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Insights into spoken language gleaned from phonetic transcription of the Switchboard corpus

Insights into spoken language gleaned from phonetic transcription of the Switchboard corpus
Insights into spoken language gleaned from phonetic transcription of the Switchboard corpus


Steven Greenberg, Joy Hollenback, Dan Ellis

University of California, Berkeley

International Computer Science Institute

1947 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 USA


Models of speech recognition (by both human and machine) have traditionally assumed the phoneme to serve as the fundamental unit of phonetic and phonological analysis. However, phoneme-centric models have failed to provide a convincing theoretical account of the process by which the brain extracts meaning from the speech signal and have fared poorly in automatic recognition of natural, informal speech (e.g., the Switchboard corpus).

Over the past five months the Switchboard Transcription Project has phonetically transcribed a portion of the Switchboard corpus in an effort to better understand the failure of phoneme-centric models for machine recognition of speech, as well as to provide a database through which to improve the performance of recognition systems focused on conversational dialogs.

Transcription of spoken dialogs illustrates the pitfalls of a phoneme-based system. Many words are articulated in such a fashion as to either omit or significantly transform the phonetic properties of phonemic constituents, thus resulting in wide variation of word pronunciations. Often, only the barest hint of a segment is realized phonetically, in spite of good intelligibility.

Despite this large variability in phonetic realization of words, the temporal properties of speech segments, both phones and syllables, appear to conform to regular patterns. This temporal regularity suggests that much of the linguistic information in speech may be signaled through variations in amplitude, pitch and the coarse spectrum, and that such patterns may be useful in the design of future-generation speech recognition systems.


Models of speech perception and recognition focus on the phone(me) as the basic representational unit from which lexical units are ultimately derived. Although this representational model often provides an adequate (if not completely comprehensive) descriptive basis for the acoustics of carefully articulated and read speech, it fails to capture many of the spectro-temporal properties of spontaneous speech typical of informal spoken dialog.

The Switchboard corpus provides an excellent test-bed with which to compare the phonetic properties of spontaneous speech with those characteristic of more formal speaking situations as encapsulated by the TIMIT, ATIS and Wall Street Journal corpora. For the latter three corpora, performance by automatic speech recognition systems typically range between 85 and 98% correct. In contrast, material from the Switchboard corpus is typically recognized with only 40-60% accuracy.

In the Switchboard corpus two individuals discuss a specific topic, such as summer vacations, professional dress codes, the international political situation, credit cards and so on for several minutes over the telephone. The dialog contains a significant proportion of "filled pauses" (e.g., "um," "uh-huh", etc.), "misarticulations" (e.g., transpositions of specific phonetic segments), phonetic and lexical deletions ("University of Nebraska" being pronounced [yuw nix ver six n dix bclbrae skclkaeq], where the "of" is entirely deleted, and the final syllable of "University" [dix] delayed till after the initiation of the nasal consonant in "Nebraska").

Often, only the vaguest hint of the "appropriate" spectral cues are present in the spectrographic representation. Typically, formant transitions usually associated with specific segments (such as liquids or nasals) are either entirely missing or differ appreciably from the patterns observed in more formally articulated speech. Such deviations from the "canonical" phonetic representation pose a significant challenge to current models of speech recognition.



In order to more fully characterize the phonetics of spontaneous speech, seventy-two minutes of the Switchboard corpus (comprising portions of 618 conversations from 750 speakers, representing both genders, and spanning a wide range of adult ages and dialectal patterns from American English) were phonetically transcribed by a group of eight Linguistics students (7 undergraduates and 1 graduate student) all of whom had received previous training in phonetic transcription and general phonetics/phonology at the University of California, Berkeley. The transcribers were closely supervised by both the senior author and Professor John Ohala in order to insure as accurate and as uniform a transcription of the materials as possible. Specific transcription issues were discussed at weekly project meetings, using a 60" BARCO projection screen for computer display and audio feedback.

The phonetic transcriptions were encoded with a variant of the Arpabet transcription system used for the TIMIT corpus. This

transcription system was augmented with a set of diacritics representing such phonetic properties as glottalization ("creaky voice"), nasalization (typically applied to vocalic segments), frication, aspiration, de-voicing, unusual voicing, and velarization. In addition, transitional elements between adjacent vocalic or glide-like segments were explicitly marked. For each short span of speech, the time-domain waveform and its time-aligned wideband spectrographic representation were displayed on a color SparcStation using Entropics waves+ software. Below the spectrographic display was a forced-Viterbi (time) aligned and labeled transcription providing the transcribers with an "initial guess" as to the identity and temporal boundaries of each phonetic segment. Below this phonetic transcription was displayed the (time-aligned) word transcription associated with the speech signal. Transcribers used the initial Viterbi-aligned transcriptions only as a starting point, and typically modified (or moved), added and/or deleted segments and associated segmental boundaries, in accordance with their phonetic training.


The phonetic transcription of Switchboard provides an opportunity to examine the frequency of occurrence of phonetic segments in informal speech. Table 1 lists the phonetic elements (stripped of their diacritical modification) for the transcribed portion of the corpus. The general patterns illustrated conform to previous accounts [e.g., 1]. Perhaps the most interesting observation is the relatively high frequency of the glottal stop [q] in spontaneous speech. Its frequency (ca.

1.5%) is in the midrange of occurrence for phonetic elements. The glottal stop has begun to function in place of many syllable-final (usually voiceless) stops and at the beginning of many syllable-initial vocalic segments. In this sense it often serves as an element to demarcate the beginning and ending of syllables.

1 -14 15 - 28 29 - 4

2 4

3 - 56

1n.0540dh.0243 v.0145 th.0076

2 s.0439ae.0239bcl.0144 nx.0069

3ih.0430ow.0232 ey.0142 aw.0066

4 ax.0420ay.0231 uh.0142 el.0048

5 iy.0359l.0219 q.013

6 sh.0047

6tcl.0356 w.0219 y.0134 ux.0047

7 ix.0354dcl.0218 dx.0132 jh.0046

8 t.0345z.0190 f.0131 ch.0044

9 eh.0309d.0189 ao.0130 en.0040

10 r.0299 er.0181 uw.0116axr.0034

11 ah.0295 aa.0177 hh.0102 oy.0011 12kcl.0266pcl.0163 g.0094 zh.0010

13 k.0261 p.0158 ng.0093 em.0008

14 m.0251 b.0149gcl.0078eng.0001 Table 1: The frequency of occurrence, in descending order, of each of the 56 phones used to transcribe the Switchboard corpus.


PHONETIC ELEMENTS Phonetic transcription also provides a means to analyze the durational properties of the phonetic elements in the Switchboard corpus, based on temporal boundaries associated with nearly 23,000 segments. These data are illustrated in Table 2, on the following page.

The durational patterns revealed by these data are rather interesting. The median duration for most phonetic classes is 60-100 ms. Diphthongs (except [uw] and [iy]) tend to be slightly longer (generally 120-150 ms) while the flaps and glottal stop tend to be shorter (25-25 ms). The short duration of the latter classes is consistent with their association with syllabic boundaries. Diphthongs are generally located within the nucleus of a syllable and possess certain properties similar to vocalic segments followed by glides. Their relatively long duration is therefore not surprising.

Within the Arpabet transcription system stop consonants are partitioned into closure (e.g. [pcl]) and release (e.g., [p]) components. When their durations are combined (in this analysis the combination is performed on a group, rather than the more desirable individual basis) the median durations fall within the 60-100 ms range typical of most other phonetic classes.


A durational analysis was also performed for syllables, which, on average, contain ca. 2.5 phonetic segments per unit. The median duration for all syllables in the transcribed portion of the Switchboard corpus is 167 ms, with the 20% and 80% percentiles corresponding to 107.5 and 260 ms, respectively. There is a slight asymmetry favoring longer intervals in the distribution of durations (on a linear axis) that is reflected in the mean (190 ms) being ca. 33 ms greater than the median duration. When syllable durations are plotted on a log2scale, normalized to the mean, the distribution is approximately symmetric and Gaussian in shape.

Syllable duration can be conceptualized in terms of "modulation frequency," (e.g., a syllable duration of 200 ms is equivalent to a modulation frequency of 5 Hz, a syllable duration of 125 ms is equivalent to a modulation frequency of 8 Hz, etc.) for comparison with a standard acoustic measure used for studies of speech intelligibility [2]. Such a comparison is illustrated in Figure 1. The modulation spectrum for an octave-wide channel, arithmetically centered at 1.5 kHz, computed from a single speaker's discourse over a two-minute interval is shown and compared with that of the distribution of syllable durations (transformed into equivalent modulation frequencies). The similarity between the two measurements suggests that much of the energy in the modulation spectrum may be derived from syllabic segmentation. This association is of interest in light of recent demonstrations that speech intelligibility is crucially dependent on the preservation of the portion of the modulation spectrum between 2 and 10 Hz [3, 4, 5].

VOWELS 20% 50% 80% N Diphthongs







uw61.294.6147.3(259) Monopthongs










ix35.151.476.3(660) Rotacized


er60.092.4134.9(423) Glides


y36.563.9100.4(354) CONSONANTS



r39.565.095.4(668) Fricatives









hh40.062.289.4(223) Affricates


ch77.3107.7134.0(106) 20% 50% 80% N







bcl35.655.074.1(358) b+bcl46.670.798.3





gcl27.541.561.1(184) g+gcl47.670.7101.1


pcl38.454.670.4(347) p+pcl61.084.6134.3





kcl28.345.261.0(588) k+kcl55.391.5131.1




nx21.326.832.9(131) SYLLABICS


el63.089.2142.3(113) Nasals



Table 2: Durations (in ms) for phone segments transcribed from a portion of the Switchboard corpus, partitioned into the 20th, 50th and 80th percentiles. N = number of instances for each phonetic class. Durational data for [eng] are omitted as a consequence of insufficient number of instances.

5101520 Frequency (Hz)

M o d u l a t i o n E n e r g y Modulation Spectrum for 1 ? 2 kHz



C o u n t

1/Syllable Duration (equiv. mod. freq.)

Figure 1: Frequency histogram for 2925 syllables derived from the Switchboard corpus (upper illustration). The modulation spectrum for two minutes of spoken discourse from a single speaker is shown in the lower illustration.


Detailed phonetic transcription of a spontaneous-speech corpus indicates that the spectral properties of many phonetic elements deviate significantly from their canonical form.Despite these spectral "abnormalities" such speech is almost always understandable, suggesting that other properties of the signal, such as segmental duration, may provide significant cues for intelligibility. Measurements of phonetic segment and syllable durations reveal a degree of temporal regularity that may serve as an important basis for understanding speech under a wide range of speaking conditions.


The Switchboard Transcription Project (STP) was funded as part of the Speech Recognition Workshop held at the Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University during the summer of 1996. STP was the product of many individuals' time and effort. We extend our appreciation and gratitude to Candace Cardinale, Melinda Chen, Rachel Coulston, Charles Gotcher, Mike McDaid, Diane Moffit,Colleen Richey and Gail Solomon who painstakingly transcribed the spoken-language materials. We would also like to extend our thanks to the following individuals for their efforts - John Ohala served as the "phonetician in residence" for the project and helped develop the transcription system and supervise the transcribers. Bob Weide provided useful advice concerning transcription systems. Eric Fosler and Jeff Bilmes provided valuable programming expertise during various stages of the project. Brian Kingsbury computed the modulation spectrum shown in Figure 1. Terri Durham, of the Oregon Graduate Institute, transcribed a portion of the corpus for us to compare and contrast with that of the Berkeley transcribers.Valuable discussion and advice was provided by many members of the ICSI Realization Group. Particular thanks are owed to Nelson Morgan and John Ohala for their counsel during the course of the project.


1.Fletcher, H. (1953), Speech and Hearing in Communication , Princeton: van Nostrand.


Houtgast, T and Steeneken, H. (1985) A review of the MTF concept in room acoustics and its use for estimating speech intelligibility in auditoria. J. Acoust. Soc. Am ,77, 1069-1077.


Drullman R; Festen J. M. and Plomp, R. (1994) Effect of temporal envelope smearing on speech reception. J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 95, 1053-1064.


Arai, T., Hermansky, H. Pavel, M. and Avendado, C.(1996) Intelligibility of speech with high-pass filtered time trajectories of spectral envelopes. Proc. ICSLP.5.

Greenberg, S. (1996) Understanding speech understanding: Towards a unified theory of speech perception. Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on The Auditory Basis of Speech Perception, Keele University,pp. 1-8.


本文目录络文明演讲稿络文明演讲稿英语之星的演讲稿: 络文明 计算机互联作为开放式信息传播和交流的工具,已经走进了我们的学习和生活。从它刚刚兴起直到现在的风靡一时,年青的我们凭着对新鲜事物特有的接受能力,一直都是它忠实的应用者,无论是学习、休闲还是交流,络都发挥了不可替代的作用。络是把“双刃剑”在给我们带来利处的同时,由于我们辨别是非的经验不足,一些络糟粕也随之侵袭着我们的心灵。到底怎么样才算是文明上 ?反过来络最大的文明又应该是什么? 其实,关于络所出现的问题,早已引起了家长、学校和社会的关注,年11月,团等8个单位发布了《全国青少年络文明公约》,提倡"要善于上学习,不浏览不良信息; 要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强自我保护意识,不随意约会友;要维护络安全,不破坏络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。"只要我们正确健康地上,络就会成为我们学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台。现在,我们不仅学校有电脑,而且很多家庭都有了电脑,那我们在使用络时该注意什么呢? 善于上学习,不浏览不良信息。现在人们对我们中学生上有一种普遍的看法:即不是玩游戏就是聊天。其实,上学习,天地宽广。在上学习,可以查关于学习的资料,也可以在bb 上与同学交流学习的经验。这样好的条件,何乐而不为呢?但凡是不良信息的站,不应该浏览;不健康的聊天室,都应该马上离开;如果不小心点击出了不健康的页面,应该马上关闭。 络语言尤其是对于正处于青春期与成长期的我们而言具有强烈的吸引力。青少年永远是时尚和流行的载体与传播者,络上的个性也在我们身上表现的淋漓尽致。络语言这些独特的表达方式,反映了我们的个性和联想能力。这从一个侧面反映了我们的特征——年轻的心态和不拘一格的想法。但是自从“第四媒体”互连出现以后,任何一个连接到互连的人都能够把自己的言论传播到络上去。络在带来发表言论,表达思想机会的同时,也导致了“滥言时代”。络的虚拟性,使的埋藏在人们心底的许多东西都迸发了出来,特别是许多不健康,不文明的东西,“反正都不认识现实的我,我想怎么说就怎么说”,许多人正是抱着这种想法,成为了不文明事物和行为的传播者,甚至是始作俑者。作为我们青少年应严格规范要求自己,坚决抵制上使用不文明用语,在络上不讲脏话不带粗口,做到时时使用络文明语言,在无限宽广的络天地里,倡导青少年络文明新风,为营造健康的络道德环境做己的努力。 上时文明守法是我们在场的每一位红岭人必需做到的。我们应遵守络道德规范,懂得基本的对与错、是与非,增强络道德意识,辨明上的善恶、美丑,在上不应随便发表不负责任的言论。前段时间在《高楼坠落玻璃块砸死过路小学生》一文登出后,福田某中学高三学生胡某发帖自称“肇事者”,经民和警方一路追踪发现竟是恶作剧。尽管只是场恶作剧,但是18岁的胡某还是为他的行为付出了代价。由于其发布帖子后,一方面造成了严重的社会影响,同时也干扰了警方对案件的正常侦查。根据《治安管理处罚法》的有关规定,警方依法对胡某采取了治安拘留。这也给我们敲响了警钟。 尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家好!


3.1中介语理论产生的历史背景 60年代是对比分析的兴盛时期。70年代初开始衰落,反映了一种历史的必然,因为这种理论方法无论在理论上还是实践上都面临着严重的危机。 因此,语言学家们为语言教师勾画了这样一幅图景:首先,语言学家们通过两种语言系统(L1和L2)的对比,为语言教师提供一个详细的菜单。这个菜单包括两种语言的相同点与不同点。然后,语言教师便依据这些不同点来预测学习者的难点,并据此来编写教学大纲和教材。但是后来的教学研究和实践证明,语言学家的许诺仅仅是一幅理想的图画而已。70年代初,对比分析遭到激烈的批评。如果第二语言学习者产生的错误完全可以通过两种语言的对比来预测。由此推论,语言的差异等于学习的难点,学习的难点必然导致语言表达的错误。问题是,语言差异是语言学上的概念,学习的难点则是心理学上的概念。学习的难点无法直接从两种语言差异的程度来推测。教学实践也证明,依据对比分析确认的难点事实上并不完全导致错误的产生。对比分析的理论方法存在的致命弱点,如果归结为一句话,那就是,人们试图用简单的语言学的方法去解决复杂的心理学的问题。语言习得涉及到学习的主体和客体的方方面面,对比分析却仅仅局限于语言系统的对比,忽略了学习者这一主体以及作为学习客体的学习过程。由于对比分析在理论与实践上的危机,人们呼吁一种新的理论的诞生,并要求这种新的理论把目光投向学习的主体和客体。早期的中介语理论正是在这种历史背景下产生的。 3.2中介语的概念 于根元、鲁健骥等是在中国应用语言学领域,最早进行了介绍、评述和研究中介语的意义、特点和研究方法。我们来看他们是怎么界定中介语的。于根元认为,所谓中介语就是介于习得语和目的语之间的独立的语言系统,他是第二语言习得者创造的语言系统。鲁健骥认为,中介语指的是由于学习外语的人在学习过程中对于目的语的规律所做的不正确的归纳与推论而产生的一个语言系统,这个语言系统既不同于学习者的母语,又区别于他所学的目的语。 3.3中介语出现的根源 我们着重重复一下鲁健骥对中介语的定义:中介语指的是由于学习外语的人在学习过程中对于目的语的规律所做的不正确的归纳与推论而产生的一个语言


Chapter1.Body language Listening, Speaking, Using English, Writing 一、章节分析(Section Analysis ) (一)综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。针对高一新生情况using language 的任务是培养学生如何正确有效的使用字典,为以后的学习打下基础。 (二)目标 Listening 1帮助学生通过抓关键词培养其听力理解能力。 2听说结合,提高听力教学效果。 Speaking 1帮助学生运用本课关于肢体语言信息,培养他们良好的礼议。 2鼓励学生在此过程中动脑动口,学会推荐自己及如何评价他人。 Using English 1帮助学生如何有效的使用字典。 2培养学生自习自研能力。 Writing 1了解书信式“提醒单(reminder )”和邀请信的写作思路。 2掌握写作方法。 3根据简要提示写出符合要求的reminder as well as 邀请信。 (三)重点和难点 Listening 培养学生抓关键词汇:adj /adv attentively; politely; serious ,nervous n art; steps; movements; sages; points messages v dance Speaking 通过表演掌握如何推荐自己以及如何评价他人,同时能运用Do’s 和Don’s 句型。Using English 了解字典中不同符号的含义以及如何能有效地运用字典,培养自学能力。 Writing 根据提示写出符合要求的short messages 并能采用生生互评。


文明网络演讲稿4篇Civilized network speech document 编订:JinTai College

文明网络演讲稿4篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:文明网络演讲稿 2、篇章2:网络文明演讲稿 3、篇章3:文明网络演讲稿 4、篇章4:英语之星的演讲稿网络文明 篇章1:文明网络演讲稿 遵守网络文明公约争做文明上网人

计算机互联网作为开放式信息传播和交流的工具,已经 走进了我们的学习和生活。从它刚刚兴起直到现在的风靡一时,年青的我们凭着对新鲜事物特有的接受能力,一直都是它忠实的应用者,无论是学习、休闲还是交流,网络都发挥了不可替代的作用。网络是把“双刃剑”在给我们带来利处的同时,由于我们辨别是非的经验不足,一些网络糟粕也随之侵袭着我们的心灵。到底怎么样才算是文明上网?反过来网络最大的文明又应该是什么? 其实,关于网络所出现的问题,早已引起了家长、学校 和社会的关注,XX年11月,团中央等8个单位发布了《全国 青少年网络文明公约》,提倡"要善于网上学习,不浏览不良 信息;要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强自我保护意识,不随意约会网友;要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。"只要我们正确健康地上网,网络就会成为我们学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台。现在,我们不仅学校有电脑,而且很多家庭都有了电脑,那我们在使用网络时该注意什么呢? 善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息。现在人们对我们中学 生上网有一种普遍的看法:即不是玩游戏就是聊天。其实,网上学习,天地宽广。在网上学习,可以查关于学习的资料,也


中介语简介中介语理论是二语习得中的一个重要理论,它产生于20世纪70年代初并于80年代初被介绍到我国,对我国的外语教学产生了巨大的推动作用,人们也逐步认识到中介语在外语教学中的积极作用。Selinker在其论文Language Transfer (1969)中首次使用了“interlanguage”一词,并于1972发表了题为Interlanguage的研究论文。Selinker认为,中介语是第二语言学习者独立的语言系统,在结构上处于母语和目的语的中间状态(1972)。 中介语在英语学习中的干扰作用 一、中介语定义及特点 中介语(Interlanguage, 简称IL)一词是英国语言学家Selinker 1969 年首次提出. 现在又被译为过渡语、中间语、中继语、语际语等。它是指学习者在某一段时间内所创建的内在语言体系或学习者在整个学习过程中所构建的相互关联的语言体系。学习者在学习和使用第二语言时,不断接受和理解新的语音、语法知识,在此基础上逐渐形成自己的语言结构。并不断对其进行系统的预测调整,通过归纳和推论产生中介语。中介语的语言系统在结构上处于母语(Native Language)和目的语(Target Language)之间,具有独立性,并兼有两者的特点。综合国内外近来的研究,中介语有如下一些特征: 1.独立性 中介语是一个独立的语言系统,它既不同于母语, 又区别于外语, 也不能单纯的把它地看作外语学习过程中由于受母语的干扰而形成的混合体。中介语有其独特的语言规则,这些规则常常被学习者用来解释外语中固有而不规则的语言现象。 2.阶段性 中介语在逐渐进化的过程中,具有一定的阶段性。它是一个开放的体系,不是固定的一成不变的。这个体系在不断被新知识渗透的同时,修正原有知识,逐渐接近目的语。 3.动态性 在外语学习过程中,学习者的中介语在不断的发展变化。虽然它充满了错误,但由于新的语言规则有及强的扩展能力,它们处于不断的组合和变化中,因此中介语随着学习者的努力和交际需要而不断变化,由简而繁,由低而高,逐渐离开母语而接近目的语。如果我们设在母语与目的语之间的中介语为一个连续体,那么,在某一特定阶段,学习者的中介语可以用连续体上的某一点。中介语越接近目的语,说明学习者的外语水平越高。 4.系统性 中介语在每个阶段都表现出较强的系统性和内部一致性。它也是一个由内部要素构成的系统,就是说它有语音的、词汇的、语法的规则系统,而且自成体系。学习者对中介语的使


男:同学们,在开班会之前,我们想问大家几个熟悉的问题:你的QQ号是多少?你的农场几级了?牧场呢?梦幻西游呢? 女:现在随着中国社会的不断发展,人们的生活也逐渐富裕起来,网络也跟着在社会中流行,融入到了我们的生活中去,而且扩张的范围极大,尤其是对于中学生来说更是对“网络”爱不释手。 男:上个星期,我就问过几个中学生对告别网吧的看法,他们中的一些坚定的摇了头,并说出了一大堆上网的好处,而且反问我:“你不是也经常上网吗?”,于是,我产生了几个思考:告别网吧,是不是就等于告别了网络呢?告别网吧,这现实吗?我们的中学生在接触网络时,该如何把持自己呢? 女:老师曾经说过,21世纪是知识经济的时代,是网络的时代,是人类数字化生存的时代,电脑和网络,是每一个学生都尽可能掌握的一门课程。在美国等西方国家,四五年级的学生都能够熟练地使用电脑、网络来查阅资料,学习知识。相比之下,让我们中学生告别网络的做法,我想在坐的同学没有一个会同意。 男:但我们的法律为什么又规定“禁止未成年人进入网吧” 呢?首先,我们不能把“网络”等同于“网吧”。第二,表面禁止的同时,深含对我们未成年人的身心保护。我们中

学生自制能力差,一旦迷恋网吧便不能自拔,导致学业无成,甚至是猝死网吧。这类的现象时有耳闻,如果事件发生,我们便总认为这是因无知而犯下的错误,但也为时已晚了。 女:“禁止未成年人进入网吧”是为了让我们的学生少犯或不犯相同的错误,让更多的人来关爱我们这些未成年人。 不接触网吧,我们同样可以接触网络,比如:通过家 庭的个人电脑、学校电脑室的电脑等。 男:当然,作为孩子的我,完全能够理解为什么有的人家里有电脑,但他还要去网吧。刚才也说到我们自制能 力差,只要用上电脑,便会觉得时间如白驹过隙,不 管用多久,都觉得不够。所以,每当感到刚玩了一会,就会听到父母说“你都玩了几个小时了!该去写写作业 了吧!”“你看看都几点了,还在玩?明天不用上学啊?” “你玩什么呢?这么聚精会神?要是学习也这样,还至 于几百多名吗”“你作业写完了也不能玩这么久啊!复习 去!”“作业写完了吧?来,别玩了,考考你学过的英文单 词。”“哎呀......忙了一天了,累死我了,别玩了,去把衣 服晾一下,然后扫一下地,再把碗刷了!”等。父母喋喋 不休的唠叨,真的可以让人发疯!但是大家有没有想 过,他们为什么要这样做?难道真的是因为看你不顺 眼、想拿你撒气?


中介语理论研究与第二语言教学 [摘要]中介语理论是第二语言习得研究领域中的一个认知理论。分析和研究中介语产生的根源和特点有助于了解第二语言习得机制,揭示第二语言习得的发展过程和规律。对提高教学效果有重大意义。[关键词]中介语;特点;教学 第二语言习得研究在近40年间取得了令人瞩目的成就。随着研究的不断深入和发展,人们越来越重视第二语言习得的心理过程。中介语理论把第二语言学习者的语言看作是一个内在的语言行为。因此,中介语的研究对外语教学方法论有着重要的意义。 一、中介语的概念 中介语(interlanguage),也有人译为"过渡语"或"语际语",指的是第二语言学习者特有的一种目的语系统。是指在第二语言习得过程中,学习者通过一定的学习策略,在目的语输入的基础上所形成的一种既不同于其第一语言也不同于目的语,随着学习的进展向目的语逐渐过渡的动态的语言系统. 中介语理论认为,第二语言学习者在学习过程中所掌握和使用的目的语是一种特定的语言系统,这种语言系统在语音、词汇,语法、文化和交际等方面既不同于自己的第一语言,也不同于目的语,而是一种随着学习的进展向目的语的正确形式逐渐靠拢的动态的语言系统。由于这是一种介乎第一语言和目的语之间的语言系统,所以称之为“中介语”。 与lnterlanguage (中介语)相近的概念最早由Corder在论文《学习者错误的意义》中提出,他把学习者尚未达到的目的语语

言能力的外语能力称为过渡能力( transitional competence)。美国语言学Selinker于1969年在论文《语言迁移》中首先提出中介语假说(interlanguage)的概念。1971年,W. Nemsers在《外语学习者的相似系统》中提出了“approximative system”的概念。1972年Selinker在其著名论文《中介语》中提出的中介语假说, 对“中介语”这一概念进行较详细的阐述,是试图探索第二语言习得者在习得过程中的语言系统和习得规律的假说,在第二语言习得的研究史上有重大意义。从而确立了它在第二语言习得研究中的地位。Selinker指出:“中介语是一个独立的语言系统,它产生于学习者试图掌握第二语言所做的努力。”根据塞格林的定义,中介语既可是指第二语言学习者在学习过程中某一特定阶段中认知目标语的方式和结果的特征系统,即一种特定、具体的中介语言,也可以指反映所有学习者在第二语言习得整个过程中认知发生和发展的特征性系统,即一种普遍、抽象的中介语语言体系interlanguage continuum塞格林还指出中介语本身是一个阶段到过程的双重系统和庞大体系,即母语→中介语→目标语系统中的一个必然成分和过程。在这个系统中二语学习者从母语出发经过中介语到达目标语。并指出要到目标语必须经过中介语,中介语是第二语言认知中的必经之路。 二、中介语的产生 应用语言学领域中产生了对比分析方法(20世纪中期)。它通过对人们的母语以及所要学习的第二语言的语音、语法、词法、


get around/round to: do (something that you have intended to do for a long time.) e.g: I was meaning to see that film but I just never got around to it. 我一直想看那部电影,但始终还是没能去看。 just as well/as well: suggesting that something will be a good thing to do/or that it was luckily that something was done or happened. 正好,幸好,不妨 e.g: “Shall I phone to remind him? ” “That would be just as well.” It was just as well you’re not here. You wouldn’t like the noise. get by (Line 3): be good enough but not very good; manage to live or do things e.g: It is a bit hard for the old couple to get by on a small amount of pension. 如果我们坚持到底,我们就能熬过难关。 We’ll get by if we hold on to the end. get across: be understood Did your speech get across to the students? get away with: run away without being punished The teller had been stealing money from the bankand got away with it. 这个出纳一直在偷银行的钱却能侥幸逃脱。 get through (Line 45): come successfully to the end e.g: We’ve stored enough food and fuel to get through the cold winter. 为了度过寒冬,我们已经储备了足够的食物和燃料。 make it (Line 9) : be successful, fulfill the purpose e.g: Having failed for thousands of times, he eventually made it. 她最后成功地成为了一家大公司的总裁。 She finally made it as a CEO of a big corporation. haul (Line 16) v. transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. e.g: These farmers haul fruits and vegetables to the market on a cart in the early morning every day. v. pull or drag sth. with effort or force e.g: A crane has to be used to haul the car out of the stream. long-overdue (Line 20) adj. Being something that should have occurred much earlier. e.g: Changes to the tax system are long overdue .She feels she’s overdue for promotion. supplement (Line 21) v. add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with) e.g: 1) Forrest does occasional freelance to supplement his income. 2) The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A. supplementary adj. additional, auxiliary spray (Line 22): v. force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with) eg: I’ll have to spray the roses w ith insecticide to get rid of the greenfly. freelance (Line 23) adj. doing particular pieces of work for different organizations rather than working all the time for a single 自由职业者的 e.g: Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.

Body language 课文

Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. As they were introduced, George reached his hand out to the Japanese student. Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched George's moving hand. They both apologized - another cultural mistake! Ahmed Aziz, another international student, was from Jordan. When we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as I introduced myself. I moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my


so there are more and more people who have became internet users. do you know how many internet users in the world? let’s see the chart! 3 this is a questionnaire [?kw?st??n??r, ?kwest???ne?] (调查卷) about world internet users and population stats in 2009. the users has grown [gr?un] at a remarkable [ri?mɑ:k?bl] rate 。the rising line(上升的曲线) is not this ,not this ,is this. let us see the next pictures. 4 who is he?yes .our respectable premier [?premi?] wen .how old is he? a ha .this i dont know ,but i know he is very old , he is also surfing the internet and caring about current events and politics .so how we do ? 5 yes .the man may be watch a funny movie. the mother is telling her children learning some knowledge through the internet. in this picture .the people from different nations also learn the same thing-------how to use the internet. even the lovely dog is also want to use the internet. why are many people attracted by internet? now im not surprised to see the results, for i can find the reason just from my own life. 6 the internet changed my life; there is no doubt about that. to spend a part of our day on the internet is quite normal for many people. 7 second. the internet is a database ?deit?beis] full of latest information and offers me a lot of services. i can read the daily newspapers, movies and music from all over the world. 8 when i saw this news, my mood just like this picture—angry birds .how cruel the passed people are .ok, let me back to the topic .this is an online game--- angry birds. that’s another important part for internet .the online games are always attractive and challenging. in my opinion its more exciting to play with friends than playing alone. 9 third. to improve our english, through internet i often find professional english learning methods. is internet good or bad we should admit that there are so many advantages brought by the internet. firstly, the internet affords us lots of convenience. for example, we can shop, have meetings and even study on-line. furthermore, the internet has improved our working efficiency. we can contact colleagues on the other side of the world to talk about the working project via the internet easily. piles of files can be sent by e-mails with the help of the internet. in addition, the internet makes information conveyance much easier. just clipping “google”, related information will boom out explosively within several seconds. while applauding for those benefits the internet brings to us, we need to worry about disadvantages of the internet as well. to begin with, it is easy for the young to indulge themselves in the so-called “cyber romance”, which is full of dangers, cheatings




浅谈中介语石化现象 1.引言 外语学习中存在一个普遍现象,绝大多数学习者的外语学习达到了一定程度后,就不再像学习的最初阶段稳步提高,而是处于停滞不前的徘徊状态,很难达到目的语这个理想的终点。1972年Selinker把这个现象定义为中介语的石化 (fossilization),此后相关研究、论著相继问世,中介语石化也成为目前二语和外语教育界研究的热门课题之一。 2.中介语石化现象的定义 中介语的石化概念是Selinker(1972)首先提出的:“石化就是母语的词条、规则和词系统倾向保留在与目的语相关的中介语中,不管学习者的年龄有多大,也不管学习者接受的解释和指导有多少,这种倾向都不会改变。”在外语学习中,学习者的语言是处于一种动态的发展变化状态,中介语是一种介于学习者母语与目的语之间的一个逐渐积累和逐渐完善的过程,整个过程形成一个连续体(continuum) 。其理论假设是,中介语的始点是学习者的母语,然后随着目的语、知识的不断摄人,中介语逐渐向目的语靠拢。外语学习过程就是一种以目的语为标准的不断调整和重组的连续体,是学习者在学习新语言过程中所使用的过渡语言。中介语是第二语言认知中的必经之路。理论上,随着语言习得的逐步发展,中介语会渐渐接近直到达到目的语水平。然而大量实验表明,当学习者达到一定程度后,中介语的某些特征就会趋于停滞状态,很难甚至无法消除,从而形成语言石化。 后来,Selinker (1992) 对石化现象进一步阐释:“语言的石化现象是指外语学习者的中介语的一些语言项目,语法规则和系统性知识趋向与固定下来的状态,年龄的增长和学习量的变化对改变这种固定状态不起作用。”Selinker 认为所有外语学习


网络语言尤其是对于正处于青春期与成长期的我们而言具有强烈的吸引力。青少年永远是时尚和流行的载体与传播者,网络上的个性也在我们身上表现的淋漓尽致。网络语言这些独特的表达方式,反映了我们的个性和******能力。这从一个侧面反映了我们的特征——年轻的心态和不拘一格的想法。但是自从“第四媒体”互连网出现以后,任何一个连接到互连网的.人都能够把自己的言论传播到网络上去。网络在带来发表言论,表达思想机会的同时,也导致了“滥言时代”。网络的虚拟性,使的埋藏在人们心底的许多东西都迸发了出来,特别是许多不健康,不文明的东西,“反正都不认识现实的我,我想怎么说就怎么说”,许多人正是抱着这种想法,成为了不文明事物和行为的传播者,甚至是始作俑者。作为我们青少年应严格规范要求自己,坚决抵制上网使用不文明用语,在网络上不讲脏话不带粗口,做到时时使用网络文明语言,在无限宽广的网络天地里,倡导青少年网络文明新风,为营造健康的网络道德环境做出自己的努力。 上网时文明守法是我们在场的每一位红岭人必需做到的。我们应遵守网络道德规范,懂得基本的对与错、是与非,增强网络道德意识,辨明网上的善恶、美丑,在网上不应随便发表不负责任的言论。前段时间在《高楼坠落玻璃块砸死过路小学生》一文登出后,福田某中学高三学生胡某发帖自称“肇事者”,经网民和警方一路追踪发现竟是恶作剧。尽管只是场恶作剧,但是18岁的胡某还是为他的行为付出了代价。由于其发布帖子后,一方面造成了严重的社会影响,同时也干扰了警方对案件的正常侦查。根据《治安管理处罚法》的有关规定,警方依法对胡某采取了治安拘留。这也给我们敲响了警钟。 其实网络只是给我们提供了一个自由发挥的平台。我们不能把网络中不文明事物和行为的出现怪罪于网络,我们所需要净化的不应该是网络,而应该是我们自己,要络方面的法律、法规知识。在提高修养的同时,还要不断检讨自己的行为。自觉抵制不文明事物和行为,并传播文明的事物和行为。在文明的网络中体会网络的乐趣。 同学们,网络在我们面前展示了一幅全新的生活画面,同时,美好的网络生活也需要我们用自己的美德和文明共同创造。让我们响应全国青少年网络文明公约的号召,从我做起,从现在做起,自尊、自律,上文明网,文明上网,真正做一名文明、健康的小网民。 尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家好! 我今天将要给大家演讲《网络——把锋利的双刃剑》。 众所周知,随着时代的时步,科技的更新,更多的新事物涌入我们的世界,其中也包括了互联网。自90年代后期互联网进入我国以来,网络就如同雨后春笋般,发展迅速,如今已遍布城乡。作为一种新的传媒手段,互联网在经济建设和人们的各项活动中起着不可忽视的作用,同时也为青春少年的学习.交流以及


文明上网演讲稿【五篇】 【篇一】文明上网演讲稿 各位领导,各位老师,同学们: 大家早上好! 我今天演讲的题目是《告别痴迷,文明上网》。 现在随着中国社会的不断发展,人们的生活也逐渐富裕起来,网络也跟着在社会中流行,融入到了我们生活中去,而且扩张的范围很大,尤其是对于中学生来说更是对“网络”爱不释手。为此,上个星期,老师叫我写有关网络文明的演讲稿,我想就写“告别网吧,做文明健康中学生”为题的演讲稿吧,于是我就中学生告别网吧一事专门调查了几位同学,他们中的一些坚定的摇了头,并说出了一大堆上网的好处,而且反问了我:“你也不是经常上网吗?”,于是,产生了我的几个思考:告别网吧,是不是就等于告别了网络?告别网吧现实吗?我们的中学生在接触网络时,该如何把持自己呢? 老师说过,21世纪是知识经济的时代,是网络时代,是人类数字化生存的时代,电脑和网络,是每一个学生都必须掌握的一门课程。在美国等西方国家,四五年级的学生都能够熟练地使用电脑、网络、查阅资料,学习知识。相比之下,让我们中学生告别网络的做法,我想在座的同学没有一个会同意的。但我们法律为什么又规定“禁止未成年人进入网吧”?首先,我们不能把“网络”等同于“网吧”。不接触网吧,我们同样可以接触网络。比如通过:家庭个人电脑、学校电脑室等,当然,这方面的开发和利用,有待学校、老师、家长和我们同学的共同认识基础上逐步实现。第二,表面禁止的同时,深含对我们未成年人的身心保护。我们中学生迷恋网吧,不能自拔,导致学业无成,甚至是猝死网吧的现象时有耳闻,一旦事件发生,我们总认为这是因无知而犯下的错,但也为时已晚。“禁止未成年人进入网吧”是为了让我们的学生少犯或不犯同样的错误,让更多的人来关爱我们这些未成人。 但是,目前那些黑网吧,像一个个美丽的陷阱,使许多同学丢魂失魄、丧失意志、无心学习、前途废弃。据调查,学生上网80%以上是打游戏,15%左右是交友聊天,真正查询资料用于学习的为数极少。有13%以上的男生很喜欢上网或迷恋上网,达到了严重影响学习的地步。一到寒暑假,学生们更是肆无忌惮,不


浅析中介语产生的原因 【摘要】中介语是对第二语言习得者使用目的语时所产生的不完全正确的语言系统的描述,是第二语言学习过程中学习者所使用的一种独立的语言系统。本文从母语对中介语的影响,有限的目的语知识的干扰,本族或外族文化因素的干扰,学习或交际方式、态度等的影响,教师或教材对目的语语言现象的不恰当或不充分的讲解和训练等方面分析了中介语产生的原因。 【关键词】中介语产生原因 【中图分类号】H314 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-4810(2011)13-0077-02 中介语是对第二语言习得者使用目的语时所产生的不完全正确的语言系统的描述,是第二语言学习过程中学习者所使用的一种独立的语言系统。研究者们对第二语言习得者的这一语言系统的描述曾使用过诸如:“近似语言系统”(approximative systems)、“学习者固有的内在的掌握语言的课程大纲”(learner’s built-in syllabus)、“习得者独有的语言”(idiosyncratic dialects)、“中继能力”(transitional competence)等术语。然而,广为人知,影响最大的是塞林克(Selinker)的“中介语”(interlanguage)。中介语一词最早是由塞林克首先使用,1972年他在论文“Interlanguage”中对中介语作出了全面的阐述,此后该词确立了其在第二语言习得理论中的重要地位,并为语言学界和外语教学界所接受。中介语理论于80年代初被介绍到我国。 中介语是介于母语和目的语之间的过渡性语言,以母语为出发点,不断发展并逐渐向目的语靠近。中介语作为独立的语言体系有着自身的特点。不同的学者对中介语本身的特点也有不同的概括。纵观学者们的看法,中介语具有系统性、可变性、渗透性、可创造性及石化性等特点。中介语的产生是多方心理因素影响的结果,也即产生中介语的根源。本文试对中介语的成因进行阐述。 一母语的负迁移,即干扰 在第二语言或外语学习中,学习者由于不熟悉目的语的语法规则或表达习惯,会自觉或不自觉地运用母语的规则或表达方式来处理目的语中的一些信息,会依赖其原有的母语知识辅助其意思的表达。而过多的母语干扰会产生语际错误(interlingual errors),也会出现中国式英语(Chinglish)。套用母语所出现的中介语主要反映在语音、词汇和语法等语言系统的几个层面上。例如,初学英语的中国学生把thing读成sing,因为汉语语音系统中没有齿间部位的摩擦音/θ/这一发音,中国学生习惯套用汉语的/s/来处理这一发音。又如,中国学生往往容易在读英语闭音节的同时,在结尾的辅音后面不自觉地加上一个元音,如把cook读成cooker,这是因为汉字基本上都属于开音节的缘故。在词汇方面,套用母语的例子也不少,例如,有人把汉语中的“爱人”(wife)说成“lover”(在英语中指的是情夫或情妇),把“公费医疗”说成“the public medical”(正确的说法应为the free medical care)等。在语法方面,由于受母语的影响,中国学生容易犯这样的错误:I buy it yesterday.这是因为汉语的词汇没有时态之分。又如:Though the task was difficult, but I finished it on time. 这也是受汉语习惯说法影响的结果,还有把I don’t think it is good enough. 说成I think it is not good enough. 二所学有限目的语知识的干扰 学习者因为所学目的语的知识有限,把目标语中的个别语言规则当成普遍性规则来使用,创造出不具有母语特征又不是目标语的中介语形式。学习者常将一些语言规则当成普遍性的规则滥用,将目的语的语言结构系统简单化,从而创造出既不带母语特征,目的语中又没有的结构变体。例如:What did he intended to say? 这类中介语产生的原因在于学习者把表示过去时的动词加后缀-ed的规则推而广之。又如:I don’t know when is the plane going to take off. 这是由于学习者滥用英语特殊疑问句的语序造成的。
