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The Reliance and Aspiration to Land Never Going With the Wind


(Department of English Normal Teachers College Shihezi University ,Shihezi Xinjiang 832000,China )A bstract :“Gone With the Wind ”is one of the most popular American novel in China .From 1940w hen its first edition of Chinese version w as published to 1990w hen the Chinese of its sequel Scarlett came out ,it gained an enthusiastic reception and enjoy a permanent reputation for decades .This thesis aim s at analy zing the deep love and aspiration to land that Scarlett had ow ned and the psy cholog ical co nnection w ith American culture and land .

Key words :reliance ;aspirationt ;land ;Gone with the W ind


张 雯

(石河子大学师范学院外语系, 新疆 石河子 832000)

摘 要:《飘》是在中国最受欢迎的美国小说之一。自1940年中文版首次问世以来,一直受到广大


关键词:依恋;渴望;土地;飘中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009—0487(2003)02—0052—03

GONE WI TH THE WIND w as w ritten by American w oman w riter ,M argaret Mitchell ,w hich has been introduced into China for about fifty years .Its appearance in China experienced special traits .Al -thoug h it w as w elcomed by most readers ,this wo rld -w ide novel was neg lected for lo ng time ,w hen com -ing across the traditional criticism based on political practice and mo ral judge .This thesis is aiming at transcending the limitation of traditional criticism ,exploring the artistic charming of the heroin ,Scarlett

O 'Hara ,in the novel ,so that w e can have a compre -hensive understanding of this figure .After finishing



Vol .16.NO .2

Jun .2003

the novel carefully,w e can't help praising the deep love and aspiration to land that Scarlett had ow ned.

1.The glo ry and dream of ow ning the land

In GONE WITH THE WIND,w e can know clearly that,land,w hich appeared frequently in this w onderful w orks was and instinctive and powerful signal,which combined closely w ith the w hole course of Scarlett's life,w ith the mind,mental and sub-consciousness,and with the artistic figure of her.

O'Gerald,Scarlett's father,escaped to America in his21years old,the I reland scoundrel had been the slave of others,suffering a lot from the hardship of life,and knew clearly the preciousness of land. When he became the ow ner of Plantation w ith over 100black slaves in south of America relying on so-called“God-Blessed”and“merito rious destiny”,he entrusted the plan of further expanding the plantation into his oldest daug hter,Scarlett,w ho has the same character and contention.When O'Gerald decided to entrust the Tara to Scarlett,he told his ow n heiress in holy and excited feeling:

“Land is the only thing in the w orld that amounts to anything,for it is the only thing in this w orld that lasts,it is the only thing w orth wo rking for,w orth fig hting for,w orth dying fo r.”

Naturally,to an maid w ithout w orry and only16 years old,the intonation of his father's w ords were not understandable,“land”seemed wo rthless in her eyes.

How ever,with the outbreak of the w ar,Scarlett suddenly turn from maid into w ife,and then into w idow.After experiencing the torture of Atlanta's fire,Scarlett w as aw aken suddenly.When she es-caped from Atlanta to Tara,there w as only terrible ruin in front of her.All that Tara left her was dis-trustful red land under her feet.At that time,Scar-lett thought about w hat her father had said.Then she left her soul and spirit had found destine,therefore, w e can say“we w ould rather say she belonged to these red land than say the red land belonged to her.”At the same time,the old stories about her ancesto rs and land that she has ever impatient to hear,sudden-ly appearing in her memory clearly.So for the first time,Scarlett felt the loveliness and beauty,and she show thrill love fo r the land that has bred her,and then she started the fight of“never giving up the Tara.”

This battle w as too cruel to a teenage maiden af-ter all.The madly hung ry and extremely tiredness fo rced Scarlett to have strong repulsion of“eloping”w ith Ashley land deserting the Tara.At the mo-ment,her hands touched the red land of Tara,w hich endowed her w ith magic power,her consciousness re-gained immediately,all the sadness,tiredness and the feeling to object Ashley dispersed at no time,w hich also amazed herself,and then she w ent to the house of Tara steadily...To recover and revived Tara, Scarlett had to went far aw ay from Tara and w ent in-to the cities,striving for the competitive field of mon-ey.Therefore,Tara has been appeared in the illusion and mind of Scarlet.Whenever she thought of Tara, thought of“paving w ith deep pines on both sides,the fragrance of Jasmine,the g reen cotton field,the w all dotted w ith w hite flowers.”There seem to be a cool big hand to touch her wo rry.“All kinds of sadness w ill be dispersed,and all the disturbed mind w ill be cleared.”In the intervals,Scarlett has fallen in ill and became weak and gaunt.Rhett Butler w ho knew about Tara clearly sent Scarlett onto the train rushing to the direction of Tara.Consequently,after resting fo r several w eeks in the red land of Tara,Scarlett be-came stronger than before,“the robust youth and snobbish vulgar”came her ag ain.Consequently she “w on a grand battle”in the end.

At the end of this story,w hen Scarlett realized that all the precious things left her,only the love of Rhett and she tried to catch it,Rhett Butler deserted her,which left her in despair,mindless,depression, loneliness,sadness and terror came at her,nearly beat her dow n.At that time,Tara came into her mind again,the land of Tara called on her,she imag-ined herself standing still in its v ast breast,and standing up again.

The feeling upo n land of Scarlett had much in


common with the feeling upon land of peasants in https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a19624634.html,nd is the only treasure and the source of life in their eyes,land brought them streng th,courage, and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a19624634.html,nd can produce all the thing s that could support the w hole family.In War Period of China, w hen a defeated prince was escaping from his coun-try,he came across an old peasant on his w ay to the o ther country.The old man knew very w ell.He passed a handful earth to the prince.Seeing the pre-cious earth in his country,the prince w as shameful of his ow n cow ard.Since then he regained his courage and spirit,and revived his country successfully. Land,the most important treasure,has produce so many wonderful legend,in this sense,there is no dif-ference betw een w estern and eastern https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a19624634.html,nd is the tie among all the people.The ow nership of land means endless glo ry and infinite hope.

2.Psychological connection w ith American cul-ture and land

GONE W ITH THE WIND w as suddenly ended in the boundless aspiration and memory to the land of Tara.How ever,readers were surrounded by a kind of strong and complicated feeling,w hich is bey ond the w orks itself and super-reality.

“Land”,as a primitive figure,“prototy pe”,has been became the sy mbolic proto type of life o rigin and life pow er.In the myth of ancient Greek,land is the head of the w hole w orld.“Land”was merged into “mo ther.”The reasons for“the Giant Safe”to w on all the battle without loss were because he was the son of Land Mother.How ever,when he was lifted by Hyg las off the g round,he die of being cut off the ori-gin of life.Up to today,land is still kept this symbol-ic importance in human life and literature,w hich manifest a kind of psychological realizatio n of intuitive aspiration and obedience to the origin of life.

Such psychology didn't belong to individual life, but permeate into the content of social culture.The history and culture of American nation w as insepara-ble with the vast land in north-Atlantic continent. The land w as pregnant and gave birth to the recent nation of American and its special culture—the cul-ture characterized as“pioneer culture”w ith the main content and character.But most of old people in the w orld were borne in the cradle of primitive agricultur-al society.The accumulation and development of the life rooted deeply in the land.So the love and reliance on land w as strengthened in the mind of America and most of people in the world.The holy loy alty and as-piration to land of Scarlett w as such“collective non-consciousness”psy chological prototype,which re-vived and relieved the emotional experiences of deep mind w eighted dow n upo n readers.The striking as-tonishment w as gig antic w ithout doubt.In the eyes of modern readers,“land”w as connected closely w ith primitive natural stature,and the pastoral simplicity, quietness and harmonious atmosphere.The depres-sion caused by the industrial civilization,and the wish of escaping from social atmosphere and shortcoming of industrialization,had became the aspiration of modern people to pastoral life and count-direction aesthetic psychology.The land in GONE WI TH THE W IND,Tara w as o rganized with realization ac-tivities of Scarlett in this sense,and coincided w ith the interior need for modern people to seek fo r“spirit hometow n”and certain wish of seeking root in the potential lay ers.Up to now,by reading and learning about Scarlett,readers can get into the aesthetic stature to grasp the histo ry of m ankind and the nature of life,top obtain aesthetic pleasure of high level.In GONE W ITH THE WIND,Butler is no t only the partners of love,but also the partners in literature, especially the partners of philosophic spirit.During the life of pioneering,the fem ale w olf if better than an angel.Angel has w ings w ho w ill fly alw ay s sooner or later,flying into clear sky,far away from the tem-poral life.So to human being s,the first necessity is female wolf.And in this angle,Scarlett is the brave female w olf,she had emerged into the culture of America,and strive for her deep psychological con-nection with her ow n society.










Therefore,the beauty of spirit and power is bet-ter than the beauty of gentleness.Scarlett exerted on this of beauty and aspiration very well,w hich can even shock the whole w orld.

To draw a conclusion,from the opinion men-tioned above,the artistic charming of Scarlett lies in certain popular living status and spirit above modern hum an beings and the special meditation and en-lightennment of w riter's,in the angle the w riter chose to g rasp this figure closely related w ith the psy-chology,mind,mood,realization.Whenever I think of this w onderful w orks,on the one hand,I can't help praising the g reat courage and explored spirit of Scarlett,w hich encourage myself to confront with any frustration;On the o ther hand,the deep love fo r land of Scarlett also arose the sense of responsibility as the oldest daug hter in her family.Life is not easy to anyone,but the most important thing fo r us is to go all our out to realize the value of ourselves.That's the true meaning of being a true man.In this sense, Scarlett perfectd herself in her life.The precious and enormous beauty of spirit and courage w as like the torch of American spirit in the hand of Liberty,burn-ing in the sky to lig ht the w hole wo rld,and to strive fo r their dream and spirit hometow n.


[1]王萍涛.The Research for the Foreign Liter-ature[M].北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,1989.


[3]Marg aret Mitchell.GONE WI TH THE WIND[M].西安:世界图书出版公司,1998.





