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Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine(完整)

Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine(完整)
Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine(完整)

Character Abbreviation:

[S=Scrapman] [Sc=Scrptcat] [E=Emma] [W=Winston] [P=Patch] [F=Fireman]

[CP=Chief Policeman] [L=the Little Boy] [C=Crowd of People] [D=Mowing Machine Driver] [N=Narrator]

Chapter One

N: It is a bright sunny day. And Winston just ate the breakfast.

W: Hello! I’m Winston, the owner of the scrapyard. Look! Here’s my Robot “Scrapman”. Say “Hello”to every one.

S: Hel-low

W: OK! Go and check my Flying Machine.

(Scrapman go to the Flying Machine.)

W: (Look at scrapcat) Come on! Look! This is my cat “Scrapcat”. Say “Hello” to every one.

Sc: Arf ,Arf!

W: Oh! There must be something wrong with you. Let me check where the problem is.

(Winston mends the Scrapcat)

S: (Walk to Wiston) Food! (Give a Cat Food to Winston)

W: Yuk! That’s a cat food! I can’t eat that! Don’t you see I’m busy! (Give food to Scrapcat)

Sc: (Burp)

W: (Finish mending Scrapcat) Ok! Say “Hello” again.

Sc: Miaow!

W: Good! Go and play with your friend Patch.

(Scrapcat run to play with Patch) (Scrapman push the Flying Machine forward to the stage.

[End] For about 40 to 50 seconds]

Chapter Two

N:At last,the day came for the first test flight.Winston had cleared a runway through the scrap-yard. W:Wait and see!(清理场地,测量风向)


E:If the incredible flying machine takes off,we’ll have a picnic.

W:Open the doors.Start well back.(proudly)


C:Oh! (clap)

W:Welcome!(wave the hand)

C:Oh!Will it tke off? I think so.(clap)



W:Stop!You can’t come with me,Scrapman.You’re too big.The machine could never get off the ground with you in it.’

S:Od ear.


W(检查)Everything has been OK!Chocks away!



N:The machine reached the first field.It was going very fast indeed,but it didn’t take off.It reached the second field going faster still and it got to the very end of that……(停顿)But it still didn’t take off.

S:Od ear.(W停下,E放木头)

W:I need your help.This Time I want you to get behind and push.The machine has to go much faster before it can get off the ground.


W:Chochs away!


L:Oh,take off!(挥袜子)

N:It was going so fast ,it left S crapman behind.But it still didn’t take off.(S跪下,W欢呼)

C:Oh,no!What’s the matter?


W 叹气W:The machine probably needed a good oiling before it coul fly.

E拉S,‘Scrapman,you should try to learn to read’

Chapter Three

N:That night,Winston finished work on the flying machine.

W:Scrapman,my old lad,it may never take off from the ground.But it’s a fine machine all the same.(擦手)


N:The next morning,Scrapman woke up and wondered where he was.



S:O volly good,(Sc上前)Get down,Scrapcat.Cats don't fly.(S检查飞行器)Chocks away!(SC推开木头,偷偷上去)

N:they were going so fast that you couldn’t see them.They were just a blur.At last they were in the air. (群众中选三个人,一个当牛,一个当乌鸦,一个当羊。不必出现,但要模仿声音,顺序为牛-乌鸦-羊)




Chapter Four

W:(换好衣服上场)What’s that.Oh,it is the flying machine.And-no-yes-that was Scrapman flying https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b74397031.html,e down,Scrapman!(挥手)

这时,E上场,带上道具,装作刷牙,最好有白沫,突然停止,大叫,‘Come down,Scrapman!’(挥手)Patch喵喵叫。此时W和人群上场,若有所语

E:Oh,Winston,there is something wrong!Scrapman was……(向W跑去,见到人群停下来。)What are we going to do?

W:I don’t know.(S一直绕着飞)

CP:You’ll have to get him down.We can’t have flying machines buzzing around the sky.It’s not safe.(用手遮着额头,愁眉苦脸)

W :But how?He’s too high up to hear me.

Fireman(进场,最好有背景音乐):Mabe youcantry to climbed up to the top.(W望一眼,有些害怕,F用手做出请的动作)


W:Co-come down,Scrapman!


SC:Get it down!

Chapter Five

CP:We must follow him. 回头上车(准备改造三辆车,1、消防车2、警车3、货车)


S:Od ear,Od ear,how to get it down?(手打颤,摇动)

E:Poor Scrapman.He looks scared.I don’t think he knows how to come down.

W:But it’s simple.He only has to slow down and the machine will come down.All he needs is a big open field to land in.






W(上前)Well,well,well.I don't think the flying machine would ever get off the groud.

S:I dun no how it ever got down.

W:Well done,my ole lad.So who taught you to read?


W:In that case.I think Emma should be very first person to go up with you in the flying machine.Just once,mind.Very carefully,round the church and back again.




商务英语阅读(第二版)-王关富-UnitThe-Incredible-Shrinki ng-Europe-课后答案


Unit 4 The Incredible Shrinking Europe Exercises 1. Answers to the questions on the text: 1) What was the dream that the Europhiles were familiar with? Their dream was to make E.U. a newly emboldened world power stepping up to calm trouble spots, using aid and persuasion where it could, but prepared to send in troops when it had to. 2) Why does the passage say that Europe is a remarkably good place to live? Because Europe is more stable, safe, green and culturally diverse than most parts of the world and a quality life can be guaranteed in E.U. states. 3) Does the good life at home make Europe strong abroad ? Why? No, a good life at home doesn’t mean a strong Europe abroad. Because the E.U. may have all the soft-power credentials in the world, but on the grand stage it has lacked the weight and influence of others on some big issues. 4) What do Critics think of the selection of Herman Van Rompuy and Catherine Ashton as Europe's President and Foreign Minister? They consider the selection as symbolic of a lack of vision and it means the grouping will have to reconcile itself to five years of underperformance. 5) What can be listed as E.U.’s achievements in the years around 1980s according to the passage? By extending an area of peace and liberal government to the east, the E.U. has done much to calm a part of the world that not long ago was the cockpit for murderous rivalries. 6) In what way can Europe realize its own dreams and those of others according to the passage? It has to act as a true single bloc and win others to its side. 7) Why does the German government face enormous domestic challenges in admitting its forces in Afghanistan are there to fight, not to be humanitarian workers in uniform ? Because one of modern Europe's most cherished convictions is that the force of arms rarely settles political disputes for long and European public opinion in the 20th century seems unwilling to commit to the war in Afghanistan for the long haul. 8) What roles did Germany play in Europe in the 20th century? For the last half of the 20th century, Germany was at the heart of the European experiment. But since the end of the Cold War, it has stepped back from the E.U. and begun strengthening ties with Russia. 9 What are the advantages for E.U. to be chosen as the White House’s partner?


一.表主动和被动的不同。 有些由动词词根派生而来的形容词与该形容词所修饰的词之间存在这逻辑上的主动或被动关系,其中以-able,-ible,和-ed后缀结尾的形容词往往含有被动意味,而以-ful,-ous,或-tive结尾的往往含有主动意味。 1.respectful与respectable(respecting,respective) respectful意思是“恭敬的,尊敬人的”,有主动性的“尊敬 他人”之意。例如:the children were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups.孩子们彬彬有礼,尊敬大人。 Respectable是“可敬的,值得尊敬的”的意思,表示“还过 得去”,为一般性的赞语,含被动意味。例如: It’s not respectable to get drunk in the street.在大街上 喝的醉醺醺的是有失体统的。 Respecting常用作介词,表示“关于,,,,在,,,方面”之意。 例如: Problems respecting air pollution in cities should be considered seriously.关于城市空气污染问题应给与认真考虑。 Respective表示“各自的,分别的”的意思。 Go to your respective places.各就各位。 2.imaginative 与imaginable(imaginary) imaginative 意思是“富于想象力的”,和他所修饰的人之间 含有主动的关系。例如: teachers like imaginative children.老师喜欢富有想象力的

cir4超脑词汇(很有趣的记忆单词方法哦) 17第十七课

第十七课 1. agent [记忆方法] age年龄 年纪大了有事情就要找人“代理”。 agency代理处 2. ambassador [记忆方法] embassy大使馆 ambassadress大使夫人 3. annoy [记忆方法] disturb(中途打断)=interrupt annoy被打扰得恼怒 4. appeal [记忆方法] ap一再;peal隆隆之声 5. application [记忆方法] apply申请 applicant申请人 6. appoint [记忆方法] point指;ap一再 disappoint失望 7. appropriate [记忆方法] ap一再;pro一再;pri一再;ate吃 一再地把东西提前吃透了就是“合适的、适当的”。 8. approximate [记忆方法] proximate近似;ap一再 一再的近似就是“大约的”。 9. astonish [记忆方法] a一个;ston stone;ish fish 吃鱼的时候吃到一颗石头会感到“惊讶”。 10. bacteria [记忆方法] bect酒桶;teria(可以吃的)材料 酒桶中有可吃的材料时会产生“细菌”。 11. baggage [记忆方法] handbag手提袋 手提袋大到一定的标准就变成“行李”了。 12. barrier [记忆方法] bar酒吧;rier河流 河流是酒吧的“阻碍”。 barrel双筒猎枪 13. bitter [记忆方法] bit一点 14. bolt [记忆方法] 音:抱它 “螺栓”抱“螺母”。 15. brake [记忆方法] b不;rake耙子 16. breath [记忆方法] 呼吸 17. breed [记忆方法] bleed blood血 动物“繁殖”时会大量流血的。 18. brighten [记忆方法] bright明亮;en v标志 19. cable [记忆方法] ca开;able能 能够解开的绳子是“粗绳子”。 20. cassette [记忆方法] 音:开塞它 “磁带盒”是要把它打开然后把“磁带”塞进去的东西。 21. centigrade [记忆方法] cent百分之一;grade度 22. claim [记忆方法] aim目标 23. clause [记忆方法] cause原因 因为有原因才会定出一一些的“法律条款”。 24. clay [记忆方法] play玩


本周手机降价排行TOP4:HTC G11 HTC Incredible S是HTC Incredible的升级版本,除了性能的提升还增加了对GSM网络的支持。外观设计方面,HTC Incredible S与传统的HTC机型一样,机身四角以及边缘运用了大量弧线设计,其表面经过特殊工艺处理,摸上去有海绵质感,可以防止指纹的沾染。而最具看点的是,该机在设计上十分轻薄,仅仅是11.7mm的厚度也非常方便携带。而该机配备的是一块1450毫安锂电池,续航能力还是十分不错的。 转播到腾讯微博 HTC Incredible S 转播到腾讯微博

HTC Incredible S 配置方面,HTC Incredible S搭载了Android 2.2能系统,采用HTC Sense 3.0界面,配合1GHz主频Qualcomm MSM8255处理器,以及768MB RAM加1.1GBROM 的内存配置,整机运行十分流畅,界面也相当华丽。该机还带有两个摄像头,一个是机身正面的130万像素副摄像头,可满足用户视屏通话需求。另一个则是配置在机身背面上的800万像素主摄像头,搭配有双LED补光灯,可以满足用户日常的拍摄需求。同时配备了3.5mm的耳机接口,蓝牙,WIFI,GPS,电子罗盘等功能一应俱全。 HTC(宏达)G11 Incredible S [参考价格] 2699元(改版机) 本周手机降价排行TOP3:苹果iPhone4 排在本周手机降价排行第三位的是港行的苹果iPhone4。和其他版本的相比之前的几代,苹果iPhone4在外型上发生了较大改变,其取消了之前的弧形设计并变得更加棱角分明,而整体设计中又重新加入了久违的金属元素,令人欣喜不已。值得一提的是iPhone 4的金属材质边框将被用作手机接收各种信号的天线,这一设计可谓史无前例。当然,除外形外,iPhone 4还在软硬件方面进行了大量的升级。 转播到腾讯微博


1 release 表示“使(新唱片或唱片)上映或发行”如:release a film,book, record 意为“发行影片,书,唱片” renew 意为“重新开始(某行动,动作)”如:renew an attack 再次发起进攻 relieve 一般指“减轻(痛苦,焦虑或困扰) rehearse 意为“排练,预演“名词为 rehearsal 2 suspense 意为“悬念(或焦虑不安)状态keep sb in suspense 表示“使某人处于紧 张的等待状态,使某人牵肠挂肚。” E.g: The competitor in the beauty contest were kept in suspense waiting for the result. suspend 作动词表“暂定,暂缓”强调暂时的终止 suspension 是 suspend 的名词 suspenders= braces 意为“背带,吊带裤。” 3 stamp 跺脚,用力踩 stack 堆起,堆放 stake 把(金钱)押下打赌 4 ascribe ascribe sth to sb “认为...是...写的(或做的)“ E.g: This song is often ascribed to Bach. Ascribe sth to sth 表示“把...归因于...“相当于常用的”attribute...to...” E.g: He ascribed his success to his luck. subcribe to 意为“订阅(杂志,报纸,书刊等)“ prescribe sb sth 或 prescribe sth to sb 意为“给...开药,开处方。“ 5 aggravate “使......加重(加剧,恶化,更坏)“相当于exacerbate E.g: Somking aggravates a cold. aggregate 表示“聚集成群” agitate 表示“使人焦虑不安” agonize 表示“(在考虑一件事或做出一项决定前)焦虑,忧虑,苦恼“ 6 confine confine sb to sth 意为“把....局限于“”把...限制于“ E.g: He confines himself to two cigarettes every day. define “给(词或概念)下定义。“ fine “提炼,精炼“, E..g: Oil has to be refined before it can be uesed. fine “处某人以罚款“ fine sb for sth/doing sth. 7 ratify 是一个正式的词,表示“批准(协定等),签署批准书面协议)” E.g: over 100 countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of nuclear weapons. rectify 意为“改正”一般指改正错误。 E.g : rectify a mistakes in a bill. certify 意为“证明...无误(真实)“ verify 意为“证实,核实,确认。“ 8 restain restrain ab from sth/doing sth 意为“克制,抑制” E.g: The police restrained the crowd from rushing on to the pitch. retain 意为“保留,保持“ restrict 通常与to 搭配 restrict sn to sth 表示“限制,约束“的意思 9 spill “由于不小心使液体溢出,泼出,检出” E.g: Make sure the water doesn’t spill over the floor. split 意为“分开,裂开” spin “快速旋转”

典范英语8-18Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine废铁人与神奇飞行器

典范英语8-18Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine废铁人与神奇飞行器 第一章 废铁人是一个机械人,他和Winston一起居住,他拥有一个废弃物品场。废铁人是用零碎部件做成的,是Winston从破旧机器上拆下来的。 他的大脑是用一个电子记事簿做成的,因为它老是出故障,有人扔掉了。 它仍在出故障,但是现在废铁人因它出故障。 “oh,亲爱的,”废铁人说。 Winston工作的得很晚了。太晚了,他在棚屋用煤气炉加热他的晚餐。 废铁人给他打开一听罐头烤豆,至少他认为它是一听罐头烤豆。 “很好的烤豆,”废铁人说。 “我不吃那个,”Winston说,声音有气无力地。“你能读出标签上的说明吗? 废铁人晃着头,他不擅长阅读,他只能读出他的名字和一点儿非常简单的单词,但他读不了猫罐头上的说明。 废铁猫正在工作台下看着。 他不吃任何猫食,因为他是一个机械猫,他靠电池工作,不是猫食。 废铁人走过去坐在角落里,他感到非常难过,他希望他能像Emma一样阅读。Emma是他特殊的朋友。她在教他像人类一样交谈。她有一本关于机器人奇妙故事的图画书。有像他一样的机器人,但他们能做神奇的事情。 他们能驾驶火箭,在月球上行走,从火灾、洪水、地震中救人。废铁人喜欢看那些图片,但他不得不等待直到Emma过来讲故事的内容。

废铁猫看到废铁人难过,于是他走过来坐在他旁边。 Winston打开一听正儿八百的烤豆,他把那听猫食放进垃圾筒里。趁他不注意的时候,废铁人把它取出来。 他拿出它是为了款待派奇的。派奇是艾玛的猫。当艾玛上学时,它喜欢来和废铁猫玩儿。当温斯顿和废铁人忙碌时,它从窗户爬进来。 然后,它给废铁猫展示怎么做一些对猫来说有用的事情,像追逐线绳和工作台下藏着的东西。 现在,你可能奇怪温斯顿和废铁人为什么那么忙。他们正在为温斯顿不可思义的发明而昼夜不停地工作。 它是一个不需要汽油就可以飞行的神奇的飞行器,它像自行车一样靠踏板驱动。就快完工了,还有一些螺母螺钉需要装上,就可以试飞了。 但是,最后一些螺母和螺丝去哪儿了? 第二章 最后,首次试飞的日子来临了,温斯顿清理出一条跑道通过废品场。 跑道通向一块空地,再往前,有另一块空地,因此,有大量空间供起飞用。 那天早晨,温斯顿脱下一只袜子,悬挂在一根杆子上测试风向。 是东风,平稳有力,刚好适合测试飞行。 艾玛带着帕奇早早到了,她带来了一顿特殊的野餐和一大瓶柠檬汽水准备试飞后庆祝一下,她发现温斯顿和废铁人在机器下忙碌着,进行最后一刻检查。废铁猫从废铁翻板门洞跑进跑出,报告最新的天气情况。 早晨十点,温斯顿说一切准备就续。 天空高处就要起风了,于是他在他的工装外面披了一件毛里子厚夹克,戴上


Chapter 1 Scrapman was a _____ man. He lived with Winston who owned a scrap-yard. Scrapman was made out of odds and ends that Winston had saved from old broken machines. His brain was made from a ______ ______ that someone had thrown away because it was always going wrong. Winston was working late. So late,that he was having his supper heated over a gas ring in the shed. Scrapman was opening a tin of _____ beans for him. At least he thought it was a tin of baked beans. ‘Volly od beans,'said Scrapman. ‘I can't eat that,'said Winston, in a tired kind of voice. ‘Can't you read what it says on the label?' Scrapman _____ _____ ______ . He wasn't very good at reading. He could read his name and a few really easy words but he could'nt read what it said on the cat food tin. Scrapcat was watching from under the workbench. He didn't eat cat food either becausehe was a mechanical cat and he ______ _____ _______ , not cat food. Scrapman went and sat in the corner. He felt very sad. He wished he could read like Emma. Emma was his special friend. She was teaching him to talk like _____ _____ _______ . She had a picture book with wonderful stories in it about robots. These were mechanical men like him but they could do amazing things. They could drive rockets and walk on the moon and save people from fires and floods and ____ . Scrapman loved looking at the pictures, but he had to wait until Emma came round to find out what the stories were about. Scrapcat saw that Scrapman was sad, so he went and sat beside him. Winston opened a ____________ tin of beans and he put the tin of cat food in looking, Scrapman took it out. He'd bought it _____ ______ ______ _______ Patch. Patch was Emma's cat. He liked to come and play with Scrapcat while Emma was at school. He'd climb in though the window when Winston and Scrapman were busy. Then he'd show Scrapcat how to do useful cat things,like chasing pieces of and hiding things under the workbench. Now, you may be wondering why Winston and Scrapman were so busy. They were working _________ ______ ______ on Winston's incredible invention. It was a wonderful flying machine that didn't need _______ to make it fly. It was worked by pedals like a bicycle. It was almost finished. Just a few more nuts and bolts to fix and it would be ready for a test flight. But where had those last few nuts and bolts gone?


【老外常说的10个形容词】1.great 太棒了;太好了 2.amazing: 使人十分惊讶的 3.awesome: 极好的;很棒的 4.incredible 难以置信的;惊人的 5.cool: 好;帅;酷; 6.cute: 可爱的;逗人喜爱的 7.excellent: 优秀的; 8.wonderful: 极好的,绝妙的 9.fabulous: 极妙的 10.fantastic: 极出色的 【三国人物的英文名】 Sheldon:夏侯惇 Wayne:魏延 John:张颌 Susan:孙尚香 Marshall:马超 David:典韦 Pond:庞德 Josh:贾诩 Russell:鲁肃

Charlie:张辽 Cunning:甘宁 Raymond:吕蒙 Rachel:文丑 Jeff:张飞 Chocolate:诸葛亮Summary:司马懿 Water:华佗 Major:马忠 Joey:周瑜 Gay:关羽 【电影styles】 1. romance movie 爱情片 2. detective movie 侦探片 3. action movie 动作片 4. musical 音乐片 5. thriller 恐怖片 6. comedy 喜剧片 7. serial movies 系列片 8. science fiction movie 科幻片war ~ 战争片; disaster ~ 灾难片;

science fiction 科幻片; suspense ~ 悬疑片; costume ~ 古装片; erotic ~ 情色片; documentary 纪录片; inspirational ~ 励志片; animation ~ 动画片 【美剧台词】 1.You are on deck. 下一个是你,请做好准备。 2.Get cracking. 开始吧。 3.Be a lamb. 乖~ 4.Stop talking like that. 别那样说话。 5. It's consistent with my personality. 我一直就这性格。 6. It might weird you out.你会很郁闷

小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Most Incredible Thing 最难使人相信的事情

The Most Incredible Thing 最难使人相信的事情 Whosoever could do the most incredible thing was to have the King's daughter and half of his kingdom. The young men, yes, and the old ones too, bent their heads, their muscles, and their hearts upon winning. To do what they thought was the most incredible thing, two ate themselves to death, and one died of overdrinking. Even the boys in the street practiced spitting on their own backs, which they supposed was the most incredible thing anyone could do. On a certain day there was to be an exhibition of things most incredible and everyone showed his best work. Judges were appointed, ranging from children of three to old men of ninety. It was a grand exposition of things out of the ordinary, but everybody promptly agreed that most incredible of all was a great hall clock - an extraordinary contraption, outside and in. When the clock struck, out came lifelike figures to tell the hour. There were twelve separate performances of these moving figures, with speaking and singing. People said that nothing so incredible had ever before been seen. The clock struck one, and there stood Moses on the mountain, writing in the tablets of the law the first great commandment: "There is only one true God." The clock struck two, and there were Adam and Eve, just as they first met in the Garden of Eden. Were ever two people so lucky! They didn't own so much as a clothes-closet, and they didn't need one. At the stroke of three the three Holy Kings appeared. One was as black as a coal, but he couldn't help that. The sun had blackened him. These kings brought incense and precious gifts. When the stroke of four sounded, the seasons advanced in their order. Spring carried a budding bough of beech, on which a cuckoo sang. Summer had for her sign a grasshopper on a ripening ear of wheat. Autumn had only an empty stork's nest, for the birds had flown away. Winter's tame crow perched on the corner of the stove, and told old tales of bygone days. At five o'clock there was a procession of the five senses. Sight was represented by a man who made spectacles. Hearing was a noisy coppersmith. Smell was a flower girl with violets for sale. Taste came dressed as a cook. Feeling was a mourner, with crape down to his heels. As the clock struck six, there sat a gambler, throwing dice for the highest cast of all, and they fell with the sixes up. Then came the seven days of the week, or they might be the seven deadly sins. People could not be sure which they were, for they were not easy to distinguish. Next came a choir of monks, to sing the eight o'clock evensong. At the stroke of nine, the nine muses appeared. One was an astronomer, one kept the books of history, and the others were connected with the theater. Ten o'clock struck, and Moses came forth again, this time with the tables in which were written all ten of God's commandments. When the clock struck again, boys and girls danced out. They played and sang this song: "All the way to heaven The clock struck eleven."


Amazing- incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary Anger- enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden Angry- mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamed Answer- reply, respond, retort, acknowledge Ask- question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz Awful- dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant Bad- evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrable Beautiful - pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparkling Begin - start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate Big - enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainous Brave - courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome Break - fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize Bright - shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent, intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual Calm - quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof

cir4超脑词汇(很有趣的记忆单词方法哦) 16第十六课

第十六课 1. humble [记忆方法] 音:汉堡 在国外吃汉堡的人是地位比较“低下的、卑贱的”人。 2. idle [记忆方法] i音:哎; dle音:得了 3. incredible [记忆方法] credible可相信的 4. information [记忆方法] inform通知 information消息(不可数) A all information B all of information 选A 5. inherit [记忆方法] in在……里; it可以代替钻石; her她的 钻石在她的“遗产”之中。 6. interfere [记忆方法] inter在……中; fere情侣 7. lag [记忆方法] leg腿 lag behind 落后 8. length [记忆方法] long长的 9. manufacture [记忆方法] man男人; u你; facture工厂 男人在工厂里“生产”制造。 10. masterpiece[记忆方法] master大师; piece量词:片 大师的一片纸就是“杰作”。 11. maximum [记忆方法] minimum最大值 12. mechanics [记忆方法] mechan(前缀)机械; ics学科 mechanic机械师 mechanical机械学的 13. medium [记忆方法] media传媒、媒介 14. miserable [记忆方法] misery悲惨 mis miss; ery cry 《The word of misery》悲惨世界 15. mood [记忆方法] moon月亮 be in good/bad mood 在好/坏心情下 16. nail [记忆方法] tail 尾巴 finger nail手指甲 finger toe 脚指甲 凡是有爪子的东西爪子上都有“指甲”。 17. necessity [记忆方法] necessary必要的 18. noble [记忆方法] able能; no不 能吃不干的人是“贵族”。


考研英语近义近形词辨 析(一) 1. adapt 适应 adopt 收养 2. alive 活着的 living 活的,起作用的 lively 活泼的 live 直播(节目) 3. alone 单独的,孤独的 lonely 寂寞的,(地方)偏僻的 4. attribute 归结与 contribute 贡献 distribute 分发 tribute 贡品,礼物 5. afford 供应得起 effort 努力 6. believe 相信 relieve 减轻 7.confirm 确定 confine 限制 confess 承认 confuse 使糊涂 refuse 拒绝 8. commit 犯(错误) submit 递交 permit 允许 admit 承认 omit 省略 9. cure 治愈 curve 使弯曲 curse 诅咒 10. considerate 考虑周到的 considerable 相当多的 considering 考虑到,顾及 11. clear 清楚的 clean 清洁的 12. definite 明确的 infinite 无限的 define 定义 13. different 不同的 indifferent 无关紧要的 14. disappoint 使失望 disapprove 不赞成15. deceive 欺骗 receive 收到16. expensive 昂贵的 experiment 实验17. ensure 保证 assure 担保 insure 给…保险18. expensive 昂贵的 expansive 易扩张的 extensive 广阔的 intensive 强烈的19. expense 费用 expansion 膨胀extension 扩充exposure 暴露 20. efficient 有效的 sufficient 充分的 effective 有效的21. harvest 收获 harness 马具 22. high 高的 highly 非常 23. imply 暗示 apply 应用 supply 提供 reply 答复 24. impose 强加 expose 揭露 propose 计划 suppose 假设 25. inspect 检查 expect 期待 respect 尊敬 suspect 怀疑 26. include 包含 conclude 结束 27. infect 传染 effect 结果 affect 影响 28.inquire 询问require 需要acquire 获得 29.interfere 干涉

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