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2015宁夏大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、宁夏大学考博英语题型 英语题型介绍: 一般宁夏大学的考博英语分数线在55分左右。 Part1:选择填空50个小题,共25分,前20题是(四选一),后30个是按所给4项答案的正确形式填空,相当于完形填空。 Part2:阅读理解5篇,共25分,每篇5小题(四选一)。 Part3:翻译,共30分,(英译汉5句话,共15分,是翻译一段文字里指定的5句话;汉译英,共15分,是大约翻译200字左右的一整段文字。)Part4:写作,共20分,要求词数不得少于250个词。 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。


复旦大学2003年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题(秋季) PartⅠListening Comprehension (15%) 略 PartⅡV ocabulary and Structure (10%) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in the part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21. She her vacation so much that she didn?t want it to end. A. missed B. budgeted C. loathed D. relished 22. They tried to keep it quiet but eventually everyone learned about the meeting. A. intangible B. sedate C. impudent D. clandestine 23. Many citizens appealed to the city government for enacting laws to protect the consumers. A. rigorous B. equivocal C. stringent D. furtive 24. People who like to were red clothes are more likely to be talkative and . A. lucrative B. introverted C. vivacious D. perilous 25. This is but a of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. A. faction B. friction C. fraction D. fracture 26. They were tired, but not less enthusiastic that account. A. on B. by C. for D. with 27. I think it is high time we the fact that environment pollution in this area is getting more serious than before. A. woke up to B. must wake up to C. wake up to D. are waking up to 28. So was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was soon reached. A. resentful


2015年考博 单选: 有少部分原题(出自曾建彬《研究生英语》《研究生高级英语》) 阅读理解: 第一篇:Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, most of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance of education, modern states "invest" in institutions of learning to get back "interest" in the form. of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks—that purchasable wells of wisdom—what would civilization be like without its benefits? So much is certain: that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births—but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on "facts and figures" and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and the capacity of a man is to get along with his fellow-citizens. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form. of "college" imaginable. Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; it is taught to every member of the tribe so that in this respect every- body is equipped for life. It is the ideal condition of the "equal start" which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. There are no "illiterates"—if the term can be applied to peoples without a script—while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, in France in 1806, and in England in 1876, and is still non-existent in a number of "civilized" nations. This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the "happy few" during the past centuries. Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start. There is none of the hurry, which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality. There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents' and therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no "juvenile delinquency". No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to "buy" an education for his child. (选自新概念) 第二篇:关于在Internet site上挂条幅广告销售商品的。第一题问:文章开头是什么意思,我选择了,和传统广告一样,互联网广告也是为了促使消费者冲动消费。有一题问:下列哪些选项作者没提及:我选了传统广告在较长的竞争中必然会战胜网络广告方式。有一题关于互联网广告的:我选择了需要做些change来保持他的竞争性什么的。最后一题问作者对互联网广告的态度:uncertain,objective,X,X.另两个记不清了,我选的客观的。 第三篇:关于脸书,推特等这些网络平台火的原因,强调以前的网络平台web1.只是让你看别人提供的content,而web 2.如这些社交平台是让你能跟别人交流自己creat content,而不是enjoy 别人提供的content.一题问:Myspace社交平台火的原因:我选了有content的那个选项。有题问下面哪个选项作者没提及:我选了大家怀念web1.那个选项。 第3篇This reading comprehension focuses on social networks. It's followed by key vocabulary


全国外科学考博试题总结 名词解释: 1.高钾血症; 2.心脏按摩; 3.中心静脉压; 4.非少尿型急性肾功能衰竭; 5.呼吸性酸中毒; 6.肠源性感染; 7.脓毒症(sepsis); 8.Superinfection; 9.ARDS; 10.过继免疫疗法; 11.CARS 12.GVHR; 13.SIADH; 14.基因诊断; 15.条件性感染; 16.SIADH; 17.SIRS; 18. 预存式自体输血; 19.休克抑制期; 20. 痈; 21.海绵状血管瘤; 22.负氮平衡; 23. 脑再灌注损伤; 24.中厚皮片; 25. 脓血症 26.烧伤面积的中国九分法; 27.systemic inflammatory response syndrome ; 28.功能性细胞外液; 29.心肺复苏; 30.MSOF; 31.ARF; 32.ARDS; 33.ICU; 34.休克指数; 35.MODS; 36.条件感染; 37.载体 和重组质粒; 38.MAC; 39.导向复苏

40.精准医疗 论述题: 1、较广泛的或剧烈的创伤性炎症对机体可引起哪些不利影响?(10 分) 2、成人呼吸窘迫综合症的临床表现和分期(15 分)。 3.输血适应症 4.外科抗菌药应用原则 5.理想手术切口应具备的条件 6.肾替代疗法应达到的指标 7.DIC 的临床表现 8.创伤治愈的分期、处理原则 9.理想的肿瘤标志物应具备的特点 10. 肾在体内酸碱平衡调节的机制 11. 肠外营养的适应证和并发症 12. 自体输血的方式和禁忌证 13.试述肠内营养适应证 14.试述自体输血的适应证与禁忌症 15.分输血的种类和适应症 16.肠源性感染的发病机制 17.代谢性酸中毒的分型及常见原因 18.创伤的检查与诊断步骤(13) 19.脑复苏的现代观念及主要方法 20.灭菌与消毒有何区别? 21.高钾血症的原因和诊断处理? 22.肠外营养有哪些常见并发症如何处理 23.简述外科如何选择和使用抗菌药物? 24..创伤后组织修复分几个阶段?简述其修复过程? 25.创伤后组织修复过程分为哪几个阶段?各阶段的主要特点是什么? 26.试述肿瘤浸润与转移过程中的相关因素? 27.试述创伤的代谢变化及其临床意义? 28.溶血反应的发病机理及病理变化? 29.感染性休克病理生理变化过程中血流动力学改变有何特征?治疗要点是什么? 30.全胃肠外营养的并发症 31..肠细菌移位的发生机制 32.腹部外科术后心力衰竭的紧急处理,应从哪些方面着手? 33.有哪些腹部外科疾病与病毒感染有关?如何预防和治疗。 34.腹部外伤时,肝胆管损伤的处理 35.全胃肠外营养的主要内容和实施途径 36.器官移植:异种排斥的特点和研究新进展 37.与脏器移植相比较细胞移植有哪些区别特点以及如何提高疗效 38.烧伤补液原则


宁夏大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试初试试题卷考试科目:工程数学(数理方程)适用专业:土水工程与计算科学(不用抄题,答案写在答题纸上,写明题号,答案写在试题上无效) 一、简答题(每小题5分,共35分) 1、写出波动方程、热传导方程、位势方程的一般形式。 2、如何给定数学物理方程的定解条件?一般有哪几种提法? 3、什么是数学物理方程定解问题的稳定性? 4、写出三类典型(或基本)边界条件的一般形式。 5、解的适定性包括哪三个方面?分别简述之(结合一般的数学物理问题,说明其意义) 。6、形如22211122212222u u u u u a a a b b cu f x x y y x y ?????+++++=??????的两变量二阶线性偏微分方程,如何判断其为双曲型方程、抛物型方程、椭圆型方程?7、写出区间(,)-∞∞上函数0()x x δ-的定义,举二例说明相应物理量可用此类函数描述。 二、解析计算题(每小题13分,共65分) 1、求解初值问题 230(,0)sin ,(,0)xx xy yy y u u u u x x u x x +-=???==??2、求解初值问题 00-sin |0,sin ===???==??tt xx t t t u u t x u u x 提示:求解所需用的达朗贝尔公式为

()()1(,)()2 2x at x at x at x at u x t d a φφψαα+--++=+?3、求解初值边值问题 =,010 1 02 (,0)111 2(0,)(1,)0,0 <<>????<≤??=??-<?,t xx u u x t x x u x x x u t u t t 4、求解Sturm-Liouville 问题 220,0(0)()0 d X X x dx X X λπ π?+=≤≤???==?5、求解初值边值问题 2,0,0 (,0)() (,0)0 (0,)(,)0tt xx t u a u x l t u x x l x u x u t u l t ?=<<>?=-??=??==?


复旦大学考博英语词汇真题模拟 根据复旦大学考博英语考试大纲规定,除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词,形容词与介词,形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生产的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 一、根据复旦大学考博英语考试大纲规定,每年词汇题共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分。 预计测试时间(25分钟) 1. Language, culture and personality may be considered of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. [ A ] indistinctly [ B ] separately [ C ] irrelevantly [ D ] independently 2. Shortage of land and funding are blamed for the city‘s green space. [ A ] inefficient [ B ] inaccurate [ C ] inadequate [ D ] indispensable 3. It is well known that knowledge is the __ condition for expansion of mind. [ A ] incompatible [ B ] incredible [ C ] indefinite [ D ] indispensable 4. Although sports __ the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family tradi-tions and routine. [ A ] overwhelmed [ B ] affected [ C ] dominated [ D ] influenced 5. Once you have made your point clear at the __ of the essay, you must then proceed to con-vince readers about the position you have taken. [ A ] departure [ B ] outset [ C ] concentration [ D ] initiation 6. These excursions will give you an even deeper __ into our language and culture. [ A ] inquiry [ B ] investigation [ C ] input [ D ] insight 7. The novel contains some marvelously revealing __ of factory life. [ A ] glimpses [ B ] glances [ C ] shots [ D ] insights 8. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this produces artificial cold surrounding it. [ A ] absorption [ B ] transition [ C ] consumption [ D ] interaction (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:四零零 六六八 六九七八) 9. One way for writers to support a point is through , that is, by means of several examples to back up an idea. [ A ] illustration [ B ] demonstration

宁夏大学全日制教育硕士学科教学语文专业考研经验——经历过才会明白 你有多强

宁夏大学全日制教育硕士学科教学语文专业考研经验——经历过才会明白你有多强 文|金ZT/凯程网课学员 宁夏大学全日制教育硕士学科教学语文专业 终于能静下心来写这篇考研经验分享了。我的本科是汉语言文学专业,双非,报考的是中央民族大学学科教学(语文),最后调剂到宁夏大学学科教学(语文),拟录取。下面来说一下我的经验分享啦。我的初试总分是363分。 一、各科经验 政治:63 关于政治,我是报了网班,在这里强推王一珉、米鹏老师,真的真的很好!刚开始基础完全没问题的,因为报了有道之后会发书,包括真题、练习题,到了后期还会发笔,一路跟着真的不错! 政治大题千万别急,因为大家都是背肖4肖8,所以前期就是做选择题就好了,别着急大题。肖8我只是做了选择,看了大题(其实应该也要背的大题,但其实肖4完全就够了,肖4一定要背!)。外加我还背了徐涛老师的黄皮书!(真的!当时考试看到题惊了,题目都一样)。 总之徐涛老师的黄皮书,到后期十一月吧我记得,出来以后就赶紧买,每天一章完全可以的,一定一定背完要复习!肖4也要背!这两个背下来大题完全没问题!我的政治主要就是选择不好,但其实当时下来以后我对了答案,单选全对,全都是多选错了好多,所以分数下来了,这就证明着我的基础还是不牢固,一定要强化基础。 英语二:65 我的英语还是选择跟有道,超喜欢有道的老师。因为我基础弱,之前六级也是跟了有道,最

后过了一分哈哈,努力一定会有结果(一定要坚持中途别放弃。)楠楠老师的阅读技巧,做起来真的速度很快!奶哥的作文万能句和模板,绝了!根哥背单词的方法,以及根哥幽默的上课方式,更绝了!坚持课程跟下来,有作文技巧,阅读技巧,完全够用的! 在这里想说的是,无论选择哪个老师,一定要掌握你适合的技巧,前期来得及,最近的真题一定要放到后期做,因为最近的真题是和每年考研真题最接近的。 接着就是我的一些小技巧,这个路程中可以去背作文,摘抄作文,一定要专门的英语本,去做自己的记录,别乱了阵脚,英语一定要背单词!不能断。从三月开始我就每天不断在背单词,以及每篇阅读里的单词,长难句,一定要搞懂,功夫不负有心人,加油! 教育综合(333):115 这门想必教育学的你们都再熟悉不过了,每个学校都会考,并且书是最多的,刚开始复习一定会头疼的,而且还会到后期崩溃!因为东西太多,但是很清楚的是,只要背的越熟,越分高。 中民近几年的333题,都一些偏,今年也是出了一道20分论述(我完全没见过),所以这个题我只答了基础部分,其他的都还行,这里能清楚的是,针对每个学校333有不同的套路。333我报了凯程的网班,刚开始我并不知道这个网班,我是在微信里搜全网关于333复习技巧,才知道了这个徐影老师的公众号,真的很感谢您。 从一开始听课,基础班,我就开始做笔记,听完之后,冲刺班是进行补充,接着到了后期就


一、名词解释 ulcers drived infection 肝分段 分级 ’s triads 二、问答 及直肠系膜的概念 2.胰头癌引起梗阻性黄疸的处理办法 3.原位肝移植的手术方式与适应症 4.胃癌的淋巴结清扫范围与手术根治程度分级 5.肝门部胆管癌的Bishmush-C分型 6.乳腺癌的内分泌治疗的方法与药物 sepsis MODS的概念与相互关系 8.营养不良的分类与支持的适应症 9.直肠癌前切除术的主要并发症 10.胰岛素瘤的定位诊断 11.肝癌的综合治疗 12.门脉高压上消化道出血的治疗 2003年浙江大学医学院外科学考博

试题 1、MODS的发病机理 2、乳腺癌的治疗原则 3、肝癌的治疗原则 4、胆道出血的诊治 5、慢性甲状腺炎的诊治 6、CARS (代偿性抗炎症反应综合征,考题无中文译名) 7、MEN (多发性内分泌肿瘤,考题无中文译名)2006年浙江大学医学院普通外科学考博真题 一、名词解释 1.镁负荷实验 2.暴发性急性胰腺炎 3.脾热 4.腹腔间隔室综合症 5.甲状腺危象 6.门静脉高压性胃病 征 8.(肿瘤)根治手术 9.短肠综合症

10.超急性排斥反应 二、问答题 1.甲状腺癌的病理特点 2.胃癌的治疗原则 3.肝门胆管癌的分型及处理原则 4.如何正确的对手术病人进行术前肝功能评估,以利手术顺 利进行 5.传统腹股沟疝修补术和无张力疝修补术的特点和方法有 何不用 二、2004年浙江大学医学院外科学 考博试题 一.名词解释 . 1镁负荷试验 . 2脾切术后爆发性感染 . 3易位 .. 4Pringle手法 .. 5Whipple . 6三联征 .. 7左侧门静脉高压征 .. 二. 简答题 . 1SAP的治疗; .


2014年复旦大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题 PartΙVocabulary and structure (15 point) Directions: there are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEETΙwith a single line through the center. 1. To celebrate innovations and inspire budding entrepreneurs,the famous library is telling the story behind 15 of what it considers the most _______inventions to come out of Britain in the past 10 years. A. ingenious B. insane C. ingenuous D. inquisitive 2. Globalization carries an ______promise that it will relieve poverty and offer security----perhaps the most ancient of human dreams. A. exquisite B. equivocal C. implicit D. inflexible 3. The fact that your application was not successful this thme does not _______the possibility of your applying again next time. A. preclude B. prejudge C. predict D. precede 4. The pressure on employment will increase gradually and the problem of aging will become more ______. A. contagious B. deliberate C. conspicuous D. diverse 5. She was _______about her son’s safety every time he went out on his motorcycle. A. intensive B. abusive C. comprehensive D. apprehensive 6. Our goal is to_______the pace of international movement and steer theconsumer marker towards internationalization. A. harness B. handle C. highlight D. hamper 7. In a world where prodigious sports talents tend to _____higher education altogether for the pros, Tiger Woods chose to continue playing amateur golf at Stanford University as an economics major. A. purify B. forge C. pursue D. forgo 8. Lots of woman complain that the problem with men is that they won’t ________themselves to a relationship. A. commence B. promote C. commite D. prescribe 9. In recent years ,new house sales have slowed down to a crawl, but builders are starting to see sales ______ again. A. pick up B. pick out C. pick on D. pick off 10. In a perfect world this would be sufficient, but computers and software can crash, power cam fail, and other unpredictable catastrophic events can _______to erase your work. A. conduct B. conspire C. count D. compel 11. We shall never know how she came to be there, there is no way to _______it. A. account for B. go over C. hold on D. make up


2016南方医科大学骨外科学真题 外科总论 名词解释 1 代谢性碱中毒 2 休克代偿期 3 冷沉淀 4 心肺复苏 5 败血症 6 气性坏疽 简答题 1 低钾血症的临床表现和治疗原则 2 感染性休克的治疗原则 骨科部分 简答题,5选4 1 周围神经损伤的分类,临床表现,治疗原则 2 腰椎间盘突出的诊断与鉴别诊断,治疗原则 3 腕管综合症的病因,临床表现和治疗原则 4 股骨颈骨折的garden分型和治疗原则 5 四肢骨折的ao分型和治疗原则 问答题,3选2 1 开放性骨折的分类和治疗原则 2 骨折内置物术后感染的诊断和治疗策略 3 发育性髋关节不良的临床表现和治疗原则2015年南方医科大学骨外科学真题 外科学总论 一名词解释

急性肾衰 ARDS 脑疝 休克 二简答题 1.无菌术定义及内容 2.少尿期处理原则 3. 剖腹探查的指征 4. 输血并发症 骨科部分 一简答题 1. 数字骨科在临床应用 ①计算机导航手术,是指利用X线装置、CT、MR I等提供的图像信息、先进的立体定位系统进行配准、定位,辅助外科医生进行各种手术干预。计算机导航手术已经遍及到矫形和创伤外科的各个领域。 ②3D打印技术,自上世纪80年代末以来, 这项起源于先进制造技术的建模方法迅速得到医学领域的 高度重视。在骨科首先被应用于术前模拟椎弓根的定位。随之被应用于骨盆及其肿瘤切除后假体的制作。通过与快速成形技术和逆向工程软件的结合, 不但可以重建骨折的模型, 还可以设计出与之相对应 的阴模, 实现个体化模板, 从而进行内固定材料的预塑形或数字化导航模板,这样大大节省了术中的时间, 提高手术精确度。 ③虚拟手术规划,基于CT数据重建三维模型,在术前模拟手术,为骨折的复位、内固定的选择、手 术设计、手术模拟等提供更为准确的依据。 ④有限元分析,工程上广泛使用的有限元法也是生物力学重要的研究手段之一。由于人体结构的复杂 且难于直接测量,所以最初的有限元模型都是二维模型。医学影像科学的进步使得现在研究者可以借 助医学图像来建立三维有限元模型。 ⑤数字解剖学,新的计算机技术可以利用连续断层图像进行三维重建,可以精确地显示生物组织复杂 的三维结构,并可进行任意旋转、剖切等观察和操作;可以对重建的三维结构进行测量,获得长度、 面积、体积和角度等大量精确的解剖参数。基于数字人数据集的高精度三维人体解剖模型,可以更好 的观察人体解剖结构及其毗邻关系。


复旦大学2003年博士研究生入学考试试题 Part Ⅰ (略) Part Ⅱ Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the 21. She A. missed B. budgeted C. loathed 22. They tried to keep it quiet but eventually everyone learned about the A. intangible B. sedate C. impudent 23. Many citizens appealed to the city government for enacting laws to protect the A. rigorous B. equivocal C. stringent 24. People who like to wear red clothes are more likely to be talkative and A. lucrative B. introverted C. vivacious 25. This is but a of the total amount A. friction B. fraction C. faction 26. They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic A. on B. by C. for 27. I think it is high time we the fact that environmental pollution in this area is A. woke up to B. must wake up to C. wake up to 28. So was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was s A. resentful B. amiable C. suffocating 29. Rescue workers continued the delicate task of sifting through tons of concrete and A. scraps B. leftovers C. debris 30. When she A. came to B. came off C. came through 31. The shortage of water became more this summer with the highest temperatures in 40 yea A. needy B. latent C. uneasy 32. They tried to drive their horse into the river, but he simply could A. budge B. surge C. trudge 33. Even the best medical treatment can not cure all the diseases that men and A. beseech B. beset C. bewitch 34. The boy's talent might have lain had it not been for his uncle's A. extinguished B. dormant C. malignant D. 35. The two leaders made a show of unity at the press conference, though they had notably


2015复旦大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、复旦大学考博英语题型 Part1:词汇与结构30题15分; Part2:完型10题10分 Part3:阅读理解4篇20题40分; Part4:翻译汉译英20分; Part5:作文15分 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。


分类号:单位代码:10749 密级:学号: 宁夏大学 硕士学位论文 基于人工智能的快论文排版系统研究Research on Kuai65 Typesetting System Based on Artificial Intelligence 学位申请人:快论文 指导教师:***教授 合作指导教师:***教授 ***副教授 申请学位门类级别:工学 专业名称:计算机 研究方向:人工智能 所在学院:信息学院 论文完成日期: 2017年4月

独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得宁夏大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 研究生签名:时间:年月日 关于论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解宁夏大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。同意宁夏大学可以用不同方式在不同媒体上发表、传播学位论文的全部或部分内容。 (保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议) 研究生签名:时间:年月日 导师签名:时间:年月日

摘要 快论文(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b411802511.html,)是一款专业的毕业论文在线排版系统,上传论文草稿,选定学校模板,点击一键排版,只需几分钟就可完成论文排版,免费下载预览,满意后付款。快论文平台现已汇集了全国617所高校权威毕业论文模板,均源自各校官方最新发布的毕业论文撰写规范,基本涵盖了各类高校毕业论文格式要求。 据统计,毕业论文排版涉及的几十项格式设置中,80%的操作都属于不常用操作,因此绝大多数同学以前没用过,以后用到的概率也很低,但为了达到排版的规范,却需要花费大量的时间去解读论文撰写规范和学习这些不常用的word操作。面对复杂的格式规范,大多数同学熬夜反复调整修改却还是存在各种各样的问题。 基于人工智能的快论文排版系统,剔除了人们手动排版时不可避免的误操作,和由于视觉疲劳导致的错漏等,较之传统的人工排版方式,质量更可靠,价格更优惠,速度更快捷。快论文平台秉持人性化的设计理念,在充分研究分析人们的操作习惯的基础上,针对应届毕业的大学生,充分考虑其个性需求,设计并开发完成了一个界面简洁、功能强大、操作便捷的毕业论文排版和编辑系统,帮助大学生提高毕业论文写作效率和提升毕业论文质量。 快论文根据各个高校官方的论文写作规范要求,分别构建了属于各高校自己的定制模板,更准确,更便捷,是国内最大的毕业论文排版平台。 关键词:快论文;专业排版;质量可靠;价格优惠;值得信赖 I


2015宁夏大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (10points) Rain forest structure is distinct from most other forest types because of its many layers of vegetation,referred to as strata.The lowest stratum is the understory,composed of palms,herbaceous plants(such as wild ginger),and tree seedlings and saplings.(41). Many have deep red coloring on the underside of their leaves to capture some of the scarce light that does manage to reach the forest understory.This red coloring enables understory plants to absorb light of different wavelengths than do the plants with rich, green-foliaged canopy,the umbrella-shaped upper structure of trees. Above the forest floor but below the canopy are one or more midstory strata,made up of woody plants,such as large shrubs and midsized trees. The overstory is the canopy,in which the tree crowns form a continuous layer that captures the major part of the rainwater and sunlight hitting the forest.The height of the canopy varies from region to region and forest to forest,ranging from20to50m(65 to165ft).(42).Researchers use hot air balloons,cables,catwalks,

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