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新概念第二册lesson 1 A Private Conversation练习

新概念第二册lesson 1 A Private Conversation练习

Lesson 1 A private conversation


go to the theatre enjoy bear

turn round pay (…) attention get (…) angry

1.How can you ________________ this awful noise?

2.I really ________________ that concert.

3.Would you like to ________________ tonight?

4.Local people ________________ very ________________ about the plans to close

another hospital.

5.________________and let me look at your back.

6.How many times do I have to ask you to ________________?

Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English.


1. 每个圣诞节,孩子们都排练一场有意思的戏剧。

The children always perform ________________ every Christmas.

2. 为了弄个好座位,我早早地来到了剧院。

I got to the theatre early ________________.

3. 他记了些笔记供自己私人使用。

He made some notes for his ________________.

4. 我和谁出去不关你的事情。

It’s________________who I go out with.

5. 站在汤姆身后的女孩是谁?

Who’s the girl standing ________________?

从[A]、[B]、[C]、[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—What do you think of the movie?

—It’s fantastic. The only pity is th at I______the beginning of it.

[A] missed [B] had missed [C] miss [D] would miss

2. I love to go to the seaside in summer. It______good to lie in the sun or swim in the

cool sea.

[A] does [B]feels [C]gets [D]makes

3. It was difficult to get a word in. Everyone _______ so excitedly about the play.

[A] would talk [B] was talking [C] talked [D] had talked

4. The oranges taste_______.

[A] good [B] well [C]to be good [D]to be well


Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing ?' she asked. ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.


中北大学第四届“挑战杯”创业计划大赛 进入复赛名单 (排名不分先后) 序号作品名称负责人姓名 1 北天研究与开发有限公司王建霞 2 适尔康定量食盐瓶股份有限责任公司田瑞雪 3 金雨化工股份有限公司王金花 4 天通公司景伟 5 万业电器有限公司王永吉 6 太原德声砂浆建材有限公司陈松 7 康贝抗菌纺织品有限责任公司罗林杰 8 新星公司赖明首 9 中北鑫屹科技环保设备有限公司奚小艳 10 中北信捷机械产品有限责任公司杨晓东 11 中北安兴阻燃材料股份有限公司张阳 12 沃尔得化肥有限公司李金龙 13 绿都环保设备有限公司曹正波 14 菁华生物科技有限公司郑启龙 15 E-doll 股份有限公司李厚浩 16 中北复材有限责任公司宫尚国 17 蓝欣有限责任公司祖梓尧 18 华腾实业有限责任公司魏鹏 19 林木文具有限责任公司王大源 20 华晋科技有限责任公司刘青 21 画吧马皓茹 22 维尔舒高分子燃料有限公司杨春亮 23 优特防结蜡涂料生产销售有限公司刘梦姣 24 锐德科技有限公司邓树生 25 蓉益保健副食品开发有限公司勒雁涛 26 御风汽车模型研发与制作有限公司张浩 27 普康有限责任公司孟亮 28 快捷筷业生产有限公司樊明珠 29 中安有限责任公司姜博 30 银发God有限公司任亮 31 中国超重力化工研究与设计有限责任公司秦晶晶 32 普众科技责任有限公司李斌智 33 傲天科技有限责任公司范晓明 34 旋宇科技有限公司梁永亮 35 山抹微云旗袍服饰有限责任公司祁一信 36 海洋之心有限公司黄健 37 山西省超旋风风力发电机责任股份有限公司庞学慧 38 全家餐具有限责任公司王艳芳 39 IDEAL概念居家公司王香

《新概念英语青少版》(Junior New Concept English)教师培训

《新概念英语青少版》(Junior New Concept English)教师培训 培训简介:《新概念英语青少版》(Junior New Concept English)的推出完善了《新 概念英语》的课程体系。为了让使用“新概念英语”课程体系进行教学的学校和老师们能够系 统地了解这个体系的教学理念、掌握其教学方法,从而进、步提高教学效果,外研社倾力打 造了新概念英语课程体系师训课程与认证。 ?培养目标 ?培养对象 ?地点时间 ?讲师 ?报名方式 ?考核认证 ?培训课程介绍 《新概念英语》(New Concept English)是中国英语培训类教材常青树,全国80%以上培训机构都开设有新概念英语相关课程,而且学习群体已经呈现低龄化的态势。为了使《新概念英语》课程体系更加完善,外语教学与研究出版社整合强大作者团队,历时三年精心编写,于2008 年6 月推出了专为中国青少年量身定制《新概念英语青少版》(Junior New Concept English),从而建立了从青少年到成人的完整的英语学习体系。凭着新概念体系科学系统的语言内容和技能大纲,《新概念英语青少版》一经推出便受到热烈追捧,席卷全国英语培训市场,教学效果受到众多家长和培训学校的一致好评。为了让使用“新概念英语”课程体系进行教学的学校和老师们能够系统地了解这个体系的教学理念、掌握其教学方法,从而进一步提高教学效果,外研社倾力打造了新概念英语课程体系师训课程与认证。 Module 1 (JNCE 入 门级) Module 2 (JNCE 1A-2A) 了解新概念课程体系大纲和理念,深入理解教材重点难点,能够运用符合小学低年级学生年龄特点的教学方法,就JNCE入门级至2级设计听说、词汇、句型、拼读、阅读等教学活动,对学生进行有效教学。 Module 3 (JNCE 2B-3A) Module 4 (JNCE 4-5级) 了解新概念课程体系大纲和理念,深入理解教材重点难点,能够运用符合小学高年级及初中学生年龄特点的教学方法,就JNCE 2级至5级设计听说读写等技能的教学活动,对学生进行有效教学。


新概念英语第二册课文 1-96课中英对照版 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat? The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it? A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily? ‘It’s none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!”“不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!” Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing?' she asked. ‘I’m having breakfast,' I repeated. 'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!'' 那是个星期天,而在星期天我是从来不早起的,有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上个星期天,我起得很晚。我望望窗外,外面一片昏暗。“鬼天气!”我想,“又下雨了。”正在这时,铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。“我刚下火车,”她说,“我这就来看你。”“但我还在吃早饭,”我说。 “你在干什么?”她问道。 “我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。 “天啊,”她说,“你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经1点钟了!” Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一明信片 Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. 'Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一明信片也没写成! Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. 我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信,他正在澳大利亚。他在那儿已经住了6个月了。蒂姆是个工程师,正在一家大公司工作,并且已经


金牌新概念英语第一册Lesson13-24知识点归纳 Lesson 13-16 一、词汇 1. 表示颜色的名词:white blue (Lesson 11出现) green brown red grey yellow black orange 2. 指示代词:these (this的复数形式) those(that的复数形式) 3. 表示国籍的名词:Danish Norwegian Russian Dutch 以上所有表示国籍的名字还可以做形容词,表示某国的。如Chinese既可以是中国人,还可以是中国的,汉语。 表示国家的名词: 4. 其他名词:colour (=color) hat (和cap有区别,cap指前面带沿的帽子) case carpet dog customs officer girl friend passport brown tourist 5. 形容词:smart lovely same 6. 动词:come 副词:upstairs 二、语法: 1、名词变复数(本册书出现的第一个大的语法点,比较重要,要牢记) 名词从大体上可以分为普通名词和专有名词,如China the Changjiang River 都是世界独一无二的,我们称之为专有名词。 普通名词又分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词是表示能够以数计算的人或事物的名词,可数名词有单复数之分。其变化规则如下: 1.1 多数名词在词尾加-s。读音为,结尾是清辅音读/s/ ,结尾是浊辅音读/z/ 例:girl-girls tree-trees dog-dogs teacher –teachers shirt-shirts 1.2 以s, sh, ch, x结尾的名词,加-es。读音为/iz/。 例:watch-watches class-classes box-boxes bus-buses 1.3 以f 或fe结尾的名词,需要把f或fe变成v再加-es。读音为/vz/. 例:housewife-housewives leaf-leaves knife-knives 但也有个别单词虽以f或fe结尾,但是直接加s,需要特别记忆。roof-roofs gulf-gulfs belief-beliefs 以“辅音+y”结尾的名词,要将y变为i,再加-es。读音为/vz/. 例:family-families city-cities sky-skies 以“元音+y”结尾的名词,直接加-s。例:boy-boys day-days monkey-monkeys 1.5 以o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加s +es的几个单词:tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes hero-heroes Negro-Negroes echo-echoes (这几个单词特殊记忆) 其他+s。用zoo-zoos radio-radios kilo-kilos piano-pianos photo-photos bamboo-bamboos video-videos 1.6 部分单词的单复数是一样的。 例:fish-fish sheep-sheep cattle-cattle deer-deer means-means Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese 1.7 改变单数名词的元音字母。 例:man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice goose-geese 1.8 改变单数名词的词局。 例:child-children ox-oxen 1.9 有些名词只有复数没有单数。如: Trousers (裤子)glasses (眼镜)clothes (布)scissors(剪子) 除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、欧元等都有复数形式。dollar-dollars 2、主要交际句型: What colour’s your shirt? It’s blue.


新概念第三册语法精粹 第一章英语从句 Subordination 英语从句主要有定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句) 一.定语从句 定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。 (下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!) 1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.


新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 103-104) 新概念英语第一册103-104课词汇学习Word study fail v. (1)失败;及格: Doctors failed to save the old man's life. 医生们未能挽救那位老人的生命。 He failed his French paper because it was too difficult. 他的法语考试没及格,因为试卷太难了。 (2)(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢: My eyesight is failing. 我的视力在衰退。 The flowers failed for lack of sunshine. 花因缺少阳光而凋谢。 (3)(后接不定式)不,不能;忘记: I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary. 我不明白为什么你们认为它如此与众不同。 He failed to persuade me. 他没能说服我。 hate v. (1)讨厌;不喜欢;有反感: He hates exams! 他讨厌考试! I hate beef. 我不喜欢牛肉。 (2)憎恨;憎恶: He said that he hated hypocrisy. 他说他憎恶虚伪。

Tom really hates the murderer in that film. 汤姆十分仇视那部电影中的杀人凶手。 新概念英语第一册103-104课课后练习答案Key to written exercises Lesson 104 A 1 I couldn' t speak to the boss. He was too busy. 2 I couldn't go out. It was too cold for me to go out. 3 I could answer all the questions. They were very easy. 4 Is that suitcase light enough for you to carry? 5 Is your brother old enough to be a member of our association? 6 They couldn' t see that film. They were too young. B 1 Yes, he could. It was cheap enough for him to buy. 2 No, he couldn't. It was too expensive for him to buy. 3 Yes, they could. They were fresh enough for them to eat. 4 No, they couldn't. They were too stale for them to eat. 5 Yes, they could. It was loud enough for them to hear. 6 No, they couldn' t. It was too low for them to hear. 7 Yes, he could. It was low enough for him to climb. 8 No, he couldn't. It was too high for him to climb. 9 Yes, she could. It was soft enough for her to eat. 10 No, she couldn't. It was too hard for her to eat.


新概念第二册原文大全 Lesson 1 A private conversation私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing ?' she asked. ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated. 'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late ? It's one o'clock! Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. 'Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card ! Lesson 4 An exciting trip激动人心的旅行 I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.


金牌新概念阶段测试L37-L44 一.根据所给中文意思补全单词(15分) 1.b__ __kc__se (书橱) 2. fr__ __t (前面) 3. c__r__f__l (仔细的) 4. h__ __d (努力地) 5. dr__p (掉下) 6.p __ __ nt (上漆) 7. t__b__cc__ (烟草) 8. s__ __p (肥皂) 9. s__g__ __ (糖) 10. b__h__ __ d (在…后面) 11. h__m__w__ __ k (作业) 12. b __ __ l(沸腾) 13.v__ s__ (花瓶) 14. fl__ __er (花朵) 15.ch__c__ l__t__(巧克力) 二..单项选择(15分) ( )1.—Where is your father, Mike? --He ___________ in the garden. A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D. has cooked ( ) 2. I like fish very much. It’s my __________ food. A. liking B. favorite C. lovely D. heavy ( ) 3. _________your mother going to wash clothes? A. Does B. Are C. Is D. Do ( ) 4. My mother __________ a new house. A. is going to buy B. is buying C. buys D. buying ( ) 5. Look, your sister___________. A. crying B. is crying C. are crying D. is criing ( ) 6. --___________ are you going to paint it? --I am going to paint it pink. A. What make B. What color C. what nationality D. What job ( ) 7. What is he going to __________ that vase? A. do with B. do C. does with D. Does ( ) 8. There is a blackboard ____________the classroom. A. in front of B. in the front of C. at the front of D. the front of ( ) 9. -Can I have _________meat? - Sorry, you can't . There isn't __________. A. some, some B. some, any C. any, any D. any, some ( ) 10. We are going to buy two _________ for the coming party. A.box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple ( )11. -Where is the tea? - There is __________in the tin. A. the B.a C.one D. some ( ) 12. -Where is the kettle? - There is _________ in the cupboard. A.a B.the C.one D.some


Lesson 2-Breakfast or lunch? Text It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bd15749127.html,st Sunday,I got up very late.I looked out of the window.It was dark outside."What a day!"I thought.It's raining again.Just then,the telephone rang.It was my aunt Lucy."I've just arrived by train."she said."I'm coming to see you." "But I'm still having breakfast."I said. "What are you doing?"She asked. "I'm having breakfast."I repeated. "Dear me!"She said."Do you always get up so late?It's one o'clock." New words and expressions 生词和短语 until prep. 直到outside adv. 外面 ring v. (铃、电话等)响aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母 repeat v. 重复 Note on the text 课文注释 1 on Sundays, 指每个星期日。星期几的前面用介词on。 2 What a day! 多么糟糕的天气!这是一个省略的感叹句。完整的句子应该是What a day it is!英语中的感叹句常用what开头,后面紧跟一个名词或名词性短语(包括连系动词),然后是主语和谓语,句尾用感叹号。 3 I’m coming to see you. 在这句话中现在进行时用来表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。 4 Dear me! 天哪!这也是一个感叹句。 一、教学重点 1、代词:it做虚主语时的用法。 2、时态:一般现在时VS现在进行时。 3、副词:频率副词的排序和位置。 二、精讲课文 1、It was Sunday. 这里的it是虚主语,可以指代时间、天气、温度、距离等多种事物,也可以指代某个不确定的人。接下来课文中还会出现很多个it,让我们来一起看看它到底指代什么。 2、I never get up on Sundays. 这是在说我一直以来的习惯,所以用了一般现在时。 never从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 例句:-Have you loved me? -Never. -Will you marry me? -Never.太绝情了! on Sundays 在每一个星期天。 on用在具体的某一天之前,例如on March 21st,on Monday,on Monday morning 在这里Sundays用了复数,表示在每一个星期天。 3、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 这句话也是一般现在时,表示习惯。 sometimes 有时。频率副词。常用于一般现在时。 例句:I usually get up at seven but sometimes at eight. stay in bed 待在床上不起来。这恐怕是每个人的梦想吧,“赖床”。stay是个持续性动词。 in bed 在床上睡觉VS 仅仅是陷在床里面in the bed until和till的区别:till只用在肯定句中,until可以用在肯定句或否定句中。 until用在肯定句中,表示一个动作一直持续到某时。He stayed in bed until/till


金牌新概念英语第一册Lesson13-24知识点归纳Lesson 13-16 一、词汇 1. 表示颜色的名词:whiteblue (Lesson 11出现)greenbrownredgreyyellowblackorange 2. 指示代词:these (this 的复数形式)those(that 的复数形式) 3. 表示国籍的名词:DanishNorwegianRussianDutch 以上所有表示国籍的名字还可以做形容词,表示某国的。如Chinese既可以是中国人,还可以是中国的,汉语。 表示国家的名词: 4. 其他名词:colour (=color)hat (和cap 有区别,cap指前面带沿的帽子)casecarpetdogcustomsofficergirlfriendpassportbrowntourist 5. 形容词:smartlovelysame 6. 动词:come 副词:upstairs 二、语法: 1、名词变复数(本册书出现的第一个大的语法点,比较重要,要牢记) 名词从大体上可以分为普通名词和专有名词,如Chinathe Changjiang River 都是世界独一无二的,我们称之为专有名词。 普通名词又分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词是表示能够以数计算的人或事物的名词,可数名词有单复数之分。 其变化规则如下: 1.1 多数名词在词尾加-s。读音为,结尾是清辅音读/s/, 结尾是浊辅音读/z/ 例:girl-girlstree-treesdog-dogsteacher–teachersshirt-shirts

1.2 以s, sh, ch, x结尾的名词,加-es。读音为/iz/ 。 例:watch-watchesclass-classesbox-boxesbus-buses 1.3 以 f 或fe 结尾的名词,需要把 f 或fe 变成v 再加-es。读音为/vz/. 例:housewife-housewivesleaf-leavesknife-knives 但也有个别单词虽以f或fe 结尾,但是直接加s,需要特别记忆。roof-roofs gulf-gulfs belief-beliefs 以“辅音+y”结尾的名词,要将y 变为i,再加- es。读音为/vz/. 例:family-familiescity-citiessky-skies 以“元音+y”结尾的名词,直接加-s。例:boy-boysday-daysmonkey-monkeys 1.5 以o 结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加s +es 的几个单词:tomato-tomatoespotato-potatoeshero-heroesNegro- Negroesecho-echoes(这几个单词特殊记忆) 其他+s。用zoo-zoosradio-radioskilo-kilospiano-pianosphoto-photosbamboo- bamboosvideo-videos 1.6 部分单词的单复数是一样的。 例:fish-fishsheep-sheepcattle-cattledeer-deermeans-meansChinese- ChineseJapanese-Japanese 1.7 改变单数名词的元音字母。 例:man-menwoman-womenfoot-feettooth-teethmouse-micegoose-geese 1.8 改变单数名词的词局。 例:child-childrenox-oxen 1.9 有些名词只有复数没有单数。如: Trousers(裤子)glasses(眼镜)clothes(布)scissors(剪子)除人民


1.肯定句常见四个基本结构: There be, there be,四兄弟;两个some,两个一,意义:某物在某地There is a house in the picture. →There is a +单数可数名词+... . 在某地有一个... There is an orange on the table. → There is an +单数可数名词+... . 在某地有一个... There is some water in the glass. → There is some +不可数名词+... . 在某地有一些... There are some children in the classroom. →There are some +可数名词复数 +... . 在某地有一些... 在一般疑问句和否定句中,要用any 替换掉肯定句中的some some加可数复,还加+不可数若在否定、疑问句any用在some处 There is not a house in the picture. →There isn’t a house in the picture. There is not a +单数可数名词+... . There isn’t There is not an orange on the table. →There isn’t an orange on the table. There is not an +单数可数名词+... . There isn’t There is not any water in the glass. →There isn’t any water in the glass.There is not any +不可数名词+... . There isn’t There are not any children in the classroom. →There are n’t any children in the classroom.There are not any +可数名词复数+... . There are n’t 练习1:用is或are填空 1. There________many monkeys in the mountain. 2. There_______a beautiful garden in our school. 3. There _________some water in the glass. 4. There __________some bread on the table. 5. _________there any maps on the wall? 6. There __________twenty desks in our classroom. 7. There__________a bird in the tree. 8. There __________some trees near the house.
