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body language

Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.当我们和别人谈话时,我们并不仅仅靠语言来表达自己的意思,尽管我们可能意识不到这一点。

In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right hand; the left hand is not used at all.在阿拉伯国家,吃饭用右手的手指;根本不用左手。In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.在亚洲的某些地区,你不可能坐着把脚跷起对着别人。

Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.正确地运用身势语有助于同人们进行交际,并使你在外国逗留时会感到轻松而愉快。

Forms of Greeting


? United States and Canada: Firm handshake.

? France: Soft, quick handshake.

? Japan: Handshake with arm fully extended, accompanied by a bow.

? Germany: Firm handshake. Men traditionally accompany the handshake with a slight bow.

? Middle East: Handshake with the free hand placed on the forearm of the other person.

Bowing: Many people from Asian cultures bow in greeting. In Japan, people bow with their hands at their sides, and the depth of the bow is related to the level of respect due to the other person. Thais bow with their palms together and fingers outstretched, while people from Cambodia and Laos bow with their hands in front of their chests. Pakistanis use the salaam, and bow with the palm of the right hand on their foreheads.

Hugging and Kissing: Native Hawaiians hug and exchange breaths in a custom called "aha." Mexicans will usually hug upon greeting (the abrazo). Men in many parts of the world exchange kisses on the cheek, and places where this is a common practice include Cuba, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

For the Maori of New Zealand, a traditional greeting includes the pressing together the noses (the hongi), and a cry of welcome (the karanga).

Other Body Language

Eye Contact: In Western cultures, people make intermittent eye contact while speaking to demonstrate interest and trustworthiness. People in the Middle East use very intense and prolonged eye contact to gauge someone else's intentions, and will move in very close to see the other person's eyes better. However, in Japan direct eye contact is interpreted as an invasion of a person's privacy and an act of rudeness.

Smiling: North Americans usually smile automatically when greeting others, while people from other cultures may interpret this as insincere. Asian people smile less than Westerners, and in Korea it is considered inappropriate for adults to smile in public. For Koreans, a smile usually indicates embarrassment, and not pleasure.

Head Shaking: Although usually shaking one's head from side to side is used to indicate "no," even this simple gesture doesn't have a universal meaning! Bulgarians shake their head to indicate agreement, and people from southern India and Pakistan move their head from side to side to express a variety of meanings. Depending on context, this headshake could mean "you're welcome," "goodbye," enjoyment, the equivalent of a shrug, or that the person acknowledges what another person has said.

Posture: In the Middle East, it is extremely offensive to point the bottom of one's foot in another person's direction – so sitting cross-legged might be a bad idea!

Personal Space: The amount of personal space North Americans require is about the length of an arm. The French, Latin Americans, and Arabs need less personal space, while Germans and Japanese need more. The size of one's personal space may also be influenced by social status, gender, age, and other factors





在左手食指上一下一下平削过去(to whittle):











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