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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (1)

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (1)
Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (1)

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions















23.n.认出;承认24.n.(评判的)标准;尺度(pl.) 25.n.&vt.要求;声称;主张26.adj.有效的;确凿的

27.n.& vt.文件;档案;将…归档 28.adj.成熟的

29.n.线;绳子30.n.& vt.胶水;粘贴









46.adj. 充满活力的47.adj.多样的




















III. Key patterns


When I my mother in the countryside on the telephone



Here was a chance for me to something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.


I the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.


They disappeared into in the wall.


Between the outside and inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, ______ freezes hard __________ ____________..


●[预习检查] Assignment check

●[自主探究] Self-exploration

I. Fast reading:

Skim the whole passage and get the main idea:

The text is about _______________________ and presents _____________________

and applying for ________.

II. Careful reading

T ask 1 Choose the right answers

1.The writer was when her mother told her to get rid of some snakes in their gard.

A.upset B.disappointed C.pround D.passive

2.An invention will get a patent if it is .

A.a discovery B.a game or a business

C.a computer program D.a novel invention

3.From the text, we know that .

A.a discovery is the same as an invention.

B.getting a patent has advantages.

C.there are three ways to catch snakes.

D.the writer wanted to get a patent before catching the snakes.

4.The following are used in the three attempts EXCEPT .

A.perfume B.a bowl C.jelly D.ice-cubes

5.Which of the following may get a patent according to the text?

A.A computer programme. B.A new animal variety.

C.A work of literature. D.A truly novel and useful invention.

Part I (Para.________) ______________________

Part II (Paras__----____) ______________________

Part III (Para. ____----_____) __________________

Part IV (Para.____----_____) ______________

A. The research on the approaches to solve the problem.

B. The attempts to catch the snakes.

C. The discovery of the problem of the snakes.

D. The requirement of getting a patent.

T ask 3 True or False

1.I felt afraid when my mother told me to get rid of the snakes.()

2.My parents would not like me to hurt those living creatures. ()

3.Prepared with some research findings, I decided on three possible approaches. ()4.I decided to use the second approaches I thought. ()

5.My third attempt repeated the second procedure. ()

6.It’s easy to get a patent. ()

7.The only job of patent examiners is to examine whether your claim is valid or not. ()8.If it passes all the tests, your application for a patent will be published 12 months from the date you apply. ()

●[合作释疑] Cooperative exploration

●[当堂检测] Consolidation quiz

Fill in the blanks according to the text:

When I 1. my mother on the phone she was very upset, because some snakes came near her house 2. . I thought it was a chance for me to 3. myself by inventing something 4. that would get rid of the snakes. I 5. researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them. Finally I decided on three possible 6.

. My first two attempts both failed, so I had to improve my design again. To my great delight, this time I succeeded. All was in 7. and at last I collected the 8.

snakes and 9. released them all back into the wild. Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to 10. the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.


1. Memorize the words and expressions in this unit.

2. Recite the key patterns.

3. Preview the text on Page 25.


情态动词全解析 一、何谓“情态动词” 情态动词主要用来表示说话人的情感、态度等,是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考的热点,是单项填空必考的一个知识点。情态动词在近五年高考中主要考查四点:情态动词表示推测和可能性的用法;情态动词与虚拟语气;情态动词的表达“情感、态度、语气等”,情态动词表示“必要性”等方面的用法。 二、情态动词的特点 1.没有人称和数的变化。 2. 有些情态动词有过去式的变化: . will → would , can → could , may→ might , dare → dared 三、情态动词的否定形式 情态动词+ not +动词原形can not: can't , must not: mustn't , need not : needn't 四、情态动词的用法及相互间的区别(注意:这是常考的考点) 1. can , be able to be able to 表示经过努力后, 能够做到; be able to 有多种形式的变化。can 1). 表示体力或脑力方面的能力; 2). 表示允许、可能性。 could 是can的过去式, 表示过去有能力及过去存在的可能性; 用于疑问句表示委婉地提出问题。 1) The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out. A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to 2) -Will you stay for lunch -Sorry, __. My brother is coming to see me. A. I mustn't B. I can't C. I needn't D. I won't 表示询问或说明一件事可不可做; 表示某事有可能发生。might是may的过去式; 用在疑问中比may委婉、客气。 1) -May I take this book out of the reading-room -No, you mustn't. ( Yes, you may.) 2) -Might I make a suggestion -Yes, you may. 3. must 1). 表示必须要做的事: 必须 2) 表示很有把握的推断: 一定, 准是。have (has)to : have (has)got to 必须, 不得不。过去式: had to 3) -Must I get to the station before three o'clock -Yes, you must. ( No, you needn't. ) 4) I'm afraid you will have to wait a while. 5) She must be in the classroom now. 6) Mary ____ be in Paris, I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. may not 4. shall 1) 在疑问句中, 用于第一、三人称表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求。 2) 用于二、三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺等概念。 1) - Shall I place an order with you now -No, you needn’t. -Shall he turn down the radio a bit -

泛读教程第一册 Unit 4 Food

Unit 4 Food(饮食)--- A Food Tour of the United States Task 1: Discussion 1.Do you know some information about regional feature of Chinese food and some specialties in each region? 2.Do you know what the features of American food are? Do you know how many distinct regions are there in U.S? What are they? (the Northeast; the South; the Mountain States; the Southwest states; and ?) 3.* Why American food is regional in character? (The U.S has a large area. Each place has their unique geographical and climatic condition, so it produces unique food materials, such as the Northeast which borders sea, river and lake is rich in seafood and the Mountain states produce wild games. The similar rule can also be applied in self-cultivation, running a company and governing a country: to find out our own unique talent, our strength; the more loca/nationall, the more international.) Reading- skill questions about the text: 1.What’s text-type? (narration, description, exposition, or argumentation) 2.What’s th e topic and main idea of the text? (Reading skill: distinguish /obtain main idea and discourse topic quickly and efficiently) Topic: food Main idea: American cooking is regional in character./ one feature of American cooking is variety. 3.Which is the topic sentence in Para.1, sentence 1 or sentence 2? Why? 4.Para2.: guess the meaning of the unfamiliar word “ hearty” in “Mixed in an iron pot and …….” (hearty: [attrib]large; eg. eat a hearty breakfast 丰盛的;have a hearty appetite 胃口很好) Task 2 1.Analyzing different types of reading comprehension questions: Q1: testing skimming skills--- to obtain main idea quickly and efficiently Reading strategy/solution: 文体判断为说明文,顾第一段为重要 Q2-8: testing scanning skills--- to find some key words or phrases; figures, percentages quickly Homework: discussion Why do many people want to go into business for themselves rather than work for an already existing organization? What’s the attraction? To be a manager or leader of a company, what are some of the qualities do you think he or she should have? Reading skill testing: 1.He put his milk in a pouch made from a sheep stomach and set off across the desert. What is the meaning of the word “Pouch”? (C) A. milk B. desert C. a container D. a stomach 2.The movement of his camel, the desert heat, and the chemicals in the pouch made the milk separate into curd and whey. The thick part, or curd , was the first cheese. What is the meaning of the word “curd”? A. the camel B. the thick part of the milk C. desert heat D. milk


第二章复习学案 一、物质的分类 1、常用的分类方法: 和 2、①胶体的本质特征:; ②胶体的性质:当光束通过胶体时,可以看到,叫做,用于区别。 ③Fe(OH)3胶体的制备: 。 练习: 1.下列各组物质分类正确的是( ) 2、下列各组选项按照电解质、非电解质、单质、混合物顺序排列的一项是() A.HCl、CO2、铜、液氯 B.蔗糖、NaNO3、氮气、玻璃 C.NaCl、乙醇、铁、漂白粉 D.盐酸、SO3、石墨、水玻璃 3、下列分散系中,能出现丁达尔现象的是( ) A.蔗糖溶液B、碘化银胶体 C.浓盐酸 D.豆浆 4、用特殊方法把固体物质加工到纳米级(1—lOOnm,1nm=10—9m)的超细粉末粒子,然后制得纳米材料,下列分散系中的分散质的微粒直径和这种粒子具有相同数量级的是() A.溶液B.悬浊液 C.胶体 D.乳浊液 二、离子反应

(一)、电解质和非电解质: 在里或能导电的叫做电解质。 练习:下列物质中,属于电解质的是()非电解质的是( )能导电的是() A.烧碱溶液 B.铁丝 C.熔融的K2SO4 D.酒精 E.石墨 F.SO2G.硫酸铜晶体H.液态氯化氢I.熔融的硫酸钡 (二)、离子共存 1、下列各组离子中,在碱性溶液里能大量共存,且溶液为无色透明的是() A K+、MnO4-、Cl–、SO42-BNa+、AlO2-、NO3-、HCO3- CNa+、、H+、NO3-、SO42- D Na+、SO42-、NO3-、Cl- 2、加入铝片能放出H2的溶液中,一定能大量共存的离子组是( ) A NH4+、CO32-、Al3+、Cl-BNa+、AlO2–、K+、SO42- C Cl-、K+、SO42-、Na+ D K+、SO42-、HCO3-、Na+ 3、在pH=1的溶液中,可以大量共存的离子组是( ) ANa+、K+、SO42-、ClO- B Al3+、Mg2+、SO42-、Cl- CK+、Na+、SiO32-、NO3- D K+、Na+、SO42-、F- 4、下列各组离于在溶液中既可以大量共存,且加入氨水后也不产生沉淀的是() A Na+Ba2+Cl-SO42- B K+AlO2-NO3- OH-? C H+NH4+A l3+SO42- DH+Cl-CH3COO-NO3- 5、在某无色溶液中缓慢地滴入NaOH溶液直至过量,产生沉淀的质量与加入的NaOH溶液体积的关系如右图所示,由此确定,原溶液中含有的阳离子是:() A.Mg2+、Al3+、Fe2+ C.H+、Ba2+、Al3+ D.只有Mg2+、Al3+ (三)、离子方程式的书写及正误判断:


创意英语句子 导读:本文是关于创意英语句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、愿你迷路一生,还是走到我身旁。 May you lose your life or walk up to me. 2、白天没鸟事,晚上鸟没事。 There are no birds in the daytime. 3、我不能,也永远不会,对你厌倦。 I can't, and never will, be tired of you. 4、感情的戏,我没演技。 Emotional drama, I didn't act. 5、明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 Tomorrow's hope, let us forget today's pain. 6、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 Busy bees are too busy to talk in front of people. 7、做好手中事,珍惜眼前人。 Do well in your hands and cherish your eyes. 8、出来混,迟早会烦的。 It will annoy sooner or later. 9、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。 Quarrel with loved ones and talk to strangers.

10、等待,是一生最初的苍老。 Waiting is the first old life. 11、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。 If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon. 12、美好的生命应该充满期待、惊喜和感激。 A beautiful life should be full of anticipation, surprise and gratitude. 13、没有热忱,世间便无进步。 Without enthusiasm, there is no progress in the world. 14、比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。 More persistence than others, you will create miracles. 15、瘦了叫苗条,胖了叫丰满。 Thin is called slim, fat called fullness. 16、我的眼里没有你,余光全是你。 I don't see you in my eyes, Yu Guangquan is you. 17、你还小,我不忍心跟你谈恋爱。 When you are young, I can't bear to fall in love with you. 18、你的想法真不错,向你学习。 Your idea is very good, learn from you. 19、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Freezing is not a cold day. 20、有些课就像南孚电池,一节更比六节长。


高中英语必修三 情态动词(unit 1 ,unit 2) 一、情态动词的特点: 1.没有人称和数的变化。 2. 有些情态动词有过去式的变化: e.g. will → would , can → could , may→ might ,dare → dared 二、情态动词的否定式: 情态动词+ not +动词原形can not: can't , must not: mustn't , need not : needn't 三、情态动词的用法及相互区别, 是考试的内容之一 1. can , be able to be able to 表示经过努力后, 能够做到; be able to 有多种形式的变化。 can 1). 表示体力或脑力方面的能力; 2). 表示允许、可能性。 could 是can的过去式, 表示过去有能力及过去存在的可能性; 用于疑问句表示委婉地提出问题。 1) The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out. (NMET 97 ) A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to 2) -Will you stay for lunch? -Sorry, __. My brother is coming to see me. (NMET99) A. I mustn't B. I can't C. I needn't D. I won't 2.may 表示询问或说明一件事可不可做; 表示某事有可能发生。might是may的过去式; 用在疑问中比may委婉、客气。 1) -May I take this book out of the reading-room? -No, you mustn't. ( Yes, you may.) 2) -Might I make a suggestion? -Yes, you may. 3. must 1). 表示必须要做的事: 必须 2) 表示很有把握的推断: 一定, 准是。have (has)to : have (has)got to 必须, 不得不。过去式: had to 3) -Must I get to the station before three o'clock? -Yes, you must. ( No, you needn't. ) 4) I'm afraid you will have to wait a while. 5) She must be in the classroom now. 6) Mary ____ be in Paris, I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. (NMET 94) A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. may not 4. shall 1) 在疑问句中, 用于第一、三人称表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求。 2) 用于二、三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺等概念。 1) - Shall I place an order with you now? -No, you needn’t. -Shall he turn down the radio a bit? - Yes, please.(No, please don't.)


Unit 1 I. Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C II. Translation 1. 但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。 2. 他不会轻易发火,有一颗金子般的心,你很少能从他的嘴里听到攻击和批评别人的话。 3. 常言道:善行胜于善言。父亲的身教对我的影响远远超过了他的言传。 4. 面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,怎么能保持心气平和?难道力气这么大的人不该脾气也大吗? 5. 体育明星和歌星|、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄”这个头衔还是应该留给像我父亲 那样,为了自己所爱的人孜孜不卷地工作的人。 III. Summary 1.hard work, pays off 2.Big Bruno, strong in stature, a gentle spirit 3.most patient, slow to get angry, a heart of gold, a lot of friends 4. a role model, a true friend, a treasure 5.hero, does good, loves everyone, doesn’t expect anything, in return, work tirelessly, the good race I. Skimming question 1 A II. Skimming question 2 A teacher should … 1. be pleasant live and attractive 2. have a genuine capacity for sympathy 3. be both intellectually and morally honest 4. be mentally alert 5. be capable of infinite patience 6. have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning III. Scanning question 1 4


洋流对局部气候的形成、港口、海上航行、海洋污染的稀释与扩散等相关知识。为此设计了本讲知识,以让学生灵活掌握水循环的过程和环节、洋流的形成原理及其规律作为着眼点,其中考点整合作为基础知识回顾或课后梳理考点均可。本讲的设计探究点的讲解必须让学生能够理解其原理和规律,或通过具体针对性练习加以落实。 【考点整合】

【要点热点探究】 探究点一我国河流五种补给形式的比较 季节变 季节变化 愈往 水位高的补 注意:河流单一补给的很少,往往是多种水源补给,而以某种补给为主。 探究点二流量过程线图的判读方法 例1 (2011年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试一)下图是我国某河流近30年径流量、蒸发量和气温之间统计关系示意图,完成⑴~⑵题。

⑴该河流最主要的补给是 A.雨水B.冰川C.湖泊水D.地下水 ⑵该流域位于 A.温带季风气候区B.温带大陆性气候区 C.热带沙漠气候区D.地中海气候区 探究点三水循环的过程、意义及人类活动对水循环的影响 注意:⑴在水循环的三种循环类型中,海上内循环参与的水量最多,陆地内循环参与

例2读下图,回答下列问题 ⑴图中A地的水循环为___________,B地的水循环为__________. ⑵甲、乙两城市中,水资源较丰富的是________城,原因是__________________ ⑶水循环得以顺利完成的内因是_____________,外因是_______________________. 命题意图:此题为综合性较强的练习题,主要考查学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。⑴题让学生了解水循环的类型;⑵题让学生了解距离海洋远近直接影响水循环,进而影响水资源的多少;⑶题让学生用辨证的观点去分析水循环的成因。 解析:⑴A处水蒸发、降水,水没有最终注入海洋,为陆地内循环,B处于外流区既参与陆地内循环,又参与海陆间大循环;⑵降水多的地区水资源比较丰富;⑶考查知识识记。 答案:(1)陆地内循环海陆间循环和陆地内循环(2)乙该城市离海洋近,水循环活跃,海洋带来丰沛的降水(3)水的三态变化太阳辐射能和重力能的作用[变式训练] (2011届海口市高考调研测试)我国第一个南极内陆科学考察站昆仑站于2009年1月27日在南极内陆冰盖的最高点冰穹地区胜利建成。下图为南极地区的自然物质运动示意图,读图完成下题。


必修三unit2语法讲解情态动词用法(二) 、ought to的用法 1. ought to应该”与should相比较ought to语气重,偏重责任、义务、 道德、法律”等方面,意为应该” ①We ought to stop polluti ng n ature.我们应该停止污染大自然。 2. ought to表示较大的可能性。 ①Mary ought to be here soon.玛丽应该很快就来了。 [点津]用ought to表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常指的是一种合乎逻辑的 可能性(与should表推断时相似),有时可译为很可能;准是”语气比must要弱)。 3. ought to的否定形式为ought not to或ought n't to,其一般疑问句形式是将ought置于主语前。 ①We ought not to start so late.我们不该这么晚动身。 4. 在反意疑问句中,常省掉to用ought n't或should n't。 ① He ought to take back what he has said, ought n' t/should n't he? 他应该收回他说的话,是吗? 1 —1.写出下面句中黑体部分的意义 ① To keep fit, weought to lear n more about our body. _____ ① Youought not to do such a thing. _______ ① Itought to be a close game. _______ 1 —2.用ought完成句子 ①(尔不该责备他。You __________ (scold )him. ①我明天该动身吗?一_______________ (_leave [tomorrow? 是的,你应该。一Yes, you ought to ①我们现在应该走,是吗?We ought to go now, ______________ _? 二、have to, don't have to 与must n't 的用法 1. have to(口语中常用have got to)表示客观需要做的事情,意为必须;不 得不”有时态、人称和数的变化,其否定式和疑问式应由助动词do构成。 ① My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the ni ght. 我弟弟病了,我不得不半夜里把医生请来。


Unit One Words to note: 12, 8, 13, 14, 10, 15, 2, 5, 16, 11, 4, 7, 1, 6, 3, 9 Understanding the text: Part A: 1. They gave clocks to Chinese and the phrase "give a clock" sounds like "make a funeral arrangement". 2. Because they symbolize the cutting of a relationship. 3. Things from your own place that are difficult to get locally in the place where you are visiting. 4. With both hands. 5. To show modesty; they do not want to appear greedy by accepting immediately. Part C: 1. they can strengthen business relationships. 2. they may be seen as inappropriately romantic. 3. wrapped and presented correctly. 4. they don't want the donor to lose face if the gift is not appropriate. 5. remember the country's religion, avoid giving things that are not appropriate, and chose the wrapping paper carefully. Unit Two Words to note: 7, 5, 12, 9, 1, 15, 2, 3, 10, 6, 13, 16, 4, 11, 14, 8 Understanding the text: Part A: 1. The Western horoscope is divided into 12 star signs. 2. Varied answers. 3. Cartoons and crosswords. 4. Traveling overseas. 5. The horse. 6. Power, passion and daring. 7. The second new-moon day after the winter solstice. 8. Because some signs are believed to be incompatible with others and therefore a bad marriage will result. Part B: F, T, F, F, F, T, F, F Unit 3 Words to note: 9, 3, 15, 2, 7, 1, 10, 14, 4, 12, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13 Understanding the text: Part A: 8, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 1, 4 Part B: F, F, T, T, F, F, F, T, T, F Unit 4 Words to note: 12, 7, 13, 2, 14, 10, 8, 1, 4, 5, 11, 9, 3, 6, Understanding the text Part B: F, F, F, T, F, T Corrections: 1.British people eat a very large breakfast before going to work.


大学英语泛读教程第一册参考答案 (高等教育出版社,2010年3月版) Unit 1 Chapter 1 A family sees America Together (P. 2—17) G. Blank Filling (P 11) 1. describing 2. journal 3. sign 4. websites 5. miss H. Translation (P. 12) 1. By using computers and the Internet 2. if we are friendly and helpful to others 3. learn about our country and (our) people 4. enjoyed his trip in Europe 5. on the day that/when they left Chapter two F. Word forms (p. 27) 1. a. solves (v.) b. solutions (n.) 2. a. education (n.) b. educate (v. ) 3. a. locate (v.) b. locations (n.) 4. a. construction (n.) b. construct (v.) 5. a. organization (n.) b. organizes (v.) G. Blank Filling (p. 28) 1. habitat 2. community 3. endangered 4. solution 5. For instance


第二单元古代希腊罗马的政治制度 ㈠“理”考点及内在联系 ㈡“理”三级考点的要素、要点 ⒈了解地理环境和城邦制度对古希腊民主政治的影响 ⑴自然环境 A、特点:位于地中海东部的巴尔干半岛,东临爱琴海,海岸线曲折,天然良港众多,海岛星罗棋布。航海和海外贸易条件得天独厚。山岭纵横交错,没有肥沃和广阔的平原。 B、影响:①利于发展海外贸易和工商业,是民主政治产生的经济基础。②海外贸易、殖民活动及其他经济、文化交往活动,使古希腊形成宽松自由的社会环境,并较早地接受平等互利的观念,是民主政治产生的社会条件。 ⑵城邦制度 A、特点:城邦是具有共同血缘和地域的公民团体。小国寡民和独立自主构成城邦的基本特点。 B、影响:城邦制度是孕育古希腊民主政治的摇篮。 ⒉了解梭伦改革和克里斯提尼改革。 ⑴梭伦改革 A、时间:前6世纪初,执政官梭伦进行改革 B、内容:按财产多少,把公民分为四个等级;公民大会成为最高权力机关,各等级公民均可参加;建立四百人议事会,前三等级公民均可入选;建立陪审法庭;废除债奴制等。 C、作用:动摇了旧氏族贵族世袭特权,保障了公民的民主权利,为雅典民主政治奠定了基础。 ⑵克里斯提尼改革 A、时间:前6世纪末 B、内容:建立十个地区部落,以部落为单位举行选举;设立五百人议事会,由各部落轮流执政;每部落选一名将军组成十将军委员会;继续扩大公民大会的权力等。 C、作用:基本铲除了旧氏族贵族的政治特权,公民参政权空前扩大,雅典民主政治确立。 ⒊了解伯利克里时期雅典民主政治繁荣的表现 前5世纪,在伯利克里担任首席将军期间,雅典民主政治发展到顶峰。表现在: ①所有成年男性公民可以担任几乎一切官职。②五百人议事议的职能进一步扩大。③陪审法庭成为最高司法与监察机关,法官从各部落30岁以上的男性公民中产生。④为鼓励和保证所有公民积极参政,向担任公职和参加政治活动的公民发放工资。⑤特意为公民发放“观剧津贴”。 ⒋了解《十二铜表法》、公民法和万民法 ⑴公元前5世纪中期,在平民反对贵族的斗争中,罗马制定了《十二铜表法》。从此,审判、量刑皆

【最新】人教版高中英语必修三Unit1 情态动词精品学案

最新教学资料·人教版英语 情态动词精品学案 一、情态助动词的词法和句法特征: 1. 情态动词只能接不带to的不定式: We used to grow beautiful roses. I asked if he would come and repair my television set. 2. 情态助动词用于第三人称单数现在时的时候,没有词形变化,即其词尾无-s形式: She dare not say what she thinks. 3. 情态动词没有非限定形式,即没有不定式、-ing分词和-ed分词形式: Still, she needn’t have run away. 二.、情态助动词的意义和用法 1. can和could的用法 1). 表示能力或客观可能性,还可以表示请求和允许。如: Can you finish this work tonight? Man cannot live without air. — Can I go now? — Yes, you can. ①could也可表示请求,预期委婉,主要用于疑问句,不可用于肯定句,答语应用can(即could不能用于现在时态的简略答语中)。如: Could I come to see you tomorrow? Yes, you can. (否定答语可用No, I’m afraid not.) ②can表示能力时,还可用be able to代替。如: I’ll not be able to come this afternoon. 2).表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度。(主要用在否定句、疑问句或感叹句中)Can this be true? How can you be so careless! This cannot be done by him. 3).“can(could) + have + 过去分词”的疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的行为怀疑或不肯定。如:


Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed

strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Sec tion B

人教版必修一第二单元 《烛之武退秦师》 教学设计

《烛之武退秦师》教学设计 【教学创意】 《烛之武退秦师》是一篇经典课文,但我们常常按教授文言文一般的做法在教,由字词到人物再主题。这样上文言文很规矩,却了无新意与深意,无法激发学生阅读文言文的兴趣。故我有意改变策略,鼓励学生自读课文,到课本中发现问题,再进行探讨教学。没想到学生发现了一个很有价值的问题,学生不能理解“以乱易整,不武”中“武”的意义。因此在第二课时,抓住“武”问题展开教学,挖掘“武”的文化内涵,进一步探讨烛之武的谋略艺术及其形象。此设计让学生真正成了问题的主人,通过“一点突破,遍及其余”的方式教学,使他们整体把握人物形象与主题,并深刻感受到了经典作品的恒久魅力——中华文化的普世价值,这是我设计的初衷。 【教学目标】 1、挖掘“武”的深刻文化内涵,把握人物形象。 2、领会烛之武高超的谋略艺术。 【教学过程】 一、导入新课 在人类发展的历史长河中,战争始终伴随着人类。中国历史就是一部战争史。在冷兵器时代的中国涌现出大批优秀的外交家,他们凭着三寸不烂之舌、纵横捭阖的外交智慧让战争呈现出别样的意义。今天我们就随着鲁国史官左丘明的脚步,穿越历史的隧道,去探究一下大家关注的“武”的真正内涵。 二、质疑问难合作解疑 对文学作品的探究有很多种方式,质疑就是其中一种。大家预习时,发现了一个很有价值的问题,接下来细读相关段落,共同探讨“武”的真正内涵。 探讨话题一:以乱易整,不武。 课外查找了对这句话的各种翻译,苏教版解为:用混乱相攻取代联合一致,是不勇武的。人教版中将“以乱易整,不武”解为“用散乱代替整齐,这是不符合武德的”,说明“武”是“勇武”,“武”即“武的精神或原则”。 1、学生质疑: 士兵打仗不论用混乱或整齐方式都应该有武的行为,有武斗的性质,是用武力去解决问题,很勇武; 去攻打背叛自己的盟友,完全符合武德,“以乱易整”何以不武? 学生思考并交流。 明确:不管是不勇武、不威武,还是不符合武德,都带有“用力量去打击敌人”这层面的理解。如果从这个层面去理解,是回答不了“何以不武”的问题,肯定还存有其他层面的理解。 2、提问:“武”还能有其他层面的理解吗? 在此环节,引导学生借助注释和工具书,找出“武”字的详细解释。 明确:“武”为会意字,从止,从戈。据甲骨文,人持戈行进,表示要动武。本义:勇猛;猛烈。 《左传?宣十二年》:止戈为武。夫武,禁暴戢兵,保大定功,安民和众,丰财者也。 由此表明用武的目的是止息干戈,防止战争,止戈为武,武以止战。


Unit1 情态动词 一、分析下面句子归纳总结can/could的用法。 1.I can swim. / He can speak English very well. 归纳总结: _____________________. 2.Can I come in? / You can watch TV. 归纳总结:___________________________. 3.He couldn’t have left, for his bike is still here. 归纳总结:___________________________. 4.My sister has one shortcoming. She can be stubborn. 归纳总结:_________________________. 5.(了解)How could you do such a silly thing? (could为过去式) 归纳总结:用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中表示惊讶、怀疑等感情色彩。 6.can/could的固定短语: can’t but _______________ can’t be too...______________ can’t help_______________ can’t be...enough_______________ as...as one can/possible________________ can’t wait to do..________________ ①每当我看到这张照片,我就禁不住想起您为我们做的事情。 ________________________________________________________________________ ②我们有必要尽可能的经常锻炼身体。 ________________________________________________________________________ ③你最好尽可能的多与老师交流。 ________________________________________________________________________ ④他如此伟大,我们怎么表扬也不过分。 ________________________________________________________________________ ⑤当我听到他的故事时,我不得不钦佩他的胆量。 ________________________________________________________________________ ⑥我迫不及待的邀请你担任这次英语演讲比赛的评委。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. be able to 与can ①*I’m sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow. ②*In this way ,you may be able to pay attention to what the teacher says. ③I could climb trees when I was younger. He was able to go to the party yesterday in spite of the heavy rain. 归纳总结:be able to 与can: ___________________________________ ①“In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn’t get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own,” says Christine Crosby. (翻译) ②While shopping, people sometimes can't help ________________ (persuade) into buying something they don't really need. ③She can't help _________ (clean)the house because she's busy making a cake. 二、归纳总结may/might的用法No, you mustn’t 1. You may take this seat if you like. May I …? Yes, please. / Sure, go ahead. 归纳总结:___________________________________. 2. Your math teacher may be in his office.
