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Cypress CyAPI Programmer's Reference

? 2003 Cypress Semiconductor

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.

Table of Contents Part I Overview

5Part II CCyBulkEndPoint 5 (6)

1BeginDataXfer( ) (7)

2CCyBulkEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 73CCyBulkEndPoint( ) Part III CCyControlEndPoint 7.. (8)

1BeginDataXfer( ) (9)

2CCyControlEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 93CCyControlEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 94Direction ................................................................................................................................... 105Index ................................................................................................................................... 116Read( ) ................................................................................................................................... 117ReqCode ................................................................................................................................... 128ReqType ................................................................................................................................... 129Target ................................................................................................................................... 1310Value ................................................................................................................................... 1311Write( ) Part IV CCyInterruptEndPoint 14.. (14)

1BeginDataXfer( ) (15)

2CCyInterruptEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 153CCyInterruptEndPoint( ) Part V CCyIsocEndPoint 16.. (16)

1BeginDataXfer( ) (18)

2CCyIsocEndPoint( ) (18)

3CCyIsocEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 184CreatePktInfos( ) Part VI CCyIsoPktInfo 19Part VII CCyUSBDevice 20.. (21)

1AltIntfc( ) (21)

2AltIntfcCount( ) (21)


................................................................................................................................... 214BcdDevice ................................................................................................................................... 225BcdUSB .. (22)

6BulkInEndPt (22)

7BulkOutEndPt (23)

8CCyUSBDevice( ) ................................................................................................................................... 259~CCyUSBDevice( ) ................................................................................................................................... 2510Close( ) .. (25)

11Config( ) (25)

12ConfigAttrib (25)

13ConfigCount( ) (26)

14ConfigValue (26)

15ControlEndPt (26)

16DevClass (26)

17DeviceCount( ) (27)

18DeviceHandle( ) (27)

19DeviceName (27)

20DevProtocol (27)

21DevSubClass (27)

22DriverGUID( ) (27)

23DriverVersion (28)

24EndPointCount( ) (28)

25EndPointOf( ) (28)

26EndPoints (29)

27FriendlyName (29)

28GetDeviceDescriptor( ) (29)

29GetConfigDescriptor( ) (29)

30GetIntfcDescriptor( ) (30)

31GetUSBConfig( ) (31)

32Interface( ) (31)

33InterruptInEndPt (31)

34InterruptOutEndPt (32)

35IntfcClass (32)

36IntfcCount( ) (32)

37IntfcProtocol (32)

38IntfcSubClass (33)

39IsocInEndPt (33)

40IsocOutEndPt (34)

41IsOpen( ) (34)



43MaxPacketSize ................................................................................................................................... 3444MaxPower ................................................................................................................................... 3445NtStatus ................................................................................................................................... 3446Open( ) .. (35)

47PowerState( ) ................................................................................................................................... 3548Product .. (35)

49ProductID (36)

50ReConnect( ) (36)

51Reset( ) (36)

52Resume( ) (36)

53SerialNumber (36)

54SetConfig( ) (36)

55SetAltIntfc( ) (37)

56StrLangID (37)

57Suspend( ) (37)

58USBAddress (37)

59USBDIVersion (37)

60UsbdStatus (38)

61UsbdStatusString( ) ................................................................................................................................... 3862VendorID Part VIII CCyUSBConfig 38.. (40)

1AltInterfaces (40)

2bConfigurationValue (40)

3bDescriptorType (40)

4bLength (40)

5bmAttributes (40)

6bNumInterfaces (41)

7CCyUSBConfig( ) (41)

8CCyUSBConfig( ) (41)

9CCyUSBConfig( ) (41)

10~CCyUSBConfig (41)

11iConfiguration (42)

12Interfaces ................................................................................................................................... 4313wTotalLength Part IX CCyUSBEndPoint 43................................................................................................................................... 431Abort( ) .. (43)

2Address (44)



4BeginDataXfer( ) (46)

5bIn (46)

6CCyUSBEndPoint( ) (46)

7CCyUSBEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 478CCyUSBEndPoint( ) ................................................................................................................................... 479DscLen .. (47)

10DscType (48)

11GetXferSize( ) ................................................................................................................................... 4812FinishDataXfer( ) ................................................................................................................................... 4913hDevice ................................................................................................................................... 4914Interval ................................................................................................................................... 4915MaxPktSize ................................................................................................................................... 5016NtStatus ................................................................................................................................... 5017Reset( ) .. (50)

18SetXferSize( ) ................................................................................................................................... 5019TimeOut .. (51)

20UsbdStatus (51)

21WaitForXfer( ) ................................................................................................................................... 5222XferData( ) Part X CCyUSBInterface 53.. (54)

1bAlternateSetting (54)

2bAltSettings (54)

3bDescriptorType (55)

4CCyUSBInterface( ) (55)

5CCyUSBInterface( ) (55)

6bInterfaceClass (55)

7bInterfaceNumber (56)

8bInterfaceProtocol (56)

9bInterfaceSubClass (56)

10bLength (56)

11bNumEndpoints (56)

12EndPoints (57)



CyAPI.lib provides a simple, powerful C++ programming interface to USB devices. More specifically, it is a C++ class library that provides a high-level programming interface to the CyUsb.sys device

driver. The library is only able to communicate with USB devices that are served by (i.e. matched to) this driver.

Rather than communicate with the driver via Windows API calls such as SetupDiXxxx and

DeviceIoControl, applications call simpler CyAPI methods such as Open, Close, and XferData to

communicate with USB devices.

To use the library, you need to include the header file, CyAPI.h, in files that access the

CCyUSBDevice class. In addition, the statically linked CyAPI.lib file must be linked to your project.

Versions of the .lib file are available for use with Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and 7, and Borland C++

Builder 6.0.

The library employs a Device and EndPoints use model. To use the library you must

create an instance of the CCyUSBDevice class using the new keyword. A CCyUSBDevice object knows how many USB devices are attached to the CyUsb.sys driver and can be made to abstract

any one of those devices at a time by using the Open method. An instance of CCyUSBDevice

exposes several methods and data members that are device-specific, such as DeviceName,

DevClass, VendorID, ProductID, and SetAltIntfc.

When a CCyUSBDevice object is open to an attached USB device, its endpoint members provide

an interface for peforming data transfers to and from the device's endpoints. Endpoint-specific data

members and methods such as MaxPktSize, TimeOut, bIn, Reset and XferData are only accessible through endpoint members of a CCyUSBDevice object.

In addition to its simplicity, the class library facilitates creation of sophisticated applications as well.

The CCyUSBDevice constructor automatically registers the application for Windows USB Plug and

Play event notification. This allows your application to support "hot plugging" of devices. Also, the

asynchronous BeginDataXfer/WaitForXfer/FinishDataXfer methods allow queueing of multiple data

transfer requests on a single endpoint, thus enabling data streaming from the application level.





CCyBulkEndPoint is a subclass of the CCyUSBEndPoint abstract class. CCyBulkEndPoint exists to

implement a bulk-specific BeginDataXfer( ) function.

Normally, you should not need to construct any of your own instances of this class. Rather, when an

instance of CyUSBDevice is created, instances of this class are automatically created for all bulk

endpoints as members of that class. Two such members of CyUSBDevice are BulkInEndPt and



// Find bulk endpoints in the EndPoints[] array

CCyBulkEndPoint *BulkInEpt = NULL;

CCyBulkEndPoint *BulkOutEpt = NULL;

CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

int eptCount = USBDevice->EndPointCount();

for (int i=1; i

bool bIn = USBDevice->EndPoints[i]->Address & 0x80;

bool bBulk = (USBDevice->EndPoints[i]->Attributes == 2);

if (bBulk && bIn) BulkInEpt = (CCyBulkEndPoint *) USBDevice->EndPoints[i];

if (bBulk && !bIn) BulkOutEpt = (CCyBulkEndPoint *) USBDevice->EndPoints[i];


2.1BeginDataXfer( )


BeginDataXfer is an advanced method for performing asynchronous IO. This method sets-up all the parameters for a data transfer, initiates the transfer, and immediately returns, not waiting for the

transfer to complete.

BeginDataXfer allocates a complex data structure and returns a pointer to that structure.

FinishDataXfer de-allocates the structure. Therefore, it is imperative that each BeginDataXfer call

have exactly one matching FinishDataXfer call.

You will usually want to use the synchronous XferData method rather than the asynchronous

BeginDataXfer/WaitForXfer/FinishDataXfer approach.


// This example assumes that the device automatically sends back,

// over its bulk-IN endpoint, any bytes that were received over its

// bulk-OUT endpoint (commonly referred to as a loopback function) CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

OVERLAPPED outOvLap, inOvLap;

outOvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, "CYUSB_OUT");

inOvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, "CYUSB_IN");

char inBuf[128];

ZeroMemory(inBuf, 128);

char buffer[128];

LONG length = 128;

// Just to be cute, request the return data before initiating the loopback UCHAR *inContext = USBDevice->BulkInEndPt->BeginDataXfer(inBuf, length,


UCHAR *outContext = USBDevice->BulkOutEndPt->BeginDataXfer(buffer, length,




USBDevice->BulkOutEndPt->FinishDataXfer(buffer, length, &outOvLap,outContext);

USBDevice->BulkInEndPt->FinishDataXfer(inBuf, length, &inOvLap,inContext);



2.2CCyBulkEndPoint( )


This is the default constructor for the CCyBulkEndPoint class.

The resulting instance has most of it's member variables initialized to zero. The two exceptions are

hDevice, which gets set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and TimeOut which is set to 10,000 (10


2.3CCyBulkEndPoint( )


This constructor creates a legitimate CCyBulkEndPoint object through which bulk transactions can be performed on the endpoint.

The constructor is called by the library, itself, in the process of performing the Open( ) method of the


You should never need to invoke this constructor. Instead, you should use the CCyBulkEndPoint

objects created for you by the CCyUSBDevice class and accessed via its EndPoints,BulkInEndPt and BulkOutEndPt members.





CCyControlEndPoint is a subclass of the CCyUSBEndPoint abstract class.

Instances of this class can be used to perform control transfers to the device.

Control transfers require 6 parameters that are not needed for bulk, isoc, or interrupt transfers. These are:







All USB devices have at least one Control endpoint, endpoint zero. Whenever an instance of

CCyUSBDevice successfully performs its Open( ) function, an instance of CCyControlEndPoint called ControlEndPt is created. Normally, you will use this ControlEndPt member of CCyUSBDevice to

perform all your Control endpoint data transfers.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);

3.1BeginDataXfer( )


BeginDataXfer is an advanced method for performing asynchronous IO.

This method sets-up all the parameters for a data transfer, initiates the transfer, and immediately

returns, not waiting for the transfer to complete.

BeginDataXfer allocates a complex data structure and returns a pointer to that structure.

FinishDataXfer de-allocates the the structure. Therefore, it is imperative that each BeginDataXfer call have exactly one matching FinishDataXfer call.

You will usually want to use the synchronous XferData method rather than the asynchronous

BeginDataXfer/WaitForXfer/FinishDataXfer approach.

Control transfers require 6 parameters that are not needed for bulk, isoc, or interrupt transfers. These are:







Be sure to set the value of these CCyControlEndPoint members before invoking the BeginDataXfer or XferData methods.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;


OvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, "CYUSB_CTL");

char buffer[128];

LONG length = 128;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

PUCHAR Context = ept->BeginDataXfer(buffer, length, &OvLap);


ept->FinishDataXfer(buffer, length, &OvLap,Context);


3.2CCyControlEndPoint( )


This is the default contstructor for the CCyControlEndPoint class.

It sets the class' data members to:



Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE

ReqCoe = 0

Value = 0

Index = 0

3.3CCyControlEndPoint( )


This is the primary contstructor for the CCyControlEndPoint class.

It sets the class' data members to:



Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE

ReqCoe = 0

Value = 0

Index = 0



Direction is one of the essential parameters for a Control transfer and a data member of the

CCyControlEndPoint class.

Legitimate values for the Direction member are DIR_TO_DEVICE and DIR_FROM_DEVICE.

Unlike Bulk, Interrupt and ISOC endpoints, which are uni-directional (either IN or OUT), the Control

endpoint is bi-directional. It can be used to send data to the device or read data from the device. So, the direction of the transaction is one of the fundamental parameters required for each Control


Direction is automatically set to DIR_TO_DEVICE by the Write( ) method. It is automatically set to DIR_FROM_DEVICE by the Read( ) method.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);



Index is one of the essential parameters for a Control transfer and a data member of the

CCyControlEndPoint class.

Index values typically depend on the specific ReqCode that is being sent in the Control transfer.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);

3.6Read( )


Read( ) sets the CyControlEndPoint Direction member to DIR_FROM_DEVICE and then calls

CCyUSBEndPoint::XferData( ).

The buf parameter points to a memory buffer where the read bytes will be placed.

The len parameter tells how many bytes are to be read.

Returns true if the read operation was successful.

Passes-back the actual number of bytes transferred in the len parameter.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->ReqCode = 0x07;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

LONG bytesToRead = 64;

ept->Read(buf, bytesToRead);



ReqCode is one of the essential parameters for a Control transfer and a data member of the

CCyControlEndPoint class.

ReqCode values indicate, to the USB chip, a particular function or command that the chip should perform. They are usually documented by the USB chip manufacturer.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);



ReqType is one of the essential parameters for a Control transfer and a data member of the

CCyControlEndPoint class.

Legitimate values for the ReqType member are REQ_STD, REQ_CLASS and REQ_VENDOR.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);



Target is one of the essential parameters for a Control transfer and a data member of the

CCyControlEndPoint class.

Legitimate values for the Target member are TGT_DEVICE, TGT_INTFC, TGT_ENDPT and



CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);



Value is one of the essential parameters for a Control transfer and a data member of the

CCyControlEndPoint class.

Values typically depend on the specific ReqCode that is being sent in the Control transfer.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->Direction = DIR_TO_DEVICE;

ept->ReqCode = 0x05;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];

ZeroMemory(buf, 512);

LONG buflen = 512;

ept->XferData(buf, buflen);

3.11Write( )


Write( ) sets the CyControlEndPoint Direction member to DIR_TO_DEVICE and then calls CCyUSBEndPoint::XferData( ).

The buf parameter points to a memory buffer where the read bytes will be placed.

The len parameter tells how many bytes are to be read.

Returns true if the write operation was successful.

Passes-back the actual number of bytes transferred in the len parameter.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

// Just for typing efficiency

CCyControlEndPoint *ept = USBDevice->ControlEndPt;

ept->Target = TGT_DEVICE;

ept->ReqType = REQ_VENDOR;

ept->ReqCode = 0x07;

ept->Value = 1;

ept->Index = 0;

char buf[512];


LONG bytesToSend = 128;

ept->Write(buf, bytesToSend);





CCyInterruptEndPoint is a subclass of the CCyUSBEndPoint abstract class.

CCyInterruptEndPoint exists to implement a interrupt-specific BeginDataXfe r( ) function.

Normally, you should not need to construct any of your own instances of this class. Rather, when an

instance of CyUSBDevice is created, instances of this class are automatically created as members of that class. Two such members of CyUSBDevice are InterruptInEndPt and InterruptOutEndPt.


// Find interrupt endpoints in the EndPoints[] array

CCyInterruptEndPoint *IntInEpt = NULL;

CCyInterruptEndPoint *IntOutEpt = NULL;

CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

int eptCount = USBDevice->EndPointCount();

for (int i=1; i

bool bIn = USBDevice->EndPoints[i]->Address & 0x80;

bool bInt = (USBDevice->EndPoints[i]->Attributes == 3);

if (bInt && bIn) IntInEpt = (CCyInterruptEndPoint *) USBDevice->EndPoints[i];

if (bInt && !bIn) IntOutEpt = (CCyInterruptEndPoint *) USBDevice->EndPoints[i];


4.1BeginDataXfer( )


BeginDataXfer is an advanced method for performing asynchronous IO. This method sets-up all the

parameters for a data transfer, initiates the transfer, and immediately returns, not waiting for the

transfer to complete.

BeginDataXfer allocates a complex data structure and returns a pointer to that structure.

FinishDataXfer de-allocates the structure. Therefore, it is imperative that each BeginDataXfer call have exactly one matching FinishDataXfer call.

You will usually want to use the synchronous XferData method rather than the asynchronous

BeginDataXfer/WaitForXfer/FinishDataXfer approach.


// This example assumes that the device automatically sends back, // over its bulk-IN endpoint, any bytes that were received over its

// bulk-OUT endpoint (commonly referred to as a loopback function)

CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

OVERLAPPED outOvLap, inOvLap;

outOvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, "CYUSB_OUT");

inOvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, "CYUSB_IN");

char inBuf[128];

ZeroMemory(inBuf, 128);

char buffer[128];

LONG length = 128;

// Just to be cute, request the return data before initiating the loopback UCHAR *inContext = USBDevice->BulkInEndPt->BeginDataXfer(inBuf, length,


UCHAR *outContext = USBDevice->BulkOutEndPt->BeginDataXfer(buffer, length,




USBDevice->BulkOutEndPt->FinishDataXfer(buffer, length, &outOvLap,outContext);

USBDevice->BulkInEndPt->FinishDataXfer(inBuf, length, &inOvLap,inContext);



4.2CCyInterruptEndPoint( )


This is the default constructor for the CCyInterruptEndPoint class.

The resulting instance has most of it's member variables initialized to zero. The two exceptions are hDevice, which gets set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and TimeOut which is set to 10,000 (10


4.3CCyInterruptEndPoint( )


This constructor creates a legitimate CCyInterruptEndPoint object through which interrupt transactions can be performed on the endpoint.

The constructor may be called by the library, itself, in the process of performing the Open( ) method of the CCyUSBDevice.

You should never need to invoke this constructor. Instead, you should use the CCyInterruptEndPoint objects created for you by the CCyUSBDevice class and accessed via its EndPoints,InterruptInEndPt and InterruptOutEndPt members.





CCyIsocEndPoint is a subclass of the CCyUSBEndPoint abstract class.

CCyIsocEndPoint exists to implement a isoc-specific BeginDataXfe r( ) function.

Normally, you should not need to construct any of your own instances of this class. Rather, when an

instance of CyUSBDevice is created, instances of this class are automatically created as members of that class. Two such members of CyUSBDevice are IsocInEndPt and IsocOutEndPt.

NOTE: For ISOC transfers, the buffer length and the endpoint's transfers size (see SetXferSize) must be a multiple of 8 times the endpoint's MaxPktSize.


// Find isoc endpoints in the EndPoints[] array

CCyIsocEndPoint *IsocInEpt = NULL;

CCyIsocEndPoint *IsocOutEpt = NULL;

CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(Handle);

int eptCount = USBDevice->EndPointCount();

for (int i=1; i

bool bIn = USBDevice->EndPoints[i]->Address & 0x80;

bool bInt = (USBDevice->EndPoints[i]->Attributes == 1);

if (bInt && bIn) IsocInEpt = (CCyIsocEndPoint *) USBDevice->EndPoints[i];

if (bInt && !bIn) IsocOutEpt = (CCyIsocEndPoint *) USBDevice->EndPoints[i];


5.1BeginDataXfer( )


BeginDataXfer is an advanced method for performing asynchronous IO. This method sets-up all the parameters for a data transfer, initiates the transfer, and immediately returns, not waiting for the

transfer to complete.

BeginDataXfer allocates a complex data structure and returns a pointer to that structure.

FinishDataXfer de-allocates the structure. Therefore, it is imperative that each BeginDataXfer call

have exactly one matching FinishDataXfer call.

You will usually want to use the synchronous XferData method rather than the asynchronous BeginDataXfer/WaitForXfer/FinishDataXfer approach.

NOTE: For ISOC transfers, the buffer length and the endpoint's transfers size (see SetXferSize) must be a multiple of 8 times the endpoint's MaxPktSize.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice(hWnd);

CCyIsocEndPoint *IsoIn = USBDevice->IsocInEndPt;

if (IsoIn) {

int pkts = 16;

LONG bufSize = IsoIn->MaxPktSize * pkts;

PUCHAR context;


PUCHAR buffer = new UCHAR[bufSize];

CCyIsoPktInfo *isoPktInfos = new CCyIsoPktInfo[pkts];


inOvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);

// Begin the data transfer

context = IsoIn->BeginDataXfer(buffer, bufSize, &inOvLap);

// Wait for the xfer to complete.

if (!IsoIn->WaitForXfer(&inOvLap, 1500)) {


// Wait for the stalled command to complete



int complete = 0;

int partial = 0;

// Must always call FinishDataXfer to release memory of contexts[i]

if (IsoIn->FinishDataXfer(buffer, bufSize, &inOvLap, context, isoPktInfos)) {

for (int i=0; i< pkts; i++)

if (isoPktInfos[i].Status)




} else


delete buffer;

delete [] isoPktInfos;


5.2CCyIsocEndPoint( )


This is the default constructor for the CCyIsocEndPoint class.

The resulting instance has most of it's member variables initialized to zero. The two exceptions are

hDevice, which gets set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and TimeOut which is set to 10,000 (10


5.3CCyIsocEndPoint( )


This constructor creates a legitimate CCyIsocEndPoint object through which isochronous transactions can be performed on the endpoint.

The constructor is called by the library, itself, in the process of performing the Open( ) method of the


You should never need to invoke this constructor. Instead, you should use the CCyIsocEndPoint

objects created for you by the CCyUSBDevice class and accessed via its EndPoints,IsocInEndPt and IsocOutEndPt members.

5.4CreatePktInfos( )


The CreatePktInfos method is provided for convenience.

It creates an array of CCyIsoPktInfo objects to be used in calls to XferData and FinishDataXfer for Isoc endpoints.

CreatePktInfos calculates the number of isoc packets that the driver will use to transfer a data buffer

of bufLen bytes. This number is returned in the packets parameter.

CreatePktInfos also dynamically constructs an array of CCyIsoPktInfo objects and returns a pointer to the first element of that array. There are packets elements in the array.

After using the array of CCyPktInfo objects you must delete the array of objects yourself by calling

delete [ ].


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice();

CCyIsocEndPoint *IsoIn = USBDevice->IsocInEndPt;

if (IsoIn) {

LONG bufSize = 4096;

PUCHAR buffer = new UCHAR[bufSize];

CCyIsoPktInfo *isoPktInfos;

int pkts;

// Allocate the IsoPktInfo objects, and find-out how many were allocated isoPktInfos = IsoIn->CreatePktInfos(bufSize, pkts);

if (IsoIn->XferData(buffer, bufSize, isoPktInfos)) {

LONG recvdBytes = 0;

for (int i=0; i

if (isoPktInfos[i].Status == 0)

recvdBytes += isoPktInfos[i].Length;


delete [] buffer;

delete [] isoPktInfos;



The CCyIsoPktInfo class is defined as:

class CCyIsoPktInfo {


LONG Status;

LONG Length;


When an Isoc transfer is performed, the data buffer passed to XferData or BeginDataXfer is logically

partitioned, by the driver, into multiple packets of data. The driver returns status and length

information for each of those packets.

The XferData and FinishDataXfer methods of CCyUSBEndPoint accept an optional parameter that is

a pointer to an array of CCyIsoPktInfo objects. If this parameter is not NULL, the array will be filled

with the packet status and length information returned by the driver.

If the value returned in the Status field is zero (USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS) all the data in the packet is valid. Other non-zero values for the Status field can be found in the DDK include file, USBDI.H.

The value returned in the Length field indicates the number of bytes transferred in the packet. In ideal conditions, this number will be bufferLength / numPackets (which is the maximum capacity of each

packet). However, fewer bytes could be transferred.

An array of CCyIsoPktInfo objects can be easily created buy invoking the

CCyUSBIsocEndPoint::CreatePktInfos method.


CCyUSBDevice *USBDevice = new CCyUSBDevice();

CCyIsocEndPoint *IsoIn = USBDevice->IsocInEndPt;

if (IsoIn) {

Delphi Api

auxGetDevCaps API 获取附属设备容量 auxGetNumDevs API 返回附属设备数量 auxGetVolume API 获取当前卷设置 auxOutMessage API 向输出设备发送消息 auxSetVolume API 设置附属设备卷 AbortDoc API 终止一项打印作业 AbortPath API 终止或取消DC中的一切路径 AbortPrinter API 删除打印机缓冲文件AbortSystemShutdown API 停止系统工作 AccessCheck API 检验客户访问权限AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm API 检验访问,产生声音或警报ActivateKeyboardLayout API 激活一个新的键盘设备AddAccessAllowedAce API 将ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE加入ACL AddAccessDeniedAce API 将ACCESS_DENIED_ACE加入ACL AddAce API 将ACE加入一个已存在的ACL AddAtom API 将一个字符串加入本地原子表AddAuditAccessAce API 将SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE加入ACL AddFontResource API 将一种字体加入字体表 AddForm API 加入一个打印机窗体 AddJob API 启动一个打印作业 AddMonitor API 加入一个打印机管理器 AddPort API 加入一个打印机端口 AddPrintProcessor API 将打印处理器复制到打印机服务器中AddPrintProvidor API 加入一个打印机支持器 AddPrinter API 在打印机服务器上建立一个打印机AddPrinterConnection API 为当前用户建立与打印机的联系AddPrinterDriver API 将打印机驱动程序复制到打印机服务器中AdjustTokenGroups API 使能/取消令牌中的群AdjustTokenPrivileges API 使能/取消令牌特权AdjustWindowRect API 计算所需窗口矩形的大小AdjustWindowRectEx API 计算所需窗口矩形的大小AdvancedDocumentProperties API 进行打印机高级设置AllocConsole API 为当前进程建立控制台AllocateAndInitializeSid API 分配和初始化SID AllocateLocallyUniqueId API 分配LUID AngleArc API 按指定角度画弧 AnimatePalette API 替换逻辑调色板中的项目 AnyPopup API 标识弹出式窗口是否存在 AppendMenu API 在菜单中加入新的项目 Arc API 画弧 ArcTo API 画椭圆弧 AreAllAccessesGranted API 检查所有要求的访问AreAnyAccessesGranted API 检查任何要求的访问ArrangeIconicWindows API 排列最小化的子窗口


Delphi常用组件的使用 目录 1.按钮类组件 1.1Button组件

Button组件位于Standard页。 Button组件的常用属性表 属性描述 Cation用于在按钮上显示文本内容 Cancel用来指定按钮是否为取消按钮 Default用于指定按钮是否为默认按钮,在按Enter键时也选中命令按钮Hint设置鼠标在组件上短暂停时在组件旁显示的提示小窗口的内容ShowHint确定是否显示提示文本,默认值是FALSE 1.2Bitbtn组件 Bitbtn组件(位图组件)位于Additional,与Button很相似,只是多了一个位图符号在按钮上(如带有对号的OK,问好的Help等),其某些属性与Button类似,下表为其独有的的特性。(注:此组件不需编写代码) Bitbtn组件的常用属性表 属性描述 Kind Kind属性的值就是位图按钮上显示的图标。Kind属性后的下拉列表中有一组默认图标的属性值,有bkCancel(取消)、bkAbort(终止)、bkAll(所有)、 bkClose(关闭)等。 Glyph用于在位图按钮上显示加载后的位图图形 NumGlyphs用于指明位图按钮所能使用位图的个数。在delphi中,最多允许向一个位图按钮提供4个图像文件,用于表示4中不停状态 Layout用于指出位图图形在位图组件上的放置位置 1.3SpeedButton组件 SpeedButton组件(加速按钮)位于Additional,常放置在Panel组件上,用于设计工具栏。它与Bitbtn相似,也可以显示图像和文本,但通常只用于显示图像。 SpeedButton组件的常用属性表 属性描述 AllowAllUp用于设置同一组的加速按钮是否具有同时弹起的状态。若设置为FALSE,则当同一组加速按钮中的一个被按下时,其他加速按钮都处于弹起状态,即这 组按钮必须有且只有一个处于按下状态 Down用于设置该加速按钮是否处于按下状态,若设置为TRUE,则表示按钮处于按下状态 Flat用于设置在鼠标移动到该按钮上时,按钮是否显示三维效果。为FLASE则不出现 GroupIndex用于将数个加速按钮设置成一组,只需将其值设置成不等于0的数值即可1.4RadioButton组件

BP神经网络实验——【机器学习与算法分析 精品资源池】

实验算法BP神经网络实验 【实验名称】 BP神经网络实验 【实验要求】 掌握BP神经网络模型应用过程,根据模型要求进行数据预处理,建模,评价与应用; 【背景描述】 神经网络:是一种应用类似于大脑神经突触联接的结构进行信息处理的数学模型。BP神经网络是一种按照误差逆向传播算法训练的多层前馈神经网络,是目前应用最广泛的神经网络。其基本组成单元是感知器神经元。 【知识准备】 了解BP神经网络模型的使用场景,数据标准。掌握Python/TensorFlow数据处理一般方法。了解keras神经网络模型搭建,训练以及应用方法 【实验设备】 Windows或Linux操作系统的计算机。部署TensorFlow,Python。本实验提供centos6.8环境。 【实验说明】 采用UCI机器学习库中的wine数据集作为算法数据,把数据集随机划分为训练集和测试集,分别对模型进行训练和测试。 【实验环境】 Pyrhon3.X,实验在命令行python中进行,或者把代码写在py脚本,由于本次为实验,以学习模型为主,所以在命令行中逐步执行代码,以便更加清晰地了解整个建模流程。 【实验步骤】 第一步:启动python: 1

命令行中键入python。 第二步:导入用到的包,并读取数据: (1).导入所需第三方包 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential from https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b23960472.html,yers import Dense import keras (2).导入数据源,数据源地址:/opt/algorithm/BPNet/wine.txt df_wine = pd.read_csv("/opt/algorithm/BPNet/wine.txt", header=None).sample(frac=1) (3).查看数据 df_wine.head() 1


(DELPHI)API函数大全 1. API之网络函数 WNetAddConnection 创建同一个网络资源的永久性连接WNetAddConnection2 创建同一个网络资源的连接WNetAddConnection3 创建同一个网络资源的连接WNetCancelConnection 结束一个网络连接 WNetCancelConnection2 结束一个网络连接 WNetCloseEnum 结束一次枚举操作 WNetConnectionDialog 启动一个标准对话框,以便建立同网络资源的连接WNetDisconnectDialog 启动一个标准对话框,以便断开同网络资源的连接WNetEnumResource 枚举网络资源 WNetGetConnection 获取本地或已连接的一个资源的网络名称WNetGetLastError 获取网络错误的扩展错误信息WNetGetUniversalName 获取网络中一个文件的远程名称以及/或者UNC (统一命名规范)名称 WNetGetUser 获取一个网络资源用以连接的名字 WNetOpenEnum 启动对网络资源进行枚举的过程 2. API之消息函数 BroadcastSystemMessage 将一条系统消息广播给系统中所有的顶级窗口GetMessagePos 取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的鼠标指针屏幕位置GetMessageTime 取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的时间PostMessage 将一条消息投递到指定窗口的消息队列PostThreadMessage 将一条消息投递给应用程序RegisterWindowMessage 获取分配给一个字串标识符的消息编号ReplyMessage 答复一个消息 SendMessage 调用一个窗口的窗口函数,将一条消息发给那个窗口SendMessageCallback 将一条消息发给窗口 SendMessageTimeout 向窗口发送一条消息 SendNotifyMessage 向窗口发送一条消息 3. API之文件处理函数 CloseHandle 关闭一个内核对象。其中包括文件、文件映射、进程、线程、安全和同步对象等 CompareFileTime 对比两个文件的时间 CopyFile 复制文件 CreateDirectory 创建一个新目录 CreateFile 打开和创建文件、管道、邮槽、通信服务、设备以及控制台CreateFileMapping 创建一个新的文件映射对象 DeleteFile 删除指定文件


资源Github,kaggle Python工具库:Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Scikit-Learn,tensorflow Numpy支持大量维度数组与矩阵运算,也针对数组提供大量的数学函数库 Numpy : 1.aaa = Numpy.genfromtxt(“文件路径”,delimiter = “,”,dtype = str)delimiter以指定字符分割,dtype 指定类型该函数能读取文件所以内容 aaa.dtype 返回aaa的类型 2.aaa = numpy.array([5,6,7,8]) 创建一个一维数组里面的东西都是同一个类型的 bbb = numpy.array([[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,0],[11,22,33,44,55]]) 创建一个二维数组aaa.shape 返回数组的维度print(bbb[:,2]) 输出第二列 3.bbb = aaa.astype(int) 类型转换 4.aaa.min() 返回最小值 5.常见函数 aaa = numpy.arange(20) bbb = aaa.reshape(4,5)

numpy.arange(20) 生成0到19 aaa.reshape(4,5) 把数组转换成矩阵aaa.reshape(4,-1)自动计算列用-1 aaa.ravel()把矩阵转化成数组 bbb.ndim 返回bbb的维度 bbb.size 返回里面有多少元素 aaa = numpy.zeros((5,5)) 初始化一个全为0 的矩阵需要传进一个元组的格式默认是float aaa = numpy.ones((3,3,3),dtype = numpy.int) 需要指定dtype 为numpy.int aaa = np 随机函数aaa = numpy.random.random((3,3)) 生成三行三列 linspace 等差数列创建函数linspace(起始值,终止值,数量) 矩阵乘法: aaa = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) bbb = numpy.array([[5,6],[7,8]]) print(aaa*bbb) *是对应位置相乘 print(aaa.dot(bbb)) .dot是矩阵乘法行乘以列 print(numpy.dot(aaa,bbb)) 同上 6.矩阵常见操作


delphi常用函数大全(转) Abort函数引起放弃的意外处理 Abs函数绝对值函数 AddExitProc函数将一过程添加到运行时库的结束过程表中 Addr函数返回指定对象的地址 AdjustLineBreaks函数将给定字符串的行分隔符调整为CR/LF序列Align属性使控件位于窗口某部分 Alignment属性控件标签的文字位置 AllocMem函数在堆栈上分配给定大小的块 AllowGrayed属性允许一个灰度选择 AnsiCompareStr函数比较字符串(区分大小写) AnsiCompareText函数比较字符串(不区分大小写) AnsiLowerCase函数将字符转换为小写 AnsiUpperCase函数将字符转换为大写 Append函数以附加的方式打开已有的文件 ArcTan函数余切函数 AssignFile函数给文件变量赋一外部文件名 Assigned函数测试函数或过程变量是否为空 AutoSize属性自动控制标签的大小 BackgroundColor属性背景色 BeginThread函数以适当的方式建立用于内存管理的线程 BevelInner属性控件方框的内框方式 BevelOuter属性控件方框的外框方式 BevelWidth属性控件方框的外框宽度 BlockRead函数读一个或多个记录到变量中 BlockWrite函数从变量中写一个或多个记录 BorderStyle属性边界类型 BorderWidth属性边界宽度 Break命令终止for、while、repeat循环语句 Brush属性画刷 Caption属性标签文字的内容 ChangeFileExt函数改变文件的后缀 ChDir函数改变当前目录 Checked属性确定复选框选中状态 Chr函数返回指定序数的字符 CloseFile命令关闭打开的文件 Color属性标签的颜色 Columns属性显示的列数 CompareStr函数比较字符串(区分大小写) Concat函数合并字符串 Continue命令继续for、while、repeat的下一个循环 Copy函数返回一字符串的子串 Cos函数余弦函数 Ctl3D属性是否具有3D效果 Cursor属性鼠标指针移入后的形状 Date函数返回当前的日期 DateTimeToFileDate函数将DELPHI的日期格式转换为DOS的日期格式DateTimeToStr函数将日期时间格式转换为字符串DateTimeToString函数将日期时间格式转换为字符串 DateToStr函数将日期格式转换为字符串


1.简述激活函数的作用 使用激活函数的目的是为了向网络中加入非线性因素;加强网络的表示能力,解决线性模型无法解决的问题 2.那为什么要使用非线性激活函数? 为什么加入非线性因素能够加强网络的表示能力?——神经网络的万能近似定理 ?神经网络的万能近似定理认为主要神经网络具有至少一个非线性隐藏层,那么只要给予网络足够数量的隐藏单元,它就可以以任意的精度来近似任何从一个有限维空间到另一个有限维空间的函数。 ?如果不使用非线性激活函数,那么每一层输出都是上层输入的线性组合;此时无论网络有多少层,其整体也将是线性的,这会导致失去万能近似的性质 ?但仅部分层是纯线性是可以接受的,这有助于减少网络中的参数。3.如何解决训练样本少的问题? 1.利用预训练模型进行迁移微调(fine-tuning),预训练模型通常在特征上拥有很好的语义表达。此时,只需将模型在小数据集上进行微调就能取得不错的效果。CV 有 ImageNet,NLP 有 BERT 等。 2.数据集进行下采样操作,使得符合数据同分布。

3.数据集增强、正则或者半监督学习等方式来解决小样本数据集的训练问题。 4.如何提升模型的稳定性? 1.正则化(L2, L1, dropout):模型方差大,很可能来自于过拟合。正则化能有效的降低模型的复杂度,增加对更多分布的适应性。 2.前停止训练:提前停止是指模型在验证集上取得不错的性能时停止训练。这种方式本质和正则化是一个道理,能减少方差的同时增加的偏差。目的为了平衡训练集和未知数据之间在模型的表现差异。 3.扩充训练集:正则化通过控制模型复杂度,来增加更多样本的适应性。 4.特征选择:过高的特征维度会使模型过拟合,减少特征维度和正则一样可能会处理好方差问题,但是同时会增大偏差。 5.你有哪些改善模型的思路? 1.数据角度 增强数据集。无论是有监督还是无监督学习,数据永远是最重要的驱动力。更多的类型数据对良好的模型能带来更好的稳定性和对未知数据的可预见性。对模型来说,“看到过的总比没看到的更具有判别的信心”。 2.模型角度

Delphi 文件操作集锦

Delphi 文件操作集锦 Delphi 文件操作集锦 时间:2011-5-26来源:yang 作者: peng点击: 11次Delphi 文件操作集锦 unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses activex,comobj,shlobj; {$R *.dfm} function ResolveLink(const ALinkfile: String): String; var

link: IShellLink; storage: IPersistFile; filedata: TWin32FindData; buf: Array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; widepath: WideString; begin OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IShellLink, link)); OleCheck(link.QueryInterface(IPersistFile, storage)); widepath := ALinkFile; Result := ‘unable to resolve link‘; If Succeeded(storage.Load(@widepath[1], STGM_READ)) Then If Succeeded(link.Resolve(GetActiveWindow, SLR_NOUPDATE)) Then If Succeeded(link.GetPath(buf, sizeof(buf), filedata, SLGP_UNCPRIORITY)) Then Result := buf; storage := nil; link:= nil; end; // 用法: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


常用API函数参数5 ImmIsIME 函数功能: 判断指定的句柄是否为IME; 函数原型: BOOL ImmIsIME( HKL hKL ); 参数hKL: 待检查的键盘布局句柄; 返回值: 函数调用成功返回1,失败返回0. 速查信息: Windows NT: 要求4.0或更高版本 Windows: 要求Windows 95 或更高. Windows CE:不支持. Header: 声明在imm.h. Import Library: imm32.lib. Windows XP没有自带五笔型输入法,这对五笔型用户而言无疑是个大大的遗憾。网上的五笔型输入法虽然种类很多,也不乏优秀的版本,但一方面有些版本是共享软件需要注册,另一方面也许很多五笔型输入法的老用户最习惯用的还是老牌的“王码五笔型输入法86/98版”。 微软的Office XP软件中包含了这个老牌的五笔型输入法,但如果用户并不使用Office XP中的任何组件,仅仅是为了使用“王码五笔型输入法”而运行Office XP安装程序,就显的有些小题大做了,更不用说是某些零时在外面用公用电脑而又想用五笔型输入法的情况。于是网上出现了很多简化的安装方法,大体上可以分为三个步骤: 拷贝输入法文件(从Of还是9x/ME。示例代码fice XP光盘中或已经安装了“王码五笔型输入法”的电脑中提取) 增加注册表项 重启后通过控制面板添加输入法

整个过程中拷贝输入法文件和增加注册表项可以用批处理和导入注册表文件来简化操作,但必须重启计算机才能在控制面板里添加输入法,这同样让使用者觉得比较烦琐。那么作为一个编程爱好者能不能通过写个小程序来实现在不重新启动计算机的情况下全自动的安装“王码五笔型输入法”呢(也就是即装即用)?答案是肯定的!因为微软的Office XP 安装程序做到了,这就表示微软肯定留有一个专门用来安装输入法的接口,一般来说应该是一系列API函数。 经过一番摸索,笔者在MSDN里找到了这个可以用来安装输入法的API:ImmInstallIME()。Ok,现在我们就开始利用这个API来实现自己的“王码五笔型输入法”全自动安装程序。 一、准备素材 我们先试着从Office XP光盘中提取“王码五笔型输入法”的输入法文件。通过Windows 的查找功能在Office XP的第一张安装盘中查找与“WINWB”相关的文件,在OFFICE1.CAB 中找到了一下14个文件:WINWB86.CHM.*、https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b23960472.html,T.*、WINWB86.HLP.*、WINWB86A.IME.*、WINWB86A.MB.*、WINWB86W.IME.*、WINWB86W.MB.*、WINWB98.CHM.*、https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b23960472.html,T.*、WINWB98.HLP.*、WINWB98A.IME.*、WINWB98A.MB.*、WINWB98W.IME.*、WINWB98W.MB.*,其中*是很长的一串由字母、数字和下滑线组成的序列(个人认为应该是微软为了校验文件内容的正确性而加上的内容为该文件效验码的后缀吧)。去掉这个长长的后缀,可以看到5 种类型的文件。很明显,*.CHM、*.CNT和*.HLP是五笔型输入法的帮助文件,*.MB是码表文件,而*.IME是主要的输入法文件。其中*.IME和*.MB有文件名部分以A结尾和以W结尾两个版本,经过笔者试验证实了它们分别是ANSI和UNICODE两种版本的输入法文件。文件名部分以A结尾的文件适用于Windows 9x,以W结尾的文件适用于NT系列Windows系统。 提取了输入法文件后必须让安装程序针对不同版本的操作系统将它们拷贝到正确的目录,以便调用API来进行输入法安装。笔者分别在安装了Office XP中自带的“王码五笔型输入法”的Windows 98SE和Windows XP操作系统中查找以上文件,发现帮助文件都存放在WINDOWSHELP目录中(这里假设Windows系统都安装在WINDOWS目录)。而主要的输入法文件(*.IME)和码表文件(*.MB)在Windows 9x下存放于WINDOWSSYSTEM目录中,在NT系列Windows系统中存放于WINDOWSSYSTEM32目录中。 二、相关API函数 素材的准备工作已经完成,现在我们来看一下代码编写过程中需要用到的4个主要的API函数。 2.1 GetVersion 函数原型:

人工智能实践:Tensorflow笔记 北京大学 7 第七讲卷积网络基础 (7.3.1) 助教的Tenso

Tensorflow笔记:第七讲 卷积神经网络 本节目标:学会使用CNN实现对手写数字的识别。 7.1 √全连接NN:每个神经元与前后相邻层的每一个神经元都有连接关系,输入是特征,输出为预测的结果。 参数个数:∑(前层×后层+后层) 一张分辨率仅仅是28x28的黑白图像,就有近40万个待优化的参数。现实生活中高分辨率的彩色图像,像素点更多,且为红绿蓝三通道信息。 待优化的参数过多,容易导致模型过拟合。为避免这种现象,实际应用中一般不会将原始图片直接喂入全连接网络。 √在实际应用中,会先对原始图像进行特征提取,把提取到的特征喂给全连接网络,再让全连接网络计算出分类评估值。

例:先将此图进行多次特征提取,再把提取后的计算机可读特征喂给全连接网络。 √卷积Convolutional 卷积是一种有效提取图片特征的方法。一般用一个正方形卷积核,遍历图片上的每一个像素点。图片与卷积核重合区域内相对应的每一个像素值乘卷积核内相对应点的权重,然后求和,再加上偏置后,最后得到输出图片中的一个像素值。 例:上面是5x5x1的灰度图片,1表示单通道,5x5表示分辨率,共有5行5列个灰度值。若用一个3x3x1的卷积核对此5x5x1的灰度图片进行卷积,偏置项

b=1,则求卷积的计算是:(-1)x1+0x0+1x2+(-1)x5+0x4+1x2+(-1)x3+0x4+1x5+1=1(注意不要忘记加偏置1)。 输出图片边长=(输入图片边长–卷积核长+1)/步长,此图为:(5 – 3 + 1)/ 1 = 3,输出图片是3x3的分辨率,用了1个卷积核,输出深度是1,最后输出的是3x3x1的图片。 √全零填充Padding 有时会在输入图片周围进行全零填充,这样可以保证输出图片的尺寸和输入图片一致。 例:在前面5x5x1的图片周围进行全零填充,可使输出图片仍保持5x5x1的维度。这个全零填充的过程叫做padding。 输出数据体的尺寸=(W?F+2P)/S+1 W:输入数据体尺寸,F:卷积层中神经元感知域,S:步长,P:零填充的数量。 例:输入是7×7,滤波器是3×3,步长为1,填充为0,那么就能得到一个5×5的输出。如果步长为2,输出就是3×3。 如果输入量是32x32x3,核是5x5x3,不用全零填充,输出是(32-5+1)/1=28,如果要让输出量保持在32x32x3,可以对该层加一个大小为2的零填充。可以根据需求计算出需要填充几层零。32=(32-5+2P)/1 +1,计算出P=2,即需填充2

Delphi函数大全 (2)

Delphi函数大全 function Int(X:Extended):Extended;//取整 function Round(X:Extended):Int64;//四舍五入function Trunc(X:Extended):Int64;//将小数无条件舍去信息来源:邪恶八进制信息安全团队 名称类型说明 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abort函数引起放弃的意外处理 Abs函数绝对值函数 AddExitProc函数将一过程添加到运行时库的结束过程表中Addr函数返回指定对象的地址 AdjustLineBreaks函数将给定字符串的行分隔符调整为CR/LF序列Align属性使控件位于窗口某部分 Alignment属性控件标签的文字位置 AllocMem函数在堆栈上分配给定大小的块AllowGrayed属性允许一个灰度选择 AnsiCompareStr函数比较字符串(区分大小写)AnsiCompareText函数比较字符串(不区分大小写)AnsiLowerCase函数将字符转换为小写 AnsiUpperCase函数将字符转换为大写 Append函数以附加的方式打开已有的文件 ArcTan函数余切函数 AssignFile函数给文件变量赋一外部文件名 Assigned函数测试函数或过程变量是否为空 AutoSize属性自动控制标签的大小 BackgroundColor属性背景色 BeginThread函数以适当的方式建立用于内存管理的线程BevelInner属性控件方框的内框方式 BevelOuter属性控件方框的外框方式 BevelWidth属性控件方框的外框宽度 BlockRead函数读一个或多个记录到变量中 BlockWrite函数从变量中写一个或多个记录 BorderStyle属性边界类型 BorderWidth属性边界宽度 Break命令终止for、while、repeat循环语句 Brush属性画刷 Caption属性标签文字的内容 ChangeFileExt函数改变文件的后缀 ChDir函数改变当前目录

人工智能实践:Tensorflow笔记 北京大学 4 第四讲神经网络优化 (4.6.1) 助教的Tenso

Tensorflow笔记:第四讲 神经网络优化 4.1 √神经元模型:用数学公式表示为:f(∑i x i w i+b),f为激活函数。神经网络是以神经元为基本单元构成的。 √激活函数:引入非线性激活因素,提高模型的表达力。 常用的激活函数有relu、sigmoid、tanh等。 ①激活函数relu: 在Tensorflow中,用tf.nn.relu()表示 r elu()数学表达式 relu()数学图形 ②激活函数sigmoid:在Tensorflow中,用tf.nn.sigmoid()表示 sigmoid ()数学表达式 sigmoid()数学图形 ③激活函数tanh:在Tensorflow中,用tf.nn.tanh()表示 tanh()数学表达式 tanh()数学图形 √神经网络的复杂度:可用神经网络的层数和神经网络中待优化参数个数表示 √神经网路的层数:一般不计入输入层,层数 = n个隐藏层 + 1个输出层

√神经网路待优化的参数:神经网络中所有参数w 的个数 + 所有参数b 的个数 例如: 输入层 隐藏层 输出层 在该神经网络中,包含1个输入层、1个隐藏层和1个输出层,该神经网络的层数为2层。 在该神经网络中,参数的个数是所有参数w 的个数加上所有参数b 的总数,第一层参数用三行四列的二阶张量表示(即12个线上的权重w )再加上4个偏置b ;第二层参数是四行两列的二阶张量()即8个线上的权重w )再加上2个偏置b 。总参数 = 3*4+4 + 4*2+2 = 26。 √损失函数(loss ):用来表示预测值(y )与已知答案(y_)的差距。在训练神经网络时,通过不断改变神经网络中所有参数,使损失函数不断减小,从而训练出更高准确率的神经网络模型。 √常用的损失函数有均方误差、自定义和交叉熵等。 √均方误差mse :n 个样本的预测值y 与已知答案y_之差的平方和,再求平均值。 MSE(y_, y) = ?i=1n (y?y_) 2n 在Tensorflow 中用loss_mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_ - y)) 例如: 预测酸奶日销量y ,x1和x2是影响日销量的两个因素。 应提前采集的数据有:一段时间内,每日的x1因素、x2因素和销量y_。采集的数据尽量多。 在本例中用销量预测产量,最优的产量应该等于销量。由于目前没有数据集,所以拟造了一套数据集。利用Tensorflow 中函数随机生成 x1、 x2,制造标准答案y_ = x1 + x2,为了更真实,求和后还加了正负0.05的随机噪声。 我们把这套自制的数据集喂入神经网络,构建一个一层的神经网络,拟合预测酸奶日销量的函数。


POSTEK PPLⅠAPI函数手册 G Series 条码标签打印机 Version 2.00 深圳市博思得通信发展有限公司 二○○四年

API函数库文件说明 名称:CDFPSK.dll 中文版本编号:1.X.X.X 英文版本编号:2.X.X.X 版权所有:?2004深圳市博思得通信发展有限公司。保留所有权利。 用途 本API函数库为深圳市博思得通信发展有限公司条码标签打印机的用户提供一组命令,为他们编写基于Windows9X,NT,2000,XP等操作系统的应用程序提供便利。 本API函数库仅支持本公司产品。 缩略语对照 PPLⅠ:深圳市博思得通信发展有限公司的第一套打印机编程语言(Printer Porgram Language Ⅰ)。 API:应用程序编程接口(Application Program Interface)。 Dots:像素(pixel)是一种计算机科学技术尺寸单位,原指电视图像成像的最小单位,在打印机领域表示打印机的最小打印成像单位:1dot等于一英寸除以打印机的最大分辨率。 - 对于203DPI的打印机来说, 1dot = 25.4mm/203 = 0.125mm(1dot = 1000 / 203 = 5mil); - 对于300DPI的打印机来说, 1dot = 25.4mm/300 = 0.085mm(1dot = 1000 / 300 = 3mil)。 TrueType Font:是基于Windows操作系统使用,可装卸的字体。 - 已经安装的TrueType Font,都可以被本函数使用。 使用前须知 字符串 * 字符串以双引号(“)作为起始和结束标记; *


DELPHI中如何调用API,可举例说明 第一部分Delphi知识1. 如果一个元件希望放到IDE的元件面板上,它必须从________类派生,如果一个元件能作为其它元件的容器,它必须从_____________类派生,如果一个元件在运行时可见,它必须从___________________类派生(A)TGraphicControl (B)TWinContr 1、rtl70.bpl是什么?有什么用? 2、delphi的Package相对dll有什么优点? 3、以下的记录(结构)变量在内存占多少字节?type a = packed record v1: Byte; v2: Word; v3: string[16]; v4: Double; v5: string; v6: TForm; end; 4、以下的写法是否正确?type a 1.您为什么选择软件开发这个行业?(30字左右简写); 2.如果有您解决不了的软件问题您会采取什么样的解决措施; 3.a.请您写出Object Pascal所支持的数据类型;b.请您写出Shl、Shr、Xor、Not 的数学表示法; 4.请您写出VCL结构层次(以TObject开始,最少五层);5 二.是非题(共20道)1.从主菜单上选择Project|Syntax Check 菜单选项,Delphi将编译从上次编译后有改动的任何单元,并报出遇到的错误。()2.Delphi的VCL对象有些是指针,从堆栈中分配空间,有些则不是。()3.粘贴时,如果作为容器的组件已被选择,

剪贴 一.选择题(共40道)1.用户开发程序时需要经常在窗体和编辑器窗口之间来回切换,可使用快捷键()。A、F12和F11 B、F12和F13 C、F12和Ctrl+F12 D、F12和Alt+F12 E、F12和Shift+F12 2.某函数如下:Function check(n,k:Integer):Integer; Var m:Integer; Beg 编程语言:delphi7.0或Vc++6.0 时间:4小时内环境:可参考帮助文档,但不能上网查资料1、编程查找指定目录下所有EXE 文件,并将其全路径存入Result.txt中,要求用递归。2、采用SOCKET(可用SOCKET API或delphi Socket控件)实现点对点传输大文件,要求不能掉


一、软件下载 为了更好的达到预期的效果,本次tensorflow开源框架实验在Linux环境下进行,所需的软件及相关下载信息如下: 1.CentOS 软件介绍: CentOS 是一个基于Red Hat Linux 提供的可自由使用源代码的企业级Linux 发行版本。每个版本的CentOS都会获得十年的支持(通过安全更新方式)。新版本的CentOS 大约每两年发行一次,而每个版本的CentOS 会定期(大概每六个月)更新一次,以便支持新的硬件。这样,建立一个安全、低维护、稳定、高预测性、高重复性的Linux 环境。CentOS是Community Enterprise Operating System的缩写。CentOS 是RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux)源代码再编译的产物,而且在RHEL的基础上修正了不少已知的Bug ,相对于其他Linux 发行版,其稳定性值得信赖。 软件下载: 本次实验所用的CentOS版本为CentOS7,可在CentOS官网上直接下载DVD ISO镜像文件。 下载链接: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b23960472.html,/centos/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.i so. 2.Tensorflow 软件介绍: TensorFlow是谷歌基于DistBelief进行研发的第二代人工智能学习系统,其命名来源于本身的运行原理。Tensor(张量)意味着N维数组,Flow(流)意味着基于数据流图的计算,TensorFlow为张量从流图的一端流动到另一端计算过程。TensorFlow是将复杂的数据结构传输至人工智能神经网中进行分析和处理过程的系统。TensorFlow可被用于语音识别或图像识别等多项机器深度学习领域,对2011年开发的深度学习基础架构DistBelief进行了各方面的改进,它可在小到一部智能手机、大到数千台数据中心服务器的各种设备上运行。TensorFlow将完全开源,任何人都可以用。


? 1. API之网络函数 ? ?WNetAddConnection 创建同一个网络资源的永久性连接 ? ?WNetAddConnection2 创建同一个网络资源的连接 WNetAddConnection3 创建同一个网络资源的连接 WNetCancelConnection 结束一个网络连接 WNetCancelConnection2 结束一个网络连接 WNetCloseEnum 结束一次枚举操作 WNetConnectionDialog 启动一个标准对话框,以便建立同网络资源的连接 WNetDisconnectDialog 启动一个标准对话框,以便断开同网络资源的连接 WNetEnumResource 枚举网络资源 WNetGetConnection 获取本地或已连接的一个资源的网络名称 WNetGetLastError 获取网络错误的扩展错误信息 WNetGetUniversalName 获取网络中一个文件的远程名称以及/或者UNC (统一命名规范)名称 WNetGetUser 获取一个网络资源用以连接的名字 WNetOpenEnum 启动对网络资源进行枚举的过程 ? ? 2. API之消息函数 ?BroadcastSystemMessage 将一条系统消息广播给系统中所有的顶级窗口GetMessagePos 取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的鼠标指针屏幕位置 GetMessageTime 取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的时间 PostMessage 将一条消息投递到指定窗口的消息队列 PostThreadMessage 将一条消息投递给应用程序 RegisterWindowMessage 获取分配给一个字串标识符的消息编号 ReplyMessage 答复一个消息 SendMessage 调用一个窗口的窗口函数,将一条消息发给那个窗口 SendMessageCallback 将一条消息发给窗口 SendMessageTimeout 向窗口发送一条消息 SendNotifyMessage 向窗口发送一条消息 ? 3. API之文件处理函数 ?CloseHandle 关闭一个内核对象。其中包括文件、文件映射、进程、线程、安全和同步对象等 CompareFileTime 对比两个文件的时间 CopyFile 复制文件 CreateDirectory 创建一个新目录 CreateFile 打开和创建文件、管道、邮槽、通信服务、设备以及控制台CreateFileMapping 创建一个新的文件映射对象 DeleteFile 删除指定文件 DeviceIoControl 对设备执行指定的操作

TensorFlow编程指南 嵌入

嵌入 本文档介绍了嵌入这一概念,并且举了一个简单的例子来说明如何在TensorFlow 中训练嵌入,此外还说明了如何使用TensorBoard Embedding Projector 查看嵌入(真实示例)。前两部分适合机器学习或TensorFlow 新手,而Embedding Projector 指南适合各个层次的用户。 有关这些概念的另一个教程,请参阅《机器学习速成课程》的“嵌入”部分。 嵌入是从离散对象(例如字词)到实数向量的映射。例如,英语字词的300 维嵌入可能包括: blue: (0.01359, 0.00075997, 0.24608, ..., -0.2524, 1.0048, 0.06259) blues: (0.01396, 0.11887, -0.48963, ..., 0.033483, -0.10007, 0.1158) orange: (-0.24776, -0.12359, 0.20986, ..., 0.079717, 0.23865, -0.014213) oranges: (-0.35609, 0.21854, 0.080944, ..., -0.35413, 0.38511, -0.070976) 这些向量中的各个维度通常没有固有含义,机器学习所利用的是向量的位置和相互之间的距离这些整体模式。 嵌入对于机器学习的输入非常重要。分类器(更笼统地说是神经网络)适用于实数向量。它们训练密集向量时效果最佳,其中所有值都有助于定义对象。不过,机器学习的很多重要输入(例如文本的字词)没有自然的向量表示。嵌入函数是将此类离散输入对象转换为有用连续向量的标准和有效方法。 嵌入作为机器学习的输出也很有价值。由于嵌入将对象映射到向量,因此应用可以将向量空间中的相似性(例如欧几里德距离或向量之间的角度)用作一项强大而灵活的标准来衡量对象相似性。一个常见用途是找到最近的邻点。例如,下面是采用与上述相同的字词嵌入后,每个字词的三个最近邻点和相应角度: blue: (red, 47.6°), (yellow, 51.9°), (purple, 52.4°) blues: (jazz, 53.3°), (folk, 59.1°), (bluegrass, 60.6°) orange: (yellow, 53.5°), (colored, 58.0°), (bright, 59.9°) oranges: (apples, 45.3°), (lemons, 48.3°), (mangoes, 50.4°) 这样应用就会知道,在某种程度上,苹果和橙子(相距45.3°)的相似度高于柠檬和橙子(相距48.3°)。

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