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人物:旁白 Mathilde, Pierrir, Forestier和她仆人,Minister,comerade,舞会4对


[旁白]:she was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry['da?(?)r?], no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved, married by any rich and distinguished [d?'st??gw??t] man; so she let herself be married to a little clerk of the Ministry['m?n?str?] of Public Instruction.

She dressed plainly['pleinli] because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher station

Mathilde suffered ceaselessly, feeling herself born to enjoy all delicacies['del?k?s?z] and all luxuries['l?k?(?)r?z].

第一幕 [接到请柬]

旁白:One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau[?bj??r??] party invitation ,and so happy to go home to prepare to show it to Mathilde


皮:Mathilde Open the door!

玛:What the hell, you have not brought the key? Open the door by your own!

皮:(开门——好心情并未被破坏,走向玛)There, there’s something for you.


玛:Really?What is it?(边说边站起,接过请柬——感到有些意外,又非常高兴她边走边读,慢慢的,情绪由开心转为懊恼,皮紧跟其后,伸着脖子,希望得到赞赏)The Minister of Education and Madame Ramponneau[?r?mp?ni?u] request the pleasure of the company of Monsieur[m??sj?]and Madame Loisel at the Ministry on the evening of Monday, January the 18th.

玛:(扔请柬)What do you want me to do with that?(一脸懊恼的神情)

皮:(迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and here’s a chance, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. Everybody is after them; they are greatly sought[s?:t] for and not many are given to the clerks. You will see there all the official world.(玛任性地背着脸,皮围着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的样子)玛:What do you want me to put on my back to go there?(愤怒,瞪着皮)

皮:(结结巴巴,尴尬)But the dress in which you go to the theater. That looks very well to me.(玛哭)

皮:(不知所措,着急地)What’s the matter? What’s the matter?

玛:(抑制悲痛,擦干泪,平静地)Nothing. Only I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party. Give your card to some colleague[?k?li:g] whose wife has a better outfit than I.

皮:(难过)See here, Mathilde, how much would this cost, a proper dress, which would do on other occasions [?'ke??(?)nz]; something very simple?

玛:(暗自盘算了一下,然后迟疑地)I don't know exactly, but I think I could manage it with four hundred francs.

皮:(脸色发白,面向观众,沮丧地)gosh, I just kept such a sum, it seems, I dream of the shotgun, which will vanish[?v?n??].

皮:(对着玛)All right. I will give you four hundred francs. But take care to have a pretty dress.

玛:(开心地跳起,热烈地)I will. It's very nice of you, honey!




皮: What is the matter? Come on, you have seemed very strange these last three days.(温柔地,关切地)。

玛:It annoys me not to have a jewel[?d?u:?l], not a single stone, to put on. I shall look like distress. I would almost rather not go to this party.(略带埋怨)

皮:(沉思片刻)You will wear some natural flowers. They are very stylish this time of the year. For ten francs you will have two or three magnificent[m?g?n?f?snt] roses.

玛:(身子转到一边,依旧任性地)No; there’s nothing more humiliating[hju:'m?l?e?t??]than to look poor among a lot of rich women.

皮:(窘迫地立在一边,绞尽脑汁)What a goose you are! Go and find your friend, Mme. Forestier, and ask her to lend you some jewelry['d?u:?lr?]. You know her well enough to do that.

玛:(兴奋地从座位上跳起来,拉住皮袖子)That’s true. I had not thought of it




仆人:Here,Lady。I will answer it right away。(放下手中的活)


仆人:(边让玛进门边说)Lady,this is Mrs Loisel

佛:Oh,Mathilde,so it's you!

玛:Can you lend me some jewelry?

佛:Of course, wait for me for a little while.(走向卧室去取梳妆盒)


佛:(微笑着)Choose, my dear.

玛:(打开梳妆盒,惊呆了)So many jewelry!(她先试了试一条手链,觉得不好,又试了另一条,又觉得不好,发现一条项链)

佛:Let me help you,dear.(为玛戴好项链,笑意盈盈)Mathilde, how beautiful you are!

玛:(照了照镜子,觉得项链不太高贵)Haven't you anything else?

佛:I have a lot of, just choose it by yourself!

玛:(突然发现一个青缎盒子,赶忙拿在手里,打开一看)Wow, a diamond necklace! (恳求的眼光望着佛) Can I wear this necklace?

佛:Of course come on, let me help you(拿过项链,帮玛戴上)

玛:(盯着镜子中的她,深情地笑了,这时的她觉得好幸福,觉得自己好高贵,于是,她转过身来对佛来思节夫人)Will you lend me this, only this?

佛:Why, yes, certainly.You look so beautiful!

玛:Really? You are so sweet! Thank you very much.(整个人跳了起来,搂住朋友的脖子,狂吻,以示感谢,之后,迅速拿起桌上的那个青缎盒子,戴着项链跑了,并且一边跑一边向佛高声嚷)I will give it back to you soon!




The night of the ball arrived. Madame Loisel was a great success. She was prettier than any other woman present, elegant[?el?g?nt], graceful, smiling and wild with joy. All the men looked at her, asked her name, sought to be introduced. All the attaches[??t??eiz]of the Cabinet[?k?b?n?t]wished to dance with her. She was remarked by the minister[?m?n?st?(r)] himself.

She danced with rapture[?r?pt??(r)], with passion[?p??n], intoxicated[?n?t?ks?ke?t?d] by pleasure, forgetting all in the triumph[?tra??mf] of her beauty, in the glory[?g l?:ri] of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness comprised[k?mp'ra?zd] of all this homage[?h?m?d?], admiration, these awakened desires[d??za??(r)z] and of that sense of triumph which is so sweet to woman's heart. She left the ball about four o'clock in the morning.

部:Is that beautiful lady your wife?


同事:She is really pretty,elegant,graceful!

部:That’s for sure!

皮:Thanks my lord!

同事:What if I can dance with her!

部:Just go ahead!

同事:Can I, P ierrir?

皮:Enjoy yourself sir.




玛:(进门后,脱下旧外套,提起裙摆,跳几步华尔兹)The party is really happy today !ah Ah. 玛:Oh,no!

皮:What is the matter with you?(不知发生什么事,语气平缓地)

玛:I have--I have--I've lost Madame Forestier's necklace, she cried.

皮:(急)What!--how? Impossible! You're sure you had it on when you left the ball?(找妻子脱下的旧大衣)

玛:Yes, I felt it in the vestibule[?vest?bju:l] of the minister's house."

皮:But if you had lost it in the street we should have heard it fall. It must be in the carriage[?k?r?d?]."

玛:Yes, probably. it in the carriage.(哭,趴在桌子上)

皮:(沉默,吸烟)I shall go back on foot,over the whole route, to see whether I can find it.(下)

玛:My necklace, my necklace. God bless me(在胸口划十字,回忆。坐下,哭。)

旁白:He went to police headquarters, to the newspaper offices to offer a reward; he went to the cab companies--everywhere, in fact, wherever he was urged by the least spark of hope. She waited all day, in the same condition of mad fear before this terrible calamity[k??l?m?ti]. Loisel returned at night with a hollow, pale face. He had discovered nothing



玛:(哭)So, how could I return the necklace tomorrow?(坐下更大声地哭)

皮:(坐下,沉默)You must write to your friend, that you have broken the clasp[klɑ:sp] of her necklace and that you are having it mended. That will give us time to turn round."


旁白:Then they went from jeweler to jeweler, searching for a necklace like the other, trying to recall it, both sick with chagrin ['??gr?n] and grief[gri:f].

They found, in a shop at the Palais Royal, a string[str??]of diamonds that seemed to them exactly like the one they had lost. It was worth forty thousand francs. They could have it for thirty-six. At the end of ten years they had paid everything, everything, with the rates of usury and the accumulations of the compound interest.



旁白: at the end of tenth years, the debt[det] was gone finally. One day, Mathilde went to the park for a walk, and get some rest after one week’s tired . Then, she saw a woman walking, it is Madame Forestier, she is still young, still beautiful. Mathilde get many feelings, and walked up to her)

玛:Good-day, Jeanne.

佛:(非常惊讶,磕磕巴巴地)But--madame!--I do not know who you are!--You must have mistaken. 仆人:Who are you, dirty dead, don't get close to our lady!

玛:But, I…I… I’m Mathilde!I am Mathilde Loisel.(同时用手去抓佛的手)

佛:(把手缩回,上下打量玛)Oh, my poor Mathilde! How you are changed!

玛:(低下头)Yes, I have had a pretty hard life, since I last saw you, and great poverty--and that because of you!(两个人同时散步,走到公园椅子边坐下)这些年来我忍受了许多苦楚,……而且都是因为你!……

佛:Beause of me? How so?

玛:Do you remember that diamond necklace you lent me to wear at the ministerial[?m?n??st??ri?l] ball?

佛:(想了一下)Yes. Well?


玛:Well, I lost it.

佛:(很惊讶)What do you mean? You brought it back.

玛:I brought you back another exactly like it. And it has taken us ten years to pay for it. You can understand that it was not easy for us, for us who had nothing. At last it is ended, and I am very glad.


佛:(恍然大悟地)You say that you bought a necklace of diamonds to replace mine?

玛:(带着天真得意地笑)Yes. You never noticed it, then! They were very similar.(抓住佛的手)佛:(感动地抓住玛的一只手,站起来)Oh, my poor Mathilde! Why, my necklace was paste[pe?st]! It was worth at most only five hundred francs!


