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Decoherence Basic Concepts and Their Interpretation

Decoherence Basic Concepts and Their Interpretation
Decoherence Basic Concepts and Their Interpretation

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2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation ?H.D.Zeh (www.zeh-hd.de)2.1The Phenomenon of Decoherence 2.1.1Superpositions The superposition principle forms the most fundamental kinematical con-cept of quantum theory.Its universality seems to have ?rst been postulated by Dirac as part of the de?nition of his “ket-vectors”,which he proposed as a complete 1and general concept to characterize quantum states regardless of any basis of representation.They were later recognized by von Neumann as forming an abstract Hilbert space.The inner product (also needed to de-?ne a Hilbert space,and formally indicated by the distinction between “bra”and “ket”vectors)is not part of the kinematics proper,but required for the probability interpretation,which may be regarded as dynamics (as will be discussed).The third Hilbert space axiom (closure with respect to Cauchy series)is merely mathematically convenient,since one can never decide em-pirically whether the number of linearly independent physical states is in?nite in reality,or just very large.According to this kinematical superposition principle,any two physical states,|1 and |2 ,whatever their meaning,can be superposed in the form c 1|1 +c 2|2 ,with complex numbers c 1and c 2,to form a new physical state (to be be distinguished from a state of information ).By induction,the principle can be applied to more than two,and even an in?nite number,of states,and appropriately generalized to apply to a continuum of states.After postulat-ing the linear Schr¨o dinger equation in a general form,one may furthermore


conclude that the superposition of two(or more)of its solutions forms again a solution.This is the dynamical version of the superposition principle.

Let me emphasize that this superposition pinciple is in drastic contrast to the concept of the“quantum”that gave the theory its name.Superposi-tions obeying the Schr¨o dinger equation describe a deterministically evolving

continuum rather than discrete quanta and stochastic quantum jumps.Ac-cording to the theory of decoherence,these e?ective concepts“emerge”as a

consequence of the superposition principle when universally and consistently applied.

A dynamical superposition principle(though in general with respect to

real numbers only)is also known from classical waves which obey a linear wave equation.Its validity is then restricted to cases where these equations apply,while the quantum superposition principle is meant to be universal and

exact.However,while the physical meaning of classical superpositions is usu-ally obvious,that of quantum mechanical superpositions has to be somehow determined.For example,the interpretation of a superposition dq e ipq|q as representing a state of momentum p can be derived from“quantization rules”, valid for systems whose classical counterparts are known in their Hamiltonian

form(see Sect.2.2).In other cases,an interpretation may be derived from the dynamics or has to be based on experiments.

Dirac emphasized another(in his opinion even more important)di?er-

ence:all non-vanishing components of(or projections from)a superposition are“in some sense contained”in it.This formulation seems to refer to an en-semble of physical states,which would imply that their description by formal “quantum states”is not complete.Another interpretation asserts that it is the(Schr¨o dinger)dynamics rather than the concept of quantum states which is incomplete.States found in measurements would then have to arise from an initial state by means of an indeterministic“collapse of the wave function”. Both interpretations meet serious di?culties when consistently applied(see Sect.2.3).

In the third edition of his textbook,Dirac(1947)starts to explain the su-perposition principle by discussing one-particle states,which can be described by Schr¨o dinger waves in three-dimensional space.This is an important appli-cation,although its similarity with classical waves may also be misleading. Wave functions derived from the quantization rules are de?ned on their clas-sical con?guration space,which happens to coincide with normal space only for a single mass point.Except for this limitation,the two-slit interference experiment,for example,(e?ectively a two-state superposition)is known to be very instructive.Dirac’s second example,the superposition of two basic photon polarizations,no longer corresponds to a spatial wave.These two basic states“contain”all possible photon polarizations.The electron spin, another two-state system,exhausts the group SU(2)by a two-valued repre-sentation of spatial rotations,and it can be studied(with atoms or neutrons) by means of many variations of the Stern–Gerlach experiment.In his lecture

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation3 notes(Feynman,Leighton,and Sands1965),Feynman describes the maser mode of the ammonia molecule as another(very di?erent)two-state system.

All these examples make essential use of superpositions of the kind|α = c1|1 +c2|2 ,where the states|1 ,|2 ,and(all)|α can be observed as phys-ically di?erent states,and distinguished from one another in an appropriate setting.In the two-slit experiment,the states|1 and|2 represent the par-tial Schr¨o dinger waves that pass through one or the other slit.Schr¨o dinger’s wave function can itself be understood as a consequence of the superposi-tion principle by being viewed as the amplitudesψα(q)in the superposition of“classical”con?gurations q(now represented by corresponding quantum states|q or their narrow wave packets).In this case of a system with a known classical counterpart,the superpositions|α = dqψα(q)|q are assumed to de?ne all quantum states.They may represent new observable properties (such as energy or angular momentum),which are not simply functions of the con?guration,f(q),only as a nonlocal whole,but not as an integral over corresponding local densities(neither on space nor on con?guration space).

Since Schr¨o dinger’s wave function is thus de?ned on(in general high-dimensional)con?guration space,increasing its amplitude does not describe an increase of intensity or energy density,as it would for classical waves in three-dimensional space.Superpositions of the intuitive product states of composite quantum systems may not only describe particle exchange sym-metries(for bosons and fermions);in the general case they lead to the fun-damental concept of quantum nonlocality.The latter has to be distinguished from a mere extension in space(characterizing extended classical objects).For example,molecules in energy eigenstates are incompatible with their atoms being in de?nite quantum states themselves.Although the importance of this “entanglement”for many observable quantities(such as the binding energy of the helium atom,or total angular momentum)had been well known,its consequence of violating Bell’s inequalities(Bell1964)seems to have sur-prised many physicists,since this result strictly excluded all local theories conceivably underlying quantum theory.However,quantum nonlocality ap-pears paradoxical only when one attempts to interpret the wave function in terms of an ensemble of local properties,such as“particles”.If reality were de?ned to be local(“in space and time”),then it would indeed con?ict with the empirical actuality of a general superposition.Within the quantum formalism,entanglement also leads to decoherence,and in this way it ex-plains the classical appearance of the observed world in quantum mechanical terms.The application of this program is the main subject of this book(see also Zurek1991,Mensky2000,Tegmark and Wheeler2001,Zurek2001,or www.decoherence.de).

The predictive power of the superposition principle became particularly evident when it was applied in an ingenious step to postulate the existence of superpositions of states with di?erent particle numbers(Jordan and Klein 1927).Their meaning is illustrated,for example,by“coherent states”of dif-


ferent photon numbers,which may represent quasi-classical states of the elec-tromagnetic?eld(cf.Glauber1963).Such dynamically arising(and in many cases experimentally con?rmed)superpositions are often misinterpreted as representing“virtual”states,or mere probability amplitudes for the occur-rence of“real”states that are assumed to possess de?nite particle number. This would be as mistaken as replacing a hydrogen wave function by the probability distribution p(r)=|ψ(r)|2,or an entangled state by an ensem-ble of product states(or a two-point function).A superposition is in general observably di?erent from an ensemble consisting of its components with cor-responding probabilities.

Another spectacular success of the superposition principle was the pre-diction of new particles formed as superpositions of K-mesons and their an-tiparticles(Gell-Mann and Pais1955,Lee and Yang1956).A similar model describes the recently con?rmed“neutrino oscillations”(Wolfenstein1978), which are superpositions of energy eigenstates.

The superposition principle can also be successfully applied to states that may be generated by means of symmetry transformations from asymmet-ric ones.In classical mechanics,a symmetric Hamiltonian means that each asymmetric solution(such as an elliptical Kepler orbit)implies other solu-tions,obtained by applying the symmetry transformations(e.g.rotations). Quantum theory requires in addition that all their superpositions also form solutions(cf.Wigner1964,or Gross1995;see also Sect.9.6).A complete set of energy eigenstates can then be constructed by means of irreducible linear representations of the dynamical symmetry group.Among them are usually symmetric ones(such as s-waves for scalar particles)that need not have a counterpart in classical mechanics.

A great number of novel applications of the superpositon principle have been studied experimentally or theoretically during recent years.For exam-ple,superpositions of di?erent“classical”states of laser modes(“mesoscopic Schr¨o dinger cats”)have been prepared(Monroe et al.1996),the entangle-ment of photon pairs has been con?rmed to persist over tens of kilometers (Tittel et al.1998),and interference experiments with fullerene molecules were successfully performed(Arndt et al.1999).Even superpositions of a macroscopic current running in opposite directions have been shown to ex-ist,and con?rmed to be di?erent from a state with two(cancelling)currents (Mooij et al.1999,Friedman et al.2000).Quantum computers,now under intense investigation,would have to perform“parallel”(but not spatially sep-arated)calculations,while forming one superposition that may later have a coherent e?ect.So-called quantum teleportation requires the advanced prepa-ration of an entangled state of distant systems(cf.Busch et al.2001for a consistent description in quantum mechanical terms).One of its components may then later be selected by a local measurement in order to determine the state of the other(distant)system.

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation5 Whenever an experiment was technically feasible,all components of a superposition have been shown to act coherently,thus proving that they exist simultaneously.It is surprising that many physicists still seem to regard superpositions as representing some state of ignorance(merely characterizing unpredictable“events”).After the fullerene experiments there remains but a minor step to discuss conceivable(though hardly realizable)interference experiments with a conscious observer.Would he have one or many“minds”(when being aware of his path through the slits)?

The most general quantum states seem to be superpositions of di?er-ent classical?elds on three-or higher-dimensional space.2In a perturbation expansion in terms of free“particles”(wave modes)this leads to terms cor-responding to Feynman diagrams,as shown long ago by Dyson(1949).The path integral describes a superposition of paths,that is,the propagation of wave functionals according to a generalized Schr¨o dinger equation,while the individual paths under the integral have no physical meaning by themselves.

(A similar method could be used to describe the propagation of classical waves.)Wave functions will here always be understood in the generalized sense of wave functionals if required.

One has to keep in mind this universality of the superposition princi-ple and its consequences for individually observable physical properties in order to appreciate the meaning of the program of decoherence.Since quan-tum coherence is far more than the appearance of spatial interference fringes observed statistically in series of“events”,decoherence must not simply be understood in a classical sense as their washing out under?uctuating envi-ronmental conditions.

2.1.2Superselection Rules

In spite of this success of the superposition principle it soon became evi-dent that not all conceivable superpositions are found in Nature.This led some physicists to postulate“superselection rules”,which restrict this prin-ciple by axiomatically excluding certain superpositions(Wick,Wightman,


and Wigner1970,Streater and Wightman1964).There are also attempts to derive some of these superselection rules from other principles,which can be postulated in quantum?eld theory(see Chaps.6and7).In general,these principles merely exclude“unwanted”consequences of a general superposi-tion principle by hand.

Most disturbing in this sense seem to be superpositions of states with integer and half-integer spin(bosons and fermions).They violate invariance under2π-rotations(see Sect.6.2),but such a non-invariance has been exper-imentally con?rmed in a di?erent way(Rauch et al.1975).The theory of supersymmetry(Wess and Zumino1971)postulates superpositions of bosons and fermions.Another supposedly“fundamental”superselection rule forbids superpositions of di?erent charge.For example,superpositions of a proton and a neutron have never been directly observed,although they occur in the isotopic spin formalism.This(dynamically broken)symmetry was later successfully generalized to SU(3)and other groups in order to characterize further intrinsic degrees of freedom.However,superpositions of a proton and a neutron may“exist”within nuclei,where isospin-dependent self-consistent potentials may arise from an intrinsic symmetry breaking.Similarly,superpo-sitions of di?erent charge are used to form BCS states(Bardeen,Cooper,and Schrie?er1957),which describe the intrinsic properties of superconductors. In these cases,de?nite charge values have to be projected out(see Sect.9.6) in order to describe the observed physical objects,which do obey the charge superselection rule.

Other limitations of the superposition principle are less clearly de?ned. While elementary particles are described by means of wave functions(that is,superpositions of di?erent positions or other properties),the moon seems always to be at a de?nite place,and a cat is either dead or alive.A general superposition principle would even allow superpositions of a cat and a dog(as suggested by Joos).They would have to de?ne a”new animal”–analogous to a K long,which is a superposition of a K-meson and its antiparticle.In the Copenhagen interpretation,this di?erence is attributed to a strict conceptual separation between the microscopic and the macroscopic world.However, where is the border line that distinguishes an n-particle state of quantum mechanics from an N-particle state that is classical?Where,precisely,does the superposition principle break down?

Chemists do indeed know that a border line seems to exist deep in the microscopic world(Primas1981,Woolley1986).For example,most molecules (save the smallest ones)are found with their nuclei in de?nite(usually ro-tating and/or vibrating)classical“con?gurations”,but hardly ever in super-positions thereof,as it would be required for energy or angular momentum eigenstates.The latter are observed for hydrogen and other small molecules. Even chiral states of a sugar molecule appear“classical”,in contrast to its parity and energy eigenstates,which correctly describe the otherwise analo-gous maser mode states of the ammonia molecule(see Sect.3.2.4for details).

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation7 Does this di?erence mean that quantum mechanics breaks down already for very small particle number?

Certainly not in general,since there are well established superpositions of many-particle states:phonons in solids,super?uids,SQUIDs,white dwarf stars and many more!All properties of macroscopic bodies which can be cal-culated quantitatively are consistent with quantum mechanics,but not with any microscopic classical description.As will be demonstrated throughout the book,the theory of decoherence is able to explain the apparent di?er-ences between the quantum and the classical world under the assumption of a universally valid quantum theory.

The attempt to derive the absence of certain superpositions from(exact or approximate)conservation laws,which forbid or suppress transitions between their corresponding components,would be insu?cient.This“traditional”ex-planation(which seems to be the origin of the name“superselection rule”) was used,for example,by Hund(1927)in his arguments in favor of the chiral states of molecules.However,small or vanishing transition rates require in addition that superpositions were absent initially for all these molecules(or their constituents from which they formed).Similarly,charge conservation does not explain the charge superselection rule!Negligible wave packet dis-persion(valid for large mass)may prevent initially presumed wave packets from growing wider,but this initial condition is quantitatively insu?cient to explain the quasi-classical appearance of mesoscopic objects,such as small dust grains or large molecules(see Sect.3.2.1),or even that of celestial bodies in chaotic motion(Zurek and Paz1994).Even initial conditions for conserved quantities would in general allow one only to exclude global superpositions, but not local ones(Giulini,Kiefer and Zeh1995).

So how can superselection rules be explained within quantum theory? 2.1.3Decoherence by“Measurements”

Other experiments with quantum objects have taught us that interference,for example between partial waves,disappears when the property characterizing these partial waves is measured.Such partial waves may describe the passage through di?erent slits of an interference device,or the two beams of a Stern–Gerlach device(“Welcher Weg experiments”).This loss of coherence is indeed required by mere logic once measurements are assumed to lead to de?nite re-sults.In this case,the frequencies of events on the detection screen measured in coincidence with a certain passage can be counted separately,and thus have to be added to de?ne the total probabilities.3It is therefore a plausible


experience that the interference disappears also when the passage is“mea-sured”without registration of a de?nite result.The latter may be assumed to have become a“classical fact”as soon the measurement has irreversibly“oc-curred”.A quantum phenomenon may thus“become a phenomenon”without being observed(in contrast to this early formulation of Bohr’s,which is in accordance with Heisenberg’s idealistic statement about a trajectory coming into being by its observation–while Bohr later spoke of objective irreversible events occurring in the counter).However,what presicely is an irreversible quantum event?According to Bohr,it can not be dynamically analyzed.

Analysis within the quantum mechanical formalism demonstrates nonethe-less that the essential condition for this“decoherence”is that complete infor-mation about the passage is carried away in some physical form(Zeh1970, 1973,Mensky1979,Zurek1981,Caldeira and Leggett1983,Joos and Zeh 1985).Possessing“information”here means that the physical state of the environment is now uniquely quantum correlated(entangled)with the rele-vant property of the system(such as a passage through a speci?c slit).This need not happen in a controllable form(as in a measurement):the“informa-tion”may as well be created in the form of noise.However,in contrast to statistical correlations,quantum correlations de?ne pure(completly de?ned) nonlocal states,and thus individual physical properties,such as the total spin of spatially separated objects.Therefore,one cannot explain entanglement in terms of the concept of information(cf.Brukner and Zeilinger2000).This terminology would mislead to the popular misunderstanding of the collapse as a“mere increase of information”(which would require an initial ensem-ble describing ignorance).Since environmental decoherence a?ects individual physical states,it can neither be the consequence of phase averaging in an ensemble,nor one of phases?uctuating uncontrollably in time(as claimed in some textbooks).For example,nonlocal entanglement exists in the static quantum state of a relativstic physical vacuum(even though it is then often visualized in terms of particles as“vacuum?uctuations”).

When is unambiguous“information”carried away?If a macroscopic ob-ject had the opportunity of passing through two slits,we would always be able to convince ourselves of its choice of a path by simply opening our eyes in order to“look”.This means that in this case there is plenty of light that contains information about the path(even in a controllable manner that al-lows“looking”).Interference between di?erent paths never occurs,since the

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation9 path is evidently“continuously measured”by light.The common textbook argument that the interference pattern of macroscopic objects be too?ne to be observable is entirely irrelevant.However,would it then not be su?cient to dim the light in order to reproduce(in principle)a quantum mechanical interference pattern for macroscopic objects?

This could be investigated by means of more sophisticated experiments with mesoscopic objects(see Brune et al.1996).However,in order to precisely determine the subtle limit where measurement by the environment becomes negligible,it is more economic?rst to apply the established theory which is known to describe such experiments.Thereby we have to take into account the quantum nature of the environment,as discussed long ago by Brillouin (1962)for an information medium in general.This can usually be done easily, since the quantum theory of interacting systems,such as the quantum the-ory of particle scattering,is well understood.Its application to decoherence requires that one averages over all unobserved degrees of freedom.In tech-nical terms,one has to“trace out the environment”after it has interacted with the considered system.This procedure leads to a quantitative theory of decoherence(cf.Joos and Zeh1985).Taking the trace is based on the prob-ability interpretation applied to the environment(averaging over all possible outcomes of measurements),even though this environment is not measured. (The precise physical meaning of these formal concepts will be discussed in Sect.2.4.)

Is it possible to explain all superselection rules in this way as an e?ect induced by the environment4–including the existence and position of the border line between microscopic and macroscopic behaviour in the realm of molecules?This would mean that the universality of the superposition principle could be maintained–as is indeed the basic idea of the program of decoherence(Zeh1970,Zurek1982;see also Chap.4of Zeh2001).If physical states are thus exclusively described by wave functions rather than by points in con?guration space–as originally intended by Schr¨o dinger in space by means of narrow wave packets instead of particles–then no uncertainty relations are available for states in order to explain the probabilistic aspects of quantum theory:the Fourier theorem applies to a given wave function(al).

As another example,consider two states of di?erent charge.They inter-act very di?erently with the electromagnetic?eld even in the absence of radiation:their Coulomb?elds carry complete“information”about the total charge at any distance.The quantum state of this?eld would thus decohere a superposition of di?erent charges if considered as a quantum system in a bounded region of space(Giulini,Kiefer,and Zeh1995).This instantaneous action of decoherence at an arbitrary distance by means of the Coulomb?eld gives it the appearance of a kinematical e?ect,although it is based on the


dynamical law of charge conservation,compatible with a retarded?eld that would“measure”the charge(see Sect.6.4).

There are many other cases where the unavoidable e?ect of decoherence can easily be imagined without any calculation.For example,superpositions of macroscopically di?erent electromagnetic?elds,f(r),may be described by a?eld functionalΨ[f(r)].However,any charged particle in a su?ciently narrow wave packet would then evolve into di?erent packets,depending on the?eld f,and thus become entangled with the state of the quantum?eld (K¨u bler and Zeh1973,Kiefer1992,Zurek,Habib,and Paz1993;see also Sect.4.1.2).The particle can be said to“measure”the quantum state of the ?eld.Since charged particles are in general abundant in the environment,no superpositions of macroscopically di?erent electromagnetic?elds(or di?erent “mean?elds”in other cases)are observed under normal conditions.This result is related to the di?culty of preparing and maintaining“squeezed states”of light(Yuen1976)–see Sect.,the?eld appears to be in one of its classical states(Sect.4.1.2).

In all these cases,this conclusion requires that the quasi-classical states (or“pointer states”in measurements)are robust(dynamically stable)under natural decoherence,as pointed out already in the?rst paper on decoherence (Zeh1970;see also Di′o si and Kiefer2000).

A particularly important example of a quasiclassical?eld is the metric of general relativity(with classical states described by spatial geometries on space-like hypersurfaces–see Sect.4.2).Decoherence caused by all kinds of matter can therefore explain the absence of superpositions of macroscop-ically distinct spatial curvatures(Joos1986,Zeh1986,1988,Kiefer1987), while microscopic superpositions would describe those hardly ever observ-able gravitons.

Superselection rules thus arise as a straightforward consequence of quan-tum theory under realistic assumptions.They have nonetheless been dis-cussed mainly in mathematical physics–apparently under the in?uence of von Neumann’s and Wigner’s“orthodox”interpretation of quantum mechan-ics(see Wightman1995for a review).Decoherence by“continuous measure-ment”seems to form the most fundamental irreversible process in Nature.It applies even where thermodynamical concepts do not(such as for individual molecules–see Sect.3.2.4),or when any exchange of heat is entirely negligi-ble.Its time arrow of“microscopic causality”requires a Sommerfeld radiation condition for microscopic scattering(similar to Boltzmann’s chaos),viz.,the absence of any dynamically relevant initial correlations,which would de?ne a“conspiracy”in common terminology(Joos and Zeh1985,Zeh2001).

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation11 2.2Observables as a Derived Concept

Measurements are usually described by means of“observables”,formally rep-resented by Hermitian operators,and introduced in addition to the concepts of quantum states and their dynamics as a fundamental and independent ingredient of quantum theory.However,even though often forming the start-ing point of a formal quantization procedure,this ingredient should not be separately required if physical states are well described by these formal quan-tum states.This understanding,to be further explained below,complies with John Bell’s quest for the replacement of observables with“beables”(see Bell 1987).It was for this reason that his preference shifted from Bohm’s theory to collapse models(where wave functions are assumed to completely describe reality)during his last years.

Let|α be an arbitrary quantum state,de?ned operationally(up to a complex numerical factor)by a“complete preparation”procedure.The phe-nomenological probability for?nding the system during an appropriate mea-surement in another quantum state|n ,say,is given by means of their inner product as p n=| n|α |2(where both states are assumed to be normalized). The state|n is here de?ned by the speci?c measurement.(In a position mea-surement,for example,the number n has to be replaced with the continuous coordinates x,y,z,leading to the“improper”Hilbert states|r .)For measure-ments of the“?rst kind”(to which all others can be approximately reduced –see Sect.2.3),the system will again be found in the state|n with certainty if the measurement is immediately repeated.Preparations can be regarded as such measurements which select a certain subset of outcomes for further mea-surements.n-preparations are therefore also called n-?lters,since all“not-n”results are thereby excluded from the subsequent experiment proper.The above probabilities can also be written in the form p n= α|P n|α ,with an“observable”P n:=|n n|,which is thus derived from the kinematical concept of quantum states.

Instead of these special“n or not-n measurements”(with?xed n),one can also perform more general“n1or n2or...measurements”,with all n i’s mutually exclusive( n i|n j =δij).If the states forming such a set{|n }are pure and exhaustive(that is,complete, P n=1l),they represent a basis of the corresponding Hilbert space.By introducing an arbitrary“measurement scale”a n,one may construct general observables A= |n a n n|,which permit the de?nition of“expectation values” α|A|α = p n a n.In the

,and expectation special case of a yes-no measurement,one has a n=δnn

values become probabilities.Finding the state|n during a measurement is then also expressed as“?nding the value a n of an observable”.A change of scale,b n=f(a n),describes the same physical measurement;for position measurements of a particle it would simply represent a coordinate transfor-mation.Even a measurement of the particle’s potential energy is equivalent to a position measurement(up to degeneracy)if the function V(r)is given.


According to this de?nition,quantum expectation values must not be

understood as mean values in an ensemble that represents ignorance of the precise state.Rather,they have to be interpreted as probabilities for poten-

tially arising quantum states|n –regardless of the latters’interpretation.

If the set{|n }of such potential states forms a basis,any state|α can be represented as a superposition|α = c n|n .In general,it neither forms an n0-state nor any not-n0state.Its dependence on the complex coe?cients c n requires that states which di?er from one another by a numerical factor must

be di?erent“in reality”.This is true even though they represent the same

“ray”in Hilbert space and cannot,according to the measurement postulate, be distinguished operationally.The states|n1 +|n2 and|n1 ?|n2 could not be physically di?erent from another if|n2 and?|n2 were the same state. (Only a global numerical factor would be“redundant”.)For this reason,pro-jection operators|n n|are insu?cient to characterize quantum states(cf. also Mirman1970).

The expansion coe?cients c n,relating physically meaningful states–for example those describing di?erent spin directions or di?erent versions of the K-meson–must in principle be determined(relative to one another)by ap-propriate experiments.However,they can often be derived from a previously known(or conjectured)classical theory by means of“quantization rules”. In this case,the classical con?gurations q(such as particle positions or?eld variables)are postulated to parametrize a basis in Hilbert space,{|q },while the canonical momenta p parametrize another one,{|p }.Their correspond-ing observables,Q= dq|q q q|and P= dp|p p p|,are required to obey commutation relations in analogy to the classical Poisson brackets.In this way,they form an important tool for constructing and interpreting the spe-ci?c Hilbert space of quantum states.These commutators essentially deter-mine the unitary transformation p|q (e.g.as a Fourier transform e i pq)–thus more than what could be de?ned by means of the projection operators |q q|and|p p|.This algebraic procedure is mathematically very elegant and appealing,since the Poisson brackets and commutators may represent generalized symmetry transformations.However,the concept of observables (which form the algebra)can be derived from the more fundamental one of state vectors and their inner products,as described above.

Physical states are assumed to vary in time in accordance with a dynam-

ical law–in quantum mechanics of the form i?t|α =H|α .In contrast, a measurement device is usually de?ned regardless of time.This must then also hold for the observable representing it,or for its eigenbasis{|n }.The probabilities p n(t)=| n|α(t) |2will therefore vary with time according to the time-dependence of the physical states|α .It is well known that this (Schr¨o dinger)time dependence is formally equivalent to the(inverse)time dependence of observables(or the reference states|n ).Since observables “correspond”to classical variables,this time dependence appeared sugges-tive in the Heisenberg–Born–Jordan algebraic approach to quantum theory.

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation13 However,the absence of dynamical states|α(t) from this Heisenberg picture, a consequence of insisting on classical kinematical concepts,leads to para-doxes and conceptual inconsistencies(complementarity,dualism,quantum logic,quantum information,and all that).

An environment-induced superselection rule means that certain superpo-sitions are highly unstable with respect to decoherence.It is then impossible in practice to construct measurement devices for them.This empirical situa-tion has led some physicists to deny the existence of these superpositions and their corresponding observables–either by postulate or by formal manipu-lations of dubious interpretation,often including in?nities.In an attempt to circumvent the measurement problem(that will be discussed in the follow-ing section),they often simply regard such superpositions as“mixtures”once they have formed according to the Schr¨o dinger equation(cf.Primas1990).

While any basis{|n }in Hilbert space de?nes formal probabilities,p n= | n|α |2,only a basis consisting of states that are not immediately destroyed by decoherence de?nes a practically“realizable observable”.Since realizable observables usually form a genuine subset of all formal observables(diagonal-izable operators),they must contain a nontrivial“center”in algebraic terms. It consists of those of them which commute with all the rest.Observables forming the center may be regarded as“classical”,since they can be mea-sured simultaneously with all realizable ones.In the algebraic approach to quantum theory,this center appears as part of its axiomatic structure(Jauch 1968).However,since the condition of decoherence has to be considered quan-titatively(and may even vary to some extent with the speci?c nature of the environment),this algebraic classi?cation remains an approximate and dy-namically emerging scheme.

These“classical”observables thus de?ne the subspaces into which super-positions decohere.Hence,even if the superposition of a right-handed and a left-handed chiral molecule,say,could be prepared by means of an appropri-ate(very fast)measurement of the?rst kind,it would be destroyed before the measurement may be repeated for a test.In contrast,the chiral states of all individual molecules in a bag of sugar are“robust”in a normal envi-ronment,and thus retain this property individually over time intervals which by far exceed thermal relaxation times.This stability may even be increased by the quantum Zeno e?ect(Sect.3.3.1).Therefore,chirality appears not only classical,but also as an approximate constant of the motion that has to be taken into account in the de?nition of thermodynamical ensembles(see Sect.2.3).

The above-used description of measurements of the?rst kind by means of probabilities for transitions|α →|n (or,for that matter,by correspond-ing observables)is phenomenological.However,measurements should be de-scribed dynamically as interactions between the measured system and the measurement device.The observable(that is,the measurement basis)should thus be derived from the corresponding interaction Hamiltonian and the ini-


tial state of the device.As discussed by von Neumann(1932),this interaction must be diagonal with respect to the measurement basis(see also Zurek1981).

Its diagonal matrix elements are operators which act on the quantum state of the device in such a way that the“pointer”moves into a position appropriate for being read,|n |Φ0 →|n |Φn .Here,the?rst ket refers to the system, the second one to the device.The states|Φn ,representing di?erent pointer positions,must approximately be mutually orthogonal,and“classical”in the

explained sense.

Because of the dynamical superposition principle,an initial superposition c n|n does not lead to de?nite pointer positions(with their empirically ob-served frequencies).If decoherence is neglected,one obtains their entangled superposition c n|n |Φn ,that is,a state that is di?erent from all poten-tial measurement outcomes|n |Φn .This dilemma represents the“quantum measurement problem”to be discussed in Sect.2.3.Von Neumann’s inter-action is nonetheless regarded as the?rst step of a measurement(a“pre-measurement”).Yet,a collapse seems still to be required–now in the mea-surement device rather than in the microscopic system.Because of the en-tanglement between system and apparatus,it then a?ects the total system.5 If,in a certain measurement,a whole subset of states|n leads to the same pointer position|Φn

0 ,these states are not distinguished in this mea-surement.The pointer state|Φn

0 now becomes dynamically correlated with the whole projection of the initial state, c n|n ,on the subspace spanned by this subset.A corresponding collapse was indeed postulated by L¨u ders(1951) in his generalization of von Neumann’s“?rst intervention”(Sect.2.3).

In this dynamical sense,the interaction with an appropriate measuring device de?nes an observable up to arbitrary monotoneous scale transforma-tions.The time dependence of observables according to the Heisenberg pic-ture would thus describe an imaginary time dependence of the states of this device(its pointer states),paradoxically controlled by the intrinsic Hamilto-nian of the system.

The question of whether a formal observable(that is,a diagonalizable operator)can be physically realized can only be answered by taking into ac-count the unavoidable environment of the system(while the measurement device is always asssumed to decohere into its macroscopic pointer states). However,environment-induced decoherence by itself does not solve the mea-surement problem,since the“pointer states”|Φn may be assumed to include the total environment(the“rest of the world”).Identifying the thus arising

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation15 global superposition with an ensemble of states,represented by a statistical operatorρ,that merely leads to the same expectation values A =tr(Aρ)

for a limited set of observables{A}would obviously beg the question.This argument is nonetheless found wide-spread in the literature(cf.Haag1992, who used the subset of all local observables).

In Sect.2.4,statistical operatorsρwill be derived from the concept of quantum states as a tool for calculating expectation values,while the latter

are de?ned,as described above,by means of probabilities for the occurrence of new states in measurements.In the Heisenberg picture,ρis often regarded as in some sense representing the ensemble of potential“values”for all ob-

servables that are here postulated to formally replace the classical variables. This interpretation is suggestive because of the(incomplete)formal analogy ofρto a classical phase space distribution.However,the prospective“values”

would be physically meaningful only if they characterized di?erent physical states(such as pointer states).Note that Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations refer to potential outcomes which may arise in di?erent(mutually exclusive)


2.3The Measurement Problem

The superposition of di?erent measurement outcomes,resulting according to the Schr¨o dinger equation(as discussed above),demonstrates that a“naive

ensemble interpretation”of quantum mechanics in terms of incomplete knowl-edge is ruled out.It would mean that a quantum state(such as c n|n |Φn ) represents an ensemble of some as yet unspeci?ed fundamental states,of

which a subensemble(for example represented by the quantum state|n |Φn ) may be“picked out by a mere increase of information”.If this were true,then the subensemble resulting from this measurement could in principle be traced back in time by means of the Schr¨o dinger equation in order to determine also the initial state more completely(to“postselect”it–see Aharonov and Vaid-man1991for an inappropriate attempt).In the above case this would lead to the initial quantum state|n |Φ0 that is physically di?erent from–and thus inconsistent with–the superposition( c n|n )|Φ0 that had been prepared (whatever it means).

In spite of this simple argument,which demonstrates that an ensemble

interpretation would require a complicated and miraculous nonlocal“back-ground mechanism”in order to work consistently(cf.Footnote3regarding Bohm’s theory),the ensemble interpretation of the wave function seems to remain the most popular one because of its pragmatic(though limited)value.

A general and rigorous critical discussion of problems arising in an ensemble interpretation may be found in d’Espagnat’s books(1976and1995).

A way out of this dilemma in terms of the wave function itself requires one of the following two possibilities:(1)a modi?cation of the Schr¨o dinger equation that explicitly describes a collapse(also called“spontaneous local-


ization”–see Chap.8),or(2)an Everett type interpretation,in which all measurement outcomes are assumed to coexist in one formal superposition, but to be perceived separately as a consequence of their dynamical decoupling under decoherence.While this latter suggestion may appear“extravagant”(as it requires myriads of coexisting parallel quasi-classical“worlds”),it is similar in principle to the conventional(though nontrivial)assumption,made tacitly in all classical descriptions of observations,that consciousness is local-ized in certain(semi-stable and su?ently complex)spatial subsystems of the world(such as human brains or parts thereof).For a dispute about which of the above-mentioned two possibilities should be preferred,the fact that en-vironmental decoherence readily describes precisely the apparently occurring “quantum jumps”or“collapse events”(as will be discussed in great detail throughout this book)appears most essential.

The dynamical rules which are(explicitly or tacitly)used to describe the e?ective time dependence of quantum states thus represent a“dynamical dualism”.This was?rst clearly formulated by von Neumann(1932),who distinguished between the unitary evolution according to the Schr¨o dinger equation(remarkably his“zweiter Eingri?”or“second intervention”),



6Thus also Bohr(1928)in a subsection entitled“Quantum postulate and causal-ity”about“the quantum theory”:“...its essence may be expressed in the so-called quantum postulate,which attributes to any atomic process an essential discontinuity,or rather individuality,completely foreign to classical theories and symbolized by Planck’s quantum of action”(my italics).The later revision of these early interpretations of quantum theory(required by the important role of entangled quantum states for much larger systems)seems to have gone unnoticed by many physicists.

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation17 In scattering theory,one usually probes only part of quantum mechanics by restricting consideration to asymptotic states and their probabilities(dis-

regarding their superpositions).All quantum correlations between them then appear statistical(“classical”).Occasionally even the unitary scattering am-plitudes m out|n in = m|S|n are confused with the probability amplitudes φm|ψn which describe measurements to?nd a state|φm in an initial|ψn . In his general S-matrix theory,Heisenberg temporarily speculated about de-

riving the latter from the former.Since macroscopic systems never become asymptotic because of their dynamical entanglment with the environment, they can not be described by an S-matrix at all.

The Born/von Neumann dynamical dualism was evidently the major mo-tivation for an ignorance interpretation of the wave function,which attempts to explain the collapse not as a dynamical process in the system,but as an increase of information about it(the reduction of an ensemble of pos-sible states).However,even though the dynamics of ensembles in classical description uses a formally similar dualism,an analogous interpretation in quantum theory leads to the severe(and apparently fatal)di?culties indi-cated above.They are often circumvented by the invention of“new rules of logic and statistics”,which are not based on any ensemble interpretation or incomplete information.

If the state of a classical system is incompletely known,and the cor-

responding point p,q in phase space therefore replaced by an ensemble(a probability distribution)ρ(p,q),this ensemble can be“reduced”by a new observation that leads to increased information.For this purpose,the system must interact in a controllable manner with the“observer”who holds the information(cf.Szilard1929).His physical state of memory must thereby change in dependence on the property-to-be-measured of the observed sys-tem,leaving the latter unchanged in the ideal case(no“recoil”).Accord-ing to deterministic dynamical laws,the ensemble entropy of the combined system,which initially contains the entropy corresponding to the unknown microscopic quantity,would remain constant if it were de?ned to include the entropy characterizing the?nal ensemble of di?erent outcomes.Since the ob-server is assumed to“know”(to be aware of)his own state,this ensemble is reduced correspondingly,and the ensemble entropy de?ned with respect to his state of information is lowered.

This is depicted by the?rst step of Fig.2.1,where ensembles of states are represented by areas.In contrast to many descriptions of Maxwell’s de-mon,the observer(regarded as a device)is here subsumed into the ensemble description.Physical entropy,unlike ensemble entropy,is usually understood as a local(additive)concept,which neglects long range correlations for being “irrelevant”,and thus approximately de?nes an entropy density.Physical and ensemble entropy are equal in the absence of correlations.The information I,given in the?gure,measures the reduction of entropy according to the increased knowledge of the observer.

18H.D.Zeh (www.zeh-hd.de)

S ensemble = S


S physical = S o + kln2

I = 0

S ensemble =: S o

S physical = S o

I = 0measurement system observer environment

S ensemble o S physical = S o - kln2

I = kln2

Fig.2.1.Entropy relative to the state of information in an ideal classical mea-surement.Areas represent sets of microscopic states of the subsystems (while those of uncorrelated combined systems would be represented by their direct products).During the ?rst step of the ?gure,the memory state of the observer changes de-terministically from 0to A or B ,depending on the state a or b of the system to be measured.The second step depicts a subsequent reset,required if the measure-ment is to be repeated with the same device (Bennett 1973).A ′and B ′are e?ects which must thereby arise in the thermal environment in order to preserve the to-tal ensemble entropy in accordance with presumed microscopic determinism.The “physical entropy”(de?ned to add for subsystems)measures the phase space of all microscopic degrees of freedom,including the property to be measured,while depending on given macroscopic variables.Because of its presumed additivity,this physical entropy neglects all remaining statistical correlations (dashed lines,which indicate sums of products of sets)for being “irrelevant”in the future –hence S physical ≥S ensemble .I is the amount of information held by the observer.The min-imum initial entropy,S 0,is k ln 2in this simple case of two equally probable values a and b .

This description does not necessarily require a conscious observer (al-though it may ultimately rely upon him).It applies to any macroscopic mea-surement device,since physical entropy is not only de?ned to be local,but also relative to “given”macroscopic properties (as a function of them).The dynamical part of the measurement transforms “physical”entropy (here the ensemble entropy of the microscopic variables)deterministically into entropy of lacking information about controllable macroscopic properties.Before the observation is taken into account (that is,before the “or”is applied),both parts of the ensemble after the ?rst step add up to give the ensemble entropy.When it is taken into account (as done by the numbers given in the ?gure),

2Basic Concepts and their Interpretation19 the ensemble entropy is reduced according to the information gained by the observer.

Any registration of information by the observer must use up his memory capacity(“blank paper”),which represents non-maximal entropy.If the same measurement is to be repeated,for example in a cyclic process that could be used to transform heat into mechanical energy(Szilard,l.c.),this capacity would either be exhausted at some time,or an equivalent amount of entropy must be absorbed by the environment(for example in the form of heat)in order to reset the measurement or registration device(second step of Fig.2.1). The reason is that two di?erent states cannot deterministically evolve into the same?nal state(Bennett1973).7This argument is based on an arrow of time of“causality”,which requires that all correlations possess local causes in their past(no“conspiracy”).The irreversible formation of“irrelevant”correlations then explains the increase of physical(local)entropy,while the ensemble entropy is conserved.

The unsurmountable problems encountered in an ensemble interpretation of the wave function(or of any other superposition,such as|a +|b )are re-?ected by the fact that there is no ensemble entropy that would represent the unknown property-to-be-measured(see the?rst step of Fig.2.2or2.3–cf. also Zurek1984).The“ensemble entropy”is now de?ned by the“correspond-ing”expression S ensemble=?k tr{ρlnρ}(but see Sect.2.4for the meaning of the density matrixρ).If the entropy of observer plus environment is the same as in the classical case of Fig.2.1,the total initial ensemble entropy is now lower;in the case of equal initial probabilities for a and b it is S0?k ln2. It would even vanish for pure statesφandχof observer and environment, respectively:(|a +|b )|φ0 |χ0 .The Schr¨o dinger evolution(depicted in Fig.

2.3)would then be described by three dynamical steps,

(|a +|b )|φ0 |χ0 →(|a |φA +|b |φB )|χ0

→|a |φA |χA′′ +|b |φB |χB′′

→(|a |χA′A′′ +|b |χB′B′′ )|φ0 ,(2.3) with an“irrelevant”(inaccessible)?nal quantum correlation between system and environment as a relic from the initial superposition.In this unitary evo-lution,the two“branches”recombine to form a nonlocal superposition.It “exists,but it is not there”.Its local unobservability characterizes an“ap-parent collapse”(as will be discussed).For a genuine collapse(Fig.2.2), the?nal correlation would be statistical,and the ensemble entropy would increase,too.

As mentioned in Sect.2.2,the general interaction dynamics that is re-quired to describe“ideal”measurements according to the Schr¨o dinger equa-tion(2.1)is derived from the special case where the measured system is



or (by reduction of

S ensemble = S o

S physical = S o

+ kln2

I = 0


S ensemble = S o - kln2(

S physical = S o + kln2)

I = ?O S ensemble = S o - kln2

S physical = S o - kln2

I = 0

system observer environment


interaction S ensemble = S o - kln2 (each)

S physical = S o - kln2

I = kln2Fig.2.2.Quantum measurement of a superposition |a +|b by means of a collapse process,here assumed to be triggered by the macroscopic pointer position.The initial entropy is smaller by one bit than in Fig.2.1(and may in principle vanish),since there is no initial ensemble a/b for the property to be measured.Dashed lines before the collapse now represent quantum entanglement.(Compare the ensemble entropies with those of Fig.2.1!)Increase of physical entropy in the ?rst step is appropriate only if the arising entanglement is regarded as irrelevant .The collapse itself is often divided into two steps:?rst increasing the ensemble entropy by re-placing the superposition with an ensemble,and then lowering it by reducing the ensemble (applying the “or”–for macroscopic pointers only).The increase of en-semble entropy,observed in the ?nal state of the Figure,is a consequence of this ?rst step of the collapse.It brings the entropy up to its classical initial value of Fig.2.1

prepared in an eigenstate |n before measurement (von Neumann 1932),

|n |Φ0 →|n |Φn .(2.4)

Here,|n corresponds to |a or |b in the ?gures,the pointer positions |Φn to the states |φA and |φB .(During non-ideal measurements,the state |n would change,too.)However,applied to an initial superposition, c n |n ,the interaction according to (2.1)leads to an entangled superposition, c n |n |Φ0 → c n |n |Φn .(2.5)As explained in Sect.2.1.1,the resulting superposition represents an individ-ual physical state that is di?erent from all components appearing in this sum.While decoherence arguments teach us (see Chap.3)that neglecting the envi-ronment of (2.5)is absolutely unrealistic if |Φn describes the pointer state of


同步练习1 二、选择题 01——05 CADAB 06——10 ACDAB 11——15 CBDBB 同步练习2 二、选择题 01——05 ABDCA 06——10 CACBC 11——15 DADAD 16——20 BDBBB 三、填空题 1.可视 2.LEFT、TOP、WIDTH、HEIGHT 3.按字母顺序 4.查看代码 5.工具、编辑器 6.FORM窗体、FONT 7.MULTILINE 8.在运行时设计是无效的 9.工程、工程属性、通用、FORM1.SHOW 10.TABINDEX、0 同步练习3 二、选择题 01——05 BCADB 06——10 ADBBC 11——15 DBCBA 16——20 BAABB 三、填空题 1.整型、长整型、单精度型、双精度型 2.SIN(30*3.14/180)+SQR(X+EXP(3))/ABS(X-Y)-LOG(3*X) 3.164、今天是:3-19 4.FALSE 5.-4、3、-3、3、-4、4 6.CDEF 7.(X MOD 10)*10+X\10 8.(35\20)*20=20 ( 35 \ 20 )* 20 = 20 9.X MOD 3=0 OR X MOD 5=0 10.27.6、8.2、8、1、100、397、TRUE、FALSE 同步练习4 一、选择题 01——05 DBCAD 06——10 CBBAB

11——15 D25BAC 16——20 CBACB 21——25 DAABC 二、填空题 1.正确性、有穷性、可行性、有0个或多个输入、有1个或多个输出2.1 2 3 3.X>=7 4.X


本参考手册的目标应用程序开发人员。它提供了完整的信息如何使用stm8l05xx,stm8l15xx 和stm8l16xx微控制器的存储器和外围设备。 该stm8l05xx / stm8l15xx / stm8l16xx是一个家庭的不同存储密度的微控制器和外围设备。这些产品是专为超低功耗应用。可用的外设的完整列表,请参阅产品数据表。 订购信息,引脚说明,机械和电气设备的特点,请参阅产品数据表。 关于STM8 SWIM通信协议信息和调试模块,请参阅用户手册(um0470)。 在STM8的核心信息,请参阅STM8的CPU编程手册(pm0044)。关于编程,擦除和保护的内部快闪记忆体,请参阅STM8L闪存编程手册(pm0054)。

1 中央处理单元(CPU)。30。 1.1 引言30 1.2 CPU的寄存器。30。 1.2.1 描述CPU寄存器。..。30 1.2.2 STM8 CPU寄存器图。..。34 1.3 全球配置寄存器(cfg_gcr)。34。 1.3.1 激活水平。..。34 1.3.2 游泳禁用。..。35 1.3.3 描述全局配置寄存器(cfg_gcr)。..。35 1.3.4 全局配置寄存器图及复位值。..。35 2 启动ROM . . . 36 3程序存储器和数据存储器。37。 3.1引言37 3.2术语。37。 3.3个主要的快闪存储器的特点。38。 3.4记忆的组织。39。 3.4.1低密度设备的存储器组织。39 3.4.2介质密度的装置记忆的组织。..。40 3.4.3介质+密度装置记忆的组织。..。41 3.4.4高密度存储器组织。..。42 3.4.5专有代码区(译)。43 3.4.6用户区(UBC)。43 3.4.7数据的EEPROM(数据)。..。46 3.4.8主程序区。46 3.4.9选项字节。..。46 3.5内存保护。47。 3.5.1读出保护。47 3.5.2内存访问安全系统(质量)。47 3.5.3使写访问选项字节。49 3.6内存编程49 3.6.1同时读写(读写网)。..。49 2 / 573文档ID 15226转9 rm0031内容 3.6.2字节编程。..。49 3.6.3字编程。50 3.6.4块编程。50 3.6.5选项字节编程。52 Flash 3.7的低功耗模式。52。 3.8例ICP和IAP。52。 3.9闪光寄存器57 3.9.1闪光控制寄存器1(flash_cr1)。57 3.9.2闪光控制寄存器2(flash_cr2)。58


VB 课后练习题参考答案 第一章 一、 1、C 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、D 6、B 7、B 8、D 二、 1、学习版、专业版、企业版 2、alt+Q 或 alt+F4 3、.vbp 、 .frm 4、固定、浮动 5、"abcd"、"VB Programing" 6、属性窗口、运行 7、对象框、事件框 8、窗体模块、标准模块、类模块 第二章 一、 1、B 2、B 3、B 4、B 5、D 6、D 二、 1、((x+y)+z)*80-5*(C+D) 2、cos(x)*sin(sin(x)+1 3、2*a*(7+b) 4、8*EXP(3)*LOG(2) 5、good morning 、 good morning 6、2001/8/25 8 2001 7 第三章 一、 1、C 2、B 3、D 4、A 5、D 、 3 6、C 7、B 8、C 9、C 10、D 11、B 12、C 13、B 14、B 15、A 16、B 17、D 18、C 19、C 二、 1、AutoSize 2、text1.setfocus 3、0 、 0 4、 picture1.picture=loadpic ture("yy.gif") 5、stretch 6、interval 7、enable 8、下拉式组合框、简单组 合框、下拉式列表框、style 9、下拉式列表框 10、条目1 、条目3 11、欢迎您到中国来、 welcome to china!! 第四章 一、 1、B 2、C 3、C 4、B 5、C 6、B 7、C 8、B 9、D 10、A 11、B 12、A 13、B 14、D 15、A 16、B 17、A 18、C 19、B 二、 1、2542=57 2、beijing 3、002.45、2.449、 24.49e-01、-2.449 4、9 10 11 5、9 6、1 2 3 7、 iif(x<=0,y=0,iif(x<=10, y=5+2*x,iif(x<=15,y=x- 5,y=0))) 8、x=7 或 x>6 或 x>5 9、x>=0 、x


习题 一、单项选择题 1. 在设计阶段,当双击窗体上的某个控件时,所打开的窗体是_____。 A. 工程资源管路器窗口 B. 工具箱窗体 C. 代码窗体 D. 属性窗体 2. VB中对象的含义是_____。 A. 封装了数据和方法的实体 B. 封装的程序 C. 具有某些特性的具体事物的抽象 D. 创建对象实例的模板 3. 窗体Form1的Name属性是MyForm,它的单击事件过程名是_____。 A. MyForm_Click B. Form_Click C. Form1_Click D. Frm1_Click 4. 如果要改变窗体的标题,需要设置窗体对象的_____属性。 A. BackColor B. Name C. Caption D. Font 5. 若要取消窗体的最大化功能,可将其_____属性设置为False来实现。 A. Enabled B.ControlBox C. MinButton D. MaxButton 6. 若要以代码方式设置窗体中显示文本的字体大小,可通过设置窗体对象_____属性来实现。 A. Font B.FontName C.FontSize D. FontBold 7. 确定一个控件在窗体上位置的属性是_____。 A. Width或Height B. Width和Height C. Top或Left D. Top和Left 8. 以下属性中,不属于标签的属性是_____。 A. Enabled B. Default C. Font D. Caption 9. 若要设置标签控件中文本的对齐方式,可通过_____属性实现。 A.Align B. AutoSize C. Alignment D. BackStyle 10. 若要使标签控件的大小自动与所显示文本的大小相适宜,可将其_____属性设置为True来实现。 A.Align B. AutoSize C. Alignment D. Visible 11. 若要设置或返回文本框中的文本,可通过设置其_____属性来实现。 A.Caption B. Name C. Text D. (名称) 12. 若要设置文本框最大可接受的字符数,可通过设置其_____属性来实现。 A.MultiLine B. Max C. Length D. MaxLength


上海交通大学电气工程与自动化本科工程型—— 卓越工程师教育计划培养方案 一、学科专业及项目简介 电气工程与自动化专业是上海交通大学历史最悠久的专业,已逾百年,为国家培养了大批社会精英。 本专业目前为教育部“第一类特色专业”,也是教育部“卓越工程师”培养专业,体现强弱电、软硬件相结合的特色,将学生培养成为具有国际视野,具有综合运用所学的科学理论与技术方法从事与电气工程相关的系统运行和控制、电工技术应用、信息处理、试验分析、研制开发、工程管理以及计算机技术应用等领域的人才。本专业本科生在“全国大学生节能设计大赛”和“全国大学生电子设计大赛”等比赛中屡创佳绩。毕业生大量进入电力公司等国企、世界五百强企业,约1/3的学生进入国内外大学继续深造。 在《教育部关于实施卓越工程师教育培养计划的若干意见》文件引导下,我校电气工程与自动化专业被列入教育部第一批“卓越工程师教育培养计划”,为此,从2009级开始,电气工程与自动化专业每年有35名本科生按卓越工程师教育培养计划进行培养,其三个特点为:1)行业企业深度参与培养过程(共同制定培养计划,企业设立“工程实践教育中心”);2)学校按通用标准和行业标准培养工程人才;3)强化培养学生的工程能力和创新能力。我校“电气工程与自动化”专业卓越工程师培养依托于上海交大电气工程一级学科及上海电气、上海电力、施耐德电气等企业和其他研究所。其特色为:1)学科基础好,电气工程一级学科拥有博士学位授予权,涵盖了电力系统及其自动化、高电压与绝缘技术、电机与电器、电力电子与电力传动、电工理论与新技术五个二级学科,其中电力系统及其自动化为国家重点培育学科。2)师资力量雄厚,电气工程系现有教职工98人,其中院士2人,以及一批在国内外有一定影响、承担国家及地方重大工程项目的中青年专家,并有一大批企业导师参与指导。该专业学位硕士点还依托教育部重点“电力传输与功率转换”实验室、高电压试验设备研究开发中心、风力发电研究中心、国家能源智能电网(上海)研发中心、上海市高压电器产品质量监督检验站,给学生们提供大量的实习、实践及参与各类科研项目的机会。

vb课后练习答案习题解答 (5)

第5章数组与记录 5.1 填空题 1.若要定义一个包含10个字符串元素,且下界为1的一维数组s,则数组说明语句为()。 答案:Dim s(1 To 10) As String 2.若要定义一个元素为整型数据的二维数组a,且第一维的下标从0到5,第二维下标从-3到6,则数组说明语句为()。 答案:Dim a(0 To 5,-3 To 6) As Integer 3.如果数组元素的下标值为实数,则VB系统会按()进行处理。 答案:四舍五入原则 4.数组元素个数可以改变的数组称为();数组元素可以存放不同类型数据的数组称为()。 答案:可调数组、可变类型数组 5.数组刷新语句用于()。若被刷新的数组是数值数组,则把所有元素置();若被刷新的数组为字符串数组,则把所有元素置()。 答案:清除指定数组内容、0、空字符串 10.控件数组是由一组类型和()相同的控件组成,共享()。 答案:名字、同一个事件过程 11.控件数组中的每一个控件都有唯一的下标,下标值由()属性指定。 答案:Index 12.建立控件数组有两种方法:()和()。 答案:在设计阶段通过相同Name属性值来建立、在程序代码中使用Load方法 5.2 选择题 1.下列一维数组说明语句错误的是()。 a) Dim b(100) AS Double b) Dim b(-5 To 0) AS Byte c) Dim b(-10 To –20) AS Integer d) Dim b(5 To 5) AS String 答案:c 2.若有数组说明语句为:Dim a(-3 To 8),则数组a包含元素的个数是()。 a) 5 b) 8 c) 11 d) 12 答案:d 3.设有数组说明语句:Dim c(1 To 10),则下面表示数组c的元素选项中()是错误的。 a) c(i-1) b) c(5+0.5) c) c(0) d) c(10) 答案:c 4.下列数组说明语句中正确的是()。 a) Dim a(-1 To 5,8)AS String b) Dim a(n,n)AS Integer c) Dim a(0 To 8,5 To –1)AS Single d) Dim a(10,-10)AS Double


电气工程基础课程设计(林 俊杰) -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

电气工程基础课程设计题目:110kV降压变电站电气系统初步设计 学生姓名:林俊杰 专业:电气工程及其自动化 班级:电气0906班 学号:4 指导教师:罗毅

目录 变电站电气系统课程设计说明书 一、概述 1、设计目的———————————————————————————— 2、设计内容 3、设计要求 二、设计基础资料 1、待建变电站的建设规模 2、电力系统与待建变电站的连接情况 3、待建变电站负荷 三、主变压器与主接线设计 1、各电压等级的合计负载及类型 2、主变压器的选择 四、短路电流计算 1、基准值的选择 2、

一、概述 1、设计目的 (1)复习和巩固《电气工程基础》课程所学知识。 (2)培养和分析解决电力系统问题的能力。 (3)学习和掌握变电所电气部分设计的基本原理和设计方法。 2、设计内容 本课程设计只作电气系统的初步设计,不作施工设计和土建设计。 (1)主变压器选择:根据负荷主变压器的容量、型式、电压等级等。 (2)电气主接线设计:可靠性、经济性和灵活性。 (3)短路电流计算:电力系统侧按无限大容量系统供电处理; 用于设备选择时,按变电所最终规模考虑;用于保护整定计算时,按本期工程考虑;举例列出某点短路电流的详细计算过程,列表给出各点的短路电流计算结果S k、I”、I∞、I sh、T eq(其余点的详细计算过程在附录中列出)。 (4)选择主要电气设备:断路器、隔离开关、母线及支撑绝缘子、限流电抗器、电流互感器、电压互感器、高压熔断器、消弧线圈。每类设备举例列出一种设备的详细选择过程,列表对比给出选出的所有设备的参数及使用条件。(5)编写“××变电所电气部分设计”说明书,绘制电气主接线图(#2图纸) 3、设计要求 (1)通过经济技术比较,确定电气主接线; (2)短路电流计算; (3)主变压器选择; (4)断路器和隔离开关选择; (5)导线(母线及出线)选择; (6)限流电抗器的选择(必要时)。 (7)完成上述设计的最低要求; (8)选择电压互感器; (9)选择电流互感器; (10)选择高压熔断器(必要时); (11)选择支持绝缘子和穿墙套管; (12)选择消弧线圈(必要时); (13)选择避雷器。 二、设计基础资料 1、待建变电站的建设规模 ⑴变电站类型: 110 kV降压变电站 ⑵三个电压等级: 110 kV、 35 kV、 10 kV ⑶ 110 kV:近期线路2回;远期线路 3回 35 kV:近期线路2回;远期线路4 回


VB语言练习题及答案 1、算法的计算量的大小称为算法的________。 (A)现实性(B)难度(C)复杂性(D)效率 2、设栈S和队列Q的初始状态为空。元素a、b、c、d、e、f依次通过栈S,并且一个元素出栈后即进入队列Q,若出队的顺序为b、d、c、f、e、a,则栈S的容量至少应该为________。 (A)3(B)4(C)5(D)6 3、在深度为5的满二叉树中,叶子结点的个数为________。 (A)32(B)31(C)16(D)15 4、链表适用于________查找。 (A)顺序(B)二分法(C)顺序,也能二分法(D)随机 5、希尔排序法属于________类型的排序法。 (A)交换类排序法(B)插入类排序法(C)选择类排序法(D)建堆排序法 6、序言性注释的主要内容不包括________。 (A)模块的接口(B)模块的功能(C)程序设计者(D)数据的状态 7.在数据流图中,○(椭圆)代表________。 (A)源点(B)终点(C)加工(D)模块 8、软件测试的过程是________。 Ⅰ.集成测试Ⅱ.验收测试Ⅲ.系统测试Ⅳ.单元测试 (A)Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ(B)Ⅳ、Ⅲ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ(C)Ⅳ、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、(D)Ⅱ、Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅲ 9、数据的逻辑独立性是指________。 (A)存储结构与物理结构的逻辑独立性(B)数据与存储结构的逻辑独立性(C)数据与程序的逻辑独立性(D)数据元素之间的逻辑独立性

10、一个供应商可供应多种零件,而一种零件可由多个供应商供应,则实体供应商与零件之间的联系是________。 (A)一对一(B)一对多(C)多对一(D)多对多 11、下列打开"代码窗口"的操作中不正确的是________。 (A)按F4键(B)单击"工程资源管理器"窗口中"查看代码"按钮(C)双击已建立好的控件(D)执行"视图"菜单中"代码窗口"命令12、为了同时改变一个活动控件的高度和宽度,正确的操作是 ________。 (A)拖拉控件4个角上的某个小方块(B)只能拖拉位于控件右下角的小方块(C)只能拖拉位于控件左下角的小方块(D)不能同时改变控件的高度和宽度 13、Load事件是在窗体被装入工作区时 触发的事件。 (A)用户(B)程序员(C)手工(D)自动 14、.以下Case语句中错误的是________。 (A)Case 0 To8(B)Case Is > 5(C)Case Is > 0 And Is < 6(D)Case 1, 3, Is > 5 15、以下关于函数过程的叙述中,正确的是________。 (A)函数过程形参的类型与函数返回值的类型没有关系 (B)在函数过程中,过程的返回值可以有多个 (C)当数组作为函数过程的参数时,既能以传值方式传递,也能以传地址方式传递 (D)如果不指明函数过称参数的类型,则该参数没有数据类型 16、为了同时改变一个活动控件的高度和宽度,正确的操作是 ________。 (A)拖拉控件4个角上的某个小方块(B)只能拖拉位于控件右下角的小方块(C)只能拖拉位于控件左下角的小方块(D)不能同时改变控件的高度和宽度 17、设a = 3,b = 10,c = 6,以下表达式的值是________。a < b And (Not b>c) Or c


STM8L152介绍 8位超低功耗单片机,高达64 + 2字节数据的闪存EE PROM,EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ), 实时时钟,液晶显示器,定时器,USART,C,SPI,模数转换器,数模转换器,比较器特点:操作条件:工作电源:1.65v~ 3.6v 温度范围:40 to 85, 105 or 125 低功耗的特点:5个低功耗模式:等,低功率运行 (5.9|ì一),低功耗等(3|ì一),active-halt 全实时时钟(1.4|ì一),停止(400) 动态功率消耗:200UA/兆赫+ 330UA,快速唤醒从停止模式(4.7us) 超低漏 I/ O:50nA 先进的stm8核心: 哈佛结构和三级流水线

最大频率:16条16mhz,相关峰 最多40个外部中断源 复位和供应管理: 低功率,超安全欠压复位5可编程阈值 超低功率POR /PDR(通电复位/Protection(保护)、Detection(检测)、Response(响应)) 可编程电压检测器(Programmable voltage detector (PVD)) 时钟管理 32kHz和1-16MHz晶体振荡器 工厂校准的内部16MHz RC和 38kHz的低功耗RC 时钟安全系统

低功耗RTC BCD日历,闹钟中断, 数字校准+ / - 0.5ppm的准确度 先进的防篡改检测 DMA 4个通道。 ADC,DAC的,SPIS,我 2C,USART接口,定时器,1路。存储器到存储器的 LCD:8x40或4x44瓦特/升压转换器 12位ADC1 Msps/28渠道 温度。传感器和内部参考。电压 记忆


VB习题答案(1-4) 习题1 一、选择题 1. 以下叙述中,错误的是_________。 (A)一个Visual Basic 应用程序可以含有多个标准模块文件 (B)一个visual Basic 工程可以含有多个窗体文件 (C)标准模块文件可以属于某个指定的窗体文件 (D)标准模块文件的扩展名是.bas 标准模块文件(.bas)不属于任何一个窗体文件。参考答案为C。 2. 以下叙述中错误的是_________。 (A)一个工程可以包括多种类型的文件 (B)Visual Basic应用程序既能以编译方式执行,也能以解释方式执行 (C)程序运行后,在内存中只能驻留一个窗体 (D)对于事件驱动型应用程序,每次运行时的执行顺序可以不一样 内存中可以驻留多个窗体,当前窗体只能有一个。参考答案为C。 3. Visual Basic的窗体设计器主要是用来___________。 (A)建立用户界面(B)添加图形、图像、数据等控件 (C)编写程序源代码(D)设计窗体的布局 参考答案为A。 4. Visual Basic是一种结构化高级程序设计语言,它采用的是_________驱动方式。 (A)键盘(B)鼠标(C)事件(D)函数 参考答案为C。 5. Visual Basic程序设计语言属于_________。 (A)面向过程的语言(B)机器语言 (C)面向对象的语言(D)汇编语言 参考答案为C。 6. Visual Basic一共有设计、运行和中断三种模式,要使用调试工具应该_________。 (A)进入设计模式(B)进入运行模式 (C)进入中断模式(D)不用进入任何模式 VB中三种模式分别为:设计模式下可以进行界面设计和代码的编写;运行模式下执行代码,接受用户的操作;中断模式下可以修改代码,但不能改变界面,这个模式下通常进行代码调试,当运行出错时,默认转到该模式下进行调试。参考答案为C。


习题3—4 (P126) Private Sub Command1_Click() Image1.Width = Image1.Width * 1.2 Image1.Height = Image1.Height * 1.2 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Image1.Width = Image1.Width / 1.2 Image1.Height = Image1.Height / 1.2 End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Image1.Width = Form1.Width Image1.Height = Form1.Height End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Image1.Left = 0 Image1.Top = 0 Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\back.jpg") End Sub 习题3—5 (P126) Dim mleft As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() mleft = Label1.Left + 100 If mleft + Label1.Width > Picture1.Width Then mleft = 0 End If Label1.Left = mleft End Sub


作业二 1、有几个参数反映架空输电线路?它们具体反映线路的什么特性? 答:电阻R:线路通过电流时产生的有功功率的损耗效应 电感L:载体导流的磁场效应 电导G:线路通电时绝缘介质产生的泄露电流以及导体附近空气游离而产生的 有功功率损耗 电容C:带电导体周围产生的磁场效应 2、一条LGJQ-3×500 的分裂导线的输电线路,按等间距排列,间距为12m,每相分裂间距为400mm,导体直径为30.2mm。求该线路每公里电抗和电纳。 3、一台SFL-15000/110 型双绕组变压器,额定容量为15MVA,额定变比为110/11kV,其试验参数为Pk=133kW,P0=50kW,Uk﹪=10.5,I0﹪=3.5,试计算归算到高压侧的各参数并画出等值电路。

4、与普通变压器相比,自耦变压器有哪些优缺点?自耦变压器运行需要注意哪些问题? 答: 1、在大型超高压电力系统中,多数采用由自耦变压器来联接两个电压级的电力网,自耦变压器具有消耗材料少、投资低、损耗小等优点,得到广泛的应用。另外,由于通常自耦变压器变比接近于1,导致短路电压百分数要比普通变压器小得多,所以在系统发生短路时,自耦变压器的情况将更为严重。 2、自耦变压器除了与一般变压器运行特性相同之外,还需要注意的一些问题是: a,由于自耦变压器一、二次侧有直接的电的联系,为了防止高压侧单相接地故障而引起低压侧过电压,其中性点必须牢靠接地; b,自耦变压器两侧都需安装避雷器,以防止过电压; c,自耦变压器短路电压比普通变压器小得多,因此短路电流较普通双绕组变压器大,必要时,必须采取限制短路电流措施。 5、在开关电器断开的过程中,间隙的自由电子是如何产生的?试说明


STM8L051低功耗模式测试文档 STM8L051的五种低功耗模式wait ,low power run mode,low power wait mode,Ative-Halt mode,Halt mode。 1、WAIT mode 在等待模式,CPU的时钟是停止的,被选择的外设继续运行。W AIT mode 分为两种方式:WFE,WFI。WFE是等待事件发生,才从等待模式中唤醒。WFI是等待中断发生,才从等待模式中唤醒。 2、low power run mode 在低功耗运行模式下,CPU和被选择的外设在工作,程序执行在LSI或者LSE下,从RAM 中执行程序,Flash和EEPROM都要停止运行。电压被配置成Ultra Low Power模式。进入此模式可以通过软件配置,退出此模式可以软件配置或者是复位。 3、low power wait mode 这种模式进入是在low power run mode下,执行wfe。在此模式下CPU时钟会被停止,其他的外设运行情况和low power run mode类似。在此模式下可以被内部或外部事件、中断和复位唤醒。当被事件唤醒后,系统恢复到low power run mode。 4、Active-Halt mode 在此模式下,除了RTC外,CPU和其他外设的时钟被停止。系统唤醒是通过RTC中断、外部中断或是复位。 5、Halt mode 在此模式下,CPU和外设的时钟都被停止。系统唤醒是通过外部中断或复位。关闭内部的参考电压可以进一步降低功耗。通过配置ULP位和FWU位,也可以6us的快速唤醒,不用等待内部的参考电压启动。 一、各个低功耗模式的代码实现 1、WAIT mode 等待模式分为两种:WFI和WFE。 1.1 WFI mode 当执行“wfi”语句时,系统就进入WFI模式,当中断发生时,CPU被从WFI模式唤醒,执行中断服务程序和继续向下执行程序。 通过置位CFG_GCR的AL位,使主程序服务完中断服务程序后,重新返回到WFI 模式。 程序如下: void Mcuwfi() { PWR_UltraLowPowerCmd(ENABLE); //开启电源的低功耗模式 CLK_HSEConfig(CLK_HSE_OFF); //关闭HSE时钟(16MHz) #ifdef USE_LSE CLK_SYSCLKSourceConfig(CLK_SYSCLKSource_LSE);


习题一P19 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 参考答案: 1、简述Visual Basic的特点。 答:⑴基于对象的可视化设计工具 ⑵事件驱动的编程机制 ⑶提供易学易用的应用程序集成开发环境 ⑷结构化的程序设计语言 ⑸强大的网络、数据库、多媒体功能 ⑹完备的联机帮助功能 3、Visual Basic 6.0有学习版、专业版和企业版,怎样知道所安装的是哪个版本? 答:在启动VB 6.0的启动封面上,能显示对应的版本,见教材例1.1 4、Visual Basic 6.0有多种类型的窗口,若想在设计时看到代码窗口,怎样操作? 答:选择“视图∣代码窗口”命令或“工程资源管理器”窗口的“查看代码”按钮。 5. 叙述建立一个完整的应用程序的过程。 答: a)建立用户界面的控件对象。 b)控件属性的设置。 c)控件事件过程及编程。 d)运行和调试程序。 e)保存程序。 6. 当建立好一个简单的应用程序后,假定该工程仅有一个窗体模块。试问该工程涉及多少个要保存的文件?若要保存该工程中的所有文件,应先保存什么文件,再保存什么文件?若不这样做,系统会出现什么信息? 答:涉及两个文件要保存。先保存窗体文件(.frm),再保存工程文件(.vbp)。若先保存工程文件,系统也会先弹出“文件另存为”对话框,要求先保存窗体文件。 7. 保存文件时,若不改变目录名,则系统默认的目录是什么? 答:系统的默认目录是VB98。 习题二P37 2. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10 参考答案: 2、属性与方法的区别是什么? 答:对象中的数据保存在属性中,VB程序中的对象都有许多属性,它们是用来描述和反映对象特征的参数。可以通过两种方法来设置属性:(1)在设计阶段利用属性窗口直接设置对象的属性值;(2)在程序运行阶段通过赋值语句实现。 方法是附属于对象的行为和动作,也可以理解为指使对象动作的命令。面向对象的程序设计


第1章参考答案 (1) 第2章参考答案 (1) 第3章参考答案 (4) 第4章参考答案 (7) 第5章参考答案 (9) 第6章参考答案 (13) 第7章参考答案 (16) 第8章参考答案 (20) 第9章参考答案 (22) 第10章参考答案 (27) 第11章参考答案 (28) 第12章参考答案 (31) 第1章参考答案 、简答题(略) 、单选题: 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5 6. D 7. C 三、填空 题: 1 ?设计 运行 2. Proj1 Demo1 3 ?程序代码 控件 4.编译 可执行 5.可视化 6.窗体对象 7.视图 F4 第2章参考答案 一、 简答题(略) 二、 找出以下语句中的错误 1. False ---错,因为False 是VB 的关键字或保留字 2. In tegers —— 错,正确的写法是 dim x ,y ,z as in teger 或 Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer 但两者含义不同。 3. a+b=c 改为 c=a+b 4. Mode ----错,应改为mod 5. 37001 ---错,因为 x 取值范围是 432768 ---- 32767 6. +—— —错,应该写为/ 7. ? E - -错,E 的左边必须是一个数字 & 错, 赋值符号的左边字符串缺了双引号 9. 1 --- -错,应改为:” 1 ” 10. 错, 正确的是:#01-01-00# 三、编写语句完成以下任务

1. 设这3个数用x、y、z表示,则求3个数乘积的表达式为:x*y*z 2. Opti on explicit 3. Forml.print “ Print Text to The Windows ” 4. Dim result as long Result=(x+y+z)/3 5. Dim x as in teger, y as in teger, z as in teger 6. Y=3*x A5+2*x A4-6*x A3-1 四、数据常量有:” Xname (字符串型)、True(逻辑型卜517.3(实数型)、 "2/08/05"(日期时间型)、#1-1#(日期时间型)、 ” String (字符串型)、1 (整型) 数据变量有: VB关键 Xname、X Step 五、表达式为: 1.6 2.2002-1-1 3.xyz123abc 4.xyz123abc 5.12 6.11 六.程序段1在窗体上输出为: 5 7 -2 -9 FalseFalse 程序段2在窗体上输出为: Visual The Demo Basic 实验部分 1. 参考代码: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x As In teger, y As In teger, z As In teger x = InputBox("请输入:") y = InputBox("请输入:") z = InputBox("请输入:") Print x + y + z Print x * y * z Prin t (x + y + z) / 3 End Sub 2. 参考代码和界面如下:


<大学程序设计基础-Visual Basic>教材课后习题答案 第1章 一、选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B D B C B B D 第2章 一、选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B C B C B C A A A A 11 12 13 14 A B A A 二、填空题 1.rem或’ _ : 2.“” # # 3.5x2-3x-2sinA/3 4.321456 5.300 三、操作题 1、 程序段: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim s As Long, c As Long x = Text1.Text y = Text2.Text s = x * y c = (x + y) * 2 Label3.Caption = "长方形的面积为" + Str(s) Label4.Caption = "长方形的周长为" + Str(c) End Sub 3、 程序段: Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = "第一" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = "第二" End Sub 4、程序代码: Private Sub Text1_Change() Text1.MaxLength = 10 End Sub 5、程序代码:

Private Sub Text1_Click() Text1.SelStart = 0 Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1.Text) End Sub 第3章 一、选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D A D B A D B 二、填空题 1. False 2.B^2-4*a*c else 三、操作题 1.从键盘输入三个值,判断它们能否构成三角形的三个边。如果能构成一个三角形,则计算三角形的面积。 Dim a As Integer, b As Long, c As Long, s As Single, p As Single a = Val(InputBox("请输入一个值:")) b = Val(InputBox("请输入一个值:")) c = Val(InputBox("请输入一个值:")) If (a + b > c And a + c > b And b + c > a) Then p = (a + b + c) / 2 s = Sqr(p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)) Print a & "," & b & "," & c & "能构成一个三角形,它的面积为:" & s End If 2.编写程序,任意输入一个整数,判定该整数奇偶性。 Dim n As Integer n = Val(InputBox("请输入一个整数:")) If n Mod 2 = 0 Then Print n & "是偶数" Else Print n & "是奇数" End If 3.求一元二次方程的a*x^2+b*x+c=0的根。 Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, delta As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single a = Val(InputBox("请输入一个整数:")) b = Val(InputBox("请输入一个整数:")) c = Val(InputBox("请输入一个整数:")) delta = b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c If delta = 0 Then x1 = -b / (2 * a) Print "一元二次方程有两个相等的实根x1=x2=" & x1 Else If delta > 0 Then x1 = (-b + Sqr(delta)) / (2 * a) x2 = (-b - Sqr(delta)) / (2 * a)


一、本学科基本概况 1)学科历史延革及学术队伍 西安交通大学电气工程学科创建于1908年,是我国最早的电气工程专业。电工学科原有博士学位授权点六个,硕士学位授权点9个,无论博士点或硕士点数量,在全国电气工程学科学位授予单位中是最多、覆盖面也是最宽的,1996年经国务院学位委员会批准首批按一级学科培养和授予博士学位,并建有电气工程博士后流动站。现有专职教师和研究人员112人,其中教授37名(院士1名、国家级教学名师1名、长江学者2名、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者2名、新世纪人才8名、博士生导师31名),研究员1名,副教授和高级工程师49名,教师队伍中具有博士学位71名,占专职教师68.93%,有5位院士被聘为兼职教授。我学科知名教授中有中国电源学会理事长、中国电工技术学会副理事长、全国高等学校电气工程及其自动化教学指导分委员会主任、中国电力教育大学院(校)长联席会主席、全国电气工程领域工程硕士教育协作组组长。 2)主要研究方向、科研及成果情况 电气工程学科现有电机与电器、高电压与绝缘技术、电力系统及其自动化、电力电子与电力传动、电工理论与新技术五个二级学科。其中电机与电器、高电压与绝缘技术、电力系统及其自动化三个为第二批国家重点学科(二级学科),拥有“电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室”和“国家工科基础课程电工电子教学基地”。 近三年来,学科竞争力大幅度提升,承担国家级项目48项,其中国家科技部“十五科技攻关”项目1项,国家杰出青年科学基金项目2项,国家自然科学基金重点项目3项,国家自然科学基金面上项目35项。此外,还承担了国家电网公司和国家南方电网公司有关特高压输电项目15项。 通过上述科研项目的研究,在电气工程基础理论、电力设备设计关键基础理论和技术、特别是在特高压输变电设备方面做出了重要的贡献:制定了国家电网公司750kV系统用主设备技术规范Q/GDW103-2003至Q/GDW108-2003等6项标准,为世界第一套高海拔750输变电主设备技术规范;制定了国家电网公司1000kV交流特高压输变电设备试验规范,为国际首创。 三年来,科研总经费6983万元,人均科研经费72.74万元。其中国家级科研项目经费为2075.5万元,境外合作科研项目经费321万元。 三年来,获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖2项,省部级奖13项。授权发明专利32项。在国内核心期刊发表学术论文684篇,人均在国内核心期刊发表学术论文7.1篇;SCI收录论文114篇,其中IEEE和IEE期刊论文75篇,人均SCI收录论文1.2篇。EI收录论文425篇,人均EI收录论文4.4篇。出版专著17部,主办及筹办国际会议各1次。 3)研究生培养情况 现有研究生指导教师77名,其中博士生导师31名。目前在读本科生1602名、各类研究生1511名。三年来,共授予工学博士学位74名,工学硕士学位414名,工程硕士学位369名。已获全国百篇优秀博士论文2篇(2003年张冠军和2005年郝艳捧)。2004年建立了教育部批准立项的西安交通大学研究生电气技术创新实验室,用于培养学生自主学习和创新能力。连续三年组织了由教育部立项支持的研究生精品课程大讲堂项目,邀请国际、国内著名学者授课,每年都有来自全国各地高校和科研院所的二、三百名研究生和青年教师前来听课。近3年来,已获国家教学成果二等奖1项,国家精品课程4门,获全国优秀教材一等奖1项,省级教学名师2人。 4)本学科的优势及特色 ①电气工程学科二级学科齐全


第二章 一、问答题 1.叙述建立一个完整的应用程序的过程。 答:界面设计编写事件过程代码运行、调试保存文件 2.当建立好一个简单的应用程序后,假定该工程仅有一个窗体模块。问该工程涉及到几个文件要保存?若要保存该工程中的所有文件,正确的操作应先保存什么文件?再保存什么文件?若不这样做,系统会出现什么信息? 答:涉及到两个文件要保存。先保存窗体文件(.frm),再保存工程文件(.vbp)。若先保存工程文件,系统也会先弹出“文件另存为”对话框,要求把窗体文件先保存。 3.假定在W indows环境中,要保存工程文件时,若不改变目录名,则系统默认的目录是什么? 答:VB98 4.当标签框的大小由Caption属性的值进行扩展和缩小,应对该控件的什么属性进行何种设置? 答:将标签的Autosize设置为True. 5.VB6.0提供的大量图形文件在哪个目录下?若你的计算机上没有安装,则怎样安装这些图形文件? 答:VB6.0提供的图形文件在Graphics目录。 6.在VB6.0中,命令按钮的显示形式可以有标准和图形两种选择,这通过什么属性来设置?若选择图形的,则通过什么属性来装入图形?若已在规定的属性里装入了某个图形文件,但该命令按钮还是不能显示该图形,而显示的是Caption属性设置的文字,怎样改正?答:按钮Style的属性设置为Graphical(或1)。通过Picture属性来装入图形。不能显示图形是因为Style的属性设置为Standard(或0),只要改为Graphical(或1),一般还将Caption 属性的值设置为空。 7.标签和文本框的区别是什么? 答:文本是否可编辑。 8.当窗体上有三个文本框和一个命令按钮,若程序运行时,需把焦点定位在第三个文本框处,应对何控件的什么属性进行何种设置? 答:应对Text3控件进行Text3.TabIndex=0的设置。 9.简述文本框的change与keypress事件的区别。 答:文本框内容变化,change与keypress事件都会发生,所不同的是Keyprees还将返回一个Keyasii参数 10.当某文本框输入数据后(按了回车键),进行判断认为数据输入错,怎样删除原来数据?怎样使焦点回到该文本框重新输入? 答:假定文本框的名称为Text1,则事件过程如下: Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then If 出错条件判断成立Then Text1=””…先删除原来数据 Text1.SetFocus …焦点回到Text1 End If …… End If End Sub

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