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Unit 1Introduction: Translation and Translation Techniques

1. Important Role of Translation

? A means of communication.

1.The earliest translation can be traced back to about 3000 years ago, the translation of

Bible into Greek in the west.

2.In the west, literary translation can be traced back to 300 BC;

3.In China, recorded translation activities are even earlier, dating from the Zhou Dynasty

(1100 BC);

4.Not until recent centuries, especially by the end of the 19th century did systematic

study of translation get underway.

?Examples to show the importance of translation

Good examples:

Coca Cola --- 可口可乐hacker --- 黑客Safeguard --- 舒肤佳puma --- 彪马Bad examples:

menu --- 菜单laser --- 镭射nylon --- 尼龙

During World War II, the mistranslation of the Japanese telegram sent to Washington just before the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Potsdam Proclamation (July 26th, 1945. An ultimatum demanding the immediate unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Japan)

Japan’s attitude to the Proclamati on: 默殺(mokasutu)

1) keep silent sophisticatedly (高明地不表态);

2) ignore, despise (蔑视,不理睬).

The translator took the second meaning, leading to the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

A-Bomb: “Little Boy” (on August 6th, 1945); “Fat Man” (A ugust 9th, 1945).

On Sept. 2nd, 1945, Japan declared surrender.

2. Nature and Scope of Translation

?What is translation?

Newmark: ...translation is first a science, which entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describes…; Secondly, it is a skill, which calls for

appropriate language and acceptable usage; thirdly, an art, which distinguishes good

from undistinguished writing and is the creative, the intuitive, sometimes the inspired,

level of the translation; lastly, a matter of taste, where argument ceases, preferences are

expressed, and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual


J. Catford: The replacement of textural material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language. (TL). 翻译是把一种语言的文字材料替换为另


Barhudarov: Translation is a process in which the parole of one language is transferred into the parole of another with the content i.e. meaning unchanged. 翻译是把一种语


Eugene Nida: Translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second

in terms of style. 所谓翻译就是指从语义到文体(风格)在译语中用最贴近而又最




Translation is a cross-linguistic, cross-cultural and cross-social activity. 翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交际活动。

Translation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another, i.e. the faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another language.

?The very word “translation” itself is ambiguous.

?Chinese version“翻译”:

① a subject in the curriculum;

② A branch of linguistics;

③ a job or interpreting activities or profession;

④The translator or interpreter.

⑤ A piece of translation.

?What is translation?

[1] A subject: translatology (翻译学), namely, the study of translation and skills; (science)

[2]Works: some specific pieces of translation; (art)

[3]Activities: a process in which something is translated; (craft or skill)

[4] A course in the curriculum.

?Categories of Translation:

1.In terms of languages: from native languages into foreign languages and vice versa.

2.In terms of the mode: oral interpretation, written translation and machine translation.

3.In terms of materials to be translated: translation of scientific materials, translation of

literary works, translation of political essays, and translation of practical writing.

4.In terms of disposal: full-text translation (全文翻译), abridged translation (摘译), and

adapted translation (编译).

3. Principles or Criteria of Translation

1.The so-called principles and criteria of translation are actually the two aspects of the same


1.Principles: lay emphasis on the translator, who should follow these principles while


2.Criteria: lay emphasis on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluate

translation works.

2.Alexander Fraser Tyler (1747-1813):

[1]That the translation should give a complete transcription of the ideas of the original work.


[2]That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the

original. 译文的写作风格和行文方式应该同原文如出一辙;

[3]That the translation should have all the ease of the original composition. 译文读起来应


3.Yan Fu’s three-character guide: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance 信、达、雅(1898)

is considered as a yardstick to measure the professional level of translation and a goal for translators to strive after.

4.Scholars’ Attitudes to Yan Fu’s Principle:

[1]Some scholars maintain Yan Fu’s original three characters, and meanwhile add some new

concepts to the character “雅”.

[2]Some argue that the word “雅” is out of place in translation. “信、达、切” (刘重德),“信、

达、贴” (思果),“信、达、优” (许渊冲),etc.

[3]Some disagree with Yan Fu’s principle on the whole. “spiritual conformity (神似)”,

proposed by Fu Lei (傅雷); and “sublimed adaptation (化境)” by Qian Zhongshu (钱钟


?Two unanimously accepted criteria:

[1]The criterion of accuracy / faithfulness: being faithful not only to the original contents, to

the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style.

[2]The criterion of smoothness: not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic

expression in the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanical copying from


4. Literal Translation and Free Translation

?Literal Translation (直译)

It means “not to alter the original words and sentences”. It strives to “keep the sentiments and style of the original”. It takes sentences as its basic units and takes the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translation. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retains as much as possible the figure of speech. Some examples:

?Chain reaction 连锁反应

?Gentleman’s agreement 君子协议

?Be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿

?The Four Books and the Five Classics 四书五经

?Paper tiger 纸老虎

?One country, two systems 一国两制

?Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪

?The concept of “death”:

[1]breathe one’s last 断气

[2]Go to one’s eternal rest 安息

[3]The long sleep 长眠

[4]Pass away 去世

[5]See God 见上帝

[6]See Marx 见马克思

[7]See one’s ancestor 见先人

[8]Go west 归西

[9]Go to heaven 进天堂

[10]Kick the bucket 翘辫子、翻白眼

[11]To end on e’s day 寿终

[12]To come to a violent death 横死,凶死,死于非命

[13]To give up the ghost 见阎王

[14]To kick up one’s heels蹬腿儿了

[15]To abandon the world 弃世、谢世

[16]To pay the debt of nature了结尘缘

[17]To return to dust 入土

[18]To join the choir invisible归寂、入寂

[19]To demise 崩、薨

[20]To go to Nirvana去极乐世界

[21]To go to glory 仙逝、仙游

[22]To depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉

a)Literal translation doesn't mean word-for-word translation!

How are you? ≠怎么是你?

How old are you? ≠怎么老是你?

Tom has a stop watch. (汤姆有块跑表。)≠汤姆有块停止不走的表。

?Free Translation (意译)

An alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to copy its sentence patterns or figures of speech.

This approach is most frequently adopted when it is really impossible for the translator to translate the original meaning literally. Some Examples of Free Translation:

Adam’s apple 喉结

Horse apple 马粪

At sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱。

Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 不必过早担心/自寻烦恼。(船到桥头自然直。)Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我幼稚可欺吗?

Literal translation and free translation, however, are two relative concepts. In other words, there is no absolute “literal”, nor entirely “free”version in the practice of translation, and overemphasizing either of them would result in ridiculous consequences. Some more examples:

①Little fish does not eat big fish.

小鱼吃不了大鱼。/ 胳膊拧不过大腿。

②There’s no pot so ugly it can’t find a lid.

再丑的罐儿也不愁配不到盖儿。/ 再丑的姑娘也不愁找不到婆家。(丑女不愁嫁。)

③What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!

孵出来的是母鸡就别想冒充公鸡!/ 生就是个女人就别想冒充男人!

④What the tongue says, the neck pays for.

舌头说话,脖子还账。/ 舌头闯祸,脖子遭殃。

?Mao Tse-tung was well-bred, but inside he was made of steel, of hard resistance, of tough tissue --- the kind of tissue the Boxers thought they had by magic, and bared their solar plexuses to foreign bullets. (Helen Snow, My China Years)

a) 毛泽东有很好的教养,内部是钢,有坚强的抗力,是坚韧的材料制成的:这是义和团设想的由于神力具有的、可以把腹部袒露给外国人的子弹的那种材料。

b) 毛泽东教养有素,精神支柱铁铸钢打,不怕高压,是由坚韧的组织构成的。这种组织,就是义和拳认为他们通过魔法得到的那种组织--- 袒胸露体、刀枪不入。

Revised version:毛泽东外表温文尔雅,实际上却是钢筋铁骨,坚忍不拔---从他身上可以看到当年义和团自信所具有的那种神力,面对洋枪洋炮也敢袒胸露怀。

5. Translation Techniques

[1]Diction 遣词用字

[2]Amplification 增词法

[3]Omission 省略法

[4]Repetition 重复

[5]Conversion 转换

[6]Restructuring 词序调整

[7]Negation 正反交替

[8]Division 长句拆译

?Translation techniques alone cannot guarantee faithful and smooth rendition --- we may make use of them, but should not rely completely on them.

?Apart from translation techniques, a mastery of general knowledge and knowledge of the subject matter is of vital importance. In many cases, we can hardly do our translation well unless we have acquired adequate knowledge of the subject matter and the relevant background.

? A translator should:

[1]constantly exposing himself to various reading materials on all subjects relevant to his


[2]conscientiously consulting relevant background or reference materials on the subject

so as to keep up with the latest developments of the branch of knowledge he works in.

Reflections and Practice:


1.What is the nature of translation?

2.How is translation generally categorized? Which of the categories are you familiar with?

3.How do you understand Yan Fu’s three-character guide “信、达、雅”? What’s your opinion on

the principles or criteria of translation?

4.What is literal translation? What is free translation?

5.What do you know about translation techniques? Name a few of them and try to cite some


Put the following sentences into English, using either literal or free translation.

1. 对华政策

2. 麒麟

3. 刑事律师

4. 裸婚

5. 人肉搜索

6. 住房公积金

7. 红白喜事8. 个税起征点9. 替罪羔羊

10. 合租11. 王牌主播12. 结婚证

13. 海市蜃楼14. 老烟枪15. 对口会谈

16. 谅解备忘录

Put the following expressions into Chinese, using either literal or free translation.

1. English disease

2. French chalk

3. in one’s birthday suit

4. an apple of love

5. black art

6. confidence man

7. sweet water 8. blue stocking

9. dressing room 10. horse sense

11. capital idea 12. familiar talk

13. red tape 14. black stranger

15. Spanish athlete 16. Greek gift

1.It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.

2.The thief was caught red-handed.

3.She’d never again believe anything in trousers.

4.He can rub brine on a green wound!

5.She blackened her neighbor’s character with false gossip.

6.John is too yellow to stand up and fight.

7.It's more a poem than a picture.

8.He was a dead shot. However, he met his Waterloo this time.

9.Tour affectionate lover till death

I love my love with an E, because she’s enticing; I hate her with an E, because she’s engaged;

I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name’s Emily, and she lives in the east.

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