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Conversion of N-Acyllactams into α-Alkylated Cyclic Enamides via Vinyl Triflates


翻译研究中的概念混淆 ——以“翻译策略”、“翻译方法”和“翻译技巧”为例 熊兵华中师范大学 《中国翻译》2014(3)82-88 摘要:本文对学界在“翻译策略”、“翻译方法”和“翻译技巧”这三个基本概念上所存在的普遍的混淆进行了剖析,提出应对这三个概念进行明确区分。在此基础上论文对这三个概念的定义、特性、相互关系及其各自的分类体系进行了系统阐述。 关键词:翻译策略;翻译方法;翻译技巧;混淆;定义;分类 1.话题缘起 在翻译研究中,有一个问题一直以来都未引起学界足够的重视,并因此在一定程度上妨碍了翻译研究的进一步发展,这个问题即为翻译研究中的概念混淆,其中又尤以“翻译策略”、“翻译方法”和“翻译技巧”这三个概念的混淆为甚。一方面,学界对翻译“策略”、“方法”和“技巧”的讨论虽多如牛毛,但把它们作为一个方法论系统的关键要素进行综合研究,深入考察其各自的内涵、相互关系及分类体系的系统性研究还相当少见。另一方面,学界在对这三个术语的认识和使用上普遍存在着定义不明、分类不当、概念混淆不清的问题。例如,在一些翻译教材中中,“归化”与“异化”一方面被作为“翻译方法”加以讨论(如龚芬,2011:79—81),另一方面又被视为“翻译策略”进行阐述(同上:93—106)。一些翻译论文把本应属于翻译技巧层面的增补型翻译(类似于增译)、浓缩型翻译(类似于减译)划归为“翻译策略”的类别(如李克兴,2004:66—67)。在一些翻译方向的硕士研究生论文中,把翻译“策略”、“方法”、“技巧”混为一谈的更是比比皆是。甚至翻译专业的老师对此问题也存在一些模糊的、甚至是错误的看法(如把归化等同于意译,把异化等同于直译)。 国外学界对此也存在一些模糊或混淆(或未予严格区分。比如Shuttleworth & Cowie (2004:44,59)一方面把domestication/foreignization称作是“strategy”,另一方面却又把free/literal translation也视为“strategy”(同上:63,96 )。Vinay & Darbelnet (1958/2000:84—93) 把翻译方法(method)分为两类:直接翻译(direct translation)和间接翻译(oblique translation),前者包括三种处理方式(procedures),即借译,拟译,直译,后者包括四种处理方式,即词类转换,视点转换,等值翻译,顺应翻译。可在论述中却经常把其划分出来的“方法”(methods)和“处理方式”(procedures)混为一谈。另外,他们把“借译、拟译、直译、等值翻译、顺应翻译”和“词类转换、视角转换”划归为一类(同属procedures)也欠妥当,因为前者应属“翻译方法”的范畴,而后者则应属“翻译技巧”的范畴。实际上,这里Vinay &Darbelnet的分类涉及到三个层面:翻译策略、翻译方法和翻译技巧。其划分出来的两大“翻译方法”(直接翻译和间接翻译)其实应为“翻译策略”(所以Munday说,“The two general translation strategies identified by Vinay &Darbelnet are direct translation and oblique translation”,见Munday,2008:56),而在其划分出来的七类“处理方式”中,前三类和最后两类属于“翻译方法”,第四、第五类则属于“翻译技巧”。总之,Vinay &Darbelnet在其分类中把翻译“策略、方法、技巧”混淆在一起,这也导致后来很长时间学界在这几个概念上的混淆(Molina &Albir,2002:506 0 关于国外译学界在译学术语,特别是在“翻译策略、翻译方法、翻译技巧”三个术语上所存在的概念混淆、使用混乱的问题,Chesterman(2005)和Molina & Albir(2002)曾专门撰文予以讨论。如Chesterman指出,学界用于描述文本操作过程的术语除翻译“策略”外,其他还有“技巧、方法、转换、转化、变易”等等(2005:17)。他认为这种众多术语相互混用


外文翻译--第三方物流企业的作业成本法 本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 外文出处 International Advances in Economic Research, 2001,7 1 : 133-146. 外文作者 Carles Gríful-Miquela 原文: Activity-Based Costing Methodology for Third-Party Logistics Companies This paper will analyze the main costs that third-party logistics companies are facing and develops an activity-based costing methodology useful for this kind of company. It will examine the most important activities carried out by third-party distributors in both warehousing and transporting activities. However, the focus is mainly on the activity of distributing the product to the final receiver when this final receiver is not the customer of the third-party logistics company. Introduction In the last decade, development of third-party logistics companies has been very important. There are several reasons for such development, the most important being the trend to concentrate in the core business



成本会计中英文术语 非正常毁损Abnormal spoilage 生产成本法Absorption costing 账户分析法Account analysis method 会计回报率Accounting rate of return 权责发生制下会计回报率Accrual accounting rate of return 作业Activity 作业基础的预算管理Activity-based budgeting 作业成本法 Activity-based costing 作业管理 Activity-based management 实际成本Actual cost 实际成本法Actual costing 调整分配率途径Adjusted allocation-rate approach 允许的成本Allowable cost 鉴定成本Appraisal costs 拟构成本Artificial costs 注意力导向Attention directing 自治Autonomy 平均成本Average cost 平均等候时间Average waiting time 反冲成本法Backflush costing

平衡记分卡Balanced scorecard 批次级成本 Batch-level costs 观念系统Belief systems 标杆管理Benchmarking 账面价值Book value 瓶颈Bottleneck 边界系统Boundary systems 盈亏平衡点Breakeven point 预算Budget 预算成本Budgeted cost 预算松弛Budgetary slack 预算间接成本分配率Budgeted indirect-cost rate 捆绑产品Bundled product 业务功能成本Business function costs 副产品Byproducts 资本预算Capital budgeting 储囤成本Carrying costs 现金预算Cash budget 因果图 Cause-and-effect diagram 财务管理认证Certified in financial management 注册管理会计师Certified management accountant 财务总监Chief financial officer 决定系数Coefficient


A FIELD STUDY:SMALL MANUFACTURING COMPANIES In this section, the implementation of the proposed Integrated ABC-EVA System at two small manufacturing companies is presented. The managers of the companies wished for their company names to remain anonymous. T herefore, they will be referred to as “Company X” and “Company Y” from here on. Prior to the field study, both companies were using traditional costing systems. The overhead was allocated to product lines based on direct labor hours. In both companies, managers felt that their traditional costing systems were not able to provide reliable cost information. 1 Company X Company X, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was a small manufacturing company with approximately 30 employees. Company X’s main products l ines were Overlays、Membranes、Laser、Roll Labels and N’Caps. In the mid 1990’s, a group of investors purchased the company from the previous owner-manager who had retired. At the time of the study, the company was managed by its former vice-president, who was supported by a three-person management group. Investors were primarily concerned with financial performance rather than daily decision-making. The management group was very eager to participate in the field study for two reasons. First, the management was under pressure from their new investors who were not satisfied with the current return from existing product lines; Second, management was trying to identify the most lucrative product line in order to initiate a marketing campaign with the biggest impact on overall profits. 2 Company Y Company Y, also located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was owned and managed by three owner-managers who bought the company from a large corporation in the mid 1990’s, Company Y employed approximately 40 people. The majority of this compa ny’s business was in the area of manufacturing electrical devices and their main product lines were Motors and Motor Parts、Breakers、and Control Parts. Company Y sold its products in the domestic market as well as abroad. A portion of the company’s output was sold directly to end-users, while the remainder was sold with the help of independent distributors. The management of Company Y was


四种翻译方法 1.直译和意译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。 每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基) 应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.(郭著章) 直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。 意译是指译者在受到译语社会文化差异的局限时,不得不舍弃原文的字面意义,以求疑问与原文的内容相符和主要语言功能的相似。(陈


文献出处: RICHARD C. Enterprise Cost Control Strategies: The Case of High-tech Enterprise [J]. The Journal of International Finance, 2014, 6(12): 13-29. (本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库) 原文 Enterprise Cost Control Strategies: The Case of High-tech Enterprise RICHARD C Abstract Since 1980s, trends like globalization, technological innovation, and information technology have changed the way companies are managed. On the one hand, the development of information technology brings companies more advanced management tools to reduce costs and increase productivity; on the other hand, globalization of markets is increasing the intensity of competition among industries. In order to survive in the competitive environment, companies must have long-term strategic plan, implement effective management and improve competitiveness. Accounting information, especially cost accounting information plays an important role in developing and implementing the company’s strategy. In practice, many companies find that the competitive advantages depend on three factors: cost, quality, product development and on time deliveries. Cost management has a broad focus. It is not just the cost accounting reporting and the accounting system. It is also the approaches and activities of a company in short--run and long--run planning that increase value for customers and lower costs of products and services. Strategic cost management focuses on higher productivity, shorter production runs, larger product quantity and higher product quality. Key Words: Cost management, Cost control, Strategic domain, Strategic method, Cost information system. 1 Introduction In practice, many companies find that the competitive advantages depend on three factors: cost, quality, product development and on time deliveries. Cost


第三方物流企业的作业成本法【外文翻译】本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 外文出处 International Advances in Economic Research, 2001,7(1): 133-146. 外文作者Carles Gríful-Miquela 原文: Activity-Based Costing Methodology for Third-Party Logistics Companies This paper will analyze the main costs that third-party logistics companies are facing and develops an activity-based costing methodology useful for this kind of company. It will examine the most important activities carried out by third-party distributors in both warehousing and transporting activities. However, the focus is mainly on the activity of distributing the product to the final receiver when this final receiver is not the customer of the third-party logistics company. Introduction In the last decade, development of third-party logistics companies has been very important. There are several reasons for such development, the most important being the trend to concentrate in the core business by manufacturing companies and new technological advances, In this context, conventional approaches to costing might generate distorted information, This can result in making wrong decisions. When companies


重庆理工大学 文献翻译 二级学院应用技术学院 班级 112216101 学生姓名陈语宣学号 11221610117 译文要求 1、译文内容必须与课题(或专业内容相关,并需注明详细出处。 2、外文翻译译文不少于2000字;外文参考资料阅读量至少3篇(相 当于10万外文字符以上。 3、译文原文(或复印件应附在译文后备查。 译文评阅 导师评语(应根据学校“译文要求”,对学生外文翻译的准确性、翻译数量以及译文的文字表述情况等作具体的评价 指导教师: 年月日 外文翻译 译文 作业成本法:仍然有用吗? 资料来源:管理会计季刊,2011年春季 作者:William Stratton, Denis Desroches, Raef Lawson, Toby Hatch

在过去的几年里,顾问、从业者和学术研究者已经注意到,作业成本法(ABC已经发展到提高决策支持以及成本与利润核算系统的精度,但是预期结果往往不是很理想。Robert S. Kaplan 和Steven R. Anderson 指出,许多公司丢弃了作业成本法,因为它没有抓住公司经营的复杂性,花费了很长时间去实施,建立和维护又太昂贵。作业成本法在其他地方出现进一步的批评:在理论上作业成本法简单易懂,但是在实践中运用却是非常困难的。它涉及“作业”定义,并试图判断每年需要使用多少费用,而且它必须定期进行检查。很多公司有些厌倦了,所以放弃运用作业成本法。在2001年的年度调查报告中,作业成本法在最广泛使用的管理工具中排行第11位,而到2008年已经下跌至22位。 作业成本法的应用研究反映了技术的不完善。在Bain公司2005年和2007年度的调查报告中显示,作业成本管理(ABM的使用率为50%和52%,其使用效果满意度低于其他方法。类似的研究结果刊登在SUNY-Albany大学, Hyperion和Pepperdine Study的研究(SHAPS调查指出:在同一时期,他们发现作业成本法的使用价值与其使用率一样处于下降趋势。 尽管这些研究得出很多负面结果,但是也有很多案例研究和报告中可以发现许多公司已经采用作业成本法,并报告了对其使用价值的满意度。这些公司将运用作业成本法视为一种投资,他们认为值得花时间和资源。进行这项研究的一个动机是为了寻求一个问题的答案:“成功实施作业成本法与没有实施这种方法的结果有什么区别?” 贯穿整个价值链的成本与利润的测量方法 成本分配到产品、客户或其他成本对象一直是一个棘手的问题。在利润表的对外报告中,生产成本必须被分配到产品。但是对于运营成本控制、战略决策和绩效评估的目的来说,许多公司在内部价值链还分配的其他功能费用。 用什么方法来衡量成本和整个价值链的利润,以及不同方法的使用功能有何区别?


文献翻译 译文要求 1、译文内容必须与课题(或专业内容相关,并需注明详细出处。 2、外文翻译译文不少于2000字;外文参考资料阅读量至少3篇(相 当于10万外文字符以上。 3、译文原文(或复印件应附在译文后备查。 译文评阅 导师评语(应根据学校“译文要求”,对学生外文翻译的准确性、翻译数量以及译文的文字表述情况等作具体的评价 指导教师: 年月日 外文翻译 译文 作业成本法:仍然有用吗? 作者:William Stratton, Denis Desroches, Raef Lawson, Toby Hatch 在过去的几年里,顾问、从业者和学术研究者已经注意到,作业成本法(ABC已经发展到提高决策支持以及成本与利润核算系统的精度,但是预期结果往往不是很理想。Robert S. Kaplan 和Steven R. Anderson 指出,许多公司丢弃了作业成本法,因为它没有抓住公司经营的复杂性,花费了很长时间去实施,建立和维护又太昂贵。作

业成本法在其他地方出现进一步的批评:在理论上作业成本法简单易懂,但是在实践中运用却是非常困难的。它涉及“作业”定义,并试图判断每年需要使用多少费用,而且它必须定期进行检查。很多公司有些厌倦了,所以放弃运用作业成本法。在2001年的年度调查报告中,作业成本法在最广泛使用的管理工具中排行第11位,而到2008年已经下跌至22位。 作业成本法的应用研究反映了技术的不完善。在Bain公司2005年和2007年度的调查报告中显示,作业成本管理(ABM的使用率为50%和52%,其使用效果满意度低于其他方法。类似的研究结果刊登在SUNY-Albany大学, Hyperion和Pepperdine Study的研究(SHAPS调查指出:在同一时期,他们发现作业成本法的使用价值与其使用率一样处于下降趋势。 尽管这些研究得出很多负面结果,但是也有很多案例研究和报告中可以发现许多公司已经采用作业成本法,并报告了对其使用价值的满意度。这些公司将运用作业成本法视为一种投资,他们认为值得花时间和资源。进行这项研究的一个动机是为了寻求一个问题的答案:“成功实施作业成本法与没有实施这种方法的结果有什么区别?” 贯穿整个价值链的成本与利润的测量方法 成本分配到产品、客户或其他成本对象一直是一个棘手的问题。在利润表的对外报告中,生产成本必须被分配到产品。但是对于运营成本控制、战略决策和绩效评估的目的来说,许多公司在内部价值链还分配的其他功能费用。 用什么方法来衡量成本和整个价值链的利润,以及不同方法的使用功能有何区别? 目前已确定的方法中最常用的类型为: (1实际成本核算 (2定额成本核算


原文文献 The Activity-based Costing and Logistics Cost Accounting Ewering C Abstract At this stage of manufacturers, along with computers, databases, networks, communications technology in the manufacturing industry, the emergence of enterprise resource planning ERP, Total Quality Management TQM, in a timely manner JIT production systems, such as advanced management methods to improve the business Productivity and changed the production environment, these new and emerging technology in response to customer demand, breaking the 20th century standard products since the beginning of mass production, stability of large-scale production. Replace it with more variety, low-volume, personalized flexible production, manufacturing of very high degree of automation. This new manufacturing environment for enterprises recreates a competitive advantage. In this type situation, to reduce the cost of doing business has entered a new stage, not just from the reduction of production inputs and lower labor costs to keep costs down side, but also focus on mining as abusiness links in the cost of what happened. In accordance with the1 Introduction For manufacturing enterprise in the new period, to strengthen


翻译方法和翻译技巧 翻译方法: methods of translation 1.直译literal translation 2.意译 free translation 3.异化alienation 4.归化 domestication 直译和意译所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基)应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.(郭著章) 1. 直译(literal translation) 指在翻译过程中按原文逐字逐句一对一的翻译。人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真。直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。简单地说,直译指在译文中采用原作的的表达方法,句子结构与原句相似,但也不排除在短语层次进行某些调整。 e.g. one country, two systems 一国两制 The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流 2. 意译(free translation;paraphrase) 是指根据原文的大意来翻译,不作逐字逐句的翻译(区别于“直译”)。通常在翻译句子或词组(或更大的意群)时使用较多,意译主要在原语与译语体现巨大文化差异的情况下得以应用.从跨文化语言交际和文化交流的角度来看,意译强调的是译语文化体系和原语文化体系的相对独立性。意译是指译者在受到译语社会文化差异的局限时,不得不舍弃原文的字面意


成本会计中英文术语非正常毁损Abnormal spoilage 生产成本法Absorption costing 账户分析法Account analysis method 会计回报率Accounting rate of return 权责发生制下会计回报率Accrual accounting rate of return 作业Activity 作业基础的预算管理Activity-based budgeting 作业成本法Activity-based costing 作业管理Activity-based management 实际成本Actual cost 实际成本法Actual costing 调整分配率途径Adjusted allocation-rate approach 允许的成本Allowable cost 鉴定成本Appraisal costs 拟构成本Artificial costs 注意力导向Attention directing 自治Autonomy 平均成本Average cost 平均等候时间Average waiting time 反冲成本法Backflush costing 平衡记分卡Balanced scorecard 批次级成本Batch-level costs 观念系统Belief systems 标杆管理Benchmarking 账面价值Book value 瓶颈Bottleneck 边界系统Boundary systems 盈亏平衡点Breakeven point 预算Budget 预算成本Budgeted cost 预算松弛Budgetary slack 预算间接成本分配率Budgeted indirect-cost rate 捆绑产品Bundled product 业务功能成本Business function costs 副产品Byproducts 资本预算Capital budgeting 储囤成本Carrying costs 现金预算Cash budget 因果图Cause-and-effect diagram 财务管理认证Certified in financial management 注册管理会计师Certified management accountant 财务总监Chief financial officer 决定系数Coefficient of determination 共谋定价Collusive pricing 共同成本Common cost 完整往复成本Complete reciprocated costs 合成单位Composite unit 商讨会法Conference method 遵循质量Conformance quality 常数Constant 固定毛利率NRV法Constant gross-margin percentage NRV method 约束条件Constraint 滚动预算Continuous budget, rolling budget 贡献收益表Contribution income statement 边际贡献Contribution margin 单位边际贡献Contribution margin per unit 边际贡献率Contribution margin percentage 边际贡献比例Contribution margin ratio 控制Control 控制图Control chart 可控性Controllability 可控成本Controllable cost 主计长Controller 加工成本Conversion costs 成本Cost 成本会计Cost accounting 成本会计标准委员会Cost accounting standards board 成本汇集Cost accumulation 成本分配Cost allocation 成本分配基础Cost-allocation base 成本分配基础Cost-application base 成本归集Cost assignment 成本-收益权衡Cost-benefit approach 成本中心Cost center 成本动因Cost driver 成本估计Cost estimation 成本函数Cost function 成本层级Cost hierarchy

成本会计 英文术语知识讲解


成本会计中英文术语 非正常毁损Abnormal spoilage 生产成本法Absorption costing 账户分析法Account analysis method 会计回报率Accounting rate of return 权责发生制下会计回报率Accrual accounting rate of return 作业Activity 作业基础的预算管理Activity-based budgeting 作业成本法Activity-based costing 作业管理Activity-based management 实际成本Actual cost 实际成本法Actual costing 调整分配率途径Adjusted allocation-rate approach 允许的成本Allowable cost 鉴定成本Appraisal costs 拟构成本Artificial costs 注意力导向Attention directing 自治Autonomy 平均成本Average cost 平均等候时间Average waiting time 反冲成本法Backflush costing 平衡记分卡Balanced scorecard 批次级成本Batch-level costs 观念系统Belief systems 标杆管理Benchmarking 账面价值Book value 瓶颈Bottleneck 边界系统Boundary systems 盈亏平衡点Breakeven point 预算Budget 预算成本Budgeted cost 预算松弛Budgetary slack 预算间接成本分配率Budgeted indirect-cost rate 捆绑产品Bundled product 业务功能成本Business function costs 副产品Byproducts 资本预算Capital budgeting 储囤成本Carrying costs 现金预算Cash budget 因果图Cause-and-effect diagram 财务管理认证Certified in financial management 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2


2.1术语定义 2.1.1翻译策略(Translation strategy) “策略”,是指“适合具体情况的做事原则和方式方法”(辞海编辑委员会,2009:231),是“可以实现目标的方案集合。”(互动百科)因此,“策略”,虽与“方式方法”有关,但更多强调的是宏观的“原则”和基本的“方案”。 基于以上对“策略”的认识,我们把“翻译策略”定义如下:翻译策略是翻译活动中,为实现特定的翻译目的所依据的原则和所采纳的方案集合。 2.1.2翻译方法(Translation method) “方法”,是指“解决思想、说话、行动等问题的门路、程序”(中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室,2002:544),是“为达到某种目的而采取的途径、步骤、手段等。” 基于以上对“方法”的认识,我们把“翻译方法”定义如下:翻译方法是翻译活动中,基于某种翻译策略,为达到特定的翻译目的所采取的特定的途径、步骤、手段。 值得指出的是,“翻译方法”体现的是一种“翻译中的概括性的处理方式,而非具体的、局部的处理办法”(Chesterman,2005:26),这一点使得我们能把“翻译方法”和“翻译技巧”区分开来。 2.1.3翻译技巧(Translation technique) “技巧”,是“表现在艺术、工艺、体育等方面巧妙的技能”(中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室,2002:916 )。采用什么“技巧”不是任意的,而是“依据事先确定的一定的方法或程序”(Zabalbeascoa,2000:121)。可见“技巧”是属于“方法”之下的一个范畴。 基于以上对“技巧”的认识,我们把“翻译技巧”定义如下:翻译技巧是翻译活动中,某种翻译方法在具体实施和运用时所需的技术、技能或技艺。“翻译技巧”是局部的、微观层面的,是对文本在语言层面的操作和操控。(Chesterman,2005:26) 2.2三者之间的关系 这三个概念相互之间形成一种从上至下的层级关系,即从宏观到微观、从宽泛到具体、从抽象到具象。具体而言: (1)“翻译策略”相对“翻译方法”而言是一个更宏观、更宽泛的概念,是“一定语境下所实施的一种方案”(同上),因而“比我们所讨论的语言---语篇层面的各种转换现象涵盖了更广的范围”(同上:21)。某种“翻译策略”的实施具体体现在某些特定的“翻译方法”的运用,而某种特定的“翻译方法”的运用则需依据一定的翻译策略。 (2)“翻译方法”相对“翻译技巧”而言则是一个更宏观、更宽泛的概念。如果说翻译技巧会影响语篇的微观或具体的语言单位呈现的状态,那么翻译方法则更倾向于影响语篇的宏观或整体的语言单位呈现的状态(Molina &Albir,2002:507-508)。某种“翻译方法”的运用需要使用某些特定的、具体的“翻译技巧”,而某种特定的、具体的“翻译技巧”的使用则体现了一定的“翻译方法”。 3.分类及应用 3.1翻译策略 我们认为,翻译策略作为一种宏观的原则和方案,其分类必须与翻译活动的参与者紧密联系起来。翻译活动的参与者一般包括原文作者、翻译活动发起人/委托人、译者以及译文接受者。 在这项活动中,处于翻译活动两级的参与者为“原文作者”和“译文接受者”。依据译者在翻译活动中对这两者的取向的不同,翻译策略可分为两类:(1)异化;(2)归化。 3.1.1异化(Foreignizing strategy,or Foreignization) “异化”的本质属性,是“原文作者取向”,即译者在翻译中尽量向原文作者靠拢,用

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