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纯英语论文 论在嘉莉妹妹中德莱赛的自然主义

纯英语论文 论在嘉莉妹妹中德莱赛的自然主义
纯英语论文 论在嘉莉妹妹中德莱赛的自然主义

摘要:美国作家西奥多德莱塞被认为美国自然主义的杰出代表,本文以其第一部小说《嘉莉妹妹》为例分析德莱塞自然主义的一些特征。论文从德莱塞创作《嘉莉妹妹》的历史文化背景出发,研究德莱塞在《嘉莉妹妹》中表现出来的自然主义思想。论文涉及该小说的主要三大背景:一是达尔文主义和宿命论;二是美国然主义;三是19世纪末在美国兴起的消费主义。同时分析自然主义的三大特点:欲望,本能和环境,最后得出结论:《嘉莉妹妹》一文中主人公嘉莉妹妹的最终命运与德莱塞本人的命运息息相关,赫思渥德的最终堕落也是德莱塞惧怕失败的结果。而德莱塞却把嘉莉妹妹和赫思特渥德最终得不到幸福归因于“人心Dreiser’s Naturalism in Sister Carrie

Zhang Yu

Abstract:Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism. In this thesis, Dreiser’s first novel Sister Carrie is taken as an example to analyze th e features of Dreiser’s naturalism. The thesis referred to three great historical and cultural background of the novel which are Darwinism,Determinism. American Naturalism and Consumerism. Meanwhile the thesis analyzes three features of naturalism. At last, we can draw the conclusion that the leading character of the novel-Carrie’s destiny has a great connection with Dreiser himself and the decline of Hurstwood is a result of Dreiser’s fear of failure, but Dreiser attributes Carrie and Hurstwood’s unhappine ss to their insatiable desire for life or they are doomed to be unhappy etc, and from which we can see Dreiser’s naturalism easily.

Key Words:Naturalism Darwinism Consumerism desire environment


Introduction (1)

1. The historical and cultural background for Sister Carrie (2)

1.1 Darwinism and Determinism (2)

1.2 American naturalism (2)

2. The typical characteristics of naturalism in Sister Carrie (2)

2.1 The relationship among reason, free will and instinct (2)

2.2 The influence of the environment (3)

3. Dreiser’s naturalistic attitude of truthful reflection of life (3)

3.1 Dreiser's “Sister”一Carrie (3)

3.2 Hurstwood's decline一Dreiser's fear of failure (3)

Conclusion (3)

Notes (4)

Bibliography (4)

Dreiser’s Naturalism in Sister Carrie

Zhang Yu


Theodore Dreiser is one of the most influential American writers of critical realism, but many of his works referred to the description of naturalism and weakened his critical spirit. His first novel Sister Carrie published in 1990 revealed the financial disparity and the moral decline of American society and thus regarded as forbidden book. But now the book becomes one of the best-sellers of American literature because of the naturalistic features in it. Then Dreiser is regarded as a pioneer of American naturalism and as a naturalist Dreiser expresses the characteristics of naturalism in most of his works. The themes of Darwinism and Determinism are the common features of Dreiser’s story which also characterize Sister Carrie.

When most novels deal only with the smiling and beautiful aspects of life, Dreiser advocates truthful reflection of life in his fiction. It is not an exaggeration to say that Dreiser's Sister Carrie clears the way for the development of American fiction.

Since 1900, American critics have never ceased their study on Dreiser. The early research was mainly based on the writer's life experience. It provided us with lots of useful information about the writer. The study witnessed a transition from the author himself to the text in 1960s. From 1980s, scholars employed new devices of Freudianism, Feminism and Post-Structuralism in their studies. These new methods help us know Dreiser and his works from different angles. However, one thing they share in common is that they lack macroscopic analysis.

In china , some Chinese critics have also shown great interest in Sister Carrie. Two domestic literary magazines, Foreign Literature Study and Foreign Literature Review, have been the major publishing fields for these critics…

In order to find out Dreiser's naturalism, the method of text analysis is employed in this thesis. The author of this thesis reads the novel intensively so that

evidences can be dug out to demonstrate Dreiser's naturalism. Another method, cultural criticism, is employed to research the complicated relation between Dreiser and the society he lived in. Dreiser is investigated in his historical and cultural background. The conclusion shows that Dreiser is not only a criticizer of capitalism, but also a builder of American cultural system.

1. The historical and cultural background for Sister Carrie

Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie reflects the profound transformations in American life in the late nineteenth century. Among the most sweeping changes registered in the novel are the economy's shifting from an agricultural base to an…

1.1 Darwinism and Determinism

Sister Carrie was written at the time when Darwinism was prevalent. Many of Sister Carrie’s themes-struggle, survival and desire-derive directly from the evolutionary views. The concept of evolution was put forward in the mid-19th century by Charles Darwin…

1.2 American naturalism

Sister Carrie was written and published also at the rise of American naturalism, which means a particular genre of fiction that developed in the late 19th century America, and associated principally with writers such as Jack London ,Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Theodore Dreiser…

2. The typical characteristics of naturalism in Sister Carrie

In Sister Carrie I find out that some of its themes differ from those of other naturalistic works…

2.1 The relationship among reason, free will and instinct

In Sister Carrie Dreiser details the relationship among reason, free will and instinct: When humans' instinct and reason are at war, the former prevails over the

latter in most instances; humans' free will is mostly an illusion and submits to humans' instinct…

2.2 The influence of the environment

Environment is a tremendous thing and often leads human to a wrong direction. We know that Drouet tells Carrie that Chicago is a wonder, and that she will find lots to see there. Even her meager sister Minnie tells her, “You'll want to see the city.” [1]…

3. Dreiser’s naturalistic attitude of truthful reflection of life

A phrase often applied to Dreiser by others is standing alone or marching alone. In his Nobel Prize address, Sinclair Lewis tells the Swedish Academy that Dreiser “more than any other man, marching alone, usually unappreciated, often hated, has cleared the trail from Victorian and Howell Sian timidity and gentility in American fiction to honesty and boldness and passion of life.[2]”…

3.1 Dreiser's “Sister”一Carrie

Emma Dreiser, the prettiest of the five Dreiser sisters, was eight years older than Theodore Dreiser. As a young girl in the small town of Sullivan, Indiana, she and her other sisters were deeply interested in boys ...

3.2 Hurstwood's decline一Dreiser's fear of failure

For Hopkins Dreiser substitutes the prosperous and respected upper-middle-class manager who keeps a well-appointed house on the North Side, the best section of Chicago…


This short thesis can not cover Dreiser's meaningful naturalism. His greatness is in his insight, his sympathy, and his tragic view of life…


[1]Bantam. Sister Carrie [M].New York: Bantam Classics , 1992. p.61.

[2] Ibid., p.51.


[1]Bartlett, L. Teacher Development Through Reflective Teaching [A]. in Richards

& Nunan (eds.).Second Language Teacher Education [C]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press/Cambridge University Press, 2000.26-29.

[2]He Gang. The Brief Analysis of Jane Eyre. http://www.pragmatics China.

Com/grammaticalization.htm, 2003-05-12.

[3]Williams, M & L. B. Burden. Psychology for Language Teachers [M]. Beijing:

Foreign language Teaching and Research Press/Cambridge University Press, 2000.


Naturalism in Sister Carrie

Wu Xiaojun

Abstract: Theodore Dreiser ,the writer of Sister Carrie ,is one of the most outstanding representatives of American naturalism. In this thesis, his first novel Sister Carrie is taken as an example to a nalyze the features of Dreiser’s naturalism. The thesis referred to three great historical and cultural background of the novel which are Darwinism, Determinism, American Naturalism and Industrial Revolution .And the thesis analyzes three features of naturalism. At last, we pay attention to Dreiser’s exploration ------human desire and revelation of the dark side of human nature

Key Words: Naturalism Darwinism desire environment human nature Naturalism of Dreiser in Sister Carrie


Theodor Dreiser (1871-1945),an American author, outstanding representative of naturalism, whose novels depict real-life subjects in a harsh light. Many of his works referred to the description of naturalism and weakened his critical spirit. His first novel Sister Carrie published in 1990 revealed the financial disparity and the moral decline of American society and thus regarded as forbidden book. But now the book becomes one of the best-sellers of American literature because of the naturalistic features in it. Then Dreiser is regarded as a pioneer of American naturalism and as a naturalist Dreiser expresses the characteristics of naturalism in most of his works. The themes of Darwinism and Determinism are the common features of Dreise r’s story which also characterize Sister Carrie.

Dreiser chose to reflect life truthful in his works when other novels deal only with the beautiful aspects of life,. It is not an exaggeration to say that Dreiser's Sister Carrie clears the way for the development of American fiction.

From follow analysis of three aspects and conclusion,we can find out the naturalism of Dreiser in Sister Carrie

1. The historical and cultural background for Sister Carrie

Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie reflects the profound transformations in American life in the late nineteenth century.

1.1 Darwinism and Determinism

In 1859, Darwin’s The Origin of Specie appeared. It soon changed man’s recognition. Before Darwin, human was separated from the animals because of its moral. However, at this time evolutionist considered human as a part of natural things and a member of the animal kingdom. American naturalis ts accepted “bestiality” and

“ human beast” as an explanation of desire.

They attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness presenting characters of low social and economic classes who are determined by their environment and heredity. They dismissed the validity of comforting moral truth. Darwinism is the most important theory, which greatly affects Sister Carrie.

Freud’s theory gives theoretic basis to Dreiser’s description of man’s desire. Freud considers man’s natural instinct as determination. To him man is a part of nature since man is a member of animals. Human mentality and action will forever be determined by instinct. Desire is just a genetic instinct in his opinion.

1.2 American naturalism

Sister Carrie was written and published also at the rise of American naturalism, which means a particular genre of fiction that developed in the late 19th century America, and associated principally with writers such as Jack London , Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Theodore Dreise.

At the end of nineteenth century came a generation of writers whose ideas of the working of the universe and whose perception of the society's disorder led them to naturalism. A new and harsher realism, naturalism was introduced to the United States, literary naturalists spoke out against the ideas that literature should present what Howells called for the " smiling aspects of life". Instead, they attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment or heredity in depicting the extremes of life. American naturalists emphasized that world was amoral that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment, that religious "truths" were illusory, and that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and ablivion in death.

1. 3 Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution brought American people a value crisis. The 19th century was the time of industrialization. Serial changes made people feel they were

conquering the world and obtaining their treasures. The surprising development made people feel too close to wealth and happiness. Then appeared small amounts of industrial giants and large number of poor people, American value materialistic to the core. Living in such a society with such a value system, the human individual is obsessed with a never end, yet meaningless search for satisfaction of his desire.

2. The typical characteristics of naturalism in Sister Carrie

In Sister Carrie I find out that some of its themes differ from those of other naturalistic works.

2.1 The desire, instinct and the ifluence of environments

Freud’s theory g ives theoretic basis to Dreiser’s description of man’s desire. Freud considers man’s natural instinct as determination. To him man is a part of nature since man is a member of animals. Human mentality and action will forever be determined by instinct. Desire is just a genetic instinct in his opinion.

This thesis covers Dreiser’s meaningful ideas--desire. Man’s behavior is dominated by instincts (desires, needs and fear) and environments (cities and consumerism) and chances. In the process of evolution, man is not able to control instincts completely. Desire is considered hereditary and instinctive. In this novel most of the central characters are hurried by a desire of personal affirmation, a desire they can neither articulate nor suppress. And Carrie Meeber is the representative. She sufferd from a need that her lives assume the dignity of dramatic form, and they suffer terribly, because they do not really understand it.

Her view to money is “Money, something everybody else has and I must get.”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979, P77) Drouet then becomes her first ladder. When Drouet give her money for the first time, she hesitates. She knows clearly that no deep, sinister soul with ulterior motives could have given her fifteen cents under friendship, since “nature has taught the beasts of the beats of the field to fly when some unheralded dangers threatens”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979, P79) Here in her superego, she has a feeble instinct of self-production. However, deep in her mind, there is a strong desire for better clothes, jewelry, dinning in halls and plays in the theaters.

Then preconscious becomes weak. Id gets upper hand. At last, id implies the superego and Carrie chooses to live with Drouet.

When she knows that Drouet’s love is unsteady, the appearance of Hurstwood stimulates her new hope and desire. It is the new hope and desire that compels her actions. “his kind of unfulfilled dreams would beckon and lead her until death and dissolution dissolve their power and would restore her blind to nature’s heart”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979, P353) When Hurstwood can supply the life she dreams of, she stays with him, if not, she leaves.

With the degradation of Hurstwood, Carrie would not endure losing her dreams. When she meets Mrs Vance, Carrie longs for the dainty decorated, beautiful clothes and genteel manners. “What a wonderful thing it was to be rich”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979, P385) is the powerful voice of her heart. Without money,she leaves again.

From the beginning to the end, Carrie is just like a machine controlled by the desires .

2.2 The influence of the environment

Environment is a tremendous thing often leads people to a wrong direction.

Drouet tells Carrie that Chicago is a wonder, and that she will find lots to see. Even her siste tells her, “You'll want to see the city.” [1]She comes there. She comes to the big web of Chicago in order to pursue a happy life. The prosperous parties, lights, dinners, theatres attract her.

she chooses Drouet.As soon as she sees Hurstwood, she evaluates his worth?ahis wealth, position and sexuality----by his “rich” plaid vest, mother of pearl buttons and soft black shoes “polished only to a dull shine.”When she meets Mrs Vance, Carrie longs for the dainty decorated, beautiful clothes and genteel manners. “What a wonderful thing it was to be rich”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979, P385) is the powerful voice from the bottom of her heart. She inters another pursuition.

3. Dreiser’s exploration

------human desire and revelation of the dark side of human nature

From the first novel Sister Carrie on, Dreiser set himself to project the American

values for what he had found them to be --materialistic to the core. Living in such a society with such a value system, the human individual is obsessed with a never-ending, yet meaningless search for satisfaction of his desires. One of the desires is for money which was a motivating purpose of life in the United States in the late l9th century. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically. Sex is another human desire that Dreiser explored to considerab1e lengths in his novels to reveal the dark side of human nature. In Sister Carrie, Carrie climbs up the social ladder by means of her sexual appeal. Also in the “Trilogy of Desire,”the possession of sexual beauty symbolizes the acquisition of some social status of great magnitude. However, Dreiser never forgot to imply that these human desires in 1ife could hardly be defined. They are there like a powerful "magnetism" governing human existence and reducing human beings to nothing. So like all naturalists he was restrained from finding a solution to the social problems that appeared in his novels and accordingly almost all his works have tragic endings.


This short thesis can not cover Dreiser's meaningful naturalism. His greatness is in his insight, his sympathy, and his tragic view of life. Dreiser explorated human desire and revelation of the dark side of human nature


[1]Bantam. Sister Carrie [M]. New York: Bantam Classics , 1992. p.61.

[2] Williams, M & L. B. Burden. Psychology for Language Teachers [M]. Beijing: Foreign language Teaching and Research Press/Cambridge University Press, 2000.

[3] Theodore Dreiser . Sister Carrie [M]. Bei Jing : Foreign Language Teaching and Studing Press 1981 : 136.

[1] 蒋道超. 德莱塞研究[M] . 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2002 : 125 .


第22卷 第3期2007年7月 北 京 农 学 院 学 报 JOU RNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSIT Y OF AGRICU LTU RE Vo l.22,N o.3 Jul.,2007 收稿日期:2007-06-05 作者简介:黄 谦,男,1983年出生,在读硕士,研究方向:园林史;*通讯作者:徐 峰,女,1969年出生,副教授,研究方向: 园林艺术、园林规划设计 陶渊明自然主义美学思想对文人园林的影响 黄 谦,徐 峰* (中国农业大学人文学院科学技术史系,北京100094) 摘 要:魏晋南北朝是中国古典园林发展的转折期。在晋代的审美思潮中,对文人园林影响最大的非东晋诗人陶渊明莫属。陶诗不仅激发无数文人墨客对园林的向往与热爱,更形成一种独特的自然主义美学思想。这种思想不论在造园的意境、造园模式,还是在造园的技巧方面都深刻地影响着后世文人园林的创作,对中国园林艺术起到深远的影响,同时更需要后人对其进行系统的整理与研究,继续发掘它的美学价值。关 键 词:陶渊明;自然主义;美学思想;文人园林中图分类号:T U 986 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002 -3186(2007)03-0044-04Influenc e of T ao Y uan -m ing .s Naturalistic Aesthetics on Literati G ardens H UANG Qian,XU Feng * (Colleg e of H umanities and D ev elo pment,China A gr icultural U niver sity,Beijing 100094,China) Abstract :It is the transitio n tim e of Chinese classical garden in We-i Jin Dynasty 1In the taste thoug hts of Jin Dy nasty,Liter ati Gardens w ere im pacted most by T ao Yuan -ming 1Tao Yuan -ming .s po em s no t only inspired many cler isies falling in lov e w ith gardens,but also fo rmed into one kind of natur alistic aesthetics w hich affected the aspects o f literati g ardens from artistic conception,pattern and technique 1M eanw hile, later generations should pack up and resear ch Tao Yuan -m ing .s naturalistic aesthetics by the number s so as to develop its value of esthetics 1 Key words :Tao Yuan -ming;naturalism;aesthetics;literati garden 陶渊明是中国历史上一位伟大的诗人,被后世誉为/古今隐逸诗人之宗0。国内外对陶渊明的研究主要集中在诗人的生平、具体诗文、隐逸思想、自然观和比较研究等方面。而作为中国文人园林的创始人,陶渊明与中国园林的关系却很少被人论及。笔者通过分析陶诗中所蕴含的自然主义美学思想,阐明其对文人园林的深远影响,理清陶渊明与文人园林的关系。 1 陶诗与自然主义美学思想 111 陶渊明自然主义美学思想的内涵11111 陶渊明的/自然0主义 在现存所有的陶诗中,/自然0一词共出现过4次: /复得返自然。0)))《归园田居》;/神辨自然以释 之。0)))《形影神》;/质性自然。0)))《归去来兮辞》;/渐近自然。0)))《晋故征西大将军长史孟府君传》。 这些诗中的/自然0,首先来自陶渊明的哲学观,其次来自于他的本心。 陶渊明的哲学观主要接受当时风行于社会的道家思想及玄学的影响。道家强调自在、和谐,极力反对违背/自然0。在道家看来,/自然0就是天然,不经人力干预、不受任何意志支配的本质存在。到魏晋时期,玄学家在为《老子》、《庄子》作注时也强调一切都要服从自然,认为只有这样,生命的完整性、和谐性才能得以保全。这种哲学观反映在陶渊明身上,就是其所说的/质性自然,非矫励所得。0所以,当诗人面对/八表同昏,平陆成江0的乱世时,敢于按照自己的意愿做出选择,毅然辞官归隐庐山脚下。


《嘉莉妹妹》英语读后感 VividHeroine——OnSisterCarrieCarriewassuchanordinaryruralgirlatthebeginningofthestory.S ittingontheseatofabus,shecouldn’thelpfeelingexcitingatthesightofthemetro polis’spectacle.Shewasimpresseddeeplybylargecrowdontheavenue,thespac ioussquareortallbuildings.Farmoredifferentfromotherheroines,Carriewasn otaplainpureangellikeSnow- white,norwasshebraveenoughtobeaheroineofrevolutionistorevenareforme r,norwasshesocleverastobeasuccessfulcareerwomanwhostartfromscratch. Whatattractedhermost,afterherenteringthishugemetropoliswastheincredib lefineries,fashionshoes,smarthandbagsdisplayingintheshopwindows,theje wellerysshiningbrightlybehindtheglass.Shedreamedthatoneday,shecouldw earallofthese,jogginggracefullyintothemostluxurioushotelwithfocusedsight sofadmiration.Andthiswasnotmerelyadream.Becauseshehadlargeeyeswhic hcanearnothers’sympathy,evenlove.Shehadwonderfulfigurewhichcanwinot hers’hearts.However,anythingshegot,anywhereshereached,hadnotcomefro mherambition.Thingshappened,andthensheaccepted.That’swhatshehadjus tdone— justtoacceptwillinglyfromthebottomofherheart.Shewasnotatallanevilwoma nwhowouldgiveanythingforthefortuneorfame.However,shewouldgiveuoso methingforabetterlifewhenherinstinctdefeatedherintellect.ThatwasCarrie,a


日本的耽美主义文学 刘珊日本的耽美主义也称唯美主义、耽美派、享乐主义,产生于日本明治末年,兴盛于大正初年,是当时日本文坛一种重要的文学思潮,最初本意是反对以暴露人性的丑恶为主的自然主义,主张追求官能美,为艺术而艺术。其代表人物有永井荷风、谷崎润一郎和现代的三岛由纪夫等,代表作有谷崎润一郎的《春琴抄》《纹身》《钥匙》,永井荷风的《地狱之花》等。 日本唯美文学主义兴起于20世纪初,1916-17年前后发展到巅峰,在一定意义上取代了当时占据文坛主流的自然文学主义,与标榜人道主义的白桦派文学,新现实主义的新思潮派文学一起雄居日本文坛。 中国的先行研究 黎跃进的『日本唯美主义文学的演变与实绩』,主要是对日本唯美主义文学的产生、发展及其代表作家进行了介绍。 唐月梅的『美的创造与幻灭——论日本唯美主义文学思潮』这一论文,主要是从唯美派的文学主张、唯美文学的特征、以及唯美派文学的意义三方面来论述日本的唯美主义。本文是以唯美主义文学作品来进行分析说明的,主要是以谷崎润一郎和永井荷风的作品来分析的。 李芒在『美的创造——论日本唯美主义文学』一文中指出,日本唯美主义作家存在着消极的一面,特别是表现在思想倾向方面。他们在艺术形式上探索新方法的同时,在内容方面也追求新刺激。这种刺激在恋情和性爱,以及人的生死问题上便表现的最为强烈。通过对谷崎润一郎、川端康成以及三岛由纪夫的作品来分析说明的。他还指出不少唯美主义作品仍保留着自然主义文学的痕迹。 『异域之美的接受——论20世纪20、30年代日本唯美主义文学在中国的译介』一文,其主要内容是:就20世纪20、30年代日本唯美主义文学在中国的译介的表现及特点进行了说明,并论述了其形成的原因——文化环境的影响、时代环境的影响及中国古典文学的影响。 『日本唯美主义文学和中国现代文学中的唯美主义』(王向远),本文主要是通过日本唯美主义对中国现代文学的影响和西方唯美主义对的中国现代文学的影响的对比,说明了日本唯美主义对中国现代文学的影响是暗暗进入的、局部的,进而提出要深入探讨和研究日本唯美主义与中国现代文学的关系。 在『日本唯美主义文学在中国文坛的变异』(张能泉)一文中,指出日本唯美主义文学在被中国现代作家接受的过成中,由于文化、环境、动机、条件等因素发生了明显的变异现象。 『唯美主义与谷崎润一郎』(张琳)一文通过唯美主义对谷崎小说的影响,来探讨其小说的精髓(对美的追求)以及艺术第一,生活第二的主张。 上述资料,主要从日本唯美主义文学自身、及其对中国现代文学的影响等方面来论述的。还有从某一作家或作品来看日本的耽美主义的,主要是以其代表作家谷崎润一郎、永井荷风、佐藤春夫及其作品来进行分析论述的。日本的唯美主义文学不仅表现在小说方面,诗歌也是日本唯美主义的重要实绩,但从诗歌方面来研究唯美主义的还不多。


目的。笔者曾进行了这方面的一个实验;对乐理、视唱程度相当的A、B两个班,在讲小调式时,A班此时视唱只唱小调式作品,边唱边分析;B班只在乐理课上选一些典型作品作简单分析,而视唱课对小调作品概不介绍,结果发现A班大部分同学对小调式的特点掌握清晰、分析作品透彻,而B班多数同学对小调式作品的分析仍感糊涂。 (二)乐理和视唱由同一老师任教,选用乐理与视唱进度相当、联系密切的教材。 两门课由同一老师任教,这样就使老师对两门课的进度有更好的把握,从而做到在教学内容上的衔接,使乐理教学与视唱教学融为一体。现在有些院校已开始了这方面的尝试,如河南的黄河科技学院,商丘师院等。据笔者了解,由同一个老师任教班级学生的乐理视唱学习效果明显好于非同一教师任教的班级。 教材的选择对教学影响极大,原来的视唱教材极少有乐理内容,而乐理教材中的谱例也不多。目前新的教材已改变了这种状况,现在视唱教材中有了很好的理论知识讲授,如许敬行、孙虹编著,高教出版社出版的《视唱练习》。乐理教材有了更多的谱例,如贾方爵编著、 西南师大出版社出版的《基本乐理》。选用此种联系密切的教材, 教师在教学的过程中更易做到理论联系实际,学生在自学时也更易理解。 (三)加强乐理、视唱教学与其他科目的横向联系 音乐中的许多课程,如欣赏、民族民间音乐、合唱、音乐史等的学习对学生综合专业素质的提高有很大帮助,对它们的学习与对乐理和视唱的学习又能达到互相促进的目的。在乐理学教学中,学生最易迷惑的就是调式调性的判断,而进行调式判断时首先要靠听觉分辨作品的五声性和西方性。但如何能够分辨其是五声性作品还是西方调式体系作品,靠的是学生对音乐的基本鉴赏力。这就要求学生平时在欣赏课上要认真去听、去辨别,而欣赏老师也应该对不同体裁的音乐作品进行详细的讲解,并引导学生去辨别。经过这样长期的训练,学生对于不同地域、不同风格的音乐作品都有了了解和掌握,辨别调式的问题自然迎刃而解。同样,民族民间课程的学习对于学生了解和掌握各民族的音乐风格、特点起重要作用。经过同学们对民歌、戏曲等曲型片断的实际训练,在视唱这些有特点的作品时,其音乐风格的把握就会更好一些,因律制原因产生的音准问题也会大大减少,学生对民族风格的视唱会唱得更有味,把握得更准确。在这方面,如果乐理和视唱课需要,可会同其他科目的教师对教学进度、教学内容作一些适当的调整,使之与乐理、视唱教学相适应。如有必要,也可请这方面的专家,就某一问题进行一次讲座,以加深同学们对某些问题的理解。教师亦可有目的地向学生介绍一些此方面的书籍,让学生去阅读;介绍一些音响资料,让学生有目的地听,从而拓宽学生的知识面,进而更好地学习和掌握乐理和视唱。 总之,视唱与乐理相结合并密切联系相关科目的教学方法,不仅可以使学生增加对音乐理论的感性认识,加强视唱时的理论指导,更增加了视唱课的趣味性,使乐理不再枯燥,视唱课不再单调。 当然,加强乐理、视唱与其他科目教学的联系并不是说这些课程什么地方都可以互融。有些乐理知识如音律很难让学生唱出来。但这并不能否认加强视唱、乐理与其他学科教学联系的必要性。 作者简介:刘建坤,商丘师范学院音乐系教师。 一、美国自然主义的产生 内战之后,美国处于一段相对和平的时期,资本主义经济蓬勃发展。然而,在经济发展的背后,人们却普遍产生了一种悲观情绪,传统的理想主义被抛弃,宇宙的在规律性和机械性中蕴涵的漠然性使其变成了人类的敌人,至少已经不是人类慈祥的朋友。斯蒂芬?克莱恩(Stephen Crane(1871-1900))的一首小诗God is cold[1] 便生动地反映了这种状况: 一个人对宇宙说:/“阁下,我存在的!”/“不过,”传来宇宙的回答,/“你的存在虽是事实,却/并没有使我产生义务感。” 对这一思潮起决定性作用的是达尔文的进化论(Theory of Evolution)。达尔文认为:影响生物进化的因素有三种,即:自然选择、性的选择及个体有生之期获得特性的遗传。进化论的诞生,是对传统神学及理想主义神学的全盘否定,它取消了上帝设计师和创造者的地位,进而强调人类产生过程的机械性,以及人类进化过程的因果循环性。受其影响,悲观、忧郁的新自然哲学应运而生。新自然哲学指出,自然是一座对人类遭遇无动于衷的庞大机器,人类在自然中必然要为生存而相互竞争,而且,部分人的毁灭是人类进步中不可避免的现象。 悲观的新自然哲学在文学中的反映就是产生悲观宿命的自然主义文学。英国哲学家赫伯特?斯宾塞(HerbertSpencer)的“社会达尔文主义” (Social Darwinism)以及美国内战后的社会状况,对自然主义在美国的产生和发展起了极大的作用。当时的主要作家往往把人置于庞大的自然和社会背景中,从而显示其渺小、脆弱以及无可奈何。 "生存"是人类活动的最高目标,道德规范对于实际生活已经毫无意义。 在美国自然主义文学中,最为突出的代表是西奥多?德莱塞。 二、德莱塞在美国文学史上的地位 西奥多?德莱塞 [Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)]是美国现代小说的先驱和代表作家,被认为是同海明威、福《嘉莉妹妹》是美国自然主义文学大师西奥多?德莱塞的处女作和成名作。自然主义在书中 主要表现为作者对失败者的深刻同情。 《嘉莉妹妹》中 自然主义赏析 文/姚晓鸣 编辑:冯彬彬 69 美与时代 2003.11下


第十六章现代西方美学流派之表现主义、自然主义、形式主义、精神分析美学 两大主潮:20世纪,美学领域形成了人文主义美学和科学主义美学两大思潮分立的局面。人文主义美学一般主要采取哲学的、历史文化的、艺术的研究方法,而科学美学强调运用自然科学的方法。但是这种分别远不是绝对的,有些流派,例如各种心理学派的美学,很难简单地划归人文主义美学或科学主义美学。 两次转移:研究重点的历史性转移:第一次是从重点研究作家、艺术家和创作(表现主义、精神分析、直觉主义、符号论)转移到重点研究作品文本(俄国形式主义、语义学和新批评);第二次是从重点研究文本转移到重点研究读者和接受(现象学、存在主义,解释学、接受美学)。 两个转向:一是非理性转向,二是语言学转向。 前沿思潮:20世纪70年代以来,随着后结构主义的兴起,后现代主义、女性主义、后殖民主义、新历史主义以及广义的文化研究等相继出台。轮番表演。 第一节表现主义美学 一克罗齐的直觉表现主义美学 克罗齐(Benedeho Croce,1866—1952)是意大利的哲学家、美学家、历史学家。在哲学上,他是新黑格尔主义者,承袭了黑格尔客观唯心主义的基本观点,但反对黑格尔的自然哲学体系,称自己的哲学为“精神哲学”。 主要美学著作有《文学批评》(1894) 《作为表现的科学和一般语言学的美学(美学原理和美学的历史)》(1902)《美学纲要》(1912),和《诗论》(1936)等。 克罗齐试图确立艺术的独立自主性,划清艺术与非艺术、审美与非审美的界限,把艺术从科学、经济、道德的依附中解脱出来。他的美学以“直觉”概念为基础,包含两个最基本的命题:直觉既表现,艺术即直觉。 1.直觉即表现 直觉与理性。直觉,来源于想象,不依靠概念,产生的是意象,从而区别于理性; 直觉与知觉。直觉区别于知觉。对实在事物所起的知觉和对可能事物所起的单纯形象,二者在不起分别的统一中,才是直觉。我们只把我们的印象化为对象,无论那印象是否是关于实在。 直觉与时空。直觉在一个艺术作品中所见出的不是时间和空间,而是性格,个别的相貌。 直觉与感受。直觉在感受之外,已不复是感受。感受(印象、情绪、欲念)为无形式的物质。感受处于直觉界限以下,而直觉属于心灵。物质只有经过心灵形式的打扮和征服,才产生具体形象。 直觉与联想。如果联想既非记忆,又非诸感受品的流转,而是创造的联想,是综合,那么直觉是联想。 直觉与表象。表象是一个购含混的名词。如果它指是超乎感受之上的独立的一种东西,那么表象就是直觉。如果它被看成感受本身,那么就不是直觉。 直觉即表现。表现就是借文字、线条、颜色、声音的助力,把感觉和印象“从心灵的深暗地带提升到凝神观照界的明朗”。在这个认识过程中,直觉与表现是无法可分的。直觉首先是心灵的一种赋形力、创造力和表现力。直觉的过程就是心灵赋物质以形式,使之上升为可供观照的具体形象的过程。直觉是表现,而且只是表现。 2.艺术即直觉 在《美学原理》中,克罗齐认为艺术与直觉完全统一。它们没有种类上的区别,也没有强度上的区别。 在《美学纲要》中,克罗齐从五个否定方面论证了艺术即直觉: 第一,艺术不是物理的事实。物理的事实并不真实,艺术则是高度真实的。 第二,艺术不是功利的活动。反对把艺术定义为引起快感的事物。 第三,艺术不是道德的活动。审美意象在道德上无可褒贬。 第四,艺术不具有概念知识的特性。意象性这个特征把直觉和概念区别开来,把艺术和哲学、历史区别开来。 第五,艺术不同于自然科学和数学。数学的精神与科学的精神是诗歌精神的最公开的敌人 结论:艺术是抒情的直觉,“是情感给了直觉以连贯性和完满性;直觉之所以真是连贯的和完整的,就因为它表达了情感,而且直觉只能来自情感,甚于情感。”


《嘉莉妹妹》 西奥多?德莱塞是20世纪美国著名的小说家,自然主义的杰出代表。《嘉莉妹妹》是他的第一部小说,也是一部反映当时美国社会现实的力作。小说故事发生在19世纪80年代末和90年代初,其时正值美国经济快速发展,自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡的阶段。伴随着经济发展,社会伦理道德也出现了变化,消费主义占了上风,物质上的享受高于精神生活的追求。故事的主人公嘉莉就是美国社会转型时期人们价值观转变的一个缩影。 一《嘉莉妹妹》简介 《嘉莉妹妹》描写的是一位18岁的乡村女孩嘉莉只身来到芝加哥追寻“美国梦”的故事。嘉莉来到芝加哥后与姐姐敏妮一家生活在一起。后来她在一家鞋厂找到了一份工作,但工作条件极为恶劣,并且薪水不高,每个星期只能赚到四块半。除了要付给敏妮四块钱的食宿费外,她几乎毫无所剩。尽管生活如此艰辛,嘉莉还是坚持着,直到一场大病夺去了她这份赖以生存的工作。失去工作后的嘉莉,由于无力支付给姐姐食宿费,不得不面临回乡的选择。在孤立无助的状况下,她遇到了曾在火车上向她调情的推销员杜洛埃。在他的引诱下,嘉莉与他同居了。但嘉莉逐渐厌倦了杜洛埃的轻浮和庸俗。最终,她离开了杜洛埃,投奔了赫斯渥――一位更加富有、更加绅士和更加有社会地位的酒店经理。由于赫斯渥已有妻室,他们一起私奔到了纽约。在纽约,嘉莉做了几年的家庭主妇,但后来赫斯渥偷窃酒店巨款的案件败露,他不得不退回大部分的钱。此后,他们的境况急转直下。赫斯渥终于坐吃山空,嘉莉不得不到剧院工作来贴补家用。由于她的相貌

和表演天赋,嘉莉逐渐成名并最终抛弃了赫斯渥。最后,沦为乞丐的赫斯渥在一个破旧的小旅馆用煤气结束了自己的生命。 二美国社会转型带来的价值观扭曲 19世纪末,美国资本主义快速发展,商品经济空前繁荣。经济发展给人们带来巨大财富的同时也带来了社会观念的转变。以往清教徒的价值观――勤劳、节俭、正直已不再受到欢迎。人们追求的是无节制的物质享受和消遣,金钱成了人们生活中的主题。《嘉莉妹妹》作为一部反映社会现实的力作,深刻反映了美国当时社会价值观的扭曲。 1 无尽的欲望 在《嘉丽妹妹》中共有三个主要人物――杜洛埃,赫斯渥和嘉莉。他们中的每个人都有着无尽的欲望。推销员杜洛埃在小说中是小资产阶级的代表,他有着一份不错的工作,对金钱和社会地位似乎没有太高的追求,但对风花雪月的生活却十分钟情。当他初次在火车上遇到嘉莉的时候,就对这位漂亮的乡下姑娘动了心,言语之间极尽挑逗之辞。当嘉莉失去工作,面临回乡时,杜洛埃又再次巧遇嘉莉。他意识到这是得到嘉莉的极好机会,便费尽心机俘获了嘉莉的心。在和嘉莉生活的过程中,他继续拈花惹草。嘉莉最终抛弃了他,但他没有感到太多的伤心。在他看来,嘉莉只不过是个玩具,在他满足欲望之后,他完全可以弃之而去。因此,他又继续寻找新的情妇,过着花天酒地的生活。 赫斯渥在文中是一位中产阶级的代表,他有着不菲的收入,过着富足、体面的生活。尽管如此,他依然欲壑难平。他的欲望主要体现在三个方面:金钱、女性和权力。在他与嘉莉偷情的秘密泄漏之后,他的妻子把所有的


《嘉莉妹妹》英语读后感 Vivid Heroine ——On Sister Carrie Carrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn’t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis’ spectacle. She was impressed dee ply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings. Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch. What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.


《嘉莉妹妹》中所体现的美国自然主义文学 姓名 专业班级学号 摘要:19世纪末美国著名小说家西奥多·德莱塞一直被奉为美国自然主义小说的一代宗师,其代表作《嘉莉妹妹》亦被视作自然主义文学的上乘之作,开创了自然主义文学的新纪元。本文从自然主义的概念以及美国自然主义的发展入手,通过分析《嘉莉妹妹》文中主人公嘉莉为满足自身发展而走向迷失,赫斯特伍自甘堕落最终自我毁灭的过程,体现命运的不可抗争和人的无能为力,凸显德莱塞的自然主义文学观在《嘉莉妹妹》的体现。 Abstract: 关键词:《嘉莉妹妹》德莱塞美国自然主义文学 一 美国自然主义文学的形成 自然主义原先只是个哲学概念,文学中的自然主义首先在十九世纪中期的法国产生和迅速发展,并在十九世纪九十年代左右波及到美国文坛。 南北战争之后,美国处于一段相对和平的时期,资本主义经济蓬勃发展。长久以来美国农村题材文学是在工业化语境中逐渐展开的,经历了从浪漫情绪到现实情绪再到绝望情绪的历史变迁。以农业文明为基础所建构的美国民主理想和社会架构,在19世纪初中叶杰弗逊的“农业天然道德论”、泰勒的“田园共和主义”和爱默生的“自然超灵论”这些文化表征沉淀下成为美国大众最朴素的信仰和理想,也是当时社会价值观的典型代表。 随着美国工业化进程的不断深入,原先平静和谐的农业文明被打破,由开始那种“远方小山村”的回忆转化为后来对农村生活的无奈和悲叹;田园化和理想化的“农村镀金主义”价值观念逐渐被冷漠与恐惧的“自然邪恶论”所代替,并逐渐引发了后来自然主义文学的决定论和悲观主义情绪。特别是19世纪中叶以后,美国社会的精神危机凸现出来,横扫全国的改革运动就是面对这种危机在社会生产、种族歧视、性别差异、个人生活习惯以及贫困化和城市化等层面上进行解决的尝试。在这些轰轰烈烈的改革运动中,涌现出各种各样的“社会改革文学”,记录了人们面对工业化种种困惑所进行的艰难求索,而大多数改革的失败导致那些通过改革完善社会的认识论和价值观彻底破灭,并最终导致了19世纪末自然主义生存与暴力论的文学转型。 美国自然主义文学的兴起 与社会改革文学一样,乡土文学和现实主义文学从美国的现实多样性以及文化多元性中来寻找美国工业社会价值的答案,试图从某种意识形态化的“民主进步现实”中获得建构美国新价值观念的理论基础。这些文学试图以传统农业文明的价值理想“整合”工业化所导致的“分裂性现实”,而这一整合的失败也迫使这些作家在后期创作中皈依自然主义,从而完全承认和认可自然主义作家所持有的社会价值观。另外,自然主义作为当时美国文化重塑过程中的一种文学思潮也受到外来文化的影响。从这个意义上讲,美国不但是欧洲文化的传承者,也是世界文化的继承者。 总之,自然主义文学在美国19世纪末的兴起不是偶然的,是各种社会文化因素相互作用的产物,是工业化进程中文化转型时期的特定意识形态表现,是习惯于农业文明价值体系的美国人面对新的工业文明所产生的困惑和思索,更是美国农民逐步在适应工业文明过程中心理震荡和行为失范的正常表现。


鲍姆嘉登(A.G.Baumgarten 1714-1762)是德国普鲁士哈利大学的哲学教授。美学之父。他关于美学的主要观点集中在两个方面: 一是他把美学规定为研究人感性认识的学科。 鲍姆嘉登认为人的心理活动分知、情、意三方面。研究知或人的理性认识有逻辑学,研究人的意志有伦理学,而研究人的情感即相当于人感性认识则应有"Aesthetic"。"Aesthetic"一词来自希腊文,意思是"感性学",后来翻译成汉语就成了"美学"。1750年鲍姆嘉登正式用"Aesthetic"来称呼他研究人的感性认识的一部专著。他的这部著作就被当作历史上的第一部美学专著。 二是鲍姆嘉登认为:"美学对象就是感性认识的完善"。 鲍姆嘉登之后,美学的发展经历了德国古典美学、马克思主义美学、西方近现代美学三个重要阶段 在德国古典美学阶段, 康德和黑格尔对美学卓有贡献,形成了美学学科产生以来第一个,也是西方美学史上的第三个高峰。康德以他的三大批判著称于世,在《判断力批判》中,康德提出并论证了一系列美学根本问题,形成了较为完整的美学理论体系。 康德之后,黑格尔把德国古典美学推到了顶峰,成为德国古典美学以及马克思主义美学以前的西方各美学思潮的集大成者。 康德:古典美学的奠基者,游戏说,其核心在于想象力和知性之间的(协调一致)。 最早提出“天才论”,强调:艺术是天才的创造和表现 康德在《判断力批判》一书中,提到过的概念是(自由游戏) 认为美不含功利性,至于审美主体的自由创造的“心意能力” 康德说优美“直接在自身携带着一种促进生命的感觉”,说明其论述着手的角度是(审美效应) 康德分析崇高,认为其特征是“无形式”的著作是(《判断力批判》,真正把崇高作为审美形态来看待,认为,崇高的事物往往是巨大的,巨大表现在(数学的崇高和力学的崇高) 在康德的哲学体系中,判断力是非常重要的概念,它分为(决定判断力,反思判断力) 反思判断力是康德的美学概念,指的是从特殊的事物和感受出发去寻找普遍的概念、规律,它能够达到普遍性是因为它只涉及对象的形式而不是质料 黑格尔:认为美学是研究(艺术)的。 从绝对理念出发,认为审美具有“令人解放的性质”的,认为美是理念的感性显现 黑格尔对悲剧的最大贡献是(将辩证思维运用到悲剧分析),认为“喜剧是压倒观念 完善了游戏说认为美学是研究(艺术)的。把美看作“绝对理念的感性显现”,《美学讲演录》中所划分的艺术分为三类,三种艺术类型是(象征型,古典型,浪漫型)。而这一分类的出发点是(美的理念的形式与内容的辩证关系) 曾说,“美只能在形象中见出”,这说明(美是诉诸感性的) 近现代西方美学的主要代表人物和美学思潮有 德国费希纳的"实验美学":德国著名的物理学家、心理学物理学的创始人。 主张美学应研究人自身的审美心理 代表作:《实验美学论》(1871)和《美学导论》(1876),美学初探:1876 观点:在哲学上费希纳是一个唯心主义泛灵论者,他认为凡物都有灵魂,心和物是不可分的,心是主要的,物只是心的外观。 他提出,美分为广义的与狭义的两种,广义的美指能唤起愉悦性的一切东西,狭义的美指在审美和艺术中能使人感受到高尚快感的东西。这两种美都受制于条审美心理学原则,他称为“审美阈”、“审美加强”、


本科毕业论文 题目浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的人物形象 学院文学与新闻传播学院 专业汉语言文学 年级2011 级 学号2011101277 姓名汪琴红 指导教师陈永兰 成绩 年月日

目录 摘要 (1) 关键词 (1) Abstract (1) Key Words (1) 一、嘉莉的美好形象 (2) (一)美丽单纯 (2) (二)热情而富于青春幻想 (4) (三)努力实现自我 (5) 二、嘉莉性格的弊端 (7) (一)贪图物质享乐,爱慕虚荣 (7) (二)道德观念上的模糊与匮乏 (8) (三)观察能力与分析能力尚不成熟 (9) 结语 ..............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。注释 . (11) 参考文献 (12)

浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的人物形象 摘要:在德莱塞的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》中,女主人公嘉莉表现出了独特的性格特征:一方面她美丽单纯、热情而富于青春幻想,努力实现自我;另一面她贪图物质享乐、爱慕虚荣,观察能力与分析能力尚不成熟,在道德观念方面的匮乏与模糊的性格缺陷也展露无疑。她身上显现出一个人真正应有的优缺点,展现出了新一代女性的形象。本文就上述几方面对嘉莉身上所展现的人格魅力进行进一步分析。 关键词:《嘉莉妹妹》正面形象反面形象意识的觉醒 Abstract:In Dreiser's novel "Sister Carrie", the heroine Carrie showed a unique character: on the one hand, her beautiful and pure, warm and full of youthful fantasies, and strive to realize the self; the other side she covet material enjoyment, vanity, ability and observation and analysis ability is not mature, the lack of moral concept and fuzzy character defects also showed no doubt. Her show a person really should have advantages and disadvantages, showing a new generation of female image. This paper further analyzes the above several aspects of the show on the Jail Li body charm of personality. Key Words:Conservatism, Sister Carrie, positive image, negative image, The awakening of consciousness


解读《嘉莉妹妹》的自然主义 【摘要】德莱塞的成名作《嘉莉妹妹》具有鲜明的自然主义风格,真实地反映了当时美国底层劳动者们的生活,真实地揭露和批判了资本主义社会的腐朽和道德沦丧。文章着重从三个方面:环境影响、遗传因素、本能欲望全面解读了女主人公嘉琳妹妹的自然主义思想。此为一部划时代的作品。《嘉莉妹妹》为美国文坛带来了新的气象。 【关键词】自然主义;嘉莉妹妹;环境;欲望 一、前言 自然主义特色是一种创作思潮,兴起于19世纪90年代,并在20世纪盛行于欧洲和美国。所谓的“自然”主义就是:“自然中存在的都是真实的。物体构成自然、行动和受某种原因支配的力量及其可进行客观的科学考察的特性。”西奥多·德莱塞,自然主义的典范代表作家之一,与海明威、福克纳并列被称为美国现代小说的三巨头之一,其成名作《嘉莉妹妹》则是自然主义思潮的是美国现代小说的先驱和代表作。 小说《嘉莉妹妹》小说人物活动的环境位于芝加哥,一个繁华的大都市繁华的大都市,嘉莉起伏的命运得到了真实地描摹.在那个工业扩张的黄金年代里纸醉金迷的腐朽生活和由于金钱所带来的道德沦丧也得到了真实展现。具体来说,小说详细描写了来自社会底层的天真、美丽姑娘嘉莉,为了自己梦寐以求富裕的上层社会生活,只身一人来到美国大都市芝加哥的艰辛经历,为能在大城市有立足之地,她先后委身与推销员杜洛埃和酒店经理赫斯特伍德的庇护之下,最后凭借自己的努力和机遇成为百老汇舞蹈明星的故事。然而在她拥有了金钱和地位后,仍然精神极度空虚,却感觉不到成功和金钱所带给他的任何幸福,俨然成了物质上的“土豪”,精神上的“贫困户”。在小说中运用自然主义创作手法的德莱塞强烈地抨击了当时美国社会的道德沦丧,因此也成就了这部作品在美国小说史上的里程碑地位。 二、诠释自然主义 法国小说家左拉提出自然主义的概念,美国的文学界在达尔文进化论的影响下,盛行于各国文学领域。主要观点是真正意义上的自由没有被人类获得,相反,在社会、经济、心理等因素的影响下人类的生活、观点和道德都会发生改变。自然主义的基本特征如下:首先,与现实主义相似的是,自然主义侧重于对客观的、真实的现实生活的具体描述。与之不同的是,自然主义认为文学应当保持绝对的中立和客观,坚决不能服从于某种政治和道德目的。第二,自然主义作家运用所谓的“污秽”语言对社会现实的丑恶现象进行如实的描绘,并控诉了对新兴的资产阶级扭曲的价值观和道德观,揭露了资本主义的丑恶现实-物欲横流。第三,宿命论和悲观论是自然主义文学作品的又一特点,自然主义的悲观论者认为,人们生活在苦难中,并最终走向死亡的结局。同时自然主义观点认为,人受到环境、


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《嘉莉妹妹读后感》 一八八九年间,聪明、羞怯,?由于无知和年轻而充满了幻想的十八岁的嘉罗琳〃米蓓?(家里人叫她嘉莉妹妹),手提内装四块美元的仿鳄鱼皮手提包,离开故乡小城前往芝加哥。寒酸、凄惶,对未知的繁华充满热望,嘉莉,一个不折不扣的外来妹。西奥多〃德莱塞对此有着切肤之痛,他带着欣喜的目光和屈辱的眼泪小心翼翼地展开笔触,动人的情节便历历如在眼前。 ?她刚到芝加哥,就像夜里吹来的一阵清新的空气一样新鲜,乡下的阳光依然在她眼里闪耀。?脱胎换骨的城市生活让嘉莉迅速地改变:?在这短短的瞬间,乡间的狭隘生活不知怎的就像一件外逃从她身上脱下来,替换她的则是充满种种奥秘的城市生活。?伊始,作者发自肺腑地说:?一个女孩子十八岁离家出门,结局只有两种,要么遇到好人搭救而越变越好,要么很快接受了大都市道德标准而越变越坏。在这样的环境中,要保持中间状态是不可能的。?这不仅是德莱塞个人生活经验的总结,也是上上世纪末美国社会为人处世的箴言。欲望的膨胀和环境的诱惑,而根本点在于前者。我们从那些概念式的句子研读急欲表达的内容。?如同许多凡夫俗子一样,本能和欲念在某种程度上说还是胜利者。??她完全听从自己的欲念摆布,不是走下决心要走的路,而

是很快就随波逐流了。??面对做‘正派人’的呼声,饥饿的痛苦回答得多么有力!沉郁的气氛影响又是多么微妙!?对一个十七八岁的小姑娘,我们能苛责什么呢?一切就交给德莱塞,把楚楚可怜的主人公放在经济飞速发展的美国西部大经济背景下,漫不经心地叙述着每一个情节,让读者不得不叹惋和揪心。全部文本里,没有艳词丽句,也没有美国式的轻松幽默和温柔香风,有的是鞭辟入里的长篇叙事,让我们在19世纪末的美国艰苦的长途旅行时,充满欢乐和忧伤,伴随欲罢不能的入世思考。然而嘉莉是幸运的,她的幸运来自本性的善良和自我的智慧,她比男友德鲁埃和情夫赫斯特伍德都要善良和聪明。 如果禀承王尔德及时行乐的人生哲学,城市的温度和湿度让欲望像流行病毒一样发生骇人听闻的裂变,色彩斑斓的人生如鲜艳的蘑菇,瞬间即逝、腐烂发臭。豪华的沃尔夫大酒店,肮脏的鲍威里附近的小街旅社;嘉莉妹妹的?锦绣前程?,赫斯特伍德的?冰冷的地狱?;赫斯特伍德家人阳光明媚的欧洲之旅,赫斯特伍德本人凄凉的生命终结之路;纸醉金迷的汉纳-霍格酒吧,紧张破败的芝加哥第五街制鞋厂;歌舞升平的大剧院,冷雨凄风的贫民窟。鲜明的对比给读者造成极富震撼的冲击,这就是美国,一座欲望的城市。这世道,要么消灭欲望,皈依基督,让天国仁慈的阳光时时照耀,慰藉衣不蔽体、食不果腹的街头流浪汉;要么遏制欲望,孜


The Analysis of Naturalism in Sister Carrie Abstract:Sister Carrie is one of the classics of naturalism. It was the first successful novel of American naturalistic writer Theodore Dreiser. This paper explains the meaning of naturalism, analyzes the naturalism writing style in Sister Carrie. It includes two major aspects: naturalism writing style in environmental determinism and biological evolutionism. Keyword: Dreiser, Sister Carrie, naturalism, environmental determinism, biological evolutionism Sister Carrie is the first novel of American naturalistic writer Theodore Dreiser in the 20th century. The novel portrayed images of Carrie and Drouet and so on. The novel fully embodied Dreiser's naturalism morality and life view. 一.Naturalism Naturalism was originally a concept of classical philosophy. It was used to point out all forms of materialism, hedonism and secularism. In the early nineteenth century, with the rapid development of natural science and naturalism's connections to it, naturalism lost some derogatory senses and obtained a new kind of respect. Apart from applying in philosophy and science, naturalism was also applied in fine arts and then was introduced into field of literature. It was representative by Flaubert, Turner and Zola. Art critics Turner thought moral science was like natural science. It should be study in a similar way. We should treat all schools of literature equally and be objective to them. Following after Turner, Zola became the summarize and advocator of naturalism theory. Zola thought, the previous realistic works did not fully fit the demand of modern art and she made up her mind to use new theory to tamp it. Respecting the fact and literature was the base of this theory. Zola boiled the characteristic of naturalistic novel down to a point. That was valuing life correctly and getting rid of all elements of novelized character. Naturalist literature originated in France during the 1960s and then flourished. In 1990s, the trend of naturalist spread to American literature. Compared with European countries, naturalism's development in America was more closely connected with its social and economic reform. Naturalism had aroused widespread attention in America. Naturalistic works' writing feature consists in a richness of detail, like real-time objective description. Dreiser used these techniques to become a successful representative naturalistic writer. Naturalistic writers thought human traits was determined by inheritance and their behavior were governed by social and economic conditions. Dreiser's naturalism showed mainly that his protagonist was entirely governed by environment, inheritance and physiology, especially chemistry that involuntarily sinking to the abyss of evil in instinctive efforts. Therefore, men can not be responsible for their own mistakes or failures. Sympathetically disposing towards losers was one major feature in Dreiser's naturalism. 二.Naturalistic writing style in Sister Carrie Sister Carrie was written at a time when Darwinism prevailed. Many themes of the novel, like struggle, survival and desire, all came directly out of Darwinism's evolutionary perspective. In the meantime,Sister Carrie also was written in American naturalism mature stage--the end of 19th century. American naturalism was influenced by French naturalism. They emphasized human traits was determined inheritance and human behavior was governed by social and economic conditions. Dreiser fully revealed the naturalism style in Sister Carrie. He perfectly revealed the different mentality that different people had and different fate they had. And he explored the impacts of desire and environment on individual fate. These all were filled with ultra morals and survival of the fittest. Dreiser's life was full of ups and downs. So he had a chance to observe the every aspect
