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Advance Access Publication Date:7January2015

Original Paper

Genetics and population analysis

DDIG-in:detecting disease-causing genetic

variations due to frameshifting indels

and nonsense mutations employing sequence

and structural properties at nucleotide

and protein levels

Lukas Folkman1,2,3,Yuedong Yang1,2,4,Zhixiu Li1,2,4,Bela Stantic1,2,

Abdul Sattar1,2,3,Matthew Mort5,David N.Cooper5,Yunlong Liu6and

Yaoqi Zhou1,2,4,*

1School of Information and Communication Technology,Grif?th University,Parklands Drive,Southport,Queensland

4222,Australia,2Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems,Grif?th University,170Kessels Road,Brisbane,

Queensland4111,Australia,3Queensland Research Laboratory,NICTA–National ICT Australia,70-72Bowen

Street,Spring Hill,Queensland4000,Australia,4Institute for Glycomics,Grif?th University,Parklands Drive,

Southport,Queensland4222,Australia,5Institute of Medical Genetics,Cardiff University,Heath Park,Cardiff CF14

4XN,UK and6Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics,Indiana University School of Medicine,975West

Walnut Street,MRL Bldg IB130,Indianapolis,IN46202,USA

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Associate Editor:Gunnar Ratsch

Received on October3,2014;revised on December4,2014;accepted on December23,2014


Motivation:Frameshifting(FS)indels and nonsense(NS)variants disrupt the protein-coding se-

quence downstream of the mutation site by changing the reading frame or introducing a prema-

ture termination codon,respectively.Despite such drastic changes to the protein sequence,FS

indels and NS variants have been discovered in healthy individuals.How to discriminate disease-

causing from neutral FS indels and NS variants is an understudied problem.

Results:We have built a machine learning method called DDIG-in(FS)based on real human gen-

etic variations from the Human Gene Mutation Database(inherited disease-causing)and the1000

Genomes Project(GP)(putatively neutral).The method incorporates both sequence and predicted

structural features and yields a robust performance by10-fold cross-validation and independent

tests on both FS indels and NS variants.We showed that human-derived NS variants and FS indels

derived from animal orthologs can be effectively employed for independent testing of our method

trained on human-derived FS indels.DDIG-in(FS)achieves a Matthews correlation coef?cient

(MCC)of0.59,a sensitivity of86%,and a speci?city of72%for FS indels.Application of DDIG-in

(FS)to NS variants yields essentially the same performance(MCC of0.43)as a method that was

speci?cally trained for NS variants.DDIG-in(FS)was shown to make a signi?cant improvement

over existing techniques.

Availability and implementation:The DDIG-in web-server for predicting NS variants,FS indels,

and non-frameshifting(NFS)indels is available at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf14092087.html,/ddig.


V C The Author2015.Published by Oxford University Press.All rights reserved.For Permissions,please email:journals.permissions@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf14092087.html,1599

Supplementary information:Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.


A key requirement for personalized medicine is to fully annotate human genetic variations in different individuals.Some genetic variations are benign,while others are disease-causing or disease-associated.In addition to single nucleotide variations that change a single amino acid in a protein sequence(missense mutations),a large fraction of pathological human genetic variations are caused by non-sense(NS)mutations[comprising11%(Stenson et al.,2014)]where a single nucleotide variation introduces a premature termination codon(PTC),and by microinsertions and microdeletions[indels, comprising24%(Ball et al.,2005)]that involve the insertion or de-letion of20nucleotides.In exonic(protein-coding)regions,indels can be frameshifting(FS)or non-frameshifting(NFS)depending upon whether or not the indel in question inserts or deletes a mul-tiple of three nucleotides.NFS indels insert/delete multiples of three nucleotides and hence do not alter the coding region,comprising three-nucleotide codons,other than at the indel site.On the other hand,FS indels,having a length indivisible by three,shift the reading frame and alter the coding sequence downstream of the indel site, which depending on the location and downstream sequence context of the indel may introduce a PTC.Thus,both FS indels and NS vari-ants alter the entire coding sequence downstream from the variation site.As a result,they are often assumed to have a significant functional impact and to be potentially disease-causing.Indeed,NS variants account for$20%of all disease-associated single base substitutions(Mort et al.,2008).However,a considerable number of NS variants and FS indels have been identified as being benign in recent studies(McVean et al.,2010;Mills et al.,2011).How to dis-tinguish neutral from potentially disease-causing FS indels and NS variants is therefore of both practical and fundamental interest.

The functional effects of FS indels and NS variants are poorly understood although variations which introduce a PTC and activate nonsense-mediated decay(NMD)are more likely to come to clinical attention(Mort et al.,2008).Additionally,FS indels and NS vari-ants may disrupt pre-mRNA splicing with around$31%of disease-causing NS variants predicted to disrupt splicing(Mort et al.,2014). It is therefore clear that the functional impact of this class of variants (FS indels and NS mutations)is not always straightforward to inter-pret and currently most available methods for discriminating dele-terious and neutral genetic variants are devoted exclusively to missense mutations.Examples are SIFT(Ng and Henikoff,2001), PolyPhen(Adzhubei et al.,2010)or MutPred(Li et al.,2009),for recent reviews see Thusberg et al.(2011)or Bendl et al.(2014). Although there are several methods for NFS indels[DDIG-in(NFS) (Zhao et al.,2013),SIFT Indel(Hu and Ng,2013),PROVEAN (Choi et al.,2012),PinPor(Zhang et al.,2014)and KD4i(Bermejo-Das-Neves et al.,2014)],there are only three methods available for FS indels and two for NS variants.D-score(Zia and Moses,2011) ranks FS indels and NS variants based on the loss of protein infor-mation content derived from the conservation of the target protein sequence without specific training.SIFT Indel(Hu and Ng,2012)is a decision tree trained on disease-causing FS indels annotated in the Human Gene Mutation Database(HGMD)(Stenson et al.,2014) and neutral indels from pairwise alignments between human pro-teins and their functional orthologs in cow,dog,horse,chimpanzee, rhesus macaque and rat.SIFT Indel employs four features:fraction of affected conserved DNA bases,relative indel location,fraction of affected conserved amino acids,and indel distance to the exon boundary.CADD(Combined Annotation-Dependent Depletion) (Kircher et al.,2014)is a general framework for predicting all pos-sible types of genetic variations.It is based on a support vector ma-chine(SVM)model trained with a variety of features including scores calculated with other methods such as SIFT(Ng and Henikoff,2001)and PolyPhen(Adzhubei et al.,2010).The training neutral dataset was compiled from variants between human and inferred human-chimpanzee common ancestral genomes.The train-ing deleterious dataset was created using a genome-wide simulator of de novo germline mutations.

In this article,we have built the first machine learning technique for FS indels and NS variants trained entirely on actual human vari-ants,rather than on simulated deleterious variants(CADD)or vari-ants derived from orthologous animal proteins(SIFT Indel). Moreover,we investigated the application of structural properties, which have been shown to be important for the classification of NFS indels(Zhao et al.,2013)and missense mutations(Adzhubei et al., 2010;Li et al.,2009).By utilizing disease-causing variants anno-tated in the HGMD(Stenson et al.,2014)and putatively neutral variants from the1000GP(McVean et al.,2010),we found that the most discriminative feature for FS indels and NS variants was the disruption of DNA conservation,rather than the disruption of pro-tein structure as in the case of NFS indels.The best combination of eight features identified by a feature selection algorithm was used to build the final SVM model named DDIG-in(FS)(Detecting DIsease-causing Genetic variations).More importantly,the method de-veloped here was subjected to rigorous independent testing.These tests included the use of FS indels derived from functional animal orthologs as a neutral dataset(the SIFT Indel neutral dataset)and the use of NS variants for testing the method trained on FS indels. Here,we have rationalized the possible equivalence between FS indels and NS variants by their effect on the protein sequence:FS indels effectively render the protein sequence meaningless after the indel site,and probably have the same effect as truncation of the protein induced by a NS variant.DDIG-in(FS)achieved a Matthews correlation coefficient(MCC)of0.59and0.54for the10-fold cross-validation and independent test(on non-overlapping HGMD disease-causing indels and neutral indels from the SIFT Indel data-set),respectively,compared with an MCC of0.38and0.35for CADD.A very different performance,MCC of0.29and0.63for the two different datasets,was observed for SIFT Indel.The robust performance of DDIG-in(FS)was further confirmed by an inde-pendent dataset of NS variants and negative correlation with aver-age allele frequency(AF)in the presumably healthy population from the1000GP.



We describe the datasets used in this work below.For details on how we compiled these datasets,refer to Supplementary Methods. The dataset of inherited disease-causing and putatively neutral FS indels in coding regions was retrieved from the HGMD(version Professional2012.2)(Stenson et al.,2014)and1000GP(phase1, version3,20101123)(McVean et al.,2010),respectively.The final FS indels dataset comprised660disease-causing and580neutral

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indels in660and491protein-coding genes,respectively.We also built an independent test set from non-overlapping disease-causing HGMD indels and neutral indels from the SIFT Indel training data-set,which was derived from functional animal orthologs(Hu and Ng,2012).The final HGMDtSIFT FS indels dataset contained 2008disease-causing and2008neutral FS indels in737and1996 genes,respectively.Importantly,the HGMDtSIFT FS indels data-set had a sequence similarity30%to the FS indels dataset. Another independent test set comprised NS variants derived from the HGMD(disease-causing)and1000GP(neutral).The final NS variants dataset contained3861disease-causing and3861neutral variants in1122and2989genes,respectively.Also the NS variants dataset had a sequence similarity30%to the FS indels dataset. Table1depicts how these three datasets were utilized for training and testing of our two distinct methods[DDIG-in(FS)and DDIG-in (NS)].

2.2Machine learning features

We evaluated36different features(see Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Table S1)that could be used for discriminating be-tween disease-causing and neutral FS indels as well as NS variants. We used the sequential forward floating selection(SFFS)algorithm (Pudil et al.,1994)to find an effective combination of features which we used for training the final SVM model(Cortes and Vapnik,1995).Details on how we performed the feature selection and optimized the SVM model can be found in Supplementary Methods.

2.2.1Global features

We considered four global gene-level features.Feature K a/K s ratio was calculated as the ratio of the number of non-synonymous(K a) and synonymous(K s)substitutions in a given gene.K a/K s ratio is commonly used as an indicator of selective pressure acting on a pro-tein-coding gene(Hurst,2002).We downloaded pre-calculated K a and K s values for the human-chimpanzee,human-macaque,human-mouse and human-rat alignments from Ensembl(release75)(Flicek et al.,2013)and calculated the average K a/K s ratio for the four alignments.

As a gene may contain exons separated by introns,we examined the following features for evidence of a variant affecting alternative splicing:number of transcripts,fraction of unaffected transcripts and fraction of translatable transcripts.Here,an unaffected tran-script(splice isoform)is one for which the variation is located within an intron(while the variation is located in an exon for some other splice isoform of the same gene).The number of translatable transcripts is given as the number of transcripts which would not be candidates for non-stop decay(NSD)or NMD induced by the gen-etic variation.NSD and NMD are mRNA surveillance mechanisms which prevent translation of damaged genes.We considered a vari-ant to be a candidate for NSD if it lacked a PTC(van Hoof et al., 2002).A variant was considered to be a NMD candidate if the gen-etic variation occurred more than49nucleotides(discounting inter-vening introns)from the30-most intron(Nagy and Maquat,1998).

We also examined nine global transcript-level features(calcu-lated as the average,minimum or maximum of all transcripts of the given gene):number of exons;relative exon number;distance to the nearest upstream(downstream)splice site;relative distance to the50 end,30end and centre of the sequence;relative length of the variant; and relative length of the mutated sequence.The details on how we calculated these features can be found in Supplementary Methods.

2.2.2Local features

With the exception of a nucleotide-level feature DNA conservation, all other local features were protein-level features.The DNA conser-vation was derived from phylogenetic P-values of the multiple align-ments of45vertebrates to the human genome calculated with the phyloP program(Pollard et al.,2010).We downloaded pre-calculated phyloP scores from the UCSC Table Browser(Karolchik et al.,2004).

On the protein-level,we used PSI-BLAST(Altschul et al.,1997) (NCBI non-redundant database,three iterations,e-value threshold of0.001)to create a position-specific scoring matrix(PSSM)and weighted observed percentages matrix from which we calculated feature PSSM conservation(the equation is given in Supplementary Methods).

We also considered six entropy-based protein conservation scores which were studied and implemented by Capra and Singh (2007).The best performance using cross-validation on the training set was achieved by Shannon entropy(SE)calculated from the30 most related sequences(ranked by the e-value threshold)from the multiple sequence alignment generated with PSI-BLAST(see above). The feature protein conservation(SE)was scaled to fit in the range (0,1)where1is the highest protein conservation.

Ten other protein conservation features were calculated using HHblits(Remmert et al.,2012)from hidden Markov model se-quence profiles.Details about these features are provided in Supplementary Methods.

Finally,we considered five structural features predicted from the protein sequence:relative accessible surface area,helix,sheet,coil and disorder probabilities.The accessible surface area and second-ary structure probabilities were all predicted using SPINE-X (Faraggi et al.,2009,2011).The disorder probability was calculated using SPINE-D(Zhang et al.,2012).

2.2.3Feature extraction of local features

Whereas the global features were calculated as a single-valued prop-erty of the whole coding sequence or the protein product,local fea-tures quantified a given property over a window of neighbouring coding bases(residues)of the given gene(protein).The window en-compassed all bases(residues)from the variation site to the30end (C-terminus)plus n bases(residues)from the variation site towards the50end(N-terminus).We refer to this window as the lost-sequence window.We also considered two other types of windows, small-symmetric and next-splice(see Supplementary Methods),but they yielded a lower performance as evaluated with one nucleotide-level feature(DNA conservation)and one protein-level feature

Table1.Three datasets employed for training and testing DDIG-in

(FS indels)and DDIG-in(NS variants)

Dataset Disease Neutral DDIG-in


FS indels660580(GP)training,CV—



SIFT FS indels

NS variants38613861(GP)testing training,CV

We ensured that the two datasets used for testing DDIG-in(FS)were mutu-

ally independent from the DDIG-in(FS)training dataset by removing genes

with protein sequences that had a pairwise sequence identity>30%.

HGMD:Human Gene Mutation Database;GP:1000GP;SIFT:neutral

indels derived from animal orthologs;CV:10-fold cross-validation.

Detecting disease-causing genetic variations1601

(PSSM conservation).We used the same two features to optimize the window length for the lost-sequence window.The best perform-ance using cross-validation on the training set was achieved with n?40bases for DNA conservation and n?5residues for PSSM conservation.We kept the window length fixed for all other features in all experiments.

Each local feature was encoded as average,minimum,or max-imum within the lost-sequence window.In addition,we also calcu-lated the number of bases(residues)for which the value of the feature was higher than a threshold t within the given window rela-tive to the number of bases(residues)in the given window(H t)or relative to the number of bases(residues)with feature values>t for the entire nucleotide(protein)sequence(H t g).Thus,a total of five encoding methods denoted as avg,min,max,H t and H t g.Threshold t was optimized for each local feature individually(Supplementary Table S1).


We used10-fold cross-validation on the FS indels dataset to design our method,select relevant features,and optimize all parameters (window type,window length,SVM parameters,etc.).To avoid over-training on specific genes,we ensured that no two cross-valid-ation folds shared similar sequences.This means that all indels of any cluster of similar sequences were contained within a single fold. The clusters were determined with protein-level Blastclust(Altschul et al.,1990)with a sequence similarity threshold of30%.In add-ition,we kept the ratio of disease-causing and neutral indels reason-ably similar between the folds.We replicated our experiments100 times with randomly re-generated folds,averaged the results and calculated standard deviations.Because we had an abundance of dis-ease-causing variants from the HGMD(see Supplementary Methods),each of the100replications used a different random sam-ple of disease-causing FS indels.We employed the HGMDtSIFT FS indels and the NS variants datasets for independent testing of our method.Importantly,these datasets did not share sequences with >30%sequence similarity with the training FS indels dataset. Again,we replicated all experiments100times with random sam-pling of the disease-causing variants.

We assessed the overall prediction performance in terms of the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves and the area under the ROC curve(AUC).An ROC curve plots the true positive rate (sensitivity)as a function of the false positive rate(1àspecificity)at different prediction thresholds.Furthermore,we calculated MCC, binary classification accuracy(Q2),sensitivity(Se,recall),specificity (Sp),positive predictive value(PPV,precision),and negative predict-ive value(NPV).The equations of these evaluation measures are given in Supplementary Methods.


3.1Single feature performance on FS indels dataset

We first examined the ability of each of the36individual machine learning features(Supplementary Table S1)to discriminate between the disease-causing and neutral FS indels.Table2ranks the10best performing features and their best performing encoding methods ac-cording to the AUC along with other measures including MCC and Q2.The top three most discriminative features were the fraction of highly conserved DNA positions with an AUC of0.83,followed by the minimum protein conservation calculated as Shannon entropy (SE)(AUC of0.74),and the ratio of the number of non-synonymous (K a)and synonymous(K s)substitutions in a given gene(AUC of 0.74).Other important features were sequence conservation scores based on the PSSM and hidden Markov model profiles from HHblits,features related to RNA splicing(number of exons and relative exon number),protein structural features(predicted coil probability and relative accessible surface area),and the fraction of translatable transcripts.

Figure1depicts the distributions of the top three features[DNA conservation,protein conservation(SE),and K a/K s ratio]for dis-ease-causing and neutral FS indels.Disease-causing indels occurred more frequently within regions with higher fractions of conserved DNA bases and with higher minimal protein conservation scores and in genes with low K a/K s ratios(i.e.fewer mutations that change amino acid residues).The results summarized in Table2and Figure1demonstrate that sequence conservation in different forms and at different molecular levels(DNA or protein)yielded the best discrimination of disease-causing FS indels.

3.2Feature selection and10-fold cross-validation with FS indels dataset

We employed SVM and a greedy SFFS algorithm to select a well-performing subset from54diverse featuretencoding pairs (Supplementary Table S2).SFFS selected eight features (Supplementary Table S3)including the three best features[DNA conservation,protein conservation(SE),and K a/K s ratio]from our single-feature experiment(previous section).Four additional fea-tures were related to the top10features from Table2[PSSM conser-vation(average and fraction of highly conserved residues),and fractions of translatable and unaffected transcripts].One new fea-ture was the minimum of the predicted disorder probability within the lost-sequence window.Most of these features reflected either the local conservation in sequence(DNA and protein)and structure (protein),or the global conservation of a gene(K a/K s ratio).For con-venience,we refer to the final SVM model encompassing these eight features as the DDIG-in(FS)method.

DDIG-in(FS)yielded an AUC of0.87and MCC of0.59 (Table3).Sensitivity and specificity reached86and72%,respect-ively.Whereas DNA conservation performed quite well on its own, DDIG-in(FS)still yielded an absolute(relative)improvement of 0.04(5%)for AUC and0.05(9%)for MCC.Figure2a compares the performance of DDIG-in(FS)with the performance of the top three features in terms of ROC curves.We also compared the per-formance of our method with two other available methods:SIFT Indel(Hu and Ng,2012)for predicting damaging FS indels and

Table2.Top10discriminative features for the FS indels dataset Feature(encoding method a)Type AUC b MCC b Q2b DNA conservation(H2.5)local0.830.540.77 protein conservation(SE c)(min)local0.740.390.69 K a/K s ratio global0.740.400.70 number of exons(min)global0.680.320.63 PSSM conservation(min)local0.670.300.65 HHblits match to deletion(avg)local0.670.290.65 coil probability(max)local0.650.230.60 relative exon number(min)global0.650.360.68 relative accessible surface area(min)local0.650.240.62 fraction of translatable transcripts global0.640.290.65

a For de?nitions of the encoding methods see Section2.

b AUC,MCC and Q


are the area under the ROC curve,Matthews correla-tion coef?cient and binary classi?cation accuracy,respectively.

c SE denotes Shannon entropy.

1602L.Folkman et al.

CADD (Kircher et al.,2014),which is a general framework capable of predicting any type of deleterious genetic variations.We used the publicly available web-servers of the two methods to predict FS indels in our dataset.Our method achieved absolute (relative)AUC improvements of 0.25(40%)and 0.13(18%)when compared with SIFT Indel and CADD (Table 3),respectively.The respective im-provements for MCC were 0.30(103%)and 0.21(55%).All three methods performed reasonably well in identifying disease-causing indels (reaching sensitivities of 79–92%),whereas specificity (accur-acy on neutral indels)was low for SIFT Indel and CADD (29and 59%,respectively)but high for DDIG-in (FS)(72%).

3.3Independent test with HGMD 1SIFT FS indels dataset

We employed the HGMD tSIFT FS indels dataset as an independ-ent test set and validation of using the variations from the 1000GP as our neutral training dataset.DDIG-in (FS)yielded a similar per-formance in this test,reaching an AUC of 0.83and MCC of 0.54,compared with 0.87and 0.59for the 10-fold cross-validation

(Table 3).CADD also retained the same (low)performance (AUC of 0.72,MCC of 0.35),indicating that both CADD and DDIG-in (FS)are robust.However,SIFT Indel had a much better performance on this dataset (MCC of 0.63)than on the dataset with the neutral indels from the 1000GP (MCC of 0.29),indicating that SIFT Indel cannot generalize as well as DDIG-in (FS)or CADD.

Figure 2b compares the performance of DDIG-in (FS)with the per-formance of SIFT Indel,CADD,and the top three features in terms of ROC curves for the HGMD tSIFT FS indels dataset.Interestingly,DDIG-in (FS)yields a more significant improvement on this dataset than on the training FS indels dataset when compared with the best sin-gle feature (DNA conservation).The improvement was 0.10(14%)for AUC and 0.15(38%)for MCC.This indicates that a multi-feature model is more robust than a single-feature classification.

3.4Independent test with NS variants dataset

To further test the robustness of DDIG-in (FS),we employed NS variants as an independent test for DDIG-in (FS)because a PTC likely has a similar effect as a randomized sequence induced by a FS indel.Also,the distributions of the top three features (see Section 3.1)were highly similar for FS indels (Fig.1)and NS variants (Supplementary Fig.S1).DDIG-in (FS)yielded an AUC of 0.70and MCC of 0.31on the NS variants dataset (Table 4).This is a consid-erably worse performance than for the FS indels (AUC of 0.87,MCC of 0.59).The performance of CADD also decreased signifi-cantly when compared with FS indels.CADD’s MCC value was 0.38for FS indels but only 0.17for NS variants.

To examine what was responsible for the decrease in prediction performance,we built a dedicated method for NS variants by using the NS variants dataset for feature selection and 10-fold cross-valid-ation as we did for DDIG-in (FS).This procedure resulted in a com-bination of eight features (Supplementary Table S3)selected for the SVM model,denoted as DDIG-in (NS).DDIG-in (NS)achieved an AUC of 0.72and MCC of 0.33,which were only marginally higher (both increased by 0.02)than the AUC and MCC of DDIG-in (FS)as shown in Table 4.This result indicates that DDIG-in (FS)is ro-bust and performed well in this stringent test.

One possible reason for the poorer performance on the NS vari-ants dataset is that some of putatively neutral NS variants may be in fact disease-causing.To examine this possibility,we removed the rare neutral NS variants with AFs 0.05%(2717removed)and 0.1%(3165removed),resulting in 1144and 696neutral variants,respectively.The performance of DDIG-in (NS)then improved significantly with respective AUC improvements from 0.72to 0.79and 0.82(Table 4).DDIG-in (FS)achieved similar improvements.

0 0.05

0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

F r a c t i o n DNA conservation 0 0.1 0.20






Protein conservation (SE)0 0.1 0.2 0.3

Ka/Ks ratio

Fig.1.Distributions of disease-causing FS indels from the HGMD and putatively neutral FS indels from the 1000GP as well as from the SIFT Indel training dataset (SIFT)for the fraction of conserved DNA bases (phyloP score >2.5)within a window of 40bases before the indel site and all bases after the indel site,minimum of protein conservation calculated as Shannon entropy (SE)within a window of 5residues before the indel site and all residues after the indel site,and K a /K s muta-tion ratio for the entire gene.Disease-causing indels tend to be located in regions of highly conserved DNA and protein sequences (here,SE is scaled so that 1represents the highest conservation),and in genes with a lower number of non-synonymous relative to synonymous substitutions

Table 3.Performance of DDIG-in (FS)(both 10-fold cross-validation and independent test),SIFT Indel,and CADD on the two FS indels datasets Method



Q 2a Se a

Sp a


FS indels dataset SIFT Indel 0.620.290.630.920.290.600.77CADD 0.740.38

0.690.790.590.690.71DDIG-in (FS)b




HGMD tSIFT FS indels dataset SIFT Indel 0.870.630.800.950.650.730.93CADD 0.720.35

0.680.750.600.650.71DDIG-in (FS)d





AUC,MCC,Q 2,Se,Sp,PPV and NPV are the area under the ROC curve,Matthews correlation coef?cient,binary classi?cation accuracy,sensitivity (recall),speci?city,positive predictive value (precision)and negative predic-tive value,respectively.b

Ten-fold cross-validation result (sequence similarity 30%for any two folds).c

Standard deviation for DDIG-in (FS)over 100replications of random sampling of the disease-causing FS indels (see Section 2).d

Independent test result after training DDIG-in (FS)on the FS indels dataset.

Detecting disease-causing genetic variations


In fact,DDIG-in (FS)and DDIG-in (NS)yielded exactly the same MCC and AUC when neutral variants with AF 0.1%were removed.Figure 2c depicts the comparison in terms of ROC curves.DDIG-in (FS)continues to outperform CADD for NS variants while having a comparable ROC curve to DDIG-in (NS).This further con-firms the robust performance of DDIG-in (FS).

3.5Independent test by AF

Figure 3plots the average of log 10disease probability as a function of the average of log 10AF for the 580neutral FS indels (Fig.3a)and 3861neutral NS variants (Fig.3b)from our two datasets based on the 1000GP.AFs were grouped into bins so that each bin contained at least 20variants.However,some bins were larger due to many variants with the same AF value.The disease probabilities were pre-dicted with DDIG-in (FS)for both FS indels and NS variants.

Although there was no significant correlation between individual AF values and predicted disease probabilities (Supplementary Fig.S2),there was a negative correlation between the averaged AF bins and disease probability (Fig.3)with a Pearson correlation coeffi-cient of à0.33and à0.65for FS indels and NS variants,respect-ively.This means that our method tends to predict higher disease probabilities for lower AFs in the general population.The correct

trend obtained here provides another independent validation of DDIG-in (FS).


This article developed a machine learning method named DDIG-in (FS)that can predict disease probability for both FS indels and NS variants.For FS indels,DDIG-in (FS)has a consistent performance with a MCC of 0.59in a 10-fold cross-validation and 0.54in an in-dependent test.Its performance for NS variants matches that of DDIG-in (NS)directly trained for the purpose.Predicted disease probabilities for neutral variants from the 1000GP are supported by a negative correlation with the average AFs of these variants.

In developing our method,we performed feature selection and classifier obtainment using the same FS indels dataset (Table 1)be-cause it is the only human dataset available.Because this practice may result in over-training,several techniques were utilized to mini-mize such a possibility.To avoid over-training in a particular group of genes,we used a sequence identity threshold (30%)to remove re-dundant sequences in the disease-causing FS indels dataset.For the 10-fold cross-validation,we ensured that no two folds shared se-quences with a pairwise identity >30%.A similar approach was

Table 4.Performance of DDIG-in (FS)(independent test),DDIG-in (NS)(10-fold cross-validation),and CADD for discriminating NS variants Method Neutral variants a AUC b


Q 2b Se b Sp b PPV b NPV b CADD AF !0.00%0.600.170.570.840.300.550.65CADD AF >0.05%0.670.260.740.840.420.830.44CADD

AF >0.10%0.70


0.780.840.470.900.35DDIG-in (FS)AF !0.00%0.7060.001c 0.3160.002c 0.640.860.410.590.75DDIG-in (FS)AF >0.05%0.7960.001c 0.4260.002c 0.800.880.530.860.57DDIG-in (FS)AF >0.10%0.8260.001c 0.4360.002c 0.850.920.500.910.53DDIG-in (NS)AF !0.00%0.7260.003c 0.3360.003c 0.660.720.600.640.69DDIG-in (NS)AF >0.05%0.7960.002c 0.4360.006c 0.810.910.470.850.62DDIG-in (NS)

AF >0.10%









Neutral variants in the dataset were ?ltered by AF at three thresholds:AF !0%(no ?ltering),AF >0.05%,and AF >0.1%.


AUC,MCC,Q 2,Se,Sp,PPV and NPV are the area under the ROC curve,Matthews correlation coef?cient,binary classi?cation accuracy,sensitivity (recall),speci?city,positive predictive value (precision)and negative predictive value,respectively.c

Standard deviation for DDIG-in (FS)(independent test)and DDIG-in (NS)(10-fold cross-validation)over 100replications of random sampling of the disease-causing NS variants.

(a )

(b )

(c )

T r u e p o s i t i v e r a t e

False positive rate

False positive rate

False positive rate

Fig.2.ROC curves of DDIG-in (FS)as compared with those of SIFT Indel,CADD,and the top three features [DNA conservation,protein conservation (SE),and K a /K s ratio].(a)FS indels dataset:DDIG-in (FS)is the 10-fold cross-validated result.(b)HGMD tSIFT FS indels dataset:DDIG-in (FS)is the independent test result.(c)NS variants dataset:DDIG-in (FS)is the independent test result,whereas DDIG-in (NS)is from 10-fold cross-validation;for clarity,we only showed the results of DDIG-in (FS),DDIG-in (NS),and CADD after neutral variants with AF 0.1%were removed.Essentially the same performance of DDIG-in (FS)and DDIG-in (NS)for NS variants demonstrates the robustness of DDIG-in (FS)


L.Folkman et al.

used previously for methods for the prediction of damaging missense variants (Adzhubei et al.,2010;Li et al.,2009)or the prediction of mutation-induced stability changes (Folkman et al.,2014a ,b ).We replicated our experiments 100times with randomly generated folds while maintaining the ratio of the disease-causing and neutral vari-ants.This strict cross-validation coupled with the sequential for-ward floating feature selection (Pudil et al.,1994)led to a robust performance in two fully independent tests,which in turn confirmed that DDIG-in (FS)was not over-trained (Tables 3and 4).

Our method differs from two other available methods,SIFT Indel (Hu and Ng,2012)and CADD (Kircher et al.,2014),in train-ing.CADD was trained with disease-causing variants from a gen-ome-wide simulation of de novo germline mutations and neutral variants between human and inferred human-chimpanzee common ancestral genomes.SIFT Indel was trained with disease-causing FS indels from the HGMD and neutral variants between human and orthologous animal proteins.By contrast,both disease-causing and neutral indels for training DDIG-in (FS)were from known human variations (HGMD and 1000GP,respectively).

Our new method also differs from previous techniques by utilizing features from predicted structural properties of proteins.Nonetheless,the three most prominent features in our method were all related to sequence conservation (Table 2).In agreement with related work [SIFT Indel (Hu and Ng,2012)],DNA conservation was the single-most important feature,while those features based on predicted structural properties of proteins were significantly less dis-criminative.By comparison,the most discriminative feature for NFS indels (Zhao et al.,2013)was the disruption of structured regions predicted by protein disorder predictor SPINE-D (Zhang et al.,2012).This highlights the difference between local sequence disrup-tion induced by NFS indels and the global sequence disruption induced by FS indels and NS variants.Indeed,the direct application of DDIG-in (FS)to a NFS indels dataset results in a significantly poorer performance [MCC of 0.42compared with 0.68by DDIG-in (NFS)(Zhao et al.,2013)].

Unlike previously developed methods,DDIG-in (FS)was sub-jected to rigorous independent testing by applying it directly to NS variants.Here,we assumed the equivalence between FS indels and NS variants because FS indels effectively render the protein sequence meaningless after the indel site,and probably have the same effect as truncation of the protein induced by a NS variant.This equivalence was supported by similar distributions of three predictive features (DNA conservation,protein conservation,and K a /K s ratio)for NS variants and FS indels (Supplementary Fig.S1and Fig.1,respect-ively).The equivalence is further supported by the fact that DDIG-in (NS),directly optimized and trained for NS variants,was only

marginally better (AUC of 0.72compared with 0.70)than the inde-pendent test performance of our ‘main’method,DDIG-in (FS),which was designed solely using a dataset of FS indels (see Section 3.4).The performance of DDIG-in (FS)was lower for NS variants as compared with FS indels,but the possible difference between these two distinct types of variants is unlikely to be the main cause.We found that the neutral NS variants dataset comprised a signifi-cant proportion of extremely rare variants with AF 0.1%.By com-parison,AFs for all neutral FS indels were !0.3%.When we tested DDIG-in (FS)only on neutral NS variants with AF !0.3%,the pre-diction performance was comparable to the performance on FS indels (AUC of 0.86and 0.87,respectively).Thus,the main reason for a lower performance of DDIG-in (FS)on NS variants was the presence of false negatives in the neutral NS variants dataset.

Another means of independent testing is by the use of AF,the oc-currence frequency of a particular variant in a given population.AF results from multiple factors arising from the complicated inter-actions between human beings and their environment.Many rare al-leles are both population-specific and of functional significance (Marth et al.,2011),whereas frequent alleles (for late-onset dis-eases,in particular)are not necessarily benign.Thus,the fitness of the allele with respect to its associated biological function is likely an underlying trend that appears only after averaging (removing noise from other factors)(Hu and Ng,2013;Zhao et al.,2013).This correlation with the average AF values but not with the individ-ual AF values is illustrated in Figure 3and Supplementary Figure S2,respectively.

In this work,we assumed that FS indels and NS variants identi-fied by the 1000GP are neutral.Although this assumption is not un-reasonable,there might be false negatives (disease-causing variants labelled as neutral)in our datasets.Indeed,rare neutral NS variants (AF 0.1%)have led to poorer performance of CADD,DDIG-in (FS),and DDIG-in (NS)(Table 4).Interestingly,we found that DDIG-in (NS)trained and evaluated only on neutral variants with AF >0.1%yields an AUC of 0.76,significantly worse than 0.82given by DDIG-in (NS)trained with all neutral variants.Thus,the benefit resulting from a larger number of neutral variants outweighs the potential for false negatives for some rare variants.Similar be-haviour was observed for NFS indels (Zhao et al.,2013).Utilizing variants from the 1000GP as our neutral dataset is further sup-ported by the consistent performance of DDIG-in (FS)when these neutral variants were replaced by variants derived from animal orthologs from the SIFT Indel training dataset.Moreover,the distri-butions of sequence conservation features for neutral FS indels from the 1000GP are similar to those from the SIFT Indel training dataset (Fig.1).


?1.5?1.2?0.9?0.6(a )

(b )




A v e r a g e l o g 10

d i s

e a s e p r o b a b i l i t y

Average log 10 allele frequency




Average log 10 allele frequency

Fig.3.Average log 10disease probability as a function of the average log 10AF for the neutral FS indels and NS variants from our two datasets based on the 1000GP.All disease probabilities were predicted with DDIG-in (FS),the average being calculated for each AF bin containing at least 20variants.The black line is the lin-ear regression ?t.(a)FS indels dataset and (b)NS variants dataset

Detecting disease-causing genetic variations



The authors thank Jing Hu for sharing the SIFT Indel neutral dataset.


This work was supported in part by National Health and Medical Research Council(1059775)of Australia to Y.Z.NICTA is funded by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy,and the Australian Research Council through the ICT Centre of Excellence program.The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the Grif?th University eResearch Services Team and the use of the High Performance Computing Cluster ‘Gowonda’to complete this research.This project has also been undertaken with the aid of the research cloud resources provided by the Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation(QCIF).The funders had no role in study de-sign,data collection and analysis,decision to publish,or preparation of the manuscript.

Con?ict of Interest:none declared.


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