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2.2 2.5



5.2 5.2

6.2 6.21.3


1.7 1.7

2.2 2.2


3.2 3.23.3 3.3


Milk and dairy products are pasteurized.牛奶和奶制品需经过巴氏杀菌。

The premises and/or processing plant of food distributors must be periodically inspected to evaluate the following criteria:



The hotel will clearly label the food product and store it in a secure area apart from other foods.


Milk and dairy products are pasteurized or UHT.


All produce must be thoroughly washed in potable running water before serving, reducing possible contamination by soil-borne bacteria or chemical residue


All produce must be thoroughly washed in potable water before serving,reducing possible contamination by soil-borne bacteria or chemical residue from pesticides.


Scales should be calibrated by an independent party for accuracy and validity annually.

天平应由一独立机构每年一次对其准确性和有效性进行校准。Scales should be calibrated by a hotel accredited body for accuracy and validity twice per year.


Check freshness and temperature of eggs; spot check by breaking egg open and measuring temperature with a metal stemmed thermometer.Reject if the temperature is above 8oC.



Check freshness and temperature of eggs;



Some plants, such as wild mushrooms, may carry harmful toxins: purchase only from approved suppliers


Some plants, such as wild mushrooms, may carry harmful toxins:

purchase only from suppliers who can prove the plants were individually inspected.

一些野菜,如野蘑菇可能带有危害毒素:采购必须从正规供应商获得,其供应商必须要保证每种野菜都得到检查。Check for color and the firmness of the yolk.检查是否有异味和蛋黄的硬度。


Purchasing shellfish in the harbour or Aberdeen Harbour is prohibited.Imported shellfish (oysters, clams or mussels) must be packed in non-returnable packages identified with the name and address of the original supplier or repacked , the food testing report and import certificate. Shellfish must be kept in the container in which they were received until they are used.不可采购从海港或香港仔海港采集的介贝类水产动物。进口贝壳类(牡蛎,蛤或蚌类)必须装在一次性容器中,并且带有标签注明生产商或包装商地址和食品检验报告并有相应的进口证书。贝壳类必须保藏在收到时的原始容器里直到用完。

The premises and/or processing plant of food suppliers must be periodically inspected, at least inspected three high risk food suppliers in every quarter with written report. to evaluate the following criteria:必须对所有供应商的场所或生产加工工厂进行定期检查(对于高风险食品供应商每个季度应至少检查三家并形成文字报告),(并按照以下几点评估)The hotel will clearly label the recalled food product, store it in a secure area apart from other foods, and keep a record.


Food that is not at the correct temperature, for example for chilled foods at or below 8oC and frozen foods at or below -12o must be rejected.不符合正确温度的食品将拒收。如冷藏食品必须在在零上8度以下,冷冻食品必须低于负12度。

Food that is not at the correct temperature must be rejected, for example, for chilled foods, the temperature should be at 4oC or below while for frozen foods, the temperature at -12oC or below 不符合正确温度的食品将拒收。如冷藏食品温度必须在在4度以下,冷冻食品必须低于零下12度。

The Hotel should purchase food and food ingredients from recognized suppliers or the sources approved by regulatory authority.




Eggs are pasteurized or refrigerated.蛋类必须用巴氏杀菌或冷藏。



4.24.4 4.4



5.2 5.2







10.2.13 10.2.14 Check body temperature and health condition of food deliver person (In case that abnormal body condition of delivery person is found )

检查送货人员体温和健康状况 ( 收货部员工发现送货人员有身体异常才进行检查)CP3

For some specific food categories, including siu mei and lo mei, live poultry /dressed poultry / chilled poultry, live water birds, fresh meat or frozen meat,processed meat and meat products (such as meatballs, ham, sausage), and the prefabricated ingredients for preparation of frozen confections in the

dispensing machine, the hotel must keep detail records of purchasing date,

categories, quantity, sources of supply, and the final destination.


Check if Chinese label of import food meets with original package label


Check to ensure that chilled and frozen food is received at the correct temperature, for example that chilled products are at or below 8oC and that frozen products are colder than -12oC.检查冷藏或冷冻食品是否保持在合适的温度下。如冷藏在零上8度以下,冷冻在零下12度下

Set up cleaning & sanitize facility in receiving area 收货区域应设立清洁消毒设施

Set up hand wash station in receiving area 收货区域应设立洗手设施

The foodstuff shall be stored away from ground in received area during receipt 在收货区域接收食品必须离地存放

Check to ensure that chilled and frozen food is received at the correct

temperature, for example the temperature of chilled products shall be at or below 4oC and the temperature of frozen products shall be at or below -12oC.


Meat carcasses products that pass regulatory inspection report should have test reports issued by related government department, the food count amount of report must be in accordance with actual received food count amount ( actual received food amount count less than the amount on report)

to ensure safety of the raw food materials.


The delivery temperature must be correct, for example, temperature of fresh meat is at or below 4oC and temperature of frozen meat is at or below -12oC.送来的肉类产品的温度必须合适,不符合温度范围的产品不能签收。新鲜的肉类产品必须冷藏在4度以下,冷冻肉在零下12度以下。

Cans in sagged or swelled condition should be rejected 罐头有凹陷或胀气应拒绝收货

Meat carcasses that pass regulatory inspection bear a stamp identifying the meat processing plant and another that identifies the safety and wholesomeness of the product.合格的肉类带有相关部门检疫合格印章,这也是保证原材料的卫生安全性。

The delivery temperature is correct, for example, fresh meat is at or below 8oC and frozen meat is at or below -12oC.



Reject any milk with a receiving temperature above 10 oC.所有在10摄氏度或以上温度的鲜奶不能收货。

Reject any milk with a receiving temperature above 8 oC.所有在8摄氏度或以上温度的鲜奶不能收货。Checking quarantine chop of meats is mandatory.检查肉类是否带有检疫印章是一个强制要求。

Check for an inspection stamp which in most countries is mandatory for meats.在很多国家,检查是否带有检疫合格印章是一个强制要求。

1.1 1.1


1.6 1.61.7


1.8 1.9

1.9 1.101.11


5.3 grade containers cannot be used to store foods.非食品级容器不可用于储存食品。

Foods in refrigerated storage should be at least 15cm off the floor and 5cm away from walls to allow for maximum air circulation.



Sides and quarters of meat should be hung uncovered on clean sanitized hooks with no other food product stored underneath the meat.



PVC plastic wrap cover vegetable and fruit while PE plastic wrap covering meat products, hot food and re-heat food in microwave oven (HongKong NA )PVC 材质保鲜膜包覆蔬菜水果;PE 材质保鲜膜包覆肉类食品、热食品和在微波炉内加热使用 (香港不适用)

High risk foods are stored under other foods to avoid the risk of cross-contamination.

高风险食物应储存在普通食品下边来避免交叉污染。No non-food grade containers are used to store foods.不符合食品标准容器不可用于储存食品。

High risk foods and other foods should be stored separately to avoid the risk of cross- contamination.


Chilled foods are stored at between 0 oC and 5 oC and their temperature are recorded twice daily.


Metal containers may cause contamination when foods with a high acid content such as fruits, tomatoes, or sauerkraut come in contact with

them. The following equipment containing the metals specified should be avoided in food production, storage, and service.金属容器可能产生交叉污染,尤其是用于高酸性食品如水果,西红柿或德国泡菜等,那下面这些设备将避免在此类食品生产,储存和服务总使用。Food additive must be stored and locked in designated area 食品添加剂必须上锁保存在指定区域

Metal containers may cause contamination when foods with a high acid content such as orange juice, pineapple, tomatoes, or sauerkraut come in contact with them. The following equipment containing the metals specified should be avoided in food production, storage, and service.金属容器可能产生交叉污染,尤其是用于高酸性食品如橙汁、菠萝、西红柿或德国泡菜等,那下面这些设备将避免在此类食品生产,储存和服务中使用。

Chilled high risk foods must be stored at 4oC or below. The temperature should be checked and recorded twice a day 高风险食品冷藏温度必须控制在4摄氏度以下。每天2次检查和记录温度。

Dry storage temperature shall be below 25°C, and humidity shall be between 50-60%, both shall be recorded twice a day.干货储藏温度应低于25摄氏度,湿度应在50-60%,温/湿每天记录各两次。

Chemicals cannot be stored near food preparation areas.化学品不能储存在食品加工区。

Dry storage temperature shall be between 18-25°C, and humidity shall be between 50-60%, both shall be recorded twice a day.

干货储藏温湿度应介于18-25°C ,50-60%,温/湿每天记录各两次

Chemicals are not stored near food preparation areas.化学品不能储存在食品加工区的附近。Chilled high risk foods should be stored at 4 oC or below.冷藏高风险食品必须储存在4摄氏度或以下。

Foods in refrigerated storage should be at least 30cm off the floor 5cm away from walls ,15 cm from ceiling ,30 cm from condenser to allow for maximum air circulation.


The container used for raw meat storage should be sanitized with no other food product stored underneath the meat.


The date code of food in fridges and freezers must be checked at least once every day.每天必须至少一次检查冰箱和冷冻库里的食品日期。

Protecting solid cuts of meats by covering in storage, except for quarters or sides of meat, which may be hung uncovered on clean, sanitized hooks if no food products are stored beneath.


Chilled foods should be stored at between 0 oC and 5 oC.. (unless otherwise specified by local laws)


Protecting solid cuts of meats by covering in storage.整块的肉类必须密封储存。







1.1.4 1.1.41.


3.33.5 3.5


Different food cannot be thaw in same sink at same time 不同食品不能同时在一个水池中解冻

Use a good water flow, strong enough to wash off loose particles of skin or dirt.


No in-house freezing of food is permitted.不可自己加工冷冻食品。

Running water with sufficient current velocity shall be maintained to ensure wash off particles or dirt on the surface.解冻过程应该使用流动水并保持足够流速,以确保能清洁表面的污垢残留。

Consuming thawed food within 48 hours of defrosting them is critical to preserving the safety and quality of defrosted foods.



After defrosting, the internal temperature of food should not get warmer than 4°C.

解冻后食品的内部温度不能高于4摄氏度以上。Thawed food defrosting under refrigeration at 8o C in the refrigerator must be consumed within 48 hours after defrosting, thawed food under running water must be consumed within 12 hours after defrosting



You should not purchase frozen whole birds, including Christmas turkeys and poultry of any type, at any time of the year. There is no guarantee that frozen birds will have defrosted thoroughly before cooking.


Defrosting parts should not get warmer than 5°C in the process.解冻后食品的温度不能高于摄氏5度以上。

Open wire shelving units should be used; these allow an unobstructed view of products and improve air circulation.开放式的食品储存架要便于通风以及不遮挡视线。

Shelves opening on both sides for centre aisle location improve space management and facilitate stock rotation.


The ideal storage temperature for dry goods is 18 oC -25 oC .干货的理想储存温度是摄氏18-25度。

The ideal storage temperature for dry goods is below 25 oC .干货的理想储存温度是低于25摄氏度。

Probe of the thermometers shall be calibrated to every month by using the ‘ice water method’ or ‘boiling water method’. The accuracy of thermometer should be within ±1°C.

探针温度计每月应使用“冰块法”或“沸水法”校准,精确至至±1°C 。The risks inherent in defrosting food are the proliferation of bacteria,contamination of food, and loss of quality. Any methods chosen to thaw frozen foods must aim to eliminate these risks.


The risks inherent in defrosting food include proliferation of bacteria,

contamination and deterioration of food. Any methods chosen to thaw frozen foods must aim to eliminate these risks. Hotel must prohibit thawing food in room temperature.



Probe of the thermometers shall be calibrated to every month by using the ‘ice water method’ and ‘boiling water method’. The accuracy of thermometer should be within ±1°C.


Store frozen foods to allow for maximum air circulation between packages.


All food should be on shelves at least 5cm from walls and 15cm from the floor to allow adequate air circulation and to facilitate essential inspection and cleaning.

食品货架必须离墙至少5公分,离地15公分以确保不会被物质污染,确保通风以及便于检查和清洁。 Foods in chilling room should be stored at least 30cm off the floor, 5cm away from walls ,15cm from ceiling ,30 cm from Condenser to allow for maximum air circulation.




All food should be on shelves at least 30cm from ceiling 5cm from walls and 30cm from the floor to allow adequate air circulation and to facilitate essential inspection and cleaning.



Shelving should be on wheels to facilitate sanitizing and cleaning.货架应该带有轮子以便于清洁与消毒。





5.2 5.2







2.1 2.12.2 2.2




The cooking temperature should be monitored and recorded using the CP-6 Cooking Reheating Temperature Form.


The cooking temperature should be monitored and recorded using the CP-6Cooking Reheating Temperature Form. For A La cart restaurants, the internal temperature of cooked food should be randomly checked and kept in record;For large banquet and staff canteen, the internal temperature of cooked food in every pot must be measured, but the record is allowed to be filled in randomly.


Once it is cooked, serve the food immediately if possible, or maintain it above 63°C until required. If the meat is required for cold service, cool it rapidly and place it under refrigeration. Meat should never be reheated unless as part of a carefully controlled process.


Once it is cooked, serve the food immediately if possible, or maintain it above 63°C until required. If the meat is required for cold service, cool it rapidly and place it under refrigeration. Meat should never be reheated unless as part of a carefully controlled process.煮熟后应当立即使用,或保持在63摄氏度环境中。如果食品是冷食,应当尽快在温度控制下进行冷藏。肉类不应该加热除非使用适当的温度控制程序

Food handlers should not wear any jewelry other than a plain band ring,or sleeper-type earrings not containing jewel stones.食品从业人员在工作时间不能佩戴任何首饰。Wash-hand basins are for hand washing only, and should be accessible and provided with hot running water that is at 38 oC or above , liquid bactericidal soap, and paper towels.

洗手池只能洗手,必须带有不低于38摄氏度的流动热水,消毒洗手液和一次性纸巾Food handlers should not wear any jewelry other than a plain band ring, or sleeper-type earrings not containing jewel stones.


宝石的耳钉。Diffusers or panels should be used to protect all lighting or use explosion-proof bulb.灯具必须安装灯罩或使用防爆灯泡。 Food should be cooked to a minimum core temperature of 75°C for at least two minutes (unless otherwise specified by local laws).


Food should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 75°C for at least 15 second (unless specified by local laws). Beans food must be cooked in boiling water at least 10 minutes.

食品内部烹饪温度应该达到摄氏75度以上,至少达到15秒钟,对于豆角类食品必须煮沸水中烹调至少达到10分钟以上。All food handlers should wear suitable, clean protective clothing that should be changed daily and more often if soiled.食品工作人员必须穿着工作制服,确保干净,如有污渍必须马上更换。

Equipment mounted on tables or counters, unless portable, should be sealed to the table or counter, or elevated on legs at least 10cm long to allow easy cleaning of the equipment and surrounding areas.


All food handlers should wear suitable, clean protective clothing that should be changed daily and more often if soiled.食品工作人员必须穿着干净的工作制服,如有污渍必须马上更换。 Equipment mounted on tables or counters, unless portable, should be sealed to the table or counter, or elevated on legs at least 5cm long to allow easy cleaning of the equipment and surrounding areas.固定设备安装在台面除移动性的,应该将接触缝隙密封或带有脚架,脚架应该离桌面至少10公分便于清洁,消毒及保养。

Ready-to-eat food handlers wash hands every 30 minutes and once every hour for other food handlers 加工即食食品员工应每30分钟洗一次手,一般员工连续工作1小时应洗手一次Wash-hand basins are for hand washing only, and should be accessible and provided with hot and cold water, liquid bactericidal soap, and paper towels.


Diffusers or panels should be used to protect all lighting.灯具必须安装灯罩

Eggs should be washed with potable water before food preparation.鸡蛋应首先使用饮用水冲洗后再制作食品

During preparation, food may pass several times through the

temperature danger zone (TDZ, 5oC to 63oC) when bacterial growth can occur. (5oC to 63oC)

在准备食物的过程中,食品可能多次停留在温度风险区内(摄氏5度至63度)。During preparation, food may pass several times through the temperature danger zone (TDZ, 5oC to 60oC) when bacterial growth can occur. (4oC to 60oC)在准备食物的过程中,食品可能多次停留在温度风险区内(4摄氏度至60摄氏度)

The use of food additive shall comply with government regulations, and be kept in record



Preparation takes place at room temperature and, therefore, in the temperature danger zone (TDZ, 4oC to 60oC).准备食物在室温下,是处于温度风险区内(4-60摄氏度之间)

Preparation takes place at room temperature and, therefore, in the temperature danger zone (TDZ, 5oC to 60oC).准备食物在室温下,是处于温度风险区内(5-60摄氏度之间)

3.2 3.23.3 3.3

5.3 5.3







2.1 2.1

3.1 3.1




Foods should be cooled to <21℃ within two hours and to <5℃ within four hours. Foods shall be labeled to reflect the time of commencement of cooling process. (unless specified by local laws).



Foods should be cooled to <20℃ within two hours and to <4℃ within four hours. Foods shall be labeled to reflect the time of commencement of cooling process. (unless specified by local laws).



Cooked foods to be refrigerated and stored for future use should be cooled as quickly as possible after the final heat processing stage or the final preparation stage, to an internal temperature of 4°C to avoid bacterial growth.


Cooked foods to be refrigerated and stored for future use should be cooled as quickly as possible after the final heat processing stage or the final preparation stage, to an internal temperature of 4°C to avoid bacterial growth.对于烹饪好的需冷藏储存供后续使用的食品,在最后加热阶段或最后制备阶段完成后,应当尽可能的快速冷却,使其内部温度到摄氏4度以避免细菌繁殖。

Hold each sample for seven days in a freezer.将样品在冷冻库中保存7天。

Hold each sample for two days in a chillier.将样品在冷藏库中保存2天.

If food is not cooled to 5°C within 4 hours, corrective action should be taken: Reheat the food to 75°C for at least 15 seconds 如果在4小时内食品没有被冷却到摄氏20度,则应采取纠正措施:把食物重新加热到摄氏75度,保持至少15秒。If food is not cooled to 20°C within 2 hours, corrective action should be taken:Reheat the food to 75°C for at least 15 seconds 如果在2小时内食品没有被冷却到摄氏20度,则应采取纠正措施:把食物重新加热到摄氏75度,保持至少15秒。

Hot food should be brought to the display area in a hot state, that is above 63°C and kept at that temperature afterwards.


保持在此温度以上。 Store ice-dispensing utensils between use in ice scoop holders that are clean, dry, and self-draining, or contain sanitizer that is changed at least once per shift.在使用中应把分取工具放在冰铲槽中,冰铲槽应保持干净、干燥,能自动排水,或内有至少每批更换一次的消毒液。

Microbial testing of an independent and accredited laboratory shall be undertaken semi-annually for standard plate count; coliforms; escherichia coli; salmonella; staphylococcus and listeria.每半年应由拥有合格资质的独立实验室进行微生物检测,包括:标准平板计数、大肠菌群、大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、葡萄状球菌和李斯特氏杆菌。

During each service period, monitor and record the operating temperature of food display cabinets (below4°C) and hot display units are above 60°C.在每个服务餐段,需监测和记录食物展示柜内食品温度(4摄氏度以下),热柜内食品温度为60摄氏度以上。

Do not allow potentially hazardous food to reach the temperature danger zone range (4°C -60°C) between production and service.不应让食物温度在制作和服务过程中到达危险温度区 (4°C -60°C )。

Reheat hot food to 75°C for at least 15 seconds before placing it on display.重新加热的热食在展示前应加温到75摄氏度,保持至15秒。

Hot food should be brought to the display area in a hot state, with temperature above 60°C and be kept at that temperature afterwards.



Store ice-dispensing utensils between use in ice scoop holders that are clean,dry, and self-draining, or contain sanitizer that is changed at least 4 hours.在使用中应把分取工具放在冰铲槽中,冰铲槽应保持干净、干燥,能自动排水,或内有至少每4小时更换一次的消毒液。

Microbial testing should be carried out by an independent and accredited laboratory semi-annually ,the testing items include standard plate count;

coliforms; Escherichia coli; salmonella; Shigella ,staphylococcus and listeria. In summer, seafood testing Vibrio parahemolyticus


Reheat hot food to 75°C for at least 2 minutes before placing it on display.重新加热的热食在展示前应加温到摄氏75度,保持至少2分钟

Serve hot food immediately after preparation, or hold it at or above 63°C or cool it as quickly as possible and store it chilled at 5°C and below.


并保存在摄氏5度或以下。Serve hot food immediately after preparation, or hold it at or above 60°C or cool it as quickly as possible and store it chilled at 4°C and below.



During each service period, monitor and record the operating

temperature of food display cabinets (below 5°C) and hot display units are above 63°C.


Do not allow potentially hazardous food to reach the temperature danger zone range (5°C -63°C) between production and service.

不应让食物温度在制作和服务过程中到达危险温度区 (5°C -63°C )。

The holding equipment used to display food for service should maintain cold food at 5°C or below and hot food at 63°C or above. Food on display should not be allowed to reach the temperature danger zone.展示食物的存储设备应能维持冷食在摄氏5度或以下,热食在摄氏63度或以上。展示中的食物不允许到达危险温度区。

The holding equipment used to display food for service should maintain the temperature of cold food at or below 4°C and that of hot food at or above 60°C. Food on display should not be allowed to reach the temperature danger zone.


3.4 3.4














1.1High risk foods can only be held for a maximum of two hours at temperatures between 5°C and 63°C, after two hours they must be discarded.

高风险食品只可在温度5°C - 63°C 区间,保持2小时之后应该处理掉。


Foods to be frozen should be frozen to -5°C and in the first 90 minutes achieving 41°F (4°C).



It is very important to reduce food temperatures to below 5°C as soon as possible after cooking if the food is not for immediate consumption or hot holding. You should take the food through the 'danger zone', that is,60°C down to 5°C, as quickly as possible, to prevent the multiplication of harmful bacteria.

如果食物不需立即提供消费或热保温,将食物尽可能快的降温到摄氏5度以下是非常重要的。尽快使食物通过温度危险区,即60摄氏度到5摄氏度之间,可以防止有害细菌的繁殖。It is very important to reduce food temperatures to below 4°C as soon as possible after cooking if the food is not for immediate consumption or hot holding. You should take the food through the 'danger zone', that is, 60°C down to 4°C, as quickly as possible, to prevent the multiplication of harmful bacteria.


The life of a food held at the TDZ is 2 hours. The 2-hour rule is accumulative.That is, if a food is held between 4°C and 60°C for 1 hour, then reheated to 75°C, the food then only has a life of 1 hour within the danger zone (4°C -60°C).食品在危险温度条件下只能保持2小时,且为累加的。如果食物在4摄氏度


The life of a food held at the TDZ is 2 hours. The 2-hour rule is

accumulative. That is, if a food is held between 5°C and 60°C for 1 hour,then reheated to 75°C, the food then only has a life of 1 hour within the danger zone (5°C -60°C).食品在危险温度条件下只能保持2小时,且为累加的。如果食物在4摄氏度至60摄氏度之间存放一小时,再加热至75摄氏度,在危险温度条件下只能在保存一小时。

Food for service or on display for sale and which has been cooked or reheated should be kept hot at a temperature at or above 630°C.


Serve the food immediately or maintain it above 63°C and serve at as soon as possible.

尽快上菜,或将菜品保温在摄氏63度以上。Serve the food immediately or maintain it above 63°C and serve at as soon as possible.


Airtight containers can be hazardous and create favorable growth

conditions for anaerobic microbes during cooling; ensure covers are loose fitting or slightly ajar until the temperature is 4°C or below.在冷却时,密封容器是危险的,它给厌氧菌制造了一个良好的繁殖条件。应把盖子拧松或微开,直到温度下降到摄氏5度或以下。Airtight containers can be hazardous and create favorable growth conditions for anaerobic microbes during cooling; ensure covers are loose fitting or slightly ajar until the temperature is 4°C or below.在冷却时,密封容器是危险的,它给厌氧菌制造了一个良好的繁殖条件。应把盖子拧松或微开,直到温度下降到摄氏4度或以下。

Cold cooked and raw food should be kept safe from temperature abuse and contamination. To provide control during cold holding, use only cold-holding equipment that can keep food at 5°C or less.冷食以及生食应该保持在摄氏5度或以下避免温度上升致食品的污染。

Cold holding objectives mirror those of hot holding, but the desired holding temperature is <4°C.


Cold cooked and raw food should be kept safe from temperature abuse and contamination. To provide control during cold holding, use only cold-holding equipment that can keep food at 4°C or below.


Cold holding objectives mirror those of hot holding, but the desired folding temperature is <5°C.冷食保温的基本原则与保温热菜相同,温度控制为摄氏5度或以下。


When reheating food, make sure it reaches a core temperature above 75°C for at least 2 minutes.再加热食物时,要确保中心温度达到摄氏75度以上,保持至少2分钟。

When reheating food, make sure it reaches a core temperature above 75°C for at least 15 seconds and at least 2 minutes for microwave reheating .再加热食物时,要确保中心温度达到75摄氏度以上,保持至少15 秒, 微波炉加热至少2分钟.。

Foods to be frozen should be frozen to -5°C and in the first 90 minutes achieving 41°F (5°C).



Submersion sink water must be >77°C, and items must be submersed for >30 seconds.洗涤浸泡池应该保持在摄氏77度,物品须浸泡至少30秒或以上。

The deep cleaning and sanitation of kitchen equipment and facilities is under the responsibility of Stewarding department the cleaning and sanitation of kitchen equipment during operation will be conducted by user.


High risk foods can only be held for a maximum of two hours at temperatures between 4°C and 60°C, after two hours, they must be discarded.

高风险食品只可在温度4°C - 60°C 区间,保持2小时之后应该丢弃。

Food that is for service or on display for sale and which has been cooked or reheated should be kept hot at a temperature above 63°C.加热或烹饪后的食品应该保持在摄氏63度或以上。





1.1 1.19.3


Final rinse dishes and flatware solution at 82°C at least 40 seconds 在82°C 的水温中冲洗消毒40秒

Sanitizing takes place – the sanitizing sink. Rinse takes place in other sink 消毒在消毒池中进行,而冲洗需在另外的水池中进行。

9.2.1 Immerse in chlorine-containing disinfectant solution at 250mg/L and ensure 5 minutes duration for effective sanitation.

将其浸泡在配制好浓度为250mg/L 的含氯消毒剂中,停留五分钟9.2.2 Rinse utensil in the clean water to remove disinfectant residues. 用清水将其表面的消毒剂冲洗干净

9.2.3Place on a clean shelf for nature-air drying 将其放在干净的架子上自然风干即可9.2.4 To prevent burns, use a basket, a rack, or tongs to lower items into the water or sanitizing Solution.

为防止化学品灼伤可使用篮子、架子或V 形钳将器具浸入水或消毒液中。9.2.5 Follow the instructions on the label for chemical use and concentration,and water temperatures.


9.2.6Use a test kit to monitor the proper strength of solutions: Sanitizing solutions should not be used after the strength goes below the minimum requirements.


A good dishwashing machine operation is based on five elements:洗碗机操作是建立在五个要素之上的:1. Time 时间

2. Temperature 温度

3. Pressure 压力

4. Detergent 清洁剂

5. Rinse additive 漂洗剂Glasses and cups in the room must be deep cleaned in designated the area.客房中的杯具必须在指定区域清洁。

A good dishwashing machine operation is based on five elements:洗碗机操作是建立在五个要素之上的:1. Time 时间

2. Temperature 温度

3. Pressure 压力

4. Detergent 清洁剂

5. Procedure 程序

Final rinse dishes and flatware in a sanitizer/water solution at 82°C with a maximum conveyor speed of 4m per minute.在含有消毒液的82°C 水温中消毒 并保持洗碗机的速度为每分钟4米

Washing takes place in the first compartment of the sink – the wash sink.清洗在水池的第一部分清洗池中进行。

9.2.1 Use a hot detergent solution at a minimum of 43°C, unless a

different temperature is specified on the cleaning agent manufacturer's label instructions.


9.2.2 Using the correct concentration is important and avoids detergent residue on the food contact surfaces.


9.2.3 Rinse thoroughly in running water.用流水彻底冲洗。

The deep cleaning and sanitation of kitchen equipment and facilities is under the responsibility of Stewarding department the cleaning and sanitation of kitchen equipment during operation will be conducted by user.



9.3 Change the water used for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing regularly.定期更换洗涤、漂洗、消毒用水。

Foods reheated shall achieve a minimum reheat temperature of 75°C for 2 minutes. Record it using the CP-6/9 Hot Food Monitoring Record Form.再加热食品应达到最低加热温度75°C ,并保持2分钟。记录到CP-6/7


9.3 Sanitizing takes place in the second sink – the sanitizing sink.消毒在第二个水池消毒池中进行All cancel 全部去掉

9.3.1 Submerge items in hot water at a minimum of 80°C for 30 seconds.将物品浸入温度至少摄氏80°的热水30秒。

9.3.2 Submerge items in a chemical sanitizing solution at 24°C or above for a minimum of 1 minute, or follow the manufacturer's instructions.将物品浸入摄氏24°或以上的化学消毒液中至少1分钟,或参照制造商的说明。

9.3.3 To prevent burns, use a basket, a rack, or tongs to lower items into the water or sanitizing Solution.为防止化学品灼伤可使用篮子、架子或V 形钳将器具浸入水或消毒液中。

9.3.4 Follow the instructions on the label for chemical use and concentration, and water temperatures.


9.3.5 Use a test kit to monitor the proper strength of solutions: Sanitizing solutions should not be used after the strength goes below the minimum requirements.

使用配套测试工具来检测溶液浓度:当消毒溶液浓度低于要求的最小值时,消毒液不能再继续使用。 3.2.1



7The glass washer rinse cycle is to achieve a minimum temperature of 82oC.洗杯机过水温度应该达到摄氏82度以上。

Selection and Setting of Washing & Sterilizing Tools and Equipment 清洁消毒工具、设备的选择及设置

18.1Should select professional food cleaning tools and equipment 应该选用专业用符合食品清洁工具和设备18.2 Cleaning tools include 清洁工具包括 Scouring pad 百洁布

Nylon cleaning brush 清洁尼龙刷 Sprinkling 喷壶 Flat Spade 扁铲 Bucket 水桶 Broom 扫把 Dustpan 簸箕 Mop 墩布

Mop car 墩布车Mop car 墩布车

Sign of anti-slippery 防滑倒告示牌Water scraper 水刮

18.3Cleaning equipment include :清洁设备18.3.1 High pressure squirt gun 高压水枪18.3.2 Floor grinder 磨地机

18.3.3 Water scooping machine 吸水机

18.4 All the tools and equipment must be purchased from qualified suppliers.全部工具和设备必须来自合格的供应商。

18.5The materials of cleaning tools should be good for repeated use and not likely to destroy the surfaces of cleaning objects

清洁工具的材质即有利于反复使用,且不会破坏被清洁物体表面18.6 Cleaning tools should be sturdy and durable.清洁工具结实,不易损坏。

18.7 Sprinkling can and container used for cleaning must have clear mark.用于清洁使用的喷壶和容器必须有清晰标识。

18.8 A special basin is proposed to be set to pour waste water and wash cleaning tools.


18.9 Cleaning tools and equipment cannot be stored in the food storage and processing area


Management Commitment 管理层承诺

Top management of each hotel unit must demonstrate support and commitment to the development, implementation, and continual improvement of the food safety management system by:


Food Safety System 食品安全体系

Stainless steel scoops should be provided and attached (chained) to the machine to avoid contamination.使用不锈钢冰铲,避免污染。

Stainless steel or plastic scoops should be provided and attached (chained) to the machine to avoid contamination.


GM must appoint food safety hygienist or champion for all IHG brand hotel IHG 集团内各品牌酒店必须设立由总经理任命的专职或兼职食品安全管人员


The glass washer rinse cycle is to achieve a minimum temperature of 77oC.


Only the disinfectant with sterilization permit issued by government can be used







1.8 1.81.9


1.11 Lighting within food preparation areas should be diffused or covered.食品制备区域的照明应采用散射光或遮罩。

Buildings and facilities should have adequate natural or mechanical ventilation facilities in order to effectively remove fumes, smoke, steam, heat and

condensation in the premises, and to ensure the premises a supply of fresh air 须有足够的天然通风或机械通风设施,以便能有效清除处所内产生的油烟、烟雾、蒸气、热力及冷凝水,以及为处所供应新鲜空气

Bulbs and tubes should be shielded to protect food supplies from glass fragments in case of breakage.


Lighting in food preparation areas should be diffused and shielded. or use explosion-proof shades or bulbs.


Adequate restrooms should be provided for staff, and be equipped with hand-washing facilities that meet the requirements. The restrooms should not communicate directly with any food room &separate to food preparation rooms .


Shelving should be sealed and/or constructed of nonporous materials.货架应封闭并且/或者用无孔材料制造。

Food Safety Meeting 食品安全会议

Food safety meetings help engender a common purpose and make it easier to eliminate problems and obstacles to food safety.


Food safety meetings should be conducted at least quarterly.食品安全会议至少每季度召开一次。

Food Safety Meeting 食品安全会议

Food safety meetings help engender a common purpose and make it easier to eliminate problems and obstacles to food safety.

食品安全会议有助于形成一个共同的目标,使其更易于消除问题和障碍,以保障食品安全。Food safety meetings should be conducted at least once a month and be recorded.

GM must attend food safety meeting at least once a quarter and be recorded.酒店食品安全会议必须每月至少召开一次会议并有记录。总经理至少每个季度必须参加一次食品安全会议并有记录

Record Maintenance 记录保持

Documentation and record keeping shall be sufficient to assist the hotel to verify that the CCPs are in place and maintained. All monitoring forms are retained by the hotel for at least three years.

文件和记录保持应能证明宾馆CCP 控制的存在并有效维持。所有监控关键控制点的表格宾馆保存至少三年。Record Maintenance 记录保持

Documentation and record keeping shall be sufficient to assist the hotel to verify that the CPs are in place and maintained. All monitoring forms are retained by the hotel for at least two years.

文件和记录保持应能证明宾馆CP 控制的存在并有效维持。所有监控关键控制点的表格宾馆保存至少二年。

Bulbs and tubes should be shielded to protect food supplies from glass

fragments in case of breakage, or use explosion-proof shades or bulbs in food storage area.


Infrastructure and Equipment 基础建设和设备

Food Safety Team 食品安全小组

The hotel has identified and nominated the Food Safety Champion and the Food Safety Team.

A food safety meeting should be convened, conducted and minute at an agreed frequency.

The meeting should include discussion regarding obstacles, barriers,difficulties, successes and plans for food safety; Participants include HR,engineer, chef, purchaser, housekeeping and stewarding F&B supervisor/manager.


Food Safety Team 食品安全小组

The hotel has identified and nominated the responsible person of Food Safety Management and the Food Safety Team.

A food safety meeting should be convened, conducted and minute at an agreed frequency.

The meeting should includes discussion regarding obstacles, barriers,

difficulties, successes and plans for food safety; Participants include :GM,DOFB, Exec chef, F&B manager, Exec sous chef, Purchasing manager, Cost controller, Housekeeper, Chief engineer, Stewarding manager, Training manager, Staff Canteen Manager & Hygiene specialist

酒店应确定并任命食品安全负责人和食品安全小组,应根据协定的频率召集、开展食品安全会议并做好会议记录。会议内容应包括有关食品安全的障碍、难点、成功和计划进展;参加者包括总经理、餐饮总监、行政总厨、餐饮部经理、行政副总厨、采购部经理、成本部经理、客房部经理、工程部经理、管事部经理、培训部经理、员工餐厅经理和卫生专员。食品安全小组成员职责酒店总经理/ Hotel GM


Hotel GM is the highest management level for food safety project within the organization. His / Her responsibilities include:

确保食品安全体系在酒店内成功地实施,并提供全力支持。Ensure successful FSMS implementation and provide full supports.每年至少参加四次食品安全小组会议。

Attend at least four food safety review meetings each year.每年至少参加一次食品安全内部审核。

Participate in at lease one food safety internal audit each year.餐饮总监/ F&B Director


F&B director is responsible for FSMS rollout and implementation.确保食品安全体系在酒店各部门中有效运行。Ensure FSMS system run effectively.


Ensure all equipment and facilities in F&B work properly.




2.2 2.2

2.4 2.4

3.1 3.1Scullery washing area must be designed in kitchen area. Each wash basins must be made of glazed earthenware, stainless metal or other smooth,durable, non-absorbent and easy to clean materials, with a size of not less than 450 mm in length (measured between the top inner rims).


Refrigerate, frozen and heat preservation utensils should be cleaned and deodorized regularly and the temperature indicating device should be

calibrate d regularly to guarantee working smoothly. The door seals of all the facilities should be kept clean and tidy, no broken and in good working condition.


All greasy waste water from food premises, especially from sinks and cooking stove area must be collected and discharged into a foul water drain via a grease trap of sufficient capacity to treat a volume of waste water discharged in the peak time. It should not only effectively remove grease from entering the sewerage system, but also facilitate cleaning and inspection. It should be fitted with cover made of light but strong material. Underground grease traps should be protected from entry of surface water by raised kerfs or surface



Pest Control 虫害控制

Water supplying facility accord with process demand and water with standard GB5794.

供水设施应能保证符合加工需要,水质应符合GB 5749的要求。

The water sink should be labeled in food prepare area.食品加工区域水池必须设立用途标识

Water supplying facility should be in accordance with processing. The hotel should invite a qualified professional company to clean and disinfect the water supplying facility twice a year, and send the water sample to national accredited laboratory for testing. The water must comply with the

requirement of standard.


A commercial pest control contractor usually conducts an audit of the pest population, which identifies the pest activities throughout the hotel, and the factors that contribute to existing and potential problems. The pest control contractor then presents management with an action plan of what is to be done and why. This might include recommendations for improvements in food care, training employees in good food-handling practices, housekeeping,sanitation, facility maintenance, non-pesticide control devices, and, if

necessary, the use of pesticides, application time, methods, and precautionary recommendations. The pest control company then applies the selected pesticide and uses a pest monitoring system to measure results, periodically reporting to management.

These reports help management and the Company to evaluate the program's effectiveness. Every time after services, a corresponding service report must be submitted.


Glue boards 挡鼠板

Glue boards 挡鼠板 (Used at the door of dry food storage 用于干货库房门口

Electric fly killers 电子灭蝇灯Electric fly killers 电子灭蝇灯(Not installed in special room 不能安装在专间内)

A commercial pest control contractor usually conducts an audit of the pest population, which identifies the pest activities throughout the hotel,and the factors that contribute to existing and potential problems. The pest control contractor then presents management with an action plan of what is to be done and why. This might include recommendations for improvements in food care, training employees in good food-handling practices, housekeeping, sanitation, facility maintenance, non-pesticide control devices, and, if necessary, the use of pesticides, application time,methods, and precautionary recommendations. The pest control

company then applies the selected pesticide and uses a pest monitoring system to measure results, periodically reporting to management.

These reports help management and the Company to evaluate the program's effectiveness.


3.3 3.3




2.3 2.3



5Stone jewelry is not permitted within the food transfer, preparation, or storage areas.


A water temperature of >43℃ within 20 sec.水温43摄氏度以上,冲洗20秒。

The water temperature should be >38℃ at least 20 sec.水温38摄氏度以上,至少冲洗20秒。

Training staff in food hygiene 员工食品卫生培训

The handler of ready-to-eat food should wash hands every 30 minutes while other staff in kitchen washes hands every hour during continuous work.加工即食食品员工应每30分钟洗一次手,一般员工连续工作1小时应洗一次手。

Stoned jewelry is permitted within the food transfer, preparation, or storage areas.


FSMS training 食品安全管理体系 培训

Kitchen operator, food server and stewarding staff shall be sufficiently trained on FSMS and local regulations to be able to play their role in the food safety system of IHG. In particular, staff will need to understand the hazards, controls, and monitoring procedures.

厨房员工,餐厅服务员和管事部员工需受全面地洲际酒店食品安全体系培训和当地法规培训,以确保员工能承担食品安全的工作。尤其是员工要理解危害、控制及监控程序。1.1 Refresher training 反复培训

It is vital that staff do not forget what they have learned and continue to put the training into practice. Refresher training can be done at staff meetings or during one-to-one coaching sessions. Formal refresher training will be carried out at least once per year.


FSMS training 食品安全管理体系 培训

Kitchen operator, food server and stewarding staff shall be sufficiently trained on FSMS and local regulations to be able to play their role in the food safety system of IHG. In particular, staff needs to understand the hazards, controls,and monitoring procedures. New staff should be trained on food safety for at least two hours during on boarding process.


1.1 Refresher training 反复培训

It is vital that staff do not forget what they have learned and continue to put the training into practice. Refresher training can be done at staff meetings or during one-to-one coaching sessions. Formal refresher training will be carried out at least twice a year for the staff in kitchen while at least once a year for other food safety related staff including F&B, Stewarding, Food Receiving,Purchasing, Engineer Dept as well as Administration.


Training staff in food hygiene 员工食品卫生培训

Visitor procedure 访客制度

The visitor who requires entering the food preparing and processing area should be in good health condition should change clothes before entering those areas. Meanwhile, the visitor should follow the personal hygiene rules of hotel


There are several factors to evaluate when selecting a pest control company.


3.3.1 Check with the local health department and other area hotel/restaurant operators for references.


3.3.2 Check if all staff members are licensed.检查是否所有员工都有资格证。

There are several factors to evaluate when selecting a pest control company.选择虫害控制公司应考虑几个因素。

3.3.1 Check with the local health department and take other area

hotel/restaurant operators’ opinion for references. Check if the company has government approved qualification.

当地健康部门和其他区域宾馆、酒店作业人员的建议,并有国家认可的专业资质。3.3.2 Check if all staff members are licensed and health certificate.(HongKong NA )


3.3.9 The pest control company must provide layout for pest control system of the hotel


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