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1. 他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used)

2. 他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer)

3. 对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how)

4. 这件大衣值多少钱?(cost)

5. 他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote)

6. 你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better)

7. 他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used)

8. 今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead)

9. 没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent)

10. 妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom)


1. His uncle used to live in the country. Now he lives in the city.

2. He doesn’t like coffee at all, but he prefers tea.

3. How important it is for students to learn a foreign language!

4. How much does the coat cost?

5. He devoted his life to studying spaceships

6. You’d better not tell him the bad news now.

7. He is an experienced driver and he is used to driving in all kinds of weather.

8. You should review your lessons instead of watching TV tonight.

9. Nothing can prevent the child to risk climbing that tall tree.

10. Mother seldom goes out alone at night, does she?

11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid)

12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population)

13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it)

14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly)

15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem)

16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless)

17. 无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever)

18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However)

19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as)

20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that)

11. Try to express yourself in English. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

12. What was the population in China by the end of last year?

13. What a long way it is from Guangzhou to New York!

14. Hardly had I reached the airport when the plane took off.

15. It seemed only seconds before the boy finished washing his face.

16. You will not succeed unless you work hard.

17. Whatever you do, try your best.

18. However difficult the task may be, we will try/do our best to complete in time.

19. Child as he is, he knows how to live and study.

20. Now that the weather is fine, I opened all the windows.

21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as… as)

? 22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer)

? 23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more… the more)

? 24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as

? 25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever)

? 26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once)

? 27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(… so… that)

? 28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that)

? 29. 长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit)

? 30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose)

21. The climate here is as good as that of Kunming.

22. She no longer talks and laughs as she used to.

23. The more we know the world, the more successful we will be.

24. As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.

25. Whoever does it makes no difference.

26. Once she started to dance, she forgot about the time.

27. The mountain is so high that I can not climb up to its top.

28. On condition that you practise speaking English all the time, you’ll certainly master it v ery soon.

29. The Yangtse River, which we visited last summer, is the longest river in China.

30. Have you seen the girl whose composition we discussed yesterday?


? 32. 我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice)

? 33. 你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss)

? 34. 碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen)

? 35. 据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest)

? 36. 他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing)

? 37. 她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take)

? 38. 直到昨天我才知道他要来。(not… until)

? 39. 这城市不像三年前的那样子了。(used)

? 40. 这正是你要寻找的东西。(look)

31. As is known to all, the compass was first made in China.

32. That we need more practice is quite clear.

33. It is a pity that you missed the lecture made by Teacher Li.

34. It happened that I was free that evening.

35. It is suggested that the experiment should be made under low temperature.

36. What he has done has nothing to do with us.

37. She asked me how long it had taken to build the bridge.

38. It was not until yesterday that I knew he was coming.

39. The city isn’t what it used to be three years ago.

40. This is what you are looking for.

41. 彼得一直没有来的原因是他没赶上这班火车。(catch)

? 42. 他认为每次考试作好准备是重要的。(it)

? 43. 学好一门外语需要时间和努力。(effort)

? 44. 如何解决这道难题将在明天的会上讨论。(solve)

? 45. 对学生来说,把座位让给这位老年妇女是最礼貌的。(polite)

? 46. 与汤姆打赌是没有用的,因为他永远不会改变他的想法。(no use)

? 47. 我宁可失去这场比赛,也不愿意伤害他。(would rather)

? 48. 除了请医生外,似乎没有别的事可做。(nothing but)

? 49. 据说这本书已被译成好几种外语。(translate)

? 50. 爱伦今天上午缺席,因为她要去补牙。(havesth. done)

41. The reason why Peter hasn’t come is that he didn’t catch the train.

42. He thinks it important that he does full preparation before the examinations every time.

43. Learning a foreign language well requires time and effort.

44. How to solve the problem will be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting.

45. It is polite for the student to give up his seat to the elderly woman.

46. It is no use debating with Tom, because he will never change his mind.

47. I’d rather lose the game than hurt him.

48. There seemed nothing else to do but send for a doctor.

49. It is said that the book has been translated into several foreign languages.

50. Ellen was absent this morning because she had her tooth filled.

51. 我不能让你整天上上下下地跑着。(havesb doing)

? 52. 噪音那么多,以至于演讲者无法使自己被听众听清楚。(so… that)

? 53. 作为奥林匹克运动会的主办国是不容易的。(easy

? 54. 成年人有时太忙,不能玩耍。(too… to)

? 55. 老师们认为英语语法不难学。(think)

? 56. 他给了我很大的帮助,真是不胜感激。(It’s …of sb)

? 57. 不懂装懂的人总有一天会受到惩罚。(pretend)

? 58. 说实话,直到昨天我才知道他们去上海了。(not… until)

? 59. 只有通过实践,才能提高你的口语水平。(only)

? 60. 再也没有比看到学生的进步更使老师们高兴的了。(nothing… than)

51. I can’t have you running up and down all day long.

52. There was so much noise that the speak er couldn’t make himself heard.

53. It is not easy to be a host nation for the Olympics.

54. Adults are sometimes too busy to play.

55. The teachers don’t think it is difficult to learn English grammar.

56. It is very kind of him to give me so much help.

57. Those who pretend to know what they do not know will be punished one day.

58. To tell the truth, I didn’t know that they had already gone to Shanghai until yesterday.

59. Only by practice will you be able to improve your spoken English.

60. Nothing can give teachers more pleasure than to see the students’ progress.

61. 任何人都不能进入会议室,除非得到校长的要求。(unless)

62. 雨和雪都不能阻止孩子们上学。(Neither… nor)

63. 众所周知,近几年上海发生了很大的变化。(well known)

64. 自从进入高中以来,我们在学习上取得了很大的进步。(progress)

65. 不管他说什么,做什么,我们都不相信他。(whatever)

66. 电脑在现代科学研究中起着重要的作用。(part)

67. 直到现在为止,我们已经学了大约五年多英语。(up till now)

68. 这支医疗队由五名医生和三名护士组成。(be made up of)

69. 世界是由物质构成的。(consist of)

70. 没有他的及时帮助,我不可能克服那么多困难。(but for)

61. Nobody can be allowed to enter the meeting-room, unless they are invited by the headmaster.

62. Neither rain nor snow can prevent the children from going to school.

63. It is well known to all that great changes have taken place in Shanghai in recent years.

64. We have made great progress in our studies since we entered the high school.

65. Whatever he says or does, we don’t believe him.

66. The computer plays an important part in modern scientific research.

67. Up till now, we have studied English for about more than five years.

68. The medical team is made up of five doctors and three nurses.

69. The world consists of matter.

70. But for his timely help, I couldn’t have overcome so many difficulties.

71.听到这不幸的消息,她禁不住哭了起来。(on hearing…

72. 对学生来说,学好一门外语是必要的和重要的。(it)

73. 李梅病了,老师决定帮他补上所缺的课。(make up for)

74. 像那样的问题是容易回答的。(such)

75. 为了节省钱,你可以乘公共汽车去那里而不要叫出租车。(save)

76. 许多书籍和杂志能提供给我们精神食粮。(provide)

77. 总的来说,酸雨是工业发展的结果。(result

78. 小红的作文很令人满意,我肯定她的老师会对它满意。(satisfied)

79. 我们将尽可能多地改进我们的工作。(possible)


71. On hearing the sad news, she couldn’t help crying.

72. It is necessary and important for the students to learn a foreign language well.

73. Li Mei is ill and her teacher decides to help her make up for the lessons she missed.

74. Such a question as that is easy to answer.

75. To save money, you may go there by bus instead of calling a taxi.

76. Many books and magazines can provide us with mental food.

77. Generally speaking, acid rain is the result of the development of industry.

78. Xiao Hong’s composition is quite satisfactory. I’m sure her teacher will be satisfied with it.

79. We will make as many improvements as possible in our work.

80. Everyone knows that smoking damages people’s health.

81. 我们的班长被认为是我们班上最好的学生。(regard)

82. 现代科学技术的发展使我们的社会发生了巨大变化。(bring about)

83. 如果不练习说英语,你就学不好英语。(without)

84. 每个人都应该知道如何遵守交通规则,这样就能避免交通事故。(avoid)

85. 我已经认识到只有努力学习,才能学好英语。(realize)

86. 你在课堂上应集中注意力学习,否则你就不能理解老师所讲的内容。(concentrate)

87. 他又把邻居家的窗户打破了,这使他的父母很生气。(which)

88. 良好的健康取决于好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。(depend on)

89. 那个学期他阅读的不是一本英语小说而是五本英语小说。(not… but)

90. 他是否已被那所大学录取令他的父母很担心。(whether)

Our monitor is regarded as the best student in our class.

The development of modern science and technology has brought about great changes to our society.

You can’t learn English well wi thout practicing speaking English.

Everyone should know how to obey the traffic rules, and thus many traffic accidents can be avoided.

I have come to realize that one can’t learn a foreign language well unless he works hard.

You should concentrate on your lessons in class, otherwise you can’t understand what the teacher

has said.

He broke his neighbour’s windows again, which made his parents very angry.

Good health depends on good food, exercise and enough sleep.

Within that term he read not one English novel but five.

Whether he had been admitted to that university or not worried his parents.

91. 不久我们就要参观那座博物馆了。(before)92. 尽管有很多困难,我们仍将执行我们的计划。(carry)

93. 当我们听到中国将主办2008年奥运会的消息,我高兴得跳了起来。(learn)

94. 政府向遭受水灾的人们提供药品和食品。(provide)

95. 据报道这个国家三分之一的城市缺水。(short)

96. 这两家公司的贸易谈判中断了,以至于经理们不得不寻找其他的合作伙伴。(between)

97. 电子邮件同电话一样,在日常交流中起着重要作用。(as well as)

98. 学生们向老师解释玛丽缺课的原因是她患了感冒。(reason)

99. 如果你不是昨晚熬夜的话,你现在就不会打瞌睡了。(sleepy)

100. 应该采取行动来阻止黑客侵犯我们的电脑系统。(prevent)

91.It won’t be long before w e visit that museum.

92. In spite of many difficulties, we’ll still carry out our plan through to the end.

93. On hearing the news that 2008 Olympic Games would be held in China, I jumped up because of joy.

94. The government provided medicine and food supplies for the people in the area affected by flood.

95. It is reported that one-third of the cities in the country are short of water supply.

96. The trade talks between the two companies broken down so that their managers had to look for another trade partner.

97. E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.

98. The reason that the students explained to the teacher for Mary’s absence was that she was down with flu.

99. If you hadn’t stayed late last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy now.

100. Action should be taken to prevent hackers from breaking into our computer system.


汉译英 1.好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人. 2.这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流. 3.网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流. 4.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. 5.世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用. 6.不管你相不相信, 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了.

7.实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法, 例如看英文电视或和外国朋友在线聊天. 7.即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作. 8.全体同学都要准时参加明天举行的会议. 9.花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区. 10.请耐心点。火车十分钟后到. 11.消防员没有多考虑个人的安危,像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出来. 12.一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来.

13.上一次考试考砸了之后,那个男孩向父母许诺今后会努力学习. 14.约翰要给捡到他钱包的出租司机一百元作为酬劳. 15.除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存. 16.这是目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部. 17.我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的. 18.当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室. 19.经理不在时, 他负责这个商店.

20.他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动. 21.他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的. 22.这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子. 23.由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了. 24.开车的时候,你应该注意路标. 25.政府提出了一项新的政策,旨在保护城市里一些重要的历史遗迹. 26.根据气象报告,今天将会是一个晴朗的日子.


Unit 4 Translation 1、接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。 To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn’t mind 2、众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。 It is well know that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much. 3、我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。 My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood. 4、我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史斯密教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。 I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening 5、她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。 Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she could barely stand up 6、教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study. 7、我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法来。 I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this. 8、乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的的确观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作。 At first glance the picture didn’t l ook very good, but after examining it carefully we found that it was indeed a masterpiece. Unit 5 Translation 1、史密斯医生从窗口望出去,突然看到一个年轻人正向他的诊所奔来。 Looking out of the window, Dr. Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic. 2、艾米过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。 Amy used to drink nothing but coffee. 3、迈拉得知丈夫在事故中受了伤便哭了起来。 Myra broke into tears when she learned that her husband had got injured in an accident. 4、我们好几天没有看见怀特小姐了。她是病倒了还还是怎么了? W haven’t seen Miss White for quite a few days. Has she fallen ill of somethi ng? 5、研究所所长亲自查明一切都没有问题。 The director of the research institute came in person to make sure that everything was all right. 6、伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。他应该早一点起床的。肯定是昨晚睡得太迟了。 Lennie was late for school again this morning. He ought to /should have got up earlier. He must have stayed up too late last night 7、嗨,你不应该把那些孩子赶跑。他们是来帮忙的,不是来捣蛋的。 Say you oughtn’t to have driven away those kids. They came to lend you a hand, not to make trouble. 8、对护士来说,坚持这项规定是很重要的。 It is important for nurses to stick to this rule. Unit 6 Translation 1、据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。 It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by a flood. 2、罢工结果,资方接受了工人的要求。 The strike resulted in the management accepting the workers’ demands. 3、煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。 The coalminers decided to go on strike for better working conditions 4、我很想买下这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。


高考英语重点句型汉译英100题 高考英语重点句型汉译英强化训练 1.他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2. 他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3. 对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4. 这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5. 他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6. 你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7. 他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8. 今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9. 没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10. 妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17. 无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that) 21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as…as) 22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more…the more) 24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(…so…that) 28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29. 长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32. 我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33. 你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34. 碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35. 据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36. 他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37. 她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take)


英译汉模拟试题30篇参考答案 Passage 1 1.参考译文:尽管世界上3350万艾滋病病毒携带者/患者中的大多数人都生活在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区"~每年还有另外400万人感染艾滋病病毒,但上周召开的非洲统一组织首脑会议的主要议题却仍是解决沖突和发展经济。 2.参考译文:然而这一流行病对于经济发展,或者更确切地说对于经济发展目前所缺乏的因素产生的影响比许多政治家想像的更大。 3.参考译文:南非大都市人寿保险公司保险统计员迪恩莫尔认为,管理人员在工作场所如何对待艾滋病将决定他们的公司在21世纪的头几年能否继续存在。 4.参考译文:在南非,因种族隔离我们有过失落的一代,新的失落的一代将是因艾滋病而变为孤儿的一代。 5.参考译文:津巴布韦薄弱的国民经济在很大程度上依赖于非正式企业和小型商业,而随着艾滋病夺去雇主和雇员的生命,许多企业都自身难保。 Passage 2 1.参考译文:申请基因专利的最大问题就是当科学家们对于基因编码的特定股起什么作用至少有一个大体想法时,它常常就只是大体上的。 2.参考译文:这些所谓的已表达的序列标签可能携带有真正的基因信息,但确定这些小块在什么地方及它们的结构是什么样子需要更多的挖掘探究。 3.参考译文:比确定如何申请基因组专利更令人烦恼的是一个更大的问题,任何人到底该不该对人类DNA提出专利要求。 4.参考译文:专利申请者的支持者坚持说,他们可以提出同样有说服力的理由,即进行基因组绘诗作的大型团体需要专利保护以使他们的工作对他们来说是值得的。 5.参考译文:这种论点不是立足于法律,而是立足于对做人意味着什么的理解上——这是一个连联邦最高法院都不太可能解决的问题。 Passage 3 1.参考译文:重商主义学说与制度之所以重要是因为它们被具有影响力的商人和政府首脑们信奉,而正是这些人强有力地影响着国家公共政策与制度的变革。 2.参考译文:如果促进国内产业发展所需的物资难以获得,则最好是通过建立殖民地或友好的国外商栈来进口。 3.参考译文:重商主义者认为,这些增强国力的手段可以由通过并严格执行规范经济生活的法规来实现。 4.参考译文:几乎在弗吉尼亚的烟草刚开始大批运往英国时,英王詹姆士一世便对此征税,同时同意禁止在英国竞争性地种植烟草。 5.参考译文:凡殖民地的贸易,其所用船只必须是英国制造和拥有,船长和至少3/4的船员也必须是英国人。 Passage 4 1.参考译文:网上的东西目前正毫无管制地进入人们的家中,世界各国得找出一种办法,通过某种国际条约或联合国行动,对此加以控制。 1


第一单元 1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed. 2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day. 3 .Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. 4. We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it. 5. Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. 6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security. 第二单元 1 .If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous,it would have attracted a larger audience.‘ 2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress. 3 .I never had formal training,I just learned as I went along? 4. As their products find their way into the international


. 汉译英 1.好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人 . 2.这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流 . 3. 网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流. 4.现在 , 每年有超过 100 万的旅客来广州观光旅游. 5. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用. 6. 不管你相不相信 , 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了.

. 7.实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法 , 例如看英文电视或和外国朋友在线聊 天. 7. 即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作. 8.全体同学都要准时参加明天举行的会议 . 9.花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区 . 10.请耐心点。火车十分钟后到 . 11.消防员没有多考虑个人的安危 , 像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出来 . 12. 一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来.

13. 上一次考试考砸了之后,那个男孩向父母许诺今后会努力学习. 14.约翰要给捡到他钱包的出租司机一百元作为酬劳 . 15. 除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存. 16.这是目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部 . 17.我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的 . 18.当午餐的铃声敲响的时候 , 学生们一个接一个走出教室 . 19.经理不在时 , 他负责这个商店 .

20.他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动 . 21. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的. 22.这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子 . 23.由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了 . 24.开车的时候,你应该注意路标 . 25. 政府提出了一项新的政策,旨在保护城市里一些重要的历史遗迹. 26. 根据气象报告,今天将会是一个晴朗的日子.


汉译英强化模拟100题 他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2.他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3.对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4.这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5.他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6.你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7.他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8.今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9.没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10.妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11.尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12.到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13.从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14.当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15.这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16.如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17.无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18.不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19.虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20.既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that) 21.这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as…as) 22.她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23.我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more…the more) 24.只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25.无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26.一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27.这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(…so…that) 28.只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29.长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30.你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32.我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33.你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34.碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35.据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36.他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37.她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take) 38.直到昨天我才知道他要来。(not…until)


高考英语重点句型汉译英强化训练 1.他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2. 他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3. 对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4. 这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5. 他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6. 你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7. 他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8. 今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9. 没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10. 妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17. 无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that) 21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as… as) 22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more… the more) 24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(… so… that) 28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29. 长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32. 我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33. 你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34. 碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35. 据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36. 他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37. 她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take) 38. 直到昨天我才知道他要来。(not… until) 39. 这城市不像三年前的那样子了。(used) 40. 这正是你要寻找的东西。(look) 41. 彼得一直没有来的原因是他没赶上这班火车。(catch) 42. 他认为每次考试作好准备是重要的。(it)


掌握大量的词汇对于达到一门外语的流利程度是至关重要的。一个非官方的但却是经常被引用的有关剑桥初级证书英语考试(Cambridge First Certificate Examination)的数字表明,词汇量少于三千五百词的学生不大有可能在这项考试中成功。最近的研究也表明,其母语为英语的受教育至18岁或18岁以上的人至少认识一万六千个英语词。除非你已经会讲一种像西班牙语或德语这样的语言,要获得大的英语词汇是没有捷径可走的:你就得依靠勤奋和专注。当然,你可以从上下文猜出你阅读中遇到的一些生词的意思,但往往你得查词典才能搞清它们确切意思。一个切实可行的学习新词的方法或许就是大量阅读,最好是读那些你觉得有趣或刺激的故事。反复阅读同一本书常常是很有好处的:你每读一次都会学到不同的生词,而熟悉的背景又有助于将这些新词牢牢地印在你的脑海中。 Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings. A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.


01. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。 [误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished. [正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished. 02.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。 [误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage. [正] Tastes differ 03.他一向嘴硬,从不认错。 [误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault. [正] He never says uncle. 04.老师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小姑娘。 [误] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much. [正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much. 05.同学们都很讨厌他,因为他经常拍老师的马屁。

[误] The st udent all dislike him because he often pats the teacher’s ass. [正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots. 06.你听说了吗迈克把他的女朋友给甩了。 [误] Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend. [正] Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend. 07.我们要把祖国建设成为社会主义的现代化强国。 [误] We will build our motherland into a socialist modern powerful country. [正] We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country. 08.人都是这山望着那山高,对自己的现状没有满意的时候。 [误] Almost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the one he’s standing on. They never feel sa t isfied with what they’ve already got.


高级笔译翻译考试模拟试题及答案 1 I think lawyers mistakenly believe complex language enhances the mystique of the law. 2 Not long ago, a foreign visitor whose English is extremely good told me of his embarrassment in a tea shop. 3 Meanwhile individual schools are moving on their own to redress the imbalance between teaching and research. 4We have created a faculty of scholars frequently so narrow in their studies and specialized in their scholarship they are simply incapable of teaching introductory courses. 5 Then the players find out the lottery is not particularly good bet and they find other forms of gambling. 6 The English language is in very good shape. It is changing in its own undiscoverable way, but it is not going rotten like a plum dropping off a tree. 7 There has always been a close cultural link, or tie between Britain and English-speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music. 8 We must just make the best of things as they come along. 9 But once I made the decision, I went at it with all flags flying. 10Autumn’s mellow hand was upon the woods, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive. 解析: 1我认为律师们有一个错误的想法,即复杂的语言能增加法律的深奥性。 2不久前,一位英语极好的外国客人告诉我他在一家小吃店里的窘状。 3与此同时,各学校正采取步骤纠正教学与科研不平衡的状况。 4我们已经造就出一批学者,他们的研究范围常常如此之窄,学问如此之专门,以致他们简直无法胜任入门课程的教学。 5后来玩彩券的人发现买彩券并不是特别有利的赌博方式,于是就找到其他形式的赌博。


第1单元:(此单元无汉语) 1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2. Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. 第2单元: 1、被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚称自己无罪。 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2、总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron. 3、正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4、考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订宾馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5、服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并尽快咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6、总结这次讨论时,他说双方都会好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. 第3单元 1、在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2、教室一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3、从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from universi ty instead of going to work directly. 4、由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5、据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。 It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.


复旦附中英语练习---汉译英100句及参考答案 1.我们大家深受感动,结果把所有的零用钱都给了那个穷男孩。 We were all so moved that we gave all our pocket money to the poor boy. 2.他们夜以继日地工作,为了能按时修建起这座大桥。 They worked day and night so that they could build the bridge on time. 3.我认为买一本大的英汉词典很有必要。 I think it necessary to buy a big English-Chinese dictionary. 4.他的话听起来很合理,但是我们不知道他是否说了实话。 What he said sounded reasonable, but we wondered if he had really told the truth. 5.我们宁可步行也不愿意挤乘这么拥挤的公共汽车去学校。 We would rather go to school on foot than push our way into the crowded buses. 6.他说什么并没有关系,重要的是他怎么干。 It doesn't matter what he says. What is important is how he works. 7.碰巧我带着一张上海地图,因此没有迷路。 It so happened that I had a map of Shanghai with me, so I didn't get lost. 8这己不是我第一次来上海了。我第一次来上海时对所见所闻都觉得有趣。 It's not the first time that I have visited Shanghai. When I came for the first time, everything I saw and heard seemed interesting to me 9.除非你说实话,否则你不会得到我们的帮助。 You won't get our help unless you tell us the truth. 10.你打个电话给她,她马上就会把你所需要的东西送来的。 Call her and she will immediately bring you what you need. 11.像那样谈论是没有用的。我们必须制定一个计划,然后加以实施。 It's no use talking like that. We must make a plan and realize it. 12.你真好,提醒了我有个重要的会议。 It's so kind of you to remind me of the important meeting. 13.当我们听到他被选为队长的消息,我们禁不住欢呼起来。 We couldn't help cheering up when we learned the news that he had been made captain. 14.如果有必要,我会请人把剩下的票都买下来。 If necessary, I'll have the remaining tickets bought 15.只要你让我管这个孩子,我就会让他用功。 So long as you let me take care of the child, I' II make him work hard. 16.任何不守规则的人都要受到惩罚。 Anyone who doesn't obey the rules will be punished. 17.他们一定挺忙的,因为他们必须准备考试。 They must be very busy, as they have to prepare for the test. 18.你一定丢失了什么东西,不然不会看起来这么焦虑。 You must have lost something, or you would not look so worried. 19.据报道,那个国家的军队正在攻击其邻国。 It is reported that the forces of that country are attacking its neighbouring country. 20.你真幸运,你的数学老师被认为是全校最好的老师。 You are really lucky to have that maths teacher, who is regarded as the best in the school. 21.直到所有的病人都得到了治疗,医生才离开他的办公室。 The doctor did not leave his office till all the patients had been treated.


8.散步是项好运动,它对你的健康来说是必不可少的。 9.早睡早起。。它会使你白天保持活力。 10.明天我会带你参观我们学校。 11.这张床对他来说够大了。 12.这本书够容易。6岁孩子能看懂。 13.他经常陷入麻烦中,因为他总说废话。 14.我能从这个洞口看见它。 15.过马路时要小心。 16.众所周知,好的健康比财富更重要。 17.这个好消息让我们很兴奋。 18.学好英语对我们很重要。 19.你通常每天晚上睡多长时间? 20.对我们来说,养成健康的饮食习惯是必要的。 21.我们应该做些什么事来远离细菌呢? 22.作为学生,我们应该远离烟酒。 Unit2Topic3 1.最近几天流感正在人群中迅速传播。 2.他的父母尽力阻止他玩电脑游戏。 3.她一直不断的哭。 4.他必须来这儿吗?不,他不必来。 5.很抱歉,他此时不在家。 6.如果你找不到我,你可以在我桌子上给我留个口信。 7.请告诉他别忘了明天下午的报告。 8.另一方面,如果你们总是不开心,你们可能会不舒服。 9.你必须避免抽烟喝酒。你们应该对烟酒说不。 10.我们应该多了解一些自我保护的常识。 11.他去年自学英语。 12.学生们应该积极参加运动会。 13.挽救病人的生命是我的职责。 14.在冬天我们害怕得流感。 15.自从那时起,奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次。 Unit3Topic1 1.在业余时间你常干什么?我常去钓鱼,也喜欢阅读。 2.为什么不出去做做户外运动呢? 3.去游泳怎么样? 4.集邮一定很有趣。 5.其中的一些有很大的价值。 6.过去我常常喜欢听摇滚乐。 7.过去他不常喝酒。 8.我过去对油画几乎一点儿也不了解。 9.在教室前面有一颗树(有一张大桌子)。 10.王军教他的同学打篮球。 11.没有人知道问题的答案。 12.人们在业余时间通常做他们喜欢的事。 13.爱好能给人们快乐、友谊和知识。 14.我不知道它是否够大。 15.她还没有觉定去还是不去。 16.我们已经习惯早起赶早班车了。 Unit3Topic2 1.他打算在哪开音乐会? 2.你能把你的自行车借给我吗? 3.我从李明那借来了很多故事书。 4.如果你丢了图书馆的书,你必须赔偿。 5.她花了100美元买了一条新连衣裙。 6.对一个小男孩来说搬一个重箱子太难了。 7.流行音乐在世界的年轻人中非常受欢迎。 8.苏州以园林著名。 9.她作为一个女作家而名扬天下。 10.他是我们学校最高的男孩之一。 11.你认为在网上谁是最受欢迎的歌手? 12.街道真宽啊! 13.多糟的天气啊! 14.最终他找到了另外三个男孩,并且一起组建了这支乐队。 15.这四个成员仍然是亲密的朋友。他们继续创作音乐。 Topic3 1.Jane在练习小提琴时电话响了。 2. 昨天这个时候你正在干什么? 3.我们到达那里时,正在下雪。 4.爸爸看电视时,妈妈正在做饭。 5.我昨天那个时候正在看一部哈利波特电影。我上周看的,它非常棒。

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