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当前位置:文档库 › 综合英语1U1-8单元选词填空答案



1.The minister didn’t make any comment on their own human rights problems; he said instead that we were to do more on this issue.

2.Confronted with the sight of the poor...

3.T ake good care to lock away your jewelry before...

4.Strong feelings welled up within him.

5.He tried to summon from his memory what ...

6.The Secretary of State said that the war was going to be brief but decisive.

7.I looked hard at him, while he stared dully back at me.

8.A voice seemed to be whispering in her mind telling her to brave.

9.If a man speaks or acts with a(n) evil intent...

10.If you always give in to others you will...

1.The local people had a new church built in no time after it was...

2.David, with thinning red hair and crinkly eyes, looked already...

3.He once made a scornful remark about ...

4.Noises from the construction site are disturbing the whole neighborhood.

5. “He looks awfully glad to see you...

6.Y ou can get the best effect by adjusting the volume during playback.

7.When you go for a country walk, remember to tuck a plastic bag in your pocket.

8.This is none of my business. William said nonchalantly.

9.She would have raised both fist skyward and punched the air in delight.

10.T he smiths rearranged things, so that new kitchen units would fit.

1.Punctality of services is now considered to be ...

2.Drug testing at work and in schools has almost become routine in many American cities.

3.The cause of the infectious disease is the economic and...

4.Y ou can bet he would have failed the exam...

5.The professor gave the college students a terrific speech about ...

6.After a delay of two hours, it was finally announced that the passengers could now boarded te plane.

7.This time the president had no way but suffer from the “democracy”he valued dearly.

8.We are living in an age where only a strong economy will count.

9.Already in his eighties, my grandpa still cherishes his memores of the years...

10. I don’t like to buy a house in that area because of several irritations traffic noise...

1.In the first few months of the war his army seemed invincible, but ...

2.Thinking before taking action can help avoid ex periencing unnecessary stress that...

3.When you hear someone in your home, do not confront the intruder and ...

4.I think I will have to work twice as fast to keep up with everybody else.

5.Several heads of state attended the celebration marking the fiftieth ...

6.He had only himself to blame for not taking better care of the child.

7.Her TV success has meant pushing aside thoughts of ...

8.The scope of the emotonal anguish that the AIDS...

9.As he is recovering, he has grown more confident and positive about life.

10.T he government has recognized the need to exercise ...

1.He was appointed manager of one of the...

2.The hero of the novel gets some politically very unfair treatment.

3.Pinochet will have to account for his past actions when...

4.The country has succumbed to great ...

5.His great works of art have ensured his popularity in the last century.

6.When she entered the dark room, she instinctively felt in danger.

7.Many local companies are now faced with tough international...

8.Most people object to the idea of wiping out terrorism by...

9.The real tough challenge for us all is to...

10.T here is a seductive variety of bars...

1.Should any crucial issue arise from the negotiaton with...

2.Do not miss this unique chance to buy the car...

3.What he displays to the public is not self-esteem but...

4.It is impossible for a man like hime to bear the stigma of being ...

5.The girl felt a(n) overwhelming urge to share ...

6.The linguist kept a close observation of how the child interacted with other people...

7.The stepmother was advised against favoritism between her...

8.The president was the prime target for the ...

9.After getting involved in the class activities several times...

10.T he resue team set out for the earthquake-stricken are despite the constant aftershocks.

1.The writer witnessed the collapse of the ...

1. “T he notice can be written on any material as long as it’s legible and...

2.Their wedding ceremony was exactly timed to coincide with his...

3.Before long this competent little girl began to show signs of surpassing her brother in...

4.Kevin sensed very clearly what...

5.The association announced that three clubs would be relegated during the ...

6.The government signaled that the Army might...

7.The welcome was perfunctory and came not from...

8.He astonished us with his generosity and...

9.As for him, he’s like a cat, teasing a snake to make it strike.

10.T o save money, no celebration was to be organized to mark the comletion of ...


小学三年级语文上册选词填空及答案(完整版) 一、选择正确的词语填空。 热闹喧闹 (1)一场(________)的音乐会开始了。 (2)图书室内,请大家保持安静,请勿(_______)。 舒服舒畅 (3)每一个张开的喙(________)地呼吸着。 (4)外面寒风呼啸,屋子里又(________)又暖和。 二、先比一比,再选择正确的词语填空,我能行! 灵活灵敏 1.小猫咪披着一件黑白相间的大衣,它有一双(______)的耳朵,还有一对水汪汪的大眼睛。 2小三毛的手和脚胖乎乎的,十分(_______)。 轻快轻巧 3.天上飞的小鸟多像只(________)的飞机呀! 4.童年是一首(________)的音乐,有着无尽的欢乐。 三、选词填空。 灵巧灵活灵敏 1.小狗的嗅觉很(____)。 2.妈妈有一双(____)的手,能编织出美丽的花篮。 3.小巧的脑袋,(____)的四肢,短小的尾巴,凑成了一只机灵可爱的小兔子。轻巧轻快轻松 4.这件事说起来(____),做起来却不容易。 5.这个周末作业比较少,我们很(____)。 6.我们迈着(____)的步子走在乡间的小路上。

四、选择正确的词语填空。 守株待兔狡兔三窟兔死狐悲 1.尽管犯罪分子(__________),但仍然被公安干警们一网打尽。2.匪徒一个接一个被捕入狱,匪首不免有(__________)之感。 3.美好的生活要靠劳动去创造,不能(__________),寄希望于侥幸。 五、选择合适的词语填在下面的括号里。 创造创举 1.赵州桥的建筑设计在建桥史上是一个伟大的(________)。 2.中国人民用自己的双手(________)了辉煌的历史和文明。 美观美丽 3.多么(________)的花朵啊! 4.这套家具的式样(________),我很喜欢。 六、选择恰当的词语填空。 无论……也……即使……也…… 不是……而是……不是……就是…… 1.(______)遇到什么困难,我们(_____)决不后退半步。 2.(______)爸爸妈妈不催,我(______)能自觉地学习。 3.放学回家后,我(______)先出去玩,(______)先做作业。 4.星期天,我们(______)去电影院,(______)去游乐场。 七、选择正确的词语填空。 新鲜清新 (1)雨过天晴,(_____)的空气迎面扑来。 (2)小丽生病了,同学们给她买了许多(________)的水果。 辽阔宽阔 (3)我们走在(_________)平坦的大路上。 (4)在祖国(______)的土地上,世世代代生活着勤劳勇敢的人民


专项训练之选词填空 (1) people grandparents Saturday we hiking sometimes tomorrow cake want There are three __________ in my family—my father, my mother, and I. Usually we go to the parks with _________. Today is _________.And we_________to go to the park this evening. ________is my birthday. _______are going to go _________.Dad and Mom are going to buy a _________for me. (2) dinner reading What Saturday homework everyone are writing is cat eating housework Today is __________.__________in Mr Black's family is busy.Mr Black is ________a newspaper. Mrs Black is ________________a letter at the table. Their son, Tom, is doing his _____________. ____________ about Jane? She ____ playing with the _______.And there is a dog,too. The dog is ___________its ____ . (3) best water sleeping cute likes zoo eating animals swinging nose animal trunk My brother and I go to the _______on Sunday. We see many_______. I like pandas______. They are ________bamboos. They are so _______. My brother _______monkeys.The monkeys are _________in the tre es. We see the elephants, too.They are drinking ________with their ________. But the lion is doing nothing. It is ________. (4)cards favourite green colourful birthday leaves weather windy October 13th party Fall is my __________season. My __________is in fall.It is ____________. I can have many birthday ___________from my friends. And I like the_________ in fall.They are __________.Some are red, some are yellow, some are _______. The _________is fine, too. It is usually ________and cool. ______you like it? (5)usually piano Because plant read mountains spring reading grandparents watch sleep Hello, friends! I like to __________trees in ___________. It's warm and funny.________ I visit my _____ on Saturday.But not this Saturday. Why? _________it's going to rain this Saturday. I can't go out of the room. But I can _________some books, I can _____TV, and I can play the _________. When it rains, I can't climb _ _________, but I can _______a long time. (6)birthday up party many next in friends card on clean sweeping January Hello,friends! I'm Rose. I am an active(活跃的) girl.I have_____________friends and they're my cla ssmates.Today is National Day.And it's my ____________,too.I get________early and __________my roo m. I invite(请)my ________Amy, Joy and Sarah to my home. We have a birthday ___________. I know A my's birthday is in the ________month. Joy's birthday is ________December. Sarah's birthday is in _____ I image(想象)our birthdays are ____________the same(相同的)day. We can have a big birthday party.


小学六年级英语——选词填空专项练习 1.Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。) don’t didn’t went go going was take took sang with by ate I am John. I like on a big trip. I usually a trip on my summer holiday. I often go to Beijing my parents. But last summer holiday, I go to Beijing. I to Xinjiang. I went there ______train. I good food, pictures, and danced. I very happy. 2. Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。)(very, comes, warm, rains, rained, rainy ,didn’t ,don’t, wasn’t ,went ,weren’t, were,took, take,too) Spring .The weather is______.It a lot .It is https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a217204445.html,st spring, it a little. It warm,it was hot. We plant trees. The trees green. When you out, you should an umbralla,because it was suddenly. 3.Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。) (left, reading, go, comes, goes, take, going, usually, an, doesn’t, with, next) John is my friend. He _______ from Australia. He _______ to school on foot. He _______ like sports. He likes ________ story-books. On Sundays he and I __________ to a bookstore. We often _______ the No. 6 bus there. The bookstore is _______ to a bus stop. His father is _______ accountant. He works in a bank. John is ________ to Hong Kong _________ his father this Friday. 4. Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。)(clean cleaner fresher is are warmer hotter raining rains wetter come comes better about and much more) Spring _____coming. The weather gets_______.The trees are green and the flowers______out.It is _______beautiful in spring than in winter.It ________a lot ,so it is ______.After the rain the air is_____and _______.I think spring is______than winter.What______you?Do you like spring. 5. Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。)( have, on , with, took, visited, and go, dancing, having, take, went, danced ) It’s sunny today. I am ______ a picnic in the park with my friend. Look! Chen Jie is catching butterflies. Tom and Sarah are singing and ______ under a big tree. Last week we _______ to Dongguan city. We _______ Center Square, climbed Huangqi mountain and________ many pictures. Summer holiday is coming. We don’t _______ to school. I am going to _______ a trip ______ my parents. We are going to Shanghai . We are going there by plane ____ July 12th. We will ________ a good time there.

最新 七年级英语下册选词填空综合测试卷(word)1

最新七年级英语下册选词填空综合测试卷(word)1 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (2)We sat on the ________ listening to the sound of waves. (3)I was too ________ to move. (4)They ________ him into the car. (5)She ________ on my foot and said "sorry" to me. 【答案】(1)dolphin (2)rock (3)scared (4)pushed (5)stepped 【解析】【分析】 rock,岩石,dolphin,海豚,push,推,scare,惊吓,step,踩 (1)句意:海豚会玩球。根据不定冠词a可知是名词单数,根据play a ball可知此处填海豚符合玩球的语境,故填dolphin。 (2)句意:我们坐在岩石上听海浪的声音。根据定冠词the可知此处是名词,根据提示词和sat on可知是坐在岩石上,故填rock。 (3)句意:我吓得都不能动了。too+形容词或副词+to do,是固定搭配,太……而不能做某事,scare的形容词,害怕的,故填scared。 (4)句意:他们把他推进车里。push sb into,固定搭配,把某人推进,描述过去用一般过去时,push的过去式是pushed,故填pushed。 (5)句意:她踩到我的脚,然后对我说“对不起”。step on sb,固定搭配,踩到某人,根据and said可知时态是一般过去时,step的过去式是stepped,故填stepped。 【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,注意词性,时态的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。 2.根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确。 from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four ________in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera ________ famous stories, beautiful facial(脸部的)paintings, wonderful gestures(手势)and fighting. Some of the stories are from history books, but ________ are from famous novels. The people in the stories usually can't agree with each other. They become angry, unhappy, sad and lonely. Then they find a way to ________ with each other. Everyone is usually happy in the end. Beijing opera is an important part of Chinese culture. In China, it used to be ________ with old people, while young people didn't like it very much. However, more and more young people, and


新视野大学英语4选词填空答案及翻译 一 Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that the y are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period whe n they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long . They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagl e from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happ y to be back on the ground with the rest of us. 你了解名人吗?如果是这样,你可能发现他们与我们身边其余的人非常地相似。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说有什么不同。“我真的只是一个普通人,”一个最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下的演员抗议说。


六年级上册选词填空练习(附答案) 一、清爽凉爽 1、房间经过一番打扫,()多了。 2、()的海风迎面吹来,让我顿时清醒了许多。 二、倾吐倾诉 1、他把这种苦痛深深地埋在心里,从不向任何人()。 2、这对老朋友激动地拥抱在一起,互相()内心的思念之情。 三、优雅幽雅 1、这么()的景致真让人流连忘返。 2、舞会在()宽敞的大厅里举行。 四、茂密茂盛繁茂 1、房前是一棵树叶()的大树。 2、小鹿穿过()的树林,来到了小河边。 3、眺望绚烂()的百花谷,他不禁浮想联翩。 五、磅礴澎湃 1、长江用()的力量,推动新的时代。 2、钱塘江大潮漫天卷地的壮观景象令人心潮(),激动不已。 六、讥笑嘲笑耻笑 1、面对(),他面不改色,这份淡定让人赞叹不已。 2、我们不能因为取得了一点成绩就沾沾自喜,那样只会被人()。 3、老师经常告诉我们,不要()别人。 七、爱慕仰慕

1、我对他的()之心犹如星星闪烁着光芒。 2、科学家霍金不屈不挠、向命运挑战的顽强精神实在令人()。 八、朦胧蒙眬 1、()中,我感觉妈妈正在给我擦汗。 2、在()的月色中,他回到家里。 九、长风破浪披荆斩棘 1、让我们扬起理想的风帆,(),驶向成功的彼岸。 2、他白手起家,多年来在商场上(),终于有了今天的成就。 十、埋怨抱怨 1、只有从不浪费时间的人,才没有工夫()时间不够。 2、同学之间不要因为一点儿小事就互相(),要学会理解与尊重。十一、叮嘱嘱咐吩咐 1、听着窗外的雨声,他又想起了临行前母亲的()。 2、老人那亲切的()让他的心里感到温暖。 3、您有什么事,请尽管()。 十二、羞愧惭愧 1、他为自己的自私行为深感(),一下子变得面红耳赤。 2、虽说读了很多书,但是写作水平还是不见起色,这让李明十分()十三、兴致勃勃兴高采烈 1、同学们()地谈论着这次郊游的行程和具体地点。 2、星期天上午,我和爸爸()地去自然博物馆参观。 十四、慷慨大方


Unit 2 一、填单词 1、China’s economic success over the past three decades has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens. 中国在过去三十年取得的经济成功提高了千百万中国人民的生活水平。 2、Citibank(花旗银行) picked the chief executive of https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a217204445.html, as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the historic Peace Hotel along Shanghai’s fabled waterfront. 花旗银行星期四 选择了易唐执行总裁作为它新分行的第一位中国开户客户,该分行在位于上海外滩著名的和平饭店内。 3、The United States last Wednesday imposed tariffs of up to 30 percent on a range of foreign steel imports to help protect its domestic industry. 美国上星期三对外国进口钢材征收30 %的关税以保护国内钢产业。 4、Although he was raised as a Christian, he’s not really very religious.虽然他被当做一个基督徒被养大,但他不是非常虔诚的宗教信徒 5、You can distinguish between frogs and toads in the following way: frogs have slender bodies, long limbs, and a smooth skin, and toads have stouter bodies, shorts limbs and dry skin. 你可以从以下方面区分青蛙和蟾蜍:青蛙身体细长,四肢很长并且皮肤光滑,而蟾蜍身体粗壮,四肢短,皮肤干燥。 6、From the airplane window I could see a web of city streets. 从飞机的窗口我能看到城市街道的网状图 7、Aunt Pat smiled at her little niece and bade her to eat. 帕特阿姨笑着


一、选词填空 【1】Seasons cooler travelling take train 1.It’s ________ in Kunming than in Beijing now。 2.I like ________ on holidays 3.How long does it _______ to get there 4.There are four _________ in a year 5.I go to Guangzhou by ___________ 【2】Worry careful wet nose anything caught 1.I have a runny _______ 2.I _________ a cold yesterday 3.You should be _____________ next time 4.I got all _______ in the rain 5.I don’t want to eat ___________ now 6.Don’t _________。You’ll get well soon 【3】Nervous,words,gifts,first,invite,host,rehearsal The __________ will begin at four this afternoon。Yangyang will be the_______。He looks ________because this is his____________ time to be a host on stage。 Many students will come to the rehearsal。They will________ their teachers to come onto stage。And they will say some __________ of thanks to the teachers。 【4】Among,birds scared playing sunny tree It’s a _______day today。Peter and Mike go to a forest。They see some _________ singing in the branches of the __________. A squirrel is jumping __________ the trees。They also see some monkeys ___________ on the ground。They want to play with them。So they are walking towards them。The monkeys are ________ and run away。 【5】leave way do both turn off life 1.I want to ________ my homework first 2.Can you print your homework on ________ sides 3.It’s a good ___________ to save paper 4.We should live a low-carbon___________ 5.Remember to __________ the TV when you ___________the room 【6】bike many protect foot public bags Today is April 22. It’s World Earth Day。It tells people to _________ the environment。We should do_________ things for protecting the environment。We shouldn’t use plastic________. We can’t litter in _________ places。If the place is not far ,we should go on __________ or by ____________. 二、选择题 1.what’s the date today? It’s Monday It’s October 21st 2.what does your father do? He can cook meals He’s a teacher 3.how does your mother go to work every day? She takes a bus She has a bag 4.what do we need to keep the lawn clean? We can sit there We need a trashcan 5.when is World Earth Day it’s April 22 it’s May 12


Unit 1 in order to no longer\not…any longer suffer from on purpose be concerned about go through set down get\be tired of get along with join in calm down add up 1.I_________________watching television;let’s go for a walk. 2.We started early_______________arrive before dark. 3.The country has_________________too many wars. 4.They are going to________________the singing. 5.She_________________your safety,you should come back earlier next time. 6.Although I am a new comer, I________________my classmates very well. 7.I didn’t do it_________________. It was an accident. 8.__________________3,4and 5and you\ll get 12. 9.She often_______________headaches. 10.I have ________________everything that the teacher said. Unit 2 because of such as play a part in at present make use of come up even if be based on believe it or not communicate with at the end of make voyages to 1.________________,more than half of our body weight comes to water. 2.Nowadays China______________important____________in the world. 3.A number of questions_______________at the meeting. 4._________________she is working abroad and she will come back next year. 5.This play________________ a true story. 6.We’ll have an exam in English______________January. 7.I think you’d better_______________your spare time better. 8._________________ we achieve great success in our work, we should no be proud. 9.We can now_______________ people on the other side of the world by using internet. 10.The football match was put off______________the terrible weather. Unit 3 be fond of care about change one’s mind make up one’s mind give in give up as usual prefer…to…be familiar with find out give out bring up 1.Can you________________ what time the train leaves? 2.Children are _______________in a better way by their educated mathers. 3.Many boys _______________playing football after school. 4.Li Ping_______________ watching TV at home_____________ going out for playing. 5.Are you_____________ the popular song? 6.She is a brave fighter, she never_______________. 7.Once he has _______________, nothing can change it. 8.My brother does not _____________the details of a book. 9.His father gets up early______________ and does exercise outside. 10.The doctor persuaded my father to_________________ smoking and drinking to much.


选词填空专题训练 (一)剧烈激烈热烈 1、他的讲话刚刚结束,会场上立即爆发出()的掌声。 2、那摞碗又()得晃动起来。 3、他好像在和什么人进行()的争吵。 (二)幻想理想梦想 1、傣家竹楼是傣族人最()的居住房屋。 2、有些人总想不劳而获,这简直是()。 3、卖火柴的小女孩()着跟着奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。 (三)阻止阻挡阻挠 1、客家民居的特殊点在于它还可以()兵匪、野兽及土著的袭击。 2、虽然帝国主义百般(),京张铁路还是提前竣工了。 3、小弟弟想摘公园里的花,被他的姐姐()了。 (四)愿望希望渴望 许多房屋大门上刻着这样的正楷对联:“承前祖德勤和俭,启后子孙读与耕”,表现了先辈()子孙和睦相处,勤俭持家的()。 (五)含糊模糊 1、爸爸的话说得很(),我没有听懂。 2、以前的事,我记不清了,有些()。 (六)僻静寂静 1、那是一个()的小院,平时很少有人去。 2、也深了,树林里一片()。

(七)粗暴残暴 1、教育孩子不能简单(),要有耐心。 2、()的匪徒把父亲绑起来,拖走了。 (八)激烈剧烈 1、我的心()地跳动起来,用恐怖的眼光瞅了瞅父亲。 2、()的战斗打响了,山冈上响起了战士们豪迈的喊杀声。 (九)聪明聪慧 1、书是阳光,能照亮人生之路;书是钥匙,能开启()之门。 2、小李是个()的孩子,挺讨人喜欢的。 (十)侃侃而谈夸夸其谈 1、做事要脚踏实地,不要() 2、语文老师在课堂上(),同学们听得津津有味。 (十一)敏感敏锐 1、警察叔叔的目光十分(),一下子就能看到案子的症结所在。 2、有些动物对气味很(),比如猫对腥味、狗对臭味等等。 (十二)绚烂绚丽 1、在九寨沟众多的湖泊中,五彩池素以小巧秀美,色彩()而著称。 2、生命是盛开的花朵,()多姿,灿烂芬芳。 (十三)疲倦疲惫 1、因为我昨晚没有休息好,所以今天感觉很()。 2、小明读书手不释卷,有时甚至会读到半夜直到()不堪为止。(十四)凶悍凶猛


五年级英语(下)短文填空练习(Unit1-4)班别:________ 姓名: __________学号:_______( 1 ) Today is Mother’s Day. It’s the ___________ Sunday in _________. Mike is a __________ boy at home. Look! He is ________ ______________ with his mom. He can do many things. He can __________ the clothes, ________ the floor, ________ the dishes and __________ I am Lucy. I’m ___________. It’s __________ 12th today. It’s my ____________. I put ______ my new class. It’s from my __________. I ________ many birthday cards from my friends. Today is _____________ Day, too. I usually ________ trees with my classmates. Sometimes we My name ______ John. I am from _________. Let me tell you about the four ___________ here. Spring is _____________. It’s warm and wet. The trees are green. The air is __________. Summer is hot. We _________ in the lake. I don’t like fall. ____________ it’s yellow. I like ¥ ( 4 ) Hello, I ________ John. I am a ______________. I often go to __________ at 9:00 in the _____________, but I go __________ at 5:00 in the morning. ____________ I _________ up On weekends, I ________ my grandparents with my brother, Tom. In the ___________, we always go and have ____________ in the canteen. Then have a big _________ at grandfather’s home. We go back ________ at about five. My father likes ________ TV. My ________ likes calling to her friends. I usually do my _________ and ________ books. We are I love summer. It’s very hot in ___________. I can _________ in the sea. Spring is beautiful. But it often _________. It’s hard to __________ flowers in the rain. In fall, I can pick _________. I can eat a lot. ___________ comes. It’s very ______. ______________ it snows in Beijing. I can _____________ and make a __________.


六年级英语总复习:选词填空 (1)( older, younger, friend, friends, playing, old, climbing, reading, one, two, longer, shorter ) John is 12.He has three friends.They are Sarah,Amy and Mike.Sarah is 12 years_____.She has long hairs.Sarah likes ____the piano very much.Amy is 13.She is ____years____ than John.Her hair is not long ,it is ____than Sarah’s hair.Amy likes_______books.Mike is 10 .He is ____years ____than John.Mike and John like ______mountains.They are good _______. ( 2 )( happy, today, see, feels, can’t, can, take, stay, read, listening, drinking, cold ) ______is Friday. Jack is very_____,he has a _____.He_____go to school,he go to _____a doctor.Doctor asks him to ______at home for one day,and _____the medicine.He ______better soon.Now,Jack is ____to the music and ______the hot water. ( 3 )( bad, fine, stayed, yesterday, played, went, sad, happy, sang, took, had, park ) I’m Jane.It was Sunday_____.The weather was______.I_____with my friends.In the morning,the boys _____basketball.Tom was _____.He won the game.The girls______songs.In the afternoon,we _____to a park,there were some big mountains in the _____.We_____many pictures there.We ____a good time. ( 4 )( did, went, last, happy, visited, tired, washed, cleaned, played, cooked, read, bought ) My name is Jack.I was busy ____weekend.On Saturday morning,I ____morning exercises in a park.Then I ____fishing with my classmates in the afternoon.In the afternoon,Mom____went shopping and ____ a pair of for me .I was very ____.I _____grandparents Sunday morning.In the evening ,my family did housework together.Dad _____the room.Mom____the dinner,and I____the clothes.I was _____,Iwent to sleep after dinner. ( 5 )( summer, winter, hot, season, cold, swimming, climbing, skiing,visit, eat, play, do ) Summer is my favourite ______.It is very hot in _____.So I can go _____.But my friend Jack doesn’t like it,he likes _____.So he likes _____very much .He plans to go to Harbin on the winter holiday.I want to go there,too.Because I want to _____with snow.But Jack tells me it will be very ____ in Harbin.So I plan to go to Beijing on my summer holiday.I can _____ the Great Wall and _____ Beijing duck .Before that ,I have to _____ my

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