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《数字信号处理》课程教学大纲 一、课程编号:1100020 二、课程名称:数字信号处理 ( 64学时) Digital Signal Processing 三、课程教学目的 数字信号处理是现代信息处理和传输的基础课程之一,已经成为信号和信息处理、通信和电子、计算机科学和技术等专业的学生需要学习和掌握的基本知识。 本课程以离散时间信号与系统作为对象,在介绍经典理论的基础上,适当引入了现代信号处理的理论与方法以及Matlab仿真分析软件。通过本课程的学习,使得学生能够掌握确定性离散时间信号的频谱分析原理及快速实现方法,数字滤波器的设计及实现方法。使学生能够利用计算机技术来进行数字信号的处理,并根据实际需要分析、设计数字滤波系统。 本课程是进一步学习数字通信、图像处理、随机数字信号处理、无线通信、多媒体通信等专业课程的先修课程。 四、课程教学基本要求 1.掌握离散时间信号和系统的基本标识方法 2.掌握离散时间系统的基本特性、Z变换以及离散时间信号的傅立叶变换(DTFT) 3.掌握离散傅立叶变换(DFT)以及离散傅立叶变换的快速算法(FFT) 4.掌握数字滤波器的设计方法和结构 5.了解多速率信号处理的基本内容 五、教学内容及学时分配(含实验) 理论教学(56学时) 1.绪论2学时数字信号处理的特点、实现和应用 Matlab简介 2.离散时间系统的基本特性及流图10学时抽样与重建 离散系统及其普遍关系 信号流图及Mason公式 离散时间信号的傅立叶变换 Z变换及Z反变换(留数法)

Z变换与拉普拉斯、傅立叶变换的关系 离散系统的频域分析 3.离散傅立叶变换及其快速实现14学时DFS的定义及性质 DFT的定义、性质及应用 基2时间抽选法FFT 基2频率抽选法FFT 基4时间抽选法FFT IDFT的快速算法 FFT应用(线性卷积的快速计算、CZT变换) 4.IIR数字滤波器的设计和实现12学时滤波器概述 模拟滤波器的设计 模拟滤波器的数字仿真 冲激响应不变法和双线性变换法的设计 IIR滤波器的频率变换设计 IIR数字滤波器的计算机辅助设计 IIR 滤波器的实现结构 5.FIR数字滤波器的设计10学时线性相位FIR滤波器的条件和特性概述 窗函数法 频率取样法 FIR数字滤波器的优化设计 FIR数字滤波器的实现结构 6.多速率信号的处理基础8学时抽取和内插的时域和变换域描述 抽取滤波器和内插滤波器 多相分解 正交镜像滤波器组 双通道滤波器组 实验教学(8学时)


2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points). In 1924 America's National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting____1____ workers' productivity. Instead, the studies ended ____2____ giving their name to the "Hawthorne effect", the extremely influential idea that the very to being experimented upon changed subjects' behavior. The idea arose because of the ____4____ behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to ____5____ of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not ____6____ what was done in the experiment; ____7____something was changed, productivity rose. A(n) ____8____ that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9____ to alter workers' behavior ____10____itself. After several decades, the same data were ____11____ to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store ____12____the descriptions on record, no systematic ____13____ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to ____14____ interpretation of what happed. ____15____, lighting was always changed on a Sunday. When work started again on Monday, output ____16____rose compared with the previous Saturday and 17 to rise for the next couple of days. ____18____, a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers ____19____ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case, before ____20____ a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged "Hawthorne effect" is hard to pin down. 1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored 2. [A] at [B] up [C] with [D] off 3. [A] truth [B] sight [C] act [D] proof 4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C] mischievous [D] ambiguous 5. [A] requirements [B] explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments 6. [A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work 7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as 8. [A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion


北京邮电大学随机信号分析与处理综合练习题 一、判断题: 1. 设()X t 和()Y t 是相互独立的平稳随机过程,则它们的乘积也是平稳的。 2.()X t 为一个随机过程,对于任意一个固定的时刻i t ,()i X t 是一个确定值。 3.设X 和Y 是两个随机变量,X 和Y 不相关且不独立,有()()()D X Y D X D Y +=+。 4.一般来说,平稳正态随机过程与确定性信号之和仍然为平稳的正态过程。 5.设()X t 是不含周期分量的零均值平稳随机过程,其自相关函数为()X R τ,从物 理概念上理解,有lim ()0X R ττ→∞ =。 6. 对于线性系统,假设输入为非平稳随机过程,则不能用频谱法来分析系统输出随机过程的统计特性。 7. 若随机过程X (t )满足,与t 无关,则X (t )是广义平稳(宽平稳)过程。 8. 随机过程的方差表示消耗在单位电阻上瞬时功率的统计平均值。 9. 广义循环平稳的随机过程本身也是一种广义平稳的随机过程。 10. 高斯白噪声经过匹配滤波器后仍然为高斯白噪声。 二.选择填空 1.对于联合平稳随机过程()X t 和()Y t 的互相关函数()XY R τ,以下关系正确的是 (1)。 (1)A .()()XY XY R R ττ-= B.()-()XY YX R R ττ-=

C.)()(ττYX XY R R =- D.)()(ττXY XY R R -=- 2.随机过程X(t)的自相关函数满足1212(,)()()0X X X R t t m t m t =≠,则可以断定1()X t 和2()X t 之间的关系是(2)。 (2)A.相互独立B.相关C.不相关D.正交 3.两个不相关的高斯随机过程)(t X 和)(t Y ,均值分别为X m 和Y m ,方差分别为2X σ和2Y σ,则) (t X 和)(t Y 的联合概率密度为(3)。 (3)A .2222()()(,)22X Y X Y x m y m f x y σσ????--??=-+?????????? B.2222()()1 (,)exp 222X Y X Y X Y x m y m f x y πσσσσ????--??=-+?????????? C.2222()()(,)2()X Y X Y x m y m f x y σσ??-+-=-??+?? D.2222()()1 (,)exp 22()X Y X Y X Y x m y m f x y πσσσσ??-+-=-??+?? 4.设()sin()()c X t A t n t ω=+,其中()()cos()()sin()c c s c n t n t t n t t ωω=-是零均值平稳窄带高斯噪声,A 是不等于0的常数,则()X t 的包络服从(4),()X t 的复包络服从(5)。 (4)A.莱斯分布B.瑞利分布C.高斯分布D.均匀分布 (5)A.莱斯分布B.瑞利分布C.高斯分布D.均匀分布 5.设()N t 是平稳随机过程,其功率谱密度为()N G ω,定义()0()()sin X t N t t ωθ=+,θ在0到2π之间均匀分布,则()X t 的平均功率谱密度为(6)。


数字信号处理软件实验 MATLAB 仿真 2015年12月16日

实验一:数字信号的 FFT 分析 ● 实验目的 通过本次实验,应该掌握: (a) 用傅立叶变换进行信号分析时基本参数的选择。 (b) 经过离散时间傅立叶变换(DTFT )和有限长度离散傅立叶变换(DFT )后信号频谱上的区别,前者 DTFT 时间域是离散信号,频率域还是连续的,而 DFT 在两个域中都是离散的。 (c) 离散傅立叶变换的基本原理、特性,以及经典的快速算法(基2时间抽选法),体会快速算法的效率。 (d) 获得一个高密度频谱和高分辨率频谱的概念和方法,建立频率分辨率和时间分辨率的概念,为将来进一步进行时频分析(例如小波)的学习和研究打下基础。 (e) 建立 DFT 从整体上可看成是由窄带相邻滤波器组成的滤波器组的概念,此概念的一个典型应用是数字音频压缩中的分析滤波器,例如 DVD AC3 和MPEG Audio 。 ● 实验内容及要求 ? 离散信号的频谱分析 设信号 此信号的0.3pi 和 0.302pi 两根谱线相距很近,谱线 0.45pi 的幅度很小,请选择合适的序列长度 N 和窗函数,用 DFT 分析其频谱,要求得到清楚的三根谱线。 ? DTMF 信号频谱分析 用计算机声卡采用一段通信系统中电话双音多频(DTMF )拨号数字 0~9的数据,采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT )分析这10个号码DTMF 拨号时的频谱。 00010450303024().*cos(.)sin(.)cos(.)x n n n n ππππ=+--

●MATLAB代码及结果 ?离散信号的频谱分析 clf; close all; N=1000; n=1:1:N; x=0.001*cos(0.45*n*pi)+sin(0.3*n*pi)-cos(0.302*n*pi-pi/4); y=fft(x,N); mag=abs(y); w=2*pi/N*[0:1:N-1]; stem(w/pi,mag); axis([0.25 0.5 0 2]); xlabel('频率'); ylabel('X(k)'); grid on;


2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题答案 Section I Use of English (10 points) 1-5. CBACB 6-10. ADADB 11-15. CADCD 16-20. BCDAB Section II Reading Comprehension (60 points) Part A (40 points) 21-25. CBACB 26-30. CDADB 31-35. ACDDA 36-40. BDABC Part B (10 points) 41-45. ECGFB Part C (10 points) 46. 电视是创造和传递感情的手段之一。也许在此之前,就加强不同的民族和国家之间的联系而言,电视还从来没有像在最近的欧洲事件中起过如此大的作用。 47. 多媒体集团在欧洲就像在其他地方一样越来越成功了。这些集团把相互关系密切的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社整合到了一起。 48. 仅这一点就表明在电视行业不是一个容易生存的领域。这个事实通过统计数字一目了然,统计表明在80家欧洲电视网中1989年出现亏损的不少于50%。 49. 创造一个尊重不同文化和传统的“欧洲统一体”绝非易事,需要战略性选择。正是这些文化和传统组成了连接欧洲大陆的纽带。 50. 在应付一个如此规模的挑战过程中,我们可以毫不夸张地说,“团结,我们就会站起来;分裂,我们就会倒下去。” Section ⅢWriting (30 points) Part A (10 points) A Letter, to Quit Jun 22, 2005 Dear Mr. Wang, First of all, please allow me to express my deep sorry to you for my resignation. I do know that this will bring about much trouble to you so that I write to you for my explanation. I decided to quit for some reasons as follows. To begin with, the job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions is not suitable to me. What’s more, I’m preparing for another degree and I prefer to further my study. Again, I apologize for my resignation to you! I am looking forward to your early reply. Y ours Sincerely, Li Ming


2005年考研英语真题剖析之阅读 提升阅读和翻译能力要打好基础,要做到这一点,一定要学会精读,以历年真题为依托,仔细研究每个句子,日积月累,坚持百日,相信会有很大的提升。 下面凯程在线带大家来逐句拆分解读历年阅读真题,从成分到词汇及这你翻译,帮助大家打好基础,提升综合能力,大家抓紧学起来。 Unlike most of the world's volcanoes, they are not always found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earth's surface; on the contrary, many of them lie deep in the interior of a plate. 译文:和世界上大多数火山不同的是,它们并不总是在构成地球表面的巨大漂流板块之间的边界上出现;相反,许多热点处于板块较深的内部。 分析:这是一个由两个分句组成的并列句,中间由分号隔开。前一个分句的第一个部分是一个形容词性的短语,修饰的是这个句子的主语they,在plates的后面有一个that引导的定语从句,that所替代的plates在这个从句里做主语;第二个分句用on the contrary开始,表示与前面的情况形成对比,这个句子较简单,注意这里them指的是前文所说的hot spots。 【词汇指南】 bound [baund](adj.)被缚住的,受束缚的(n.)边界(v./n.)跳跃,蹦跶(高考词汇)(2012年-完形)(有学者认为,当“bound”表示“被缚住的,受束缚的”和“边界”时,均由词根“bound-捆绑,束缚”直接创造;因为我们说能够“捆绑、束缚”住脚步,不得跨越之处就是“边界, 界线”。而当“bound”表示“跳跃,蹦跶”时,具有拟声色彩,很像汉语中的“蹦跶”。) 考点搭配:be bound by 受到…的约束(2012年-完形) drift [drift](v./n.)漂流,漂泊(物)(CET-4)(dri=drive-驾驶,ft=craft-船) plate [pleit](n.)金属板,薄板;门牌,车牌;盘子,碟子(vt.)把…制成平板(或薄板)(中考词汇)(2005年-阅读4)(pla=plane-平面,te=table-桌子→像桌子一样的平板——即“金属板,薄板”,引申为“门牌,车牌”和“盘子,碟子”等含义。) 考点搭配:paper plate 纸盘子(2005年-阅读4) earth [?:θ](n.)土地,泥土;地球(中考词汇) contrary ['k?ntr?ri](adj./n.)相反(的),矛盾(的)(高考词汇)(2009年-阅读3)(contra-相反,相


绝密★启用前 2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 管理类专业学位联考 英语试卷 考生需知 1.选择题的答案需用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上,其它笔填涂的或做在试卷或其它类型答题卡上的答案无效。 2.其它题一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上按规定要求作答,凡做在试卷上或未做在制定位置的答案无效。 3.交卷时,请配合监考人员验收,并请监考人员在准考证相应位置签字(作为考生交卷的凭据)。否则,所产生的一切后果由考生自负。

SectionⅠVocabulary (10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section For each sentence thee are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark your angers on ANSWER SHEET 1 with a pencil ( 10 points) 1. Advertises often aim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending _____. ability energy D. A. power B. force C. 2. We've bought some ______ chairs for the garden so that they are easy to store away binding D. C. folding adjusting A. adapting B. 3. The new speed restrictions were a ______ debated issue, profoundly deeply D. heavily B. A. hotly C. 4. His change of job has ____ him with a new challenge in life led presented D. A. introduced B. initiated C. 5. No _____you're hungry if you haven't eaten since yesterday problem wonder D. A. matter B. surprise C. 6. The pianist played beautifully, showing a real _____ for the music A. appreciation D. sense feeling B. understanding C. 7. The boss into a rage and started shouting at Robert to do as he was told rushed D. burst charged C. flew A. B. 8. Politicians should never lose ______ of the needs of the people they represent C. prospect regard D. sight A. view B. 9. The employees tried to settle the dispute by direct _____with the boss communication association D. A, negotiation B. connection C. 10. You haven't heard all the facts so don't _____ to conclusions A. dash B. jump C. much D. fly 11. I am _____ aware of the need to obey the vales of the competition A. greatly B. far C. much D. well 12. The manager has always attended to the _____ of important business himself stimulation translation D. A. solution C. transaction B. 13. As is known to all a country gets a (an) ______from taxes


2011级数字信号处理实验报告 实验名称:实验一数字信号的产生和基本运算 1.实验要求 因为现实世界里存在的是模拟信号,因此数字信号处理的第一个问题是将信号离散化,得到一个数字信号,然后再进行数字处理。 (1) 常用数字信号序列的产生: 熟悉Matlab 产生数字信号的基本命令,加深对数字信号概念的理解,并能够用Matlab 产生和绘制出一些常用离散信号序列。请用Matlab 画出下列序列的波形(-10


数字信号处理期末复习题 一、填空题 1.数字频率ω与模拟角频率Ω之间的关系为 。 2.理想采样信号的频谱是原模拟信号的频率沿频率轴,每间隔 重复出现一次,并叠加形成的周期函数。 3.序列)(n x 的共轭对称部分)(n x e 对应着)(ωj e X 的 部分。 4.长度为N 的有限长序列)(n x 的M 点离散傅里叶变换的周期为 。 5.对实信号进行谱分析,要求谱分辨率Hz F 10≤,信号最高频率kHz f c 5.2=,则最小记录时间=min p T ,最少的采样点数=min N 。 6.在DIT-FFT 算法分解过程中,有16点的复数序列,可进行4级蝶形运算,则4级运算总的复数乘法次数为 。 7.如果序列)(n x 的长度为M ,则只有当频率采样点数N 满足 条件时,才可有频率采样)(k X 恢复原序列)(n x ,否则产生时域混叠现象。 8.设)(*n x 是)(n x 的复共轭序列,长度为N ,N n x DFT k X )]([)(=,则=N n x D F T )]([* 。 9.线性相位FIR 滤波器,若)1()(---=n N h n h ,N 为奇数的情况下,只能实现 滤波器。 10.给定序列()14j n x n e π??- ???=,试判断此序列是否为周期序列 ;若为周期序列,请给出此序列的最小正周期 ,若为非周期序列,请列写判别原

因 。(后面两个填空只需填一个)。 11.已知调幅信号的载波频率为1kHz ,调制信号频率100m f Hz =,则最小记录时间为 ,最低采样频率 。 12.系统差分方程为()()()21y n x n x n =++ ,其中()x n 和()y n 分别表示系统输入和输出,判断此系统(是,非)线性系统,(是,非)时不变系统,(是,非)因果系统,(是,不是)稳定系统。(划线部分是正确答案)。 13.周期信号()()0sin x n n ω= ,其中02π为有理数,其用欧拉公式展开后表达式为 ,其傅里叶变换为 。 14.序列()2n u n -的Z 变换表达式为 ,收敛域为 。 15.连续信号()a x t 是带限信号,最高截止频率为c f ,若采样角频率2s c f f < 会造成采样信号中的 现象。而序列()x n 的长度为M ,则只有当频域采样点数N M ≥时,才可由频域采样()X k 恢复原始序列,否则产生 现象。 16.对序列()()4x n R N =进行8点DFT (离散傅里叶变换)后,其幅度谱表达式为 ,相位谱表达式为 。 17.设()x n 是长度为N 的实偶对称序列,即()()x n x N n =-,则()X k 对称;如果()x n 是实奇对称序列,即()()x n x N n =--,则()X k 对称。 18.数字滤波器与模拟滤波器最大的区别为,频响函数()j H e ω是以 为周期的。对线性相位特性的滤波器,一般采用 数字滤波器设计实现。 19.已知FIR 滤波器的单位脉冲响应为:()h n 长度为6N =;()()05 1.5h h ==;


2005年考研英语真题(英一二通用)-高清版 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET1.(10points) The human nose is an underrated tool.Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals,1this is largely because,2animals,we stand upright.This means that our noses are3to perceiving those smells which float through the air,4the majority of smells which stick to surfaces.In fact,5,we are extremely sensitive to smells,6we do not generally realize it.Our noses are capable of7human smells even when these are8to far below one part in one million. Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another,9others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers.This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate10smell receptors in the nose.These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send11to the brain.However,it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell12can suddenly become sensitive to it when13to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that the brain finds it14to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can15new receptors if necessary.This may16explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells–we simply do not need to be.We are not17of the usual smell of our own house,but we18new smells when we visit someone else’s.The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors19for unfamiliar and emergency signals20the smell of smoke,which might indicate the danger of fire. 1.[A]although[B]as[C]but[D]while 2.[A]above[B]unlike[C]excluding[D]besides 3.[A]limited[B]committed[C]dedicated[D]confined 4.[A]catching[B]ignoring[C]missing[D]tracking


考研英语(一)阅读新题型 全真试题(2005-2014) Type One Blank-filling (完形填句) 2005 Part B Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Canada’s premiers (the leaders of provincial governments), if they have any breath left after complaining about Ottawa at their late July annual meeting, might spare a moment to do something, together, to reduce health-care costs. They’re all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. 41. ________ What to do? Both the Romanow commission and the Kirby committee on health care -- to say nothing of reports from other experts -- recommended the creation of a national drug agency. Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution. 42. ________ But ―national‖ doesn’t have to mean that. ―National‖ could mean interprovincial -- provinces combining efforts to create one body. Either way, one benefit of a ―national‖ organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers. Instead of having one province -- or a series of hospitals within a province -- negotiate a price for a given drug on the provincial list, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of all provinces. Rather than, say, Quebec, negotiating on behalf of seven million people, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of 31 million people. Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers, the higher the likelihood of a better price. 43. ________ A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, funded by Ottawa and the provinces. Under it, a Common Drug Review recommends to provincial lists which new drugs should be included. Predictably, and regrettably, Quebec refused to join. A few premiers are suspicious of any federal-provincial deal-making. They (particularly Quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached. That’s one reason why the idea of a national list hasn’t gone anywhere while drug costs keep rising fast. 44. ________


2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题(一) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) In Cambodia,the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male.It may involve not only his parents and his friends,1those of the young women,but also a matchmaker. A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and them ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations,or the young man’s parents may make the ch oice of a spouse,giving the child little to say in the selection.4 ,a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen.5 a spouse has been selected,each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair.Formerly it lasted three days,7 by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half.Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and 8 prayers of blessing.Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting,9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists ,and 10 a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the 11 .Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife’s parents and may 12 with them up to a year,13 they can build a flew house nearby. Divorce is legal and easy to 14 ,but not common .Divorced persons are 15 with some disapproval.Each spouse retains 16 property he or she 17 into the marriage,and jointly acquired property is 18 equally.Divorced persons may remarry,but a gender prejudice 19 up .The divorced male doesn’t have a waiting period before he can remarry 20 the woman must wait the months. 1.[A] by way of [B] as well as [C] on behalf of [D] with regard to 2.[A] adapt to [B] provide for [C]compete with [D] decide on 3.[A] close [B] renew [C]arrange [D] postpone 4.[A] In theory [B] Above all [C] In time [D] For example 5.[A] Although [B] Lest [C] After [D] Unless 6.[A] into [B] within [C] from [D] through 7.[A] sine [B] or [C] but [D] so 8.[A] test [B]copy [C]recite [D] create 9.[A] folding [B] piling [C] wrapping [D] tying 10.[A] lighting [B] passing [C] hiding [D] serving 11.[A] meeting [B] association [C] collection [D]union 12.[A] grow [B] part [C] deal [D]live 13.[A] whereas [B] until [C] for [D] if 14.[A] obtain [B] follow [C] challenge [ D]avoid 15.[A] isolated [B] persuaded [C] viewed [D] exposed 16.[A]wherever [B] however [C] whenever [D]whatever 17.[A] changed [B] brought [C] shaped [D] pushed 18.[A] divided [B] invested [C] donated [D] withdrawn 19.[A]clears [B] warms [C] shows [D] breaks 20.[A]while [B] so what [C]once [D] in that Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points) T ext 1

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