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流行美语 文字资料81-100

[VOA流行美语]第100课:blast; lighten up
Larry去Florida渡假一个星期。李华现在正开车去飞机场接他。今天李华会学到两个常用语:a blast 和lighten up。

LH: 嗨, Larry,我在这里!

LL: Hi, Li Hua, how are you? Thank you for coming to pick me up.

LH: 没事!Florida怎么样? 玩得好吗?

LL: Oh man, I had a blast! My friends in Miami took a few days off, just to hang out with me. We did nothing but hang out on the beach and go partying every night!

LH: 哟,你那个在Miami的朋友还请了几天假陪你玩呀!那你肯定玩得很痛快。嗨,Larry, 你刚才说 I had a...什么来啦?

LL: I said I had a blast. To have a blast means to have a great time. If something was a blast, that means it was a lot of fun.

LH: Blast 不是爆炸的意思吗?怎么 to have a blast 又成了玩得特别高兴!哎哟,学英文真不容易! 得了, Larry, 你玩得痛快,我可是花了整整一个星期帮Jones教授来准备下学期的课呢!

LL: Yeah, well, I tried to get you to come along. You would've had a blast too.

LH: 对,你是请我一起去了,但是我不能去。我得工作,要不然下学期学费哪儿来呢?不过,昨天Rick过生日,我晚上去他的party 了...

LL: Well, too bad I didn't come back a day sooner... his parties are always a blast.

LH: 对,每次Rick 开party,大家总是玩得很痛快。昨天晚上我早上三点才回家。我走的时候还有好多人在那儿呢!大家都玩疯了!

LL: Sounds like you had a blast. What about you? Li Hua, your birthday's today. Are you going to celebrate?

LH: 嗯,生日也不是什么大事嘛。我在中国的时候从来不过生日的。

LL: Aww, whatever. I think everyone should have a blast on their birthday!


LH: 唉,时间过得真快,我都已经25岁了,四分之一个世纪呐!可我还在这儿念书,还没有一个正式的工作...

LL: What? Lighten up, Li Hua! You're in your mid-twenties! You have plenty of time to decide what you want to do!

LH: 什么?你叫我lighten up? 你是说我要减轻体重?你在胡说什么吗?

LL: Hey! I'm not talking about weight here. To lighten up means to relax, to be less serious.

LH: 噢,lighten up就是要放松,不要太认真的意思!哎哟,不行,我可不能lighten up,我得考虑我的前途呐,我毕业以后干什么 - 是要回国还是呆在这儿...

LL: Like I said, Li Hua, you seriously need to lighten up. Stress makes people gain weight.

LH: 行,行,行,我想办法放松。嗨,Larry,你好象是很轻松,没什么压力,那你肚子怎么会这么大呢?

LL: Watch it, Li Hua! I'm tired of you making fun of me. You know I've been working hard to lose weight recently...

LH: Lighten up, Larry! 别跟我生气,我只是开玩笑嘛!我只不过是想举个例子。我这么说light

en up,对不对?

LL: Yeah, you're right. But don't you mention my belly again!

LH: 好了,好了,你家到了! Larry,我今天不想出去玩了,咱们明天再见吧!

LL: Wait, Li Hua, can you help me with this bag?

LH: 那么两个小包你都拿不动呀? 得了得了,我帮你拿这个包吧!

(Sound of many people yelling SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

LH: 哎哟,我的天哪!你们给我举行生日party都没让我知道!啊呀,你们真是太好了!怪不得Larry 你非要我帮他拿包进来呢!

LL: Looks like you've lightened up already. See? I told you you'd have a blast tonight!

LH: 那么多人给我过生日,我当然很高兴呀!谢谢,谢谢。Thank you so much!

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是to have a blast, 意思是玩得很痛快。李华学到的另一个常用语是lighten up。这是指放松,别太认真。

[美语教学]第99课:sleep in; slacker
这是星期六,Li Hua一大早就到Larry的宿舍叫他一块儿去跑步。 在今天的谈话中,Li Hua会学到两个常用语:sleep in和slacker。

LL: come in!

LH: 哎呀,Larry, 你怎么还没起床啊,都八点半啦!

LL: Li Hua, it's Saturday, I want to sleep in for once. What's so important that you have to wake me up?

LH: 哎哟,你不是说今天早上一起去跑步吗?还问我什么事情那么重要,把你叫醒了,你真健忘。嗨,你说你想 "sleep in" 那是什么意思呀?

LL: Ok, now pay attention. "Sleep in" is a very, very important term to me. "Sleep in" means to sleep later than usual.

LH: 噢,sleep in 意思就是"比平时起得晚",那不就是"睡懒觉"吗?你真懒,怪不得sleep in这个短语对你来说 "very, very important".

LL: Hey, sleeping in once in a while does not make a person lazy.

LH: 这话也有道理,偶尔睡个懒觉也不见得就是懒惰,其实我有的时候也喜欢早上多睡会儿。

LL:Li Hua, why didn't you sleep in this morning? It's Saturday!


LL: Sleep is important, too, Li Hua. You should have slept in and run later.

LH: 要早知道你想睡懒觉,我也不用起那么早了。 今天中午我睡个午觉。这样就可以补过来早上没有sleep in的损失喽!

LL :That sounds like a good idea. Now, can I go back to sleep?


LL: All right. I guess I'm awake now anyway. Wait for me, I'll be ready to go in a minute.


LL:Li Hua, why don't we stop at Starbucks and have a coffee!

LH: Larry, 跑了那么几分钟,你就想到星巴克喝咖啡!你可真懒。

LL: Come on! I'm not a slacker. I'm just a little tired because somebody didn't let me sleep in this morning.

LH: 对,是我

把你叫醒的。可是你没睡懒觉也不至于就累成这样啊!你不是个"slacker", 我连 "slacker" 是什么都还不知道呢!

LL: A slacker is someone who "slacks off" or very lazy.

LH: 噢,我想起来了,Michael以前就给我解释过slack off这个短语,意思是"松懈、懒散",那 slacker就是"喜欢偷懒、特别懒散的人"喽!

LL: You got it. For example: a student who doesn't do his homework and is always late for class is a slacker.

LH: 一个上课老迟到、老不做作业的学生就是个slacker。 哎,Larry, 我们认识的人里,谁是slacker 啊?

LL: You know that guy in our history class who always sleeps through class and never reads his textbook? He is a slacker.

LH: 对对对,历史课上那个家伙一上课就睡觉,课本也从来不看,绝对是个slacker。 哎,Larry, 昨天饭馆里那个女服务员也是个slacker吧?

LL: Ah, she was such a slacker! She was so slow that it took nearly an hour to get our food. I thought I was going to starve to death.

LH: 别说你了,让我们等了快一个小时,我都要饿死了。嘿,Larry, 你看,我们还有不到2百米就要到头了,快跑啊!

LL: Can't we walk the rest of the way?

LH: 你想走? 不行不行,我们要坚持跑到终点 - Don't be a slacker, Larry!

LL: Stop calling me that! Next weekend, I'm going to wake you up at 6 a.m. to go running and then we'll see who is the slacker!

LH: 什么?你下星期六早上6点钟叫我起来跑步啊?我可不干,下星期六我要睡懒觉 - I'm going to sleep in!

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是sleep in, 意思是"睡懒觉"。李华学到的另一个常用语是slacker, 是指"喜欢偷懒的人"。
Li Hua正在往图书馆走,突然,Larry把她叫住了。 Li Hua在今天的谈话中会学到两个常用语:what's her face和thingamajig。
LL: Hey, Li Hua. One of your classmates asked me to give you this envelope.
LH: 我的同学要你给我这个信封?哪个同学呀?
LL: Oh, it was... what's-her-face, you know, the tall girl with red hair.
LH: 高个子、红头发的女孩儿?你还说什么- What's her face? 哎,Face不是脸吗?
LL: I said what's-her-face instead of her name because I couldn't remember her name. I guess it means I can remember her face, but not her name.
LH: 噢,你不记得她的名字,但是你记得她的脸长的是什么样子,所以你说what's her face, 也就相当于what's her name 。Hm,Larry, 你这么说是不是不太礼貌呢?
LL: Well, it's not really rude, but it's very informal. You shouldn't call someone what's-her-face if she is nearby... in that case, you should just ask her what her name is.
LH: 哎哟,幸亏你告诉我, 尽管what's-her-face是很随便的说法,但是也不应该当着那个人的面这么说。要是这个人就在你身边,

那么我就应该直接问她叫什么名字。哎,对了,Larry, 刚才你是说what's her face, 要是男孩子的话,那应该怎么说呢?
LL: You would say what's-his-face.
LH: 噢,要是男生,但是又记不起他的名字,那也可以说what's his face。我想起来了,那个高个红头发的女孩是Julia。我和Jenny向她借了上星期四的笔记,因为那天我俩没去上课。这个信封里肯定是她的笔记。
LL: That's right - You missed a class last Thursday. Hey wait, if you needed notes, why didn't you just ask me?
LH: 但是我们觉得 - what's-her-face... um, Julia... 她肯定比你记得好。
LL: Well, come to think of it - If I were what's-her-face, er... I mean Jenny, I wouldn't want my notes either.
LH: 哎,Larry, 你手里拿的是什么东西呀?
LL: This thing in my hand? Oh, it's the thingamajig I use to measure the air pressure in my car's tires.
LH: 什么?Thin-ga-ma-jig - 这名字听起来很好玩儿。
LL: No no, that's not the real name of this thing. We use thingamajig, to replace the name of an object when we don't know or can't remember its real name.
LH: 噢,Thingamajig不是这个东西的名字。那要是不知道,或是忘了一样东西的名称,我们就可以用这个thingamajig来代替。哎,那不就是像我们中文里说的那玩意儿吗?是不是?
LL: That's right. Actually, I think the thing in my hand is called a tire pressure gauge. Tom asked me to help him check the air pressure of his car's tires.
LH: 原来你手里拿的这个thingamajig是用来测量汽车轮胎压力的。你要帮Tom来测测他的车子轮胎啊 ?哎哟,Larry, 看来你对车子还挺懂的嘛!
LL: Hey, I never said I'm good with cars. To me, everything under the hood of my car is just a bunch of thingamajigs.
LH: 汽车引擎盖下面的东西你是一窍不通啊?我才不信。噢,说到修车,我这辆自行车的手闸最近不太灵,你帮我看看好不好?
LL: Let me see. I think you just need to oil these thingamajigs on your handlebars here.
LH: 自行车把手上的这些零件该上油啊?你肯定吗?
LL: Well, if you don't believe me, you can ask what's-his-face, Jenny's boyfriend, the tall Indian guy - He can fix bikes.
LH: 那个高个子的印度人,Jenny的男朋友?你是说Rick吧!他会修自行车?那我可要去问问Jenny了!
LL:OK! Let's go!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是what's her face, 也可以说what's his face。意思是那个叫什么什么的人。李华学到的另一个常用语是thingamajig, 就相当于中文里所说的那个玩意儿。
[美语教学]第97课:rock; letdown
今天Larry和Li Hua一起在游乐园坐过山车。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:to rock和letdown.

LH: 哎哟,这一趟过山车坐得我晕头转向的,直想吐!真是活受罪!

LL: You are sick and dizzy? What are you talking about? That rolle

rcoaster rocks! I'm going to ride it again!

LH: 什么,Larry, 你还想再去坐啊?你还说那个过山车rocks. Rock 当作动词不是"摇摇晃晃"的意思吗?

LL: No, no, I didn't say that it rocked back and forth. "To rock" means "to be great". If something or some experience is really fun or exciting, we say "It rocks!"

LH: 噢,原来在这里,rock不是前后摇晃的意思,而是要是有什么事情有意思、够刺激,我们就说It rocks! 哎,那不就相当于中文里说的"棒极了"的意思吗?

LL: That's right, Li Hua. I'm sure you've heard this expression before.

LH: 还真是,上星期我和同学到学校附近那家湖南餐馆吃饭。吃完饭,我同学说,"That meal rocked!". 我当时没听懂,所以没敢答腔,现在我可明白了,她呀是在夸那顿饭好吃呢!

LL: Yeah, she must have liked it. Everyone likes Hunan Garden. That restaurant rocks.

LH: 哎哟,Larry, 我看我们还是别说吃了吧,我的胃到现在还没缓过来呢!这样吧,你再给我举个别的例子,好不好?

LL: Sure... if someone tells you some good news, you might say, "That rocks!"

LH: 哎,说到"好消息",我还真有个好消息告诉你,你知道吗,有家私人学校打算等我毕业后要聘用我呢!

LL: Whoa, really? That's great news. That rocks, Li Hua. You haven't even graduated yet, and this private school already offered you a great job!


LH: 哇,总算可以回家了,我真担心你会不会坐过山车坐上了瘾呢!

LL: Well, I liked the two rollercoaster rides, but the park itself was kind of a letdown.

LH: 是啊,我知道你喜欢过山车,要不然也不会连着坐两次啊!可是你又说这个游乐园是什么 - letdown?

LL: I said that the park is a letdown. A letdown is something that disappoints you. The park really wasn't especially bad, but I was expecting it to be better. It was a real letdown.

LH: 等等等等,letdown的意思就是某件事让你失望。你是说,这个游乐园其实还可以,只不过不像你原先想象的好,所以让你失望了。那Larry, 你觉得这个游乐园哪一点儿让你失望呢?

LL: Well, It was too crowded. The lines in front of the rides were too long.

LH: 哎哟,现在就是旅游旺季,这儿当然人多,坐过山车当然要排队等啦!你就是爱发牢骚。那这样,你再给我举个例子吧,看看还有什么事对你是个letdown.

LL: Well, my History Professor is a real letdown. He's a well-known expert in his area, but he's not very good at giving lectures.

LH: 你们历史教授在学术界是挺有名的,可是你说他不太会讲课呀,那确实是挺让学生失望的。哎,Larry, 我记得你第一次到中国,去了长城,回来你也说和原先想象的一点儿都不一样。那the Great Wall 对你来说是不是个letdown呢?

LL: I'm glad you rememb

er that. My first trip to the Great Wall WAS truly a letdown. It was so crowded with tourists and souvenir peddlers.

LH: 你怎么到哪儿都嫌人多啊?长城是有名的旅游景点,当然有各地的游客啦,还有小商贩卖纪念品!哎,不过,你刚才说,你第一次去长城让你失望,那后来你再去是不是就感觉好多了?

LL: Yeah, that second trip rocked!

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是rock, 说something rocks,就相当于中文里的"棒极了"。李华学到的另一个常用语是letdown, 意思是"让人失望的事"。
今天Larry和Li Hua一起去医院看望一个生病的朋友Laura。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:pick-me-up和lay off。
(street noise)
LH: 哎,Larry, 我觉得Laura生病以后一直情绪不好 - 我真的很替她担心。
LL: Well, this visit should be a nice pick-me-up for her. I'm sure she'll like the flowers you bought her.
LH: 我也希望她会喜欢我买的这些花。可是,Larry, 你说我们去医院看她,对她是个 "pick-me-up", 什么是"pick-me-up" 啊?
LL: A pick-me-up as one word is something that makes someone feel better or gives them energy.
LH: 噢,原来"pick-me-up" 合起来是一个词,表示"能让人振作起来、让人心情好起来的东西"。所以你说我们去医院看Laura会让她心情好起来啊!
LL: That's right. Here is another example - If you receive a birthday card from your best friend, you must feel good. So, the card for you is a "pick-me-up".
LH: 对呀,好朋友送我生日卡片,那肯定会让我很高兴。只可惜生日一年只有一次。Larry, 我如果情绪低落,你猜我会怎么办?我吃巧克力。Chocolate is a good pick-me-up.
LL: I don't really like chocolate, so when I need a pick-me-up, I usually eat ice cream.
LH: 我也喜欢吃冰淇淋,不过,和冰淇淋比起来,我还是觉得"逛街买东西"更容易帮我调节心情。
LL: Well, that's a good pick-me-up for girls, but most guys don't enjoy shopping that much.
LH: 你说得太对了。"逛街买东西"常常能让女孩子一下子心情就好起来,可是对男生来说恐怕就不那么灵了。唉,真可惜Laura现在在医院里,要不然我可以约她出来逛街呢!
LL: Well, I'm sure that seeing her friends and getting such pretty flowers will be a great pick-me-up for her.
LH: 就是啊,见到我们还有这些好看的花她一定会高兴起来的。前面就是医院了。哎,Larry, 走了一路,我有点儿累了。我们先到这家咖啡馆喝杯咖啡怎么样?
LL: Yeah, I'm kind of tired, too. I could use a little pick-me-up.
LL: Laura seemed so spacey. I think that maybe the doctors should lay off the painkillers.
LH: 就是啊,Laura好像显得昏昏沉沉的,所以你觉得医生应该给她开止疼药 - painkiller 啊?
LL: No, I meant they should STOP giving her painkille

rs. To lay off something is to stop using it or to stop doing it, and to lay off someone is to stop bothering him or her...
LH: 噢,原来Lay off something的意思就是"停止用某种东西"或者"停止做某件事"。那lay off someone的意思就是"别再烦某个人"。原来你说的是医生应该给Laura停用止疼药吗?
LL: You got it! You see - Painkillers tend to make the person spacey. That's why I think the doctors should lay off the painkillers for Laura.
LH: 说得也是,止疼药是会让人晕晕乎乎的。哎,Larry, 我们能不能再到那个咖啡馆买杯咖啡呀?我看了Laura那么难受的样子,我也得提提神了- I need another pick-me-up.
LL: Hey, Li Hua, you ought to lay off the caffeine. You're going to become addicted!
LH: 你要我别喝那么多咖啡,不然会上瘾?嗨,Larry, 别管我的事, lay off me, 我啊,就是想喝这杯咖啡!
LL: Alright, alright. Don't be mad at me.
LH: 哎哟,我也不是真的和你急嘛。我只不过是想用"lay off someone" 来举个例子, 哎,你说我用得对吗?
LL: Yes, you sure used it correctly. Now, shall we lay off the English lessons for a while? I think I will have some ice cream as a pick-ME-up.
LH: 好啊,我们俩这个"英语课"要先告一段落,你吃冰淇淋。我呢,还是喝我的咖啡!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语,一个是pick-me-up, 意思是"给人提神、让人心情一下子好起来的东西";李华学到的另外一个常用语是lay off, lay off something意思是"停止做某件事", lay off someone意思是"别烦某个人"。
[美语教学]第95课:jack; kaput
LH: Hey Larry, 你知不知道纽约附近哪个地方可以钓鱼呀?
LL: Fishing, huh? I'm sorry Li Hua, I don't know jack about fishing.
LH: 哎,我问你钓鱼的事,你怎么说你不认识Jack?
LL: I'm not talking about a guy named Jack. When I say "I don't know jack about fishing", that means "I don't know anything about fishing".
LH: 噢,原来jack在这里不是人的名字,你说 I don't know jack about fishing 意思就是"你对钓鱼一无所知"。这么说,jack在这里就表示 "nothing", right?
LL: That's right.
LH: I don't know jack about fishing, 那不就成了I don't know nothing about fishing. 英文里是不能用双重否定的,不是吗?
LL: OK, you're right, we don't use double negatives in proper, formal English. But this is slang! "I don't know jack" means "I don't know anything".
LH: 我也经常听人说 I don't know nothing, 我知道在正规英语里面是不应该这么说的。这样说来,在口语里是这么用的,那"I don't know jack" 就表示"我什么也不知道"。对了,Larry, 那你暑假不准备钓鱼,你打算干什么呢?
LL: Well, I may just sit around. In other words, I don't do jack!
LH: You don't do jack! 我知

道,你是说你什么也不干啊。除了"I don't know jack" ,原来你还可以说:I don't do jack! 好不容易到了暑假,你却打算什么都不干?我才不会这样白白浪费时间。
LL: Well, the reason vacation is so valuable is because I can sit around and don't do jack all day. Usually I'm a very busy guy.
LH: 你说得也有道理,就是因为放假了,才有可能懒散一点儿;什么事情也不做。平时又要学习又要打工,是够忙的。
LL: Well, anyway, I need to get home and start on the term paper. I haven't written jack yet!
LH: 什么?你的期末论文一点儿还没动手啊?哎哟,那你赶紧回家去写吧!
LH: Larry, 你不是在家写论文吗?怎么又跑到学校图书馆来啦?
LL: Well, I got home and started to work on my term paper, but my computer went kaput!
LH: 你说你的电脑怎么啦?Went kaput? 听起来就好象是电脑出问题了,是不是啊?
LL: Yes, "kaput" means "broken, ruined or not working properly." My computer went kaput, so now I have to work on my paper in the library.
LH: Oh, 原来 kaput 意思就是"坏了,没法正常工作"。你是说你的电脑坏了,Larry, 你最近好像运气不太好嘛.前些天,你的手机电话不是也出故障了吗?
LL: Oh man, that's a real problem! My cell phone really went kaput and nobody could reach me.
LH: 就是啊,我给你打电话留言,你也没收到。
LL: During that time, I was out of touch with everyone. It felt like my whole life went kaput.
LH: 有那么严重吗?你因为手机坏了,和所有人失去了联系,让你觉得整个生活都完蛋啦?哎哟,还是先说说你的电脑吧 - 你的电脑 went kaput,那你有没有丢掉什么重要文件呢?
LL: Well, I'm hoping it wasn't the hard drive that went kaput. That would be terrible!
LH: 你先别着急,即使是hard drive went kaput, 我想有的信息还是可以找回来的啦!
LL: Let's hope so. If I can't get my computer fixed soon, I won't have jack to show them in my term paper.
LH: 但愿你的电脑赶快修好。学期论文要是交白卷可真是太糟糕了。
今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语,一个是jack, 在英语口语里 I don't know jack的意思是"我什么也不知道"。李华学到的另一个常用语是kaput, 就相当于中文里所说的"坏了""出了问题"。
[美语教学]第94课:on the fritz
今天李华到Larry的宿舍里去串门儿,李华会学到两个常用语:on the fritz和to hog。
LH: Hey, Larry, 我昨天晚上给你打电话,在你手机上留了言,你怎么没给我回电话啊?
LL: I didn't get your message. My cell phone has been on the fritz. I don't know what's wrong with it.
LH: 你没收到我的留言?还说你的手机怎么啦?On the fritz - 那是什么意思啊?
LL: I said my cell phone is on the fritz. If something is on the fritz, that means something is wrong with it and it i

s not working properly.
LH: 噢,要是说什么东西on the fritz, 意思就是"出了毛病,不能正常工作了"。哎呀,我的手机有时候也会on the fritz. Larry, 除了电话以外,还有什么东西也可以说是on the fritz呢?
LL: Well, usually it is machines that are on the fritz. For instance, sometimes my computer does not respond to my commands, so it's on the fritz.
LH: 原来on the fritz通常是用在机器设备上,比方说像你说的电脑。就是啊,有的时候电脑会出故障,不听指令,那就是on the fritz了。
LL: Now Li Hua, can you give me an example?
LH: 有了。昨天我在学校的食品零售机买coke,我明明塞进去一块美元,可是零售机一点反应都没有。It must have been on the fritz.
LL: Oh, some of the vending machines are often on the fritz.
LH: 哎,Larry, 除了说机器,我能不能说一个人on the fritz呢?
LL: Not really. However, the exception is that you can say that your stomach is on the fritz if it is uncomfortable.
LH: 噢,我们不能直接说一个人on the fritz, 但是,要是我的胃感到难受,我就可以说:My stomach is on the fritz.
LL: All right, Li Hua, forget about things that are on the fritz. You want to watch this DVD?
LH: Sure! 但愿你的DVD player is not on the fritz.
LL: Oh, come on, Li Hua!

LL: Hey, Li Hua, stop hogging all the popcorn! I want some too.
LH: 得了得了,想吃爆米花就说话呀,给你!你说我什么?Hogging all the popcorn? 好像不是什么好意思,你可得给我解释清楚!
LL: Well, to hog something is to keep it for yourself and not share it with others. Just now you were eating all of the popcorn without sharing it with me. Therefore, I said you were hogging the popcorn.
LH: To hog something就是霸占着某样东西,不给别人。嘿,Larry, 你怎么能说我霸着爆米花不给你呢?我又不知道你也想吃,再说,我现在不是分给你了吗?
LL: Okay, I suppose you aren't hogging it anymore.
LH: 对了,Larry, 除了说食物以外,这种说法还可以用在别的地方吗?
LL: Well, we are now watching a DVD, if I don't let you use the remote control, then I'm hogging the remote.
LH: 噢,要是你一个人拿着遥控器,不让我用,那你就是hogging the remote. 那可比hogging the popcorn更气人了!
LL: Okay, now it's your turn to give me an example.
LH: 让我也举个例子啊?想起来了。我那个同屋啊,她有的时候用洗手间用好长时间,进去了就不出来,我真应该告诉她 - stop hogging the bathroom.
LL: That's a very good example. Hey, Li Hua, look at me - if I lie down on the couch and don't give you any room to sit down, then I am hogging the couch.
LH: 哎哟,Larry, 你干什么呀?你干嘛一个人把整个沙发都占了,一点儿地方都不给我留,你想让我坐地板啊?Stop hogging the couch, Larry!
LL: Calm down, Li Hua, I was just g

iving you an example.
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是on the fritz, 意思是"出了故障"。另外一个是to hog something, 意思是"把某样东西据为己有,不给别人"。
[美语教学]第93课:jump the gun
今天Larry和Li Hua在商店里给朋友买生日礼物。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:to horse around和jump the gun。
LH: 哎哟,Larry, 你看那边那两个小男孩在打架呢。他们家大人怎么也不管呐?
LL: Oh, don't worry, they're just horsing around. They won't hurt each other.
LH: 你要我别担心,说他们只是在horsing around,HORSE这个词在英文里不是马吗?
LL: Yes, in horse around, horse is used as a verb, to horse around means to play or joke with someone. Those two kids were just playing, they were horsing around.
LH: 噢,horse在这里是用作动词,to horse around意思是和别人开玩笑、闹着玩儿。Larry, 你是说那两个男孩儿是在闹着玩儿啊!
LL: Hey! Why did you punch me in the arm?
LH: I'm just horsing around! 嘿Larry, 这个horsing around还可以用在什么地方呢?
LL: Well, sometimes it means the same as just kidding or just joking. Hey, Li Hua, you have something on your shirt...
LH: 什么?我衣服上沾了东西啊?在哪儿呢?我怎么看不见呢?
LL: That's because I'm just horsing around. There isn't anything on your shirt. I just wanted to see if you would look.
LH: 噢,原来你又在跟我开玩笑啊。这么说,和别人开玩笑或者是恶作剧,也可以算是horsing around. Hey, Larry, 你看你的鞋带松了。
LL: Nice try, Li Hua, but I know you're just horsing around.
LH: 哎哟,我们别光顾开玩笑了,赶快给我朋友挑挑生日礼物吧!
LL: Hey, how about this shirt?
LH: What?! 这衬衫多难看呀!You must be horsing around.
LL: Hey, Li Hua. You know what happened to my friend George?
LH: 你的朋友George?他最近不是在找工作吗?听说他接受了一家大公司的面试。
LL: Yeah, and he was so sure that he would get the job that he quit his old job. Unfortunately, he really jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday that he didn't get the job after all.
LH: 噢,George以为那个公司肯定会要他,所以把以前的工作给辞了。可是,他昨天才知道那个公司没有聘他,哎,Larry, 那你说George jumped the gun, 那是什么意思啊?
LL: To jump the gun is to do something too soon. For instance, if a runner starts running before the race starts, he's jumping the gun.
LH: 噢,to jump the gun就是过早采取行动的意思!对了,像赛跑的时候,有些运动员信号枪还没响就提前跑了。所以叫jump the gun,这个说法挺形象的。George在不知道是不是有新工作以前就把旧工作给辞了,那可不是操之过急了嘛!
LL: Okay, Li Hua, now that you understand what jump the gun means, can you give me an example?
LH: 嗯,让我想一

想...我有一个朋友前不久要来美国,她还没拿到签证就先买了飞机票。这也可以说是jumped the gun吧?
LL: Definitely, because if she doesn't get a visa, then she won't be able to use the plane ticket.
LH: 那可不是,要是签证领不到,那飞机票就白买了。哎,Larry, 那你给我举个例子吧。
LL: I have a good one: Once I brought a girlfriend home to meet my parents. My mom really jumped the gun and assumed that we were going to get married.
LH: 什么?你带女朋友回家,你妈妈就误以为你们要结婚呐?哎哟,她可真是jumped the gun了, 当时一定挺尴尬的。
LL: You bet. It was embarrassing!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是horse around, 意思是闹着玩儿、开玩笑。另外一个是jump the gun, 就相当于中文里所说的操之过急。
[美语教学]第92课:dude; chick
今天Larry和Li Hua在一个朋友家的花园里参加party。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:dude和chick。
LH: Hey Larry! 参加party的人都挺高兴的,可是Jack刚才在那边儿好像和人吵架,什么事呀?
LL: Oh, Jack and some other dude were having a really intense argument. We were afraid they might get into a fight, so we had to separate them.
LH: 就是啊,他们吵得挺凶的,好象要动手打起来似的!可是,Larry, 你管另外那个人叫什么? Dude? 那是什么意思啊?
LL: Dude is another word for guy, or man. I just said Jack and some other dude were arguing.
LH: Oh, dude 是指男人,我还以为是那个人的名字呢!你刚才是说Jack和那个人争论得非常激烈。哎,Larry,那你叫别人dude有没有什么不好的意思吗?
LL: What? No, of course not. Dude just means guy. However, it is very informal, so you'd sound silly if you called someone important a dude, or used it in a formal situation.
LH: 噢,dude这个称呼没有贬意,只是一般用在很随便的场合。哎哟,幸亏你告诉我,要是在正式的场合我把某位大人物称为dude, 那可不就出洋相了吗!
LL: And usually, only younger people use the word dude, and it usually refers to fairly young men.
LH: 噢,dude 一般是年轻人用的词,而且dude也是指年轻人。对了,我想起来了,有一次我在商店里就听到两个年轻人用dude这个词。我那时还不懂dude是什么意思。哎,dude不就相当于中文里说的那个家伙吗?
LL: That's right! See that dude over there? That's my pal Frank. I'll ask him for a beer. Dude, toss me one of those beers. Thanks!
LH: 哎哟,你真好意思,自己不去拿啤酒,让你那个dude扔过来,幸亏你接得准!
LH: Oh no, Larry我看见我的同屋朝这边走过来了。要是她看见我,她又要缠着我没完没了了。
LL: What? That tall girl with glasses? Is that the chick you're always telling me about?
LH: 对,就是那个戴眼镜的高个儿女孩。你叫她什么? Chic

k? Larry, 我虽然不喜欢那个女孩,可是我也不想用难听的词来骂她噢!
LL: Huh!? I didn't say any bad words. I said that chick. Chick means young woman. It's not a bad word, although some people find it a little offensive.
LH: 噢,原来chick这个词是指年轻女孩儿呀!哎哟,这要是直接翻译成中文,可不是什么好词儿。你说在英文里,chick不是骂人的话,可是你又说有的人听了会不大高兴,这是怎么回事啊?
LL: Well, some women find it demeaning - I guess they think that baby chickens are cute but sort of brainless. You can use this word around your friends, but not in formal situations or with strangers.
LH: 噢,我懂了 - chick这个词本意是小鸡,小鸡虽然可爱,可是好象没有脑子,傻傻的,所以有的女孩就不愿意别人叫她chick。这么说,可以在熟朋友之间用chick这个词,不过,不要在正式场合,或者叫一个陌生人chick。哎,Larry, 我们还是赶快走吧,我可不想让我的同屋缠着我不放。
LL: Hey, there she goes. You're in luck, Li Hua. Your roommate's gone... she just left with two other chicks and that dude who was arguing with Jack.
LH: 她和另外两个女孩儿一起走啦,还有那个跟Jack吵架的dude!哇,真是谢天谢地。这下我们可以痛痛快快地玩了!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是dude, 是口语里男孩之间的称呼,就相当于中文里所说的家伙。另外一个是chick, 在口语里指年轻女孩儿。
[美语教学]第91课:without a hitch
期终考试今天全部结束,Larry和Li Hua准备开个party来庆祝一番。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:without a hitch和chow down。
(household utensil noise)
LH: Larry, 你看我们准备的东西够不够啊?这是我第一次请朋友来开party,要是东西不够吃,那就糟糕啦!
LL: Calm down, Li Hua. I'm sure the party will go off without a hitch.
LH: 你说我们的party会怎么样 - without a hitch - 那是什么意思啊?
LL: Oh, if something goes without a hitch, it means that everything goes smoothly and nothing will go wrong.
LH: 对,hitch这个字也可以解释为障碍,那something goes without a hitch, 就是进展顺利。
LH: Larry,你的意思就是我们的party will go off without a hitch,肯定能办好,不会有问题...那我可不可以说:There won't be any hitches?
LL: No, No, Li Hua, you can't use it that way. You can only say that something goes without a hitch. This is an idiomatic expression. You can't generally substitute the word hitch for problem.
LH: 啊,原来something goes without a hitch是一个习惯用语,不能把hitch 和problem两个交替来使用。那想说什么事一帆风顺,我们就只能说:什么事情goes without a hitch.
LL: Okay, Li Hua, now that you understand the phrase, can you give me an example?
LH: 我来想一想。有了。最近这次考试我

觉得我考得不错 - My exams went without a hitch.
LL: I wish I were as confident as you are. Now, can you give me another example of how to use without a hitch?
LH: 嗯...我最近申请了暑期里到一个公司去工作。他们约我上星期去面谈。我觉得那个面谈进行得挺顺利的,所以 - It went off without a hitch.
LL: Hey congratulations!
LH: Thank you, Larry. 哎哟,我们赶快准备吧。客人马上就要到了!
(party SFX)
LL: See, everybody is enjoying the party, I told you it would be fine.
LH: 嗯,大家好象都玩得挺开心。我原来还担心吃的不够呢,现在看来说不定还做多了!
LL: I don't know about that. Some people are really chowing down. Hey, look at Jim, he's eating one hot dog after another!
LH: 就是啊,我也注意到Jim挺喜欢吃热狗的,可是你说什么? 这儿有的人是在chowing down? 什么是chow down啊?
LL: Well, chow is slang for food and to chow down is to eat a lot and to do it enthusiastically.
LH: 噢,chow这个字在口语里可以表示食物。那么chow down就是吃得很多,而且还兴致勃勃的。那不就有点儿像我们中文里说的狼吞虎咽吗?
LL: Yep. Look, Jim has finished his hot dog. He's now moved on to eating a piece of cake. He's definitely chowing down. He acts as though he hasn't eaten in days.
LH: 对,Jim他刚吃完热狗,现在又在吃蛋糕了 - He is really chowing down. 好象几天没吃饭一样的。哎,对了,Larry, 这也说明我们准备的东西受欢迎哪!
LL: That's right! See, Li Hua, I told you that the party will go off without a hitch.
LH: 哎,Larry, 说了这么半天了,你都吃什么啦?
LL: What have I chowed down? Well, I have been busy helping you and haven't got time to eat yet.
LH: 哎哟,真是抱歉,你光顾着帮我招待客人,自己都还没顾上吃呢!
LL: That's OK. I think we should chow down now before all of the good stuff is gone!
LH: 好啊,那我们赶紧开吃吧,要不然好东西都没了!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是without a hitch, 表示事情进展顺利。另外一个是chow down, 相当于中文里所说的狼吞虎咽。
[美语教学]第90课:buy something
今天Larry和Li Hua一起听了有关环境保护的讲座。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:to buy something和to be sold on something。

(college hallway noise)

LH: 哎,Larry, 听了这个讲座,我觉得“全球变暖问题”真挺让人担心的。

LL: I don't know, Li Hua... I just don't buy the theory that global warming is caused by humans. There is a lot we just don't know.

LH: 你说你不买什么? 哎,没人想卖你东西啊?

LL: I said that I don't buy that theory. That mean's I don't accept it as completely true.

LH: 噢,原来I don't buy the theory就是“我不接受这种说法”。哎,那不就是我们中文里说的“我不买这一套”吗?

得了得了,我没时间跟你争论。哎,你听说了吗 - 我们今年的学费要涨百分之10呢!学校说他们计划要翻修图书馆。

LL: What? That's ridiculous. I don't buy that excuse. They raised tuition last year by 5% to expand the stadium.

LH: 就是嘛,去年学校为了扩建体育馆已经把学费增加了百分之5了。Larry, 那你是不是能够再用I don't buy it 给我举一个和学校没有关系的例子呢?

LL: OK. You know my friend Angela? She's often late for class, and she always has different excuses. So finally one day, Professor Johnson said to her, I don't buy your excuses. I think you are just not self-disciplined enough!

LH: 对,你那个朋友Angela,她老是迟到,而且总有借口。可是我不知道Johnson教授这么厉害,居然还公开说不相信她的话,还批评她是自己要求不严格。哎哟,那多不好意思呀。


LH: So Larry, 你打定主意去南京哪一所学校留学了吗?

LL: I don't know. I guess I'm still not sold on that school.

LH: Sold? 那不是“卖东西”的“卖”吗?哎哟,“卖东西”和“留学”这有什么关系呀?

LL: No, silly! I said that I am not sold on that school. To be sold on something means to be convinced that it's worthwhile, or it's the best choice.

LH: 噢,我明白了。To be sold on something意思就是“你认为这件事值得,是个好选择”。这个说法挺有意思的,你能不能再给我举了例子?

LL: Well, remember when you were looking for a new apartment? At first you weren't sold on that place, but when you heard that the rent was only $600 a month, you were sold!

LH: 对呀,我在找房子的时候,一开始还不太满意我现在住的那个地方,后来听说房租一个月才六百美元,马上我就动心了。哎,Larry, to be sold on something是不是只能用在和“钱”有关的事情上呢?

LL: Not necessarily. For instance, suppose you can't decide if you want to vote for someone who is running for office, you could say I'm not sold on that candidate yet.

LH: 噢,选举的时候,要是我还不能肯定是不是要投某个候选人的票,我也可以说,I'm not sold on that candidate yet.

LL: That's right. We were just talking about that Professor Johnson didn't buy Angela's excuses, we can also say he wasn't sold on her excuses.

LH: 对,Professor Johnson不相信Angela老是迟到的借口,我们也可以说He wasn't sold on her excuses, 也就是说,to be sold on something也有“相信”的意思。

LL: Hey, Li Hua, I guess I should have told you that was just an example -- Professor Johnson didn't really say it to Angela.

LH: 什么?闹了半天Johnson教授根本就没对Angela说那些话呀?你可真会编故事!

LL: I know - You were totally sold on it - You actually bought it!


o buy something, 表示“相信某件事”。另一个是to be sold on something, 意思是“认为某件事值得、是真的”。
[美语教学]第89课:threads; load up
今天Larry和Li Hua下课以后一起去吃午饭,Li Hua会学到两个常用语:threads和load up。

(campus noise)

LL: Hey, Li Hua, those are nice threads you're wearing.

LH: Threads? - 那不是“缝衣服用的线”吗?哎哟,Larry, 你是说我的连衣裙开线了吗?

LL: No, no. Threads, when used in plural, is another word for clothes. I was just telling you that you are wearing nice clothes.

LH: 噢,原来thread用作复数--threads,就可以代表“衣服”。这倒挺合理的,因为衣服就是用线织成的嘛!你刚才说these are nice threads, 原来是夸我的连衣裙漂亮啊!

LL: That's right!

LH: 谢谢你,Larry, 其实,这件连衣裙挺旧的了。 Larry,要是我说一件衣服,是不是要用单数thread?

LL: No. It's always threads. I think that's because even one piece of clothing is made of many threads.

LH: 说得也是,即使一件衣服,也是用很多很多线做成的,所以,还是要用复数 - threads.

LL: So, Li Hua, let me test you. If I say, "I went shopping yesterday and bought lots of threads", what does that mean?

LH: 这么简单的句子,还要考我。你是说“我昨天买了很多衣服”。Larry,你真的买了好多衣服呀?

LL:No, I was just giving you an example. I don't go shopping for threads.


LL: What's wrong with the threads I'm wearing? Oh, please, Li Hua, my threads are just fine -- Jeans and T-shirt are comfortable.


(cafeteria sound)

LL:Hey, not many people in the cafeteria. That's the benefit of coming late.

LH: 来晚了人少是没错,但是好东西可能也都给吃完了。哎,Larry, 我知道你饿了,可是你也不能一下子拿那么多嘛,你吃得完吗?

LL: I won't have time to eat dinner until late, so I'm trying to load up on food now.

LH: 噢,今天你晚饭要很晚才能吃,可是,你说什么 - load up on food? 那是什么意思啊?

LL: To load, load up on something is to get a lot of it, usually so that you can store some of it for later.

LH: 噢,我明白了。你是想午饭多吃点,晚上就不会太饿了。哎,Larry, 除了说吃的东西,load up on还可以用在别的地方吗?

LL: Of course. Do you remember the storm we had last summer? Well, people were worried about losing power, so they loaded up on batteries before the storm.

LH: 去年夏天的那场暴风雨呀?我当然记得。就是啊,当时大家特别担心停电,所以买了好多电池 - We loaded up on batteries.

LL: Yup. Also, Li Hua, we can load up on sleep, too.

LH: 噢,除了可以说load up on food, load up on batteries, 我们还可以说load up o

n sleep, 意思是多睡觉、多休息。

LL: If you load up on sleep and vitamins, you shouldn't get sick very easily.

LH: 是没错,多休息、多吃维生素,我们就不容易生病了,哇,Larry, 我看你装了整整两盘菜啊,要是我像你这样load up on food,我肯定早就发胖了。

LL: All right, Li Hua, what are you trying to say? You know I don't load up on food like this everyday!


今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是threads, 在口语里表示“衣服”。另一个是load up on something, 意思是“大量储存某样东西”,比如load up on food, 就表示“吃得很多”。
[美语教学]第88课:spaced out
今天Larry和Li Hua一起打保龄球,Li Hua会学到两个常用语:snap和spaced out.
(SFX of bowling alley)
LL: Hey, Li Hua, you look nervous. Have you ever bowled before?
LH: No, 我从来没打过保龄球,所以当然紧张啦!
LL: Don't worry, Li Hua, bowling is a snap. You'll figure it out in no time.
LH: 你说bowling是什么 - a snap? To snap不是对别人嚷嚷、说话态度很凶的意思吗?
LL: That's right. "To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.
LH: 噢,我懂了,snap用作动词的时候,意思就是对人很凶,不过你刚才说的snap是用做名词,要是我们说something is a snap, 意思就是很容易就能学会的事,哎,那不就是我们中文里所说的"小菜一碟"吗?
LL: Yes. So, now you'll understand what I meant by saying "bowling is a snap!"
LH: 你说"保龄球容易学"?可是,我怎么觉得挺难的呢?
LL: Well, if you think bowling is hard, then what do you think is a snap?
LH: 让我想想 -- 骑自行车挺容易的。我一个下午就学会了。
LL: So you think riding a bike is a snap -- I agree, once you learn how to ride a bike, it's a snap. Hey, Li Hua, you know what else is a snap?
LH: No, what else?
LL: Beating you at bowling is a snap. Look, I'm 50 points ahead of you.
LH: 这太不公平了!我以前从来就没有打过保龄球,你可能已经打过几百次了!我能打到那么多的pins就算不错了。
LL: You're right, Li Hua. It's not fair. Here, I'll teach you. Then you'll see what a snap it is.
(Sound of ball being thrown)
LL: Li Hua, did you enjoy bowling?
LH: Yes, 保龄球挺好玩的,可是也挺累人的。
LL: Yeah, I agree. I feel kind of spaced out.
LH: 你说你觉得怎么样了 - spaced out? Larry, 你是身体不舒服吗?
LL: No, no. Feeling spaced out means feeling kind of detached and unfocused. I sometimes feel spaced out when I'm tired.
LH: 噢,我懂了,feeling spaced out意思就是"觉得昏昏沉沉的,注意力难以集中"。就是啊,一个人太累的时候是会感到昏昏沉沉,周围发生什么事都不知道。
LL: Yeah, but som

etimes it might be for no reason. For instance, I might feel spaced out at class - I would be thinking about baseball, instead of listening to the teacher.
LH: 你上课的时候还会想起棒球赛呀!哎呀,那你走神儿也走得太厉害了吧!
LL: All right, Li Hua. Now don't tell me you've never felt spaced out yourself.
LH: 我当然也有迷糊的时候啦,比如上星期,我心不在焉地去上课,结果走错了教室。
LL: Last week, I was really stressed over the exams. I was so spaced out that I forgot my father's birthday. I felt terrible.
LH: 什么,因为要考试,你紧张得连你爸爸的生日也忘记啦?那你爸爸肯定很生气罗?
LL: No, he knows me very well - bowling is a snap for me; but exams always make me very nervous.
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。snap用作名词,意思是"轻而易举的事"。Spaced out就是"昏昏沉沉、注意力不集中"。
[美语教学]第87课:neat freak; crash
今天Larry到Li Hua的宿舍里面去串门,Li Hua会学到两个常用语:neat freak和crash.
LL: Hey, Li Hua. What are you doing?
LH: 我刚收拾完房间,现在我要把所有文件分类,然后放在这些不同颜色的文件夹里。
LL: Wow, you really are a neat freak.
LH: 你说我是什么?Neat freak?听上去就不是什么好意思。哎,你别叫那些我听不懂的名字,好不好?
LL: Calm down. Li Hua. To be neat is to be very clean and orderly. A freak is a person that is really weird or unusual. Together, a "neat freak" refers to someone who likes to keep things extremely clean and organized.
LH: 嗯,neat这个词我知道,就是"干净、有条理"的意思, freak就是说一个人和一般人不一样,很古怪。所以,a neat freak就是一个特别爱干净、特别有条理的人。哎,Larry, 你真觉得我是个neat freak吗?
LL: Yes, see, your room always looks perfect, you always make your bed. You never throw your clothes on the floor. And you have all your papers well organized.
LH: 那你和neat freak刚好相反。你的房间总是乱糟糟的,床也不铺,衣服满地乱扔,还有,你的各种学习资料也是到处乱放。
LL: Well, I'm not a neat freak, so I don't care if everything is neat and perfect.
LH: 我看哪,Larry, 你就是太懒了-- I think you are just too lazy。
LL: Well, maybe I am a little lazy, but look at your room, books, sweaters and even newspapers are stacked in order, and you're a real neat freak.
LH: 怎么啦,书呀、毛衣和报纸当然应该放整齐嘛。这有什么奇怪的? 对你来说这可能是过份"有条理",可能是有点怪。Well, I guess I am a neat freak.
LL: Alright. Now that you've finished cleaning, why don't we go to a movie.
LH: Sure, let's go!
LL: That movie was so long. It's almost midnight! I'm so tired that I think I'm going to go home and crash.
LH: 什么?你是说你太累了,如果开车回家会出

LL: No, I don't mean crash as in "car-crash". I mean crash as in "go to sleep".
LH: 我还是不懂。你是说crash,这个词,除了可以用作car-crash, 表示"撞车",还可以用来表示"睡觉"啊?
LL: Yes, "I really want to go home and crash" means that I really want to go home and sleep.
LH: 噢,我懂了。想想看,crash这个词用在这里还挺形象的,因为你太累了,所以一回家就"瘫"在床上"睡着"了。So, Larry, can I say I was so tired that I crashed on the couch -- 我实在太累了,所以倒在沙发上就睡着了?
LL: Yes, you can say that. Another example is: I crashed at Jim's house the other night because it was too late to go home.
LH: 这个我懂,你是说,你那天晚上在Jim家玩得太晚了,所以干脆不回家,就在他家里过了一夜。 那要是我家里在粉刷墙壁,没法住,我可不可以说,I'd like to crash at my friend's house?
LL: Of course you can, but right now Li Hua, what I really want is to crash in my own bed. I can't wait to get home.
LH: 有那么着急吗? 刚才看电影的时候我看你眼睛还张的大大的呢。不过,我也挺累的了。我想我一到家也会倒头就睡着的 -- I will also crash when I get home.
LL: Let's go!
今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是neat freak, 表示"特别爱干净、有条理的人"。另一个是crash, 在口语里可以表示"睡觉"。
[美语教学]第86课:hang in there
今天Larry到Li Hua的宿舍去串门,Li Hua会学到两个常用语:hang in there和to be stressed out。
LL: Li Hua, you look exhausted. Is everything OK?
LH: 哎哟, Larry, 我得在星期五以前赶出两篇论文,星期五还有一门课要大考,你说我能不累吗?I AM exhausted!
LL: Hang in there, Li Hua! After Friday it will be all over, and then you can relax.
LH: Hang in there? 那是什么意思呀?
LL: Hang in there. Hang in there just means "to keep enduring" or "to persist through a difficult situation."
LH: 噢,hang in there的意思就是,在困难的情况下再忍一忍,或者坚持下去。HHang in there - Hmm...这个说法很有意思。不过hang这个词本意不是"悬挂"吗?
LL: That's right, but "hang in there" can also mean "to stay the same" or "to not give up".
LH: 噢,我明白了,hang in there就是要"坚持下去,不要放弃"的意思。
LL: Exactly! Remember last semester when you had two tests and a term paper due the same week, you hung in there and even managed to get good grades. When things get tough, you just have to hang in there.
LH: 我当然记得上学期的那个礼拜。一个星期里,我有两门课要考试,还要交一篇学期论文。我当时咬紧牙关坚持学习,结果还得了好分数。所以你说,这就是hang in there的意思吧?
LL: You're right! Let me give you another example. If someone is having an emergency and calls the 9-1-1 emergency hotline, the operat

or might say, "Hang in there, an ambulance will be there in a few minutes".
LH: 噢,你说要是遇到紧急情况打911电话,接线员可能会说,Hang in there! 也就是说:"别着急,坚持一下,救护车马上就到"的意思。
LL: So, just hang in there, Li Hua. You'll finish the papers before Friday and get good grades for the test too!
LH: 嗨,Larry, 我刚考试考完。现在好了, 我可以轻松一下了。
LL: Well, I'm glad to see you so happy now that your test is over and those papers are done. You were really stressed out last week!
LH: 就是啊,我现在好高兴。可是,你说我上星期怎么了?Stressed out?
LL: I said you were "stressed out". Stressed out means that you were under so much stress and pressure that you barely made it.
LH: 噢,stressed out意思就是"压力太大,几乎承受不了"。Hmm, 这话一点没错,我上个星期还真是有点顶不住了。Larry, 你倒是好像不太容易stressed out.
LL: That's because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse. I find that I do better on a test when I'm not stressed out about it.
LH: Hmm, 我也有这种感觉,你越是感到压力大,越会坏事。在这种情况下,考试都是考不好的。
LL: Last week, you appeared a little bit impatient, but I understand it's because you were really stressed out about your papers. So I encouraged you to HANG IN THERE.
LH: 我上星期显得很烦躁呀!哟,我自己还没有察觉呢。Larry, 我要是对你显得不耐烦, 对不起哟!下次再遇到压力很大的情况,也就是我stressed out的时候,我一定会记住,要坚持下去,要hang in there.
LL: Oh, don't worry about it. The last thing I want is for you to stress out about making me upset. By the way, did you call Michael last night?
LH: 对,我打了。他说他还不太习惯那儿的生活,我让他hang in there! Try not to be stressed out. 他还让我向你问好呢!
LL: That's nice!
今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是hang in there, 表示"坚持下去,不放弃"。另一个是to be stressed out, 意思是"压力太大"。
[美语教学]第85课:live it up
Michael因为家里有急事而匆匆走了。今天,Michael的好朋友Larry和Li Hua在一起谈到Michael。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:live it up和Yeah right!
LL: Hey Li Hua. You look unhappy. What's up?
LH: Michael原来计划下个月去中国学中文,可是他突然家里有急事要他马上去,所以他只好直接从家里去北京了,我都没有机会跟他说再见。I hope he'll be O.K in China.
LL: Of course he'll be O.K.! I bet right now Michael is living it up in China.
LH: 哎呀,你说什么呀!Michael现在人已经到中国了,他当然是living in China啦!
LL: No, no, Li Hua. I said that he is "living it up in China". To "live it up" means to live a fun and extravagant lifestyle, like a rich person who is always partying and n

ever has to work.
LH: 噢,live it up意思就是“尽情享受生活”,就好像有钱人可以过奢侈的生活一样。唉,Michael他是个穷学生,他哪能像有钱人那样过日子呀。
LL: Well, as a foreign exchange student, he doesn't have to worry about paying for tuition, or rent or food, because he's already paid for it... so in China, for just a few dollars a day, he can live it up!
LH: 真的?参加交换项目去中国留学,学费、食宿都不用自己付啊!Larry, 那你当初在北京留学的时候肯定也lived it up喽?
LL: Oh, we had fun alright. We usually didn't have a lot of homework, and didn't have to go to work, so on the weekend, we had plenty of time to live it up!
LH: Hmm, 功课不多,又不用打工,这么说,你们大老远跑到中国,说是去留学,其实是去过逍遥日子、尽情享受去啦?
LL: Hey, I didn't say we didn't study! We got to live it up while we learned Chinese.
LH: 哎哟,和你相比,我在美国的留学生活可就没那么自在了。
LH: (sound of cell phone ringing) (speaking into the cell phone) Hello? Michael! 你好吗?哎呀,中国现在的时间是半夜了吧?还是我明天再给你打吧!Michael, 你学完一年回来的时候,你的中文肯定要比Larry 强。 Sure. Have fun! Bye bye! (cell phone shuts off) Larry, Michael said to tell you "hi".
LL: You think Michael's going to speak Chinese better than I? Yeah Right!
LH: 你说什么?Yeah Right! 从你说话的口气看,你是在说反话吧?也就是说,你根本不相信我说的话?
LL: You've got it. I said "yeah right" When someone says "yeah right" like this (uses sarcastic tone of voice) "yeah right" or this "yeah right", it means they don't believe something is true, or don't agree with something.
LH: 你看,我猜对了吧!听你的口气就带着讽刺的意味。怎么,你觉得一年以后Michael的中文不会超过你啊?可是Larry, Michael比你更用功呦!
LL: Yeah, right! I lived in China for two and a half years. I'm practically fluent in Mandarin. Michael can't catch up with me in just a year.
LH: 什么?你自以为你的中文讲得流利?Yeah right! 虽说你在中国呆过两年半,Michael他只有一年的时间,可是只要他用心听课,认真完成作业,他的中文肯定能超过你。
LL: You think someone can learn Chinese just by going to class and doing homework? Yeah right! I learned more spoken Chinese by living it up and hanging out with Chinese friends than I did in class.
LH: Hmmph. 我看Michael他也挺喜欢交朋友的,他肯定也能找到好多人练习中文会话。
D: Yeah right! But he'll never catch up with me!
L: Yeah, right!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是live it up, 表示“尽情享受生活”。另一个是Yeah right, 这是带有嘲讽口气的反话,表示不相信对方。
[美语教学]第84课:to stick around
