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Unit 1

The offensive had lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy at night and launch a surprise attack. To do this we have to cross a marshland, and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. Luckily enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which had made the marshland freeze over, we arrived our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This had turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.

攻势已经持续了三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。师长(division commander)命令我们营(battalion)夜晚绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。然而,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地(marshland)。我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭之中。我们营长决定冒一下险。所幸由于寒冷天气沼泽地都结上了水,我们于天亮前到达目的地并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。敌人没有戒备,不久便投降了。

Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized transportation, changing forever the way people travel, and do business. On the other hand, they have brought hazards, especially highway fatalities. However, today the application of computer technology and electronic sensors in designing and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminate most of traffic accidents. For example, electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to start up the engine. They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out from orbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in traffic jams.


Well begun, half done, as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment. From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.

I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 dollars a year in a large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chance of success.



Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important. At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The Internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trends can copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.


For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel he insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.


Today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, and to possess more. Lots of people hold the wrong perception that happiness lies in working hard and earning well /good money.

Many women today feel the same stress to work and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities.

Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to toil longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of our time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.




Unit 1


When Hitler decided to launch his invasion of Russia, he thought that nothing could stand in the way of his armies. Conquest, it seemed, was inevitable. He had surprise on his side, catching Stalin off his guard by launching his attack without a declaration of war. Hitler expected the campaign to last only a few months. In the event, it was to drag on for much longer. Like Napoleon before him, he had made a fatal mistake in failing to reckon with the severity of the Russian weather. Many German soldiers were to die from the cold as winter set in, bringing the German advance to a half.


In the 21st century, clouds and stormy weather no longer automatically bring military operations to a half or force a change in targets. Technologies such as the Global Positioning System now allow cruise missiles(巡航导弹)and other smart weapons to home in on(瞄准并飞速接近)their targets. But the weather still is a factor that must be reckoned with, especially with precision-guided weapons that must be highly accurate to be effective.

Fortunately, the ability to obtain weather forecasts will get better. In the next few years, remote weather sensors will grow rapidly on unmanned vehicles. This will create a network of observing platforms that will give commanders a(n) instant overviews of weather in the battle zone. In some areas you’ll have direct delivery of weather information straight from the computers to black boxes in aircraft and other vehicles. That will be especially important for target-bound aircraft.

Such technology will give whoever possess it a tremendous dege(优势)over their enemy and enable them to use developing weather conditions to their advantage. As we get superior satellites into space, we’ll gain huge advantage in observing meteorological conditions in denied areas, where we don’t have people on the ground. And our modeling ability will continue to improve as our computers get more powerful. The past 10 years have witnessed a revolution powerful. The past 10 years have witnessed a revolution in our communication and computer abilities. It’s exciting to think of what the next 10 years will bring.


Hello. Welcome to your new car. I am your onboard computerized driving system. From the moment you start up the car, I’ll be poised to help the car, It is my job to alert you to any hazards that may occur on the road. When you find the driving monotonous and want to relax, I can take control of the car and steer it in your place. I’ll guide you from one lane to another and make sure you arrive at your destination safe and sound. If a car in front of you slows down suddenly, I’ll decrease your speed. And I’ll calculate the data provided by the GPS system and choose the less busy routes so as to eliminate your worries of getting stuck in a traffic jam. When you want to convert back from automatic control to manual control, that’s easy. Just press the r ight button mounted on the steering column. But do remember not to take any alcoholic drinks. If I detect the presence of alcohol in the vapor of your breath, I’ll stop the car whether you like it or not.

NO.2(236)The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only the economy but also the cultures of the world. It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the basis for a large number of related service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business.

The automobile has enabled people to travel and transport goods farther and faster, and has opened up new market opportunities for business and commerce. The auto industry has also decreased the overall costs of transportation by using methods such as mass production, mass marketing, and globalization(全球化)of production. Today, automaking is the world’s l argest manufacturing activity, with more than 53 million new vehicles built each year worldwide.

As a result of easier and faster transportation, the United States and world economies have become dependent on the mobility that automobiles, trucks, and buses provide. This mobility has allowed remote populations to interact with one another, which, in turn, has increased commerce. The transportation of goods to consumers and consumers to goods has become an industry in itself. However, the automobile has also caused some problems, such as air pollution, congested traffic, and increased highway fatalities. Nevertheless, the automobile industry continues to be an important source of employment for millions of people worldwide.


What is the best way to impress a prospective employer when you go for a job interview? As I see it, the best thing is to demonstrate that you have done your homework and know all about the firm beforehand. You should make every endeavor, for example, to show that you know something about the structure of the company, including the different lines of products it turns out and the chief business partners it is working with. Respond in a spontaneous manner and let the interviewer know that you are not frightened by new challenges, but are willing to take a crack at anything. Try to look at the situation from the standpoint of the person offering the opportunity of employment. What sort of qualities is he likely to be looking for? Enthusiasm, certainly. So don’t leave your application waiting until just before the deadline. Apply early. Another thing that can make a difference is to follow up your interview with a letter expressing your enthusiasm to join the company.


When you get an invitation to a job interview, you are halfway toward your goal—a job offer. No matter how many encouraging responses you have gotten to your job inquiry letters, with rare exceptions you will not get a job offer without an interview.

Go to the library to find all relevant information about the company and, if you can, on the person who will interview you. Have material with you that the employer might ask for—samples of your work, names and addresses of references, extra copies of your resume.

An employment manager for a major construction company offers this advice. “If it’s obvious you haven’t spent any time preparing for the interview—that is , you don’t know what the company does, where it does it, what kinds of jobs it has—then don’t expect the company to take you very seriously.”

Prior t interview the employer has probably seen your resume and perhaps talked with you on the phone. What employers look for in interviews is what you might call personal chemistry—how you look and act, whether you exhibit self-confidence, how you would fit in with other members of the organization.


Davos is a small Alpine city in eastern Switzerland which began making itself known in the 1990s for hosting the World Economic Forum, an annual gathering of politicians, financiers and academics. Each year, those taking part spend five days there networking and discussing a variety of issues such as the global supply of oil, world economic growth and environmental problems.

Davos Men share the belief that globalization is both welcome and unstoppable. They would like to see national boundaries vanish so as to facilitate their global operations. Some people say that this international perspective is a minority elitist position not shared by the majority of people. Others, however, argue that endorsing a global outlook does not mean sweeping aside one’s patriotic feelings or erasing one’s n ational identity. The question, perhaps, is whether it is possible to strike a balance between being global and being local.


Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects in economic development, on political systems, and on human physical well-being societies around the world.

Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people—and ,later, corporations—have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the out break of the First World War in 1914.

But policy and technological development of the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase. Since 1950, for example, the volume of world trade has increased by 20 times, and from just 1997 to 1999 flows of foreign investment nearly doubled, from 468 billion to 827 billion. Distinguishing this current wave of globalization from earlier ones, author Thomas has said that today globalization is”farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper”


You see that young man swimming out at sea? He’s trying to swim out to the beacon and back. He must be insane to have committed himself to such a thing. The current is far too strong. To be candid, I wouldn’t attempt it. I dare say few swimmers are capable of such a feat. I met him on the beach before he set out. I don’t mind telling you that I was taken aback when he told me what he was going to do, because he didn’t look in good condition at all. Far from it. He may have had a good constitution once, but he had clearly let himself go all to pieces. However, it seems like he had no choice. He told me that he had gone broke, not a penny left, and that old Burton would only find him a vacancy in his firm if he did the swim. That was another surprise. Burton seems such a mild-mannered man, kind to everybody. Perhaps he thought the young man would not have the courage, that he would funk it. Then, again, perhaps Burton knew he was sending the young man to his death, but was too cold-blooded to care. It only goes to show how deceptive appearances can be.


Years of begging on the streets of Shahr-e Kord in western Iran meant that Habibian was never anything more than a local beggar to his neighbours. So when he was found dead in his home, no one suspected that the man who spent his life pleading for money and favours had left behind a big fortune.

But now a judge has confirmed that Habibian was a real-life slumdog(穷小子)millionaire after police discovered a lot of valuables when they went to recover his body. Searching through the dead man’s possessions, officers were stunned to find more than 7,000 in cash and owenship documents to lucrative properties and businesses. They also discovered an array of precious jewellery, including earrings dating back to the mid-19th century.

Habibian is not Iran’s first wealthy beggar. In 2003, a 40-year-old woman filed for divorce after discovering that her husband, a wealthy carpet trader, regularly begged in a neighbourhood in the south of the city. The husband explained that he was driven by a(n) urge stemming from his poor upbringing in which he fell under the spell of organized beggars. And three years ago, a beggar arrested by police in Tehran was found to have 10,000 in the bank and own a luxury flat.

Unit 6


Can you switch off from the cars of life and relax? Many people today cannot. They feel instead that they are obliged to be on the go all the time. The pace of life seems to grow ever faster. As a result, feelings of stress are common as people struggle to cope with what they see as a shortage of time. Such widespread feelings are in part caused by the large quantity of information that comes pouring in on us. ”All men,” said Aristotle, ”by nature desire to know.” But it is no longer possible, as it was in the past, for an individual to master the whole range of human knowledge. Instead, any individual, no matter how smart he is, can only command a fraction of the total knowledge available. It may be argued that it is futile to even attempt to do so. We should learn to set more realistic goals for ourselves if we are to hope to escape from the tyranny(专制)of time.


There are only 24 hours in your day, just the same as everybody else’s. So how do you end up time-starved, frustrated, and behind in your work? Maybe it is because you don’t know how to use those 24 hours to your advantage.

If using your time wisely is a problem for you, you probably don’t have a very good idea of where it all goes. It just seems to go! A good place to start, then, is to faithfully keep track of how you use your waking hours for a week. The results will probably surprise you.

The next step is to do some planning. You’ll discover, among other thing, that if you get seven hours’ sleep a night, you have 119 hours per week to do everything you need to do. That, of course, includes going to class, eating, social activities, personal hygiene, telephone and TV time, etc. Be sure to schedule time for all these in your 119 hours. They try sticking to your schedule for a week. This should give you a good idea of what your real priorities are!

Learn to say NO once your priorities are set. Turning down an invitation doesn’t mean you’ll never be invited again. Making a decision based on what you know is best for you at the time actually leads to greater respect from your friends.


汉译英 Unit1 1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充足的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。(no matter how) No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关系吉米一样,吉米也关系他们(just as) Just as all his sister ’ s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them 3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on) If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with) Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. Unit2 1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron . 3正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并立刻咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. Unit3 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2..教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one ’ s study after graduatin g from university instead of going to work directly. 4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。


(英语)英语翻译专项习题及答案解析含解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。(visit) 2.街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。(bring) 3.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧。(apology)4.这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(what) 5.申请材料需要精心准备,这样你心仪的学校才会对你的能力有全面、准确地了解。(in order that) 【答案】 1.Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【解析】 【分析】 1.本句重点考察两个知识点。一个是乐趣之一,说明此处的乐趣应该用复数,必须是可数名词,因此选择pleasure。另一个是题目中给出的visit,需要谨慎处理,是用做动词还是名词。此处我们给出一个时间状语从句when people visit Shanghai,同时还可使用其他从句进行处理。所以答案是Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.本题难度不大,重点是明亮的色彩的表达,可以使用bright colors, 也可以使用bright and vivid colors. 所以答案是Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.本题考查there be + 定语从句从而构成条件状语从句。另外考察“道歉”用“make apology to sb.”。所以答案是If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.本题考察what引导的主语从句,以及“be peculiar to”的用法。所以答案是What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.本题主要考固定词组的掌握,为了使用in order that引导出的目的状语从句。另外也考查 preferred school,have…knowledge/ understanding of…,overall,accurate等。所以答案是The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【考点定位】翻译句子


英语翻译题20套(带答案) 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the din ing room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


第一单元 1.They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company. 2.Although there are still difficulties ahead of us. I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own. 3.It is wrong to emphasize nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems. 4.He loves to show off his wealth, but that is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison. 5 He soon fell in love with the village and decided to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers 6.We must spend more money in fighting against global warming. Besides, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money. 7.When the police reached the school, the students and teachers were still in a daze. 8.This corrupt official was still clinging to his power. He refused to step aside. 9.When the man finally came into view, I found it was my father. I didn’t know how he managed to find this place in the heavy snow. At that moment, I burst into tears.


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius’thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动,圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’s love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.


1)你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。(reasonable) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。(in general) In general, children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3) 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。(come along) Wh en the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4)每天他都留出点时间跟家人在一起,享受生活。(set aside) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life 5) 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。(hand in hand) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father 6) 他最终辜负了父母的期望。(live up to) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。(in contrast) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。(overcome) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 1) 人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) 与此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。 Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) 当你做某件事失败时,把失败当作一种学习的经历从中汲取益处。 When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience ) 在问题或困难面前,要想想自己的长处并树立起自信心。 Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) 不要让消极的想法阻碍你。 Don’t let negative thoughts hold y ou back. 6) 每个人都经历过失败和失望,因此不要过多地责怪自己。 Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much. 1) She wore a dress ____with a pattern of rose__________ (有玫瑰图案) on it. 2) Helen had ____prepared a wonderful/good meal for us_ (为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜). 3) Ann _______promised faithfully___ (信誓旦旦地保证) that she would never tell. 4) Could you ____deliver this letter__ (把这封信送到) to the accounts department? 5) We were offered ____a selection of milk and plain____chocolate (精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力). 6) Tell the children to ___keep out of mischief / behave themselves_____(别胡闹). 7) We could hear _____the sound of distant thunder_____ (远处打雷的声音). 8) The project has now __received approval from the government (得到政府的批准). 9) Kelly loved her husband ____in spite of the fact that he drank too much (虽然他喝酒太多). 10) Experts seem unable to ____agree whether the drug is safe or not_ (就这个药是否安全取得一致意见). 1. Not every bomb has hit its target. 并非每个炸弹都击中了目标。 2. We can have one or the other but not both simultaneously. 我们能够得到其中一个,但不能同时两个都有。 3. She wanted nothing more than work. 她只想要工作。 4. You cannot be too careful. 你越仔细越好。 5. I have yet to receive an apology from a child who just ran over my foot while chasing a sibling. 有个小孩在追逐自家的兄弟姐妹时踩了我的脚,却仍未向我道歉。 1. 并非所有父母都和你一样能提供很多情况。 Not all parents are as informative as you


最新英语翻译专项习题及答案解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。(visit) 2.街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。(bring) 3.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧。(apology)4.这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(what) 5.申请材料需要精心准备,这样你心仪的学校才会对你的能力有全面、准确地了解。(in order that) 【答案】 1.Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【解析】 【分析】 1.本句重点考察两个知识点。一个是乐趣之一,说明此处的乐趣应该用复数,必须是可数名词,因此选择pleasure。另一个是题目中给出的visit,需要谨慎处理,是用做动词还是名词。此处我们给出一个时间状语从句when people visit Shanghai,同时还可使用其他从句进行处理。所以答案是Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.本题难度不大,重点是明亮的色彩的表达,可以使用bright colors, 也可以使用bright and vivid colors. 所以答案是Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.本题考查there be + 定语从句从而构成条件状语从句。另外考察“道歉”用“make apology to sb.”。所以答案是If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.本题考察what引导的主语从句,以及“be peculiar to”的用法。所以答案是What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.本题主要考固定词组的掌握,为了使用in order that引导出的目的状语从句。另外也考查 preferred school,have…knowledge/ understanding of…,overall,accurate等。所以答案是The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【考点定位】翻译句子


汉译英专项练习 一、倍数增减的表示法 5 1) Force N1 _______________(比力N2大2.5倍). is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数+形容词/副词比较级+ than) 2) This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍). reacts three times as fast as the other one (考点:倍数+ as +形容词/副词+ as) 3) The earth _______________(是月球大小的49倍). is 49 times the size of the moon (考点:倍数+名词) 4) The landlord _______________(想将租金提高三分之一). wants to raise the rent by a third (考点:动词+ by +数词/百分比/倍数) 5) They _______________(计划将投资增加一倍). plan to double their investment (考点:double +名词) 二、时态6 1) Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了). or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church (考点:将来完成时) 2) When she got home, _______________(孩子们已经睡着了). the children had fallen asleep (考点:过去完成时) 3) When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _______________(我姐姐将在海边度假). my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside (考点:将来进行时) 4) I_______________(一上午都在修改我的简历). have been revising my resume all the morning (考点:现在完成进行时) 5) Do you often go on holiday? _______________(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). No. It has been five years since I went on holiday (考点:It has been…since sb. did sth.表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了) 6) He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________(他参军已五年了). He has been in the army for 5 years (考点:1.现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间) 三、被动语态5 1) The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代). is being replaced by the computer and the projector (考点:被动语态的现在进行时) 2) The book _______________(到今年年底就将已出版). will have been published by the end of this year (考点:被动语态的将来完成时)


Unit1 1. 背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure, enormous) {It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.} 2. 汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。(performance, bold) {Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.} 3. 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。 (creative, desirable) {Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.} 4. 假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作(masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗?(worthwhile) {Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it's worthwhile to buy / purchase it?} 5. 如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。(throw light on , investigate, valid) {If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.} Unit2 1) 该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。(deny, commercial) {The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.} 2) 每当他生气的时候,他说话就有一点结巴。(stammer) {Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.} 3) 教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学。(cherish) {Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.} 4) 手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。(shortly after, go through) {Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.} 5) 与我们的富裕邻居相比,我们的父母就相当穷了,但是他们总是努力满足我们最起码的需求。(affluent, minimal) {In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.} Unit3 1) 科学家们找到火星上有水的证据了吗?(proof) {Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?} 2) 计划委员会已经将建核电厂的可能地点缩小到了两个沿海城镇。(location, narrow down) {The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.} 3) 任何一个有尊严的人都不会一辈子依靠社会救济过活。(welfare)


英语翻译专项习题及答案解析含解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or) 2.事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It) 3.乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create)4.追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。(when) 【答案】 1.Don’t drink too much coffee at night, or you won’t be able to sleep. 2. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 3.Optimistic people don’t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new memories. 4. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks. 【解析】 【分析】 本题考查翻译,用括号所给的词将中文翻译成英文。翻译要注意句子的时态和语法的运用。 1.考查祈使句。祈使句 + and/or,前面的祈使句表示条件,or或and引导的分句表示结果这里表示转折关系,故用or。故答案为Don’t drink too much coffee at night, or you won’t be able to sleep. 2.考查名词性从句。翻译时句中用it作形式主语,真正的主语为从句thatkeeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases.,从句翻译时要注意动名词作主语。故答案为It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 3.考查动词。翻译时注意短语be busy doing忙于做……,时态用一般现在时。故答案为Optimistic people don’t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new memories. 4.考查定语从句。先行词为times,在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when引导。故答案为The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.即使天气再热,也不要整天待在空调房间里。(stay) 2.一旦一个人学会了换位思考,就表明他正在走向成熟。(indicate) 3.直到他听了那个讲座才意识到自己对于该领域的知识是如此的匮乏。(It)

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