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专题四 动词本源

专题四 动词本源
专题四 动词本源









一. 按动词的种类及它们的概念进行划分


I play football. (否则不知玩的是什么)

Tom reads a book. (否则不知读的是什么)


The sun rises.

Jim died.


I wait for Tom.

I go to Beijing.


I give him a book.


Do youlike it?

I have done it.

I am watching TV.


I can do it.

You should have come at seven.


I am a boy.

The day gets cold.





二. 按动作的延续性进行划分



如: learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。

如: for+ 时间段, 如:for 2 years; since从句, 如:since he came here; since+时间点, 如:since last year, since 5 days ago; how long; for a long time等。

例: He has lived here for 6 years.


如: open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。

非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用,如:two years ago; at 5 o’clock;

例: He died 5 years ago.

否定的终止性动词可以与表示时间段的时间状语连用。例:I haven’t left here for 3 years.


例: The old man died 4 years ago. = The old man has been dead for 4 years.



-- This day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.

-- I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two .

A. linked

B. related

C. connected

D. combined


解析:linked联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来; related与…有某种联系; connected.连接,连结; combined使联合, 使结合。


The majority of people in the town strongly the plan to build a playground for children.

A. consider

B. support

C. confirm

D. submit


解析:分析四个选项的意思:consider考虑,思考,认为等;support支持,拥护,维持;confirm 证实,确认;submit使屈服,使经受。根据语境:镇上的大多数人都积极地拥护为孩子们建造运动场的计划。


-- How did you like Nick’s performance last night?

-- To be honest, his singing didn’t ______ to me much.

A. appeal

B. belong

C. refer

D. occur


解析:appeal to 意为“吸引”;belong to意为“属于”;refer to意为“提到;涉及”;occur to意为“突然想到”。句意为“她的演唱并不怎么吸引我。”


Parents ______ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.

A. attach

B. pay

C. link

D. apply


解析:attach importance to 关注。


The new movie _____ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.

A. promises

B. agrees

C. pretends

D. declines




Your house is always so neat—how do you _____ it with three children?

A. manage

B. serve

C. adapt

D. construct

答案: A

解析:句意应为“你家里总是那么整洁-----家里有三个孩子,你是怎么设法做到的?” 表示“设法做成某事”用manage it。serve 表示“为……服务;接待”;adapt 表示“使适应,使适合”;construct表示“建造,构筑;构思”。


He telephoned the travel agency to three air tickets to London.

A. order

B. arrange

C. take

D. book




Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice.

A. looks

B. smells

C. feels

D. tastes


解析:与上句中的eat with their eyes相对,后句应该为点看起来很好吃的东西。


The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box “ This Side Up”.

A. carried

B. delivered

C. pressed

D. packed


解析:选项为四个意思上毫无关联的动词,此题考察动词的词义辨析。carry 意为搬运,deliver 意为递送,press意为按,压,pack意为打包。


Thousands of foreigners were ______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

A. attended

B. attained

C. attracted

D. attached




Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,

his house his personality.

A. resembles

B. strengthens

C. reflects

D. shapes

答案: C

解析:“就好像一个人穿什么,吃什么,以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样,一个人的住房也是如此。” 要选一个表示“反映”的词,就是reflect。“resemble” = look like; “strengthen”表示“加强,巩固”;“shape”作动词表示“塑形”。

12. (2008全国Ⅰ23)

The performance nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.

A. covered

B. reached

C. played

D. lasted

答案: D

解析: 考查动词的用法及与句意的结合。last意为“持续”。


㈠give 词组

1. In those days, he used to give _____ a part of his income to help his friend.

2. Both sides argued with reason, and neither would give _____.

3. If they are burned, they give _____ poisonous gases.

4. When they made ready to climb the next ridge(山脊), they found that their oxygen had given _____.

5. Both the man and horse gave _____ after the long ride.

6. All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given _____ and the search stopped.

7. Mary had to give _____ her job after her marriage.

8. 举行音乐会

9. 演讲,做报告

10. 给...上课

11.给某人关于... 的忠告

㈡go 词组

1. Please don’t go _____ _____ it till you’ve seen me again.

2. He has been in this class only a few weeks and he is already going _____.

3. Many years have gone _____ since we first met.

4. The parade(游行)went _____ us.

5. The crocodile went _____ under the water.

6. Let’s go _____ by the lift(elevator).

7. The war went _____ until 1918.

8. If you never read the newspapers, you’ll never know what’s going ______in the world.

9. After he had given an account(说明)of the difficulties he went _____to suggest ways of overcoming them.

10. They went _____ _____ their open-air performance in spite of the rain.

11. Put more wood on the fire, otherwise it will go _____.

12. The mechanic(技师)went _____ the engine but found nothing wrong.

13. They went _____ their lessons together at night.

14. The bullet(子弹)went _____ the wall.

15. The police went _____ very room of the building.

16. 去钓鱼

17. 去买东西

18. 去游泳

19. 回家

20. 出去散步

21. 入睡

22. 全力以赴

23. 上大学

24. 去医院

25. 上学

26. 上床睡觉

27. 去电影院看电影

㈢look 词组

1. The boy is old enough to look _____ himself.

2. He spent two weeks in Shanghai, looking _____ the city.

3. We are looking _____ _____ hearing from you soon.

4. Join us. Don’t just look _____.

5. They all looked _____ him _____ a member of their family.

6. Look _____! There is danger ahead.

7. I shall look _____ that I don’t trust him again.

8. He looked _____ his notes before writing the report.

9. Look _____ these photographs and try to pick out the man you see.

10.I must look _____ the time of your train.

11.A fox came to the tree and looked _____ at the cock.

㈣make 词组

1. Bamboo is also made _____ paper.

2. Our desks and chairs are made _____ wood.

3. The paper for books and newspapers also is made _____ wood.

4. This engine is made _____ _____ 490 parts.

5. The actor made himself _____ for the part of an old man.

6. These days many girls make _____ when they are still quite young.

7. She made _____ a good lunch from bits and pieces.

8. There isn’t any little girl called Kitty here. He has just made her _____.

9. Hard work can often make _____ for lack of intelligence.

10. Everyone should make _____ _____ _____ time.

11. But wait till you see what we’ll make for you _____ your own measure.

12. I have made _____ _____ _____, and nothing you say will change it.

13. They made _____ _____ my mistakes when I tried to speak English.

㈤put 词组

1. We put _____ the tools before we leave the workshop.

2. All the medical workers in the region helped to put _____ the influenza epidemic(流感).

3. Never put _____ until tomorrow what you can do today.

4. We are putting the play _____ again next week owing to(由于)its success.

5. The fire man soon put the fire _____.

6. The doctor told me to put _____ my tongue.

7. It’s time that we put _____ the Christmas decorations(装饰物)in the living room.

8. Drop your weapons and put your hands _____.

9. Another supermarket has been put _____ near our house.

10. I can’t put _____ _____ a lot of noisy people when I am working.



㈥set 词组

1. As soon as she arrived, she set _____ tidying up(整理,收拾)the room.

2. They’ve set _____ on a trip round the world.

3. Together the four men set _____ to look for the lost animal.

4. He set _____ to write a history of civilization(文明).

5. We’ll certainly set_____ a complete modern industrial system.

6. A few scarecrows(稻草人)were set _____ in the field.

7. Let’s set _____ the tent first, and build the fire later.

8. 放火

9. 释放某人


㈦turn 词组

1. Those who were once for him have turned _____ him.

2. Turn _____ everything captured(缴获的).

3. I’m going to turn my garage _____ a playroom for the children.

4. Be sure to turn _____ the lights when you leave the room.

5. Shall I turn _____ the bath water for you?

6. He turned the meat _____ in the pan(平底锅).

7. They always turn _____ me when they are in trouble.

8. His attention turned _____ the pretty young girl.

9. Turn the radio _____ a little. I can scarcely hear the program.

10.He turned the coat collar(衣领)_____ because of the wind.

11.Something will turn _____ to get you out of the difficulty.

㈧take 词组

1. Mr. Pier has taken his son _____ from the boarding-school(寄宿学校).

2. The baby was playing with a needle, so I took it _____ from her.

3. He would neither apologize nor take _____ what he had said.

4. I took the book _____ to the library yesterday.

5. The rain has stopped. You may take _____ your umbrella.

6. The motorist’s name and address were taken _____ by the policeman.

7. He took _____ his glasses and wiped them again, outside and in.

8. The crew(全体船员,乘员)of the tanker were taken _____ by helicopter(直升飞机).

9. A helicopter is able to take _____ and land straight up and down.

10.The dentist is going to take this tooth _____.

11.The weather is perfect for taking the children _____ for a walk.

12.The accident took _____ only a block from his room.

13.The concert takes _____ next Friday.

14.He has taken _____ photography as a hobby.

15.Music takes _____ more than thirty percent of the broadcasting programmers.

16.The wardrobe(衣柜)took _____ too much room.









25.别着急, 别紧张












㈨have 词组

1. Class is over. let’s have _____ _____ (休息一下).

2. I’ve got _____ _____(咳嗽).

3. Dad and I had _____ _____ _____ _____ (对...笑了一个够)that.

4. They are having _____ _____ _____(玩得高兴).

5. He stopped to have _____ _____(看了一看).

6. We are going to have _____ ______ _____ ______(举行一场乒乓球比赛)

tomorrow afternoon.

7. Are we going to have _____ _____ (开会)this week?

8. Here is a tree. Let me have ______ ______(休息)?

9. Are you going to have _____ _____(游泳)?

10.We’ll have _____ _____(进行测验)tomorrow?

11.Where is Peter? I want to have a _____ _____ _____(跟他说句话)him.

12.Does she have _____ (吃午饭)at home.

13.Then it has _____ _____ _____ _____(没有别的选择)lie down and sleep.

14.He knew about the order, he knew why the soldiers were there, but he would have _____ _____(根本不理睬)it.

15.We have _____ _____(上四节课)in the morning and two in the afternoon.

16.Most of his questions have _____ _____ ______ _____(与...无关)his


17.I noticed that he had _____ (穿着)bedroom slippers.

18.Please come here and have _____ _____(坐我的座), Granny.

19.He hasn’t had _____ _____(吃药).

20.At three fifty in the afternoon we have _____(进行体育运动).

㈩keep 词组

1. I would have been here sooner, but the rainstorm kept me _____.

2. Every week there was a rebellion somewhere, and the Austrian soldiers were kept

_____ hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.

3. While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept _____ _____ by telephone _____ his

companion and with the earth.

4. He kept _____ telling us the same story over and over.

5. You may depend _____ his doing what he says, for he is a person who always

keeps _____ _____.

6. Danger! Keep ______!

7. Will this overcoat keep the rain _____?

8. It is also bad manners to keep _____ when the teacher asks you a question.

9. The rain kept _____ all night.

10.I see you are getting along well with your English studies. Keep _____ the

good work.

11.The good news keeps our spirits _____.

12.He walked so fast that I could hardly keep _____ _____ him.

13.Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watch-towers, where

soldiers used to keep _____.



1. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it .





2. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to their discussion.

A.put away

B.take down

C.look over

D.carry on

3. Her shoes her dress; they look very well together.





4. Don’t be so discouraged. If you such feelings, you will do better next time.

A.carry on

B.get back

C.break down

D.put away

5. As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to the problem.





6. It’s going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me the clothes on the line?

A.get off

B.get back

C.get in

D.get on

7. You have to a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay?





8. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we fine.

A.look out

B.stay up

C.carry on

D.get along

9. American Indians about five percent of the U.S.population.

A.fill up

B.bring up

C.make up

D.set up

10. a moment and I will go to your rescue.

A.Go on

B.Hold on

C.Move on

D.Carry on

11.You have to be a fairly good speaker to listeners’ interest for over an hour.





12.-- I’m still working on my project.

-- Oh,you’ll miss the deadline.Time is .

A.running out

B.going out

C.giving out

D.losing out

13.The fact that she never apologized a lot about what kind of person she is.





14.Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he his own work and translated it into German.

A.gave off

B.turned down

C.took over

D.set aside

15.Does this meal cost $50? I something far better than this!






1. I have all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.

A.looked through

B.looked for

C.looked after

D.looked out

2. The water cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.

A.was felt

B.is felt



3. At minus 130℃, a living cell can be for a thousand years.





4. Hardly could he this amount of work in such a short time.

A.get through

B.get off

C.get into

D.get down

5. -- Didn’t you have a good time at the party?

-- Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to so quickly.

A.go by

B.go away

C.go out

D.go over

6. Don’t take too much of the medicine; it does you more harm than good if you .





7. Emergency line operators must always calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.





8. -- Look!He’s running so fast!

-- Hard to his legs were once broken.





9. -- Have you some new ideas?

-- Yeah.I’ll tell you later.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce4797582.html,e about

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce4797582.html,e into

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce4797582.html,e up with

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce4797582.html,e out with

10.It’s the sort of work that a high level of concentration.

A.calls for

B.makes up

C.lies in

D.stands for

11.We the last bus and did’t have any money for taxi, so we had to walk home.





12.Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had his leg.





13.Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not her to do so.





14.We want to rent a bus which can 40 people for our trip to Beijing.





15.The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

A.broke down

B.broke out

C.broke up

D.broke in


1. -- What should I do first?

-- The instructions that you should mix flour with water carefully first.





2. She Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.

A.picked out

B.made out

C.made up

D.picked up

3. The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.





4. The dictionary is being printed and it will soon .

A.turn out

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce4797582.html,e out

C.start out

D.go out

5.This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can my father.

A.find out

B.pick out

C.look out

D.speak out

6.Modern plastics can very high and very low temperatures.





7.Please tell me how the accident . I am still in the dark.

A.came by

B.came upon

C.came to

D.came about

8.Why don’t you just your own business and leave me alone?





9.Lucy has all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.





10.If the firms failed to make enough money, they would .

A.close down

B.call off

C.turn down

D.set off

11.Mum to us, “Be quiet!Your little sister’s sleeping.”





12.One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to healthy eating habits.





13.After he retired from office, Rogers painting for a while,but soon lost interest.

A.took up

B.saved up

C.kept up

D.drew up

14.Would you please this form for me to see if I’ve filled it in right?

A.take off

B.look after

C.give up

D.go over

15.In this seaside resort, you can all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.






1. give away 赠送,给予

2. give in 投降,让步,屈服

3. give off 发出,放出

4. give out 用完,耗尽

5. give out 力竭

6. give up 放弃

7. give up 辞去

8. give a concert

9. give a talk

10. give lessons to

11. give sb. some advice on ...

1. go ahead with 继续进行,推进,前进

2. go ahead 取得进展

3. go by 时间过去

4. go by 经过

5. go down 下去,下沉

6. go down 下去

7. go on 继续

8. go on 发生,进行

9. go on 继续

10. go on with 继续

11. go out 灯,火熄灭

12. go over 检查

13. go over 复习

14. go through 穿过,通过

15. go through 仔细检查,查看

16. go fishing

17. go shopping

18. go swimming

19. go home

20. go out for a walk

21. go to sleep

22. go all out

23. go to college

24. go to hospital

25. go to school

26. go to bed

27. go to the cinema

1. look after 照顾,照料

2. look around/about 四处看看,四下环顾

3. look forward to 盼望,期待

4. look on 旁观,观望

5. look on ... as ... 把...看作...

6. look out 当心,小心,留神

7. look out 警惕

8. look through 浏览,翻阅,温习

9. look through 仔细查看

10. look up 查寻,查阅

11. look up 仰视

1. make into 制成,作成(后面跟产品,制成品)

2. be made of 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)

3. be made from 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)

4. be made up of 由...组成,由...构成

5. make up 化妆

6. make up 化妆,打扮

7. make up 配制

8. make up 编造,虚构

9. make up for 弥补,补充,补偿

10.make full use of 充分利用

11.make to one’s own measure 照某人的尺寸去做

12.make up my mind 下决心

13.make fun of 取笑,嘲笑,和...开玩笑

1. put away 放好,受起来

2. put down 扑灭,平息,镇压

3. put off 延期,拖延

4. put on 上演,穿戴

5. put out 熄灭,扑灭,使...停止燃烧

6. put out 伸出,拿出

7. put up 挂起,张贴

8. put up 举起,抬起

9. put up 建造,搭起

10.put up with 忍受,容忍

11.put into

12.put one’s heart into

12.keep up with 跟上

13.keep watch 守望,值班,放哨

1. set about doing 着手,开始

2. set off 起程,出发

3. set out 出发,动身

4. set out to do 开始,着手

5. set up 创立,设立,建立

6. set up 竖起,支起

7. set up 竖起,支起

8. set fire

9. set sb. free

10.set an example to sb.

1. turn against 转而反对

2. turn in 交进,上缴,归还

3. turn...into... 变成,转变成

4. turn off 关掉灯,气,水,电器等

5. turn on 打开

6. turn over 把...翻过来

7. turn to 转向,找...求助

8. turn to 转向

9. turn up 把音量开大一些

10.turn up 卷起,翻起,

11.turn up 发生,出现

1. take away 带走

2. take away 拿走

3. take back 收回,带回

4. take back 带回,送回

5. take down 拿下

6. take down 记下

7. take off 拿下,脱掉

8. take off 救起,营救

9. take off 起飞

10.take out 取出

11.take out 带某人出去

12.take place 发生

13.take place 举行,举办

14.take up 从事某项活动,发展某种爱好

15.take up 占去时间

16.take up 占去地方

17.take a look at

18.take a message for sb.

19.take a seat

20.take aim

21.take an active part in

22.take care of

23.take great trouble to do sth.

24.take hold of

25.take it easy

26.take on a new look

27.take one’s place

28.take one’s temperature

29.take one’s turn

30.take photos

31.take pride in

32.take sb./sth. by mistake

33.take sth. for granted

34.take the place of

35.take the side of

36.take this seat

1. have a break

2. have got a cough

3. have a good laugh over

4. have a good time

5. have a look

6. have a table tennis match

7. have a meeting

8. have a rest

9. have a swim

10.have a test

11.have a word with

12.have lunch

13.have no choice but to

14.have none of

15.have four lessons

16.have nothing to do with

17.have on

18.have my seat

19.have any medicine

20.have sports

1. keep back 阻止...向前

2. keep busy doing 不断地,不停地,忙着做某事

3. keep in touch ... with 与...保持联系

4. keep on 继续不停地做某事

5. depend on 依靠,依赖keep his words 遵守诺言

6. keep out 不得入内

7. keep ... out 挡住,留在外面

8. keep silent 保持沉默

9. keep up 继续

10.keep up 保持,坚持

11.keep up 保持,不使低落

12.keep up with 跟上

13.keep watch 守望,值班,放哨



1. B








9.C 10.B

11.A 12.A 13. A 14.D 15.B


1. A

2. C

3. C

4. A


6. A

7. D


9. C 10. A

11. C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15. A



2. D


4. B





9.D 10.A

11.A 12. B 13.A 14.D 15.A




英语动词时态填空专项练习题 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式并总结规律 talk______like_______stop______swim______perform______plan______run_______ see______play______say______buy______worry______fly______study_______ recite_______ write_______get_______sit_______let_____ cut_______ ride_______ wash________watch_______finish________teach________fish_______reach_______go____ 二、写出下列动词的现在分词形式并总结规律 talk______like______make______take______love_______recite_______become_______come_______ drive_______shine_______hope______stop______swim_______stop_______shop_______plan______ get_______sit_______let_______cut_______run_______forget_______begin_______ play______say_____buy_______worry______fly______study_______see______ wash_______watch_______finish_______ teach_____fish_______reach_______ go_______ 三、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词并总结规律 talk______,_____wash_______,______watch_______,_____like______,_____make______, _____take______,_____love_______,____recite_______,_____stop______,_____shop_______,_____plan______,_____play______,_____say_____,_____buy_______,_____worry______, _____fly______,_____study_____,_____ become_______,_____come_______,_____drive_______,_____leave_____,_____wake_______,_____ride_______,_____write_______,_____ give______,_____see______,_____swim_______,_____ get_______,_____sit_______,_____let_______, _____cut_______,_____run_______,_____forget_______,_____begin_______,_____teach_____ ,_____go_______,_____ do_______,_____drink______,_____ find______,_____ be______ , _____eat______ ,_____fall______,_____ feel ______,_____teach______,_____ catch______,_____think______,_____bring______,_____buy______ ,_____cost ______,_____give ______,_____hang______,_____ have______,_____ hold______,_____ hurt______,_____ keep______,_____ learn______,_____ know______,_____ lend______,_____ lose______,_____ mean______,_____ meet______,_____ read______,_____ sing______,_____ run______ ,_____sleep______, 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空,注意时间状语,上下文以及复合句中分句之间的联系 1. Sometimes he ______(go) to school on foot. 2. She often _______(watch) TV on Sundays. 3. The boy _________(not bring ) his homework every day. 4. ______you ________(like) English? 5. What _________his father usually in the evening(do) ? 6. Mr. Liu ______(have) no children. 7. We ________(not have) lessons on Saturdays. 8. _______his mother ______(cook)? Yes, she does. 9. Forty plus fifty _______(be) ninety. 10. My brother ___________(like)playing football very much 11. Where do your grandparents come from? They _______(come) from Guangdong.


情态动词精品学案 情态动词解读: ①本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词。 ②不能单独作谓语。 ③和其他动词原形构成谓语。 ④谓语动词之前。 ⑤无人称和数的变化。 ⑥否定式构成是在情态动词后面加“not”。 ⑦个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式可以用来表达更加客气、委婉的语气,时态性不强,可用于过去,现在或 将来。 经典例句: We can be there on time tomorrow. 我们明天能按时去那儿。 May I have your name? 我能知道你的名字吗? Shall we begin now? 我们现在就开始吗? How dare you treat us like that! 你怎么敢那样对待我们! We can't carry the heavy box. 我们搬不动那箱子。 情态动词考点: 1.情态动词表示推测。 2.情态动词的基本用法。 3.情态动词的答语。 1 / 17

常见情态动词: 情态动词有can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to等。 情态动词的基本用法: 一、can, could 1) 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)时,等于be able to 。 a)Can you lift this heavy box?(体力) b)Are you able to lift this heavy box? c)Mary can speak three languages.(知识) d)Is Mary able to speak three languages? e)Can you skate?(技能) 此时可用be able to代替。 2) can表示请求和允许。 -----Can I go now? ----- Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could, might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。(特别注明:这是在表示请求和允许的时候。) ---- Could I come to see you tomorrow? ---- Yes, you can. (No, I’m afraid not. ) can't在否定句中可以表示命令,不允许,但是语气比mustn't弱,具有劝慰的意思. 3)can表示“有时会”: A kind person can lose temper sometimes. 4)表示与五种感官和知觉的动词连用。 I can hear/ see you clearly from here. You can imagine how annoyed she was ! 2 / 17


初二下册-unit-- 习题-带答案 情态动词-练

作者: 日期:

概念引入 情态动词有具体的词义,但也同助动词一样,需要与其他词语一起构成句子的谓语, 外情态动词没有人称和数的变化,情态动词后必须跟动词原形。 用法讲解 I 、常见情态动词的用法 一、can 的用法: (1) 表示能力。 表示能力时一般译为 “能、会”,即有某种能力,尤其是生来具备的能力,此时 may 和 must 均不可代替它。 例如: You can use my dict ionary. (3)表示推测。 表示推测时,意为“可能”,常用于否定句和疑问句中,此时 例如: Can the n ews be true? 这个消息会是真的吗? —Can the man be our teacher? 那个人有可能是我们老师吗? —No, he can ' t be our teacher. Our teacher is on a visit to the Great Wall. 不可能。咱们老师正在游览长城呢。 could 的用法: (1) can 的过去式,意为“能、会”,表示过去的能力。 例如: He could write poems whe n he was 10. 他十岁时就会写诗。 (2) could 在疑问句中,表示委婉的语气,此时 could 没有过去式的意思。 例如: Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗? —Could I use your pen? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗 ? —Yes, you can. 可以。 may 的用法: You may go home now. 现在你可以回家了。 (2) 表示推测,谈论可能性,意为“可能,或许”,一般用于肯定句中。 She can swim fast, but I can 't.她能游得很快,但我不能。 I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。 ⑵表示许可,常在口语中。 例如: 你可以用我的字典。 can ' t 译为“不可能”。 (1)表示请求、许可,比 can 正式。例如: May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗? 例如:


情态动词专题(含答案)经典 一、初中英语情态动词 1.——Do you have any plans for this summer vacation? ——I'm not sure. I ___ take a trip to Taiwan. A. must B. need C. may D. should 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一今天暑假你有什么计划吗?一我还不确定。我可能去台湾去旅行。A.必须,一定;B.需要,必要;C.可能;D.应该。根据句中I'm not sure可知,说话人还没有确定的计划,所以这只是一个可能,应选C。 2.—Where is Monica? I can't find her anywhere. —She be in the library. She loves reading books when she is free. A. must B. need C. can't 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——莫妮卡在哪?我到处都找不到她。——她肯定在图书馆,她喜欢空闲时看书。A肯定,肯定句中表示推测,B需要,C不可能,否定句中表示推测,根据 She loves reading books when she is free ,可知是肯定句表示推测,故选A。 【点评】考查情态动词,注意情态动词表推测的用法。 3.You be tired after walking for such a long time. Sit down and have a rest. A. can B. can't C. mustn't D. must 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:走了这么长时间你一定很累了。坐下休息一下吧。can能,能够,can't不能,对事物进行否定推测;mustn't一定不是,禁止,must一定,对事物进行肯定推测,根据after walking for such a long time,可以肯定你一定很累,所以是进行肯定推测,情态动词使用must,故选D。 【点评】此题考查情态动词。弄清每个情态动词的使用规则,根据句意确定所使用的情态动词。 4.—Where is Mom now? —I'm not sure. She _________ be in the kitchen. A. shall B. may C. need D. must 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—妈妈现在在哪里?—我不确定,她也许在厨房。A. shall 将要; B. may 可以,可能; C. need 需要; D. must必须,一定;根据I'm not sure可知是不确定;故选B。

复习专题 情态动词常用的解题技巧

复习专题情态动词常用的解题技巧 一、初中英语情态动词 1.Rock music ______ sound popular with the young, but it's not the favor of the aged people. A. must B. need C. should D. may 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:摇滚音乐在年轻人中听起来受欢迎,但是它不受上了年龄的人的 赞同。must, 表示猜测时,指把握比较大的肯定猜测,肯定……;need需要;should,应该;may,表示把握比较小的肯定猜测,可能,也许。结合句意,故选D。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析,注意几个常见情态动词的意思和用法。 2.— Sorry, I forgot to take money with me. Maybe I can't buy the book you like. — Mum, you ______ worry about it. We can pay by Alipay (支付宝). A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——对不起,我忘记带钱了。也许我不能买你喜欢的书。——妈妈,你不用担心。我们可以用支付宝支付。A. can't不能,指不允许或否定推测;B. needn't 不需,指没必要;C. mustn't不能,表禁止;D. shouldn't不应该,表建议。根据句意语境, 本句是说妈妈不需要担心,故答案为B。 【点评】考查情态动词。理解句意并掌握情态动词的意义和用法区别。 3.According to the law, traffic keep to the left in England. A. may B. must C. need D. can 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:根据法律规定,在英国车辆必须靠左形式。A.may可以,表示允许;B.must必须,表示要求;C.need需要,表示必要性;D.can能,表示能力。根据According to the law,可知法律的要求,应是必须的,应用must,故答案为B。 【点评】考查情态动词。掌握情态动词的常用法。 4.Teenagers allowed to drive . A. should not be B. should be not C. not should be 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:年轻人不应该被允许驾车。Should是情态动词,其否定表达一般 在在后面加副词not,故选A。 【点评】此题考查含有情态动词的被动语态的否定形式。平时注意记忆情态动词的记忆和 用法。 5.—Where is Mom now? —I'm not sure. She _________ be in the kitchen. A. shall B. may C. need D. must


(一) 情态动词常考点 (一) 表能力 can be able to will be able to could was/ were able to could have + ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?表示现在的能力 :表示将来的能力 表示过去的能力 过去分词:表示过去有能力做但未做 如:I am starving to death 。I can eat two bowls of rice now 。 (现在的能力)我快饿死了,现在我能吃两碗米饭。 If you have a good sleep ,you will be able to work out this problem 。 (将来的能力)如果你好好睡一觉,你将能够解出这道题。 The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out 。 (过去有能力做并且成功的做了某事)尽管这场大火迅速蔓延到了整个宾馆,但是每个人都能够逃出 去。 I could have worked out the problem ,but I didn ’t 。 (过去有能力做但未做)我本来可以解决这个问题,但没有解决。 (二) 表推测(可能性) 1. 可能性可分为客观的可能性和具体事情实际发生的可能性两种。所谓客观的(理论的)可能性即并不涉及具体某事是否会发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。情态动词can 可用于肯定句中表示客观的(理论的)可能性,而表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,can 一般不用于肯定句。如: Accident can happen on such rainy days 。 这样的多雨天气有可能会发生事故。(客观的可能性) Peter may come with us tonight ,but he isn ’t sure yet 。 彼得今晚可能和我们来,但他还没确定。(实际可能性,不用can ) 2. 表示具体事情实际发生的可能性: (1)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性的层次比较 (2)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,may ,must 常用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句和疑问句(may not 表示“可能不”);can 常用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中,表示疑惑、惊讶或不相信等意思;could 既可用于肯定句,又可用于否定句、疑问句中。如: This can ’t/ couldn ’t be done by him 。(表不相信) 这不可能是他做的。 This may not be done by him 。(表不确定) 这可能不是他做的。 He could be on his way home now 。(could 不如may/ might 常用) 他现在可能在回家的路上。 Can this be done by him ?(表示疑惑、惊讶) 这可能是他做的吗? Mr. Bush is on time for everything 。How can it be that he was late for the opening ceremony ?(表示疑惑、惊讶) 布什先生做每件事都很按时。他怎么可能在开幕仪式上迟到呢? I didn ’t hear the phone 。I must have been asleep 。(表肯定) 我没听到电话。我肯定已经睡着了。 3. would ,could ,might 并不一定与过去时间有关,而是表示可能性弱于他们相应的现在时形式。另外should 也不一定与过去时间有关。如: This may/ might be done by him 。(后者比前者语气弱)


Unit1 情态动词 一、分析下面句子归纳总结can/could的用法。 1.I can swim. / He can speak English very well. 归纳总结: _____________________. 2.Can I come in? / You can watch TV. 归纳总结:___________________________. 3.He couldn’t have left, for his bike is still here. 归纳总结:___________________________. 4.My sister has one shortcoming. She can be stubborn. 归纳总结:_________________________. 5.(了解)How could you do such a silly thing? (could为过去式) 归纳总结:用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中表示惊讶、怀疑等感情色彩。 6.can/could的固定短语: can’t but _______________ can’t be too...______________ can’t help_______________ can’t be...enough_______________ as...as one can/possible________________ can’t wait to do..________________ ①每当我看到这张照片,我就禁不住想起您为我们做的事情。 ________________________________________________________________________ ②我们有必要尽可能的经常锻炼身体。 ________________________________________________________________________ ③你最好尽可能的多与老师交流。 ________________________________________________________________________ ④他如此伟大,我们怎么表扬也不过分。 ________________________________________________________________________ ⑤当我听到他的故事时,我不得不钦佩他的胆量。 ________________________________________________________________________ ⑥我迫不及待的邀请你担任这次英语演讲比赛的评委。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. be able to 与can ①*I’m sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to attend the lecture tomorrow. ②*In this way ,you may be able to pay attention to what the teacher says. ③I could climb trees when I was younger. He was able to go to the party yesterday in spite of the heavy rain. 归纳总结:be able to 与can: ___________________________________ ①“In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn’t get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own,” says Christine Crosb y. (翻译) ②While shopping, people sometimes can't help ________________ (persuade) into buying something they don't really need.


情态动词归纳及专项练习题 一、单项选择情态动词 1.If we had paid enough attention to the issue of the heavily-overloaded vehicles, the tragedy of the collapse of an overpass in Wuxi _____ avoided. A.should B.could be C.should have been D.could have been 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词用法。句意:如果我们对超载车辆问题给予足够的重视,就可以避免无锡立交桥垮塌的悲剧。本句为“情态动词+have done”结构,结合句意表示“本来可以;本来能够”应用could have done结构,且主语与谓语动词avoid构成被动关系,故应用be done形式。故选D。 【点睛】 情态动词+have done的结构和用法有以下几种: 一、must have done sth.“一定做了某事”。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过……”,在否定句和疑问句中用can’t或co uldn’t或can/ could,例如: 1.From what you said, she must have told you all about it. 从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。 二、can/could have done sth.本来能够做某事,而实际上未做; 1.But we could have done it all so much better. 但是,我们本可以把这一切做得更好。 三、can't/couldn't have done sth.不可能做过某事; 1. We could't have done it without you. 没有你我们办不成这事。 四、ought to/should have done sth.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做。 You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring. 你应该在今年春天第一次看到它们盛开的时候就挖一些的。 2.Even if it’s something you should have done earlier in the wee k or missed a detail on. 甚至你在一个星期前的就提早完成了一件事或者忽略了一个小细节。 2.—I don’t really like Janes. Why did you invite him? —Don’t worry. He come. He said he was’t certain what his plans were. A.must not B.need not C.would not D.might not 【答案】D 【解析】 考察情态动词,题干中的he wasn’t certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定,might not。 3.--- Oh, my God! I just missed the last bus back home.


专题七情态动词和虚拟语气(5年高考3年模拟) 2013-2017年高考真题选粹 题组1情态动词的基本用法 1.[2017北京,21]Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ________ easily reach the books on the top shelf. 2.[2016天津,5]It was really annoying; I ________ get access to the data bank you had recommended. 3.[2015浙江,4]It was so noisy that we ________ hear ourselves speak. 4.[2015陕西,21]You ________ feel all the training a waste of time, but I’m a hundred percent sure later you’ll be grateful you did it. 5.[2014四川,6]I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ________ take me to Disneyland at weekends. 6.[2014重庆,3]I’ve ordered some pizza, so we ________worry about cooking when we get home tired. 7.[2014北京,27]________ I have a word with you? It won’t take long. 8.[2013江西,29]When I was a child, I ________watch TV whenever I wanted to. 9.[2013安徽,34]It________ be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words. 10.[2013新课标全国Ⅰ,29]The door ________open, no matter how hard she pushed. 11.[2013重庆,26]—What are you doing this Saturday? —I’m not sure, but I________go to the Rolling Stones concert. 12.[2016甲卷(全国Ⅱ)改错]We can chose between staying at home and taking a trip. ________ 13.[2015新课标全国Ⅰ改错]We must found ways to protect our environment. ________ 题组2"情态动词+have done"的用法 14.[2015天津,7]I ________have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me. 15.[2015福建,27]—Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again.


英语动词时态专项练习 满分:100分你的得分_________________ 一.用所给词的适当形式填空:(30分) 1. Listen to the little girl. She ___________________(recite) a poem. 2. ________ your sister ___________(study) in this school two years ago? 3. I ________________(not go ) to the city next week. 4. They ______________(attend) a concert at this time yesterday. 5. You needn’t _______________(come) here so early. 6. Do you often go _______________ (climb) mountains? 7. They _______________________ (leave) here tomorrow. 8. I spend two hours _______________(do) my homework every day. 9. While we ________________ (wait) for the bus, a girl ___________ (run) up to us. 10. If it _____________(not rain) tomorrow, we will go to the zoo. 11. I__________ already___________ (see) the film. I __________ (see) it last week. 12. They________________(not make) a model ship when I saw him. 13. I believe that those mountains _______________ (cover ) with trees in a few years’ time. 14. There ________________ (be) a talk on science in our school next Monday. 15. My mother told us that Taiwan _________________ (be) part of China. 16. When he comes back, I ________________(tell) you at once. 17. He needs ________________(go) to see a doctor. 18. ---What are you doing? ---I ___________(write) and he _____________(watch) TV. 19. He turned off the light and then ________________(leave). 20. The boy was made ________________ (stand) there for an hour by his father. 21. The teacher came right away as soon as he _________(hear) the noise. 22. As I ______________ (walk) in the park, it ________________ (begin) to rain. 23. While mother _____________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ____________ (ring). 24. He ___________________(borrow) this story book for two weeks. 25. ____________ you _____________ (find) your science book yet? 26. --- What ________ you _______ (do) at that time? ---We _________________ (watch) TV. 27. The best time _______________(go) to Yunnan is in spring. 28. Can you tell me if it _________(snow) tomorrow? 29. ---Where’s Li Ming ?


历年全国高考英语情态动词试题汇总及答案 一、单项选择情态动词 1.The door ________ open, no matter how hard she pushed. A.shouldn’t B.couldn’t C.wouldn’t D.mightn’t 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:无论她怎么使劲推,门就是打不开。A. shouldn’t不应该;B. couldn’t 不能够;C. wouldn’t不愿意;D. mightn’t可能不。will及其过去式would均可表示一种倾向性、习惯。故选C。 2.He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he ________ be quite charming when he wishes. A.shall B.should C.can D.must 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:他是个脾气不好的家伙,但当他希望自己有魅力的时候,他可以变得相当可爱。此处表示“能、可以”,故C项正确。 3.— Mum, little Ray broke his toys again! —It doesn't matter. You see, accidents _____happen. A.shall B.should C.must D.will 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:——妈妈,小雷又弄坏了他的玩具。——没事的,你看,意外总会发生。A. shall将要,会;B. should应当;C. must必须;D. will总是。Will可以表示习惯,意思为“惯于,总是”。故D选项正确。 【点睛】 will/would是情态动词,其表达的意思如下。 (1)表示意志或意愿:决心,愿意,……好吗? We will do our best to save the child. 我们会尽力抢救这个孩子。 I told her to stop crying, but she just wouldn’t listen. 我叫她别哭,可她就是不愿听。 注:表示请求、建议或征求对方意见时,用Would you…? 比用Will you…?更婉转。如:Will/Would you please keep the door open? 请让门开着好吗? Will/Would you go with me? 你愿意和我一起去吗? (2)表示真理或习惯:惯于,总是。如:


情态动词专题精解 一、情态动词的基本用法 (一)情态动词的特点 1. 没有人称和数的变化。 2. 有些情态动词有过去式的变化: will → would , can → could , may→ might , dare → dared (二)can (could) 1. 表示能力。 Eg: Two eyes can see more than one. 2. 表示允许。 Eg: Can I have a look at your new pen? Can (Could) you lend me a hand? 3. 表惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度。主要用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中。 Eg: Where can (could) they have gone to? He can’t (couldn’t) be over sixty. How can you be so careless? 4. 表示猜测 (肯定句把握较小;否定句几乎为100%把握) eg:The temperature can fall to 10℃. You can’t be serious. (三)may (might) 1.表允许,might是may的过去式; 用在疑问中比may委婉、客气。 Eg: You may take whatever you like. He told me that I might smoke in the room. 2. 表可能(事实上)。语气不肯定。 Eg:He may be at home. 他可能在家。 She may not know about it. I am afraid they might not agree with him. They might be having a meeting, but I’m not sure. (三)must 1. 表必须(主观意志) eg: We must do everything we can to help him. You mustn’t talk to her like that. --Must we hand in our exercise books now? --No, you needn’t. / No, you don’t have to. /yes,you must. 2. 表示很有把握的推断,意为“想必、准是、一定”等,只用于肯定句。have (has)to: eg: have (has)got to 必须, 不得不。过去式为had to。 He must be ill. He looks so pale. She must have a lot of money, for she drives a BMW. (四)shall 1. 表征询意见,用于第一称疑问句。 Eg:Shall I get you some tea? It's a fine day. Let's go fishing, shall we? 2. 表说话人的意愿,有“命令、允诺、警告、决心”等意思,用于第二、第三人称陈述句。




专题七情态动词和虚拟语气常考点 近两年考查情态动词和虚拟语气的频率呈上升趋势。从整体上把握情态动词的语法特征和语义特征,能够准确理解不同情态动词的细微差异,认真区别具有相同功能、意思相近的情态动词的用法,在真实的交际情景中印证和领悟情态动词的用法和特征。 1情态动词所表示的多种含义 1. can和could的用法 ①表示能力。如: I can run fast. ②表示客观可能性。如: An experienced driver can have an accident at times. ③表示请求和允许。用could 语气更委婉。如: —Can/Could I go now? —Yes,you can. ④表示猜测、惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度(主要用于否定句、疑问句或惊叹句中)。如: Can this be true?

How can you be so careless! This cannot be done by him. 2. may和might的用法 ①表示许可。如: You may drive the car. —May/Might I use your pen? —No,you mustn't. ②用于祈使句中表示祝愿。如: May you succeed! ③表示推测、可能(疑问句不能用于此意)。表推测的might并不是指过去时间,而表示比may把握性略小些。如: He may be very busy now. ④用于表示目的或让步状语从句中。如: No matter what difficulties you may come across,you shouldn't give up. 3. will和would的用法 ①用于各种人称,表示“意志”“意愿”“决心”等。如: I told her to stop crying,but she just would not listen. ②用于第二人称的疑问句,表示说话人向对方提出请求。用would比用will语气更客气。如: Will/Would you please keep the door open? ③表示真理或习惯,意为“惯于,总是”。如: She will listen to music alone in her room for hours. He would get up early when he lived in the country. 4. should的用法 ①表示现在或将来的责任或义务,意为“应该,应当”,这时它可以和 ought to,be supposed to 互换使用。如: You should(=are supposed to ) complete your test in time. ②表示有较大可能实现的猜测、推论,通常意为“可能;总该……吧”,相当于 be expected to。如: They should be home by now,I think. ③用于第一人称时可以表示说话人的一种谦逊、客气、委婉的语气。如: I should think it would be better to try it again. ④用在条件状语从句中,表示语气较强的假设,意为“万一”,这时也可将should置于从句之首,即将should放在主语前面,而省略从属连词if,主句谓语却不一定用虚拟语气。如: Should I (=If I should) be free tomorrow I will come. ⑤用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的。尤其在以 why,who,how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常意为“竟会,居然”。如: A gentleman like him should be rude to a lady! ⑥用于虚拟语气句中(略)。 5. ought to的用法 表示应该、推测,相当于should。如: You ought to take care of him. 6. shall的用法

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