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人人都能用英语读书笔记 关键在于“用”,以“熟悉”代替“钻研”。开场白 1、大脑是可塑的,成年人是可以学习第二语言的理论基础。 Taub 教授CI 疗法的成功首先证明区域论是错误的(至少不是完全正确的)——大脑可以重新组织自己;其次证明大脑自始至终都是可塑的,甚至可以重组——即,用一个新的脑图完成原本由受损的脑图完成的功能;最后证明的也是最重要的:脑图之间存在着相互竞争——所以,为了治好受损的右臂,要先把未受损的左臂给限制住。如果不把未受损的左臂给限制住的话,那么左臂的脑图将永远处于优势,进而,使得大脑对已经受损的右臂产生“习得之弃用”(Learned Nonuse) 这最后一条可以用来清楚地解释原本用“关键期论”错误地解释的现象:为什么成年后学习第二语言显得更为困难? 成年之后,第二语言学习显得更为困难的原因并不在于关键期论所说的“此后大脑不再可塑”,而实际上在于这是第二语言所使用的脑图要与已经形成强大势力的母语脑图竞争——当然越来越难。然而,恰恰是这样的认识给了人们希望。目前,有很多教育学家开始提倡“浸泡式学习”,有一定的依据,也有相当的效果。所谓“浸泡式学习”,就是在特定的时间、特 定的环境里,强迫学生只使用第二语言,禁止使用母语,进而刺激大脑加速构建新的脑图。风靡全球的罗赛塔石碑语言学习软体(Rosetta Stone9)就是基于这个原理开发出来的。 对于第二语言习得者来说,最直观、最有意义的好消息是:1) 什么时候开始学都不晚;2) 只要方法得当,并加以时日,一定能学好。在学习这件事儿是,相信自己一定能学好,并不一定保证真的能够学好;但是,反过来,如果相信自己不可能学好,那最终真的就不可能学好。所谓“自证预言”(Self-fulfilling prophecy10)就是这样,总是在负面起作用。事实上,“语言习得关键期”之说四十多年来在全球造成了难以估计的恶果,不计其数的人在不经意之间把“假说”当成了“定论”,相信自己不可能学好,进而成为“自证预言”注定的受害者。“我没天分”、“我就学不好”、“英语太难了”之类的话,甚至这类的念头,其实都是强大的诅咒。 2、短期内学好英语对一个正常的人来说是一个可行的目标。 我们衡量一个目标是否现实,有一个特别简单而又朴实的判断标准——“有没有人成功过?”如果答案为真,为了确定那不是小概率事件,还可以进一步问“是不是有很多人成功?”如果这次的答案还为真,那么这就是个现实可行的目标。习得第二语言就是这样一个现实而又可行的目标。 进而,习得第二语言本质上来看,相对于其他任何领域都更多依赖积累,更少依赖天分的学科。对大多数人来说,语言只是工具;学习语言几乎无需创意,因为它只是最终用来表达创意的东西而已。学一门外语理论上来讲应该比学计算机容易多了:计算机技术总是日新月异,每个领域都有更高更陡峭的学习曲线;而学外语则不同,它是越学越简单的东西,语法知识总有一天可以学完,单词总有一天不用再背,而不停地读书,实际上已经不是在学习英语了,而是在享用工具。


Google搜索从入门到精通 v4.0 (一) 1、前言 我是在2000年上半年知道GOOGLE的。在这之前,我搜索英文信息通常用AltaVista,而搜索中文信息则常用 Sina。但自使用了GOOGLE之后,它便成为我的Favorite Searchengine了。这也得感谢新浪网友曹溪,因为当初正是因为他的大力推介,才使我识得了GOOGLE。 记得1996年夏季的时候,当我第一次接触Internet,便被扑面而来的魔力征服了。那种天涯咫尺的感觉,真是妙不可言。在经历了疯狂的WWW冲浪和如痴如醉的BBS沉迷之后,我意识到Internet对我影响至深的还是在于学习方式的变迁。 如何来描述这种变迁呢?以前的学习,一般需要预先在肚子里存储下足够的知识,必要时,就从海量的信息中提取所需的部分。这种学习方式造就了很多“才高八斗,学富五车”的大才子。但是,到了信息领域大大超出“四书五经”的新时期,预先无目的的吞下海量信息的学习方式就有些不合时宜了。比方说,我们到了大型的图书城,往往有一种不知所措的感觉。旧有的学习方式需要变更以适应这个信息爆炸的年代。目的明确的去学习,即先知道要学什么,然后有目的的去寻找答案,这种方式看上去更加有效率。我不妨把这称为“即学式”,相应的,旧有的称为“预学式”。不过,“即学式”的实施是有前提的。首先,要求学习者拥有一个包罗万象的信息库,以供随时抽取各种目的信息;其次,是需要一个强劲的信息检索工具,以便高效率的从信息库中提取信息。很明显,Internet可以充当那个海量的信息库,而搜索引擎,则正是寻找光明之火的绝好工具。 “公欲善其事,必先利其器”。Internet只有一个,而搜索引擎则有N多个。有搜索高手说,所谓搜索,就是“在正确的地方使用正确的工具和正确的方法寻找正确的内容”。但是,对于普通人而言,掌握诸多搜索引擎的可能性似乎不大。用一两个相对强劲的具代表性的工具达到绝大多数搜索目的更为人们所迫切希望。不同的时期,涌现出不同的强者。就目前而言,我们非常幸运的有了: *****GOOGLE***** 2、摘要 本文简要的介绍了GOOGLE的历史和特点,GOOGLE的基本搜索语法和高级搜索语法,GOOGLE的特


英语语法专项训练特殊句式1 1.---I have some big news for you. You’ve been accepted as a member of our club. --- That’s great! A. Have I? B. Pardon? C. Congratulation! D. Good idea! 2. You didn’t use to like him much when we were at school, ? A. were we B. weren’t we C. did you D. didn’t you 3. Not only _____ interested in football but _____beginning to show an interest in it. A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his students C. is the teacher himself; are all his students D. is the teacher himself; all his students are 4. It was announced that only when the fire was under control to return to their homes. A. the residents would be permitted B. had the residents been permitted C. would the residents be permitted D. the residents had been permitted 5. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and . A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I 6. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom so lonely as now. A. have I felt B. I had felt C. I have felt D. had I felt 7. ---My room gets very cold at night. --- . A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does 8. If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party, . A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will 9. Little that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business. A. he realized B. he didn’t realize C. didn’t he realize D. did he realize 10. So difficult it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. A. I did find B. did I find C. I have found D. have I found 11. ---Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? ---Yes. , I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city. A. If ever B. If busy C. If anything D. If possible 12. ---Who should be responsible for the accident? ---The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order . A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told 13. Only then____ how much damage had been caused. A. had she realized B. she realized C. did she realize D. she had realized 14. We all know that, , the situation will get worse. A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with 15. It was along the Mississippi River Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. A. how B. which C. that D. where 16. I just wonder that makes him so excited. A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is 17. Depend on us, sir! Nowhere else better service. A. you will find B. will you find C. you have found D. have you found 18. ---Tom, you go and pick up Mary from the station, ? ---But, she’s already got home. A. don’t you B. do you C. will you D. shall you 19. By no means to move to a new place for away from her work place, because it isn’t convenient for her family and herself. A. Karen will agree B. will Karen agree C. Karen will disagree D. will Karen disagree 20. It was back home after the experiment. A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go C. until midnight when he didn’t go D. not until midnight that he went 21.If you can’t get in the front door, to the back door. A. go B. to go C. going D. to be going 22. It’s his voice we recognized at once although his face changed a lot. A. what B. when C. where D. that 23. ---Helen has been working at a local language school for 3 years. --- she is so familiar with the city. A. No doubt B. No wonder C. Now that D. As a result 24. rapid progress has he made that we all admire him. A. Very B. So C. Such D. Too 25. Was it in the village we used to live in the accident happened? A. where; that B. which; that C. that; where D. where; which 26. Hardly closed my eyes I began to make this fantastic dream. A. had I; when B. I had; when C. did I; than D. I did; then 27. Either you or the headmaster the prize to these gifted students at the meeting. A. is handing out B. are to hand out C. are handing out D. is to hand out 28. Three-quarters of the land here wet land, an ideal place for migrating birds. A. are B. having been C. is D. being 29. Deep in the forest , who made no contact with the outside world. A. living a couple B. were a couple living C. did a couple live D. lived a couple 30. In no case leave your position at present. A. you are able to B. will you be able to C. are you able to D. you will be able to 31. every student aware of the importance of study, they would study efficiently. A. Were B. Should C. May D. Had 32. The door opened and in . A. did he come B. came he C. he came D. did a man come 33. --- He has to finish the experiment today. He must be in the lab, ? A. mustn’t he B. won’t he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he 34. ---They suggest the number of cars should be limited to stop air pollution. --- , the idea is not very practical. A. Sounds good as it B. As it sounds good C. As good it sounds D. Good as it sounds 35. There ought to be an exam this week, ? A. oughtn’t it B. isn’t it C. oughtn’t there D. isn’t there 36.____about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the couple C. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious 37. given an English name by their English teacher. A. They each was B. They each were C. Everyone of them was D. Each of them were 38. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________what heat is. A. man did know B. man knew C. didn't man know D. did man know 39. ---Look! Here . How beautiful it is! ---Well, that’s the headmaster’s. A. coming a black car B. a black car comes C. come a black car D. comes a black car 40. ---Do you think it’s going to snow over the weekend? --- . A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it C. I believe not D. I believe not so


英语语法新思维 初级教程-走进语法 名词短语 名词与它的修饰语一起构成名词短语。 英文中的介词不能单独使用,其后面必须接宾语,所接的宾语也往往是名词短语。 名词短语的构造-“黄金公式”左二右六的定语规律 前置定语。其一是限定词,用来限定名词所指的围。these three a the my that 其二是形容词,是用来表示名词的性质和特征的。 限定词+形容词+中心名词+介词短语/分词短语/不定式短语/形容词短语/定语从句/同位语从句 名词才有定语。 名词 名词的分类:专有名词和普通名词 专有名词:表示特定的人、物、机构或场所等的名词(首字母必须大写)。 普通名词:1.可数名词:个体名词(表示同类的人或物中的个体student tree hospital house piano) 集体名词(表示若干人或物的总称team committee police group family) 2.不可数名词:物质名词(表示物质和材料的总称paper water cotton air) 抽象名词:(表示动作、性质、状态或情感等抽象概念的名称birth evolution hope sport) 一,专有名词 1.人名及头衔 2.著作名称 3.月份 公历the solar calendar 阴历the lunar calendar 汉语阴历月份要用序数词来表达。 阴历二月:the second month on the lunar calendar或the second lunar month 七夕:the seventh of the seventh lunar month 中秋:the fifteenth of the eighth lunar month 春节:the first of the first lunar month 4.星期,四季winter summer spring autumn 5.节日:Christmas Easter New Year's Day Mother's Day Thanksgiving Day 6.地理名称 国家及的名称 地区,城市的名称 江,河,湖泊的名称 山脉,沙漠的名称 名词的数:可数与不可数 名词的可数性侧重于名词的意义,名词的单复数形式侧重于名词的构成形式。 不可数名词的规律: 1.对于一些无法分割的名词,我们将其看作一个整体,因而作为不可数名词,没有复数变化。主要是一些物质名词。气体液体固体 2.一些因其组成部分太小而不易数的名词。主也是一些物质名词。 3.表示总称的名词通常不可数。这些名词侧重于表示某类事物的总的概念,而不是具体的事物。如果要具体指出该总概念下的具体食物,则要用其他不同的名词。


?法磊推荐的书,网站 ●英语写作能力:《高级英语写作手册》(英文版北京外国语大学出版社) ●双语能力:英汉对照读物 ●做个知识渊博的杂家:1)先去国内各大门户网站了解一下新闻,再去 China Daily,新华网英文版了解英文的表达法,可以学到本土特色东西的表 达法。 2)浏览国外新闻网站,就同一个话题,摘取一段换,揣摩表达方法。 3)浏览论坛,如翻译中国,译网情深,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html,/ 4)《中国翻译》 5)http://blog.hjenglish/wuzhongdong北外教授博客 6)《Google 从入门到精通》 ?翻译路上的交通证(考证一方面是一种凭证,另一方面也是一种 学习过程) ●上海高级口译证书和CATTI笔译二级证书 ●参加比赛:韩素音青年翻译奖 CCTV希望之星英语风采大赛 ?翻译路上的工具 ●搜索引擎:1)缩略语的搜索:缩略语+所属范畴 专有名词的搜索:如,中国银行业监督管理委员会+bank 2)名言名句的翻译要事先搜索是否有更地道的翻译 3)对于不确定的搭配可利用搜索引擎搜索,如果超过20个网页有这样的 表达,且大多数为外国网站,则可以运用 4)小语种的翻译可以借助先转换为英语再转换为中文(资料少的情况下) 语种互译网站:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html,/translate-t ●TRADOS软件 ●专业术语在线词典:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html,/ ●word,excel,ppt,pdf,autocad(工科翻译)的熟练使用,包括排版 ?翻译中的思维与方法 ●以段为单位,理解大意后,再翻译每个句子,然后再从整段出发修改 句子。翻译的句子要考虑阅读者的思维习惯。 ●只要保证语义不变,句子形式、语法结构都可以改变。 ●翻译中的修改,1)先修改低级错误,如标点,错别字 2)对照原文逐句看翻译正确与否 3)抛开原文,看译文是否通顺 4)再对照 5)搁置几天后再修改 ●翻译初期,要先做英译中,学学正确的英语表达方法。


特殊句式的结构 1.It 结构一、强调句 强调句的基本句型是“It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+其他部分”。被强调的部分可以是主语、宾语和状语等。强调句型的使用特点主要有以下几个方面: (1)被强调的是状语或状语从句时,要用that引导从句,而不能用which,而且通常不能省略。 (2)被强调的是人时,引导词可用who,也可用that。 Was it you that/who let out the secret to her? 是你把这个秘密泄露给她的吗? (3)被强调的不管是单数还是复数名词,主句的be动词都用单数is或was。 It was Marie Curie and her husband who discovered radium. 是居里夫人和她的丈夫发现了镭。 It is the PLA men who/that are safeguarding our country day and night. 是解放军战士日夜保卫着我们的祖国。 (4)对not...until时间状语从句进行强调时,其句型是: It is/was not until...that从句,即not和until在强调句中总是紧挨着的。注意习惯上不用not till,而且从句不能用when引导。 It was not until the last operation was finished that Bethune left the battle hospital. (5)强调句的疑问形式: When was it that he made up his mind to take this course? 他是什么时候决定选修这一门课程的? Why is it that he doesn’t like th e book? 他为什么不喜欢这本书? Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out? (6)强调句型与It is/was+时间+when从句: 在上述句型中it指时间,when引导的是时间状语从句。 注意两种句型“时间”表达方式的不同。 It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday. 昨天晚上我半夜才回到家。 It was midnight when I got here yesterday. 昨天当我到达这儿时,已是半夜了 2.but 的用法 a.anything but…一点儿也不 She was anything but mad. b.nothing but…仅仅,只 She heard nothing but the wind. c. but for….除非,要不是 But for your help, I wouldn’t have succeed. d. can’t help but do (can’t help doing…) 禁不住…


高级阅读教学课程 徐韶华 一、师生各自自我介绍 二、书籍介绍 口语书籍介绍 《美国口语4+1》20元主编:赵东坡 思维和文化的角度介绍美式英语的特点。 口语:accuracy fluency 语法书介绍 张满胜《英语语法新思维》初级、中级、高级世界出版社出版 英语是一种重视逻辑的语言。这本书的例句多来自心灵鸡汤、政治新闻、电影台词、高考题等等。 三、阅读讲解 技巧只能是锦上添花并不是雪中送炭,要教给学生真真实实的能力。 在阅读当中遇到难处的四大拦路虎: A语法:1长难句(三大从句)2省略句、分裂 3强调句4纷繁复杂的倒装5否定、 6比较7非谓语动词结构 B阅读和听力—积累单词 C文化、习惯用语 D母语基本功 1、先告诉学生长难句并不可怕,只是由多个简单句累积而成。再长再短的句子根本是抓住谓语,(五种基本简单句句型)找到主句的谓语动词再找分句的谓语。 所以,第一关告诉学生是找到动词。(这就需要将动词的各种形式讲清楚。) 第二关找连词;第三关 忠告:教师自己做加法,给学生做减法 (二级、三级翻译教程书) 死亡是具有戏剧性的,一生只有一次,然而衰老却是一天一天,一年一年的去面对…… 2、Of 的四种用法(微观语法) 四分之一的用法是:引导同位语 四分之三的用法是:所属关系 第四分之三的用法是:统一归类(人以群分) 另外四分之一的用法是:比喻(有如…..的) (有专门的语法书,每种词性一本书) 英语非常简单,所以她才普及啊! 3讲阅读文章 一、可先读文章的首段,和每段的首句;让学生了解文章要讲的是什么,这样有利于分 配时间,有的学生可能会对本篇文章说的内容非常了解,他就可以有信心做这篇文章。 二、只读前三道题的题干就可以,但不能全读或只读一道题,因为5道题的顺序不一定 就是按照文章段落的顺序来的,第一题可能是概括题,第二三道是细节题。有引号的句子题干可能是细节题。Litter =offspring 三、盯住题目中的专有词 四、单词的引申含义;litter=offspring be nervous= beworry (euphemism—委婉) 如:raise the roof hit the ceiling


My english Investor 出资者fragrance 芳香cosmetics 美容品 Avon rejects takeover bid from coty---Avon rejected a $10 billion takeover bid(出价)from fragrance maker Coty Inc(科迪集团), calling it opportunistic and saying it undervalues the cometic. China Three Gorges 中国三峡工程 Sparx group ,one of Asia's largest hedge funds(对冲基金),renewable-energy project(可持续经济方案) Grim (残酷的)Data Cast Cloud Over Euro Zone----- Dire figures on unemployment and manufacturing(制造的) activity in euro zone's weakest members highlight the scale of the currency bloc's (集团)economic problems. Rode an aggressive(好斗的) bet on mortgage (抵押借款)bonds to beat most of the fund's rivals(竞争对手). Rebels in Syria.叙利亚反对派Myanmar缅甸 Ceasefire 停火outright war 完全的战争 Parole 假释panel 专门的小组smuggle ;contraband 走私 AP news agency 美联社warship 军舰dairy exporter 牛奶出口商(供应商)Fonterra Cooperative Group 恒天然合作社集团allege 宣称,断言Lounge 休息厅,休息室;stylish 有格调,有风格; Sluggish 行动迟缓的console 安慰;how to fix it Dissident 持不同政见的反对派battle 战役


法律英语学习经验 1、法律专业且英语较好,或英语专业,掌握一定法律知识。个人觉得前者比后者更容易学好法律英语。本人属于前者。 2、学习外语最重要的是工具书,学习法律英语也不例外,拥有一本好的工具书是非常重要的。下面推荐几本很不错的工具书。 (1) Black’s Law Dictionary (7th版) 布莱克法律辞典(第七版),1999年出版,共1738页,英文原版,价格697元,网络上有卖的。大些的法律书店也有卖的。 (2)牛津现代法律用语辞典 法律出版社引进的英文原版,共953页,价格170元。该书主要是对一些法律词语进行了语法、语义上的分析,比如同义词、近义词比较,一些词语的拼写不同等。 (3)元照英美法词典 价格是380元,质量在国内同类工具书中算是最好的,但也存在一些错误和不足。详见本论坛帖子《元照英美法词典》求疵。 以上三本工具书是我用过的,都很不错。下面是我没用过的,但其他专家推荐的: (4) Oxford Law Dictionary 牛津法律词典 (5) Merriam-Webster’s Law Dictionary 1996年版,16美元。 此外陈忠诚所著《英汉汉英法律用语辩证词典》也不错,有真材实料。至于其他的英汉、汉英法律辞典,最好别买,大概都是剪刀加浆糊的产物;人云亦云,有很多错误的,误人子弟。 宋雷也主编过一大部头的、与元照同样规模的法律英语词典,其内容还未仔细研读,在此不作评论。 如果大家没钱,可以用网上词典,在此推荐https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html,,很不错的词典搜索引擎。

3、多读英文原版教材和文章,理解词的具体运用和英美法律制度,扩大词汇量。 4、多看他人有关文章、著作及有关法律的正式英文译本,去伪存真。前提是你的知识量足够大,能一眼看出其真伪对错。《中国翻译》、《上海翻译》、《中国科技翻译》经常刊载法律翻译方面的文章,可惜多为泛泛之作,少见精品。 关于如何学好法律英语,我的经验大体就这些。但如果要作一个好的法律翻译,这些显然是不够的,这又是另外一个话题了。 关于如何学好法律英语,每个人的基础不一样,学习的习惯也不一样,所以很难有一个"万精油"的方法。 这里仅有几点个人经验,供参考: 1.坚持看原版的法律新闻,最好的地方如下: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html,/ ,如果上网方便,最好每天去一次,哪怕是时间只够把新闻标题看完…… 2.坚持用原版的法律词典,最好的当然是black’s law dictionary,不过,这两个地方的法律词典也不 错:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html, ,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html, .当然,刚开始用原版的法律词典可能有些不习惯,从长远来看,这是非常有好处的。 3.坚持读原版的法律书籍, 4.坚持听原版的法律节目,cnn和abc及bbc每周都有与法律有关的节目,这些节目网上也可以收听,只不过要通过代理服务器,还好,这个网站可以访问:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html, , 只是这里的节目没有原文对照,听起来有些难。还有一些:坚持分析原版的案件,坚持用英语写读书笔记和日记,坚持用英语思考,用英语和朋友,和


高中英语语法讲义————特殊句式 倒装句 通常句式为自然语序“主语+谓语”,有时为了强调句子的某一部分,或者出于词汇用法、语法结构或修辞上的需要,将这种比较固定的语序加以颠倒,就形成了倒装。分为完全倒装,部分倒装和形式倒装。 一.完全倒装:谓语动词完全置于主语之前,主语为名词不为代词,谓语不用进行时。 1.一些表示地点、时间或方位等的副词或介词短语。如:here, there, now, then, up, down ,in, out, away, off, in the room, on the wall等置于句首。 Down came the rain and up went the umbrella. Then followed three days of heavy rain. Out rushed the children laughing loudly. Away flew the plane. 2.such 位于句首。 Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century’s greatest sci entist. 注:此句型中的such多被认为是表语,所以such后的be动词应与其后真正的主语保持一致。 Such are the facts; no one can deny them. 二.部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(助动词,情态动词或be动词)置于主语之前 1.so+ be 动词/ 助动词/ 情态动词+主语,意为“...也是如此”。 They love making lots of friends; so do I. 2.neither/nor+ be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,意为“...也不这样”。 Lily can’t ride a bicycle; neither/nor can Lucy. 3.否定词never, seldom, nor, not, little, hardly, scarcely等或表示否定意义的介词短语at no time, under/in no circumstances, in no case, by no means, on no condition 等置于句首时。 Not a single mistake did he make. =He di dn’t make a single mistake. 4.only 修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,且放在句首时。 Only then did I begin to understand him. Only in this way can we solve the problem. Only if you work hard will you be admitted to a top university. 5.so...that...和such...that...句式中,so或such及其所修饰的部分置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。 So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood Such progress did he make that he won much respect. 三.形式倒装:在语法上称为前置。只把强调的内容提至句首,主谓并不倒装。 1.感叹句 What an interesting talk they had! =How interesting a talk they had! 2.the+比较级.....,the +比较级.....句型 The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. 3.whatever+ n.或however+ adj./adv.引导的让步状语从句 Whatever reasons you have, you should carry out your promise. However difficult the problem may be, we must work it out this evening. 4,as / though引导让步状从,表语、状语、含情态动词的谓语提前,表语为单数名词提前不用冠词。 Young as /though he was, he was successful. Child as /though he is, he knows much.


DOCTYPE和字符集 在2.1.2节中通过新老DOCTYPE的对比,读者可以清晰地看到HTML 5在精简旧有结构上做出的努力。DOCTYPE在出现之初主要用于XML中,用作描述XML允许使用的元素、属性和排列方式。起初HTML借鉴了XML中DOCTYPE的使用方法,并赋予了新用法,如大家熟知的触发浏览器的标准模式。假使在制作一张页面时,没有设定DOCTYPE,则浏览器会以怪异模式状态进行处理(即Quirks模式),该模式与标准模式在盒模型、样式、布局等都存在较大差异。因此,DOCTYPE在制作页面时是不可或缺的部分。 在上一版本HTML 4标准中,DOCTYPE被分为3种模式: ?严格模式,即严格遵循W3C标准的模式,代码格式如下: [html]view plain copy 1. ?过渡模式,包含了W3C标准的内容,同时还可以使用不被W3C推荐的标签,如font、b等,而且不可以使用框架元素(即frameset元素),代码格式如下: [html]view plain copy 1. ?框架模式,可以使用框架元素,其他与过渡模式相同,代码格式如下: [html]view plain copy 1. 提示:旧有的HTML关于DOCTYPE标准,读者可以参看W3C官方文档说明,网页地址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b516538918.html,/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/struct/global.html#h-7.2。虽然之前版本的HTML对DOCTYPE做了重重规定,但真实情况却是浏览器会尽最大的可能渲染



语法填空特殊句式 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

语法填空之特殊句式和固定搭配 专题一特殊句式 考点1. 强调句 强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who... 使用强调句型的几个注意事项: (1)被强调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与原句中的主语保持一致。 It is I who am right. 对的是我。 It is he who is wrong.错的是他。 It is the students who are lovely.可爱的是学生们。 (2)被强调成分即使是在句子中作时间状语、地点状语、原因状语等,也不能用when, where, because,而要用that。 It was in front of the bank that the lady was robbed.那位女士是在银行前面遭遇抢劫的。 It was because of the heavy rain that he came late.他是因为下大雨来晚的。 (3)被强调成分是作主语的代词时用主格,是作宾语的代词时用宾格。 It was he that helped me yesterday.昨天是他帮助了我。 It was me that he helped yesterday. 他昨天帮助的是我。 (4)被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用who。 It was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about.他们谈论的是他们记得的人和事。 注意:助动词do, does, did用在动词原形前,用来对谓语动词进行强调。 . Do come here tomorrow. . He does study hard. 【易混易错】
