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Shanghai J our nal of T r anslators f or Science and T echnology

2001N o .4


[作者简介]张 健(1962-),男,上海外国语大学新闻传播学院副教授,副院长,研究方向:新闻翻译,新闻英语文体。


张 健 (上海外国语大学新闻传播学院,上海200083)


[中图分类号]H315.94 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1000-6141(2001)04-0024-051 引言


一、对外报道英译不同于单纯的汉译英用英文向国外报道新闻内容不同于单纯的中译英文字翻译。这是因为前者不得不注重传播效果(communication effect ),而后者一般则需侧重忠实于原文。美国传播学先驱拉斯韦尔(Haro ld L assew ell,1902-1977)提出的“传播五要素”论认为,任何传播行为都包括这样一个模式,即:谁(W HO )→说什么(SA Y S W HA T )→通过什么渠道(IN WHICH CHA N N EL )→对谁(T O W HO M )→取得什么效果(W IT H W HA T EFF ECT S)。此处的效果指传播效果,即信息到达目的地后引起的各种反应。它虽然没有明显地出现在传播过程中,但却是检验传播活动成败得失的重要尺度(张健,1994:230)。如果传播者发出信息(messag e)想达到某种意图,但不为受众(audience )所接受,效果不佳或甚至适得其反,那就等于失去了传播的意义。同样,对外报道的

成功与否,首先取决于传播效果。有的人一味突出强调对外报道的政治意义而忽视了对对外报道艺术的研究。然而,实践证明,大轰大嗡式的对外报道,不但达不到预期的目的,反而会使受众望而生厌,产生逆效应。有鉴于此,若要达到预期的对外传播效果,英译前必须对汉语新闻稿的语言进行一番“译前处理”,即在抓住原文主旨、领会原文精神的前提下,对原文语言的方方面面进行处理,或重组,或增删,或编辑,或加工(李欣,2001:18)。正如译界前辈王佐良先生所言,翻译要“为读者着想”(王佐良,1989:52)。美国当代著名翻译理论家尤金?奈达(Eugene N ida )认为:“翻译即译意(T r anslating mea ns t rans-lat ing the meaning )。”(张经浩,1996:7)。奈达先生还认为“T r anslating co nsist s in r epr oducing in the r ecepto r languag e t he closest natural equivalent of the sour ce languag e messag e,fir st in ter ms of meaning ,and second in ter ms of sty le.”(N ida,Eugg ene A.&T aber C,1982:12)奈达的这一定义说明了翻译的实质:第一,翻译中人们要译的是信息(m essag e);第二,由于语言文化的差异,原文和译文只能是最贴切的对等(closest equivalent );第三,译文是最自然的对等(nat ur al equiv alent )。这样,才能使原文读者对原文的感受和译文读者对译文的感受达到等效。因此,单就语言转换而言,对外报道英译时要做到灵活变通,甚至于要跟汉语新闻原文“若即若离”,否则,反而难以跨越语言和文化的障碍,不可能达到对外传播应有的效果。英语对外报道实践证明,凡亦步亦趋紧跟汉语新闻原文语言表象者,终将




笔者认为,英语对外报道工作者在汉语新闻英译标准的掌握上要有弹性,除了顾及“信”以外,还应根据英译的新闻内容的特殊性,考虑到传播效果、读者反馈(r eader's feedback)以及英语报刊语言的风格特色等因素,采取变通手段。这方面,我国近代著名翻译大师严复(1853-1921)为我们创立了许多成功的范例,有助于我们灵活把握“信”的尺度。例如,赫胥黎原著的书名是“E volution and E thics and Other Essay s”,严复译为《天演论》,虽字面有减,然灵活而切题。进化论的核心思想是“sur vival o f the fitt est”,严复译为“物竞天择,适者生存”,虽字面有增,却忠实达意。正因如此,“严译才能为当时的知识界所喜闻乐见,迅速传播(李欣,2001:18)。显然,严复的“信”绝非一味逐字“忠实”于原文,而在始终注重翻译的目的和译文可能引起的读者反应。严复先生的这番苦心对于我们做好对外报道过程中所需的新闻英译工作仍然不无启迪。英语对外报道既为“报道”,就必须注意读者反应,注重传播效果,因为对外报道绝非逐字英译,这无论从理论上还是实践上讲都是不无根据的。




毫无疑问,新闻报道的第一要求是准确性。新闻报道的准确性,不仅要求报道事实准确无误,也要求报道语言的准确性,因为语言虽是为内容服务的,但语言失误会引起受众误解,甚至还会无意中导致常识性错误甚至政治思想性错误。如美国的国务院为“the State D epar tment”,而中国的则译为“t he State Council”。又如,英文中“首相”或“总理”一般使用“pr ime m inister”或“pr emier”,但德国、奥地利等国则应用“chancellor”。再如,“minister”和“vice-minis-ter”一般通指“部长”、“副部长”,但美国、英国等政府机构中则用“secreta ry”和“undersecret ary”来表示。还有,同样是“议会”,英国等国的英译是“par lia-ment”,日本的却是“Diet”,而以色列则应译成“K nesset”或“Knesseth”。即使一般地名或国名的英语表达,也得慎重其事、小心翼翼才行——特别是定冠词,马虎不得。“海牙”不是“Hag ue”,而是“the Hague”;“刚果”则须作“the Congo”而别作“Cong o”;苏联解体前,“乌克兰”的传统英语译名为“the U kr aine”,苏联解体后,乌克兰就是乌克兰,而再也不是苏联或以俄罗斯为中心的“边疆”,所以现在作为一个独立主权国家的乌克兰自己使用的英语名称再也不作“the U kra ine”,而改称“U kr aine”了。



背景解释(backg r ounding)是新闻写作中不可或缺的要素,它在我国英语报刊等涉外新闻媒体的对外报道中尤为重要,占有十分重要的位置。善于运用背景解释是加强英语对外报道可读性的关键之一。这不仅因为外国人对中国的情况不了解,需要通过交代背景加以解释,更因为任何一个事物都是从它和其他事物的关联中才能体现出它的意义。外国记者非常重视在新闻中运用背景材料,他们称之为“解释性报道”(interpr etativ e repo rting)。在一定意义上说,背景解释是一篇对外稿能否成功的关键。

当前,国际传播(g lobal communicatio n)已成为世界各国极为关注的一个重要领域和一项日益发展的事业,为此,各国政府都希望影响国际舆论,使之有利于本国。对外报道最起码的要求是让对方能看懂、听懂。世界上各个民族历史文化传统不同,生活环境、发展程度迥异,在思想沟通、信息交流过程中必然遇到不少困难。在此一国是家喻户晓的事情,在彼一国竟如天书,反之亦然。对外报道也是思想、信息交流的一种形式,其中许多事件都是需要向受众解释清楚的。这里首先要搞清楚一个问题,即“解释”




与“意见”以及“解释”与“客观性”的关系。“解释”(interpr etatio n)只是根据某个情况的背景知识所作出的客观判断,是对新闻事件的估价与客观显示,而“意见”(o pinion)则是对新闻事件的主观、片面的判断,两者根本不同。诚然,新闻“客观性”(o bjectiv ity)是新闻的一条基本规律,但是,中外新闻界对新闻客观性并没有一个可称之为科学的认识。西方新闻界曾一直认为,不掺杂任何解释性成分的报道叫客观报道,他们把客观性当作一条法则加以肯定。但究竟是否存在这种纯客观报道呢?经过近百年的实践,西方新闻界修正了这一理论,不得不承认这种所谓的客观性已经不再是新闻业所追求的目标,而成为一个崇拜的偶像。为此,解释性报道(inter pretat ive r e-po rt ing)应运而生,认为不能仅仅报道事实,还应报道事实的真相或内涵。可见,解释性与客观性不是对立的,前者是为了更好地为后者服务的,这在对外报道中尤为如此。倘若一味注重纯客观报道,记者始终以一种超然、客观的态度去报道事实而无意在报道的“清晰度”(clarity)上为国外受众着想作些必要的“解释”,那实际上误解了解释性与客观性的关系。




例如,连“解放前”、“解放后”这两个常用词语,一般外国人并不熟知,他们经常看到或听到的是“befo re/after co mmunist takeo ver”(共产党接管之前/后)或“befor e/aft er co mmunist v ictor y”(共产党胜利之前/后)之类的词汇,我们又不宜沿用。如将“解放前”和“解放后”逐字译成“befo re liber atio n”和“after liber atio n”也显得不妥,不如译成“befo re/af-ter the founding of the Peo ple's R epublic o f China (in1949)”或“befor e/aft er the founding o f new Chi-na(in1949)”,这样显得更清晰易懂,也较客观。同样,有关两岸关系的报道中经常提及的“海协会”和“海基会”这两个机构,哪一个指大陆方面的,哪一个是指台湾方面的?都有必要分别阐译为“the(Bei-jing-based)A ssociation fo r Relatio ns Acr oss the T aiwa n Str ait s”和“the(T aibei-based)Str aits Ex-chang e Fo undatio n”。又譬如,我们谈到台湾问题时,常常使用“和平统一”一词,其中“统一”的英译按字面意思应为“unificatio n”,然而,在对外英文报道中已经约定俗成的译法是在“unificatio n”之前加有一个前缀“re-”,改为“r eunifica tio n”。前缀“re-”表示“a-gain”,也就是说我们的国家重新统一。这样译是有道理的。中国的统一早在公元前221年就由秦始皇完成了。台湾自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分,由于历史的原因,台湾尚未回到祖国的怀抱。现在常说的祖国的和平统一,实际上指的是台湾重新回到祖国的怀抱,是指祖国的重新统一,而不是第一次统一。基于这样的理解,把“和平统一译成“peaceful r e-unificatio n”可谓是完美的表达,既突出了政治观点与立场,又便于读者理解,又增加了对外的传播效果。


□历史事件。例如,中国小学生都知道“五四运动”和“辛亥革命”,但一般外国人并不知道,因此,往往需要采用“直译+背景注释”的手段分别译成长长的一串:the M ay4th M ov em ent(in1919,ag ainst



f or ei

g n im p er ialism and domestic f eudalism)和the Chinese Rev olutio n o f1911(w hic

h overthr ew the Qing Dy nasty,China's las t f eudal dy nasty)。同样,对外报道涉及长城和兵马俑时,自然会提到“秦朝”,但是一般外国人不会记得“秦”是中国第一个封建王朝,建于2200多年前。而若再谈到北京的故宫和颐和园,又会提到清朝。按汉语拼音,“秦(q n)和“清”(q ng),一般外国人很难辨别。因此在“秦”和“清”之后,至少加个年代解释,那就清楚的多了:t he Q in Dy nasty(221-201B.C.,China's f ir st f eud al dy-nasty);the Qing D ynasty(1644-1911,China's last f eudal dy nasty)。

□地理名称。一般的外国读者对中国地理名称没有感性认识,概念模糊。就连“北京”、“上海”和“海南”等著名的地方,最好也不要简单地译成汉语拼音,不妨分别加以简要说明:“the cap ital city of Bei-jing”,“the lar gest indus tr ial city o f Shanghai in east China”和“Hainan,China's souther nmost,y oung est p r ovince and the second lar gest island nex t to T ai-w an”。对外报道英译中的这些背景解释,在我们看来,似乎既罗嗦又欠完整准确,但对西方的受众来说很有必要。之所以费这么大的劲,归根到底旨在使对外报道清晰易懂,帮助受众更好地理解新闻内容,从而达到良好的传播效果。

□人物名字。在对外报道中如出现人名,不宜仅仅译成汉语拼音,不妨作点简介。“江泽民”的名字尽管在国际舞台上经常出现,但译作“(Chinese Pr esid ent)Jiang Zemin”更清楚些,因为一般外国人念不准,也常常记不清中国人名字的汉语拼音。甚至连“周恩来”也最好予以解释性翻译,译作(China's late Pr emier)Zhou Enlai。至于历史人物,也许像孔夫子、成吉思汗等少数人可以例外,其他最好都加背景注译。不要想当然认为所有或大多数外国读者都知道李白、鲁迅是何许人。

□特有机构名称。中国特有的机构名称一般都需要加简短的说明。例如,不是所有的外国读者都了解“中国人民政治协商会议”是一个什么性质和职能的机构,有的外国人甚至认为仅仅是一个“会议”而已。因此,可作一番背景解释,以提高对外报道的传播效果:T he Chinese Peo ple's Po lit ical Co nsultative Confer ence(CP PCC),a national advisory body on p olicy matter s w ith considerable inf luence。


何谓“抓大放小”,其中的“大”(big)和“小”(small)分别是什么?若不作任何解释,译文的传播效果岂不等于零?!原来,这个流行词语中的“抓大”指“抓好(国有)大型企业”,“放小”指“放开或搞活小型企业”,故建议译成“mana ge larg e ent erprises w ell (抓大)w hile easing co nt ro l o ver small o nes(放小)或“manag e larg e enter prises(抓大)w hile a do pting a flex ible policy to war d small o nes(放小)”。当然,“抓大放小”也可用这样一个公式表示:“抓大放小”=“(重点)抓(好)大(型企业的结构性重组)+“放(活)小(型企业,让其自由发展)。基于这层内涵,也可译成“focus o n the r est ructuring of majo r enter-pr ises(抓大)and leav e minor o nes to fend for them-selv es(放小)”。此外,在特定的上下文里,“抓大放小”有时指“抓住抓好大的方面,放开放活小的方面”,在这种情况下,“抓大放小”可译作“ex er cise ef-fectiv e co ntr o l ov er major issues while allo wing flexibility o n minor ones”。

“厂长负责制”也是对外报道中的一个难译之词,若仅按字面意义译成“fact or y manag er r espo nsi-bility sy stem”,外国读者看后可能会茫然不解:除了一厂之长外,还应有谁对工厂负责呢?这也难怪,绝大多数外国人不知道在相当长的时期,中国的工厂是由党委领导的。建议采用解释性译法:fact or y manag er responsibility system(rather than every-thing going through the Par ty committee);system of fa ct or y manag er(assuming f ull r esp onsibility)。

“吃大锅饭”是针对分配方面存在的绝对平均主义现象的一种形象比喻。若按字面意思直译成“eat r ice fro m the same big pot”,恐会造成文化上的差异。建议译出其引申义,作如下通俗解释:“g et an e-qual shar e reg ardless of the w or k do ne”或“be tr eat-ed the same despite the differences in w o rking atti-tude and co nt ribution”,即“不论工作好坏,贡献大







英语对外报道的一个突出的特点就是它到达读者、听众或观众所凭借的语言文字是英语,而不是汉语。目前,我国既受过对外报道专业训练又精通英语的人才还很少,相当多数从事对外报道的专业人员还不能熟练地使用英语,而相当多从事对外报道英译的翻译又缺乏对外报道专业知识和训练。因此,有必要大声疾呼地指出一种“危险的”误解(沈苏儒, 1990:216)——只要懂英语就能做对外报道的英译工作。这是对英语对外报道工作的误解,缺乏对这项工作的性质、意义、难度及特点的了解与研究。英语对外报道有别于单纯的汉译英,并非是对汉语新闻的逐字英译,两者不能简单地等同视之。对外报道的成功与否,首先取决于传播效果,而跨文化传播过程中汉语新闻的英译质量如何直接影响到传播效果的清晰度,在英译过程中要时刻牢记“从读者对象出发”(r eader s-o rient ed),力求给国外受众提供易于接受的译文,从而最大限度地提高传播效果。


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ter cultural Communication(Four th Ed ition),

W adsw or th Publishing Com pany.

[5] 段连城.对外宣传英译的“常见病”及解释性翻


[6] 段连城.呼吁:请译界同仁都来关心对外宣传



[7] 段连城.对外传播学初探[M].北京:中国建设


[8] 李欣.外宣翻译中的“译前处理”[J].上海科技


[9] 李中行,张健.新闻英语[M].天津:南开大学


[10] 钱维蕃.英语对外报道的准确性[J].对外报


[11] 沈苏儒.对外报道业务基础[M].北京:今日


[12] 王佐良.翻译:思考与试笔[M].北京:外语教


[13] 张健,唐见端.略谈汉语新词新义的英译[J].


[14] 张健.新闻英语文体与范文评析[M].上海:


[15] 张健.报刊新词英译词典[M].上海:上海科


[16] 张经浩.译论[M].湖南教育出版社,1996.

Reporting on China in English for Foreign Audience vs.Word-for-Word Translation


(Co llege o f Journalism and Co mmunicatio ns,Shang hai Inter natio nal

St udies U niv ersit y,Shang hai200083,China)

[Abstract]Ba sed on first-hand ex amples,this pa per pro bes into the par ticular it ies hig hlighting the tra nsla-tio n of Chinese news in the pro cess of r epo rting on China for for eig n audience.It adopts the v iew t hat r epor t-ing o n China in Eng lish fo r fo reign audience is fa r fr om the w or d-fo r-w o rd tr anslatio n o f Chinese new s.T he paper concludes t hat the for mer hing es,for it s success,on the comm unication effect subjected t o pro per tr anslation of Chinese new s in the cro ss-cultur al co mmunicat ion.

[Key words]r epo rt ing o n China fo r fo r eign audience;tr anslatio n of Chinese new s;co mmunica tion effect ?




The pearl 吉纳,一位穷渔夫,刚发现了一颗非常大而且非常珍贵的珍珠,准备去最近的城镇把它卖掉。他急切需要钱给刚给蝎子螫伤的孩子看病。吉纳发现珍珠前,他---一位可以看病的医生拒绝给孩子治病,因为吉纳付不起治疗费。 一个小镇就像个集群动物,有神经系统头肩膀和肢。它与其他城镇不想连。因此没有两座城镇是相似的。城镇里还有完整的感情。要知道消息是怎样传遍整个小镇的可是个难解之谜。消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。? 在吉纳胡安纳和其他渔夫回到吉纳的茅草屋前,小镇的神经正随着消息--吉纳发现了世界上最大的珍珠--传播而奔腾,跳动。跑得气喘吁吁的小男孩还没说出这个消息,母亲们早已知晓了。消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。消息传到正在花园里散步的牧师,他的眼中露出若有所思的表情,他想起教堂的有些地方该维修了,他纳闷珍珠值多少钱。他想知道是否为吉纳的婴儿施过洗礼,或是否主持过他的结婚仪式。消息传到零售商那儿的时候,他们看着卖的不太好的男式衣服。?? 消息传到医生那儿的时候,他正在给一位妇人看病,这位夫人的疾病其实就是“年龄太老的问题”,尽管他们两人都不承认这点。弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。医生说,“他是我的一个病人,我在给他的孩子治疗被蝎子螫伤的伤口。”眼珠在肿眼泡的眼眶内转来转去,医生想起巴黎,想起那他住过的既宽敞又豪华的房间。越过他的老年病人,医生仿佛看见自己坐在巴黎的一家餐馆,男侍者正在打开酒瓶。 消息早早地传到了教堂前乞讨者,他们咯咯地高兴地笑着,因为他们知道没有比突然


广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料 商务英语翻译课程试卷 (课程代码:5355) 考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。 2. 考试时间150分钟。 I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each) 第一套试卷 1.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. A.在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 B.不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。 C.此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币汇价。 D.在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银行也就无需维持本币价格了。 2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。 B.若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。 C.若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。 D.假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。 3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported. A.中国研究者已经在开发新材料用于低温下使用的镍氢电池方面有了突破,据新华社报道。 B.新华社报道,中国科学家在从事新材料制造低温镍氢电池方面有了突破。 C.新华社报道,中国研究人员在开发利用新材料制造在低温下使用的镍氢电池方面已有了突破。 D.中国研究者在开发新材料制造低温镍氢电池有了重大突破,这是新华社报道的。 4. Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.



商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth. 2


1. Contrast Between English and Chinese Put the following into Chinese, pay special attention to the linguistic differences between English and Chinese. Sentence translation: 1.Now that you are in for it, you must carry on. 2.Cigarettes were the death of me. 3.If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street. 4.If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 5.Her sighs made it clear that she was unhappy. 6.They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas and electricity. 7.Theatre will be reinvented and become much freer and more imaginative. 8.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing. 9.By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives. 10.It should be noted that he and she were extremely close allies. Passage translation: It seemed a point scored for her side when Joanne, panicked that her father-in-law would bungle the turnoff for the Pulaski Skyway, shattered the tip of her cigarette against the back of the seat and a live ash fell on the baby?s belly. It went unnoticed for a second until Corinne screamed; then they all saw it, a little flea of fire glowing beside the perfect navel. Joanne jumped, and squealed with guilt, and flapped her hands and stamped her feet and hugged the baby against her, but the evidence could not be destroyed; a brown dot of char on the globe of immaculate skin. Corinne continued her screams, splicing them with shrill hard gasps of intake, while everyone rummaged through purses and pockets for Vaseline, butter, toothpaste – anything for an urgent. Mother had a tiny bottle of toilet water given her in a department store; Joanne dabbed some of this on, and in time Corinne, shaken by more and more widely spaced spasms of sobbing, mercifully dragged her injury with her into the burrow of sleep. 2. Cohesion 1.When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good

综合英语 1 课后翻译答案精编版

Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。(head) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, for all your lessons as well as all the questions and all the answers can be shown on a screen. 4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for) Zhang Li’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday, so he sent for a doctor immediately.


商务英语翻译测试题及 答案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended

without the agreement by the both parties. 3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.

II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil.


Chinese-English Translation Course Unit One Error Analysis: Part One On the test paper I. Choose the one which is proper and idiomatic . 1. Our home, once full of laughters, now deafens us with its silence. 译文A: 我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却充满了令人震耳欲聋的沉寂。 译文B: 我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却十分安静。 2. There are few of us but admire his courage. 译文A: 我们人人都佩服他的勇气。 译文B: 我们中很少有人佩服他的勇气。 3. All cities did not look like as they do today. 译文A: 在过去,城市面貌并不都像今天这样千篇一律。 译文B: 过去,城市面貌与现在完全不同。 4. To starve oneself emotionally is a mistake. 译文A: 不满足自己感情上的需要是一种错误。 译文B: 使自己的感情挨饥受饿是一种错误。 5.The boss’s girl Friday called me. 译文A: 老板的女儿星期五打电话给我了。 译文B: 老板的女秘书打电话给我了 6. Marriage bed is full of roses and thorns. 译文A: 婚姻总是有苦有甜。 译文B: 婚姻的花坛里既长鲜花也生荆棘。 7. I never go past that kindergarten but think of my happy childhood there. 译文A: 每当我走过那所幼儿园,我就回想起在那里度过的幸福童年。 译文B: 尽管我从未经过那所幼儿园,但是我回想起在那里度过的幸福童年 8. And soon over the whole surface of the marsh, a great cloud of birds hung screaming and circling in the air. 译文A: 很快就有一块乌云似的一大群野鸟在沼泽上空惊叫着,盘旋着。 译文B: 很快就有黑压压的一大群野鸟在沼泽上空惊叫着,盘旋着。 9. SS guards then shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated. 译文A: 希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向推着被监禁者。 译文B: 希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向推着犯人。 10. Thus it was that our little romantic friend formed visions of the future for herself. 译文A: 我们的小朋友一脑袋幻想,憧憬着美丽的未来。 译文B: 我们浪漫的小朋友憧憬着美好的未来。 II. Improve the Chinese version. 1. He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair. 译文:他又皱又黑,头发灰白稀疏。 2. Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place. 译文:华尔街是个狗咬狗的地方。 3. All freely falling bodies descend from the same height in equal time. 译文:一切自由降落的物体,从同样的高度,以相等的时间下降。 4. Why waste breath on them, who have turned such an unwilling ear? 译文:为什么对他们浪费口舌呢?他们又不愿意听。 5. We have plenty of company in the way of wagonloads and mule-loads of tourists — and dust. 译文:跟我们做伴的人真不少,有乘马车的,有骑骡子的——一路尘土飞扬。 6. His speech leaves no room to improvement. 译文:他的演讲没有改进的余地。 7. He thought, not very vividly, of his father and mother. 译文:他并不是很鲜明地想到了他的爸爸和妈妈。 8. Casualties were taken to several hospitals in southwestern Georgia, some of which operated on backup generators. 译文:伤亡人员被送往佐治亚州西南部的几所医院里,其中一些伤者在备用发电机的帮助下动了手术。 9. To cure his patients, he relied on a palette of remedies that included modern science, folk medicine and plain common sense. 译文:为了治疗患者,他运用了调色板方法,其中包括现代科技、民间药物和自己的直觉。


(4) to approve A. to abide by C. to have a positive opinion (5) obviate A. to violate C. to allow sb to do B. to comply with D. to come up with B. to remove a difficulty, to avoid D. to be apparent C. to obey a law (7) with respect to A. comply with C. conform to (8) to entertain a client A. to cater for 2.( 1-5)CBCBD (6-10)BCABA ) I 词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1. 该组有 10 个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行 解释。 请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语 规范。( 10 分) (1) to conclude A. to give one's place to each B. to end or judge after some consideration C. to explain D. to contain (2) to enforce A. to break or act against a law B. to cause a law or rule to be obeyed C. to prevent movement from happening D. to direct something into a particular place (3) to appoint A. to take back property B. to meet someone's needs C. to choose someone officially for a job D. to claim for something (6) to violate A. to break or act against a law, principle B. to beat or threaten someone D. to cause a rule to be obeyed. B. in relation to


湖北省高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲 课程名称:商务英语翻译课程代码:05355 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 商务英语翻译是湖北省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)的一门专业基础课。该课程实践性强,注重专业知识,以课文的英译汉为主要内容,配以翻译理论和互译技巧的讲解,将英语学习与商务专业知识、英汉翻译理论与商务方面的实际应用等有机结合。本课程具备科学性,典型性,实用性,并紧扣全国国际商务专业技术资格考试中的规定的相关内容,理论联系实际,针对性强。 二、课程目标及基本要求 本课程较全面的涉及到了商务英语活动的各方面,讲解相关内容的翻译方法与技巧,增强翻译技能,通过大量全真的英汉互译的实例训练以达到提高本专业学生在专业英语及商务知识方面的翻译能力的目的。 通过本课程的学习,使学生能够全面、灵活地运用各种翻译方法和技巧,准确、完整地对各种商务英语体裁的文章进行翻译,达到商务英语专业大学专科的要求。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 商务英语翻译课程的前期课程有综合英语(上)、商务英语听说、商务英语阅读、商务英语写作等课程,其后续课程是综合英语(下)、商务函电等课程,这些课程紧密联系,相辅相成。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第一单元 一、学习目的与要求 通过本单元的学习,使学生了解翻译的过程,翻译的形式及其目的;掌握《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的有关内容;对国际商务合同的术语翻译和解读。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)翻译中的词类转换;翻译的形式(重点) 理解:词类转换: 1.英语名词转化为汉语动词 1)动物名词的转化 2)人体名词的转换 3)自然现象名词的转化 4)地点名词的转化 2.英语名词转为为汉语形容词、副词 应用:翻译的形式 (1)直译literal translation (2)意译free translation (3)活译dynamic equivalence translation


英语专业八级翻译练习题(一) The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the "empty" time looking at things in solitary bliss. For him it proved to be a shock nearly as great as falling in love to discover that he could enjoy himself so much alone. 参考译文: 独自生活的报偿 前些日子,我的一个熟人,一位热爱交际并很受欢迎的男士告诉我,他在纽约的两个约会之间偶然有一两个小时的空闲,他便去了惠特尼博物馆,四处浏览着展品,无比幸福的度过了那些时光。发现自已独自一人,也能如此的幸福,他感觉像坠入爱河那般震惊。 英语专业八级翻译练习题(二) What had he been afraid of, I asked myself? That, suddenly alone, he would discover that he bored himself, or that there was, quite simply, no self there to meet? But having taken the plunge, he is now on the brink of adventure; he is about to be launched into his own inner space to the astronaut. His every perception will come to him with a new freshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original. 参考译文: “他一直在害怕什么呢?”,我问自已。怕突然一个人呆着会发现自已厌烦自己,或者怕会失去自我?但是有了这次偿试,他便要开始探险了。他就要发射到自已心的宇宙之中。他的所见所感对他来说将会是全新的,一度会新颖的让人惊奇。 英语专业八级翻译练习题(三) For anyone who can see things for himself with a naked eye becomes, for a moment or two, something of a genius. With another human being present vision becomes double vision, inevitably. We are busy wondering, what does my companion see or think of this, and what do I think of it? The original impact gets lost, or diffused 参考译文: 因此每个能用肉眼观看事物的人,一时之间便成为天才。身边有别人存在,一个看法便不可避免地变成了双重看法。我们急于知道周边人的看法,以及我对它是怎么看的?” 最初的印像消失了,或者变得模糊不清。 英语专业八级翻译练习题(四)


实用综合英语第一册复习题 Ⅰ、单选 1. USA Today is known as America’s newspaper and is _______ to all 50 states. A. contributed B. distributed C. attributed D. tributed 2. The aim of the newspaper is to ________ its readers ________ all the information they need to successfully run their businesses. A. supply… with B. supply… to C. supply… for D. supply… as 3. The New York Times is an American daily newspaper ________ in New York City. A. feature B. supply C. published D. distinguish 4. About half of the museums in the USA ____________ history. A. are divided to B. are divided in C. are devoted to D. are devoted in 5. Scientists believe they may have discovered the secret of why women ________ to live longer than men. A. intend B. intends C. tends D. tend 6. Mary is interested in politics and always ______________ the latest news. A. keep in touch with B. keep from C. keep up with D. keep on with 7. Many newspapers __________ advertisement support for their survival. A. depend on B. depend in C. rely in D. rely on 8. We found ______ difficult for us to describe the details. A. he B. this C. that D. it 9. Louise Brown, ______ in England, is the world’s first test tube baby. A. bear B. was born C. born D. bearing 10. People _____ in cities can enjoy more of modern life A. live B. living C. lived D. are living 11. Companies trying to sell and products know that product research plays a vital role in sales success. A. buy B. deliver C. promote D. collect 12. conducting a survey about people’s favorite foods, they formed a special team. A. For the purpose of B. From the purpose of C. In order to D. With a purpose of 13. Consider how your lifestyle would change if your income by 50-60%. A. go down B. take down C. went down D. took down 14. Our project is designed to provide students with an opportunity to earn additional income and experience in their area of interest.


试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语翻译出卷老师 ***** 试题号一二三四总分 得分 一请将下列合成词译成汉语:(1* 15=15) 1. free-spender 2. good--to—excellent care 3. office-bearer 4 . character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly. 6 knock-out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the-job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the-spot broadcasting 13 pension insurance

14 red-hot news 15 red-letter day 二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 2. I could knit when I was seven. 3. The day when he was born remains unknown. 4.We live and learn. 5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out. 三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10) 1.to and from here and there off and onup and down 2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours 3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul 4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end 5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home 四. 按要求用所学过的翻译技巧翻译下例句子:(3*5=15) 1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法) 2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法) 3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)

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