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My first job

My first job
My first job

My first job

The first job I ever had was as a waitress. I did it the summer before I started at university, when I was eighteen. I was working in a very nice hotel in a small town in Scotland where there are a lot of tourists in the summer so they were taking on extra staff. I arrived there in the evening and met some of the other girls who were working at the hotel—we all lived in a little house opposite the hotel. Anyway, they were all really friendly and we had dinner together and then sat around chatting and drinking coffee—I didn't get to bed until after one o'clock in the morning. I had to be at work in the dining room at seven thirty in the morning to start serving breakfast. Well, I didn't wake up 'til seven fifteen! So I threw my clothes on and rushed over to the hotel. I must have looked a real mess because the head waiter just looked at me and told me to go to the bathroom to tidy myself up—I was so embarrassed!

The first thing I learned was that there were these two heavy swing doors into the kitchen from the restaurant—one for going into the kitchen and one for going out, so that the waiters coming in didn't bump into the ones going out. Anyway, that morning I was so frightened of the head waiter that I didn't listen properly to what he was saying, so when one of the waiters asked me to give him a hand and take two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! You can't imagine the mess—eggs, bacon and orange juice all over the floor, the door, the waiter and me. The other waiter thought it was quite funny, but the head waiter was furious and made me clear everything up straight away in case someone slipped and fell.

After serving breakfast, at about ten o'clock, we had our own breakfast. I was starving by then, and just wanted to sit down and eat quietly. But some of the waiters started making fun of my English accent—they were all Scottish. I think they were just trying to cheer me up and have a joke, but I was so upset and hungry that I just rushed off to the bathroom in tears! I thought everybody hated me! By the time I came back, they'd cleared up all the breakfast things, and I hadn't had a chance to eat anything!

Well, straight away we started getting the dining room ready for lunch—cleaning the silver, setting the tables, hoovering the floor. The room had a beautiful view over a river with the mountains behind, but of course, as soon as I stopped work to have a look out of the window, the head waiter spotted me and told me off again.

I didn't make too bad a job of serving lunch—one of the waiters looked after me and showed me how to do things. One of the customers ordered some expensive white wine, and I gave him a bottle from the cupboard, not from the fridge, so it wasn't cold enough. But fortunately the other waiters hid the bottle I'd opened wrongly and I gave him another bottle from the fridge so the head waiter didn't find out. I would have been quite happy, but I had another problem which was that I'd got up in such a hurry I just put on the shoes I'd been wearing the night before. Well, these shoes looked quite smart but they had really high heels, and after a few hours on my feet I was in agony and there was nothing I could do about it, there was certainly no time to go and change them. I can tell you I never wore those shoes to work again!

Anyway, after lunch we had our own lunch—I managed to get something to eat this time, and we were free in the afternoon. I went for a walk with one of the other girls and we got a bit lost so I didn't have time for any rest before we went back to work at six. By the time we finished serving dinner at about ten thirty I was completely exhausted. I'd never worked so hard in my life, I think.

Of course, I stayed up chatting with the other girls that night too, and most of the other nights I was there. I fell into bed at night and out of it at seven the next morning, but I loved the job after a while, believe it or not, and I even went back to work there the next year! I never got on very well with the head waiter, though.


red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。 red figure:赤字red ink:赤字in the red:亏损red-ink entry:赤字分录 red balance:赤字差额good luck:红运dividen: 红利wedding: 红事 red wine :红酒red ruin 火灾red battle 血战red sky 彩霞red flag红旗 brown sugar红糖black tea红茶honour roll红榜love pea红豆 a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人 a yellow livered 胆小鬼Yellow Pages 黄页 Yellow Book 黄皮书yellow boy (俗)金币 green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster:十分嫉妒 blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如: blue-eyed boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的职工 a blue moon:千载难逢的机会;绝无可能out of blue 意想不到once in a blue 千载难逢drink till all’s blue 一醉方休blue-sky market:露天市场blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的工人 blue chip:热门证券blue button:喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人 blue-sky law:蓝法blue sky bargaining:漫天讨价white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争” white goods:指的是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具 white money:银币white coal:水力white sale:大减价the white way:白光大街 black in the face 脸色铁青 黑心evil mind 黑手evil backstage manipulator 黑幕inside story 黑线 a sinister line 害群之马black sheep 凶日black day 暗淡的前途black future怒目而视to look black at someone black money:黑钱black market:黑市交易或黑市black market price:黑市价格 black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差black figure nation:国际收支顺差国 interest in the black:应收利息red ink 赤字in the black 盈利grey market:半黑市 grey area:灰色地区black and blue 青一块紫一块 办公室职员office staff 办公室主任office administrator 归国留学生returned student 正教授full professor 讲师lecturer; instructor 助教assistant (teacher) 保送生student by recommendation 博士生导师doctoral advisor 大学本科生undergraduate (student) 化验员chemical analyst 技师, 技术员technician 检验员inspector 建筑师architect 院士academician 助理工程师assistant engineer 编辑editor 主编editor in chief 高级编辑; 编审senior editor 翻译translator; interpreter节目主持人anchor 在职研究生in-service graduate student 研究员research fellow 副研究员associate research fellow as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠at a stone's throw一箭之遥wet like a drown rat湿如落汤鸡as stupid as a goose蠢得像猪as stubborn as a mule 犟得像牛 have a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下 to be out at elbows 捉襟见肘at one’s wit’s end 山穷水尽a velvet paw 笑里藏刀 to find a quarrel in a straw 吹毛求疵Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 A little pot is soon hot. 量小易怒。seek a hare in a hen's


有趣的英语演讲稿范文3篇 英语演讲是英语学习的又一境界,是我们培养英语口才的开始,也是我们英语表达技能的过关检测。以下是小编整理的英语演讲范文3篇,供大家学习和参阅。 英语演讲范文一: choice everyonehasachoicewhenhewakesupintheearlymorning.Yo ucanchoosetobehappyorsadalltheday.butforme,IthinkIh averesponsibilitiestofulfillalltheday.soeverymornin gmyfirstjobistochoosewhatkindofdayIamgoingtohave.To dayIcancomplainbecauseitisrainyorIcanbegratefulthat thegrassiswateredforfree.

TodayIcanfeelsadbecauseIdonthavemoremoneyorIcanbegl adthatitwillpreventmefromwasting. TodayIcanfeelverydownbecauseofabadcoldorIcanrejoice thatIamstillalive. TodayIcanlamentoverallthatmyparentsdidntgivemewhenI wasgrowinguporIcanfeelgratefulthattheyallowedmetobe born. TodayIcanbedisappiontedformylackoffriendsorIcanbeex citedtodiscovernewrelationships. TodayIcanbeexhaustedbecauseIhavetoomuchhomeworktodo orIcanfeelhonoredbecauseImgettingclosertomydreamint hisway.


全球最强的八大高翻院校来源:卢瑞的日志 2、美国 Monterrey : 美国仅有的可以读口译的地方,为传说中的世界三大高翻之一。其GSTI学院的Conferenc e Interpretation 极其强悍(当然,GSTI的其他专业也是世界顶尖的)。一般要读两年,第二年为Advaneed Entry。有人直接进入第二年的吗?那一定是大牛人啊。第一年的入学要求还可以,不算很高。官方建议是最好有半年以上英语国家的生活学习经历,如果没有,则很有可能被要求在入学前先参加它的一个summer program (其实也就是多交钱的意思吧)。GPA要求3.0 + /4.0,否则要用 GRE高分来弥补。IELTS要求总分7以上,其中listening和 reading 不低于7,各项都不低于 6.5。再有就是要通过 Monterrey 独有的Early Diagnostic Test ( EDT)和Oral Diagnostic Test (ODT)了。 EDT可以发email去索要,貌似没有交稿时间。翻译的部分我个人比较下来觉得还是稍微有点难度的,尤其那篇中译英,我收到的EDT翻的是感叹母亲之死的,算文学类的翻译了。 除此之外还有一篇英译中,一篇英语作文,和中文概括,难度都可以无视。EDT完了之后, 还有一个ODT,算是第一阶段口试,根据它的要求录在光盘里,然后随EDT 一起寄给Mon terrey就可。ODT也没什么难度,自我介绍下,谈论一个热点问题,说说学习计划等就可以了,没有时间限制,只是听一下你的语音语调。索要EDT和ODT不要Money,但是要他 们评估你的EDT和ODT就要money 了,不过不贵,50刀。 总的来说,我觉得对于中英文的同传学习者而言,Monterrey应该是最好的去处了。缺点么 目前为止发现两个:一个是学费很贵(两年的学费生活费再加可能的summer program )。 还有一个是GSTI的小米从来不回Email,态度极其傲慢。有朋友从准备申请开始到被录取,所发的email 没有一封小米回复过。负责EDT的那位倒是很热情,催我付assessment fee 催的甚是勤快… 3、英国 New Castle : 它也在所谓的世界三大高翻之列,貌似比前面两个差点…不过已经非常非常牛了。 MA Inte rpret ing (—年制)雅思最低要7.5,各单项不得低于 7。如果任一单项分数不到,最多就只 有con diti on al offer,无法argue。认识的人里有从 Nel MA In terpreti ng 毕业的,果然牛!一般直接申请 MA In terpret ing 会很困难,正常"的流程是先读一个 Adva need Tran slation Diploma,为期9个月,通过以后才有可能选择读MA Interpreting。相比之下,ATD就容 易申请很多了, 6.5的IELTS,各单项大于6,对本科学业成绩有一定要求(具体多少没说, 我反正肯定不到)。 我的GPA和IELTS成绩单项没有满足 MA Interpreting 的要求,我对 ATD又没有丝毫的兴趣。经过交涉后校方表示同意考虑让我直接去读MA Interpreting,但前提是入学报到前要 重考IELTS,达到语言要求。我一怒之下直接拒了New Castle。 4、英国 Leeds : 开设了 PG Diploma Conference Interpreting 课程(PGDipCI), —年制,口碑还是非常好


PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.My topic today is “The Car and Air Pollution”. 我今天的话题是“轿车与空气污染”。 2.In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution; and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car. 具体说来,我想先讨论一下轿车引起空气污染的途径,然后我们如何控制和减少由轿车产生的空气污染。 3.First, then, how does the car cause air pollution? 首先,轿车如何导致空气污染? 4.What happens is that the car’s internal combustion engine is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale. 桥车内燃机实际上是一座小型化工厂。 5.It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns, to produce the energy which propels the car. 内燃机所用的燃料是汽油和空气的混合物。汽油夹着空气,燃烧后产生驱车动力。6.But while this is happening, many complicated chemical reactions are taking place. 但是许多复杂的化学反应也同时发生。 7.In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up, and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons. 具体而言,部分汽油空气混合物不能完全燃烧,并且发动机产生的废气包含着一些非常危险的化学物质,比如一氧化碳、氮氧化物、铅和碳氢化合物。 8.This is the situation, then, and it’s going to get much worse, unless we do something about it. 这是一种情况,如果我们不对它采取某些措施,这种情况将会变得越来越糟糕。 9.So –let’s focus our attention now on ways of controlling or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car. 因此,我们现在应把注意力放在控制或者减少由汽车产生的空气污染方法上来。 10.I want to mention five possibilities. 我想谈一下可以采用的5 中措施: 11.First, we can discourage the use of cars. 首先,我们不鼓励使用轿车。 12.For example, we can put higher taxes on petrol and on cars themselves - especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol. 例如,我们可以给汽油和轿车本身价更高的税- 特别是耗油量高的大型车。13.Second, we can encourage alternative methods of transport both between and within


2019高考英语二轮练习-最新版精选学案题型专练系列(56)单项填空 21、Asacollegefreshman,hewantedtobeaninterpreter,____hejoinedatranslationcluB、 A、for B、but C、so D、as 22、—Lucy,howareyougettingonwithyourcomposition? —IhaverewrittenitsomanytimesthatIwonderifI____it、 A、finish B、finished C、havefinished D、willfinish 23、 ItissaidthatMoYan'shometownistheplace____hasinspiredhimthroughouthiswriting career、 A、inwhich B、where C、that D、as 24、Themoreactiveyouare,themorelikelyyou'llbe____newfriends、 A、made B、tomake C、making D、tohavemade 25、Normally,studentswillbegivenacertificate____completionofthecoursE、 A、on B、with C、to D、in 26、—Ourphysicseacherisashumorousasheisintelligent、 —Itcouldneverbe____、Ilikehimsomuch、 A、truer B、true C、thetruest D、astrue 27、Butforthepouringrain,we____apleasantjourneylastweekenD、 A、shouldhave B、wouldhave C、musthavehad D、couldhavehad 28、Wearesosorryforthat、We'lltrytodetermineexactly____wentwrongthatevening、 A、where B、what C、which D、how 29、—Beautifulday,isn'tit? —Yes、It'snotlikewhattheweatherman____atall、 A、says B、hadsaid C、said D、issaying 30、Youcanspendyourfreetimeinourlibrary、 Thereisareadingroom____morethan600students、 A、seats B、tobeseated C、seated D、seating 31、 Beingmorerealistic,theelderlyhavelearnedtofocusonthingsthatmakethemhappyand letgoof____thatdon't、 A、them B、it C、that D、those 32、 Webelievethetimeandhardwork____incompletingsuchanimportantprojectareworthwh ilE、 A、involving B、involved C、toinvolve D、havinginvolved 33、—WhatdidMichaeldoaftergraduatingfromuniversity? —Heconsideredadvertisingbeforesettlingonteaching、He____thateversincE、 A、did B、does C、hasbeendoing D、hadbeendoing 34、—It'ssocold!Whyareyourwindowsstillopen? —Oh,they____、 A、aren'tclosing B、won'tclose C、won'tbeclosed D、aren'tclosed 35、


2011年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院816英汉互译(同声传译)考研真题及详解(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效) 一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分) It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Unemployment is highly dependent on economic activity;in fact,growth and unemployment can be thought of as two sides of the same coin:when economic activity is high,more production happens overall,and more people are needed to produce the higher amount of goods and services.And when economic activity is low,firms cut jobs and unemployment rises.In that sense,unemployment is countercyclical,meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa. But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth.It is more common for businesses to first try to recover from a downturn by having the same number of employees do more work or turn out more products—that is,to increase their productivity.Only as the recovery takes hold would businesses add workers.As a consequence,unemployment may start to come down only well after an economic recovery begins.The phenomenon works in reverse at the start of a downturn,when firms would rather reduce work hours,or impose some pay cuts before they let workers go.Unemployment starts rising only if the downturn is prolonged.Because unemployment follows growth with a delay,it is called a


北外高翻英汉互译同声传译专业考研经验 报考院校: 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院英汉互译(口译方向) 我是从大三上学期开始准备考研的,其实本来没想这么早启动,因为偶然听了一场专业机构的讲座,在老师的提醒下意识到自己的目标比较高,竞争比较激烈,所以决定及早动手报了班开始全面复习,俗话说:早起的鸟儿有食吃。 考研首先要有一个明确的目标,也就说确定考研的院校、专业,由于不同的专业有不同的学习方法,所以明确了目标专业、学校,才能制定合理的学习计划。对于考研,我想很重要的是合理的学习计划、有效的参考资料以及良好的心态。 在专业机构报了班了解到英语真题的文章主要出自欧美的一些权威期刊杂志,所以我从大三上学期就开始有意识的翻看一些外文杂志,包括:Economist、Times等,还有在图书馆里经常会翻的:Digest、China today、English World等。由于开始的时间比较早,因此,在看的时候,并不着急,慢慢看,认真看,有问题的时候会问问专业机构的老师,这个是免费的,不会的单词一定要查,这样不仅能能有效提升阅读的能力,也能储备一些背景知识,这都是对付考研英语很重要的基本元素。 合理的学习计划 对于一个准备考研的学生来说,如何在较短的时间内做到高效的复习?是很多人关心的问题,这里就凸显了计划的重要性,合理有效的计划是成功的不二法则。培训机构的全程策划班给我们讲了一个基本的计划模版,我又根据个人的实际情况作了个性化的调整,下面将我的学习计划与大家分享一下: 大三下学期开始 开学,写计划,开始下决心认真准备: 专业一轮:月牢固基础,多看原版杂志; 第二轮:7.8月暑假天热,在专业课强化班听教师指导,同时复习二外,开始看参考书;第三轮:9.10.11月强化政治,认真看,开始做题;二外也不丢,重点在杂志和翻译书上,多看多翻,经常让老师看自己的作品,让老师给意见,说实话,我都不好意思了,就报了一个班,确总去问问题,不过专业机构的教务老师每次还是很热情,安排老师给答疑; 第四轮:12.1 冲刺,各科模拟题、真题,严格按时间限制练习,培养考试感觉:政治背大题,看时事,上了专业机构的冲刺点题班,重点击破可能的考点;二外再次认真看参考书、单词;杂志还是不能断,根据个人安排时间量;翻译真题,练习题,术语强记。 大概就是这四轮,要注意以下几点: (1)每天每科都要看一些,时间自己安排,但不能丢掉任何一科。 (2)政治一定要认真看,多看,认真做题,重在理解。经济条件许可的情况下,还是建议报一下辅导班,专业机构的老师说今年的政治辅导对报专业课辅导班的学生是免费赠的,真实更省心了,听老师讲讲毕竟要比自己复习效率高一些,也能更好的把握重点。



下一步,选择安装路径(笔者因硬盘空间不足安装在E盘,但若读者硬盘资源充裕,则建议安装在C盘,跑起来快些): 下一步,填写用户信息,个人用户随意填入即可:

点击Next 就进入实质的安装过程啦,Wait for a Whle…… 很快安装完毕,看到2 个可选项: 1、保持当前uVision 的设置。 2、载入以下选择的工程实例,默认即可。

点击Next,来到最后一个安装界面: 1.是否安装ULINK Pro Driver V1.0驱动? 2.是否显示软件发布说明? 读者可以按照自己的需求勾选。 点击Finish,KEIL MDK就完成安装了,可以发现桌面上生成了名为“Keil uVision4”的可执行文件快捷方式。双击“Keil uVision4”图标打开Keil uVision4开发环境,此时Keil uVision4会自动载入一个工程项目(依安装的倒数第二步勾选而定),我们就此可以简单地看看KEIL MDK 的用户界面。

如图所示,KEIL MDK的基本用户界面也是很简洁的,也是由一些菜单栏,工具栏,状态栏等区域构成。当然KEIL MDK的软件界面远远不止这么简单,读者可以在日后漫长的工程师生涯逐一熟悉。 至此,KEIL MDK的安装工作已经完毕了。接下来我们要开始建立我们的第一个工程。在开始之前,请读者先从网上获取ST公司提供的STM32固件库“stm32f10x_fw_archive v2.0 (May 2009)”,然后将其解压。 首先请读者在任意一个地方建立一个空文件夹,并将其命名为“STM32_FW”。然后在STM32_FW 里新建6个文件夹,分别命名为“boot”、“library”、“src”、“obj”、“list”、“library”。 如下图所示: 接下来请执行如下操作:


初中英语作文大学英语作文范文MyfirstJob 初中英语作文大学英语作文范文MyfirstJobMy first Job Before I started at university,I took my first job as a waitress in a nice the night before my first was too excited to go to sleep and as a result,I got up late in the threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant. In a GREat hurry,I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant高中优秀作文原创分享作文人网,I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30 I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience.


2001年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院816英汉互译(同声传译)考研真题及详解 一、将下列短文译成英语(35%) 不久前美国宇航局宣布,他们测得的数据显示,在最近两个月,南极上空的臭氧空洞已扩大到智利南部城市篷塔阿雷纳斯(Punta Arenas)上空。这是迄今人类所观测到的最大一个空洞。更为严重的是,这也是臭氧空洞第一次覆盖一个人口稠密的城市。 许多人对臭氧的作用并不陌生,臭氧距地面约25-30公里,能吸收99%的太阳紫外线,可以说,它是地球生态环境的天然屏障,也是人类繁衍生存的保护伞。据科学家测算,大气中臭氧含量每减少1%,太阳紫外线的辐射量就会增加2%,而人类皮肤癌患者就会增加5%至7%。 但现在,可以说一个城市的所有居民就处在集体患皮肤癌的危险中。为了居民的身体健康,篷塔阿雷纳斯及其临近地区被迫宣布进入紧急状态。这很可能也是人类第一次因臭氧空洞问题而进入紧急状态。篷塔阿雷纳斯卫生部门再三告诫市民,最好不要在中午11点到下午3点之间外出,因为在阳光下曝晒7分钟左右,皮肤就会受到损伤。 据科学家们观测,臭氧空洞目前已达到2800多万平方公里,而造成臭氧空洞的,正是人类在工业生产中不断释放出氟利昂等化学物质,才使臭氧越来越稀薄,最后形成了现在这个巨大无比的空洞。虽然这次臭氧空洞扩大,还因为南极大陆的气温不断升高所致,但气温的升高,又与人类大量释放二氧化碳有直接的关系。 但愿篷塔阿雷纳斯的警报是第一次,也是最后一次! 【参考译文】 Not long ago,NASA(national aeronautics and space administration) announced that the data they had collected showed that in the recent two months,


2019高三二轮英语5module3课时功课 注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解! 无论是单选、多选还是论述题,最重要的就是看清题意。在论述题中,问题大多具有委婉性,尤其是历年真题部分,在给考生较大发挥空间的同时也大大增加了考试难度。考生要认真阅读题目中提供的有限材料,明确考察要点,最大限度的挖掘材料中的有效信息,建议考生答题时用笔将重点勾画出来,方便反复细读。只有经过仔细推敲,揣摩命题老师的意图,积极联想知识点,分析答题角度,才能够将考点锁定,明确题意。 Ⅰ.单项填空 1、Thedoctorsuggestedhe________foodwhichisrich________fatandsugar. A、nottoeat;of B、noteating;with C、noteat;in D、noteating;in 2、Hefocusedonhistestpapers,________never________thesamemistakes. A、determined;torepeat B、beingdetermined;torepeat C、determined;repeating D、determining;repeating 3、—SorryI’mlateagain,butIhadaflattyre. —Well,Jim,whynot________afreshstory? A、lookup B、takeup C、pickup D、makeup 4、Theboy________there________tousthathiscock________anegg. A、lying;lied;laid B、laying;lied;lied C、lying;layed;lied D、lied;lying;layed 5、Hewas________bytheloudnoiseanda________lookappearedonhisface. A、fright;frightened B、frightened;frightening C、frightened;frightened D、frightened;frightful 6、Healwaysspeaksillofothersandmakeshimselfabad________inpublic. A、title B、name C、example D、reputation 7、Havingwalkedinthedesertforseveraldays,wefeltexhausted,butwehadtofindapoolbeforethewaterwehadinthebottle________. A、ranoutof B、ranaway C、ranout D、ranoff 8、Thoughtheymetforthefirsttime,theytalked________theyweregoodfriends. A、evenif B、asif C、eventhough D、ifonly 9、Manycountriesareincreasingtheiruseofnaturalgas,windandotherformsof________. A、energy B、source C、power D、force 10、Itisdishonestofyouto________thetruthfromyourparents. A、prevent B、hide C、defend D、protect


英语书面表达高级句式(复合句及特殊句式等)英汉互译训练试题 兴安县二中唐有兴 一、定语从句 1、Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way that(in which) attitudes towards night dreaming have changed. 2、我还记得我第一次见她的时候。 3、刚好我们到的那天他们走了。 4、The sun heats the earth , which makes it possible for plants to grow . 5、那位老人有一个在部队工作的儿子。 二、状语从句 1. I won’t call you, unless something unexpected happens. 2. We all know that, if not carefully dealt with, the situation will get worse. 3. Pop music is such an important part of society as it has even influenced our language. 4. While I really don’t like art, I fi nd his work impressive. 5. It will be a long time before we meet them again. 6.留把钥匙放在邻居家中,以防万一你哪一天把自己锁在门外了。 7. 即使Tim没有进行太多的体育锻炼,他还是身材很好。 8. 一旦你有自信心,你就会在这次面试中取得成功。 9. 不论你面临多么严重的问题,你都应该鼓起勇气面对挑战。 10.不论明天天气怎样,我们的船都将起航去澳门。 11. -----你对暑假有什么安排吗?----只要有阳光、大海和沙滩,我不介意去哪里。 12. 他发现他很难阅读,因为他的视力正在不断下降。 13. 你最好不要把药放在孩子拿得到的地方。 14. The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, even if they have the interest. 三、名词性从句 (一)、主语从句 1、Who will go is not important. 2、It doesn’t matter so much whether you will come or not. 3、That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised. 4、任何人来都欢迎。 5、任何人要这书都可拿去。 6、她什么时候回来在很大程度上要看天气。 7、他为什么这样做将永远是一个谜。 8、什么时候到没有关系。 (二)表语从句 1、The question was who could go there. 2、My idea is (that) we can get more comrades to help in the work. 3、我感冒了,因此我没来。 4、我没有来,那是因为我感冒了。 (三)宾语从句 1、I’ll do whatever I can to help him. 2、I’m interested in whether you’ve finished the work. 3、I’m interested in what you’ve said.


hot money (国际游资)tax holiday (免税期) 行话、俚语: auction house “拍卖行”,非“拍卖屋” commission“佣金”,非“委员会” buy a stock “吃进股票”业内行话 baby-kisser “善于笼络人心的政客”,非“亲吻孩子的父母” buck 美元lowdown 内幕真相jack up 抬高物价upscale 高档消费层次 1. 出租车起步价flag-down fare 2. 法定准备金率required reserve ratio 3. 实体经济real economy 虚拟经济fictitious economy 4. 反盗版anti-piracy 知识产权intellectual property rights 5. 出口退税tax rebates 人民币升值the yuan’s appreciation 6. 信贷紧缩credit crunch 次贷危机subprime crisis最优惠贷款利率prime rate 7. 翻盖手机flip/clamshell 滑盖手机slide phone 直板手机bar phone 8. 经济适用房economically affordable house 9. 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents 10 .住房保障制度housing security system 11. 大宗交易系统block trading system 竞价交易系统bid trading system 12. 暴利税windfall tax 13. 整容手术cosmetic surgery (face –lifting) 14. 双眼皮手术double eyelid operation 鼻子手术nose job 15. 从紧的货币政策tight monetary policy 16. 宽松的货币政策easy monetary policy 17. 审慎的财政政策prudent fiscal policy 18. 油价飙升oil prices surge


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2014年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院814英汉互译(复语)真题及详解 一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分) Trade has played a remarkable role on different fronts over the last decades as part of a virtuous circle of growth and development,a harbinger of opportunities unimaginable not so many decades ago,and as an agent of greater social harmony. The rise of international supply chains has deepened and broadened opportunities arising from international exchange.When we think about trade in an economically more rational way—that is,in terms not just of flows of goods and services but rather in terms of the contribution of different nations in joined up production relationships—we begin to appreciate the true nature of the common interests that join us together. WTO must address traditional issues of long-standing vintage such as tariffs, non-tariff measures,services and agriculture.At the same time,in our increasingly integrated world,other policy issues require attention,including investment, competition,subsidies and the management of public policy in trade-friendly ways. The premium on avoiding incoherence and fragmentation in policy design and management will grow.Therefore,WTO must search for constructive compromise on fundamental issues relating to the balance of rights and obligations among its diverse membership,especially in a world of shifting influence and power among nations.Better accommodation is needed between preferential trade agreements and the multilateral trading system.

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