到它的10倍,另一个因数缩小到它的百分之一,积是()。 二.选择题。(8分) 1、与0.845×1.8的结果相同的算式是()。 A.8.45×18 B.18×0.084 C.84.5×0.18 2、算式3.24×18的积是()位小数。 A.一 B.两 C.三 3、()的计算结果比第一个因数大。 A.3.4×0.9 B.0.47×2 C.2.3× D.9.8×0 4、计算9.9×25的简便方法是()。A.9×9×25 B.(10-1)×25 C.(10-0.1)×25 5、一个三位数小数四舍五入后为5.50,这个三位小数最大可能( )A.5.504 B.5.499 C.5.509 6、一个非0自然数乘大于1的数,积比原数( )A、大B、小 C、无法确定 7、3.73×1.1的乘积扩大()倍就变成整数A、10倍 B、100倍 C、1000 8、0.3×b<0.3,b一定() A、大于1 B、等于1 C、小于1 三、判断对错(共8分,每题1分) (1)、一个数(0除外)的1.001倍比原数要大。() (2)、4.7×10.1=4.7×10+4.7×1 ( )


人教版英语八年级下册Unit1单元综合测试卷 姓名:___________班级:___________学号:___________一、单选题 1.— Has Jane done the washing yet? — You cannot her to do such a thing. A.want B.hope C.expect D.wish 2.---Mike hurt his leg while playing football yesterday.? --- _______ . A.That’s nothing B.That’s all right C.Never mind D.I’m sorry to hear that 3.—, Tony? —I feel terrible. Maybe I have a cold. A.How are you B.What’s the matter C.Are you really ill D.Why not go to a doctor 4.Do you know who taught _____ French? Nobody. He learned it by ____. A.his; himself B.him; him C.him; himself D.his; him 5.I didn’t go to the party not________the weather, but _______I didn’t feel well. A.because of; because B.because; because of C.because; because D.because of; because of 6.There’s rain on the road, so she should drive carefully. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too 7.The doctor advised my father to________smoking. A.get up B.stay up C.put up D.give up 8.I’d like the old people some housework. A.help;do B.to help;doing C.helping;doing D.to help;do 9.He is happy that he _____in a tall apartment next year.


外研版九年级上M o d u l e1单元测试试卷 一、单项选择(15分) ()1.Doyouknowwhat_____________tohimlastnight? A.happen B.didhappen C.washappened D.happened ()2.Didyoutell_____________aboutthenews? A.anyoneother B.anyoneelse C.elseanyone D.otheranyone ()3.Lucy,howabout_________-____thisafternoon? A.goswimming B.goingswim C.togoswimming D.goingswimming ()4.Therearemanytreeson____________ofthestreet. A.everyside B.bothside C.everysides D.bothsides ()5.SinceI___________tothevillage,I__________hereformanyyears. A.moved;lived B.moved;havelived C.havemoved;lived D.havemoved;havelived ()6.IfTom_____________thegame,we’llgivehimasurprise. A.win B.won C.wins D.winning ()7.ItoldmymotherIwasn’tworriedaboutmyexam.ButinfactI___________. A.did B.was C.have D.had ()8.–Doyouoftengetonline? –Yes.I______lotsoftimeonit.It’sagoodwaytokilltime. A.cost B.spend C.take https://www.wendangku.net/doc/af9400575.html,e ()9.–Hehasheardofthisstorybefore.–_______________. A.SohaveI B.SodidI C.SoIhave D.SoIdid ()10.He’ll________Beijingtomorrowmorning. A.reachto B.arrivein C.geton D.arriveat ()11.–Couldyoulookafteryoursister,Tina? –Sorry,mum.I___________myhomeworknow. A.amdoing B.willdo C.wasdoing D.havedone ()12.TheGreatWallisabout6,700kilometres_____________. A.far B.wide C.high D.long ()13.–CanIseetheheadmasteratthemoment,please? –I’mafraidnot.He_________out.He_________in10minutes. A.goes;comes B.gone,came C.willgo;willcome D.hasgone;willcomeback ()14.Ihave_______________totellyou.


五年级数学上册知识点 小数乘法 1、小数乘法计算方法:先按整数乘法算出积,再点小数点;点小数点时,看因数中一共有几位小数,就从积的右边起数出几位点上小数点。 注意:计算结果中,小数部分末尾的0要去掉,把小数化简;小数部分位数不够时,要用0占位。 3、规律:一个数(0除外)乘大于1的数,积比原来的数大;一个数(0除外)乘小于1的数,积比原来的数小。 4、求近似数的方法:先根据小数乘法的计算方法计算出准确的积,再用(四舍五入)法保保留一定的小数位数。; 5、计算钱数,保留两位小数,表示计算到分。保留一位小数,表示计算到角。 6、小数四则运算顺序跟整数是一样的,先算乘除后算加减,有小括号的先算小括号里面的。 7、运算定律和性质: 加法:加法交换律:a+b=b+a 加法结合律:(a+b)+c=a+(b+c) 乘法:乘法交换律:a×b=b×a 乘法结合律:(a×b)×c=a×(b×c)见2.5找4或0.4,见1.25找8或0.8 乘法分配律:(a+b)×c=a×c+b×c或a×c+b×c=(a+b)×c(b=1时,省略b) 变式:(a-b)×c=a×c-b×c或a×c-b×c=(a-b)×c 减法:减法性质:a-b-c=a-(b+c) 除法:除法性质:a÷b÷c=a÷(b×c) 位置 1、用数对表示位置时,一般先表示(列数),再表示(行数),根据列数和 行数写出相应的数对记作(列数,行数)。 2、用数对确定位置时,根据(列数)和(行数)找出相对应列和行的交点, 交点就是所找的位置。 3、数对是一个整体,要加括号,中间用逗号隔开。

小数除法 1、小数除以整数的计算方法:小数除以整数,按整数除法的方法去除,商的小数点要和被除数的小数点对齐。整数部分不够除,商0,点上小数点。如果有余数,要添0再除。 2、除数是小数的除法的计算方法:先移动除数的小数点,使它变成(整数),除数的小数点向右移动几位,(被除数)的小数点也向右移动几位(位数不够的,在被除数的末尾用0补足);然后按除数是整数的小数除法进行计算。 3、求商的近似数时,计算到比保留的小数位数多一位,再将最后一位“四舍五入”。 4、除法中的变化规律:①商不变性质:被除数和除数同时扩大或缩小相同的倍数(0除外),商不变。②除数不变,被除数扩大,商随着扩大;除数不变,被除数缩小,商随着缩小。③被除数不变,除数缩小,商反而扩大;被除数不变,除数扩大,商反而缩小。 5、规律:一个数(0除外)除以大于1的数,商比原来的数小;一个数(0除外)除以小于1的数,商比原来的数大。 6、循环小数:一个数的小数部分,从某一位起,一个数字或者几个数字依次不断重复出现,这样的小数叫做(循环小数)。循环节:一个循环小数的小数部分,依次不断重复出现的数字。如5.333…的循环节是3写作5.3 7.14545……的循环节是45.简写作7.145 6.9258258…的循环节是258写作6.9258 7、小数部分的位数是有限的小数,叫做(有限小数)。例如:0.9375是一个有限小数。 小数部分的位数是无限的小数,叫做(无限小数)例如:0.2142857是一个无限小数。


1.每个学生可以同时借阅多本图书,一本图书只能由一个学生借阅,图书和学生之间为()的联系。 A. 一对多 B. 多对多 C. 多对一 D. 一对一 答案:C 2.关系R与关系S的并运算是()。 A. 由关系R和关系S的所有元组合并组成的集合,再删除重复的元组 B. 由属于R而不属于S的所有元组组成的集合 C. 由既属于R又属于S的元组组成的集合 D. 有R和S中的元组连接组成的集合 答案: A 3.一个实体集对应于关系模型中的一个()。 A. 元组 B. 字段 C. 属性 D. 关系 答案: D 4.专门的关系运算中,投影运算是()。 A. 在基本表中选择满足条件的记录组成一个新的关系 B. 在基本表中选择需要的字段组成一个新的关系 C. 在基本表中选择满足条件的记录和属性组成一个新的关系 D. 上述说法都是正确的 答案: B 5.下面四种运算中,不是传统集合运算的是()。 A. 并运算 B. 交运算 C. 差运算 D. 联接 答案: D 6.Access是一种关系数据库管理系统,所谓关系是指()。 A. 各条记录中的数据彼此有一定的关系 B. 一个数据库文件中的各个表之间有一定的关系 C. 二维表 D. 数据库中各个字段之间彼此有一定的关系 答案: C 7.数据库DB,数据库系统DBS,数据库管理系统DBMS三者之间的关系是()。 A. DBS包括DB和DBMS B. DBMS包括DBM和DBS C. DB包括DBS和DBMS D. DBS就是DB,也就是DBMS 答案: A 8. SQL的含义是()。 A. 结构化查询语言 B. 数据定义语言 C. 数据库查询语言 D. 数据库操纵与控制语言 答案: A 9.不是Access数据库管理系统对象的是()。 A. 报表 B. 查询 C. 数据访问页 D.组 答案: D

人教版八年级下册英语Unit1 单元综合考试测试卷(有答案)

人教版八下英语Unit1 单元综合测试题 一、单项选择。 1.—There is something wrong with my _________, so I can't eat anything. —Really? I think you should drink some hot water. A. foot B. neck C. stomach D. head 2. —You look really tired.___? —I didn't sleep well last night. I had a headache. A. How about you B. What should you do C. What's the matter D. How are you feeling now 3. —Oh, I feel terrible. I have a bad —You should see a dentist. A. throat B. toothache C. cold D. cough 4.—Don't play with a knife, you may _____________ —Thank you! A. cut you B. cut me C. cut yourself D. cut myself 5. —I don’t feel well, it seems that I have a fever. —You should A. take your temperature B. take my temperature C. take myself temperature D. take yourself temperature 6.—Why is the woman so popular? —Because she often helping others. A. think about B. thinks about C. care about D. cares about 7. —Tom,I have working out the math problem. —Don't worry. Let me help you. A. matter B. trouble C. experience D. risk 8.—My son is old enough to now. —That’s great! A. wear him B. wear himself C. dress him D. dress himself 9.—Do you hate to get out of bed in winter, Miss Wang? —No, I am used early. A. get up B. to get up C. to getting D. to getting up 10.—On my way to school I saw a dog __on the road. —Maybe a car hit it, it’s poor. A. lie B. lies C. lay D. lying 二、完形填空 Dear Tom, In your last letter,you said that you couldn't sleep well at night because you always had bad dreams. It was__11__for you to fall asleep. You didn't know what the__12__was with you. And you are__13__ worried that you don’t want to eat anything. You needed my help. I think I can give you some__14__to help you.


Module1Unit1单元测试卷 一、单项选择(共25小题;每题1分,共25分) 1. The Belt and Road is a new force of promoting the development of the world economy, that will further push China's opening up. A. the one B. one C. ones D. the ones 【答案】B【解析】句意:一带一路是一种新的促进世界经济发展的力量,这将进一步推动中国的改革开放。此句考察代词的的应用,此处的词代指前面整句话的意思,应用one。故选B。 2. Many people fixed their eyes on me when I made that silly mistake, made me rather embarrassed. A. that B. who C. which D. when 【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。根据句意可知,当我犯这种愚蠢的问题时,很多人眼睛盯着我,这让我相当难看。分析句子可知本句是非限制性定语从句,本句所填的词,指代前面的整个句意,即我犯的愚蠢的错误,(这件事)让我难看。在定语从句指代上文的句子的,要用关系词which,因此选C 3. Is this the factory _______ you visited the other day? A. in which B. which C. where D. the one 【答案】B【解析】考查定语从句的用法。这是你几天前参观过的工厂吗?这类题可以先把它转换成陈述句在做:this is the factory __you visited the other day .则可知"__you visited the other day " 是定语从句修饰factory 的,先行词是factory,可以用关系代词that, which或不填,结合句意,故选A。 4. Doctor Smith, who in Shanghai for more than ten years, is considering working in Huaian, but he hasn't decided yet. A. had worked B. has been working C. is working D. works 【答案】B【解析】考查谓语动词的时态。句意:在上海工作了十年多的史米斯医生正在考虑去淮安工作,但他还没有决定。分析句子可知,本句中的who指代前面的先行词doctor Smith,是单数。而根据后面的内容可知,本句中的史密斯先生在上海已工作了十多年,现在还在上海,故要用现在完成时 5. Bob, get this film _______. I want to know if this camera works. A. washed B. developed C. printed D. shown 【答案】B【解析】词义辨析。A. 洗;洗刷 B. 打印;印刷 C. 展示 D. 发展;使显影。句意:鲍勃,把这个胶卷快点洗出来。我想知道这部相机是否效果很好。故选B,是胶卷显出影像。 6. My new classmate told us about his trip to ____ Great Wall. He said it was ______ exciting experience for him. A. the; an B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填; a 【答案】A【解析】考查冠词。句意为我的新同学告诉我关羽去长城的旅游。他说对他来说这是一次令人激动的经历。第一个空Great Wall为专有名词,所以前面要加定冠词the;第二个空,一次令人激动的经历是泛指,experience开头因为原因,所以用an。 7. If you go and study in Britain, you can get up an hour later ______ as schools in China begins before 8 a.m. A. as usual B. as usually C. than usual D. than usually 【答案】C【解析】考查固定短语。句意为如果你去英国学习你可以早上晚起一个小时,因为中国早上上课时在八点前。As usual 像往常一样than usual 比以往早 8. The past ten years have the great changes in all fields of our life, especially in the way we communicate. A. assumed B. witnessed C. required D. expressed 【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:在过去的十年里,我们生活的各个领域都发生了巨大的变化,尤其是在交流方式上。assume承担,假定,认为,装出;witness 见证,目击;require需要,要求,命令;express表达,表情。本句是一种拟人的说法,其主语是过去的十年,即过去的十年见证(witness)了巨大的变化,分析句子可知,本句要用一般过去时。所以要用B。 9. English and French are taught here. You can choose you like. A. no matter which B. whichever C. which D. whatever


小学1-5年级必记的知识点 1、小数的基本性质:在小数末尾添上零或者去掉零,小数的大小不变。 2、分数的基本性质:分数的分子和分母都乘以或者除以相同的数(零除外),分数的大小不变。 3、商不变的性质:在除法里,被除数和除数都乘以或者除以相同的数(零除外),商的大小不变。 4、等式的基本性质:等式两边同时乘以(或除以)一个相同的数,等式仍然成立。 一、公式(必须牢记并会应用) 1、每份数×份数=总数 总数÷每份数=份数 总数÷份数=每份数 2、1倍数×倍数=几倍数 几倍数÷1倍数=倍数 几倍数÷倍数=1倍数 3、速度×时间=路程 路程÷速度=时间 路程÷时间=速度 4、单价×数量=总价 总价÷单价=数量 总价÷数量=单价 5、工作效率×工作时间=工作总量 工作总量÷工作效率=工作时间 工作总量÷工作时间=工作效率

6、加数+加数=和 和-一个加数=另一个加数 7、被减数-减数=差 被减数-差=减数 差+减数=被减数 8、因数×因数=积 积÷一个因数=另一个因数 9、被除数÷除数=商 被除数÷商=除数 商×除数=被除数 10、盈亏问题 (盈+亏)÷两次分配量之差=参加分配的份数(大盈-小盈)÷两次分配量之差=参加分配的份数(大亏-小亏)÷两次分配量之差=参加分配的份数11、相遇问题 相遇路程=速度和×相遇时间 相遇时间=相遇路程÷速度和 速度和=相遇路程÷相遇时间 12、和差问题的公式 (和+差)÷2=大数 (和-差)÷2=小数 13、和倍问题的公式 和÷(倍数-1)=小数 小数×倍数=大数(或者和-小数=大数)

14、差倍问题的公式 差÷(倍数-1)=小数 小数×倍数=大数(或小数+差=大数) 二、小学数学图形计算公式(必背) 1、正方形:C=周长、S=面积、a=边长 周长=边长×4 用字母表示:C=4a 面积=边长×边长用字母表示:S=a×a 2、正方体:V=体积、a=棱长 表面积=棱长×棱长×6 用字母表示:S表=a×a×6 体积=棱长×棱长×棱长用字母表示:V=a×a×a 3、长方形:C=周长、S=面积、a=边长 周长=(长+宽)×2 用字母表示:C=2(a+b) 面积=长×宽用字母表示:S=ab 4、长方体:V=体积、s=面积、a=长、b=宽、h=高 表面积=(长×宽+长×高+宽×高)×2 用字母表示:S=2(ab+ah+bh) 体积=长×宽×高用字母表示:V=abh 5、三角形:s=面积、a=底、h=高 面积=底×高÷2 用字母表示:s=ah÷2 三角形高=面积×2÷底 三角形底=面积×2÷高 6、平行四边形:s=面积、a=底、h=高 面积=底×高用字母表示:s=ah 7、梯形:s=面积、a=上底、b=下底、h=高


7B Unit1单元综合测试卷(A) 一、单词辨音(5%) ( ) 1. A. capital B. bathroom C. match D. happy ( ) 2. A. enjoy B. message C. bedroom D. desk ( ) 3. A. about B. house C. cousin D. thousand ( ) 4. A. beach B. great C. dream D. sea ( ) 5. A. sofa B. most C. over D. front ( ) 6. A. many B. lamp C. palace D. balcony ( ) 7. A. nineteen B. knife C. kitchen D. invite ( ) 8. A. shower B. own C. how D. flower ( ) 9. A. machine B. children C. teacher D. chair ( )10. A. forty B. fork C. for D. doctor 二、根据汉语注释和对话内容,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式(10%) l. 'I'd like to watch the_______ (录像) of your new school. 2. Can the little boy write the numbers from_______(零)to thirty? 3. The teacher asks us the_______ (面积) of this triangle (三角形) in the maths class. 4. My telephone number .is two, two, one,_______ (双的) five, eight, six, two. 5. Our school swimming pool is about ten_______ (米)long. 6. The boys over there come from different_______ (国家). 7. The boy comes from a small ________(镇)in South China. 8. -It's over nine_______ square meters in China, -Yes, China is very large. I hope to visit it some day. 9. -Is the winter in the country of ________ very cold, Tony? -Yes, of course. And there are many ice engravings (冰雕) on the Red Square. 10. -The food in the_______ is still very good after three days. -Yes. We can enjoy them this evening. 三、词形变化(5%) 1. The CN Tower is 1,815_______ (foot) tall. 2. Some of my friends are chatting with each other in the_______ (live) room. 3. Lily is the_______ (three) student to finish (完成) the homework. 4. My favourite singer(歌手)is Jay Chou, so I like Jay Chou ________ (well). 5. How many_______ (knife) do the students in Class l want? 四、单项填空(20%) ( ) 1. The capital of the UK is_______. A. London B. Washington D. C. C. Tokyo D. Paris ( ) 2. -Where do people usually cook dinner? -In the_______. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. dining room D. sitting room ( ) 3. -_______ is your car? -The_______ one on the left. Is it nice? A. Which; two B. What; second C. Which; second D. What, two ( ) 4. Linda lives with her grandparents on_______ third floor of_______ tall building. A. the; a B. the; / C. /; the D. a; / ( ) 5. -Would you like to have some tea?


七年级下学期英语单元测试题一 Module 1 一、语音。根据所给音素写出单词。(5分) / ′p??stkɑ:d / / ′rest?r?nt / / dress / /′r??li / /?n′d??I / / s tr i:t / / dra I v / /′ɡri:t??/ /′b?le?/ /′?p?r?/ 二、单项选择。(15分) 1.It’s seven o’clock. I _______ in bed. A. lie B. lies C. am lying D. are lying 2. He’s _______ some presents. A. shop B. shopping C. shops for D. shopping for 3. _______ your presents drinking tea? A. Do B. Can C. Are C. Be 4. What is the old man _______? A. do B. does C. doing D. to do 5. Listen! Someone _______ in the next room. A. sing B. singing C. is singing D. are singing 6. –Are they writing postcards? –No, _______. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they do D. they don’t 7. The Smiths _______ sitting at the table. A. is B. am C. are D. be 8. –Is Lily doing her homework? –No, she _______. She is _______ a letter. A. doesn’t. write B. is n’t, writing C. isn’t, write D. doesn’t, writing 9. Listen! Miss Li _______ Bob. A. talk about B. is talking to C. talks to D. is talking 10. I don’t quite enjoy _______ a train. A. take B. takes C. to take D. taking 11. The students are waiting _______ a school bus now. A. for B. on C. at D. to 12. The tree is _______ our building. A. in front of B. in the front of C. front of D. on the front of 13. It’s cold outside. Please _______ your coat. A. put on B. put up C. dress D. wear 14. Look! The children _______ football. A. play B. plays C. is playing D. are playing 15. What _______ you _______ at the moment? A. are, do B. do, do C. are, doing D. do, doing 三、完形填空。(10分)


2012年秋瑞金市小学数学五年级单元测试卷(一)考试内容:小数乘法命题人:袁娟平130********审题人:刘荣娇 学校班级姓名书写(4分)总分 一、填空。(每小题2分,共20分) 1、3.2+3.2+3.2+3.2+3.2写成乘法算式是(),6.21×0.85所得的积是()小数。 2、在计算0.63×1.3是时,应先看做()×()来计算,积是(),然后看0.63×1.3的两个因数一共有()位小数,最后得0.63×1.3=()。 3、0.8里面有()个十分之一,()个百分之一,()个十分之一是0.5,()个千分之一是0.27。 4、2.5×(8+0.4)=2.5×□+2.5×□运用了(),(6.7×4)×0.5=6.7×(□×□)运用了()。 5、在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。 0.78×1.3○1.30.79×0.45○1.6×0.451.98×1.99○1.98+1.99 6、根据65×39=2355,写出下列各算式的积。 6.5×3.9=()0.65×39=()650×0.039=() 7、两个因数的积是其中一个因数的2.6倍,又是另一个因数的1.8倍,这两个因数的积是(),差是()。 8、分别从下面的每组数中任选一个,使得它们的积等于右表中 的某个数。 ()×()=() ()×()=() 9、两个因数的积是37.5,如果一个因数缩小100倍,另一个因数扩大10倍,积变为()。 10、一个正方形的边长是5.7分米,它的周长是()分米,面积是()平方分米。 二、判断(对的在括号里打"√",错的打"×") ()1、求84米的一半是多少,列式为84×0.5。 ()2、一位小数与两位小数相乘,积一定是三位小数。 ()3、25.9×0.1-0.1=25.9×0=0。 ()4、任何数乘小数所得的积比原来的数小。 ()5、0.96×18与9.6×1.8的乘积相等。 三、选择(在括号里填上正确答案的序号)(10分) 1、一个因数扩大100倍,另一个因数缩小10倍,积() A.扩大10倍。 B.扩大100倍。 C.缩小10倍。 D.缩小100倍。 2、0.72×m>0.72,则m应该() A.等于1。 B.大于1。 C.大于或等于0。 D.大于0。 3、下列各题中,积最小的是() A.39×0.14 B.0.39×1.4 C.390×0.14 D.3.9×1.4 4、两位小数与三位小数相比() A.两位小数大。 B.三位小数大。 C.一样大。 D.大小无法确定。 5、a×0.82与a相比() A.小于a. B.大于a。 C.等于a。 D.无法确定。 四、计算(31分) 1、直接写出计算结果(4分) 8×0.04=0.75×20=0.01×14=0.24×0.05=3.5+4.72+6.5= 4×3.9×2.5=100×0.72=1-0.1×0.1= 2、用竖式计算(12分) 1.9×3.5 2.3×1.29(验算) 7.5×2.040.17×0.71(保留两位小数) 亲爱的同学们,这一单元我们学习了小数的乘法,相信你们已 经复习好了,下面让我们闯关吧! 5.541.418.49.2 61.59.524.64.4 9.9110.77.623 3.849.22.217.1

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