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-------------------------------------------------------- 2、随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越




------------------------------------------------------- 3、我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由


------------------------------------------------------- 4、信息现在唾手可得。一个普通的电脑就


------------------------------------------------------- 5、那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。




------------------------------------------------------- U2




------------------------------------------------------- 2、我不大喜欢你像刚才那样用讽刺的口气



------------------------------------------------------- 3、我爸让我做最后决定,真是很体谅人。


好的父亲。It is wrong to rear children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse, we must expose them to all kinds of social problems, because soon they will handle problems as a responsible citizen.

-------------------------------------------------------- As time goes by we will inevitably get more and more involved in international affairs. Conflicts are sure to take place.

------------------------------------------------------- We are proud of our achievement, and we have every reason to be so. Nevertheless we should never become arrogant; or we will lose our friends.

------------------------------------------------------- Information nowadays is easily available. An average computer can store the information of an ordinary library.

------------------------------------------------------- That construction company has no business working this project. They don’t have any legal documents to certify. They have to find a company which is specialized in building operas.


Do you know that all things considered, it is a not bad idea to be a teacher. Actually I think it is an excellent idea.

------------------------------------------------------- I don't like it when you talk to me in a sarcastic tone the way you did just now. You seem to be implying all the time that I am a good-for-nothing.

------------------------------------------------------- It is really considerate of my father to let me make the final decision. I must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a good father.




------------------------------------------------------- 5、不知道为什么,这个曲调听起来很熟,









------------------------------------------------------- 2、他们自称已经发现了一条适合所有国家


------------------------------------------------------- 3、我住在我叔叔家农场的时候常常出洋



------------------------------------------------------- 4、干吗今天去那里?我宁可等雪停了再


------------------------------------------------------- 5、稻子需要大量的水,很多科学家警告我







------------------------------------------------------- 2、冒着生命危险想要把快淹死的孩子拖到


都没有回来。You said you don't want any money. You may not want money, but you do need money. I don't see what's wrong with college students earning some money during their spare time. ------------------------------------------------------- Somehow this tune sounds quite familiar. I just can't recall what it is. In any case, it is a Russian folk song.


Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We have no reason to support a policy that denies medical care to the large population living in the country.

------------------------------------------------------- They claim to have discovered a universal principle which applies to all nations.

------------------------------------------------------- I often made a fool of myself when I was living on the farm of my uncle. When asked to weed the rice fields, fir example, I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedlings. ------------------------------------------------------- Why go there today? I’d rather stay until the snow ceases.

------------------------------------------------------- Rice requires vast quantities of water and many scientists warn us that no matter how sparingly we use water, the day will inevitably come when we will be fighting over limited supplies of water resources.


The fact that he was able to avoid the seemingly inevitable crash made him a national hero.

------------------------------------------------------- Of the four students who risked their lives to try to drag the drowning children to shore, two never returned.




------------------------------------------------------- 4、我了解哈里斯。我简直不能想象像他这









------------------------------------------------------- 2、干嘛在这个荒无人烟的地方浪费钱建飞



------------------------------------------------------- 3、他们觉得回来的时候可以走另外一条


------------------------------------------------------- 4、他周游了世界,回来的时候完全变了一


------------------------------------------------------- 5、我们的各种社会问题都没有对症的速效






—你为什么对此有怀疑?The Japanese are known for their long life span. They believe they owe this to their eating habits, which contains a lot of fish products.

------------------------------------------------------- I know Harris. I couldn't imagine a man like him making such stupid remarks.

After testing her loyalty many times, he was now going to give her the most dangerous task.


The government will have to decide when and how to put brakes on the economy before it speeds out of control.

------------------------------------------------------- Why waste money building an airport in the middle of nowhere? We must not ignore the fact that what people here need most is clean water and clean air.

------------------------------------------------------- They thought they might take a different route on their return trip so as to explore the great canyon in Tibet.

------------------------------------------------------- He traveled around the world and came back home quite a changed person, educated and greatly revitalized.

------------------------------------------------------- There is no easy fix for our social problems. We should explore all possibilities and move one step at a time.


—I suspect that he has not told us the whole truth.

—Why do you doubt it?


不会那么和蔼可亲。可是警察通过DNA 检查终于证明他就是正真的杀人凶手。

------------------------------------------------------- 3、黄帝被认为是中国历史上第一个农夫,


------------------------------------------------------- 4、请向我那里的朋友致意。我真的非常想


------------------------------------------------------- 5、任何时候,只要有可能,年轻人都宁可


------------------------------------------------------- U8



------------------------------------------------------- 2、—对不起,我刚才打断你讲话了。




------------------------------------------------------- 3、政府非常清楚,它不能随心所欲地增加


------------------------------------------------------- 4、即使有了这些家电用电器,我们还是不


------------------------------------------------------- 5、我们那个城市看起来肯定和三百年以前

一样,不少老房子都快要倒塌了。我们有些领导想把他们都拆掉,然后再在这些地方盖上新的高楼。可是由于资金短缺,这个计划只好放弃。回头看来,那反倒是件好事。如今我们的城市已经成为旅游景点了。Nobody would have suspected him. A suspect wouldn't usually look so appealing. But finally the police identified him to be the true murderer through a DNA test.

------------------------------------------------------- Huangdi is regarded as the very first farmer in our history while his wife was the first weaver. ------------------------------------------------------- Please give my best regards to my friends there. I really miss them all.

------------------------------------------------------- Whenever possible young people prefer to earn their own living than live off their parents.


If it hadn't been for one man's courage and wisdom, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone could never have succeeded.

------------------------------------------------------- -sorry, I cut you off just now. You were saying....

-I was saying that it was not easy to break down the resistance of those conservatives. But we must launch attacks on them step by step.

------------------------------------------------------- The government knows only too well that it cannot increase taxes at will without hurting domestic consumption takes time.

------------------------------------------------------- Even with all these home appliances, it is impossible to do away with/eliminate domestic labor completely.

------------------------------------------------------- Our town must have looked this way three hundred years ago. Many old buildings were about to fall in ruins. Some of our leaders wanted to tear them down and put up new tall buildings in their place. But due to lack of money, the plan had to be abandoned. Looking back that was actually a blessing. Today our town has become a tourist attraction.


1)你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。(reasonable) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。(in general) In general, children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3) 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。(come along) Wh en the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4)每天他都留出点时间跟家人在一起,享受生活。(set aside) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life 5) 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。(hand in hand) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father 6) 他最终辜负了父母的期望。(live up to) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。(in contrast) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。(overcome) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 1) 人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) 与此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。 Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) 当你做某件事失败时,把失败当作一种学习的经历从中汲取益处。 When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience ) 在问题或困难面前,要想想自己的长处并树立起自信心。 Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) 不要让消极的想法阻碍你。 Don’t let negative thoughts hold y ou back. 6) 每个人都经历过失败和失望,因此不要过多地责怪自己。 Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much. 1) She wore a dress ____with a pattern of rose__________ (有玫瑰图案) on it. 2) Helen had ____prepared a wonderful/good meal for us_ (为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜). 3) Ann _______promised faithfully___ (信誓旦旦地保证) that she would never tell. 4) Could you ____deliver this letter__ (把这封信送到) to the accounts department? 5) We were offered ____a selection of milk and plain____chocolate (精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力). 6) Tell the children to ___keep out of mischief / behave themselves_____(别胡闹). 7) We could hear _____the sound of distant thunder_____ (远处打雷的声音). 8) The project has now __received approval from the government (得到政府的批准). 9) Kelly loved her husband ____in spite of the fact that he drank too much (虽然他喝酒太多). 10) Experts seem unable to ____agree whether the drug is safe or not_ (就这个药是否安全取得一致意见). 1. Not every bomb has hit its target. 并非每个炸弹都击中了目标。 2. We can have one or the other but not both simultaneously. 我们能够得到其中一个,但不能同时两个都有。 3. She wanted nothing more than work. 她只想要工作。 4. You cannot be too careful. 你越仔细越好。 5. I have yet to receive an apology from a child who just ran over my foot while chasing a sibling. 有个小孩在追逐自家的兄弟姐妹时踩了我的脚,却仍未向我道歉。 1. 并非所有父母都和你一样能提供很多情况。 Not all parents are as informative as you


高考英语翻译技巧与能力训练 高考英语中的翻译(中译英)题要求考生能应用所学过的语法和词汇来准确地表达思想,是一种要求相当高的考查形式。要求考生把中文的句子译成通顺的、语法结构正确的、符合英语表达习惯的英语句子,并能准确地传达中文句子中的每一个信息。该题型全面地考查学生英语词汇、语法等知识的综合运用能力,它对学生的动词时态、语态、名词的单复数、冠词、形容词、副词、介词等应用能力,还对学生的词组、句型、句子结构等进行了全面考查。翻译不仅在高考英语主观题中占不小的比例,而且翻译能力还直接影响考生在作文中的表现。 高考评分标准: 1.每题中单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误每两处扣一分;2.语法错误(包括时态错误)每处扣一分;3.译文没用所给的单词扣一分。 如何才能提高中译英水准,在高考中获得理想的分数呢?考生除了必须具备比较扎实的语言基础外,关键还在于学会总结规律,找准中译英的切入点。 一、分析句子结构、寻找合适的句型 中文必须仔细读,一定要看的就是题目给我们的关键字或关键的词组,也就是我们常说的key words。尤其是最后两句翻译句子,它们大都在句子结构上提高了难度。读什么?读出句子结构:对于简单句,辨别出主谓宾,分清定语、同位语和状语;对于并列句,记住两个语法意义上独立的分句,须由连词连接起来;对于复合句,须区分定语从句,名词性从句以及状语从句。一般来说,中译英的句型可分为三大类:1.简单句;2.并列句;3.复合句;同时我们也要注意非谓语动词及其他一些特殊结构。回顾近几年的高考试题时,也不难发现试题中考了一些特殊句式。如:It句型(近几年考得较为频繁)、倒装句、with结构。 例1: 昨天我的电脑坏了。(wrong) 解析:本题考查:1)简单句There be结构;2)wrong的用法;3)中英文表达的差异。 译句:There was something wrong with my computer yesterday. 例2: 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是互相帮助。(not…but) 解析:本题考查:1)复合句:when引导的状语从句;what引导的主语从句;2)not…but结构;3)“彼此埋怨”的英文翻译。 译句:When(we are)in difficulty/When we meet with difficulties/When we have difficulties ,what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other. 例3:我们能做什么来阻止这种疾病蔓延呢?(prevent) 分析:如果有学生没有读全中文原句的话,就很有可能看成是以前所做的“我们要做些什么来阻止这种疾病的蔓延”,而译为We should do something to prevent the spread of this disease.因为这个原因而造成扣分,就太不应该了。 译句:What can we do to prevent the spread of this disease? 例4:他很有可能通过自己的努力得到驾驶执照。(likely) 译句:He is likely to get the driving license with his own efforts. 分析:有些学生一看到有可能,就会想到自己比较熟悉的possible,想当然地翻译成It is possible that…的结构。其实,学生对likely这个key word的使用也是会的,完全能够使用be likely to do或It’s likely th at…的结构。 例5:上海近几年经历了许多变化,如今已成为世界闻名的经济中心。(go through) 分析:乍一看,学生很容易轻易下笔,Shanghai has gone through…,it has become…,这已成为很多学生的一个习惯,句子和句子中随便用逗号隔开,英语不像中文,必须要考虑到句子的结构,逗号也不能随意使用。而此句中,就要想到用并列句中的连接词and来连接两个成分。


商务英语翻译的实训报告的心得体会总结高职高专教育培养的是技术应用型人才,学校为了培养我们学生的创新精神和实践能力,提高我们的综合素质。故进行为期一周的实训,在实训中互相学习和进步。在校期间,一直忙于理论知识的学习,没能有机会走出校园,真正切身感受本专业的实际应用。- 模拟招聘会- 1、在看完有关招聘视频后,进行招聘模拟。在面试过程中,面对考官的各种提问,一些关于专业的知识时,觉得自己的硬件掌握不到位。有时会有一些考验自己反应程度、灵敏度的问题,这时要靠自己平时积累的素养。自己的简历及面试表现给自己提出了很多可实施性建议,如,简历的排版、内容,自己的性格缺点、较好的职业倾向等等。- 2.熊老师给我们讲解了有关招聘方面的知识。步入社会时才能从容不迫,在求职者中脱颖而出!面对竞聘的滚滚硝烟和层出不穷的招聘方式,要想笑傲职场,就要未雨绸缪、赢在起点。- 商务礼仪- 1、在听完Erick的讲述,我们了解了商务活动礼仪,规范树立企业良好形象塑造员工职业素质运用有效的沟通技巧处理商务活动中的人际关系改善服务形象提高服务能力,掌握基本的商务礼仪及正确的商务礼仪技职业形象决

定职业生涯,职业形象决定人生命运。随着人们日常交际的频繁,在商务活动、公务活动、社交活动中越来越重视交往的细节,也许一个微小的细节决定了一个人的第一印象。如何提高自己在别人心目中的地位,如何通过你完美的职业形象使你拥有成功的事业和幸福的人生。了解掌握商务礼仪是非常重要的。- 与我们进行互动游戏,角色扮演,在生活中不同的位置,树立正确的职业意识,塑造完美的职业形象,在提高个人职业形象的基础上完善公司的商务形象。掌握并正确运用职场常用礼仪,纠正不良习惯;掌握商务沟通中的行为礼仪。- (三)国际贸易流模拟- 1、在这次实训中我们要做以下几个外贸方面的单证:合同. 装箱单. 发票.保险单.还盘等。- 2、在做进出口业务时这几种外贸单证是最常见的,也是必不可少的。交易双方往往都要以这些单证来确定交易的事宜。虽然说这几个单证的制作不是很复杂,但是通过在实训时,你可以发现这些对人的专业和办事的仔细程度是有很大的要求的。- 3、在这整个实训过程中我们制作和填写了商业发票,装箱单以及合同,合同中的条款和内容必需是一致的,为了防止错列.漏列等问题。在填写这些时要特别细心,注意日期是否正确。在做单时是不允许有任何差错的。从本次实训的整


第一单元 孔子是中国历史上著名的思想家、教育家,是儒家学派(Confucianism)的创始人,被尊称为古代的"圣人"(sage)。他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。在21世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage". His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. 第二单元 每年农历(Chinese lunar calendar)八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。中秋节的一项重要活动是赏月。夜晚,人们赏明月、吃月饼,共庆中秋佳节。中秋节也是家庭团圆的时刻,远在他乡的游子,会借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。中秋节的习俗很多,都寄托着人们对美好生活的热爱和向往。自2008年起,中秋节成为中国的法定节假日。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival — the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating


商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 A 4 abandonment权力委托 5 absenteeism 旷工,旷职 2 absolute quota 绝对配额 3 absolute value 绝对值 5 absorb 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 absorb idle fund 吸收游资 5 abstract; brief 摘要 2 acceptance charge 承兑费 2 acceptance in blank不记名承兑 3 acceptance letter of credit 承兑信用证 3 acceptance sampling抽样认可 4 accepting bank; merchant bank承兑银行 4 access to market进入市场(的机会) 5 accident意外事故 3 accident beyond control无法控制的意外事故 3 accident insurance 意外事故保险 4 accidental damage 意外损坏 4 accommodation 设施;住宿;欠单 3 accord with the popular will and sentiments 顺民意;合民情5 account 会计帐目 4 account balance账户结金 5 account book账本(账册、账簿) 3 account executive 客户经理(常指广告公司) 5 account for 解释;说明 4 account number账目编号;账户号码 2 account rendered 结欠清单 5 account title账户名称 5 accountancy 会计工作;会计行业 5 accountant 会计 5 accountant general会计长 5 accounting 会计学 3 accounting archives会计档案 5 accounts 往来帐目 2 accounts being not in order账目不清


英语翻译题库 Translation. Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English to Chinese. Each of the 10 sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer. 1. When exporting goods, it is essential to arrange insurance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit. A.为了促进货物出口, 减少货物的丢失或者损坏, 必须发展保险业. B.出口时, 货物基本上都会上保险, 这样货物就避免了丢失或损坏. C.出口货物时必须办理保险, 以防货物在运输过程中丢失或者损坏. D.出口前货物一般都会上保险, 以便在货物遗失或损坏后得到赔偿. 2. If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action. A.如果本月底我们还收不到付款, 我们将会采取除申诉以外的一切行动. B.如果在本月底我们仍未收到货款, 我们别无选择, 只能采取法律行动. C.如果本月底我们还收不到订货, 我们就不得不采取其他办法了. D.如果本月底我们还收不到订购的货物, 我们就不得不拒绝付款. 3. Party B has the right to a written notice to Party A under the following conditions. A.乙方在下述情况下有权以书面通知甲方取消合同. B.乙方有义务在下述条件下通知甲方签定书面合同. C.乙方在下列条件下有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同. D.乙方在下列情况下才得有权与甲方终止书面合同. 4. I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime. A.我已下达指示, 首先要承担这项任务, 并且从事该项工作的工程师们必须加 班. B.我已做了说明, 从事该项工作并肯加班的工程人员具有优先权来参与这项 任务. C.我已经下达指令, 涉及该项工作的人员应首先接受该项任务, 并且要加班工 作. D.我已做了解释, 首先必须有工程师们愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项 任务. 5. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. A.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解创造性工作,也不能代替人类。 B.有许多优点的电子计算机也不能代替人类去做创造性工作。


论文:浅析英语翻译能力提升的障碍和策略摘要:翻译能力是英语综合能力的重要组成部分,也是英语专业学生必需具备的基本能力。要全面提升英语翻译能力,需要了解英汉两种文化的差异性,具备深厚的语言功底,掌握熟练的翻译技巧。 关键字:英语翻译能力;提升;障碍;策略 中西文化差异是影响英语翻译能力提升的重要因素,除了文化因素外,英语翻译能力的提升还受到其他因素的影响,本文将进一步的展开叙述影响英语翻译能力提升的障碍及其相应的策略。 一、影响英语翻译能力提升的障碍 1.中西文化的差异性容易造成英语翻译误会 英语翻译就是汉语和英语相互转换的过程,这个过程不仅仅是一种语言现象,也体现了跨文化现象。具体来说,中西方的文化差异体现在文化传统、生活习惯、价值观念和思维方式等方面,而这些层面的差异性往往会造成人们对同一事物有着不同的理解和解释,因此不同文化的差异性容易造成英语翻译的误会。比如,生活中最常见的信封的写法,在中国,习惯的书写顺序是国名,省、市、县、街道,最后才是收信人姓名。而在西方国家信封的书写顺序恰好相反。因此在学习英语知识的同时,需要更加注意对英语文化知识的了解和掌握。

2.语言基础知识掌握不扎实,影响了翻译的准确性 英语翻译就是英汉两种语言之间的相互转换,在转换的过程中主要涉及两个方面,首先翻译者要正确地领悟原文的意思,其次要通过译文将原文确切的表达出来,达到“信达雅”的标准。因此翻译者需要牢固地掌握英汉两种语言。但是由于多方面的因素,翻译者的语言基础知识掌握不扎实,很多翻译者的词汇量太少,经常背了忘,而又不重视巩固复习,或者死记硬背不会灵活运用,此外,语法掌握也不扎实,对一些基本的句型模棱两可,不能正确理解更不会运用。 二、提升英语翻译能力的具体策略 1.通过词汇、语法和阅读,了解中西文化之间的差异性 在英语的学习中,提高英语翻译能力,不仅要加强英语语言知识的学习,还要注重对英语文化知识的了解。具体来说,可以通过词汇、语法以及阅读等的学习获取英语文化知识。 首先,通过词汇的学习了解中西文化知识。词汇是英语语言的基本元素,掌握词汇的过程中,仅仅注重词汇正确的拼写和准确的发音是远远不够的,更主要的是学会如何恰当的运用词汇和组织词汇。因此,在背诵英语词汇意思的基础之上还需要进一步了解词汇产生的文化背景知识,尤其是了解习语、谚语和成语这一类词语的文化内涵、感情色彩以及


1.苹果公司(Apple Inc)不仅在中国有生产线,其产品在中国市场的销量也一片大好。对中 国消费者来说,苹果是最受推崇的品牌之一。2012年调查人员发现,苹果生产的电子产品在北京的一所精英中学的渗透度比在美国城市的一所精英中学还要广。目前,中国有 2.7亿人已经能买得起苹果手机,随着收入的提高,每年还会增加5700万人。简而言之, 苹果的产品目前在中国的销售速度非常快而且甚至可能更快。一些业内专家预测,几年之内中国将超过美国成为苹果最大的市场。(199) Apple Inc. not only has production lines in China, its sales there are also booming. For Chinese consumers, Apple is one of their most admired brands. A survey in 2012 by researchers found that the penetration of electronic products from the company at an elite high school in Beijing was greater than that at one in an American city. At present, 270 million people in China can already afford Apple’s products, and as income increases, each year there will be another 57 million able to. In short, Apple’s products are selling fast and likely to sell even faster in China. Some industry experts predict that China will overtake America to become Apple’s larg est market within a few years. 生产线a production line 最受推崇的品牌the most admired brand 渗透度penetration 电子产品an electronic product 精英中学an elite high school 可能be likely to 预测predict 超过overtake 2.自上世纪70年代末以来,中国许多最优秀人才赴海外留学,但学成归国的只有少数。中 国人才流失(brain drain)现象严重。面对全球化的世界,中国有越来越多的工作需要具备国际教育背景的人才。因此国家开展了一系列的引进海外人才的项目,成功的吸引了越来越多的留学生回国进入国企、教育机构和商业园区工作。如今,每年都有超过15万的海外留学生回国。他们将中国经济与世界相连,从商业、政治以及流行文化上着手,帮助中国走向世界。(191) Many of China's best and brightest talents have left to study abroad since the late 1970s, however, only a minority have returned. The country experienced a serious brain drain. Faced with a globalized world, more and more jobs in China need skilled people with international education background. China, therefore, launches a series of projects aimed at the introduction of overseas talents, which has successfully attracted more and more students abroad back home to work in state companies, educational institutions and business districts. Now, more than 150 thousand overseas students come back every year. They link China’s economy to the world, helping to connect China to commerce, politics and popular culture abroad. 海外人才overseas talents 全球化世界globalized world 开展launch 一系列 a series of 国企state companies 教育机构educational institutions 商业园区business districts 相连link …to


(英语)高三英语翻译试题经典 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。(visit) 2.街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。(bring) 3.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧。(apology)4.这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(what) 5.申请材料需要精心准备,这样你心仪的学校才会对你的能力有全面、准确地了解。(in order that) 【答案】 1.Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【解析】 【分析】 1.本句重点考察两个知识点。一个是乐趣之一,说明此处的乐趣应该用复数,必须是可数名词,因此选择pleasure。另一个是题目中给出的visit,需要谨慎处理,是用做动词还是名词。此处我们给出一个时间状语从句when people visit Shanghai,同时还可使用其他从句进行处理。所以答案是Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.本题难度不大,重点是明亮的色彩的表达,可以使用bright colors, 也可以使用bright and vivid colors. 所以答案是Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.本题考查there be + 定语从句从而构成条件状语从句。另外考察“道歉”用“make apology to sb.”。所以答案是If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.本题考察what引导的主语从句,以及“be peculiar to”的用法。所以答案是What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.本题主要考固定词组的掌握,为了使用in order that引导出的目的状语从句。另外也考查 preferred school,have…knowledge/ understanding of…,overall,accurate等。所以答案是The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【考点定位】翻译句子


浅议英语翻译能力的培养 高等学校很注重培养英语专业学生的翻译能力。要具备一定的翻译能力,学生必须具有深厚的语言功底?p广博的文化知识?p熟练的翻译技巧?p正确的翻译观念和严谨的翻译态度。因此,要培养和提高英语专业学生的翻译能力,教师应该从以下几个方面入手。 一?p掌握好汉语和英语的基础知识 翻译是一个语言转换的过程。从根本上讲,这个过程要解决两个问题:一是如何深刻地理解原文;二是如何用译文确切地表达原文的意思。因此,译者要较好地掌握英语和汉语两种语言,具备较强的语言理解能力和表达能力,这是做好翻译的前提条件。 从语言学角度讲,英语和汉语之间最大的区别莫过于形合和意合的区别。英语是重形合的语言,即英语中词语或句子间的连接主要依靠连接词来完成。汉语是重意合的语言,即汉语中词语或句子间的连接主要依靠语义或句子之间的逻辑关系来完成。例如“他今天没来,母亲住院了”(Hedidnotcometodaybecausehis mother was hospitalized),在这个例子中,汉语原文在表达因果关系时,没有使用任何表示因果关系的词汇,但是读者一看就能理解。然而,在翻译成英语的时候,必须加上连接词because,否则就会出现语法错误。二?p积累广博的文化知识 翻译材料涉及面极广,学生要具备渊博的知识。具体来说,文学性的翻译需要学生具备广博的文化知识,科技翻译需要学生具备相关的专业知识。另外,学生还要掌握大量的习语和俚语,这样在翻译时才不会被句子的字面意义所迷惑。如“I decidedto sit at his feet”这句话的字面意思是“我决定坐在他的脚上”,但实际上,“sit at his feet”是一个习语,表示“拜他为师”。 三?p培养严谨的翻译态度 英语和汉语的句子结构复杂,词汇意义也复杂多变,在翻译中出现错误是难以避免的,但是教师应该让学生尽量避免错误,避免粗枝大叶,望文生义。此外,学生在翻译时还应多关注细节,如单词的拼写?p标点符号?p小词等。例如,“中国政府”应该翻译成Chinese government还是the Chinese government这


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bb7883130.html, 浅谈商务英语翻译现状与问题分析 作者:李雨樨 来源:《赢未来》2018年第05期 摘要:随着全球经济一体化的发展,我国与其他国家间的交流与商务贸易日益频繁,这给我国企业向国际市场进军带来了新的机遇,商务英语占据的地位也越来越重要。需要翻译工作者在掌握商务英语知识的前提下进行商务翻译。然后目前我国的商务翻译工作者较少,而且水平较差,这给我国的企业发展带来了阻碍。本文通过对商务英语翻译现状与问题进行了分析,提出了具有针对性的解决策略,希望能够为商务英语翻译稳定健康可持续性发展提供参考。 关键词:商务英语翻译;现状;问题分析;解决策略 引言: 随着我国改革开放的持续发展,我国与其他国家间的商务交流、商务贸易日益频繁。而作为国际贸易沟通桥梁的商务藏语的应用范围也越来越广泛。随着全球经济一体化的发展,给商务英语翻译带来了机遇和挑战。在开展国际商务过程中,商务英语翻译工作者在经贸问题处理中的语言是否恰当准确决定着商贸能否成功。因此需要商务英语翻译工作者具有较高的专业水平和综合素质。因此了解商务英语翻译的特点,对其中存在的问题进行分析,具有针对性的纠正和改革存在的问题,才能够保障商务英语翻译的实效性。 一、商务英语翻译的特点 与普通英语翻译相比,商务要求的准确更高。如果在商务英语中出现错误就会对商务活动造成非常严重的影响,甚至会导致合同作废或者合同终止的情况,使贸易双方都随经济损失,因此商务英语翻译的准确率要高。在进行国际商务贸易时,贸易双方都特别注重效率和时间,因此贸易双方在进行商讨和交流时要坚持高效简洁的原则,同时也非常重视商务礼仪。因此每个商务英语翻译人员都要准确简练的把原材料的内容进行阐述,进而提高商务洽谈的效率。此外,在进行国际贸易文本翻译时,还要保证措辞的准确与精练以及礼貌用语的运用。也就是说,商务英语要重视语言的精练和客观。 在进行商务英语翻译时,要准确使用翻译术语,确保目标读者能够清楚了解发布信息者提出的商务要求。翻译人员要把原材料中涉及的全部信息全面完整的表现出来而不能出现遗漏,特别是一些特别重要的商务准则和数据一定要保持完整与忠实。而且商务英语翻译的主要目的是为了让阅读者清楚了解信息者的要求。因此商务英语翻译人员要准确使用商务术语,有效增强翻译准确性和完整性。国务商务领域内的英语翻译信息资源包括商务贸易信息也可能涉及经济法律等领域的信息,因此,翻译人员要全面了解材料,并且选择标准对等的专业术语进行翻译,以提高词汇的具体性和准确性。


一、第一集—Heart of the Dragon 二、第二集—Shangri-La 三、第三集—Tibet It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups and a wide range of traditional lifestyles, often in close partnership with nature. We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems. But there is great beauty here, too. China is home to the world's highest mountains, vast deserts ranging from searing hot to mind-numbing cold. Steaming forests harbouring rare creatures. Grassy plains beneath vast horizons. And rich tropical seas. Now for the first time ever, we can explore the whole of this great country, meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China to the remarkable landscape in which they live. 这里是五十多个民族的故乡,有着各式各样贴近自然的传统生活方式。我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会、环境问题。但这里也存在着令人惊叹的美丽。中国有着世界最高山峰,无垠的沙漠,从令人窒息的炙热到麻木大脑的寒冷,那蒸笼般的森林中隐匿各种珍稀生物,天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋。现在,我们第一次有机会深入探索这片伟大的土地,接触栖息于此的珍奇生物,思考中国这片神奇土地上人与野生世界的关系。 This vertical gorge in Guizhou Province is a focal point for the region's wildlife. This is one of the world's rarest primates, Francois'


汉译英专项练习 一、倍数增减的表示法 5 1) Force N1 _______________(比力N2大2.5倍). is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数+形容词/副词比较级+ than) 2) This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍). reacts three times as fast as the other one (考点:倍数+ as +形容词/副词+ as) 3) The earth _______________(是月球大小的49倍). is 49 times the size of the moon (考点:倍数+名词) 4) The landlord _______________(想将租金提高三分之一). wants to raise the rent by a third (考点:动词+ by +数词/百分比/倍数) 5) They _______________(计划将投资增加一倍). plan to double their investment (考点:double +名词) 二、时态6 1) Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了). or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church (考点:将来完成时) 2) When she got home, _______________(孩子们已经睡着了). the children had fallen asleep (考点:过去完成时) 3) When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _______________(我姐姐将在海边度假). my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside (考点:将来进行时) 4) I_______________(一上午都在修改我的简历). have been revising my resume all the morning (考点:现在完成进行时) 5) Do you often go on holiday? _______________(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). No. It has been five years since I went on holiday (考点:It has been…since sb. did sth.表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了) 6) He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________(他参军已五年了). He has been in the army for 5 years (考点:1.现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间) 三、被动语态5 1) The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代). is being replaced by the computer and the projector (考点:被动语态的现在进行时) 2) The book _______________(到今年年底就将已出版). will have been published by the end of this year (考点:被动语态的将来完成时)

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