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Unit 1 Leisure activities

1.Winter vacation experiences.

2.Y our favorite pastime.

3.Ways to spend evenings and weekends.

4.Talk about indoor and outdoor activities.

Unit 2 The power of words

5.What’s the power of words? Give examples.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf12775759.html,fort a person who

has just failed an important exam.

regard life as meaningless.

complains a lot about canteen food.

wants to commit suicide.

7.The value of praise and criticism. The side effect of overpraise.

8.A comparison between letter writing and phone calling.

Unit 3 Gender differences

9.Who enjoy the higher position, men or women?

10.Is there absolute equality between men and women?

11.Why are there more female elementary school teachers than male ones?

12.Biases against men and women.

Unite 4 Creativity

13.Significance of creativity.

14.What can parents and schools do to develop children’s creativity?

15.What may discourage children from becoming creative?

16.Problems with China’s school education.

Unit 5 Athletes

17.Benefits of sports.

18.Some athletes want to be role models, others not. Why?

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf12775759.html, some dangerous sports. Why do some people go in for dangerous sports?

20.Important qualities an excellent athlete needs.

Unit 6 Risks

21.Why is it said that life is full of risks? Name as many risks as possible.

22.Benefits and risks of studying abroad/getting married/becoming a movie star/having a car.

23.Science and technology brings about benefits along with risks. Give some examples.

24.Ways to minimize risks in car driving.

Unit 7 College life

25.Features of college life: environment, classroom, teachers, teaching method, students, student

management, exams, goal, spare time life, vacation, etc.

26.Benefits of higher education(高等教育).

27.Y our view on campus love.

28.Problems in NIT.

Unit 8 Time

29.Why do people wear a watch?

30.Time management and happiness.

31.Cite examples to support “time is relative”.

32.What can tell the time besides watches and clocks?

Unit 9 Science and technology

33.Technologies which have tremendously affected human life.

34.Technology is a two-edged sword (双刃剑).

35.Do we have more technologies than we need today?

36.Fancy some new technologies 50 years later.

Unit 10 Satire in literature

37.Some say humans are less clever than animals in some aspects. Support the statement with


38.Some say high technology is responsible for unemployment and poverty. To what extent do

you agree or disagree?

Supplementary topics

1.Is it good or bad that children spend time watching TV?

2.Causes of the increase of unemployment and the solution.

3.Consequences of more and more people choosing to live in cities.

4.Should we pay more attention to the future than to the present?

5.Benefits of keeping health.

雅思口语Part2 教你轻松展开话题!

轻松展开话题雅思口语Part2话题! 轻松展开话题雅思口语Part2话题!雅思口语part2总会忧愁怎么说,前面感觉自己现已说了好几句后边为难大冷场,雅思考场上怎样处理这样的雅思口语话题问题,让自己part2说完雅思考官喜逐颜开。 雅思口语的Part 2要求学生根据一个话题,预备1分钟后再进行2分钟的描绘。许多学生对这个部分望而生畏,因为答复此部分时,许多学生往往“无话可说”。雅思考生无话可说的一个主要原因是答题过短,即学生只针对话题相关问题进行简略答复而不打开。本文中,雅思小编和我们一起看一些简单有用的拓宽答题思路的战略,期望能为雅思备考童鞋们打破这个难题助一臂之力。 话题拓宽预热:抓要点。 主张雅思考生拿到话题卡后,首先要剖析话题句的关键词,其次应找出话题后的问题哪一个最为重要,并以此为要点打开。其他问题则只需点到为止。一般来说,雅思口语话题卡相关问题前面3个问题都是时间、地址、人物等布景介绍,不太简单打开;而最终1到2个往往是询问考生观念、观念的问题,因此一般较为简单打开。雅思考生在读题时,应注意将话题分为三个部分,即话题句部分,简述部分(一般包含前三个问题),胪陈部分(最终一个或许两个问题),别离采用不同的打开战略。 试以People类型题中的family member为例(原题如下):

Describe a family member you spend most time with You should say: Who the person is How long you have been together What you do together And explain why you'd like to spend time with this person. 明显,第1、2、3问题都是时间地址等布景知识,能够打开但明显很难纵情发挥,因此可归纳入简述部分;而第4个问题高兴的原因则能够随意铺陈开来,因此明显成为答复的要点,应该归纳为胪陈部分,并以此为主进行打开。 下面,三立在线老师将别离评话题句部分、简述部分和胪陈部分的打开战略。 话题拓宽话题句部分 战略:提供固定的最初套路。


专四口语考试历年真题 来源:爱思英语日期:2010-05-03 阅读34826 次作者: 评论1条划词已启用进入论坛投稿2002 TEM4 Oral English Test Paper Task I: Listen to the recorded passage twice and then retell it. Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very "grand," but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable. Since he knows the manager well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay. On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name. During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was natural. The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. All of a sudden,


2019年公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A 节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的Topic(主题)设计出若干问题, 向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每 位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备 时间,所以考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有充足的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用 的表达方式有: As everybody knows. Sofar as I am concerned. What I mean is...Well... That is to say...You know, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点 时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会因为有些词 不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试 时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选 择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。 (4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,能够用列举法 或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无 话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A 节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang.

2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi‘an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China’s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi‘an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don’t know much about Xi‘a n, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don’t have any relatives at all living in Xi'an. 3. Where about is your hometown? Xi’an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.

PETS 3 口语万能模板

PETS 3 口语万能模板 1. 请考官/同伴重复问题 Sorry, Could you repeat that, please? Could you say it again, please? Excuse me, would you mind saying that again? Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. 2. 思考,犹豫 Well, … … In fact, … … That’s an interesting questio n, I've never thought it, but I suppose to … … It's hard to say, but I guess … … Hmm, let me see … … I'm not sure, but maybe … … 3. 表达观点 As far as I am concerned, … … From my point of view, … … In my opinion, … … Fr ankly, it seems to me that … … 4.描述图片常用的表达语句 As i look at the picture.. Judging from the picture.. From the picture I can see------ The picture shows that------ The picture tells us that----- According to the picture------ As is shown in the picture----- We can see from the picture 5.描述图表常用表达语句 According to the picture, I can see----- The table /graph shows that ----- The figures in the table clearly bring out the differences between-----From the differences of the figures in the table , I can infer that-----From the graph /table, I know that---- 6.常用关联词 In the first place------secondly------ On one hand ------On the other hand------ What is the most important is----- What’s more----


Part1: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf12775759.html, ●What is your full name? ●How should i address you? ●Have you got any English name? ●Are there any special meanings about your name? ●Who gave you this name? 2.Studies or work ●Which school are you studying now? what is your major? ●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university? ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? ●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why? ●Do you like the school you are studying at? 3.Home ●Do you live in a house or a flat? ●Please describe the place where you live. ●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)? ●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations) ●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home)? 4.Hometown ●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?) ●Do you think you'll always live there? ●Where do you live at the moment? ●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) ●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 5.Books & Reading ●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C ●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C ●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)? ●Are you reading any books at the moment? N ●Did you read much when you were a child? 6.Newspapers & Magazines ●What kind of newspaper do you have in China? ●What is your favorite magazine? ●When did you begin to read newspaper? ●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers? ●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?


Unit 1 Men and women’s prejudices Part I Read the following passage aloud. The very language we use to discuss men’s roles (i.e., deadbeat dads) shows a lack of appreciation for the majority of men who quietly yet proudly fulfill their family responsibilities. We almost never hear the term “working father,” and it is rare that calls for more workplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as for women. Our society acts as if family obligations are not as important to fathers as they are to mothers —as if career satisfaction is what a man’s life is all about. Even more insulting is the recent media trend of regarding at-home wives as “status symbols” — like an expensive car — flaunted by the supposedly few men who can afford such a luxury. The implication is that men with at-home wives have it easier than those whose wives work outside the home because they have the “luxury” of a full-time housekeeper. In reality, however, the men who are the sole wage earners for their families suffer a lot of stresses. The loss of a job — or even the threat of that happening — is obviously much more difficult when that job is the sole source of income for a family. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails. In addition, many husbands work overtime or second jobs to make more money needed for their families. For these men, it is the family that the job supports that makes it all worthwhile. It is the belief that having a mother at home is important to the children, which makes so many men gladly take on the burden of being a sole wage earner. Part II. TOPIC Men and women’s prejudices Section One Each of the students will be asked one qu estion on the topic “Men and women’s prejudices and roles”. 1.What’s the division of labor like in your family? In my family, my father is responsible for the heavy and tired work like clean drain, garage, etc., the mother is responsible for some of the common household chores, such as cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, etc.I am responsible for helping my mother to do the housework, so dad is hard and tired. 1.Many people hold the view that men are different from women in many ways. What’s your opinion about it? Men and women are different. In the relationship, for example, men are more rational, while women are more emotional. And because the body structure is different, the responsibility of the men and women is different also, men generally responsible for the breadwinner, women generally responsible for providing a comfortable home. 1.How to be a good father?


1. Make a self-introduction .Good afternoon ,next I will make a introduction of myself. My name is . I am a nineteen -year -old boy. I come from a beautiful country located at the bank of Chang Jiang River. In this beautiful country, I spent my childhood with my friends. I was born in a sunny day on October twenty-fifth. I am quiet and I don’t like to show myself before others. I am honest and hard-working. I have a strong will. To keep my enthusiasm, I keep exercise everyday. Only with strong will can you conquer yourself and realize your goals. If you don’t keep you dreams alive, you won’t have your dreams any longer. I don’t have many friends, however I have several best friends. They are very good people. We play, learn, and live together. If anyone of us gets into troubles, all of us will give him a hand and get him through these troubles. During my high school life, these memories with my friends are great fortune in my life. My favorite subject is physical. There are some reasons. On the one hand, I think physical reflects the law of the nature. Without physical, we can’t build up human culture and step into modern life. On the other hand, physical is beautiful and practical. Scientists use physical to design machines. We can also use physical to solve problems and seek the truth of the sceneries. To be honest, it’s a little difficult for me to learn physical. However, I really enjoy the beauty of the physical while solving these


Oral Test for Grade 2012 (Band 3) Topic 1: Leisure Activities Directions: There are some hot entertaining programmes on TV, such as “Dad, where are we going?”, “The voice of China”, “If you’re the one”, and different TV series, you name it. What’s your favorite one? Why does it enjoy popularity and appeal to you? Talk with your partner(s) about your favorite TV programme. Topic 2: The power of words Directions:Knowledge is power. Love has power. Do you believe in the power of words either spoken or written? How did those words and sentences encourage or move you? Talk with your partner(s) about the impact of those words on you. Topic 3: Gender differences Directions: Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? From your point of view, what are the characteristics of an ideal wife and an ideal husband? Have the ideal wife and the ideal husband been different in your parents’ generation and in your grandparents’ generation? If so, how are they different? Topic 4: Risks Directions: Do you think life is full of risks? Do you tend to play safe or take risks in your life? Why do you think people like to take risks? Talk with your partner(s) about risks. Topic 5: Creativity Directions:It’s said Chinese students are not as creative as American students. Do you agree? What are people supposed to do to promote students’ creativity in early childhood education, home education and school education? Discuss with your partner(s) about creativity. Topic 6: Directions: Suppose it’s been ten years since your graduation from high school and you plan to have a class reunion with your former classmates. What will you do? Plan when, where, how and what activities; exchange the information you’ve got with your partner(s). Topic 7: Directions: You’ve heard some students cheated on the final English exam and the teacher turned a blind eye to it. Tell your friend(s) the gossip and react to it. Topic 8: Directions: Talk about the 120th Anniversary Celebration of Wuhan University. Share with partner(s) what you’ve seen and experienced on the campus during the celebration.


雅思口语part2话题参考范文 今天搜集了雅思口语part2话题参考范文,一起来学习吧!下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语part2话题参考范文:省钱(you saved money for something) Describe a time that you saved money for something You should say: When it was Why you saved money How much you saved How you felt about it 1-4月雅思口语话题范文: 省钱(saved money for something) Well, I once saved money in order to buy a VIP ticket of the Jay Chou’s live concert. When I was a freshman student, Jay Chou held a live concert in my city. As a crazy fan of Jay Chou, I was eager to buy a VIP ticket in order to have a close contact with my idol. However, as a poor student, it was impossible for me limited living

expense. In this case, I decided save money in order to make my dream come true. Firstly, I controlled my daily expense and forced myself to save 10 RMB per day. Secondly, I did some part-time jobs, including giving out the leaflets, tutoring the elementary school students, and so on during the weekends. After one and a half month, I finally saved 1300 RMB in total and bought the VIP ticket I wanted. To be honest, I was very proud of this experience. I felt that I could earn the money by myself. I felt that I could earn the money by myself. While I was doing those part-time jobs, I realized that it was not an easy task for my parents to earn more money and I would try my best to earn more money in the near future in order to relieve the financial pressure of my parents. Moreover, I also felt very satisfied since I finally saw my idol with my own eyes. 雅思口语part2话题参考范文:庆祝活动(an important event that you celebrated) You should say: What it was Where it happened Why it was important


Today,I stand for the God to witness your sincere love and marriage! Now let us start with the ceremony! —你确信这个婚姻是上帝所配合,愿意承认接纳她为你的妻子吗? --Are you sure this marriage is arranged by the God and you prefer to accept her as your hearty wife? —,你当以温柔耐心来照顾你的妻子,从今以后,不论境况好坏,家境贫富, 生病与否,誓言相亲相爱,至死不分离。你愿意在上帝和众人面前许诺这样吗? ---You are supposed to look after your wife with gentleness and patience. From now on, weather you are poor or rich , healthy or not, just to have her to be you dear wife and hold on to your choice,till die does you apart. Would you like to promise it in front of the God and the public? —你确信这个婚姻是上帝所赐予,并愿意承认他为你的丈夫吗? -- Are you sure this marriage to is given by God, and would like to accept him as your husband? —上帝使你活在世上,你当以温柔耐心来照顾你的丈夫,从今以后,不论境况好坏,家境贫富, 生病与否,誓言相亲相爱,至死不分离。你愿意在上帝和众人面前许诺这样吗? ---You are supposed to look after your wife with gentleness and patience. From now on, weather you are poor or rich , healthy or not, just to have her to be you dear wife and hold on to your choice,till die does you apart. Would you like to promise it in front of the God and the public? —无论富贵和贫贱,无论健康和疾病,无论成功与失败,都会不离不弃,永远支持他(她),爱护他(她),与他(她)同甘共苦,携手共创幸福美满的家庭。 --- No matter you are rich or poor,in sickness or in health, both of you will never give up each other and be in for each other, take good care of each other, share both prosperity and adversity to build a beatific family together! Now you can go home. 、、、、—新郎新娘可以互换戒指了。 、、、、Now you can exchange rings. 、、、、、—新郎现在可以亲吻你的新娘了。 、、、、、Now the bridegroom can kiss your bride.


Page 14 3 Kayleigh Gina Alex 4 Kayleigh wanted the ground to open up and swallow her Kayleigh tries to runs away as fast as she can Kayleigh’s mum makes her cuddle her in front of the whole crowd Gina’s mum loves being in the limelight Gina can’t stand being the centre of attention Gina’s mum manages to stay in shape Alex dreaded his friends finding out what his father did Alex’s dad made him join in the act Alex never wanted his father to have a boring job Page 16 Verb+ to-infinitive

1 Pattern A: sentences a and c Pattern B: sentence b 2 Pattern a: aimed, expected,hoped,wanted, Would like, decided Pattern b: encouraged, expected, reminded, Wanted, allowed,. Would like 3 Pattern a Helped; intented; can’t afford; attempted; offered; paid, refused, panned, preferred Pattern b Helped taught invited ordered paid warned(not) urged 4 these verbs (make and let) take an infinitive without to Page 17 Verb+-ing form 1


大学英语听说IV级口语考试题目(十三周考试用) 1.Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. If you were to travel, would you want to be with a companion or alone? Some might say they would want to travel alone. However, I have an opposite opinion. I think it is better to travel with a companion for the following reasons, they can give us information about the place, we won’t feel boring if we travel together, and we can have opportunities to meet more people through a companion. People travel around some places to get information about the specific areas. To get the information about the place, we need a guide. If we hire a guide, we should pay money and we will somewhat not be free to go anywhere. Despite that, if we travel with friends, they could tell us about it as a guide. We can save money and get some information about the place that we visit. In addition, we could be free to go anywhere we want. As t o the second point, if we travel with friends, we wouldn’t fell tedious while traveling. We can talk to each other and get chances to know each other more. On the other hand, traveling alone could make us feel down because it is quite boring to hang around by themselves. Thus, I would prefer traveling with a companion to alone. Besides, the second point, if we travel with a companion, we can get more opportunities to meet other people through my friends. For example, when I was 10 years old, I went to china. I have met a lot of people through my friend there and I’m still keeping in touch with them. If I didn’t go to china with my friend, I could have not met them in my life. This is the final reason why I think it is better to travel with friends rather alone. To conclude, some people might say it is better to travel alone because it might interrupt us if we travel with a companion. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to travel with a companion for the previous reasons, they can tell us some information about the place, we can enjoy more because it’s not boring, and we could get opportunities to meet many people through friends. 2.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Many people like to do things that they already do well, many others like to take risks to do things new. Both sides are supported by good reasons. For my part, I think it depends on what kind of things that people in the face of. I prefer to do things that I already do well when I should do things to benefit the others. On the other hand, I would like to take risks to try something new in order to improve myself, that means I will be the person who benefit from what I do. People are all live in the society and have relationships with each other. So what one do can influence the others directly or indirectly. In this case, people should do their best to benefit and convenient for the others. If one does not have enough experience and skills to do things well, the people around them maybe complain or they will ruin their plan. Is it very nice to share their own risks to the others to get more experience for themselves? Absolutely not. The society or the small

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