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现代西班牙语阅读理解训练 (35)

现代西班牙语阅读理解训练 (35)
现代西班牙语阅读理解训练 (35)

C'est le matin.

Une petite fille s'en va à l'école. ?Hou - hou, dit le vent,

je t'attends.?

Il attrape son chapeau

et il l'emporte très haut, toujours plus haut dans le ciel.

?Arrête, crie la petite fille, reviens, reviens!?

Mais le chapeau ne peut pas s'arrêter. Il monte de plus en plus haut,

au-dessus des maisons.

?Au revoir, au revoir?

dit le chapeau à la petite fille.

Ce matin-là,

un petit gar?on

s'en va aussi à l'école.

?Hou - hou, dit le vent,

je t'attends.?

Il attrape le ballon

et il l'emporte très haut, toujours plus haut dans le ciel,

?Arrête, crie le petit gar?on, reviens, reviens ! ?

Mais le ballon ne peut pas s'arrêter. Il monte de plus en plus haut,

au-dessus des maisons.

?Au revoir, au revoir? dit le ballon.

A ce moment-là

passe une dame qui

va faire ses courses.

?Hou - hou, dit le vent

je vous attends.?

Il attrape son parapluie

et il l'emporte très haut, toujours plus haut dans le ciel

?Arrête, crie la dame,

reviens, reviens!?

Mais le parapluie ne peut pas s'arrêter. Il monte de plus en plus haut,

au-dessus des maisons.

?Au revoir, au revoir? fait le parapluie.

Un monsieur arrive

qui veut attendre l'autobus. ? Hou — hou, dit le vent, je vous attends.?

Il attrape son journal

et il l'emporte très haut, toujours plus haut

dans le ciel.

?Arrête, crie le monsieur, reviens, reviens ! ?

Mais le journal ne peut pas s'arrêter. Il monte de plus en plus haut,

au-dessus des maisons.

?Au revoir, au revoir? fait le journal,

Là-haut dans le ciel,

le chapeau, le ballon,

le parapluie et le journal s'amusent bien.

Ils font la course

au-dessus des maisons.

Et puis, soudain,

le vent en a assez,

il s'arrête et tout s'arrête.

Doucement, le chapeau,

le ballon, le parapluie

et le journal redescendent.

?Oh ! on vous attendait!? crient la petite fille et le petit gar?on,

la dame et le monsieur.

La petite fille ramasse son chapeau, le remet

et dit:

?Je suis très en retard,

ne t'envoie plus,

s'il te pla?t.?

Le petit gar?on ramasse son ballon, il le serre fort

et dit:

?Je suis très en retard,

ne t'envoie plus,

s'il te pla?t.?

La dame ramasse son parapluie, le met sous son bras

et dit:

?Je suis très en retard,

ne t'envoie plus,

s'il te pla?t.?

Le monsieur ramasse son journal, le plie, le met sous son bras

et dit:

?Je suis très en retard,

ne t'envoie plus,

s'il te pla?t.?

La petite fille

et le petit gar?on partent à l'école. La dame va faire ses courses

et le monsieur va attendre l'autobus.


四年级英语阅读理解20篇 姓名: 1、My name is Billy . I’m a boy . I am eleven . I’m in China now . My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher . I like Chinese food , but my parents (父母亲) don’t . They like bread . I have a nice room . There’s a bed , a desk and a chair in it . There’re many books on the desk . I like books . I often (经常)read books in the evening . ( )1. Billy is ________. A. a boy B. eleven C. in China D. A,B and C ( )2. Billy’s father is ________. A. a teacher B. a doctor C. Chinese D. a worker ( )3. Billy likes ________. A. Chinese B. Chinese food C. bread D. English ( )4. Billy has a ________ room . A. nice B. big C. small D. good ( )5. Billy often reads books ________. A. at home B. after class C. in the evening D. at school 2、阅读下面对话,判断句子,正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F” 。 My name is Tom. I’m a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. It’s very bright. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. There’s a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much. ()1. Tom’s school is very big and beautiful. ()2. Tom’s classroom is very bright. ()3. There’s a computer in the classroom. ()4.There are twenty-four girls in Tom’s class. ()5. The big library is for the teachers.


小学英语阅读理解试题 学校_________________ 一.短文填空:(根据短文的意思,在所给的词中选择合适的填在相应的空格中,使短文完整,每格一词。(10分) (apples , Winter , summer, rains , plant , ski , snowman , in , cold ,often , swim , cool , Sometimes ) I love summer. It’s very hot in _________ . I can _______ in the se a. Spring is beautiful. But it often ________ . It’s hard to _______ flowers in the rain. In fall, I can pick _______ . I can eat a lot. ________ comes. It’s very ________ . ___________ it snows. I can ________ and make a __________. 二.补全对话:根据上下文的意思选择适当的句子,将其编号填在下面对话的横线上。(10分) A.What’s the date today? B. Do you like winter? C. When is your birthday? D.What’s the weather like in fall? E.What’s the date ? F. Do you like fall? Mike: __________________________________? Chen:My birthday is in September . Mike: ___________________________________? Chen: It’s September 11th . Mike: __________________________________? Chen: Yes, my birthday is in fall . Mike: ____________________________________ ? Chen: It’s windy and cool . Mike: ___________________________________ ? Chen: Yes , I like fall. But my favourite season is summer 三.阅读理解:根据上下文意思选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分) Amy:When do you get up? Mike: I get up at 6:40. I get up early because I have breakfast at home. Amy: What about weekends? Mike:Oh, I get up at 9:00 .


四年级阅读理解专项训练(含答案)姓名:__________________ 等 级:__________________ (一)给一个鼓励的眼神 三个孩子在赛跑中倒地,三位母亲的反应却迥异:一个身体力行,拖着孩子跑;一个破口大骂,不顾这是赛场;第三个,则为孩子送去了鼓励的目光。 最终,三个孩子都跑到了终点。 故事的结局是美好的。但我们不妨揣测一下三个孩子的心情:第一个孩子,体力消耗不大,顺利到达终点,想必心中暗喜;第二个孩子,挨了母亲一顿批评,肯定委屈不已;第三个孩子,虽已大汗淋漓,却实实在在体会到了成功的喜悦。 看来,故事仍未结局,三位母亲的不同的教育态度所造成的影响还深得很呢。 人的一生中,总会有跌倒的时候,但母亲的手能伴你终生吗?这时,我们需要独立的人格,坚强的意志,而这些却都是从小培养起来的品性。于是,我们向母亲发出恳切的请求:跌倒时,请给我们一个鼓励的眼神吧! 我们不需要手,那会助长惰性的依赖;我们不想要指责,那会打击稚嫩的心灵;我们只需要一个鼓励的眼神,给我们一个鼓励的眼神就够了。从母亲的眼神里,我们能读到坚强,悟到独立,感受到母亲的爱意。期间,或许会多一分肉体的苦楚,但,生命的旅程中,也许会少一些障碍。 有这样一则故事,小溪问母亲怎样才能成为瀑布。母亲说,当你到达悬崖的尽头就会明白。小溪告别了母亲,在山间匍匐前行。历尽艰辛,小溪终于攀上悬崖,奋力向前一扑,生命终于放出了异彩。 或许,我们现在正如小溪,力量不算强大,阅历也不够丰富,但我们已知道航向和终点,剩下的就是帆起浆落战胜风暴的努力了。桃花心木是一种上等木料,然而养它的人却故意将它放到野外种植。只是因为,不确定的环境,能让它学会坚强健康地成长。 双脚磨破,就让夕阳涂抹小路;双手划破,就让荆棘变成杜鹃。在母亲期盼的眼神注视下,我们定能直挂云帆济沧海!


Unidad 1 Texto I. 第一部分 ?Cómo te llamas? 你叫什么名字? Ana: Hola, buenos días. 你好,早上好。 Paco: Buenos días. Yo soy Paco. Y tú, ?cómo te llamas? 早上好。我是巴科。你呢?你叫什么名字? Ana: Yo me llamo Ana. Ellos son mis amigos, ella se llama Susana y él se llama Tomás. 我叫安娜。他们是我的朋友们,她叫苏珊娜,他叫托马斯。 Paco: ?Son ustedes espa?oles? 您们是西班牙人吗? Ana: Yo soy espa?ola. Susana es cubana y Tomás, chileno. 我是西班牙人。苏珊娜是古巴人,托马斯是智利人。 Paco: Encantado de conocerlos. 很高兴认识您们。 Ana: Mucho gusto. ?Es usted profesor? 很高兴认识您。您是老师吗? Paco: Sí. soy profesor de chino. 是的,我是中文老师。 Ana: Ah. usted es nuestro profesor de chino. Entonces, somos sus alumnos. 哦,您是我们的中文老师。那么,我们就是您的学生。 TEXTO II. 第二部分 ?Quién es el chico?

那个小伙子是谁? Ana y Li Meilan son amigas. Ana es mexicana y Li Meilan es china. Las dos son estudiantes. 安娜和李美兰是朋友。安娜是墨西哥人,李美兰是中国人。她们俩都是学生。 Ana: Meilan, ?eres amiga de esos jóvenes? 美兰,你是那些年轻人的朋友吗? Li: Sí, soy amiga de ellos. 是的,我是他们的朋友。 Ana: ?Quién es ese chico? ?Se llama Manolo? 那个小伙子是谁?他是叫马诺罗吗? Li: Sí, él se llama Manolo. 是的,他叫马诺罗。 Ana: ?Es cubano? 他是古巴人吗? Li: No. no es cubano. Es paname?o. 不是,他不是古巴人。他是巴拿马人。 Ana: ?No se llama Elena esa chica? 那个女孩是叫艾琳娜吗? Li: No, no se llama Elena. Ella es Susana. 不是,她不叫艾琳娜。她是苏珊娜。 Ana: ?Son novios? 他们是男女朋友吗? Li: ?Quiénes? ?Elena y Manolo? ?Qué va! Solo son amigos. 谁们?艾琳娜和马诺罗?什么呀!他们只是普通朋友。


六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 (共16篇) 目录 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案3 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案4 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案5 (5) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案6 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案7 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案8 (9) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案9 (10) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案10 (11) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案11 (12) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案12 (13) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案13 (14) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案14 (15) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案15 (16) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案16 (17) 六年级英语阅读理解题答案汇总1——16 (19)

There are forty-two students in our class . There are also two American boys . They are Jack and Mike . They are our good friends . They like watching TV ,but they don’t like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike . And I often go to school on foot . There is one English girl in our class . Her name is Lucy . She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming . She usually does her homework in the evening . She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons . She is my good friend . All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneers . 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class . ( ) 2. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class . ( ) 3. Jack and Mike are our good friends . ( ) 4. Jack and Mike like playing basketball . ( ) 5. Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons . 【答案】TFTFF


小学英语阅读理解题(1) 1. One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the car’s number and they are frozen there. It isn’t their car. ( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drive for ___________. A. fishing B. shopping C. business ( ) 2. They stop their car _________. A. at the parking spot B. near the sea C. near the store ( ) 3. They want to put the things _______. A. in a big bag B. in their car C. in other’s car ( ) 4. Mr. White can’t open the car, so __________. A. they walk home B. they ask a policeman to help C. they call a taxi 2.Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown. ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife. A. a city B. a small town C. a big town ( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office. A. four B. five C. six ( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays. A. free B. busy C. happy ( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays. A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden ( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers. A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps


阅读理解专题训练与答案 A Picture Show There are 12,000 pictures on show here. You can see the whole Chinese history! Place: City Museum Price: ¥30 Time: 9:00 -5:00 Monday-Friday Films at the Museum There are two European(欧洲的) films on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 2:30. The Workers is at 4:45. For more information, call 84987898. International Picnic Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”? “The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert(音乐会) this Saturday night, at 8 at Rose Hall, City College.


现代西班牙语第一册 课后习题答案 第一课: II. 1.Paco es cubano. 2.Ana y Pepe son amigos. 3.Ella es Ana. 4.?Quien es él? 5.Son Ana y Ema amigas? Sí,ellas son amigas. 第二课: VII. 1.?Son ellos amigos de Ana? No,ellos no son anigos de Ana .Son amigos de Ema. 2.?Qué es Lucía? Es enfermera. 3.?Es usted hermana de Paco ? Sí,yo soy hermana de Paco. 4.?Quién es cantante? Lucía es cantante. 5.?Eres cocinero? No,no soy cocinero.Soy médico. 6.?Lucía y Ema son hermanas. VIII. 1.Ema es enfermera.Es esposa de manolo. 2.?Qué son ellos? Ellos son cocineros. 3.?Sois médicos? No,no somos médicos.Somos enfermeros. 这里也可以全用阴性的词. 4.Hola,?usted es ....? (?quién es usted?) Me llamo Zhang bin .Soy padre de zhang weinan.?Hola! 5.Estos dos son Paco y Li xin. Paco es chileno. Li xin es china. Ellos son amigos de Lucía.


小学六年级阅读理解 阅读理解一 My name is Tom. My birthday is June 2nd. The weather is sunny and hot. It’s my favourite season. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes we have a picnic. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me. 根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的在句子前面的括号里打“√”,不正确的打“×” ( )1.Tom’s birthday is on Children’s Day. ( )2.It’s warm and sunny in summer. ( )3. Today is June 1st. ( )4. Tom’s mother can make a birthday cake. ( )https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b85883462.html,ually there is a bi rthday party on Tom’s birthday. 阅读理解二 Look!This is a picture of Mr.Brown't family. The man in a biack coat is Mr.Brown.The woman near him is Mrs.Brown,The little girl in a red coat is Sue. The tall boy behind her is Jim,herbrother.The family is now in China.Tomorrow is Children's Day.MR brown wants to buy some presents for his children. Sue wants a new skirt,but Jim wants a new bike. How happy they are! 1.Whose picture is this? ____________________________________________. 2.Where's the family now? ____________________________________________.


初一英语阅读理解专项训练大全 (1)Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m Li Hong. I’m an English boy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. My English name is David Kim. I have three friends in my school. They are Jimmy Miller, May Cooper and Ann Green. They are all 15 years old. B ut I’m 14. Jimmy is English. He’s now in China. He’s in Class One with me.()1. It’s in the ____________. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night ()2. Li Hong’s family name is ____________. A. Hong B. Miller C. Kim D. David ()3. Li Hong is from ______________. A. English B. China C. England D. Chinese ()4. Li Hong has ________ friends. A. one B. two C. three D. four ()5. May Cooper is ________ years old and David Kim is _________ years old. A. 15,15 B. 15,14 C. 14,14 D. 14,15 ()6. _________ are in China, but ________ are in England. A. David and Jimmy, May and Ann B. David and May, Ann and Jimmy C. Jimmy and Ann, May and David D. Jimmy and May, Ann and David (2)Good morning, class. My name is Ma Ming. I’m your teacher. I’m fine. This is Jim Green. Jim Green is an English boy. This is Han Meimei. She comes from Wuhan. They are new students here. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) ()1. Ma Ming is a teacher. ()2. Jim Green is American. ()3. Jim Green is a new student. ()4. Han Meimei is an English teacher. ()5. Han Meimei’s last name is Meimei. (3)Hello, I am Daming. I’m a Chinese boy. I like reading and playing football. I can ride a bike, but I can’t swim. Can you? I like my school. I like English and Chinese. Now I can speak and write some English. There are 36 girls and 34 boys in my class. Jack and Lucy are my good friends.


课外阅读理解 1、阅读故事,并根据故事的内容回答下列问题。 Long ,long ago , the wind and the sun had a quarrel (争吵).The wind said he was stronger than the sun and the sun said he was stronger than the wind .Soon a man came along the road . "See that man ,I can make hom take off him coat ."said the wind .But the sun said " No , you can't , but last they both said ,"Let's try ." The wind said lie would try first .He blew and blew . The weather became cold . The man said ," It is very cold ."So he didn't take off his coat . At last the wind was tried and he said :"I can't make the man take off his coat ". Then the sun tried . He shone hotter and hotter . " It is warm now ",said the man ," I must take off my coat ." Then he takes off his coat . " See ! I 'm stronger than you ."said the sun to the wind . 1.Who had a quarrel one day ? _____________________________________________________________________ 2.Did the wind think he was stronger than the sun ? _____________________________________________________________________ 3.Did the weather became colder when the wind blew and blew ? _____________________________________________________________________ 4.What did the sun do to the man ? _____________________________________________________________________ 5.Who could make the man take off his coat ,the wind or the sun ? _____________________________________________________________________ 2、根据日记内容,用所给词的适当形式填空,并回答问题。 Friday , October 20 It was sunny today ,and everyone in my class ______ (be) busy .We went to the Guangming farm and worked with our teachers . We ________ (get) to the farm at about half past eight . Then we began _______ (work) hard there . All the girls


秋天的香山公园 秋天的香山公园,以它独特的美迎接着众多的游人。 走进公园大门,放眼望去,峰峦重叠,挺拔壮观。山上长满了各种树木,枝叶浓密,人走进去,便淹没在其中了。 最引人注目的是那漫山遍野的红叶。近看红叶的形状不一,有长圆扁圆、扇形,还有三角形的。远看,山坡上树树交错,叶叶相连,层层叠叠相互辉映,映红了半边天空。在大片大片的鲜红中央杂着深黄色、褐色……就像千万只彩蝶上下飞舞,真是姿态万千,绚丽多彩。一阵爽人的秋风吹过,传来柔和的“沙沙”声,枝摇叶摆,像是在向游人频频招手。 人们不由赞叹:“多美呀!香山的红叶。” 香山公园里潺潺的流水也很动人。小路旁,石缝里,溪水愉快地流淌着。阳光洒在水面上,闪着耀眼的光芒。有时,溪水聚在几块碎石中间,静静地躺着,小鱼儿在你追我赶地嬉戏。 再看,路旁的花坛里,花儿展开笑脸,争芳斗艳。一串连成片,鸡冠顶起了花冠。那品种繁多的

菊花,伸开了卷曲的花瓣;没有开放的花瓣紧缩着,像一个个彩球。不管是什么花,都散发出淡淡的清香。 美丽的香山公园,使游人流连忘返。 1.查字典。 “爽”用音序查字法应查音序,再查;用部首查字法应查部首,再查画。字典中的解释有:(1)明朗,清亮;(2)率直,痛快;(3)舒服;(4)违背。“爽人的秋风”中“爽”应取第种解释。 2.用“——”分别画出概括第3、4、5自然段意思的中心句。 3.读第3自然段,作者是从、、三方面描写红叶的。 4.第5自然段,写了、、三种花,是从、、三方面介绍的。 5这篇短文中,作者主要写了哪几种景物:,表现了作者。 6、用“﹏﹏”划出首尾照应的句子。

公园一角 最引人注目的是公园的一角。这里有一个圆形的喷水池,池中有一座别致的假山。池里的水清润(rùn)得宛如一块天然的翡(fěi)翠,平滑无暇,清澈见底。当微风拂过水面时,水面上就泛起层层鱼鳞般的波纹。池中的假山是由好几块奇石巧妙地堆成,很精巧。假山顶端喷出一股又细又高的水柱。那水柱喷出后,又斜落下来,成了一串银白的水珠,晶莹耀眼。微风吹过,犹如点点白梅撒在水面上,荡漾起一圈圈小小的涟漪(yī),飘散在空中,仿佛给假山披上一层轻纱,格外美丽。 池中有许多色彩斑(bān)斓(lán)的金鱼,它们互相嬉(xī)戏,好不自在。瞧,一条花尾金鱼刚浮到水面上,嗖的一下,转头又钻入水底下去了。看,又来一条,眼睛大大的,鼓鼓的,穿着黑色的晚礼服,好像是要去参加隆重的盛会。它昂着头,不停地摆动着尾巴,像是在炫耀自己:“瞧,我多漂亮!” 喷水池的周围,摆着一盆盆绽蕾吐艳的菊花。粉红色的花蕊嵌在金黄的花瓣中,在绿叶的映衬下


TEXTO I 第一部分 ?Cómo te llamas? 你叫什么名字? Ana:Hola,buenos días. 你好,早上好。 Paco:Buenos días.Yo soy Paco.Y tú,?cómo te llamas? 早上好。我是巴科。你呢?你叫什么名字? Ana:Yo me llamo Ana.Ellos son mis amigos,ella se llama Susana yél se llama Tomás.我叫安娜。他们是我的朋友们,她叫苏珊娜,他叫托马斯。 Paco:?Son ustedes espa?oles? 您们是西班牙人吗? Ana:Yo soy espa?ola.Susana es cubana y Tomás,chileno. 我是西班牙人。苏珊娜是古巴人,托马斯是智利人。 Paco:Encantado de conocerlos. 很高兴认识您们。 Ana:Mucho gusto.?Es usted profesor? 很高兴认识您。您是老师吗? Paco:Sí.soy profesor de chino. 是的,我是中文老师。 Ana:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b85883462.html,ted es nuestro profesor de chino.Entonces,somos sus alumnos. 哦,您是我们的中文老师。那么,我们就是您的学生。

TEXTO II. 第二部分 ?Quién es el chico? 那个小伙子是谁? Ana y Li Meilan son amigas.Ana es mexicana y Li Meilan es https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b85883462.html,s dos son estudiantes.安娜和李美兰是朋友。安娜是墨西哥人,李美兰是中国人。她们俩都是学生。Ana:Meilan,?eres amiga de esos jóvenes? 美兰,你是那些年轻人的朋友吗? Li:Sí,soy amiga de ellos. 是的,我是他们的朋友。 Ana:?Quién es ese chico??Se llama Manolo? 那个小伙子是谁?他是叫马诺罗吗? Li:Sí,él se llama Manolo. 是的,他叫马诺罗。 Ana:?Es cubano? 他是古巴人吗? Li:No.no es cubano.Es paname?o. 不是,他不是古巴人。他是巴拿马人。 Ana:?No se llama Elena esa chica? 那个女孩是叫艾琳娜吗?


(1) Jane is only four and doesn’t go to school. But she is very clever and learns a lot from her mother, Mrs John takes hr to a party .The guests all grandpa---an old teacher. One day ,Jane’s praise( 表扬) a rich woman’s boy. Mrs John asks him a few questions, bit all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑) at him. -a teacher to ask Jane some questions, but the The rich woman is angry. She tells her friend – 留下)if kill girl answers all. Then she asks, “There’re 3 birds on a tree , how many will be left( one?” calls out the rich woman. “ All of them will fly wrong !”  “ O ne ,”  answers Jane. “You’re away!” “ Do you think a dead bird can fly ?” asks the little girl. The guests begin to laugh and the woman’s face turns red. 1. Jane learns a lot from her_________. A. grandpa B. teacher C. grandma D . mother 2. How many teachers are there in the story? A . One B. Two C. Three D. Four 3. Who is clever? A. Mrs John B. The boy C. Jane D. The rich woman 4. Jane is a ______________. A. boy B. school boy C. girl D. school girl 5. Why is the rich woman angry with Jane? A. Jane laughs at her son. B. Jane is a girl. C. Her son can’t answer the questions. D. Jane answers all the questions. KEY ABCCA (2) My Family Is Very Poor A little boy comes to a new city. His name is Peter. Of course(当然),he lives with his mother and father. His family is very rich(富裕的). They have a driver and a lot of servants(仆人). 谦Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his parents say to him, “ Peter , be mode 虚的)at your new school. Don’t say we are rich. ” And Peter says , “Yes, Dad, mom.” So Peter goes to school. He sees his new teacher. And he sits down with the other children. 作文). The The teacher says,” Good morning, children. The first exercise today is a composition( So every child writes a composition. This is topic(题目)of the composition is ‘My f amily’.”  Peter’s composition: “ My name is Peter. My family is very poor(贫穷). Both my father and mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor. ”


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解Fill in the blanks. 根据短文内容填空。 In the night, there was one little egg laying(平躺)on the leaf. On Sunday morning, there was a tiny(微小的)and very hungry caterpillar(毛毛虫). He started to look for some food. He ate one apple, but he was still hungry. He ate two pears, but he was still hungry. He ate three plums(梅子), but he was still hungry. He ate four strawberries, but he was still hungry. He ate five oranges, but he was still hungry. He ate a lot of things, then he became a big and fat caterpillar. He was full and felt sleepy(困乏的). Then he became a beautiful butterfly. At first, there was a little ________ laying on the leaf, then he became a ________ and very hungry caterpillar. Then he became a ________ and ________ caterpillar. At last, he became a ________butterfly. 【答案】 egg;tiny;big;fat;beautiful 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍蝴蝶的成长过程。 (1)句意:期初,有一只小蛋平躺在树叶上。句中缺少单词egg,蛋,故答案为egg。(2)句意:然后他变成一个微笑的饥饿的毛毛虫。句中缺少单词tiny,微小的,故答案为tiny。 (3)句意:然后他变成又大又胖的毛毛虫。句中缺少单词big,大的,fat,胖的,故答案为big,fat。 (4)句意:最后他变成一只美丽的蝴蝶。句中缺少单词beautiful,美丽的,故答案为beautiful。 【点评】此题目要求快速阅读文章,把握内容、了解大意,然后细致阅读,抓住主要内容和细节,标出关键词,完成题目。 2.阅读理解根据短文内容判断句子正误 Hello, I'm Tom. My family had a good time last weekend. Let me tell you. I went to the nature park to see animals. I took many pictures of them. The animals were so cute. My mother did housework and cooked dinner at home. My father read some newspapers in the evening. We ate dinner and watched TV together. That was fun. What about you? What did you do last weekend?(1)om went to see animals last weekend. (2)Tom likes animals. (3)Tom's mom went shopping. (4)Tom's dad read some magazines. (5)Tom's family had a good time last weekend. 【答案】(1)1 (2)1 (3)0 (4)0

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