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?东方网教育 2011年07月22日15:10 来源:网络

?PART A 朗读儿歌Read Aloud (0.5分钟朗读流畅,语音语调正确,读错一个以上算不通过)

How many?

How many seconds in a minute?

Sixty and no more in it.

How many minutes in an hour?

Sixty for sun and flower.

How many hours in a day?

Twenty-four for work and play.

How many months in a year?

Twelve the calendar makes clear.

PART B看图说词Look at the Picture and Say the Words(1分钟9张单词卡须过7)

1 指甲的图片nail

2 酸奶的图片yogurt

3 晚餐的图片supper/diner

4 海洋的图片ocean

5 滑冰的图片(go)skating

6 滑雪的图片(go)skiing

7 青铜色的图片bronze

8 磁悬浮的图片maglev

9 矿泉水的图片mineral water

PART C 听说相反Listen and Say the Opposite (1分钟,5句话三句以上即通过,时间间隔较短)

1 My nephew laughs in the house every day.

My nephew cries in the house every day.

2 My niece started reading the magazine.

My niece finished reading the magazine.

3 My uncle got off the maglev.

My uncle got on the maglev.

4 The boy has a dark bedroom.

The boy has a bright bedroom.

5 I like to wear ski-jacket in winter.

I hate to wear ski-jacket in winter.

PART D 听听做做Do What You Hear(1分钟,6个指令至少过4)


Are you ready? Now let’s begin. With the pencil write your English name on the bottom right-hand corner of the letter. Fold the letter a d put it into the envelope and then close it. Stick the stamp on the top right-hand corner of the envelope with the glue. And then give the envelope to your teacher.


PART E 快听快答Listen and Respond Quickly(1分钟7个问题答对5个过,题与题间时间间隔短)

1 Shall we play hide and seek after school?

我们放学后玩捉迷藏好吗?That’s a good idea.

2 Name three kinds of things you can see in the post office.

说出三种你能在邮局里看到的东西。Envelopes, stamps and postcards.

3 When can we go skiing, in winter or summer?

我们能在什么时候去滑雪, 在冬天还是夏天?In winter.

4 What do you often do in the restaurant?

你通常在饭店干什么?I eat food.

5 Where can you see a snake?

你能在哪里看到蛇?In the grass.

6 How does your father go to work every day?

你爸爸每天怎么(乘什么)去上班?By underground.

7 Who cleans your bedroom for you?

谁为你打扫卧室?My mother.

PART F 看图回答问题Answer Questions according to the Picture ( 5个问题至少答对3个过)

1 What are they doing?They are reading a book,

2 What can you see in the sky? A plane.

3 There’s a red cat on the book, isn’t there? No, there isn’t.

4 Is the girl’s hair long or short? It is long.

5 How many cats are there in this picture? One.

Part G 看看说说Look and Say (0.5分钟根据实物进行5句话以上的描述)


There’s a magazine on the desk.

It’s very thin.

It’s colorful.

There are some beautiful pictures in it.

My mother likes to read it very much.

本周要求把所有单词以及卡片一一对应快速反应出来,另外12个月份的说法以及各月有些什么节日也要掌握,另加诗歌两篇背诵+认读(How many 以及School is over),教材以及教辅中所有听说相反以及快听快答的练习题一题一题操练巩固。到了最后冲刺的阶段,如果大家还有所松懈那么考试过关就会很危险

剑桥少儿英语过级考试真题Test 3.3

Test 3.3 Listening Part 1 5 questions Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Part 2 5 questions Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. Examples: ……May…… ……3…… Questions: 1. ……………………..

2. ……………………… 3. ………………………… 4. ……………………. 5. ………………………. Part 3 5 questions Listen and tick (√)the box. There is one example. Example: What’s Pat’s favourite food? B C Questions: 1. Who is Ben’s teacher?

A B C 2. Which colour does mum like? B C 3. Which boy is Tom? B C 4. B C 5. What does Bill want for his breakfast? B C

Part 4 5 questions Listen and colour. There is one example. Reading and Writing Part 1 5 questions Look and read. Put a tick (√) or a cross (×) in the box. There are two examples. Examples: This is a mouse. Questions: 1. This is a pear.


1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters. __ras__ __ pencil-c__se r__ler b__g b__ __k b__t v__n h__ __se c__ __ d__ck penc__l r__bb__t fr__g t__ __tle liz__ __d p__n ch__ck__n 2. Simple choice. _____(1) --Hello, your name, please? --__________. A. I am Sam B. Hello C. Nice to see you _____(2) This ___ my new book. A. is B. are C. am _____(3) --Good morning, Sam! --__________. A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening _____(4) --Hi, this is my friend, Bill. --__________. A. I am here B. That ’s great C. Nice to see you _____(5) --Hello, this is our new friend. His name is Alex. --__________. A. He ’s nice B. That ’s fine C. Nice to see you _____(6) My friends _____ your friends. A. is B. are C. am _____(7) _____ friends are her friends. A. He ’s B. His C. He _____(8) Our friends are _____ friends. A. their B. there C. they ’re _____(9) --What ’s this Mr. Li? --_____ a goat. A. It ’s B. Is C. It _____(10) --Who wants to try? -- __________. A. Let me try B. Let ’s go C. It ’s a cat 3. Listen, number and match. Cow duck cat chicken dog lizard fish goat sheep □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 剑桥一级上 第3, 4单元测试 1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters. b__n__n__ p__ __r or__nge pine______ waterm__l__n gr__pes m__ng__ p__ __ch l__m__n


全国少儿英语等级考:四口语三笔完型填空三笔完型填空: John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. He called the doctor and made sure they __1__ meet at five. He arrived at the doctor’s at twenty __2__ five. He thought, “ It’s a little bit earlier. I’ll wait for a moment. It’s good __3__ there on time.” __4__ he stopped his car in front of the doctor’s. He __5__ and saw a noisy square not far from here. He went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the last light of afternoon sun and __6__ himself quiet. He saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happily. Suddenly he __7__ a girl crying. He came up to her and asked some questions. Then he knew she got lost. John tried to find out her __8__ and took her home. The girl’s parents were very thankful. Then John hurried to the doctor’s. When the doctor saw him, he was very __9__ and said, “You’re late. Why did you keep me waiting for twenty minutes?” John said __10__ except one word—sorry. 1. A. should B. shall C. would D. will 2. A. past B. to C. of D. after 3. A. to arrived at B. to get C. to leave D. to ride 4. A. Every time B. From now on C. Before D. Then


全国中小学英语教学与测评研究中心 国家《英语课程标准》 全国少儿英语能力等级考试National Children’s English Test

A. D. E. 2. 3. 4. 5. II.听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. How’s the weather today? A. It’s sunny. B. It’s rainy. C. It’s cloudy. 7. What is Tom’s father doing?

Steve is the captain (队长)of the team because he plays basketball best. He is tall and likes wearing sports clothes and shoes. Henry is good at running. He is a little short with a round face. Larry is handsome with curly blonde hair. He is good at playing soccer. He is very cool. Alan is kind of heavy and has short straight hair. He likes dogs very much. What do I look like? Well, my hair is just like Larry’s, and my height is just like Steve’s. Now do you know what I look like? ( ) 26. Victor and his friends all like .


剑桥少儿英语精选三级测试题 一、英汉互译: hearfrom 2.havealook 3.intheworld 4.thousandsof 5.bebusydoing 6.踢足球 7.在他回家的路上 8.准备做某事 9.吃早饭 10.上学迟到 二、情景交际: ()1.Howtallareyou?a.It’smadeofcotton. ()2.Canwegofishingtomorrow?b.OK.Let’sgo. ()3.Doyoulikeyourjob?c.Itmightrainintheafternoon. ()4.Wheredidyougothismorning?d.I’m158metrestall. ()5.Shallwegotothepark?e.Yes,ofcourse. ()6.Wherehaveyoubeen?f.Iwenttothepostoffice. ()7.What’syourcoatmadeof?g.IwaswatchingTV. ()8.WhenwastheGreatWallbuilt?h.Itwasfirstbuilt2500yearsago. ()9.Whyareyoutakinganumbrella?i.Yes,Ido.

()10.Whatwereyoudoingat7:00j.Tothebeachyesterdayevening. 三、句型转换: 1.Wehavealreadydoneourhomework.(一般疑问句) 2.Heisyoung.Hecan’tgotoschool.(用too…to连成一句) 被动语态) 3.Sheplantedsomepeartreeslastspring.( 4.Thecowswereeatinggrassquietly.(否定句) 5.Theyhaveseenthefilmyesterday.(用She做主语) 四、看样子,写单词: gogoesgoingwentgone buy watches hitting heard fallen 五、读短文,选择正确答案: WhenpeoplemeeteachotherforthefirsttimeinBritain,theysay “Howdoyoudo?”andshakehands(握手).Usuallytheydonotshakehandswhentheyjustmeetorsaygoodbye.Butth eyshakehandsaftertheyhaven’tmetforalongtimeorwhentheywillbeawayfromeachotherforalongtime. LastyearagroupofGermanstudentswenttoEnglandforaholiday.Theirteac


剑桥少儿英语二级期末考试试卷 姓名____得分____ 听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中的单词并将其序号填在题前括号内。(10分) ()1、A. going B. doing C. swimming D. shoping ( ) 2、A. sunny B. wet C. weather D. how ( ) 3、A. my B. mine C. your D. yours ( ) 4、A. better B. best C. good D. beautiful ( ) 5、A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Sunday D. Thursday ( ) 6、A. week B. weekday C. weekend D. Sunday ( ) 7、A. shall B. can C. could D. should ( ) 8、A. matter B. wrong C. up D. right ( ) 9、A. let B. let’s C. It’s D. Is ( )10、A. and B. while C. but D. get 二、听音根据问句选择相应的答语,并将其序号填在题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1、A. I usually go to the movies. B. I did my homework. C. I am washing. D. Thank you. ( ) 2、A. You’re welcome. B. The same to you. C. It doesn ’t matter. D. Do it again. ( ) 3、A. At 8:00 B. By bike C. Every day D. No ( ) 4、A. Once a week. B. Two times a day. C. Not at all. D. I like cats.


全国少儿英语等级考试:三口试 考生根据录音中的提问回答问题。录音中一共8个问题,答对6 个即通过。1. When did you start your school? When I was 7 years old. 2. When do you usually go to your school in the morning? At 7 o’clock. 3. What kind of sport do you like best ? I like running best. 4. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? I’m going to school tomorrow morning. 5. What would you say if you didn’t finish your homework I’m sorry. 6. How long have you been studying English? Three years. 7. How often do you go to the theater? Once a month. 8. Where did you go yesterday? I went to my grangma’shouse. 9. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? 10. What were you doing this time yesterday? I were studying English. 11. What is the day before yesterday? 12. What is the day after tomorrow? 13. What would you do if you have a lot of time? I would play computer.


Flyers重点 Unit1 识记词汇 subject Maths Science History English Chinese Geography Art Music secret rich poor without 了解词汇 route step stick 句型 1. What is your/his/her favorite subject? My/His/Her favorite subject is …… 2. What classes do you/they have? I /They have….classes and ….classes. 3. What classes does he/she have? He/She has….classes and ….classes. 背诵第8部分 Unit2 识记词汇 January February March April May June July August September October November December present 了解词汇 date choose surely born 语法 介词in和on 在具体日期及月份前的用法 句型 1. When is your/his/her birthday? It is in 月份. / It is on 具体日期. 2. What is your wish? I wish that I could…… Unit3 识记词汇 fog foggy storm stormy fall stay bring light (复习词汇cloud cloudy wind windy rain rainy snow snowy sunny ) 了解词汇 raindrop band blonde 语法 复习一般过去时 句型 What was the weather like yesterday/last week? It was 天气状况。 背诵第2部分 Unit4 识记词汇 taxi street university turn minute other anywhere distance square palace centre foreign subway go straight turn left/right


剑桥少儿英语一级期末考试姓名:得分:考试时间90分钟 总分100分 (一)听力部分(40分) 一、圈出所听到的单词和句子。(10) 1、pen pencil pencil-case 2、turtle rabbit horse 3、lemon mango orange 4、clock baseball table 5、nose neck face 6、A. What’s on my hat? B. What’s in my hat? C.Where is my hat? 7、A.Hello,your name please? B.What’s your name please? C. Which is your name? 8、A.He’s got two eyes. B.He’s got two noses. C.He’s got three eyes. 9、A.She is playing football. B.She is playing hopscotch. C.She is throwing the beanbag. 10. A.This is a red dress. B.This is a pink dress. C.This is a black dress 二、根据所听到的问句选择相应的答句。(10) 1、()A、I’m Sam. B、She is Ann. C、He is Jack. 2、( ) A、I want some apples. B、I like apples. C、I have apples. 3、()A、It’s black. B、I like black. C、No ,it isn’t. 4、()A、I like bananas. B、I like carrots. C、I like dresses.



二级口语句型 1. What day is it today (It’s Monday.) What’s the weather like today(It’s cloudy.) What is your father going to do (He’s going to play football.) What do you usually do on Sundays / with your friends at school (I usually do homework.) What does your father do everyday (He reads some newspapers everyday.) —

What classes do you have on Mondays (We have English and Chinese.) What do you like to eat for breakfast (I like to eat hamburgers.) What did you do last week (I drew pictures and watched TV.) What do you do (I’m a student.) What do you often do after class (I often play football with my friends.) What can you do (I can swim.) What would you like(I’d like a hamburger.) What does your friend like to do (He likes to play football.) ( What do you like doing best (I like skating in winter.) What does your friend like doing (He likes playing computer games.) What’s wrong with you /What’s the matter with you (I have a headache.) What must you do before you go out (I must lock the door.) What does your father do after lunch (He often goes visit an art museum.) What does your mother do before she goes to bed (She often paints a few pictures.) What kind of books do you like to read (I like to read comic books.) What’s your favourite pet (My favourite pet is a little cat.) | What colours are your rabbits (They are white and grey.) What does your father do (He is a policeman.) What lesson do you like best (English.) What sports do you like doing after school (I like playing tennis.) What do you like watching on television (I like watching films.) What clothes do you like wearing at school (I like wearing sweater and jeans.) 2. Where are you going (I’m going to the zoo.) Where do you study (I study in Tianhui primary School.) $ Where are the animals (They are in the zoo.) Where does your father work (He works in a company.) Where can I catch the bus (You can catch the bus at the bus stop in town.) Where do you sleep (I sleep in my bedroom.) Where do you usually go in the school holiday (I usually go to the park.) 3. who’s that old woman (She’s my grandma.) Who is the tallest in your class (Jack is the tallest in my class.) Who likes to watch TV in your family (My brother.) { Who often washes clothes in your family (My mother.) Who is your best friend (Lucy.)


剑桥少儿英语三级真题考试题 一、下列每组单词中,有一个与所给单词不同类,将其序号填入题前括号内(20 分) ()1. panda A. tiger B. ruler C. zebra ()2. Monday A. day B. Tuesday C. Friday ()3. hand A. leg B. foot C. grape ()4. one A. three B. door C. seven ()5. doctor A. man B. teacher C. nurse ()6. white A. red B. brown C. skirt ()7. banana A. peach B. plane C. pear ()8. ant A. bee B. butterfly C. dog ()9. headache A. feel B. cough C. cold ()10. piano A. guitar B. pants C. violin 二、选择正确的词填空(20 分) ()1. --_____ floor do you live? --I live on the second floor. A. What B. Where C. Which ()2. Sally is _____ . She can't get the book on the table. A. hungry B. tall C. short ()3. --_____ do you go to see movies? --Once a week. A. How often B. Where C. When ()4. --______ is the coat? --Thirty-five Yuan, please. A. How B. How much C. How old ()5. I can't hear you. Please read it _____ . A. carefully B. loudly C. quickly ()6. What's wrong with you? A. I have a headache. B. I don't like beans. C. Is there any thing wrong with you? ()7. What's the weather like today? A. It's Sunday today. B. It's sunny. C. It's late outside. ()8. Where is Tom going? A. He's watching TV. B. He can do it. C. He's going to school. ()9. 当别人对你说“Let's go skating!”,你不想去可以说: A. Sorry, I can't. B. OK, let's go. C. That's a good idea. ()10. 当别人对你说“What's your job?”你可以说: A. I'm Kate. B. I'm a doctor. C. I'm Li Ming's mother. 三、选择恰当的答案(15 分) ()1. Your new dress is very nice. How much is it? ()2. Where is the washroom? ()3. Are there any apples on the desk? ()4. Do you often go to school by bus? ()5. When does the supermarket open? A. Near the tall tree B. Thank you. It's 35 Yuan. C. Yes, there are some apples. D. It opens at 8:00 in the morning E. No, I don't. I go to school by bike. 四、组句(15 分)


剑桥少儿英语三级考试测试题 I.Read the words and sentences. Find the correct word and write it on the line. (8x2’=16’) octopus , album , restaurant , kangaroo , medicine uniforms , tiger , Australia , mountain , belt 1. If you are ill, take this and it will make you feel better. _______________ 2. Children usually go to school in them and some people go to work in them too. _________________________ 3. It is an animal which lives in Australia and can jump high. ______________ 4. You go there to have dinner with your friends. _________________________ 5. It lives in the water. It’s the one with eight legs. ________________________ 6. Your trousers or shorts may fall down without it. _______________________ 7. Some people like to climb it and you can see a lot from the top of it. _______ 8. You put all your photos together in that. _______________________________ II. Read and choose. ( 6x2’=12’) 1. My twin brother is ____________________ taller than me。 A. many B. much C. more 2. Where are you going in the winter vacation? ____________________。 A. By plane B. To Singapore C. With my family 3. He often ___________________ TV in the evening。 A. watch B. is watching C. watches 4. I decided ___________ to Japan for my vacation。 A. go B. to go C. going


全国少儿英语等级考试:三笔名词训练 1.We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe 2. What big____ the tiger has! A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes 3. Please remember to give the horse some tree___. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D . leave 4. On the table there are five____. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 5. They got much ___ from those new books.. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories 6. He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice 7. -Would you like___tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two____. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges 8. I would like to have___. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks 9. Can you give me ____?


全国少儿英语等级考试二语法疑问句 一.选择疑问句 少儿英语二必考语法:选择疑问句指问句中提出两种(或两种以上)可能,要求对方从中选择。说话时or以前的部分用升调,or以后的部分用降调。选择疑问句有两种句型,其作用相同。 a.用or连接两个一般疑问句,后一个问句常省略掉与前一个问句相同的成分。 一般疑问句 + or + 一般疑问句(省略式)。 b.用特殊疑问句将问题提出,再用or将两种供选择的答案连接。 特殊疑问句 + 答案A + or + 答案B。 例如:1.Do you go to school by bus or by bike? 你乘公共汽车还是骑自行车上学? How do you go to school,by bus or by bike? 你怎么上学,乘公共汽车还是骑自行车? 2.Do you like the Chinese film or the foreign film? 你喜欢这部中国电影还是这部外国电影? Which film do you like,the Chinese film or the foreign film? 你喜欢哪一部电影,这部中国电影还是这部外国电影? 二. 反意疑问句: 反意疑问句是指问者首先提出陈述句,然后附上简短问句,对所 陈述的事实提出相反的疑问。陈述部分总是用降调,疑问部分如用升

调,是要求对方回答;如用降调,则侧重表达一种语气上的强调,表示说话人较为确信或肯定。 例如:You are very cold,aren't you? 你非常冷,是不是? She has an elder brother,hasn't she? 她有个哥哥,是不是? He has never been to Shanghai,has he? 他从来没去过上海,是吗? 回答反意疑问句,应遵守一个原则,即无论陈述部分和疑问部分是肯定还是否定形式,肯定回答就用Yes;否定回答就用No,不应受汉语的干扰。 ---You aren't a Young Pioneer,are you? 你不是少先队员,是吗? ---Yes,I am. 不,我是。 ---No,I am not. 对,我不是。 练一练: 一. 根据题后要求改写句子。 1. They didn't buy the new car for her birthday. (改为反意疑问句) 2. She can take care of her little sister. (改为反意疑问句) 3. Let's drink tea together. (改为反意疑问句) 4. There was nobody in the room. (改为反意疑问句)


剑桥少儿英语考级要求10 要包括(读写、听力、口语) 剑桥少儿英语考试包括四个关键得级别:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starter s)、二级(Movers)与三级(Flyers)。因为最高得级别Flyers得语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试得KET,因此它可以作为长大以后通向KET或迈向PET得桥梁。 剑桥少儿英语考试预备级(Pro-starters): 预备级:适合5-6岁,经过大约80小时得英语学习,掌握约280个词汇得学生参加,预备级考试只设口试,无听力与读写内容; 剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters): 一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时得英语学习,掌握约460个词汇得学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为459个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为439个); 剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers): 二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约100小时得英语学习,掌握约770个词汇得学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为772个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为674个); 剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers): 三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约150小时得英语学习, 掌握约430个词汇得学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为427个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为398个)。 在中国由于考生得语言背景与其它国家得差异,剑桥少儿英语考试得年龄段扩展到6-12岁甚至更广。不论参加过多少学时得训练,具有什么样得基础,都可以参加考试。 下表列举出三级考试得一般特性与区别: 读写(Reading and Writing ) 这个部分就是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容得单词与结构组成。考生只需要进行简单得操作如选择

Ssisy 英语成长乐园剑桥少儿英语考试试卷

Ssisy英语成长乐园剑桥少儿英语 预备级期末测试卷 Name:_________ Ⅰ. Listening part (30分) 一.看我指,你来写!(18分)(五官之类) 二.仔细听,补全对话(12分) A. _________ B. _________ A. _________ B. Fine, thank you. And you? A. _________

Ⅱ. Writing part (70分) 三.你能用英语数数并能写出来吗?(10分) 四. 涂一涂,用对应的水彩笔在单词下划横线(10分) red blue purple pink black orange green white yellow brown 五.连连看(30分) dog 小猫cake 蛋糕duck 小鸭pizza 汉堡cat 小狗burger 批萨horse 小马ice cream 冰淇淋cow 小羊hot dog 面条sheep 小猪rice 米饭pig 小牛noodles 热狗 sandwich 三明治

六.根据要求画出相应的图并涂上规定的颜色。(20分) 1.Draw a big green apple. 2.Draw a yellow banana. 3.Draw a black cat. 4.Draw an orange.

Ssisy英语成长乐园剑桥少儿英语一级上册 UNIT1-6测试 Ⅰ. Listening part (30分) 一.听一听,圈一圈。(10分) 1.AM PM 2.USA SOS 3. CCTV ZJTV 4. desk duck 5. pencil pen 6. fish sheep 7. sock clock 8. five four 9. black blue 10. boy girl 二.听一听,连一连。(10分) 1.I am Ann and Pat. 2.We are a girl. 3.He is a dog. 4.They are boys. 5.It is Ben. 三.听一听,选一选。(10分) ()1) A. mat B. cat ( ) 2) A. fish B. leg ()1) A. dog B. fish ( ) 2) A. bus B. cup ()1) A. lamp B. bag ( ) 2) A. box B. dog ()1) A. clock B. brush ( ) 2) A. lemon B. desk ()1)A. chick B. child ( ) 2) A. green B. gray


剑桥少儿英语等级考试说明 剑桥少儿英语学习系统简介 剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。 国家教育部考试中心于1996年开始在中国大陆引进并主办。参加剑桥少儿英语考试者均可获得由国家教育部考试中心与英国剑桥大学考试委员会联合签发的写实性证书。每个完成了考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到以剑桥盾牌表示的成绩证书。全国各中小学均认可此证书,孩子升学到重点中学的最佳特长证书。 剑桥少儿英语考试系统简介 剑桥少儿英语学习系统分为包括四个关键的级别:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。因为最高的级别Flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的KET,因此它可以作为孩子长大以后通向KET或迈向PET的桥梁。 KET:剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第一级,是终生有效的英语能力证书。PET:全国英语等级证书考试、国家公派出国留学人员英语水平考试。 一级:经过大约240学时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇,能够简单描述家庭、学校、朋友、自己、体育运动和业余活动等主题,涉及年龄、外貌、颜色等概念。 二级:经过大约420学时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇,具体描述的概念扩展到天气、健康、环境、动作、职责等。 三级:经过大约600学时的英语学习,掌握1000个词汇,能够运用学过的词汇讲述自己生活中的人和事,词汇量可达到教育部规定的初中毕业要求。 考试报名:我校为重庆市教委考试委员会、万州教委考办指定的三峡库区唯一考点,2014年3月剑桥等级考试报名现已正式开始,请有意愿给孩子报名参加本次考试的家长到我校前台咨询报名,考试人数限制为200名,截至时间为2013年12月31日。 寒假剑桥考级辅导班:分为一级、二级两个级别特色班,每班限制30人。 咨询电话: 洋教头语言学校 2013-11-29
