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It may seem like a strange response: to break down in tears when you are happy.

But now a group of psychologists say they have found the reason why, and that crying tears of joy may well be the body's way of restoring "emotional equilibrium1".

The psychologists say that, by responding to an overwhelmingly positive emotion with a negative one, people are able to recover better from strong emotions.

Oriana Aragon, the lead author of the report which will be published in the journal Psychological Science,said: "People may be restoring emotional equilibrium with these expressions.

"They seem to take place when people are overwhelmed with strong positive emotions, and people who do this seem to recover better from those strong emotions."

The psychologists from Yale University examined subjects' emotional responses to different scenarios2, including happy reunions and "cute" babies.

They found individuals who expressed negative reactions to positive news were able to moderate their intense emotions more quickly.

They also found people who are most likely to cry at their child's graduation are also most likely to want to pinch a cute baby's cheeks.

They cited other examples of where people responded to a positive experience with a negative emotion, including concert goers screaming in horror at the presence of their idol3 and lottery4 winners breaking down in tears.

The report authors said: "To give an example, upon winning the lottery, one might appraise5 the event as an incredibly good thing; feel overwhelmed with happiness, smile and cry.

"One's appraisal6 that winning is a good thing, intense happiness and verbal expression would easily be described as positive, yet there is also an expression of crying which normatively expresses sadness.

"This expression is not inherent to the situation, the appraisal, or the positive emotions. The negative expression might be merely a facial display, or it might reflect actual negative emotions."


1 equilibrium



Change in the world around us disturbs our inner equilibrium.我们周围世界的变化扰


This is best expressed in the form of an equilibrium constant.这最好用平衡常数的形


2 scenarios



Further, graphite cores may be safer than non-graphite cores under some accident scenarios. 再者,根据一些事故解说,石墨堆芯可比非石墨堆芯更安全一些。来自英

汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法

Again, scenarios should make it clear which modes are acceptable to users in various contexts. 同样,我们可以运用场景剧本来搞清楚在不同情境下哪些模式可被用户接受。来自About Face 3交互设计精髓

3 idol



As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。

Blind worship of this idol must be ended.对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了。

4 lottery



He won no less than £5000 in the lottery.他居然中了5000英镑的奖券。

They thought themselves lucky in the lottery of life.他们认为自己是变幻莫测的人生


5 appraise



An expert came to appraise the value of my antiques.一位专家来对我的古玩作了估价。It is very high that people appraise to his thesis.人们对他的论文评价很高。

6 appraisal



What's your appraisal of the situation?你对局势是如何评估的?

We need to make a proper appraisal of his work.对于他的工作我们需要做出适当的评价。



专题一阅读理解 训练7 情感态度 A(导学号59430066) When I asked my mother-in-law to select which meals she'd like me to order from the home-delivery menu,she only chose the ones her husband would like.This goes way beyond politeness.She is actually feeling uncomfortable voicing what she wants.She developed the main symptom of Asker's Syndrome that one's unable to ask for what one wants. It's not just older women who have this problem.Asker's Syndrome can strike the young.I have single friends who won't ask a man out on a date because they fear being considered “too forward”.My five-year-old daughter Violet is showing the early stages of Asker's Syndrome.She's learned that women don't ask,but rather drop hints.She'll say,“Remember last Sunday afternoon we went to the park?” rather than “Can we go to the park?” Apart from women and girls' problematic relationship with appetite,food and dating,it's widely reported that women are less likely than men to ask for pay rises and promotions.Instead,they withdraw,hoping that somebody else will decide they are worthy and make them promoted. No doubt,many women develop Asker's Syndrome as a defensive measure because they've been labeled as pushy or rude for simply asking for what they want.But in the long term,choosing not to express our desires doesn't serve us well. It's time to cure ourselves and our girls of Asker's Syndrome.I don't want to raise a future “mother” who denies her wish for food,power and success and anything else.So I now insist that my daughter ask for what she wants directly. For women in our culture,asking is a skill that we need to learn and practice.And if we all do it,then women asking will become the norm rather than the exception. 【语篇解读】本文作者通过事例来告诉我们提问者的综合征的症状是什么,并且提出自己的看法,鼓励女士们勇于发表自己的观点,说出自己真正想要的。 1.The author's mother-in-law is mentioned in Paragraph 1 to ________.A.introduce the old lady B.set an example C.talk about her illness D.lead in a topic


(英语)高二英语阅读理解专题训练答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Flying for a long time, you finally arrive at the place where you can relax—your hotel room. Now you throwyour bag on the bed, turn on the TV and watch an international news programme on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA. The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN. With an audience of over 1.5 billion people, these are popular channels that offer good-quality news programmes. In both companies, the journalists are experienced writers that produce journalism of a high standard. However, there are alternative news channels which people watch because they want a less traditional or non-Western view on world events. Russia Today and Al Jazeera International, an Arabic company, are international channels that broadcast in English. Both companies say they give a fresh view on big stories, and their experienced journalists often report from places where Western journalists do not work, and so they give us stories that we don't normally see. The Internet offers more variety. OneWorldTV is an Internet site where you can find stories about the developing world and human rights, rather than the usual stories about US politics and business. The writers for this company are often local people who write the stories for free. This non-professional journalism is increasing, and it certainly offers more choices. This increase in citizen journalism means that you can write the news, too. Main news broadcasters often use photographs and stories that members of the general public send to them, especially when there is a dramatic breaking news story. Besides this, some blogs are popular sources of news, and the website NowPublic lets you write stories using information you can get from anywhere, including sites like Youtube, Flickr and Twitter. (1)The first paragraph is meant to . A. offer a suggestion B. give a warning C. explain a reason D. introduce the topic (2)It can be learned from the text that more and more people will . A. prefer to read local news B. pay more attention to world news C. start a career in citizen journalism D. give up watching TV news programmes (3)What would be the best title for the text? A. The Latest Local News B. More Choices for News C. The End of TV News D. Traditional World News 【答案】(1)D (2)C (3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了市民可以观看的新闻媒体。有些新闻来自国家(正式新闻);有些新闻来自民间,这种民间的非正式媒体新闻正呈上升趋势;市民还可以在网上发布一些新闻。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ watch an international news program on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA.”和第二段中的“The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN”可以推断出第一段是引子,是为了引出下文的话题(介绍BBC World和


《生活中两种常见的有机物》 1.热播电视剧《走西口》中有翠翠女扮男装在杀虎口醋作坊受重用的情节,山西老陈醋素有“天下第一醋”的盛誉。食醋中含有乙酸,下列关于乙酸的说法中正确的是 A. 乙酸是有刺激性气味的液体 B. 乙酸分子中含有4个氢原子,它不是一元羧酸 C. 乙酸在常温下就能发生酯化反应 D. 乙酸酸性较弱,不能使石蕊试液变红 2每逢佳节倍思美味佳肴,食醋是一种生活必备的食品调味剂。淘气的胖胖分别向盛有下列物质的玻璃杯中倒入适量食醋,他不会观察到明显现象的玻璃杯中盛有 A、滴加了酚酞的红色NaOH溶液 B、锌粉 C、食盐粉末 D、纯碱粉末 3.酒精和醋酸是生活里的常用品,下列方法不能将二者鉴别开的是A、闻气味B、分别用来浸泡水壶中的水垢看是否溶解C、分别滴加NaOH溶液D、分别滴加石蕊试液 4、食醋的主要成分是乙酸,下列物质中,能与乙酸发生反应的是() ①石蕊②乙醇③乙醛④金属铝⑤氧化镁⑥碳酸钙⑦氢氧化铜 A.①③④⑤⑥⑦ B.②③④⑤ C. ①②④⑤⑥⑦ D.全部 5、下列物质中,不能发生酯化反应的是() A.酒精B.冰醋酸C.苯D.甲醇(CH3OH) 6、(改编)酯化反应是有机化学中的一类重要反应,下列对酯化反应理解不正确的是 A.酯化反应的反应物之一肯定是乙醇 B.酯化反应一般需要脱水 C.酯化反应中反应物不能全部转化为生成物 D.酯化反应一般需要催化剂 7、某课外活动小组利用白酒、食醋、蔗糖、淀粉等家庭厨房中常用的物质,进行有趣的化学反应原理验证。利用这些物质不能完成的实验是() A、检验自来水中是否含氯离子 B、鉴别食盐和碱面 C、蛋壳能否溶于酸 D、水壶中的水垢能否溶于酸 8下列化合物中,既显酸性又能发生加成反应的是() A. CH2=CH—CH2OH B. CH3COOH C. CH2=CH—COOC2H5 D. CH2=CH—COOH 9、下列事实能说明碳酸的酸性比乙酸弱的是() A.乙酸能发生酯化反应,而碳酸不能 B.碳酸和乙酸都能与碱反应 C.乙酸易挥发,而碳酸不稳定易分解 D.乙酸和Na2CO3反应可放出CO2 10、若用18O标记的CH3CH218OH与乙酸反应制取乙酸乙酯,则会出现的结果是 A、18O 只存在于乙酸乙酯中 B、18O 只存在于水中 C、18O 只存在于乙醇和乙酸乙酯中 D、18O 只存在于乙醇和水中


What a newspaper includes is decided by its editors. The managing editor decides which stories are newsworthy and gives reporters their tasks. To an editor, there are two kinds of news: hard news, such as the election (选举) of a president, and soft news. Soft news includes stories about a new dance craze, a beautiful historic building, or an interesting person. The soft news fills whatever space is left after the hard news is put into the newspaper space. There is also public service news to fit in-information about meetings and lectures, free health programs, or changes in a local library’s hours. The managing editor decides how important a story is. If a story is very important, it is marked for a headline on the front page. Less important stories appear farther back in the paper. The story editor takes a story and decides to “boil or trim it”. If the editor decides to boil a story, it becomes front-page article. Depending on the size of a paper, there may be a sports editor, a business editor or an art editor. On a small weekly paper, an editor may cover two or more of these areas. Once all the stories are written, they are given to a copy editor, who corrects any mistakes and fits the articles into the newspaper’s format(版式). The makeup editor, with the managing editor, usually dec ides how the paper will look. The editor’s job is to decide whether a page will look. This editor’s job is to deicide whether a page will carry two stories and four ads or six stories and one ad. Editors may rewrite or redesign many of the pages as more stories come from the pressroom. 61. An example of hard news is _______ A. the election of a president B. a story about a historic building C. a new fashion in clothes D. information about health programs 62. Where a news story is put in the newspaper depends on___________ A. its length B. its style C. its importance D. its title 63. What does the underlined word “trim” in the second paragraph mean? A. Reduce in size B. Increase in length C. Beautify in appearance D. Change in shape 64. Correcting the mistakes of all the articles is the work of_______ A. makeup editors B. copy editors C. managing editors D. business editors 65. What’s the purpose of the passage? A. To persuade people to work as editors. B. To tell the readers how editors are educated. C. To introduce some famous editors. D. To show how a newspaper is made.


水溶液中的化学平衡 高中化学中,水溶液中的化学平衡包括了:电离平衡,水解平衡,沉淀溶解平衡等。看是三大平衡,其实只有一大平衡,既化学反应平衡。所有关于平衡的原理、规律、计算都是相通的,在学习过程中,不可将他们割裂开来。 化学平衡勒夏特列原理(又称平衡移动原理)是一个定性预测化学平衡点的原理,内容为:在一个已经达到平衡的反应中,如果改变影响平衡的条件之一(如温度、压强,以及参加反应的化学物质的浓度),平衡将向着能够减弱这种改变的方向移动,但不能完全消除这种改变。 比如一个可逆反应中,当增加反应物的浓度时,平衡要向正反应方向移动,平衡的移动使得增加的反应物浓度又会逐步减少;但这种减弱不可能消除增加反应物浓度对这种反应物本身的影响,与旧的平衡体系中这种反应物的浓度相比而言,还是增加了,转化率还是降低了。 1、不管是电离、水解还是沉淀溶解,一般情况下,正反应的程度都不高,即产物的浓度是较低的,或者说产物离子不能大量共存。双水解除外。 2、弄清楚三类反应的区别和联系。 影响电离平衡的因素 1.温度:电离过程是吸热过程,温度升高,平衡向电离方向移动 2.浓度:弱电解质浓度越大,电离程度越小 3.同离子效应:在弱电解质溶液中加入含有与该弱电解质具有相同离子的强电解质,从而使弱电解质的电离平衡朝着生成弱电解质分子的方向移动,弱电解质的解离度降低的效应称为同离子效应 4.化学反应:某一物质将电离的离子反应掉,电离平衡向正方向移动

1、电离平衡 定义:在一定条件下,弱电解质的离子化速率(即电离速率)等于其分子化速率(即结合速率) (如:水部分电离出氢离子和氢氧根离子,同时,氢离子和氢氧根离子结合成水分子的可逆过程) 范围:弱电解质(共价化合物)在水溶液中 外界影响因素:1)温度:加热促进电离,既平衡向正反向移动(电离是吸热的) 2)浓度:越稀越电离,加水是促进电离的,因为平衡向电离方向移动(向离子数目增多的方向移动) 3)外加酸碱:抑制电离,由于氢离子或氢氧根离子增多,使平衡向逆方向移动 2、水解平衡 定义:在水溶液中,盐溶液中电离出的弱酸根离子或弱碱根离子能和水电离出的氢离子或氢氧根离子结合成弱电解质的过程。 范围:含有弱酸根或弱碱根的盐溶液 外界影响因素:1)温度:加热促进水解,既平衡向正反向移动(水解是吸热的,是中和反应的逆反应) 2)浓度:越稀越水解,加水是促进水解的,因为平衡向水解方向移动 3)外加酸碱盐:同离子子效应。


考前如何调整考试心理 一、考生考前心理状态分析 考生在考前主要有以下三种状态出现: 1、过分激动状态 常表现为情绪体验强烈而紧张,心跳加快、坐立不安、大脑出现空白、情绪状态不稳定,考生如果在这种状态下,会出现注意力失调、心不在焉、不能控制自己的现象。 这是刺激物引起大脑皮层一直过程减弱,兴奋过程过度升高,是大脑皮层对植物性神经系统和皮层下中枢的调节活动减弱的结果。其产生的原因与考生的能力水平程度、复习准备情况、临场经验、个性特点和意志平直有关。 2、情绪低落状态 这种状态与过分激动状态相反,其表现就是情绪低落,所有心理活动过程都表现得非常缓慢,软弱无力,萎靡不振,意志消沉,缺乏信心,心境不佳,甚至不想参加考试。这种状态同考生大脑皮层兴奋过程的下降,抑制过程的加强有关,其产生的原因是考生高度的紧张或考前复习过度引起的。从心理上的原因来看,往往与考生对考生产生的压力过大、

对万一考不好想得太多,可又没有很好的解决办法,没有顽强的意志有关。 3、最佳答题状态 这种状态表现为考生对面临的考试有清楚的认识,对自己的能力水平有充分的信心,有全力以赴参加考试和争取成功的愿望,处于这种状态的考生,他的注意力集中,头脑清醒,在即将来临的考试上,思路范围增大,直觉的敏锐性大大得到了提高,精力充沛,具有稳定、饱满的情绪。这种状态是由于大脑皮层具有与任务相适应的神经兴奋过程,这种神经过程又有最适宜的灵活性,并以相应的抑制过程来加以平衡,从而表现出思维活跃,记忆力增强,注意力集中等心理状态。这种状态对考生考试水平的发挥有着较好的促进作用。 二、平时心理调适 纵观三种常见的考前心理状态,相信每一位考生都希望能在考试前将考试状态调整到最佳答题状态,那么要保持良好的心理状态,达到最佳答题状态,平时应当怎样调整自己的考试心理呢? 1、正确地进行自我评价 准确地了解自己,建立符合实际的合理奋斗目标。在考试中,大部分人都定了自己的考试目标,但,这个目标很难实现,在心理上自然地就产生了恐惧感。另外一部分人虽然没有明确地定下目标,但总幻想有奇迹出现,保佑侥幸心理。在平时,考生要对自己有一个准确的定位,


中考阅读理解之记叙文 情感类 My 10-year-old Donna said, "Mom, I made a new friend at school today. Can she come over tomorrow?" Donna was a shy girl and I wanted her to make some friends to bring her out of her shell. "Sure, honey, that sounds great." I said, thinking back to my own best friend, Lillian. We lived across the street from each other in Washington Heights, New York. We met at the age of 10, too. Like my daughter, I was shy, but Lillian drew me out. She was one of the friendliest people in school, with shiny black hair and a big smile. In senior high school, Lillian went on a trip to Florida. This was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. "I'll be back soon." she told me. But three days later, Lillian's sister told me that she had fallen into a river and hadn't come out any more. Soon, my family moved to New Jersey. Whenever I thought of her, tears came into my eyes. The next day Donna brought her new friend home. "Hi, Mrs. Loggia." the little girl said. Her hair was so shiny and black and she smiled brightly. "My name is Laura." My daughter's new friend was so much like Lillian. I was still puzzled(迷惑)when Laura's mom came to pick her up later that afternoon. I opened the door to let her in. "Judy!" she cried. "It's me, Lillian’s sister, from Washington Heights.”Yes, my daughter's friend looked familiar(熟悉). Lillian is her aunt. ()1. The underlined phrase in the first paragraph“to bring her out of her shell”means “__________”. A. to help her live happily B. to help her become smart C. to help her walk out of her house D. to help her become less shy ()2. Laura looked familiar to the writer because she __________ A. was Donna's good friend B. was from Washington Heights C. was as old as her daughter D. had shiny black hair and a big smile, too ()3. Why did the writer lose her best friend? A.Because she moved to New Jersey. B.Because her best friend travelled to Florida. C. Because her best friend lost her life on a trip. D. Because they were different from each other. ()4.What can we infer(推断)from the passage? A. Laura is as outgoing as her aunt Lillian. B. Laura and Donna are both in the high school. C. Donna and Laura have been friends for a long time. D. Judy moved to New Jersey because of Lillian's death. 答案:DDCA 故事类

高中英语阅读理解专题(有答案) 百度文库

一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Hipster Greenport: 4 places to eat, shop and visit Greenport may date back to the 1630s, but it's feeling pretty of-the-moment right now. Here are four places that embody the old-meets-new energy of the village: Claudio's If you've been to Greenport, you can't miss Claudio's —it's where generations of Long Islanders have made a tradition of eating, whether inside the main restaurant or at the floating dock-bar. The new owners have added fresh elements: Baccano Pizza by Nino, which offers a variety of slices and pies until as late as 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays — is right by the dock entrance. Little Creek Oyster Farm & Market It's little spots like this that tell the current Greenport story. There's no sign or advertising for this tiny house changed from the cabin of an old ship that's practically hidden down Bootlegger's Alley near Mitchell Park. But there they are — streams of people who come to enjoy the fresh oysters while drinking local craft beer, with a waterside view. The Times Vintage Nostalgia (怀旧) for bygone times runs high in this 1909 building, which once served as the base for the Suffolk Times newspaper. These days, this well-designed shop sells vinyl records (黑胶唱片) and loads of old-fashioned clothing and home decoration items including mid-century highball sets. Greenport Fire Heat comes in many forms and several are sold here — hot sauces, cigars and candles. Consult the chalkboard for the current sauce offerings or browse cigars such as a hand-rolled Honduran Leaf by Oscar or the Gurkha Cellar Reserve made with 18-year-aged tobacco. (1)What's special about Greenport? A. It is a place full of energy. B. It is a famous port in the world. C. It is a combination of new and old. D. It is a popular place of interest. (2)What can you do in The Times Vintage? A. You can enjoy delicious oysters. B. You can buy some old things. C. You can find hand-rolled cigars. D. You can have Baccano Pizza. (3)If you are a smoker, you may be interested in _________. A. Claudio's B. Little Creek Oyster C. Greenport Fire D. The Times Vintage 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了绿港(Greenport)这个村庄里能体现新旧融合的四个地方。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“…but it's feeling pretty of-the-moment right now. Here


高中化学平衡的归纳总结 化学反应速率与化学平衡 一、高考展望: 化学反应速率和化学平衡理论的初步知识是中学化学的重要基本理论。从历年高考经典聚焦也不难看出,这是每年高考都要涉及的内容。从高考试题看,考查的知识点主要是:①有关反应速率的计算和比较;②条件对反应速率影响的判断; ③确定某种情况是否是化学平衡状态的特征;④平衡移动原理的应用;⑤转化率的计算或比较;⑥速率、转化率、平衡移动等多种图象的分析。要特别注意本单元知识与图象结合的试题比较多。从题型看主要是选择题和填空题,其主要形式有:⑴根据化学方程式确定各物质的反应速率;⑵根据给定条件,确定反应中各物质的平均速率;⑶理解化学平衡特征的含义,确定某种情况下化学反应是否达到平衡状态;⑷应用等效平衡的方法分析问题;⑸应用有关原理解决模拟的实际生产问题;⑹平衡移动原理在各类平衡中的应用;⑺用图象表示外界条件对化学平衡的影响或者根据图象推测外界条件的变化;⑻根据条件确定可逆反应中某一物质的转化率、消耗量、气体体积、平均式量的变化等。预计以上考试内容和形式在今后的高考中不会有太大的突破。 从考题难度分析,历年高考题中,本单元的考题中基础题、中档题、难题都有出现。因为高考中有几年出现了这方面的难题,所以各种复习资料中高难度的练习题较多。从新大纲的要求预测命题趋势,这部分内容试题的难度应该趋于平缓,从2005年高考题看(考的是图象题),平衡方面的题目起点水平并不是太高。在今后的复习中应该抓牢基础知识,掌握基本方法,提高复习效率。

二、考点归纳: 1. 化学反应速率: ⑴. 化学反应速率的概念及表示方法:通过计算式:v =Δc /Δt来理解其概念: ①化学反应速率与反应消耗的时间(Δt)和反应物浓度的变化(Δc)有关; ②在同一反应中,用不同的物质来表示反应速率时,数值可以相同,也可以是不同的。但这些数值所表示的都是同一个反应速率。因此,表示反应速率时,必须说明用哪种物质作为标准。用不同物质来表示的反应速率时,其比值一定等于化学反应方程式中的化学计量数之比。如:化学反应mA(g) + nB(g) pC(g) + qD(g) 的:v(A)∶v(B)∶v(C)∶v(D) = m∶n∶p∶q ③一般来说,化学反应速率随反应进行而逐渐减慢。因此某一段时间内的化学反应速率,实际是这段时间内的平均速率,而不是瞬时速率。 ⑵. 影响化学反应速率的因素: I. 决定因素(内因):反应物本身的性质。 Ⅱ. 条件因素(外因)(也是我们研究的对象): ①. 浓度:其他条件不变时,增大反应物的浓度,可以增大活化分子总数,从而加快化学反应速率。值得注意的是,固态物质和纯液态物质的浓度可视为常数; ②. 压强:对于气体而言,压缩气体体积,可以增大浓度,从而使化学反应速率加快。值得注意的是,如果增大气体压强时,不能改变反应气体的浓度,则不影响化学反应速率。 ③. 温度:其他条件不变时,升高温度,能提高反应分子的能量,增加活化分子百分数,从而加快化学反应速率。


“考试失败后的心态调整”心理健康教育主题班会课教案 Teaching plan of mental health education the me class meeting "psychological adjustment a fter examination failure"

“考试失败后的心态调整”心理健康教育主题班会课教案 前言:小泰温馨提醒,本教案根据教学设计标准的要求和针对教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 一、活动目的:培养学生勇敢面对激烈竞争的良好心理素质,引导学生正确对待考试,激励他们努力学习科学文化知识,确定个人的奋斗目标。 二、活动准备:用调查问卷的形式列出同学们对考试的心态,查找出解决问题的资料,以主题班会讨论。 三、活动过程:(开场白)我们生活在一个激烈竞争的年代,竞争中有胜利,当然也有失败,他们像孪生兄弟一样密不可分。今天我们的班会主题是考试失败后的心态调整——失败过等于失败者吗? 第一部分与自我内心的对话 (主持人)在每一次的考试过后,我们总有不同的感受,可以说有人欢喜有人愁。请同学们分小组讨论在三月考之后自己的感受。 第二部分考试的形象 (主持人点评)个人只有自珍自爱,才能战胜自我,超越自我,才能实现自身的价值的最大化。

第三部分分享故事 (主持人点评)这个故事说明了做任何事都需要有良好的心 态才能成功。 第四部分重新认识考试 第五部分全体同学一起朗读宣言。 结束语:通过这次主题班会,希望同学们能够以良好的心态 对待每一次的考试,为即将到来的期中考作好充分的准备。同时,为了祖国的腾飞,个人的发展,我们应做到:在学习中思考,在 思考中发现,在发现中成功,一起为祖国的未来献一份力。 四、班会实录: 老师:我们生活在一个激烈竞争的年代,竞争中有胜利,当 然也有失败,他们像孪生兄弟一样密不可分。今天我们的班会主 题是考试失败后的心态调整——失败过等于失败者吗? 这次的三月考成绩出来后肯定是有人欢喜有人愁,我们如何 面对呢?现在我们小组之间讨论一下你是如何调整考后的心态的! (同学讨论中) (讨论结束) 同学1:我会总结一下过去的学习情况,看看自己哪些地方 不足需要改正。 同学2:找同学聊天。 老师:很好的方法啊!!那么,同学们心目中又是如何看待 考试的呢?


期中考试后如何调整自己的心态 原文阅读 对于刚刚结束的期中考试,不知道同学们的心情怎么样,有的同学认为自己考的还可以,心情不错;但大多数同学还是认为自己考的不理想,比较伤心。 考后反思才能解决问题 1.“不露声色”者。他们学得扎实,考得好。自信心强,胜不骄,败不馁。从开学至今,成绩稳定,始终保持优良的成绩。还是要肯定自己,不断鼓励自己。 2.“春风得意”者。这类同学考好后,往往会沾沾自喜,甚至会自我吹嘘。这样虽然能增加信心,但也会导致自满自足,给以后的学习带来浮躁,导致成绩一上一下,不稳定。这类同学,应该明确学习是一个长期的任务,需要有韧性,需要有高目标,知道山外有山楼外楼,做到胜不骄,败不馁。 3.“懊恼不已”者。这类同学每次考试之后都会对自己的失误忏悔不已,不是说看错题目,就是说计算失误;不是说漏做了,就是说抄错答案。这类同学总是存在着侥幸心理。这类同学要从平时的每次作业开始克服粗心大意的毛病,平时学习要认真、扎实、细心和一丝不苟。

4.“伤心欲绝”者。这类同学对自己认识不够准确。考前往往盲目自信,准备不足。所以考试的成绩和自己的预料往往相差很大,心理上不能接受眼前的现实。这类同学要认真分析试卷,对自己有一个较为客观的认识。既要克服盲目自信的心理,又要正确认识自己的能力,鼓起前进的勇气。 5.“满不在乎”者。这类同学考试后,瞄一下分数,试卷也不看一下,便扬长而去。这类学生,恐怕极少,相信每一个同学都想考出好成绩。 对于这种出现,“几家欢乐几家愁”的情况,可以看出考试后的心理调节不仅影响同学们生活和学习的积极性,而且会影响以后的考试状态。如何调整期中考后的心态? 先请同学们回答我一个问题:“对于考试你努力学习了吗?”如果以前你没努力,现在努力还来得及;如果你努力学习了,但成绩不理想,这也不要紧,我们先一起来分析一下有些同学努力学习但成绩不理想的原因。 1.学习态度与方法的影响: 努力是相对的,你努力的同时,别人也在努力,你学到十点多,有的同学学到十二点多。在考试后想痛痛快快地玩一场,这种心情是可以理解的,有的同学考试后在一段时间里将学习抛到九霄云外,对考试也不做任何分析“潇洒”过头了,有的同学考试后对自己平时的复习目的、学习态度和学习方法进行分析总结,对各门试卷进行认真的分析与思考。对答得好的题目,应写出自己是如何理解运用所学知识的;答错了,要找出原因,错在那里,为什么错?以有利于今后改正。 著名的美国康奈尔大学做过一次心理实验--青蛙实验。实验的第一部分,他们捉来一只健硕的青蛙,冷不防把它扔进一个煮沸的开水锅里,这只反应灵敏的青蛙在千钧一发的生死关头,用尽全力,跃出让它葬身的水锅,安然逃生。实验的第二部分:隔了半小时,他们使用一个同样大小的铁锅,这一回往锅里放入冷水,然后把那只死里逃生的青蛙放进锅里,青蛙自地在水中游不游去,接着实验人员在锅底偷偷地用火加热,青蛙不知底细,自然地在微温的水中享受“温暖”。慢慢地,锅中的水越来越热,青蛙觉得不妙了,但等到它意识到锅中的水温已经承受不住了,须奋力跳出才能活命时,已经晚了,它全身发软,呆呆躺在水里,直至煮死在锅里。 这个实验告诉我们,最可怕的不是突然危机的降临,而是缓慢渐进的危机降临.期中考试成绩不理想的同学,考试失利对你们来说不是一件坏事,它在一定程度上是一件好事,给自己

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