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Part One;

1.This will go a long way towards overcoming the difficulty.



注;go a long way; 对…大有好处,对…大有帮助(与to 或towards 连用)

The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem.

2.Go it while you are young.



注;go 拼搏、努力奋斗

3.I could do with more leisure time.



注;could do with 需要,希望得到

That coat of yours could do with a clean.

4.This failure was the making of him.



注;be the making of somebody or something 是某人、某事物成功的因素

This discovery may yet be the making of him.

5.I wish pease could be saved at the eleventh hour.



注;at the eleventh hour 在最后时刻(源自“圣经马太福音”第20章第1至16 节)At the eleventh hour, the government decided something had to done.

6.She knew a thing or two about it.



注;a thing or two 许多

7.She is too ready too speak.




注;too ready to speak 太爱说话

8.News came through on the wireless of a rich oil field district.




9.He was convinced on the basis of what had by then appeared that there would be a long and a difficult struggle.



10.What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China

and the Third World countries?



Part Two;

1.This is a 100-hour reliable engine.



2.The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.



注;the final court of appeal可以理解为“最高权威”

3.He wanted to learn, to know, to teach. (Brian Crozier; De Gaule)

A. 她要学习,知道和教。

B. 他渴望博学广闻,喜欢追根穷源,并且好为人师。


4.Linda is a good singer and a good dancer, a great actress and a great joker.



5.Somehow our path took us towards the park.



6.How's the world treating you?



7.The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginning of the "New Redology", represented by scholars such as Hu Shi and Y u Ping-bai.



注;saw 这里可理解为“见证”

8.The little chap's good-natured honest face won his way for him.



注;good-natured honest face 可以作“和善真诚的面容”

won somebody's way for him or her 为某人赢得机会

9.Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town.



10.The colorful surroundings of the restored town inspired the photographers in the team as they lined up the ping-pong players in the front of the cameras to shouted encouragements of "Xiao! Xiao!" (Smile! Smile!)




篇一:问学阅读答案 篇二:问学阅读答案 您的位置:>>师旷问学阅读答案_师旷问学翻译赏析_古诗大全文言文《师旷问学》选自,其原文如下:【原文】晋平公问于师旷曰:吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。师旷曰:何不秉烛乎?平公曰:安有为人臣而戏其君乎?师旷曰:盲臣安敢戏君乎?臣闻之:"少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如秉烛之明。秉烛之明,孰与昧行乎?平公曰:善哉!【注释】(1)晋平公:春秋时期晋国君主。(2)师旷:晋国乐师,字子野。(3)于:对,向。(4)恐:恐惧;害怕。(5)暮:晚了,迟了。(6)秉烛:点烛。当时的烛只是火把,还不是后来的蜡烛。(7)安:疑问代词,怎么,哪里。(8)戏:戏弄(9)其:自己的。(10)盲臣:师旷为盲人,故自称。意为眼盲的臣子。(11)闻:听说。(12)阳:太阳的光亮。(13)孰与:固定格式,常用作比较选择,译作与相比,哪一个。(14)昧行:在黑暗中行走。昧,黑暗。【翻译】晋平公问师旷,说:我已经七十岁了,想要学习,但是恐怕已经晚了。师旷回答说:为什么不点上火把呢?平公说:哪有做臣子的和君主开玩笑的呢?师旷说:我是一个双目失明的人,怎敢戏弄君主。我曾听说:少年的时候喜欢学习,就像初升的太阳一样;中年的时候喜欢学习,就像正午的太阳一样;晚年的时候喜欢学习,就像点火烛一样明亮,点上火烛和暗中走路哪个好呢?平公说:讲得好啊! 篇三:问学阅读答案 【问题1】(1)解释下面加点的字.①问于师旷②安敢戏君乎③如日出之阳④孰与昧行乎(2)晋平公想学习,却又"恐已暮矣",他所说的"暮"指什么?他为什么有这样的担心?(3)师旷的回答,说明他将"暮"理解成什么意思?他为什么要这样理解?(4)师旷的劝说效果如何?从文中什么地方可以看出?(5)这则故事告诉我们的道理是什么?1、①向②怎么③明亮④同……一样2、暮指时间晚,迟了.他有这样的担心是因为他怕来不及学,学了没用了3、暮指天黑,夜晚.师旷借题发挥,引出"秉烛"之喻.4、达到劝说的目的,"善哉!"5、活到老,学到老.或学无止境,终身学习,受益终生.【问题2】1.师旷是怎样论好学的?这番言论巧妙在何处?.文中的晋平公年逾七十想要学习,恐怕为时已晚,而师旷却劝他炳烛而学.接着师旷又打了三个比喻,年少时喜欢学习,好像是太阳刚刚出来时的阳光;壮年时喜欢学习,好像是正午的阳光,老年时喜欢学习,好像是点燃蜡烛照明时的光亮.师旷很巧妙地点明老年时读书虽然赶不上少年和壮年时,但与摸黑走路相比较,还是好得多.2.师旷论好学的道理对你有何启示?有志不在年高,活到老,学到老.只要有目标,有恒心,有信心,有决定,年纪、性别、身份都是和成功无关的.3.有哪些反问句“何不炳烛乎?”“安有为人臣而戏其君乎?”“盲臣安敢戏其君?孰与昧行乎?”4.“善哉”句中的“善”的字面意义和蕴含的深层意义分别是什么?字面意义:赞许.深层意义:平公对师旷的赞许.“少”、“壮”、“老”分别指什么?指:少年、壮年、老年.篇四:问学阅读答案 篇五:问学阅读答案


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


四种翻译方法 1.直译和意译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。 每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基) 应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.(郭著章) 直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。


师旷论学文言文翻译 篇一:师旷论学原文及翻译、阅读训练题及答案 师旷论学【原文】晋平公问于师旷曰:“吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。”师旷曰:“何不炳烛乎?” 平公曰:“安有为人臣而戏其君乎?”师旷曰:“盲臣安敢戏其君?臣闻之:少而好学,如日 出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明,孰与昧行乎?”平公曰:“善哉!” 【译文】晋平公问师旷,说:“我已经七十岁了,想要学习主,但是恐怕已经晚了。”师旷回 答说:“为什么不点上蜡烛呢?”平公说:“哪有做臣子的和君主开玩笑的呢?”师旷说:“我 是一个双目失明的人,怎敢戏弄君主。我曾听说:少年的时候喜欢学习,就象初升的太阳一 样;中年的时候喜欢学习,就象正午的太阳一样;晚年的时候喜欢学习,就象点蜡烛一样明 亮,点上蜡烛和暗中走路哪个好呢?”平公说:“讲得好啊!”【阅读训练】1.解释下列句 中加点的词。①晋平公问于师旷曰②臣安敢戏其君③孰与昧行乎④何不炳烛乎 2.文中师旷用了三个比喻,意在说明一个什么道理?答:答

案:1.C 2.①因此别人都愿意把书借给我②等到他高兴了,(我)就又向他请教问题。3. ①他好学,家贫,买不起书,但他借书不失信于人;抄书不畏艰苦,从而得以遍观群书。② 为求得先达的指导,常常远行百里之外,登门请教,不耻下问,因此他能“卒获有所闻”。4. 学习勤奋刻苦,尊师,求学诚心。师旷论学原文及翻译、阅读答案 篇二:文言文阅读(师旷论学等) (一)师旷论学 【原文】 晋平公问于师旷曰:“吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。” 师旷曰:“何不炳烛乎?” 平公曰:“安有为人臣而戏其君乎?” 师旷曰:“盲臣安敢戏其君?臣闻之:少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明,孰与昧行乎?” 平公曰:“善哉!” 【译文】 晋平公问师旷,说:“我已经七十岁了,想要学习,但是恐怕已经晚了。” 师旷回答说:“为什么不点上蜡烛呢?” 平公说:“哪有做臣子的和君主开玩笑的呢?”


本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题目居住区交往空间规划与设计 院(系部)xxx学院 专业名称xx 年级班级xx 学生姓名xx 指导教师xx xx 年xx 月x 日 Planning and Design of Association Space of residential District

Xia dong liang 【Abstract】:The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony. 【Keyword】:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality 【Foreword】:As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development


四六级翻译的5个技巧 新东方在线 很多同学在四六级备考中会陷入这样的困惑——翻译题没有提高,也不知道怎么提高翻译的分数。新东方在线四六级教研室推出翻译题的五大做题技巧,为大家提供翻译题的做题方法。 1.在翻译前,先确定可以正确理解文章意思。即便遇到很难的说法,也可以先变成简单的中文再进行翻译。 如:年夜饭 译:The annual reunion dinner 析:指过年的那顿团圆饭,每年一次。所以在翻译时要表达出这个团聚的含义 2.注意翻译时态的转换。 如:我在第一段说过,我刚从大学毕业。 译:As I said in my first paragraph, I was fresh from college. 析:中文的时态是依赖一些汉字表达,英文根据动词的变化形式展示。文中的“过”英文采用一般过去时翻译。英语语法是英文的“骨”,语法掌握得不好的同学,可多关注新东方在线四六级推出的专项解析,一起加强英语语法。 3.有些介词可能会帮到忙,比如with+ 名词的结构,就很多见。 如:这里有许多山脉,生长着大片的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产。 译:There are mountain ranges here with extensive forests and rich mineral resources.

析:生长和储藏这两个动词在译文中并没有以动词的形式翻译,转译为英文的介词 4.应用英语的固定句型,这些句式可以加分,绝对是亮点 如:是巴斯德发现了疾病是由活着的病菌引起的。 译:It was Pasteur who discovered that diseases are caused by living germs. 析:此句应用了英文的强调句进行翻译。 5.分析上下句之间的逻辑关系,添加一些简单的连词,英文的译文会更漂亮 如:汽油贵得惊人,我们就很少用车。 译:Because the price of gasoline was fantastically high, we seldom used our cars. 析:在原文中并没有出现表示原因类的词汇,但是在译文中根据两个句子之间的逻辑关系添加了表示原因的从句连词。 更多翻译干货,敬请关注新东方在线持续推出。

课外文言文精读 (4)

13 师旷问学 【文章主旨】 《师旷问学》通过晋平公和师旷的一问一答,阐明了活到老,学到老道理。人的一生是一个学无止境过程,终身学习,将会受益终生。 【原文】 晋平公问于师旷曰:“吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。”师旷曰:“何不秉烛乎?”平公曰:“安有为人臣而戏其君乎?”师旷曰:“盲臣安敢戏君乎?臣闻之:少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如秉烛之明。秉烛之明,孰与昧行乎?”平公曰:“善哉!” ——选自刘向《说苑》

【文学常识】 师旷是个盲乐师,他名字叫"旷",但不姓“师”,因为他是当时著名乐师,所以叫“师旷”。这种以职业为姓的现象在春秋时还有:有个著名的工匠名石,世称"匠石",有个著名的制作车轮的师傅名扁,世称“轮扁”。 本文选自《史记》,《史记》是我国古代著名史学家和文学家司马迁用毕生精力写成的我国第一部记传体通史,它被誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。 【赏析】 这里,师旷做了个比喻,他说“年少时喜欢学习,好像是刚刚出来的太阳;壮年时喜欢学习,好像是正午的阳光;老年时喜欢学习,好像是点燃蜡烛照明时的光亮。”最后,他问“点上蜡烛和在黑暗中走路哪个好呢”,这个问句是点题,师旷很巧妙地说明,年纪大了的人读书,虽然赶不上少年和壮年的正午阳光,但是点着蜡烛走路,总比摸黑走路强得多。从而成功地说服了晋平公,达到了劝学的目的。 【拓展阅读】 陆少保,字元方 陆少保,字元方,曾于东都卖一小宅。家人将受直矣,买者求见,元方因告其人曰:“此宅子甚好,但无出水处耳。”买者闻之,遽辞不买。子侄以为言,元方曰:“不尔,是欺之也。” 【翻译】 陆少保,字元方(陆少保)曾经在洛阳城卖一栋房子,家里人要把房子卖了换钱,买(房子)的人要求拜见。于是元方告诉那人说:“这房子非常好,只是没有排水的地方罢了。”买(房子)的人听到(他说的话)后,立刻拒绝不买了。子侄们埋怨了他几句,陆元方说:“不这样,这是欺骗对方了。” 【练习与检测】(共30分) 1.解释加点的词语。(10分) ①问于.师旷() ②安敢戏.君乎() ③如日出之阳.() ④孰与昧.行乎() ⑤何.不秉烛乎()


毕业设计英文资料翻译 Tran slati on ofthe En glish Docume nts for Graduati on Desig n 课题名称_____________________________________ 院< 系)_____________________________________ 专业 _____________________________________ 姓名 _____________________________________ 学号 _____________________________________ 起讫日期 _____________________________________ 指导教师 _____________________________________ 2018 年2月25日 原文: Abstract:Gree n buildi ng refers to do its best to maximize con servati on of resources (en ergy, land, water, and wood> , protecti ng the environment and reduce polluti on in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. Idescribed more details of green building design ' notion, green building ' design, as well as the sig ni fica nee of the con


高一英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


七下古文学苑断句及翻译词语 师旷论学 晋平公问于师旷曰吾年七十欲学恐已暮矣师旷曰何不炳烛乎平公曰安有为人臣而戏其君乎师旷曰盲臣安敢戏其君乎臣闻之少而好学如日出之阳壮而好学如日中之光老而好学如炳烛之明炳烛之明孰与昧行乎平公曰善哉 笃学 钱思公虽生长富贵而少所嗜好在西洛时尝语僚属言平生惟好读书坐则读经史卧则读小说上厕则阅小辞盖未尝顷刻释卷也谢希深亦言宋公垂同在史院每走厕必挟书以往讽诵之声琅然闻于远近亦笃学如此余因谓希深曰“余平生所做文章多在三上乃马上枕上厕上也盖惟此尤可以属思尔 为学 天下事有难易乎为之则难者亦易矣不为则易者亦难矣人之为学有难易乎学之则难者亦易矣不学则易者亦难矣是故聪与敏可恃而不可恃也蜀之鄙有二僧其一贫其一富贫者语于富者曰吾欲之南海何如富者曰子何恃而往曰吾一瓶一钵足矣富者曰吾数年来欲买舟而下犹未能也子何恃而往越明年贫者自南海还以告富者富者有惭色西蜀之去南海不知几千里也僧富者不能至而贫者至焉人之立志顾不如蜀鄙之僧哉 人之为学不日进则日退 人之为学不日进则日退独学无友则孤陋而难成久处一方则习染而不自觉不幸而在穷僻之域无车马之资犹当博学审问古人与稽以求其是非之所在庶几可得十之五六若既不出户又不读书则是面墙之士虽子羔原宪之贤终无济于天下子曰十室之邑必有忠信如丘者焉不如丘之好学也夫以孔子之圣犹须好学今人可不勉乎 文章要多做 学人只喜多读文章不喜多做文章不知多读乃藉人之工夫多做乃切实求己之工夫其益相去远矣人之不乐多做者大抵因艰难费力之故不知艰难费力者由于手笔不熟也若荒疏之后作文艰难每日即一篇半篇亦无不可渐演至熟自然易矣又不可因不佳而懈其心懒于做也文章不能一做便佳须频改之方入妙耳此意学人必不可不知也 卖柴翁 尝有农夫以驴负柴宦者称宫市取之与绢数尺又就索门户仍邀驴送柴至内农夫啼泣以所得绢与之不肯受曰须得尔驴农夫曰我有父母妻子待此然后食今此柴与汝不取直而归汝尚不肯我有死而已遂殴宦者 杨震拒贿 (杨震)四迁荆州刺史东莱太守当之郡道经昌邑故所举荆州茂才王密为昌邑令谒见至夜怀金十斤以遗震震曰故人知君君不知故人何也密曰暮夜无知者震曰天知神知我知子知何谓无知密


外文原文 Study on Human Resource Allocation in Multi-Project Based on the Priority and the Cost of Projects Lin Jingjing , Zhou Guohua SchoolofEconomics and management, Southwest Jiao tong University ,610031 ,China Abstract----This paper put forward the a ffecting factors of project’s priority. which is introduced into a multi-objective optimization model for human resource allocation in multi-project environment . The objectives of the model were the minimum cost loss due to the delay of the time limit of the projects and the minimum delay of the project with the highest priority .Then a Genetic Algorithm to solve the model was introduced. Finally, a numerical example was used to testify the feasibility of the model and the algorithm. Index Terms—Genetic Algorithm, Human Resource Allocation, Multi-project’s project’s priority . 1.INTRODUCTION More and more enterprises are facing the challenge of multi-project management, which has been the focus among researches on project management. In multi-project environment ,the share are competition of resources such as capital , time and human resources often occur .Therefore , it’s critical to schedule projects in order to satisfy the different resource demands and to shorten the projects’ duration time with resources constrained ,as in [1].For many enterprises ,the human resources are the most precious asset .So enterprises should reasonably and effectively allocate each resource , especially the human resource ,in order to shorten the time and cost of projects and to increase the benefits .Some literatures have


文言文翻译技巧和方法 一、基本方法:直译和意译文言文翻译的基本方法有直译和意译两种。所谓直译,是指用现代汉语的词对原文进行逐字逐句地对应翻译,做到实词、虚词尽可能文意相对。直译的好处是字字落实;其不足之处是有时译句文意难懂,语言也不够通顺。所谓意译,则是根据语句的意思进行翻译,做到尽量符合原文意思,语句尽可能照顾原文词义。意译有一定的灵活性,文字可增可减,词语的位置可以变化,句式也可以变化。意译的好处是文意连贯,译文符合现代语言的表达习惯,比较通顺、流畅、好懂。其不足之处是有时原文不能字字落实。这两种翻译方法当以直译为主,意译为辅。 二、具体方法:留、删、补、换、调、变。 “留”:就是保留。凡是古今意义相同的词,以及古代的人名、地名、物名、官名、国号、年号、度量衡单位等,翻译时可保留不变。例如:《晏子使楚》中的“楚王”、“晏婴”、“晏子”等不用翻译。 “删”,就是删除。删掉无须译出的文言虚词。例如:“寡人反取病焉”的“焉”是语气助词,可不译,本句的意思就是“我反而自讨没趣。”(《晏子使楚》)又如:“子猷、子敬俱病笃,而子敬先亡”中的“而”是连词,可不译,整句意思是“子猷与子敬都病重,子敬先死去。” “补”,就是增补。(1)变单音词为双音词,如《桃花源记》中“率妻子邑人来此绝境”,“妻子”一词是“妻子、儿女”的意思;(2)补出省略句中的省略成分,如《人琴俱亡》中“语时了不悲”,翻译为:(子猷)说话时候完全不悲伤。 “换”,就是替换。用现代词汇替换古代词汇。如把“吾、余、予”等换成“我”,把“尔、汝”等换成“你”。“调”就是调整。把古汉语倒装句调整为现代汉语句式。例如《人琴俱亡》中“何以都不闻消息”,“何以”是“以何”的倒装,宾语前置句,意思是“为什么”。“变”,就是变通。在忠实于原文的基础上,活译有关文字。“子猷问左右”(人琴俱亡))中的“左右”指的是“手下的人”,“左右对曰”(《晏子使楚》中的“左右”指的是“近臣”。 古文翻译口诀古文翻译,自有顺序,首览全篇,掌握大意;先明主题,搜集信息,由段到句,从句到词,全都理解,连贯一起,对待难句,则需心细,照顾前文,联系后句,

初中语文课外文言文趣读精析精练(上):12 师旷问学

一、趣文导读 聋哑二人 聋哑二人,各自韦。聋者见哑者,求哑者唱曲。哑知其聋也,乃以唇开合而手为按节状。聋者侧耳倾听良久,见哑者唇止,即曰:“久不闻佳音,今番更进。” 【译文】 聋哑两人,都自我安慰。聋子见了哑巴,要求哑巴唱歌。哑巴知道他是个聋子,就做出嘴巴一张一合,并且用手打着节拍的样子。聋子侧着耳朵,仔细地听了好长时间,看见哑巴的嘴唇合上,就说:“好长时间没有听到优美的歌声了,现在我得到满足了。” 二、美文精读 【作品卡片】 师旷是个盲乐师,他名字叫“旷”,但不姓“师”,因为他是当时著名乐师,所以叫“师旷”。这种以职业为姓的现象在春秋时还有著名的工匠名石,世称“匠石”,著名的制作车轮的师傅名扁,世称“轮扁”。 本文选自《史记》。《史记》是我国古代著名史学家和文学家司马迁用毕生精力写成的我国第一部纪传体通史,它被誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。 【古今对碰】

【作品赏析】 本文通过晋平公和师旷的一问一答,阐明了活到老,学到老道理。人的一生是一个学无止境过程,终身学习,将会受益终生。 这里,师旷做了个比喻,他说:“年少时喜欢学习,好像是刚刚出来的太阳;壮年时喜欢学习,好像是正午的阳光;老年时喜欢学习,好像是点燃蜡烛照明时的光亮。”最后,他问:“点上蜡烛和在黑暗中走路哪个好呢?”这个问句是点题。师旷很巧妙地说明,年纪大了的人读书,虽然赶不上少年和壮年的正午阳光,但是点着蜡烛走路,总比摸黑走路强得多。从而成功地说服了晋平公,达到了劝学的目的。 【知识梳理】

三、强化训练(共30分) 1.解释加点的词语。(10分) ①问于.师旷()②安敢戏.君乎() ③如日出之阳.()④孰与昧.行乎() ⑤何.不秉烛乎()⑥如.秉烛之明() ⑦孰.与昧行乎()⑧善.哉() ⑨欲.学()⑩臣闻.之()2.翻译。(10分) ①吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。 ②何不秉烛乎? ③安有为人臣而戏其君乎? ④少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光。 ⑤老而好学,如秉烛之明。

建筑学 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 绿色建筑

原文: DOCTORAL FORUM NA TIONAL JOURNAL FOR PUBLISHING AND MENTORING DOCTORAL STUDENT RESEARCH VOLUME 7, NUMBER 1, 2010 Green buildings Priscilla D. Johnson PhD Student in Educational Leadership Whitlowe R. Green College of Education Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, Texas William Allan Kritsonis, PhD Professor and Faculty Mentor PhD Program in Educational Leadership Whitlowe R. Green College of Education Prairie View A&M University Member of the Texas A&M University System Prairie View, Texas Hall of Honor (2008) William H. Parker Leadership Academy, Graduate School Prairie View A&M University Member of the Texas A&M University System Prairie View, Texas Visiting Lecturer (2005) Oxford Round Table University of Oxford Oxford, England Distinguished Alumnus (2004) College of Education and Professional Studies Central Washington University Ellensberg, Washington Abstract: Green building refers to do its best to maximize conservation of resources (energy, land, water, and wood),protecting the environment and reduce pollution in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. I described more details of green building design’notion, green building’design, as well as the significance of the concept of green building and improve the effectiveness analysis of

英语四六级翻译的技巧篇 新题型

第四章翻译的技巧篇 “技巧”,按照《辞海》的释义,指“较高的技能”。《高级汉语大词典》指“巧妙的技能”。在《牛津高阶英语词典》(第六版)中,technique指“a particular way of doing sth, especially one in which you have to learn special skills”。所谓的翻译技巧,说到底就是对语言差异的“灵巧”处理(孙致礼,2003:81)。译文要获得理想的传播效果,就必须讲究表达的技巧和方法。翻译技巧,是一种熟练而巧妙的技能。它是译者熟练而巧妙地运用各种翻译手法,完美地表达思想内容的技能。普通心理学认为,技能是在个体身上固定下来的自动化的行动方式,是一些巩固了的概括化的系统,它以操作训练的方式为人所掌握,是后天获得的东西。它可以在长期反复的“操作训练”中为人所掌握。 总结归纳各种翻译教科书里的翻译技巧,其最基本的有如下几种:拆译、词性转译、精简、增补、倒置、反译、虚译和实译、词语褒贬翻译、被动式翻译、数字倍数翻译等。这些翻译技巧互相穿插,互为补充。同一个句子的翻译,可以用几种技巧加以解释或运用,即它可以是拆译、词类、句法转换、增补等。试以下面段落翻译为例,说明翻译的各种技巧是紧密结合的。 “Her presence brought memories of such things as Bourbon roses, rubies, and tropical midnights; her moods recalled lotus eaters and the march in …Athalie?; her motions, the ebb and flow of the sea; her voice, the viola.” “看见她的神情,就叫人想起布邦玫瑰、鲜红的宝石和热带的中夜;看见她的意态,就叫人想起食莲人和…亚他利?里的进行曲;她的步伐就是海潮的荡漾,她的声音就是中提琴的幽婉。”—张谷若译文 评析:译文打破了原文形式的框架,重新组织句式,变动词性,增减词语。通过这些技巧,译文达到了神似,并使之具备了一种对偶的语言美。再比如: On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey. There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile; and, as I passed its threshold, it seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among the shades of former ages. 时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧郁,早晨的阴影和黄昏的阴影,几乎连接在一起,不可分别,岁云将暮,终日昏暗,我就在这么一天,到西敏寺去散步了几个钟头。古寺巍巍,森森然似有鬼气,和阴沉沉的季侯正好调和;我跨进大门,觉得自己已经置身远古,相忘于古人的鬼影之中了。 评析:译者没有拘泥原文的语序、用语,而是充分发挥译语的语言优势,如句读短,用语简洁等,并综合运用增词、减词、词类转换等技巧,将原文的意义和神韵,通过铿锵的音调,肃穆森然的气氛,传达得淋漓尽致。
