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The secret of childhood读后感

The secret of childhood

The secret of childhood is Montessori's focus on a book for his children's education, in which the book detail explains the physical and psychological characteristics of children with vivid pictures ,and analyzes the infants ' psychological change manifestations, as well as the conflict between adults and children. Discussing the principles of early childhood education and parents ' responsibilities, the paragraph of the passageonce said: people know little about the psychological trauma of the child, but most of his wounds were filled up the unconscious by an adult. Thus, Montessori put forward many new ideas of education for children, which enlightened us for better understand with children.

Montessori argued that children are independent entities. Ever since the birth of the child, it becomes a different individual, and children are not as we imagine the helpless, passive, less dependent on adults. Her conceptions against the traditional view of children are that the right of the child was buried under the so-called bias of order and justice. It even says "fate of the child is the future of humanity and hope."

For child-sensitive period, she said that due to children at different ages for different things or activities in sensitive periods, children have special interests and hobbies which lead to the selective absorption of these things or activities. The psychological development of young children has a variety of "sensitive periods" including the order, detail, walking, hand, languages, and so on. Montessori theory about the sensitive period is an important part of her views on children. Her approach to education is based on sensitive period. It has important implications for early childhood education, and also a foundation of her theory.

It suddenly occurs me that there is a sensitive period known to us all--- a children's gift for language. As we all know, at a children's stage, learning language is so amazing that all the people are their teachers. They are just silent listening until speak their first words one day. The deepest experience in adults is that learning a foreign language is a big thing for me right now, neither hearing nor the word, is the need for sustained effort.

Beyond that, a very significant and mysterious time is that the child has an extremely sensitive period on the order. Existence of such a sensitive period may be more clearly on the obstacles encountered by the children. In most cases children's sense of anger is likely to be due to the sensitivity of this order. They recognize and remember the each item of the location where everything should be placed to the original positon. It means that a person is able to adapt to their environment and can

dominate in almost all the details of it. Suitable environment of the mind is like this: a person can walk around with his eyes closed, just reached out to get whatever he wanted. Obviously, the children's love of order is different from the adult love of order. But for children, completely different .It seems the animals roamed the land, or the fish in the water. But this, then think about it, it is understandable .Such as adult, are not adapted to the new environment and experience, this so-called

acclimatization .But children are more sensitive, sensitive enough to angry about a umbrella never seen to be put on the table. This sensitive period of children have reportedly been continue until the age of five.

Montessori thinks 0-6 is one of the most impressionable stage of growth,in which children of the sensitive period are mostly concentrated.Before the logic activity is not fully developed, the sensory organs are already in formation.So in Montessori studies, especially in the sense of training, always regards the 0-6s as the most important part of the study.Thus,her teaching methods are most suitable for the child at this stage.On the education of young children during this period is very important and urgent, which is consistent with the research of current emphasis on pre-school education and increase investment in pre-school education.

Montessori also hold the view that children should have a free development environment, so that they are free to develop the spiritual life. Adults need to understand children and their internal needs, and provide an appropriate environment for children to ensure them freely to each child’s freedom and follow their own internal rules.Thus, this tells educators that should not limit the scope of children's perception, but provide their environment as much as possible, so that child would care more interests in things. Children through a repeated practice of things of interest will be provided more space for future development.Children will choose to be perceived according to their interests and psychological needs.Therefore, as an early childhood educator, what should keep in mind is not to limit children's freedom to choose but you need to do is provide a development environment for the children as much as possible, to meet the child's freedom of choice.

For adults, a child's mind is an esoteric mystery. Adults always judge according to children’s external manifestations not their inner spiritual strength.Montessori pointed out that when children develop the capable of independent action stage, adult and children's conflict began. Conflicts between children and adults are mainly caused by an adult.Adults should not be an obstacle to independent activities for children, and should not replace for those children to their growth.In the process of development of

children, while adults do all what they can do for children, even have taken various means and methods for children's growth, but this does not mean that children will be able to develop very well, because adults are just from their point of view to think what sort of developments, and how to develop better for children.To promote the normal development of children, it is necessary to eliminate conflicts between children and adults.Adults must be allowed for thorough reflection and change their behavior. Moreover,adults must find their errors from themselves that lead to depressed children, and take a new attitude towards children.As a parent, in addition

to the meticulous care given to children of physiologica, should also be concerned about the psychological development of young children's needs.Parents should learn

to revisit their original educational concepts and recognize the status of their children.It should be admitted that children have the potential ,therefore, parents should continue to rediscover their children with development perception.




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