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Lesson Twelve

Section one:


Dialogue 1:

--Do you think you could stop whistling? 你觉得你能停止吹口哨吗?

I’m trying to write an essay.我正想写一篇文章。

--Oh,I’m sorry. I thought you were in the other room.哦,我很抱歉,我以为你在另一个房间里。

Dialogue 2:

--Is it alright if I leave my rucksack on the back seat? 我把背包放在后座上行吗?

--Yes of course. Go ahead. 是的,当然可以。放吧。

--And would you mind if I took off my shoes? 你介意我脱下我的鞋子吗?

My feet are killing me.我的两只脚真要我的命。

--Well, I’d rather you didn’t. 额,我希望你不要做。

It’s rather a hot day. 这是相当热的一天。

Dialogue 3:

--Hello,Charles, I haven’t seen you all day. 你好,查尔斯,我一整天都没见到你。What have you been doing? 你在做什么?

--Actually I’ve been working on my first novel. 其实,我一直在写我的第一部小说。--Oh,yes. How far have you got with it?哦,好吧。你小说进展如何?

--Well, I thought of a good title, 嗯,我想到了一个好题目,

and I made a list of characters,我做了一个角色列表,

and I’ve designed the front cover.并且我已经设计好了封面。

--Have you started writing it yet?你已经开始写了吗?

--Oh, I’ve written two pages already.哦,我已经写了两页了。

--Only two? 只有两页?

--Well, yes. I haven’t quite decided yet what happens next.-嗯,是的,我还没有决定下一步会发生什么。

Dialogue 4:

--I saw an accident yesterday. 昨天我看见一场事故。

--What were you doing at the time? 当时你在干什么?

--I was queuing for the cinema. 我在电影院排队。

--And what did you do when you saw the accident?当你看到这一事故时,你做了什么?

--I rushed forward to see if I could help.我冲上前去看我能否帮忙。

Dialogue 5:

--Hmm.You are a good squash player. 嗯,你是一个很好的板球选手。

How long have you been playing?你玩了多久了?

--I have been playing since the beginning of the last term. 从上学期开始我一直在玩。

What about you?你呢?

--Me?Oh,I’ve been playing about two years now.我?哦,我已经玩了两年了

—But I’m still not very good.但我玩的还是不太好。

Dialogue 6:

--I’ve got a watch with a silver strap.我有一个手表,银色的表带。

--That’s nothing. 那有什么。

I’ve got one with a gold strap.我有一个金表带。

--I’ve got a watch that tells you the date.我有一块手表,能显示日期。

--That’s nothing. 那有什么。

I’ve got one that tells you the date and the day. 我有一个手表,告诉你日期和星天。

B)Restaurant English

Dialogue 1:

Woman:Look at these glasses, this one’s even got lipstick on it 女人:.看这些杯子,这有一个上面甚至有口红。

Waiter:I’m very sorry, madam. 服务员:很抱歉,女士。

I’ll bring you clean ones right away.我马上给你换一个干净的。Dialogue 2:

Man:Head waiter,I want to have a word with you. 男:领班,我想和你说一句话。Head Waiter:Yes,sir.Is there something wrong, sir?领班服务员:是的,先生,有什么事,先生?

Man:Something wrong?I should think there is something wrong. 男人:有什么事,我认为有一些问题。

My wife and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hour for our meal!我和我的妻子一直在这儿等着吃饭,等了差不多一个小时!

Head Waiter:I’m terribly sorry about that, sir.服务员:我很抱歉,先生。

Our staff has been kept unusually busy this evening. 今天晚上我们的工作人员一直非常忙。

I’ll see to it personally myself.我亲自来处理吧。

Now,if you wouldn’t mind just telling me what you ordered. 现在,如果你不介意,请告诉我你要点的菜。

Dialogue 3:

Woman:This coffee is practically cold. 女人:这咖啡就是凉的。

Waiter:I am sorry, madam.服务员:对不起,女士。

I’ll bring you a fresh pot straight away.我会马上给你换一壶。

Section two:


This table shows the number of commuters into central London between 7.00 a.m.and 10.00 a.m.daily.此表显示在每天早上7点到10点之间进入伦敦市中心的乘客数。The total number is 1,023,000.Of these,405,000 travel by underground—that's 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Rail—that's 391,000 people daily. 总人数为102.3万人,其中40.5万人每天乘地铁, 占总数的29%, 另有28%的人每天乘坐英国铁路—那每天有39.1万人。

Ten per cent use both rail and underground,and ten per cent, 99,000 people, travel by bus. 同时使用铁路和地铁的占百分之十,另百分之十9.9万人乘公共汽车出门。That means a total of 788,000 people, 77%,on public transport. 这意味着共有78.8万人,占77%,乘坐公共交通工具。

One hundred and ninety-seven thousand come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle. 19.7万人开汽车出行,其余的骑摩托车或自行车出行。This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycle, and 19% by car. 这意味着4%的骑摩托车或自行车,19%的开汽车。


Mrs.Nicholas went away for a fortnight. 尼古拉斯太太离开了两个星期。

Before she went, she called in at the local police station and talked to the policeman on duty.在她走之前,她打电话到当地警察局和值班的警察交谈。

Mrs.Nicholas:I’m going away to the seaside for a few days and I’d like you to keep an eye on my home while I’m away.尼古拉斯夫人:我要去海边玩几天,我想你在我离开的时候能照看我的家。

Policeman:Certainly,Madam.What’s your name and address?警察:当然,夫人,你的名字和地址是什么?

Mrs. Nicholas: The name’s Nicholas, and the address is 14 Spring Vale.


Policeman: Thank you. You’ll lock all the doors, and make sure all the windows are shut, won’t you?


Mrs. Nicholas: Of course.


Policeman: And you’ll remember to cancel the milk.


Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I’ve already done that.


Policeman: And the papers.


Mrs. Nicholas: Yes.


Policeman: And you won’t leave any ladders about.


Mrs. Nicholas: No, we haven’t got a big ladder.


Policeman: That’s fine. Are you friendly with the people next door?


Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, we are.


Policeman: Well, I think you’d better tell them you’re going away, too. Ask them to give us a ring if they see or hear anything suspicious.


Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I will. Thank you.



There is a party in progress and one person A is standing by the drinks table serving drinks. B approaches and A offers her a drink.


B: I thought you might be here.


A: Ah, hello. How are you?


B: Not bad. How are you?


A: All right, I suppose.


B: What are you drinking?


A: Some sort of wine. Do you want some?


B: No, I think I’d prefer beer. Have they got any?


A: Yes, there’s some over there.


(B pours out a drink.)B倒了一些饮料

B: Well, what do you think of the party?


A: It’s not bad. I’m not really in the mood for a party, though.


B: Why’s that?


A: I don’t know, really. I suppose I’m a bit tired.


(During the last exchange C has approached the table to get a drink. A offers C a drink but accidentally drops it.) 在最后一轮对话时,C已经靠近桌子去拿饮料了。A递给了C一杯,但是意外地掉了。

A: Oh, sorry about that.


C: (annoyed) I should think so!


A: Don’t worry. It’s not too bad.


C: What do you mean? It’s gone all over my trousers—I only bought them last week. 你什么意思?都弄到我裤子上了--我上周刚买的。

A: There’s no need to shout.


C: (loudly) I’m not shouting.


A: Yes, you are.


C: (very loudly) No, I’m not!


B: (wanting to calm the situation) Look, why don’t you dry them with this?


C: (ignoring B) You should watch what you’re doing!


A: What do you mean? It was your fault!


B: How about another drink? (C ignores B.)再来一杯饮料呢?(C忽视了B)

C: Anyway, don’t I know you?


B: Do you want another drink? (C ignores B.)


A: You might do.


C: You didn’t go to St. Mark’s School, did you?

你没有去St. Mark 学校待过,对吗?

A: Yes, I did actually.


C: Yes, I remember now. You were going out with that awful girl, weren’t you?


A: What do you mean?


C: You know, the one with the big nose. What happened to her?


A: We got married, actually. In fact, that’s her over there.


C: Yes...


Section Three:


A woman went into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The barman pointed a gun at her. She thanked him and went out.


A man was found lying dead in the middle of a desert. He had a pack on his back.


A woman dialed the number on the telephone. Someone answered and said, “Hello.”She put the phone down with a happy smile.


A man is found dead in the room. There is no furniture, and all the doors and windows are locked from the inside. There is a pool of water on the floor.


There is a man on the bed and a piece of wood on the floor. The second man comes into the room with sawdust on his hands, smiles and goes out again.



Unit 1 1.Thanks to the modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2.That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived. 3.The videotape and the story by the women filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. 4.in that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. 5.the construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 6.in 1980, when I met up with her,, she had just returned from abroad with a master's degree. 7.It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. 8.It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it. Unit 2


A Survey of the Olympic Games The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event2 subdivided into summer and winter games. They are each held every four years. Until 1992,they were both held in the same year. Since then, they have been separated two years apart3. There are more than 20 Summer Olympics sports, including swimming, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, boxing, weight-lifting, yachting, cycling and equestrian events. Skiing, ice-skating and ice hockey are among the 7 Winter Game sports. A competitor must be the citizen of the country he or she represents. No more than three entries from any country are permitted in each event (4 in the winter games). Only one team per country is allowed in a team sport4. There are many myths surrounding the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. The most popular legend describes that Heracles5 was the creator of the Olympic Games and built the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings as an honor to his father, Zeus after completing his 12 labors6. According to that legend, he walked in a straight line for 400 strides and called this distance a “ stadium" that later also became a distance calculation unit. This is also why a modern stadium is 400 meters in circumference length (1 stadium = 400 meters). From then on,the Olympic Games were quickly becoming more and more important throughout ancient Greece, reaching their zenith in the 6th and 5th centuries BC. The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, contests alternating with sacrifices and ceremonies honoring both Zeus (whose colossal statue stood at Olympia),and Pelops,divine hero and mythical king of Olympia famous for his legendary chariot7 race,in whose honor the games were held. The number of events increased to 20,and the celebration was spread over several days. Winners of the events were greatly admired and were immortalized in poems and statues8. The Games were held every four years, and the period between two celebrations became known as an “Olympiad"9. The Greeks used Olympiads as one of the ir methods to count years. The most famous Olympic athlete lived in these times: the 6th century BC wrestler, Milo Croton, is the only athlete in history to win a victory in six Olympics. The Games gradually declined in importance after the Romans gained power in Greece. After Emperor Theodosius I10 made Christianity the religion of the Empire11 and banned pagan rites, the Olympic Games were outlawed as a pagan festival in 393 AD. In 1894,a French noble man,Pierrde,called a meeting in Paris that led to the first modern Olympic Games, held in Athens in 1896. Thirteen nations sent a total of 285 men, and the Games were revived. Since then the Olympics have been held in different cities of the world once every four years, with the exception of war years 1916, 1940 and 1944. Women first competed in 1912. In 1924 the Winter Olympics were instituted at Chamonix, France.


我家现有三只猫。最近的孩子都很现实,所以他们向父亲询问:“猫究竟有什么用?”我被问住了。 不错,这么说来,狗可以防贼,或把扔出去的球拾回来,多少为人干点事。但是猫呢?由于现在老鼠也不太看得到了,所以它就是吃、睡、出去走走,饿了就回来,然后再吃了睡,仅仅如此,对人什么贡献也没有。 “什么用也没有这一点不就挺好吗?因为仅仅呆在那里就挺有意思。”—我只能这样回答,但这恐怕不能成为对孩子的回答吧。这个暂且不说,就仅仅是看着动物的行动,就令我感到快乐。每当看到它们沿着松树或刺槐的树干,垂直一气上窜好几米,为扑捉飞着的虫子高高地跳跃在空中时,好像在这时才会发出感叹,“动物做的是多么准确而毫无徒劳的动作啊。 “畜生的卑鄙”之类的话在人的言里是有的。但不能说都是这样。有些作为母亲的人甚至不愿生育、养育孩子,扔掉孩子或让孩子死掉,在这样的世界上,猫的育儿却充满细心的情爱和无限的耐心。 说是育儿,也并不是老猫让孩子吃点心,给孩子买玩具,而只不过是把自己在草地上扑捉到的四脚蛇叼来给小猫之类而已。用奇妙的叫声呼唤孩子,孩子过去后“啪”的一下把猎物放下来,然后自己不经意地看着孩子玩耍四脚蛇。恰如我们人的母亲照看自己孩子时满足、安心的表情,呆呆地看着。 还有,老猫在小猫吃盘子里的食物时,远远地一直等待,等小猫吃完后,再去吃期盼已久的小猫剩下的东西。责备小猫时,老猫是何等温柔地啃咬小猫的啊,用收起爪的前蹄又是何等有分寸地拍打小猫啊,而绝不会进行责打。“连不会说话的兽类,父母也竟如此对子女爱怜,何况人乎?”实朝的这句诗,实在是千真万确。 还不仅如此,可怜的是它们还日夜受到人类文明的惊吓。连听到吸尘器的声音也会吓得发抖,喷气式飞机在头上低空飞过的话,慌忙躲藏到隐蔽处。那低眉俯首、无容身之地的样子,使它变得更小。人如果活得不易,它们也活得很不容易。 猫的数量增加以后,、家中到处都可见到散乱的小动物的尸骸,从四脚蛇到蚌蟒、蝗虫、蝗螂、蜂、金龟子、蝴蝶、蛾子、蟋蟀,有时甚至还有蝼蛄之类。明明可以在外面玩就行了,但猫一看有机会就必然会带到房间内来处理。 在海边温暖的草地上好像有好多四脚蛇。落到猫手中的四脚蛇大多被揪断了尾巴。这并不是猫要吃它,而是长时间地把它作为玩具的缘故。在对方因猫的爪子受伤变弱直到死去之前,忽而用嘴叼起,忽而前爪去捅,要是逃跑就赶上去按住,或是用两个爪子夹住抛向空中。玩腻了,就抛下连头也不回地走开。 肯定也有运气好的,死里逃生勉强爬出去的四脚蛇,但更多的是想逃也逃不掉,而在家具后或垫子、褥子底下变成鱼十似的干巴巴的样子。我感觉到或许那以后也有在房间的某处住下来的,因为某日某时,四脚蛇突然从阴暗处跑出,吓了我一大跳。 因为这件事,我与四脚蛇彻底地亲密起来,本来爬虫类一看到就会令人心情不快,必用木棍之类处理掉才算完,但最近,却不管是活的还是死的,都可以拿在手上了。这样一来,四脚蛇这样的东西也成了不拘泥于相貌的可爱动物了。还不仅如此,我还对四脚蛇刮目相看了起来。

unit 12-Text A 课文及译文

Unit 12 Text A 课文及译文 Feeling Free 感受自由 ①I woke up feeling cranky. I didn't want to do housework, though the laundry was piling up. I didn't want to read the work I brought home from the office. I didn't want to do anything that resembled responsible behavior. It was that kind of day. 一醒来我的心情就很糟糕。我不想做家务,尽管要洗的衣服已经堆积如山。我也不想理会那些我从办公室带回家的工作。我不想做任何负责任的事。这就是那样的一天。 ②As I drank my morning tea, I thought I felt a headache coming on. Yes, there it was, a dull throb just behind my eyes. Maybe I should go back to bed until it subsided. As I put the dishes in the sink, it seemed that my muscles were beginning to ache. Or was the ache in my joints? That could mean I was coming down with the flu. (承上启下句)Everyone I knew had the flu this year. Why should I be the one to escape it? I absolutely should be in bed. 当我喝早茶的时候,我就感到阵阵头痛袭来。是的,就是,一阵隐隐约约的疼痛充斥着我的眼睛。或许,我应该继续睡觉直到疼痛消失。当我把盘子丢进水槽里的时候,我的肌肉好像也开始隐隐作痛。或许是我的关节在痛?那是不是我


第六单元必背课文译文 1 嗨,约翰的生日在下一周。让我们考虑考虑吃的东西吧。当然了。汉堡包、蔬菜沙拉、加上些水果如何? 听起来不错。约翰喜欢汉堡包。 哦,我不喜欢沙拉。 但是约翰喜欢沙拉,而且是他的生日啊。 你说得对。水果怎么办? 我认为约翰喜欢吃草莓和苹果。 好的。那就让我们弄一些草莓和苹果吧? 2 体育明星吃得很好 大伟问网球明星辛迪关于他的饮食习惯问题。 辛迪你好,早饭你喜欢什么? 水果。我觉得它有助于健康。 好的。那么你喜欢什么水果?你喜欢香蕉吗? 哦,不喜欢。但我喜欢橘子和苹果。 午饭呢?你喜欢沙拉吗? 是的。我真的喜欢。 哦,你喜欢晚饭吃汉堡包吗?

哦,不。他们对健康没好处。晚饭我喜欢吃鸡肉。 好啊。最后一个问题啊。晚饭后你吃冰淇琪琳吗? 额,我喜欢冰淇淋。但是我不吃。我不想胖。 3 我叫詹妮。我有四个好朋友。我们是同班同学。我们想去野炊。我们带什么类型的食物呢?我喜欢汉堡包。但是本不喜欢。我不喜欢吃草莓,而且卡罗也不喜欢。卡罗和艾美喜欢炸薯条。而且他们每天都吃。戴尔和本喜欢吃蔬菜沙拉。但是艾美不喜欢。他喜欢水果沙拉。我不知道我能怎样为他们做沙拉。 4 我叫海伦。我有两个姐姐。露西和莉莉。我们午饭喜欢吃汉堡包。露西和我喜欢面包。但是丽丽不喜欢。我不喜欢晚饭吃鸡蛋。但是露西和莉莉喜欢。我真的是喜欢鸡肉和沙拉啊。 我认为每天吃健康食品是很好的。但有的时候我们不吃健康食品。举例来说,我们都需要橘子和香蕉,但我们不需要冰淇淋。所以说,我们可以多吃橘子香蕉,少吃冰淇淋请你写一份你所吃的食物的清单,并且确保每天吃的很健康。 5 大家好,我叫麦克。我来自美国。现在我和我父母住在中国。我喜欢中国。我也喜欢中国食物。我在家吃早饭。我早饭吃鸡蛋面包和粥。我不喜欢牛奶。我没有时间回家吃午饭。所以我在学校吃。


Le?on 15 周日的早晨 通常来说,您周日的早晨都做什么呢? En général, qu’est-ce que vous faites le dimanche matin? 1. 周日早晨?我首先去走走,然后我和我朋友一起踢足球或者打网球。然后下午,我休息。 Le dimanche matin ? Je faite d’abord en footing, ensuite je joue au foot ou au tennis avec des amies. Et l’après midi, je me repose. 2. 我,先去超市买东西。我妻子照顾小孩,陪他们玩耍。或者呢,我们就出门。我们经常去乡村远足。 Moi, je faite fais les courses. Et ma femme prépare les enfants, et elle joue avec eux. Ou alors, on par part pour la journée, et on va souvent àla campgany campagne. 3. 周日早晨,我做家务;之后,我洗澡穿衣服。之后,我听音乐,我看书,或者我写信给我朋友。 Le dimanche matin, je faite fais les ménages le ménage ; après, je me lave et je m’habille. Ensuite, j’écude j’écoute de la musique, je lis ou j’écris aàdes amies. 4. 我,每个周六晚上,我去夜店,然后我早晨大约5点或6点回来。当然,我,每个周日,都睡觉!然后中午起床。 Moi, touts tous les samedi samedis soirs, je vais en bo?te, et je rentre ver 5 ou 6 heure s. Alors, moi, le dimanche matin, je dors ! Et je me lève à midi. 5. 啊!我妻子和我,我们大约9点吃早中餐。然后,我们去市场。中午,我们在他们家或者我们家和孩子们吃中饭。 Ah ! Ma femme et moi, nous prenons le petit déjournédéjeuner ver 9 heures. Après, on va au marché. à midi, nous déjournons déjeunons avec nos enfants, chez eux ou chez nous. Le?on 16 祝贺Laure!22岁,她是法国,欧洲和世界的游泳冠军。但是一个冠军的人生是困难的! Bravo, Laure! à 22 ans, elle est championne de natation du France, du l’Europe et du monde d e France, d’Europe et du monde de natation.Mais la une vie de une championne est difficille difficile.


电视和社会 它确实是令人喜爱的设备,让观众既喜且忧,让观众休息,让观众劳累,使观众受益,也有害于观众…… 它就是电视机,在当代,在不同的家庭和阶层中传播的设备,它变成了我们日常生活中的重要组成部分甚至于许多人认为我们没有它就无法生活。 电视机仍然在进行完善,无论是在制造方面还是在收发方面。迄今为止,电视服务方面最大的发展是对宇宙发射了人造卫星,围绕地球旋转,同时把世界各地的图像和信息转送到电视上,让观众在第一时间知悉。坐在开罗家中的家庭能够同步观看在巴黎进行的国庆。观众在大体育馆内欣赏世界杯足球决赛同时世界各地的足球迷们关注这场体育盛事的现场直播。 毫无疑问电视是传播信息的最重要的媒体之一,通过它,观众了解国家领导人及其履行的重要任务,知道国家叨叨的发展水平和面临的问题,同时它打开了一扇了解外部世界的宽阔的窗户给观众介绍他们不能够到达的地方的人民、风俗及其价值观。它摄取在森林、沙漠和遥远的海洋探索的情景,它提供了现实生活中一些悲剧的瞬间,同时展示了战争的牺牲品、自然灾害。同时记录了一些伟大的瞬间如人类第一次登上月球、香港回归大陆。 电视机是度过空闲时间的重大手段,观众通过观看电视连续剧、文艺晚会、体育比赛、访谈节目、各式各样的比赛节目来度过他们漫长的时间。 尽管如此,电视不全是好的,也有一些对身心不好的方面,它是一把双刃剑。最显著的缺点之一是它影响儿童的心理,可能向不健康的方向引导,盖因影视方面的一些暴力、杀戮、色情的场景,导致罪恶和低级趣味的东西在社会上、特别是青少年中间蔓延。同时外国电视剧会导致文化西移现象的出现,儿童模仿电视里明星的习惯和道德,尽管这些行为和习惯同社会格格不入。电视被指控要对社会的动荡负责,对亲子之间情感和思想上的隔阂负责。至于在健康方面,从长远来看,电视有着直观的坏的影响,如果不注意遵守正确使用它的方法的话。 最后,我们说,电视是一个工具,当它被更好的使用时,会带来很大的好处,否则便会产生极大的负面影响。缺陷不在于电视,而在于使用它的人。


Unit 12 Life Is Full of t he Unexpected 生活中充满意外 In May 2001, I found a job in New York at the W orld Trade Center. On September 11, 在2001年五月,我在纽约世贸中心找到一份工作。在九月十一日 2001, I arrived at my building at around 8:30 . I was about to go up when I decided to get a 我到达我的办公楼大约在上午的八点半。我正要上楼时我决定先去买一杯coffee first. I went to my favorite coffee place e ven though it was two blocks east from my 咖啡。我去了我最喜欢的咖啡店,即使从东面出发,那里离我的办公室有两个街区。 office. As I was waiting in line with other office

workers, I heard a loud sound. Before I could 当我和其他的办公室工作人员一起排队等候时,我听到一声巨响。在我可以 join the others outside to see what was going on, the first plane had already hit my office 加入其他人到外面看发生什么事。第一架飞机已经撞上我的办公building. We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building. I felt 大楼我们难以置信的凝视着黑色的烟从燃烧着的大楼上升起。我感到幸运, lucky to be alive. 运为自己还活着。 Almost 10 years later, I woke up at 10:00 . on February 21,2011 and realized that my 将近年后,我在2011年二月21日早上十点钟醒来。才意识到我的


Unit6 SectionA 1部分课文翻译 1a部分翻译 Match the story titles with the pictures [a-d]. 将故事的标题与图片[a~d]相匹配。 ____journey to the West《西游记》 ____Hou Yi Shoots the Suns《后羿射日》 ____Y u Gong Mooes a Mountain《愚公移山》 ____Nu Wa Repairs the Sky《女娲补天》 1b部分翻译 Listen and check (√) the facts you hear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about? 听录音,将你听到的事实打“√”。安娜和王明正在谈论哪个故事? ____The two mountains were very high and big. 这两座山非常高大。 ____A very old man tried to move the mountains. 一位老人试图把山移走。 ____A man told Yu Gong that he. could never do it. 一个人告诉愚公,他绝不可能做到。 1c部分翻译 Discuss the questions with your partner. 和你的同伴一起讨论问题。 l. How does the story begin? 故事是怎样开始的? 2. What happened next? 接下来发生了什么? 3. Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? 他们将把山上所有的土和石头放到哪里? 2a部分翻译 Listen and number the pictures [1-4] in order to tell the story. 听录音。把图画标上数字[1~4]以便于讲故事。 2b部分翻译 Listen again and circle the words you hear. 再听一遍录音。圈出你所听到的单词。 1. A man saw Y u Gong and his (children/family) when they were working on moving the mountains. 一个人看见了愚公和他的(孩子们/家人)在忙着移山. 2. He told Y u Gong he could never do it because he was old and (poor/week). 他告诉愚公他绝不可能做到.因为他又老又(穷/)。 3. As soon as the man finished (talking/speaking), Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died. 这个人一(谈论/说)完,愚公就说他死后他的家人将继续移山。 4. Finally,a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent (two/three) gods to take the mountains away. 最后,天帝被愚公感动了,于是派了(两/三)个神仙移走了大山。 5. This story reminds us that you can never' (know/see) what's possible unless you try to'make it happen. 这个故事提醒我们,你永远不能(知道/看到)什么是可能的,除非你努力让它发生。 2c部分翻译 Look at the pictures in 2a and tell the story in your own words. 看2a里的图片,用自己的语言讲故事。 2d部分翻译 Teacher: So what do you think about the story of Yu Gong? 老师:你们觉得愚公的故事怎么样? Wang Ming : I think it's really interesting. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem. 王明:我认为它真的很有趣。愚公找到了一个解决问题的好办法。 Anna: Really? Ithink it's a little bit silly.It doesn't seem very possible to move a mountain 克劳迪亚:真的吗?我认为它有点儿愚蠢。移山似乎是不太可能的。 Wang Ming: But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! Yu Gong kept trying and didn't give up. 王明:但这个敌事试图告诉我们,如果你去努力,一切皆有可能!愚公坚持不懈,没有放弃。 Claudia: Well, I still don't agree with you. I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem. 克劳迪娅:我还是不同意你的观点。我认为我们应该试着去寻找一些其他的方法来解决问题。 Wang Ming: But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?

高级英语2 课文翻译 Book 2 Unit 12

第十二课一个发现:做一个美国人意味着什么 詹姆斯·鲍德温 1.亨利·詹姆斯曾经说过,“身为一个美国人是一种复杂玄妙的命运。”而一位作家在欧洲做出的最重大的发现就是这种命运究竟复杂到何种程度。美国的历史,其远大志向,其不同凡响的辉煌成就,还有她那更加不同凡响的挫折失败,以及她在世界上的地位——不论是过去还是现在——都是那么深不可测而又无可更改地独一无二,以至于“美国”这个词至今仍是一个陌生的、几乎可以说是完全没有明确定义的、且具有极大争议性的专有名词。世界上似乎还没有人确切地知道这个词的含义,就连我们这些五颜六色、千千万万自称为美国人的人也不例外。 2.我当初离开美国是因为我曾怀疑自己能否经受住这儿的有色人种问题的狂风暴雨的冲击。(现在我仍然时不时地这样怀疑。)我想使自己不至于仅仅成为一个黑人,或是仅仅只成为一个黑人作家。我想寻求一种什么途径,来使自己的生活经历的特殊性把自己与他人联系起来而不是分离开来。(我同黑人之间也产生了隔阂,就像我同白人之间的隔阂一样严重,当一个黑人开始真正地相信白人对黑人的评价时,常常就会发生这样的情况。) 3.在我认为有必要去寻求一种能把我的生活经历同别的人——黑人和白人,作家和非作家——的生活经历联系起来的途径的过程中,我惊奇地发现:自己原来也同任何得克萨斯州士兵一样,是非常爱国的美国人。而且我发现,我在巴黎所认识的每一位美国作家都有我这种感受。他们都同我一样脱离了自己的本源,而且事实证明,这些美国白人的欧洲本源同我的非洲本源竟没有多少差别——他们在欧洲也像我一样感到不自在。 4.我是奴隶的后代,而他们是自由人的子孙,这种差异则无关紧要。因为我们在欧洲大地上相遇时,都在努力探求着各自的自我价值。当我们终于发现各自的自我价值之后,我们似乎都在感慨:这下可好啦,多少年来造成我们之间的隔阂的遗憾和痛苦之情,我们可再也不用死抱住不放了。 5.我们美国人彼此间的相互了解超过任何欧洲人所能达到的程度。这一点在本国不曾有人认识到,但一到欧洲,我们便认识得很清楚了。还有一点也显得很清楚:不论我们的祖先源于何处,也不管他们曾有过什么样的遭遇,我们美国黑人和白人都是欧洲造就出来的。这一事实就是我们的身分以及我们的遗传特征的组成部分。 6.在我认清这些之前,我在巴黎呆了两三年的时间。:待到认清这些之后,我就像许多前辈作家发现他的生活支柱全部被人拆掉了一样,遭受了一种精神崩溃的痛苦,不得不到瑞士的高山上去疗养。在那一片晶莹的雪山景色中,我以两张贝西·史密斯的唱片和一台打字机为工具,开始试图把自己孩提时代最初体验到的,多年来又一直想尽力忘却的生活经历再现出来。 7.是贝西·史密斯用她的音调和节拍帮我发掘出了当我还是个黑人小孩时本就使用过的说话口吻,使我重新忆起了小时闻、所见和所感。我已将这些深深藏在了心底。在美国,



P238 Le?on 11 短语 : 遇见某人rencontrer qn ; 放声大笑éclater de rire; 谈论某人/议论某事parler de qn/qch ; 没有关系?a ne fait rien ; 在某人看来d'après de qn/ àmon/son avis /àmes yeux/ àl’avis de qn; 聚沙成塔Petit àpetit, l'oiseau fait son nid. 千里之行始于足下Pas àpas, on va loin. 句子:1)您说的完全对,我也同意。Vous avez tout àfait raison! Je suis aussi d’accord. 2)汉语的方块字对外国人来说很难。Le caractère chinois est très difficile pour les étrangères. 3)在他看来,我们班的同学们非常热情。 D’après lui / A son vie/ A ses yeux, les étudiants dans notre classe sont très sympathiques. 4)大家常在饭桌上讨论学习问题。Nous souvent parlons des é tudes àtable. 5)我们上课的时候做很多的练习:朗读,发音,回答问题,什么都 做。 Nous faisons beaucoup d’exercices en classe: lire (àhaut voix), faire la prononciation, répondre les questions, tout. 6) ——怎么样?你的学习还行吗?Ca va, les études? ——不好。我听不太懂老师讲的内容。Pas bien, je ne comprends pas bien le professeur. ——没关系。会好起来的。你知道,只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 Ca ne fait rien ? Ca ira bien. Tu sais: Avec la patience, on arrive àtout. P264-265 Le?on 12 短语: 我们的父母亲nos parents; 她的兄弟们ses frères; 他们的姐妹们leurs soeurs; 他们的家庭leur famille/leurs familles; 她的学校son école; 他们的老师们leurs professeurs; 今天几号了?Quelle date sommes-nous? 今天星期几Quel jour sommes-nous? 教授法语enseigner le fran?ais 通过考试passer un examen; 上中学aller au lycée; 在道达尔工作travailler chez TOTAL 句子: ——请问您贵姓?Comment vous appelez-vous ? ——我叫玛丽·杜邦。Je m'appelle Marie Dupont. ——您是法国人吗?Etes-vous fran?aise? ——是的,我是法国人。Oui, je suis Fran?aise. ——您家住在什么地方?Oùhabite votre famille? ——我们家住在巴黎。凯旋门附近。Ma famille habite àParis, près de l'Arc

七年级语文下册 第6单元 第24课《河中石兽》原文及翻译素材 新人教版

《河中石兽》 课文《河中石兽》是纪昀的一篇文章,很多同学在学习的时候被其文言文的句式难住了,今天,查字典语文小编给大家带来河中石兽原文及翻译。一起来学习一下。 《河中石兽》这篇课文主要内容是河里掉了石兽,因为水的冲力和石兽本身重量的原因,所以找石兽要从石兽掉落的上游去找。文章意思就是要具体考虑问题,不能想当然。 原文: 沧州南,一寺临河干(gān),山门圮(pǐ)于河,二石兽并沉焉。阅十余岁,僧募金重修,求石兽于水中,竟不可得。以为顺流下矣,棹(zhào)数小舟,曳(yè)铁钯(pá),寻十余里,无迹。 一讲学家设帐寺中,闻之笑曰:“尔辈不能究物理,是非木杮(fèi),岂能为暴涨携之去?乃石性坚重,沙性松浮,湮(yān)于沙上,渐沉渐深耳。沿河求之,不亦颠乎?”众服为确论。 一老河兵闻之,又笑曰:“凡河中失石,当求之于上流。盖石性坚重,沙性松浮,水不能冲石,其反激之力,必于石下迎水处啮(niè)沙为坎穴,渐激渐深,至石之半,石必倒掷坎穴中。如是再啮,石又再转,再转不已,遂反溯流逆上矣。求之下流,固颠;求之地中,不更颠乎?” 如其言,果得于数里外。然则天下之事,但知其一,不知其二者多矣,可据理臆(yì)断欤(yú)? 译文: 沧州的南面,有一座寺庙靠近河岸,寺庙的大门倒塌在了河水里,两个石兽一起沉没了。经历十多年,和尚们募集金钱重修寺庙,在河中寻找两个石兽,最终没找到。和尚们认为石兽顺着水流流到下游。于是划着几只小船,拉着铁耙,寻找了十多里,没有任何石兽的踪迹。 一位学者在寺庙里设立了学馆讲学,听了这件事嘲笑说:“你们这些人不能探究事物的道理。这不是木片,怎么能被大水带走呢?石头的性质坚硬沉重,沙的性质松软浮动,石兽埋没于沙上,越沉越深罢了。顺着河流寻找石兽,不是颠倒错乱了吗?”大家都很佩服,认为是正确的结论。 一个年老的河兵听说了这个观点,又嘲笑说:“凡是丢失在河里的石头,都应当到河的上游寻找。因为石头的性质坚硬沉重,沙的性质松软浮动,水流不能冲走石头,河水的反冲力,一定在石头下面迎面冲击石前的沙子,形成坑穴。越冲越深,冲到石头底部的一半时,石头必定倒在坑穴里。像这样又冲击,石头又会再次转动,这样不停地转动,于是反而逆流而上。到河的下游寻找石兽,本来就颠倒错乱了;在原地深处寻找它们,不是更颠倒错乱了吗?” 按照他的话去寻找,果然在上游的几里外寻到了石兽。 既然这样,那么天下的事,只知道表面现象,不知道其中根本道理的人和事有很多啊,难道可以根据自己所知道的道理主观判断吗? 注释:

九年级英语 unit12课文翻译培训资料

九年级英语课文翻译unit12 Section A 2d 马特:凯文,为什么你今天迟到了? 凯文:我的闹钟没有响!我一直睡觉,当我醒来时,已经是早上8点了! 马特:噢!,不! 凯文:所以我迅速穿上衣服冲出家门。 马特:你没吃早饭吗? 凯文:没有,我甚至没有刷牙也没有洗脸!但在我到达车站前,汽车已经开走了。 马特:那你是怎么来这儿的? 凯文:幸运的是,卡尔的父亲看见我在路上,让我打了他的车。 马特:嗯,至少当你到达学校时,上课只迟到5分钟。 Section A 3a 生活充满了意外 2001年5月,我在纽约世贸中心找到一份工作。在2001年9月11日,我大约在早上八点半到达了工作的大楼,这时我决定先买一杯咖啡。我去了我最喜欢的咖啡店,虽然它在我办公室东边的两个街区以外。当我正在和其他办公室工作职员排队等候的时候,听到一声巨响。我还没来得及加入屋外的人群弄清究竟发生了什么事,第一架飞机已经撞上了我办公室的大楼。我们直愣愣盯着燃烧着的大楼上升起的黑

烟,无法相信(这一切)。我觉着我能够活着很幸运。 大约10年之后,2011年2月21日,我早上10:00 醒来意识到我的闹钟根本没响。我从床上跳起来直奔机场。但是当我到达机场时,我飞往新西兰的航班已经起飞了。“这可是我今年的第一个假期,我居然误了航班。真倒霉!”我暗想。其他的航班都已经满员,我不得不等到第二天。(结果)第二天早上,我听到新西兰昨天发生了地震。我的坏运气意想不到变成了一件好事。 Section B 2b 愚人节是一个世界上许多不同国家都进行庆祝的节日。它在每年的四月一日,这是一个许多人会互相开各种玩笑或恶作剧的日子。 有一年的愚人节,英国的一位记者宣称因为意大利农民停止种植意大利面条,因此以后将不再有意大利面条了。许多人都跑到当地超市尽可能多地买意大利面。等人们意识到这是一个恶作剧的时候,全国所有的意大利面条都被卖光了。在英国另一个恶作剧中,一电视节目报道发现了一种特殊的水。他们说这种水可以帮助人们减肥,有一位消费者仅四个月就减掉了很多体重。(结果)当天结束之前,超过10,000人打电话到电视台,询问如何得到这种水。 许多愚人节的玩笑的结局并不那么有趣。一位著名的电视明星曾经在愚人节邀请他的女朋友上他的电视节目。他向她求婚。那位女士是如此的高兴因为她真的想结婚了。然而,当她说好的时候,他却回答“愚人节傻瓜!”那个小玩笑结局并不快乐。电视明星失去了他的女朋友和他的节目也被取消了。


第六单元 卡洛琳特克形式的职业传统上一直是男人们的天下。在本文,她谈到自己是如何赶上这一行的,并通过她的成功表明男人们能学会的事女人们也能做到。 我小时候我卧室里的每样东西都是粉红色的。我有两个姐妹,我们有一个一应俱全的微型厨房,一群各种颜色的小马驹,还有好几个芭比和凯恩玩具娃娃。我们么有玩具卡车,么有玩具大兵,也没有篮球。我们确实有一套空心棒球,但是很难再我们的游戏室找到,毕竟我们不是假小子。 正因为如此,有些人对我长大后成了一名机械工程师也许感到出乎意外。事实上,我是公司里唯一的一个女工程师。为了取得大学文凭,我要上许多数学和自然科学方面的课程。我还得和几个学生一起工作,作为参与一次全国竞赛的一部分,把一辆耗费汽油的运动型多用途汽车改装成混合型电动车。就这样我学会了修车。我可以自豪的说,我门门功课都是A,包括多变量微积分和微分方程。我的数学设设计总是相当好,但是我不知道这些会给我带来什么样的结果。家里要我上大学,但是没人告诉我有一天成为一名优秀的工程师。 我上高中时对工程一无所知。我那时不能辨别变速器和交流发电机。我开的车需要修理,但是我不敢把车开到修理工那里,因为说实话,如果修理工给我看一把电动开罐器并对我所,“这是你的汽车部件,坏了–你付钱去我给你修。”我也不知道他在敲诈。 我在高中第三年末的时候,听说有一个暑期班,专门培养女孩子对工程的兴趣。课程六周,不用缴费,学生还可获得大学学分,还可享受马里兰大学生宿舍的一个房间。我申请参加这个暑假班,这倒不是因为我想当工程师,而是因为我渴望独立,想离开父母的房子自己单独过上六周。 我被这个暑期班录取了,得到了六个工程学分。第二年我上了这个大学,主修工程。五年后我获得学位,还有三个像样的就业机会。 听到有研究表明女性学数学处于劣势,我不禁不寒而栗。他们言下之意是我有点反常。我一点不不反常,但是我知道,要不是我偶然闯进了那个暑期班,我是成不了工程师的。


Unit 12 Gender Bias in Language Language is a very powerful element. It is the most common method of communication. Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. There are times when in conversation with another individual, that we must take into account the person’s linguistic genealogy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicial or biased in use. But the question that is raised is in regard to language usage: Is language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds? There are those who believe that the language that we use in day-to-day conversation is biased in and of itself. They feel that the term "mailman", for example, is one that excludes women mail carriers. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves. That is to say, the words that people choose to use in conversation denote the bias that they harbor within their own existence. There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of them have changed with the new wave of “political correctness” coming about) that have inherently been sexually biased against women. For example, the person who investigates reported complaints (as from consumers or students), reports findings, and helps to achieve fair and impartial settlements is ombudsman (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), but ombudsperson here at Indiana State University. This is an example of the gender bias that exists in the English language. The language is arranged so that men are identified with exalted positions, and women are identified with more service-oriented positions in which they are being dominated and instructed by men. So the language used to convey this type of male supremacy is generally reflecting the honored position of the male and the subservience of the female. Even in relationships, the male in the home is often referred to as the “man of the house,” even if it is a 4-year-old child. It is highly insulting to say that a 4-year-old male, based solely on his gender, is more qualified and capable of conducting the business and affairs of the home than his possibly well-educated, highly intellectual mother. There is a definite disparity in that situation. In American culture, a woman is valued for the attractiveness of her body, while a man is valued for his physical strength and his achievements. Even in the example of word pairs the bias is evident. The masculine word is put before the feminine word, as in the examples of Mr. and Mrs., his and hers, boys and girls, men and women, kings and queens, brothers and sisters, guys and dolls, and host and hostess. This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also what contributes to the bias present in the English language. Alleen Pace Nilsenn notes that there are instances when women are seen as passive while men are active and bring things into being. She uses the example of the wedding ceremony. In the beginning of the ceremony, the father is asked who gives the bride away and he answers, “I do.” It is at this point that Nilsen argues that the gender bias comes into play. The traditional concept of the bride as something to be handed from one man (the father) to another man (the husband-to-be) is perpetuated. Another example is in the instance of sexual relationships. The women become

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